Newspaper Page Text
. L"iWfc HONEY FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS QiiflMiiliM ofTior ' ' "ltrtl adH bj e hpi i whl4t ltt allow hiti l MMii' tt i' M'HWOOWllt plshiwtt by htm fr iiw liM mn the ' ''' " '""" "iuKyra tin. i . t f -! '" " thr ertlru f i pi'' : : tt A" v IlrivHMt rr ''f" ii Im ! " '" '" bert Hi i ''! ii. ntN All that J i'W ! 1 III II i ' to II" the ntii lull n a!re! n arte though a larptr am rnprlatum will Im- needed brford the t,.ik In finally Tlr. tVifer Is working to provide cotnmmlatlons for several regiments or eoldler on the Island, but lie will not bo oblo to do this until the flltlnc ,me g cxpcclcd ,0 ,, inM (, (n which will render nallablonddl. (m,er b NovpmV)Pr tlf thifi year tlonal land At present he can Tnc , w be 20Jg ln0(1 , nKln sons on bonrd the Irmgurd, "This defendant further alleges that said llbellant was guilty of great and' gross negligence In falling to heed the warnings thus given, but continued to remain in n position where he exposed by the said sling loads of sugar as thpv prp nhnm in In irnnsfprrnil f rntn the said vessel Noeau to tho said vessel Irmgard." In conclusion the answer alleges that the nccldant was not due to the fault of the defendant but through the gross negligence of the llbelluut. --. PADV A A HlV I. . -. I VA DIES OF CHOLERA Former Htinolulu Policrman j Victim to the Scourge at Manila. Captnln A, A. Fot. foriucily of tho ,, ., . ',, ' . i. ........ ""'"' ,-, ..rau l, clu,Ie"1 ,u M,,n'111' ,A 'w wceka ngo tills ,...,.-. nntiitp ,lrt,.il ,.,.... ,, Inttn,. ..,... ...., ftn.i lilm occompunled by n rough imp, showing the iiroxlmllv of tho Manila, cholera district to his place of business. The, account of Captain Fox's death, which follows, Is taken fruin the Manila American: HAWAIIAN ClAfctiTir 11WliA III VI HMf.MttMl'WfcKXt.Y of the. uuford or Ifeberl couw "-"-" Mldny ,B,anrt and ,iwa narcj. i.-" -' but ir me Hncr.aan or immn - '" " '"' -; ' '' "' " , Q The duUnce from Honolulu to ; e of the larger trannpons enmc .,,... ,..,, . ,..,. .. ,,, .. 'M".1 ,,s' "J0" 'Hh?r .. .. port with a case of contusion ? iiHunv to Ou.m ll tnlle.. and AW rH.uu, - It uould be lmV).lble to place y "- ' -, ..innrt. averasea nna . moauic nil wie puiuirre u irnnn,ifc aiZC curry. or one Into aboard tbe noldlerK In quarantine excej il im M the cspI Itself. I This difficulty It wnKVoiiRht to rem edy bv a olte for a Ntntlon at Kuahua Island, In Pearl llnrbor. to hlch transport could be Immediately acnt The fact thai the Navy Department h"d not obtained actual of the Island, however, compelled a withdrawn! of the privilege Rrnntcd to Dr. Cofer to use the Inland fur quarantine purposed, but now that the estate case Is llnally nettled and the United States owns Kuahua Island In fee simple, the old arranpeinent will probably po Into force aaln. Dr. will be able to establish a quarantine station on Kunhua Island while the Improvements on Quarantine Island aro belmr made. ZEALANOIA CAMf: IN THE NIGHT Contrary to general expectations, the Kealandla was klghted off Koko Head bout 11 o'clock last night, and at 12:10 the Advertiser received two day' later nevre of the outside world from the vessel, which otime to anchor off the channel The Advertiser is Indebted to Gilbert Urokaw, former master of tho tujr Fearless, for obtaining Its package of papers just tut the launch came to .no anipB lauacr. ahuiow ... p cheery voice was licard inqulrlnc whether there was any water in 1 nololu. The vessel left San Francisco at 2 p. m. June 2), She will come to tbe Oeanlp doqk at daylight this morning. She has n small consignment of cold storage stuff. Captain Dowdell Is In command. She expects to leave for Ban JFrancuu on July 3. The Alameda will take her regular run next trta. Following Iri the Zoatandln' pas-stager list: Dr. iKdward Armltnge, Cnptaln A, Iirown, 13. Camp, Mlsa G. Carroll, ' MUs OtiMilo Clark, Miss L. II. Comen, Miss May Dexter, Mrs. George Do La Vergne, G. D. Graham, Mrs. Graham. M. Hall, A. Herbert, It. ,'lll UUIUM .' ' ....,',.... .-..--. . ,! !,.,.. ,fn( lMllllllll lltRlflniV IIIO 0Rlloflrl)ood of ,0000 mllcH ot cabl(l and C0D0 miles of direct land lines. This Is expected to be completed and in working order to Manila some time In ,1904. INTERISLAND CO. MAKES ANSWER An answer wan tiled In United States Court yesterday by the Inter-Inland Steam Navigation Co. to the libel of Hans Lorenzcn, who claims damages In the amount of $10,000 for injuries said to have boon sustained by htm, due to tho steamer Noeau. The nllt WttH employed on board the " , , , ,, u carg0 of . , , . . , "uK'ir, and claims to have been struck by a load of sugar from the Noeau. The defendant claims that the ery used on their vessel whb In good running order untl win pruncnliy umtl caiefully secured and operated by the , If, fntwlfltl t I munn, Dr. A. G. Hodglns, K. C. libel-Hughe , Mm. Hughes, Allen Hyde, Miss Irm-V. A. Hyde. Mn.. II. W. Hyers, Solo- man Hyinan, J. B. Jerman, H. H. John- ton, Mrs. Johnston. M. J. Kennedy, Mr. Kennedy, Miss DalBy Keir, J. N, Klrkland, Max Larenz, Miss Lindsay, A.'Ltngham, Mrs. C. T. Llltlejnhn arid child', J. G. McDougalh W. C. Pen- cobk, Mrs. Pencock. H. W. Illce, Lieu- . n, Xt A. Clrt. Clement (!.., III. teaant M. Slgnor, Smith, I. i M. Bnodgrasa, MrB. Snodgrnss, Mrs. M. NWnlker nnd child.. Dr. G. Walters, A. I). Wilcox, R, Wilcox, It. W. Wood, Mrs, Llugham, southern .pacific ' "engines burned FItUSNp, June 23. The big fire In the Southern Pacific roundhouse here wna not extinguished until 4 o'clock yesterday morning. Its origin Is attributed to spontaneous combustion of oil saturated with waste In the machine shop ut the northwestern end of the brick structure. -The Interior and roof had received two coats of fresh pal t o i Saturday and to this fact Is ascribed the ijeneral bursting Into flames of the upjjcr portion pf the, structure. At tue timiJ of the llrja ten uvn were in the roundhouse, all pod for the ext day's wot k, nine with oil tanks full, one of them having n tank containing 1900 gallon?. The loss by the llro Is estimated nt $75,000. An effort was made to move engine 120S out of the roundhouse, but she hail oily 25 pounds of stinm nnd the effort failed. Of the ten engines, four lire destroyed and fit only for tho pile, One of these was an old-timer, which' came around the Horn 35 years ago, I and for a tlm! was on the Sanger local run. jier orinnui cost was j::o,wo, .. . , . .. n - The other three cost originally J15.000 to $18,000. but present, worth was about '110.000 each, so that the loss of . a ... & . . - ... . .. nit iour wiii no auoui ftiU.uuo, er six can be repaired for J1000 to t250O wirh. Mnrblno hnn irA ,ni. ..,nv,. ., a loss of 120 000. (Roundhouse. JT.000. Loss of 10,000 gallons of oil makes up thf total. - WHEAT CROP IS IN DANGER i.) TOPEKA June 22. A condl linn rnnfrnntR tho wlinnt tnrmarm nt Kansas, Ten thousand extra men are needed for Ihc barvast fields and only too are available. For three WMk. the Stato Employment Bureau has been advertising for men to help the farmers nave their wheat. Two weeks ago It was announced that COM extra harvest- were reeded and only about COO have reported. purlng the past week rains have flooded tbe wheat land and the liar- veBtlnjr zanga were compelled to dU coriHnua their labors. Now, with clear aid promised Hiinshlne, the over-ripened wheat Is falling to the ground, ft!idv,tbe farmers nro begging for help nnd offering 12 to 3 a day. PUNS OP IMi I CABLE COMPANY tilnna nr In nnntlhUi Ihr rnlilO to Mft- . . . . . . .L MM j ifj. I, t T i- Aroruai ItAH FRANi'l'" June fl.-T Maritime World The tor rf r tk tnMM otrt ..i. , nt from t0e,8S I tlAtMUft l xnii hih "d t hi' r.r Hie plnM Hf that i.jii i .( oniirum n tiniMMrt . n iii U'Hi work, say the A the f th CwwiwftHI i able rompany. wlilrti e umlet the fnirol of tile Mine men wtoi will run-1 m.l the lnollle Cubic Company, It w il)t that the canttaetora had alleady iiiiililett of the cnble re- w, ,or Uip aVlnK ,,f the section f Praneisro to Honolulu. This .13C0 miles. Tho plan call, for the land- Inc of the cable on the eastern shore of II1C 1B1UI1U 1,1 IUIMI, niltir :willlVl. tlons will be had with Manila by n land line ncross the Island. The total IcnRth of the cable line Is 6SI7 miles. The project of having the cable ntntlon on Wake Island has been abandoned. The whole of the cable Is belnc constructed In England, under a contract which calls not only for Its construction, but for Its laying and the putting of the line In working order. The contract provides that the construction company shall lay the cable which shall be maintained In working order for thirty consecutive days. It will then be turned over to the cable company. The several atretches of ca- ble will make nnc Hhlp load each. The' cable-laying steamer, which Is one of the largest ships nlloat, will cany a sulllcicnt amount of cable In one cargo ' for the laying of the longest line, from I Midway Island to Guam. The line from San Frnnclsco to Honolulu, which Is to be laid before the end of the year, will J nlso be carried at a single trip of this steamer. It is ostlmuted the entire cost of the completed cable from San Francisco to Manila will be In the neighborhood of 12,000,000. This will Include the various cable stations. The completion of the San nllll rntiln tvlll i,Iva n rmnnlnta linn lln. ,u,r a ,,.,,. lnannKCmcnt from Kurope to the united States, n. transcontinental line from the Atlantic to the Pacific, arid a cable line from San Francisco to Manila. In all there will be in the "This defendant further alleges that'()f tllP ,rllnne Kerr, and I our subsenuent on uniureni occnsioiiH uciivran one iinu iwo minutes oeiore uie nrsi biuib ioau u wlll bu wltll B(ncpIC rcf.ret thai I of sugar was tinnsferred from the lp(lve jionolutu. ni the people here, as Noenu to the Irmgard warnings were wel nH tll0HC on Knuni, ,av(. Hi,0Wn given by Charles Pederson, master of the utm0st kindness to mo personally, the Noeau, nnd nlso by H. W. Gahan, llH WPll n8 ,lle members of my crew, and tolly clerk for Bchacfer & Co., agents j ho,,0 to b nble t0 ren,.w the said vessel Irmgard, to all per-1 nuuntance nt some future time, but 4- Jr $10 0) :s on 10 09 10 04 10 CO f. 04 C 09 10 01 C 09 S 00 C 00 S 04 i &o : u . 2 M s 00 . 2 00 . 2 W . 2 CO . 2 SO . 2 10 . 2 CO 2 CO . 2 GO . 2 CO , C 00 . C 00 . 2 60 10 00 i;. H. McGrei 1 Geo. W. Lucas j ' II. M. Tucker .. N. Gay It. K. Hatrd i:. Stratemeyer I !;. K. Miller 1 M. K. Thomas (Mlsa) JumiH J. Kelly It. M. Macaulay A. M. Nouell ......... H. J. Johnston George W. Kieater C 00 13. A Jacobson 2 GO C. II. Durfee 2 W It. J. Taylor 2 50 C. II, Haven 2 &0 J.W. Miller 2 00 J. T. Wlrud 2 01 J. liodson Z W T. P. Harris 00 Kdmund W. Cyrua 2 00 A. i:. Mitchell 2 00 K. Farmer ........ 2 50 11. S. Pierson 2 50 J. W. Doyle 2 '50 C. M. Neal 2 09 M. W. Tsehudl .... 2 09 Ii. It. Folsom 2 50 James Olds Jr. ZOO Charles B. Carter 2 00 W. II. Moss 2 00 H. Denklaeo 3 00 II. W. Uowen 2 00 Wm. G. Wilson 2 00 F. M. McGrew 2 50 Geo. A. Uower 2 00 ('. Mitchell 2 00 W. D, Wilder 2 60 A, C. Kldgway COO A. II. Geffeney 5 00 S. De Fr!ist GOO To 111 1 zo Katsunutna 5 00 Walter D. McUryde, Koloa, Kauai 10 00 1 295 ,50 MOILIILI SCHOOL. I A ll SUng ,$5 00 '"AH Lln How . 1 00 Ah L.ui 50 Kllzubcth Noah 50 Samuel Klklnu . Tern Uuka Musu Ksakl .... Ah Ylt 50 Ah Sldo , 50 Ah Kou Sum ... 60 Ah Snl Kamo ... 50 Ah Shew CO am bee . 50 "' CO jj ,.l()W' CO 50 Aj, jm CO ii, Tau . ca Ah Chong 61 Hulsu Hlroka CO t....fJ... 11 9 ;. """ r: Jtasiuicni uan fa Toroa Mastumoto 29, .'YukaSan 25 Yiiiyji ,.f ........,,,., ,25 Ah Yen .,,....'.. j...... '. '2 Auren Foster ,25 Olania 'Hlrainoto '25 Gnm Moon ...,' 50. See Leant.' 50 See Kong ....". CO t Maige F. Marpnl 2 59 WAIPAHU. OAHU. T, Toklmori t t 1 50 I Y. Suzuki 150 Nakamurn 1 50 Knjlta 150 ,.' j Kakunlshi ...i 100 H. Kamlllo 1 0J It. Kawakuml 100 K. Takagi 103 T. Yumanakn , iw s, sityclitro '. i S. Sasaki 1 00 H. Snkatn ...... 50 S. Sonoda ...... no T. fcnlto Gt T. Nagooka .... 59 V. Morltn 60 II. Fujlmoto ... CO II. Yeml 50 N. Ynmauchl .. CO X. lhla CO Y. Yoshlda CO V. Oklhlro CO N, Hara 50 T. Yiinnglsawa 50 T., Ohtn 60 M. Mntfilimura 50 K. Unmadn .,.. CO K. Yukawa .... 60 1- ,.l,lll T,....l 50 K. Hsn,yoshl 60 II. Kohayashl 60 IC. Muranka ,. CO T. lluitnko. ,., '" CO A. Nlshlmoto $!S 25 THK SAMB OLD STORY. i J. A. Kelly relates an experience ohm- llnr to that which has happened In I most every neighborhood in tho Unltid States and has been told and re-told by thousands of others. lie says: "Last summer I hnd ani attack of dysentery . nml itiialiiani1 n Knltln nt Chn itiKaii. I nn.B Colc cholera nnd Diarrhoea! i.'i.u .., i I I ll .- rectlons and with entirely satlsfactbry results. Tho trouble was controlled IIIUCh nlilnknr than fonnor nttAnlcs when I used other Mr. ly Is n well known citizen of Hen-1 dnrson, N, C. U. S. A. For salo by all druggists and dealers. Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd.. agents for Hawaii. Is Detective DavWWnapa n case of malicious destruction. wherein Senator David Knniihn's new. lesiunnce in itreras 10 nave been the object if.H,v;imlal'a knife. Tho doom and caslngtfrc shhed, dows broken nnd the lnnnl posta lated. 4: t lthi ifittiivi are vj tiu unit iviiu" Mr. A. A. Vox. pgent for Castlf Bros. y Colonel Baldwin hopes to win them al-,i n ''''"""Cruz. Lnguna dq Bay, over to psice,. , i died of cholera Monday evening, lie was born at Salinas, California, nnd was about 45 years of uge, Mr. Fox has n wlfu who has been living 14 Honolulu und Is expected here on , tho tlCXt boat, Till) llllforttlnnte Victim Of ' ' wns "n,ul as'iort time ago ,,; "aJll"infc"r .IL" d po"ff. i" "" ' "". "Z . "a,"" "" .V'l "u'u rucur" " an nnd a gentleman. lie has many friends In Manila nnd the news of his death must come as n painful shock to nil who knew him. The Scottish Thlstlo Club Which will l?lV II tllntltn lit Mfmnnllln nn Till,. J bus arranged the following proginni. ot sports for which pr'zca are to be of- rered: One bundled yards, open) rcrnteh race, old men's race, ladles' rncc. hop. step nnd Jump, boye' race, glrlh race, three-legged rnee. ' tMlHHlrifc WTfclUHfcNCt AMIIIVFI' ikm, Wtmh. fHHn xm awA ill (Ml MM j fm ii ftMjBJ) , .,. .. . IWAliS'llH ffW iHl I'M Am. Tik. fflPitii frr Wf lmix . ai t.o p. m -!:- 1,M BblplKUM N"W1 HAH 1'UANCJrHtO. June M.-The II V Ohitle hna iK bifn hard d)a out The tran!iort Kllpatrlrk 1H lt fur Manila July 1 and the Sherman July ie. The Hunuork may be nold The aohooner Aloha haa aalled for Kahulul with a carco of erude nil , p, n'nd onp.mlf ',, f y tn0UBAnd bnBB ,.t ,UBar wcrc' t)roUKlu from Kahulul. The Alden Hesse sailed yesterday for Honolulu. Captain Garllrh of the Hyades, which arrived Friday from Hawaii, will leave the steamer to go east and bring the new freight s'catner Fremont from Ilos-ton to the Pacific Coast. The Australia, a Norwegian bark, from Lelth, arrived in this pwt terday. Ship Columbia, Cnptaln Watson, has moved up to the Itallroad wharf. She will probably discharge at once. The American schooner R. H. Jackson hauled up to the railroad wharf to discharge her cargo on the SOth ult. The Tola, a Hritlsh ship which has tifpn r,natr. lfl at the Ilm- gard wharf and will ptobably get to H,a loJfty The ship Georglna may put to sa to- day but It U probable that nhe may not get away until this afternoon, owing to small repairs that are necessary and the taking on of a cabin shipment of cargo. She Is at the Pacific Mall wharf. An entertainment was elven on (ward lat evenlnt, CAPTAIN GIBBONS RENDERS THANKS Honolulu, T. H June 30, 1902. To the Kdltor P. C. Advertiser: Dear Sir: I dclre to extend thanks through your columns, on behalf of myself and the members of the crew of the Ilrltlsh bark Fannie Kerr. tp. the people of tho Hawaiian Islands, who have befriended us during our time of trial. I wish especially to express our n.nlllli,ln i rn,ltflttl Tnilll.U H fAITI IP V. " " "" . ... I masiur 01 tne sieamur .Miaaiiam, aisu his officers nnd .engineers for their united efforts In saving two of iny bouts' crews, and the extiemo kindness we received on board their steamer. Also the residents r Makawell and Wnlmea, Kauai, nnd especially to,;Mr. Charles Gay, C. II. Horfgarrd. T. Hr.indt and William Hastle, for tlwlr efforts In caring for us after our try- Ing experience In tho life boats, on the open se.i for ten days. Their extreme kindness I shall never forget. Wo also desire to thank the entire press of Ho- n()Iulu for .,.,, courteous and accurate ncc0UIltB ..., thy nl,biishcd of the .. . .... .. . .... causes tnai lea to ine noanoonmeiu cjtpcrlence In making land. under more happy corcumstnnces than have marked my present visit to the Hawaiian Isles, I am, very respect- fully, CHAS. GIBBONS, Lute Master British Bark Fannie Kerr. MURUS ONLt MOKt ON THE WARPATH MANILA, June 23. Five soldiers; u the Infantry, forming nn advance guard which was escorting a wngou train half n mile from Cump Vicars, Island of Mindanao, were today by ton bolonieii. Ono soldier had un miu badly cut and another was seriously wounded In the head. The Moron captured a rltlu nnd escaped uninjured. Tho Bndlnglam Moios say thi! attackers were Moros fiom who went on the warpath in the morning for Ihe avowed purpose of killing negligent Americans. The first and second separate have been consolidated. Lleiiterant Colonel Frank D. Baldwin, f i om the Island of Mindanao, reports that tho .Moros havo held n big conference nt llacolod, Tiie sultan urged a policy or Vi friendship with the Americans, but two of the Dattos said J "T ,lv?iU V r!11, 0!,ler? declnred cttUsca ,xar tno "!.,",,- ,?., Three towns In the western part of Island Inclined to be No Nnwi of lh Portland. SKATTLi:, Wash., June 21. The fate of the famous gold steamer Portland, uliloli Imu .'nilftht In nn j(.0 noo u,i nt latest accounts was be- lnB carried. Into the Arctic ocean ":0"K'! uehring fltra.ts. will not bo definitely known for n week or more. Bab Wilcox Home The nainn of Tt. Wilcox appears .on the Zealandla passenger list ami doubtless Hawaii's delegate to Con- ,,',', - - Secretory Boot has assumed the ro for the paymont of Oon- ernl Comet, saylns thnt the action was necessary In order to quiet the troops in Cuba. M'KIKLlYiMilUU)lll IHMMHMMtlltMHMM J i 4 X t K It Htackable It C. Stockable . Ilnymer Hharp ... A It. Ingalls Jno V. .Short .... C J McCraqken . M. H Drummonil It. Le nanus ,. . J It. Olbron F D. Heringer ,. A W. Adams Kdw II. Doyen . It. H. llemrose .. 12. 1. Fogarty .... M. G, Johnston ... M. J. Hcanlon I. M. N'alual tft ffti Mi hm?. Ik. Kimk la m""i htf Imh tw l4( III HrtM"' " iNMn in ! hhmhiiM m h Mi Uai i't4tr H laawi I r' MW Wl'h M4tt ttkMi WIN Mt tit HmM Mil Imw at w inwik BY AUTHORITY. tax AwKuH'nt f ornrr T lh ' tlf I'lrt I)i-, vtotan, Island of Oahu The Tax Aswucar'n Ikmks foi th ar 1PW, fr the sevtunl Taxation t riots, will be open for Inspection by persons liable for taxation, between the list and Hlh iUs of July (Sundays ex-1 IC(ptrd), from 6 o'clock In the forenoon until 4 o'clock In the afternoon, as fol lows: 1 DISTIUCT OF HONOLULU. ' At tho Assessor's Olllce, Judlolary llulldlng, Honolulu. DISTRICT OF KVA AND WAIANAK At the Oahu Itallroad & I.and Co.'s Dcot, Pearl City, Hwa. between the 1st and Uth days of July, and at the Court House, Wnlnnae, between the 1st and Cth days of July, DISTIUCT OF WAIALUA. At the Post Olllce, Wolaluu. I DISTIUCT OF KOOLAULOA. I At the Court House, Hauula. DISTIUCT OF KOOLAUPOKO. At the Ofllce of the Deputy Assessor, Kaneohe. JAS. W. PltATT. Assessor First Division. Honolulu. June SO, 1&02. 2397-31 CHAS. BREWER & GO'S. NEW YORK LINE Hark Puiilmc Kut'y BAILING PUOM NEW YOrtK to HON'OLULU July I. 1902. For freight rates apply to CHAS. BREWER L CO., t7 Kllb fct., Briton. C BREWER & CO., LTD. Honolulu Castle & Cooke, Ltd. HONOLULU. Commission M rchants. SUGAR FACTOR8. -AG KN'lt KOIl The Ew PlantatlyD Co. Tb Walalu Agricultural Co., ht. The KonaU Sucar Oo. Tbe Waiiue Mugar Mill Oo. The Pulton Iron Works, fcX. Li Ma Tbe Sundard OH Co. Tbe George P blake 8team Pujey, Westou's Cntrltugli. Tbe New England Mutual Ut I curance Co. of Boston. Tbe Aetna Fire Insurance Ot. a Hartford, Conn. Tbe Alliance Assnranoe C. of ! ton. THE FIRST American Savings & Trust Co. OF HAWAII, LTD. Capital, J2;0,000.00. President Cecil Brown Vice-President M. P. Itobinson Cashier .-., W. G. Cooper Principal Office: Corner Fort and King Btreeta. SAVINGS DI .'hi ITS received and Interest ullowud for yearly deposits at the rato of Vj per cent per annum. Ilules nnd 'regulations furnished upon application. - t, j I '8.rlQTlw X, InOkA , rm msm -, 4 x r r m 1 LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. . . AGKNTri FOR b OF WOSTON. Mi Life Insurance Company OF IIAKTFOKI), The 4StarM ISvMoieViJ Storm-proof, effective, for voutihtins notoriesa of nil kimts, publio rcMileuces, etc. Merchant's Metal "Spanish" Tiles, Ornamental, Storm-Proof, Easily Laid Tboo tiles ure recommended" by leading nrobitects, engineers nnd buildnrs of Drst class buildings. Morolutnl'it "(3011150" Sliinslei copper, palvjinizeil steel Borew plntes Semi for illtutrntril book-let of our pecialUeti, nuiileil frco upon MEUCUAKT .V- CO.,Iw , Hole Mauufncturors, 517 Arch St., Tliilailelphin, Fa. INXUHANuU Tlieo. 11. Divles & Co (Umlted.) AQENTS FOR FIRE LIFE ANI MARINE INSURANCE, Hordicro Assurance Compaq OF LONDON. FOH KIIIK AND LIKi:. ICstabiuhej im. Accumulated Fundi .. . Cl;t,M. Britisliu4PreigDMiriielQS.C( OF L1VKHPOOL. FOR MARtHK. Capital LtM Reduction of Ratta, Immediate Payment of Claims. THE0. H. DAVIES I CO LTi. AQBNTS. IMPERIAL LIME 99 15-100 Per Gem Pore. The very best Lime nnd in the best containers. fn Lots to Suit. Low Prices. CALIFORNIA FEED Go. AGENTS. Olaa Sugar Co., Ltd. ASSESSMENTS. THG TWENTY-FIRST of 10 or two dollars (2.00) per share has been called to be due and payable June 20, 1902. The twenty-second assessment ef 10 or two dollars (12.00) per share baa bevn called to bo due and payable 21, 1902. The twenty-third assessment ot 10 or two dollars ($2.00) per share has been called to be due and payable October 21, 1902. The twenty-fourth and final assessment of 10 or two dollars ($2.00) per share has been called to be due and payable December 20, 1902. Interest will be charged on assessments unpaid ten days after the saane are due at the rate of one per cent () per month from the date upon which such assessments are due. The above assessments wlll be payable at the ofllce of The B. F. Dillingham Co., Ltd., Stangenwald building. Slgned) ELMER E. PAXTON. Treasurer Olaa Sugar Co. May 12, 190?. ' 2X83 Clarke's Blood Mixture ffHB WOHLD-FAMED BLOOD P 17 JUKI EU AND HBSTOHKK, 18 WAKMANTKD TO CLJSAK T BLOOD from all impurities trim whaUver cause' arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Ecsema, Skin aa Blood Llseaaes, Blackheads, Flmples aa tores of all kinds. It Is a nerer fsftlcf , permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Sores on the Neck. Cures Sore Legs. - . Cures Blackhead or Pimple o $Sm Face. Cures Scurvy. Cures Ulcers. Cures Blood end Skin Disease. Cures Qlandj)ar bwtlllugr. Clears tho Blood from all Impuro rrittfc Prom whatever naug a'lilng. It Is u real specific for Uout and pains. It removes th. cause from the Ble.1 and Bones. As this Mixture Is pleasant to the taate, and warranted free from anything- Injurious to the most delicate constitution .1 tlther sex, the Proprietors solicit to give It a trial to test Its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS OF W0R DERFUL CURES FUOM ALL PA11T3 OF TUK WORLD. Clarke';: Blood Mixture is sold In bottles. it 9d each, and Ic cases containing ala times the quantity, lis sufficient to effsct a permanent cure In the great majority of long-standing cases By ALL CBSaf, 1ST and i'aTBNT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Proprietors. THK LINCOLN AND MIDLAND DHUO COMPANY, Lincoln. Eng-land. Trade mark-"BLOOD MDXTimB.' CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. CADTION. Purchasers of Clarke' Clarke's Blood Mixture should set taa they get tbe genuine article. Worthless irritations and substitute are omeUjnM palmed off by unprincipled T.nflora. Tat words. "Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England," are engraved on the Government stamp, eae "Clarke's World Famed Blood Mixture" blown In the bottle. WITHOUT WH1C NONR Ann aENUINB. CASTLE & COOKE CO., Ld. HONOLULU. Commission Merchant SUAB FACTOH8., AOKNTH rOR T"he Rwa Plantation Company. , Mi. Walalua Agricultural Co., fctt Thr Kohala Sugar Company. Hie Watmea Sugar Mill Company. . , Te Fulton Iron Works, Bt Lsala, The Standard Oil Company. rn George F. Blake Bteatn PaJ HVf.ton'e Centrifugals. riif. New England Mutual Life Issuance Company, of Boston. fh. Aetna Firs Insurant Cotnyaajr, i Ffartford, Conn. ?bt Alliance Atturaace Comptvny, f London. . tlBHU. ft V TX f'V A vj 1 v