Newspaper Page Text
" "Nr" " r "' rj " r wjrzsr AHIIIVRO Jul II 'n. tm mt'ir tun 'ih 'Ji t HUM. 1! fe 4aBr n it utMrt Am I Klul"' ttrtn Ron l"rn I t'l frtivil rn . I Am bkl't I I. at wtft Ml , It fl5 f' . irturn. Kiwrikt niiro h' ftitnr Walali . i firn Maka- wvll mil ( irt Uh M ba twtr a till .i tl Smlr It Kmr Hir.i, rtTOan. from HIM nd a pnr'a, nt I p. n . lh rreiittt. mail ati'l (.(rtifafa. Hlrrr Jane IM, at 1MI a. m . from Ki. ...I porta. Jttlr ) Vttnr. W !. lUlt. nt III a. m.. ttwn Ja.liHill, with fralshl ami srrti Mol Watilnc from KalinlaMe. with sugar In Am. bhrS. . 'Allen. Mtiir irom aihiii pons, si. & a m nun ireigni ami iMiwirimnn Rtmr Klnau, from Kahulul, nt l.i't S HI. July Cth. At Knnnnpall Am. bk. DlamonJ Head, Peterson, 10 days out from - DnPAHTKD'.'" July II. Am rchr. Alice Cook, Penhallow, for Vort Townsend, In ballast, ut 2:30 p. m. Stmr. Kc Au Hou, Mosher, for Molo- Jcnl, with members Hoard of Health, at 3 p. :n. July M S S. American, nt C p. m., for Hllo and New York. Nor. bk. HaroRpa, Kvenson, In ballast tor Kureka, ut 2 p. in. Am. schr. H. II. JncVon, M Maas, ior Puget Sound, at 11 a. m Stmr. Knual, for Punaluu, nt 3 p. nt. July 11. Am. rchr. Win. F. Garms, It. nt 10:15, for Pupet Sound. July H. fichr. Malolo, Panders, for Hanalei Kalllilunl. at 5 p. in. fichr. I.ady, Mokl, for Konlau poits. Htmr. Ke Au Hou, Tullett, for Ka- vaa, Anahola, Kilauea, llannlcl nud Xnllhlwal, nt 5 p. in. Stmr. Noeail, Mosher, for Ili:iln;i. Honokna and Kukullineli., -it fi p. in. Am. bk. S. f Allen, Johnson, for Sun Francisco, with 22,000 bags sugar and 12 pasBcngeru, nt 3 p. m. chr. Concord, for Pnaullo. Departed from Hllo, July S Am. Iik SnnttURo, Ingallp, sailed for San with 7200 bags of IVpeekeo sugar, S3C0 bags from the Walaken .Mill Co., nnd following pansellKers II. Kenton, wife and two children, Her .1 A. C'ruzan, Mrs. Cruzan, Harold and Itonald Cruran. The Am. bk. Amy Turner, Warland, for San Frnnclhco. with 8000 bags sugar nnd 2G33 bags from the Hawaii Mill Co. Arrlvfd Hllo. July C-Am bk. Marthu Ias,j McAllmnn, geneial cat go, IS -days from San Francisco. SAIIi TODAY. S. S. China, Frlcle, for the iiilent, during afternoon. Stmr. J. A. Cummins, Scaile, for Onhu porta, at 7 a, m. Schr. Kuwnllanl,, for Koolati jorts, at C p. m. Gas. f,chr. Kcllpie. Townsend, loi Honolua and vnrlous ports, at I p. m Stmr. Leliua, Napsla, for Molokai jwrts, at 5 p. in. Stmr. V. G. Hall, S. Thompson, for Kauai ports, at S p. m. Ftmr. Kluau, Freeman, for Hllo and .vay ports, at noon. Stmr. Claudlne, Parker, for Maul ;portr, at 6 p. in. - rASSKNcnus. Arrived. Per stmr. Klnau, from Hllo and way 3orts. July 1213. 15. McClannhan, Hon W. I.. Stanley. V.. W. Weaver, Geo. 11 Alurray, Miss Hmlly Colin, Mrs. A Colin, Mrs. C. 13. Itlchnrdson, Miss Elvira IMchnrdson, Miss Grace Neumann, Brother Henry, Brother Raymond, Brother Mathlns, Brother Theixlore. Clmii. Clement, Jns. McAullffe and wife, I a,ui. iconaru, jnpi. u. 11, isroiuiw, n. i Becker. Mrs. II. T. Guard. F. M. Wake- field, 11. C. Austin, S. Schweitzer, J. W. i Leonhard. J. T, Crawley, Warren C. tain Williamson, United States Depot Shciry, H. G. Henderson, Raymond . , , Spauldlng. Chas. Kopp, Geo. Russell, Quartermas er bnre. received woul by JdrK Gordon Russell. Jllss Annie A. thc "!l11 1e transport would Kamu, James A. Boyd, chas. Hakln, ko to Guam. The Honolulu postal M. Glddlngs, Mrs. J. Ayn-s and child, , rials received word that the transport 3Ilm Kmmn Perry, II. W. Porter, Miss il. R. Cullen, Ml(,s McKlnley, Miss M f'humberlaln. Miss Emily Bowen, Master Spencer Bowen, Miss Ryan, Miss M, I. Lewsley, R. Ballentyne, It. T. Miss I. L Guard, Airs. P. Hus-sty and Iwo children. Dr. Armltage, Mrs. Thoiras Brown, R. W. Filer, Mlsa i,ucy Knukau, Mlsi Kahale Hanun.a, J. H. Hanuna nnd wife, Y. O. Knmiira ' and Bon, O. P Emerson and wife, O. II. Gullck and wife, Rev J K. Josepa and son, Miss Louisa lMts, Rev. H. K. Po!- poc. 11 K Nakulna. Mrs. Thos. Clark , and mother J W. Hall, Rev. G. L . anu 111 ucck passengers. eunr w. u. nan. fiom "ill, HI 1 ,U U 111, OUiy IO .IIIWM l.UL'y Poaha, Mrs. F. J. Hills, Mrs. P. A Toeph, II C. Halvorfcen, wife and two children, Mrs. M. Rodrlgues. Mrs and two children, F C Davies. C. u. norgnrd. A. Arendt, Wm. Sheldon ..iu wnm . . 1 i r, , ,- - 5 lyl lit Ai??! I J?,' : ."""" ,""-'vi . wnmn.'n ftntrw ?' 0,.K' K I Hli Aii ff?1 vOareS ' iw,a, r"JiJ ,x,?l pasengerl I I'tr Btmr. James Makee. from Kauai ports, July Dlveull and 11 deck paseengers Per Btmr. Claudlne. from Maul norts. at J a. m.. July 13 Mrs. W. W. Goodale. Geo. Hons. Miss N. J. Adame, Miss F. BupIi. C. L. Clement. Ieslle Scott, C. ChrUtopiitrson, the Misses M. nnd H. ChriBtopherBon, C. T. Day, M. G, Day, K. bamuels, F. Brewer, C. Miyamoto, "W. S. Akana, Miss L. Cook, Miss M. R. "Forbes, D. W. Keluokamoku, wife aad daughter, Wong Ting, D. Green, J. L. Hllva Bro. Wllllama. Bro. Robert, Father Julian. Rev. Mr. Nalole, Bro Morris Bro. Frank, Bro. Eugene, Bro Charts, Bro. W. B. Elkln, J. A. J F. Sylvia, Hathu Kanakanui wife, lid and servant. Rev. a. L. Dtshu P C Searle. Jr. Mlbses R. .ml 'N. iroson, miot I.. Auld, D. K. Kru.?' 1? Iloup aiu wife E Woni ard A, u Dowsett and 51 deck llUfcHl Wl' am Murphy, who shipped aboard the m" tine launch n.ihu, has been arrei" d riinrged with being a deserter from he Albutrous. HONOR lsOR CAPI". Nf: ILSCN Si 1 r ! thf tai'i ' t illil ll fc'iu" n in 11'itiirtMiH. h t a- tmr44 ft lh .(irnm.tit fr Ida hravet II ! ih eatJn and t f M (? rWMBlilfW wb Um .are M ac-a. mwaN wttl a bliutMitor gaMa. wMdi ) Ir i,Tvirlrl to tlM MM In and WIN kw in ti iattaln at tfca Aral aultabta opportunity. kipper XMlaan la a vary popular riip mar. It wae white making a trip in the Wrtaitit from Honolulu to fin Kranclaco tliat Ml In with the burning Franklalnn, which hail 0K tono of coal aboard from Newcastle Aflnp ilio flr tin it lwn niL'llu: for llltee .days the Englishman's hatches were lblo .n nff !' the Imprisoned gases and nlstress signals were put up by her ill hnartcned crew. The Wright, coming up at mis juncture, in a 1 ook thm ' "oiu! l" TI... Wr iPh 1 ow day. from San rn JnXo loZor Mntukona .1 , . nhlppiug Notua. Nothing has heen heard of the J. K. C.liule. I The S. S. America Mnru imi.iu uiiinp llntifTUiitifT nn Jlllv 5. ' The Tilllo K. Hturbuck will load miRar for Atlnnllp coat i)rtH. Tho bnrkentlne Amelia palleU from Kureka for Honolulu on July 1. The Bhlp Wllllnm H. Smith In loading coul nt Newcastle for Honolulu. The schooner Okanofinn salted from Port Gamble for Honolulu on July The Italian ship Wnllnrelown, from London for Honolulu, arrived at Lima! on July 3 Mr. II. S. Alwnrd. repreFrntlnfr the thuntrlrul nitinnKer, Ih aboard the Clilnn, hound for Orlentnl ports. The Oceanic Company's1 st.Miner Australia has been taken off the Tahiti inn and will he lilted with oil burners. Through an accident at the Nnvnl Station one day last ueek haulers worth u lnrKu sum of money uere: burned. j latest reports from HehrlnK Sea say that thcru are but flight hopes of the steamers Portland and which are somewhere In the Arctic sea. The steamer James Mnkee, from Knual ports on Saturday, brought 8S5 Ii.irh of rice, thirty-nine. pnckiiKes, elRhteen packages sundries, and two mail pouches. AVlien the steamer W. O. Hall left ri'nulUulll the follow Iiik stiKar was left on Knual: K. S. M 1S0O; 1. K., 2.'0, V 'J00; Mak.. 11J0; Mcll., 1100, or n total of C200 bags. Tho Bteamer W. G. Hall brought the following freight: Twenty packages Ida, twenty-one bundles green hides, one horse, packages sundries and nine bags of coin. Purser FergUBon of the Bteamer W. G. Hull teports that the Mlkahala was discharging at Kleele, the Kllnt was lying nt Mnkawell, and the steamer met seas while crossing tho chunhel. The steamer Clnudlne brought the fiillowing freight from Maul ports on Saturday: Ninety packages Munition, seventy-live bags potatoes, fifty hogs, one mule, packages machinery, 2115 sheets corrugated Iron. The American wooden bnrk J B. Ilrnwn Is now out 81 days from Newcastle, bound for San Frnnclsco with coal. Reinsurance has been paid She was spoken on May 20 In latitude 31 deg. south by ICO deg. west, by the ship Hnwalian Isles, which Is now In Hon-lulu. Tho Tranapcrt Kilpatrlck. The Snn Francisco newspapers of July 3rd stated that the transport had sailed on the previous day at noon for Honolulu and Manila. In the ordinary course of events If she , , , , , ,, , , ,""- becn cowU t0 ---"'"lulu she should have been here Friday. Cap- Would call here, but matters seem to bo mixed up and It Ii now thought that her orders were cancelled In respect to Honolulu. Kluau Mndo .Special Trip Tho steamer Klnau mnde a special trip on Saturday to Kahulul with nbout r.O Japanese passengers from the ., ... , ., , . , '1 '- ' tlon for the Maul-plan- tatlons. She left Honolulu at f p. 111. Saturday and arrived on her leturn hero at 2:1.1 p. 111. Sunday. Sherepoits '" '27.t52.129 pounds was M,lppl I"5 tIle l: '"tl1'' enJlK June 3, fr the previous 12 months tho quantity exceeded this amount by 1.- ,- 20S Ti,i .. fh uea, ! t 7iin VY .,..hM,e,U. 11 WVaII N" nAJWTTtt. Titian V. JIM.Y 1 IPOS-HUM. WKRKI V over eighty days for the trip un-...The waning f (he wor,M ofllco wd er or.""-' conditions. mcer necessarily varlw rHH llic ire ',? .Newcntlo four shlpi are dm;!,, dlffL.ront 8,atutM. ftml , delerml.,,. which are forty-live days out. They corrcctly in a pirtlcuUr liuUncc re- that the steamship American nrrlved'101 of flm la3t nlKM ' 1C oiUvr. nt Kahulul safely to load sugar for VnU' Vill'V - Hllo Coilrctur'a Hoport. The annual report of J. C Rldgwny, n..... riin,n. . ...... min iiiiiveiiji ui . uriuilia Ul Jlilf, some Interesting facts concern- lnir (ho tr.iilo nf II hi ntirivpr ii for the period ending June 30, 1991, was valued at M.453,773.31. The coffee shipments for this year were also lees, only 111.S2S pounds having been exported, aa compnred to 175,769 pounds for the previous year. This year's coffee was valued at J12.CS3.91, while last year It was worth J13.62S.67. This year 125.234.08 worth of hides and skins were shipped as against J9.091.87 worth last year. During the year 51 vessels, with ft total tonnage of 51,231, entered the port, while 55 clearances aggregated 67,447 ions. Tourii1' k umin Hom George D, Graham, a San Francisco . PHnters' Ink man, and MY. Hughes, the I vetcrfln 8an Francisco printer, leavo for llome on t))e lcru t0'morro ftel n.ivint? itAvnr. wiiab.1 da- here. Mr. Hughes linn becn to the rano ana says: "if half of California knew what you people have down here In the way of scenery, tho steamers would be packed coming out here." SHIPS ON LONG IIASSAGES 'Hi AmniMin f" it r i'I ' ' ' ' ' V ti Uori I'Mi'inln i 4 to lT1 I'Iik HiMith buttntl for Mil pari and allhtail fMra kavo km Iiv rrai4m hr aafttir " I.. ut aom 4ar rot wlthnut aaeMIni hhv rl aMJilatir. Tha Furl Ocorae aa ballt In IMTawt la of 171 torn rlatr. drani feel, but an (Ma trip In In haiku!. Hh la ownail U Walcii A C. nt Ian Kranelaeo. awl k watt known In Honolulu. Th Hraraite trip fnmi NHWHtetle, Auatralla, to Homdulu Is NWiOlhhW ..v..r fnrlv.MM daVH HHil ad Part llrt li on tht other aide of the ooiitlmuit the St lleorgo inlRht lwie In aall way south of Taamanla to round Autnilla mid com up between Australia nnd New Zealand before Khe could oven re.u., the Intltudi that NVwcantle Is In. ,,ml (t )g ril)a,e ttutt she would nro the American schooner Honolulu, Stokebye. fifty days out; the British Aeolus, Boneson, forty-eight days out; tho American schooner Prosper, Johannsen. forty-seven days out. and j Aincricnn oarKeni lie J. i.. tan ford, Mollt'Rtend, forty-live days out. The American schooner Aloha Is twenty-two days out from San Francisco. Today's mall from San Frnnclsco Is expected to throw some light on the whereabouts of the U. S. S. Mohican, which Is now out days from Yokohama for this port. She may have; "een Bighted by one of the steamers , m,t bound for the Orient or may have lived at the Coast. At any rate, but j,, Utile Impoitaneo Is being attached to her long Hip ill the Naval Station Thcie oirtccis point out to one that oe vessels have been twice as long on this Identical trip but hae come Into pott safely. ESCAPED TC) of AUSTRALIA There has been a rumor along the waler front to the effect that J. the eoal passer of the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross, who Jumped from that ship while confined In Irons In thc brig, made his escape good by leaving Honolulu for New Zealand or Australia as a coal passer on the O. S. S. Sonoma. This steam- nltln ti.ilil rT fnnttn,n iif lint mini lifiuu. ers in Honolulu iiuu took on other till. men In their places and it Is said that a man tallying with the dcscilptlon given of Tlmney was one of those taken on here. In connection with Tlmney's escape It Is now stated that his mates did not have a baud In it as he had a key which would unlock the bracelets on his hands nnd the shackles on his feet no without any dlllleulty. After doing this he would have but little dlllleulty In getting out of the brig and escaping to the wharf. Several men have becn confined In to the brig of the Albatross before with Irons on them arid they have had to suffer no very seven trials. As the offences for which they were confined to were not serious they had no wish to have the ship after freeing themselves, but of oouise would be much more comfortable without Irons nt night. None of them had much dlllleulty In finding a key to get the shakles oft and after doing this they have been known to find mosiiullo netting In the J I.. brig with which to keep the Hawaiian S. rasshoppers off. But as Tlmney's offense was moie serious he was anxious to get away nnd did ho as soon as the Irons weie tnken off. SAILING SHIPi' SMART RACE The bark Kniulaul ran the Coionado a hot race from San Frnnclsco and although she got In port a few hours ahead of C'pluln Potter's smart vessel she requite I one day more to make the trip. The piloted by 'captnln Grllllths, mndo the voyage In thii teen day., an 1 tho Coronado made the run In the fast tiii'o of twelve days and was berthed at 5 p. in. yesterday. The Kalulanl Is bei tiled at Blower's wharf and the Coroundo at tho Allen street wharf, so that the crews had a Lund lubber." shouted 11 man of tho Coionado ns a Kalulanl hove In sight. "Better get a tow line next tlni," tfaiii another, and an unfeeling Scandinavian even suggested that a bellows would not be a bad piece for propeit.' aboard the defeated ship. The Coronado had four passengers and brings n general caigo. Next Wk' MhII mn, There Bhould lie .1 large number of arrivals In Honolulu next wick au quite a lurge licet of vessels Is now on tho way. On Tuemlay tho 1. M. S. S. China, Captain Pride, Is due to arrive during the afternoon with malls from tho Coast. She will sail on Tuesday afternoon for Hongkong via Yokohama. Tho P. M. 8. S. Peru, Captain A. F. PHIsbury, from Hongkong (June 21), Shanghai (June 2$), Nagasaki (June 30), Kobe (July 5), and Yokohama Is due to arrive Tuesday afternoon with mails The Peru Is to sail for San Francisco on Wednesday afternoon and will take malls and passengers. Why i"'nri Oxorge I in Hllatt. The San Frnnclsco papers state that the reason why the overdue Fort George Is coming to Honolulu in ballast from Port PIrle is that coal freight tales from Newcastle have fullen ho low that flir a sils from Australian ports are coming home In ballast er than handle the blnrk diamonds. Only J2 a ton Is offered at Newcastle. Half a dozen other vessels ure preparing to do likewise'. DOLE GIVES LAW OPINION Attorney General Makes Definition of Terms. Attrn)' Ocinrl Ilc ytt,er,ir ul. mittatl an uplnlmi li thp (iovernm ii Ian Inquiry Hdilrnfimul to him nn Whu la th" dlffarence between n pftleer or oltlelal and nn employe of lh linent?" One of the dltUcultlei In ni..'H our question nrlw.i from the fvci thil gard must be hu! to the Intention af the act and the subject mailer in to which the term: are ummI.V Ryan n. Mayer, SO How. Pr II. l3 ,)erSon, for example, Uie Cover nar, the or ileparlmeiit.i. tin: members of the Judiciary, are clearly ofllclals; certain oilier peniotu In the employ of the Government, for example, a lawyer retained to assist in the trial of n cause, or au architect en-, gagt'd to design a public building, their, duties nnd emoluments being1 tempo-', rary. special, occasional, dellned liv. ' contract and not by law. are as clearly oiIlclalF. Between these two clashes persons In Government employment. regard to which there can be no take and no dlffwenci of opinion. In a considerable cliifet of per.wns who may puunu wiiiun em icuh auu aiuiii ui EiiuLuie. aim nut ui ollicials for certain poses, and simply employeH for other purposes; and whether or not any one, this class is to be regarded as an olllolal, or simply au employe, may de- tienfl unrin thi f.aplM and r.irninnMLann.eH applying to his particular case. It Is easy to say that It i day time at noon, nnd night time J I midnight, but It Is Impossible tiv. 11k the pieclse moment when day ends ami night begins. It U nlmoKt cipially diiticult to tlx the boundary line which distinguishes a public oltlelal from u mere Government cm- whS'h ZlT,Tnl0,uVZlZl ORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF j In liber 221 on pages tho can be taken In all case, a., da- T(0N TQ KOK1.:CLOSE AND Qp gtkgQt lnten(8 Q forcc,ose thQ After fitiotlng Innumerable tl('''SI tV,mkD?ne Tttr hereinbefore' a nrnniulllnn. ,..",.......... 1r . . .. m.rnn In ... lh v. . nm. ....- Ploy men t of the Government Is paid a salary or other '(aiiiiinnti.itlim llxcil bv the Legislature, and If he Is also In- to William R. Castle, trustee, of said vested by law. not by contract with Honolulu, dated April 30th, 1897, record-a portion of the sovereign powers, du- e' L'"er 170. page 216, notice Is hereby lies anil resnonh 11 lltles or covirn. ment, lie is a iiuullc olllcer, even though he holds no commission, lake'. oath of office, and has no tenure of olllce except the Will of the appointing power. I do not feel warranted In expressing an opinion that no one l a public olllcer unlets he fully conforms this test; or that. In the nature of things, there Is or can be any one test conclusive In all c.ibea. I minK, now- ever, that the foregoing will be found be the turning point In most case. Its application Is sometimes extr"rcly dllllcult." Jeeda,FiIed. List of deeds filed1 for record July 8, 1902; , 1 First Party Second Party. Class. II. Sclinack A. Lucas .... D E. Lucas-J. A. Lucaa I) Chas. S. Desky M". J. do aouvea. ' M. J. de Gouvea Mrs. Maria da S. Canarlo .,.,,... I Dowsett Co. Ltd. tniled, Statea ( of America I A. W. Carter et al., Tf. United States of America D John II Est. Ltd. United States of America I Rebecca Kua Hoopll Oliver ... 1 Oliver Kua Hoopll Oliver 1 Esther Kua Hoopll Oliver I July 9 Wm. C. Achl Kama.kfl.nhe Aka- k'i I IC Kamakala et al, S, K. Ka- mnkala D Naue Sc wf TIioh. Rockfort I) ICanohokuahlwI & de Son- sa 1 VESStLs'lN PORT. ARMY AND ixaVY. 17. 9 S. Iroquois, Rodman. MERCIIANTafBN. (This llbt doctt not lucUiie coasters.) Albert, Am. bk., Tunie, Laysan Island, June is. Australia, Nor. bk., Frautzeu, Lelth, June 30. Bnrossa, Nor. bk., Evcnson, Newcastle, June 25. Columbia, Am. so., Mnttson, Newcas tle, June 29. Coionado. Am. bktn., Potter. San Kiwi- eiueo, June .j. ' - Plinrlpn " levl w . . U'nHhurv ..WVM . Hirrla . 'tlllo --... July 4 E. it. Jackson, Am. schr., Uaas, Newcastle, June 29. Geoige Curtis, Bennett, San Francisco July 4. Hawaiian Isles. Am. p.;, Mallett, Now- easup, June it. Helene, Am. schr.. Chrlsilanson. ,San Francisco. July 2. , Kllkltat, Am. bktn.. Cutler. Tort Lud- ,r ,: ,n? ,,, in.;,, o jxuiuiuui, 4A.ui. urt., eiiiiiiiiis, aixu v i.j.'i Cisco, June 2S Philippine, Am. schr., Frcdrlckaon, Ta- ccma, June 24. Robert Sudden, Am. bktn., Johnsoa, Newcastle, July . S. C. Allen, Am. bk., Johnson, San Francisco, June IS. Wm. F. Garms, Am. schr., Petterson. Newcattle, June 39. born. TIMMONS-In Frultvale, Cal.. Jnly J. to the wife of L. D. Timnmns, a sua. DIED. 1MIKSCOTT On July 12. 102, tar, son of Mr. and Mrs, A. 3. Prcsrott. San Vranaisc hmcoi pleaie aopy. V Winter Crninpn nnd Colic nnd their nttcndnnt tllBturbnntcn of the bowels only need n few loses of Kioknpoo liuilnn Oil tnken internally to cure them, Thla Bimplc hut wonderful prcn nration crii be tnken internally nn well os externally because Its iindc of healing roots i J , trns and vegetable oils, n t vl ily dru(,o and rancid c rcl Every household shjaldkccp it, icKanoovu Conitur6 Cramps and Colic 5T 'TV KJ'.. ' Every winter I have a and bowels which has made me lay off from work about 2 weeks generally. Up to this year I have had to wear it out as thc doctors didn't seem to size up my trouble right. When my annual attack began this winter I bought noma Kickapoo Indian Oil and UBcd it according to directions and in 3 days I was at work and feeling fine. A 25 cent bottle of your Kickapoo Indian Oil saved me a week and a hairs wages." Frank Bacon, St. Paul, Minn. 25 cf6. a Bottle BY AUTHORITY. I I NOTICE. I In accordance with the provision of Section 456, Chapter 38 of the of 1897, I have this day set apart a ble enclosure for the Impounding of Eglrayf,t ut adjacent to the ..,,. .... . . i .t ,,IU u "" an ncar - boftc"' of Molokai, Territory of Hawaii, ,. , , . '',,,,, ? .' Superintendent of Public Works. ,, Kaauau. Ks,,., has this day been j Pointed Pound Master for the above Pound JAMES H. BOYD, Superintendent of Public Woiks. Department of Public Woiks, llono lulu, July 3rd, 1902. 2399 July 8-11-15. runt,i,uj)Uh hai.ii,. ..slon mtg'age S -."..,.. ... .-.'-..... T!..7.T '."" ,,iviu ,y . lvaiiiauiKaui, William i. la- lelhuln, Joshua Keau and II. H. R. Ke- leua. all or Ilonnliiln. lalnnil nf nl,i. " - " i. m fuieclose the same for conditions brok en, to wit.; non-payment of both principal and Interest when due. Notice Ih likewise given that after the expiration ot three Weeks from the dale of this notice, the property con- vejed by said mortgage will be for sale at public auction, at the uuction rooms of Jas. F, Morgan. In Honolulu, on Saturday, tho 19th day of Jul-' 190-' at 12 o". "f "aid day. t7,ii,nr unriinni'iru nnn i .. r 1. "Javw j" Dated Honolulu, June 20. 1902. W. R. CASTLE, Trustee, Mortgagee. The premlees covered by said mortgage consist of: 1st. .Lands of Poliknpu: (1) A portion of Apana 1 of R. P. 11 C! 011 Kul. C697 to Kukeuhia in set out in deed of Kaaimala to linn, recorded In Book GC, page 398. (2) All of his Intcicst in a certain lot on tho north corner of Pauahi and Smith streets. In Honolulu, ns set forth In desd of Kahookamalil, iccordcd In Book 133, page 78. 2nd. Lauds of John Kanul: !and Coinml'hl'in Award D262. to In Honunula, Maul, 6 61-100 acres; L. C. Awaid ul'.'S, to Kaumnna, 6 acres; R. P. 6362 nnd L. C. A. 2525, to Ma-hoe 1 10-100 acres. 3rd. Linds of David W. Apanas 1 and 2 of L. P. A. 7319, to Nn. holowaa, 2 ncres In Keauhou, Kona, Hawaii; cultivated In coffee, 4th. Lands nf W. K. Knlelhuln: R. P. 2890. Apana 2, to Matola, at Maui, 17 acres. Dili. Lauds of Joshua Keau: A certain parcel of land in Kawallkl, Honolulu, described in deed of Kiknha to Keau. recorded In Book 21. page 92. nnd being a portion nf premises In R. P. 4S05, L. C, Award 32, to Butler. Cth. Lands of II. II. R. Kekua: of It. P. 1794, Kul. at Keopuka and Onoull, Island of to Kalualiliieniil, at Auwnlollmu, ' wall. ' Honolulu, 3 5-100 acres; nnd also, I This is a tract of land of over 913 AH of the mortgagor's furniture, ncreSi sl,unted in the moat fertile and plai't, types, press and paraphernalia I rlclest ,)()rton ' of the Island of Hawaii, of the Kealoha Alna Olalo. and being , l f ,?" , J ,, new A " Qoveinment.roail. ex- the same property conveyed to the said niuitcnimiH bv bill of sale of Robert W. Wllcov, dated April 30, 1897. 2391-Juno 20, 27, July 4, 11, 1902. . MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF .,TION OF FORECLOSURE AND OF .alxlH, I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT iorta thne lnost Important of the pursuant to the power of sale contain-' Vf ',,,.,',", i .clcnt i ed in that certain mortgage toted J;""11 J1"'101' "fin. iini i,.. w Ah fhn 'n. running up to fourteen hundred "lW. Ariiee). trading as Wong Foot Chan of Halekll, South Kona, Hawaii',"8 so'l '8 H adapted to the growth Tenlioiy or Hawaii, as mortgagor, 10,"' unnr rune, conee, iruus, dairying, .c..H Akl of Kau. Hawaii, as or for the promotion ot diversified Bue nnd ivcouled in the Registry of fnrming. ' Conveyances. IIoiuilulu. Territory of Occupants of this land have easv se. 'Hawaii' in Liber 221, .,,, pages 228 and 239, the'mortgagee intends to roreciose ne sam niuiiKiiKe mr u.uw,,, w, ,lm, themselves In close Notice Is llkealse given that the prop-l' of affords a splendid conveyed by said mortgage will be for the exporting ot farm sold at public auction, at the auction 1'ioduets to the California markets, rooms of James F. Morgan. Queen ' With the revival ef the Kona -Sugar street. Honolulu, on Saturday, tho 26th day of July, 1902. at 12 noon. can be successfully planted to sugai The property covered by said t gage consists of all that certain This Is one of the most splendid nnd Its appurtenances situate and ,,0rtunltles for n good Investment 'thnt being at Halekll South Kona, Hawaii, ,,,, b.en put uron t, maiket for R Territory of Hawaii, novy and from the ,.,,,,.,,,. ,',, of ,,,. ...nA.I... .I.AAJ.r (luv.l ..III ,T...a r iiiuivi.i urni Jg o... ...v. - gagor us store and rebldence. Together with nil the rights, and privileges thereto belonging. O. H. AKI. MortKaeee. ii 'a aa bad spell with my stomach at all Druggist, By W. J, Yates, his attorney in fact. Terms Cash. Deeds at etponi of purchaser. For further particulars apply to HARRY T. Attorney for Mortgagee, Keulukckua, Hawaii. Dated Kealakekua, Hawaii, July 1st, 1902. M9J MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION OF FORECLOSURE AND OF SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT pursuant to the power of Rule contain- ed In that certain mortgage dated May mh mii mliue b. Grace Br0WIli wife of James Brown of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, uh mortgagor, of the first part, the said James Brown of th Mond part and John M. Dowsett, Trustee, as of the third part, and recorded In the Hawaiian Registry of Conveyances mortgage for condition broken, to wit, ' "''" of InUrest when due. likewise given that the conveyed by the said ' KUl"l Will Ue BOld at OUDtlC aUCUOll ftt , .1 f b. w I rw .HJt0ii. i,,im aT.M '"""."""-' ...'..!" "-. the 26th day of July, 1902, at twelvo o cloak oon. The property covered by said mortgage coiHilats of: (1) All that lot, piece or parcel f land containing an area of 734S square feet situate on Young street at Honolulu, nnd comprising all the land mentioned and described In Royal Patent ' (Grant) 3151, Issued to I tjc :. ?rlot ' ,J2 Vinin i' aP' , eco or parcel af land containing an area of 7140 square , fcfl E'iunlc on Young street, ,UttJ Honolulu, and ""uprising all the ' 'mi ment oned and deser bed In Royal Patent (Grant) 3573. Issued to Graco A. Doid. Together with all the rights, meuts, arivllrcen and appurtenances jtheteunto belonging. I J. M. DOW8HTT, Trustee, I Mortgagee. Terms: Cash, United States gald coin; deeds at expense of purahaser. I For further particulars apply to Holmes and (Hanley, attornaya for mortragae. Datrd noaalulu. July Cad, UK. RICn LAND -IN- Central liomr ;OR SALE By order of REINNE RODANHT, Trustee, I offer for sale those certain parcels of land situate at Ouqull, South Kuna, Island of Hawaii, described In, Royal Patent (Grant) No. 1162 to F. O. 1 Schulze, nnd containing 174 ncrca. Patent (Grant) No. 2SG.2 to AwahuV and containing 739 75-100 acres.' situate , -'"- lo "-' "ca ' ' vo mtnuier wnlk fiom Kealakekua Bay, by way of the old Government road which runs through the property. Portions ot the land are already under cultivation. This tract is so situated that It Is ' about midway between Katlu'a and llnnttpnn nml fli.n ,,11. u f.... ?ir..nis. JeL'' ,0 be particularly healthful, and CPSS to several ports for export, wlth tjic advent of the Kona Railroad Co.. considerable portions ot thla land -... Further particulars of I WES F MCGAN S HUEEN STREET.