Newspaper Page Text
" 'if m up to THE PAHTY PRMARES Republicans Name Men for the Voting . - ... . . . . (From HalunU) lmi ) last evening In the RKPUULICANH of the Island nominated their delegate to the Territorial convention, ami the member of the various district com- mlltees. Tho meetings In the nxiln were harmonious iinil the little differ ! . .. ill li i.. cnces ere iii.,H,rrni .rnrr the week were burled when It came to lli puttlnc up of cnndlclfttea nnd there was ft deRree of unity which w dent to gle creat hopes for the. fu- dates for seats therein, but In other Instances they are content to stay out, Kennedy refused to hae his name be fore the meeting of the second precinct of the fourth district, and Stewart was equally Insistent that he be left out In the seventh of the fifth. Wilght is a candidate, aa ts Lane. KiriST PnKCINCT, FOU11TH The meatlnr of the first precinct of tho Fourth dltitrlot was held In a shelter tent at the corner of the Walklkl iMd and KlnK stn et The members t the club were out in foice and there was & long dUcumlon over the methoda f procedure. Hume urged that there Uinuld be In no rase men put on both tickets, nnd had some backing In liiia. But the membcrH hnd no great bi on the subject and It died a urai anam, mm uiuuuiuun iu'ir still to get Into the field everywhere. The tickets named are ns follows1 Territorial Convention S. Kaunl. K J. Keen, Joseph Luahlwa, W V Dillingham, J. W. Kelkl. Cecil Urown, H. 1 tenner, J. Kaliimo, S. M. Kannkanul, ItitMt liiti T i I I I I - J i .. 44t 4M44 mH5H W WILL POMP ' KBAi) ALL OF THIS t t lure. (wire luimlniicd, thoiiKh but xoviitun ' riulrcl 8 K Chilling a.tIIi There were nevernl flRhts which look- ed URly tarlr In the eonlnB. when nomlnUd but his nsinc a, namtd "... -lie " "' wime of the InconMdernte of the mom- . , . , , , .. . .. , , . . Terrltorlnl Conwntinn llir m I'iik ib ber. who had found thntt her f.l,.mH ,... ,, , wuh m Koi, we'e lvlrjT left oft" of the II. keta ,la.m. 8am, mln rr boll , lll ened flKht. and In one InMiitue u man , Territorial ronvuitinn A (3 M H l who went Into u cau.ux pliHlRlnK rlmm t' U ('rablie. M T L,)onf. A heir to tuppnrt tin- ticket there named Gtnr. J J Cnrrim. 8 V ClilllliiKWuilb permitted hln name to be put on the 0 Mitchell, and Norman I: Watklnn ticket and some of hln friends een P"" Sinctr v s Dob. N i: OmIrc named him for the coin en- n Ham Knmak.a placed In i,.,m n,l0M lmt HUC wlt.nn tin uon. The Klfth uisinci was ixpeiicu mmiluatid on the dlMrlct delc'UI m furnlrii eMdences of heated o miii w ,t uas voU(, (o ,mi, ba,o8 kA ilUcuislon". but nil ..uleted down nnd nnd SoI1 Antotl Hnll wa decided upon the nominations made fue only aH the place for tho prlmarj .lection Hlonally based uixn factional lines, but Katurdn next J V .Moriran l IriB III ns many frood men as possible weie nnd aliBeiit from the clly for Home time put on the tleketc, so that the voters (i V II King was ihcl.d to IiIh plato would lime a irreat latitude of choice .on the cTicutlve commltti e From the lndleatlon thete will be a riPTIl l'KKCINCT. roUUTU UIH convention on the llrst Monday of Sep- TUICT, temWr JllCh will be lomposcd of Tlure waH a fair ), 1. Hi illation of the ninny buslneifl men, but many more of , '"lf,1i l'r r'!ct ,,.,,. nt K unit Ulied the "uncer blooijs of tJi') Til rltorj'. UiO mCetltiB of the club was In Id. tUiuVhoV Is' for tiie younu men lo'TI',Y nictlnB conMidin.l the matt.r of the j nc iijiutiivj .,.,, ,-,,!, ..... ballots and tlure was some Knoral OOine Olll llU.l iii.vmj lif,nn k.M ill..- where their fatherw sat n. few yeara nKO nnd this element mliHt be dealt with In almost oei preclmt of the Island of Oohu. The fnctlolinl line Deep so litt.iMl cmi that In hiirne of the llirht Inc dlstrlcU there were men put on the tickets whose leanlnsa were not known to those who named them, and the, results wer that the conventions will be mnde up of ns many men who have heretofore taken no part In lltlcal flKhts as of those who hne been'tlu, ,mmRrH f the Blxth l'r.clnct Club active. 8ome of the men who have ( u j ,n,t a ,icai f tuiHlness to do lor recently resigned from the Republican tin re had not il In en a mi . -ting of the Territorial committee are again club for the prist nt campaign The re y. Kamloplll, Isaac Harbottle, M the nominations will bring out a pono. D. I' H. Ii;nberg, J good nttet, dance at the primaries next hu. C. F Peterson, James It Cm tie. week The men put up are as follows: District committee: J Kikabio, J Territorial convention: Andrew Dr. A- J. Derby, V W Macfar- ams. lane. D. I. It. Isenberg. Louis Marks, I District committee. L. D. Maynard, J. Kauai. J. Luihlwa, 1 It Helm, J. ( urge Kekaula, H. Kakahu, J. Alislug. W. Kelki, J. K. Kuu, i; J Keen, W C Hoe, C F. IVtcrson, Charles John Kalama. S. Knmloplll, D. Okuu, Kinlkake. J M McClusney, 1) H Knhamoku, C Charlock. Kalole, I. Kane, J Steiner, S. It Molponu, W. K Dillingham, Charles lewls SHCOND IMtlCCINCT. rOUHTII There was a largely attended meet Ing of the Second Precinct Club owing to persistent rumors esterday tiiat emment. Col. Inukea declared for it there was to be an Important break In and W. W floodale said It was n mat-that organization. There was said to tcr which had nmer been discussed as be an open agreement that the ticket a party policy other than In the last should be named by the leaders and convention. The declaration was made abided bv on the part of their follow- by the club that It favored the plan ers. The statement of the situation and thnt the candidate fot the com en-was mnde by chairman Ciaig of the tlon should be he who mnde the committee as soon as ntlnn Accorolng to this Col. Inukea ness was undet taken. He declared that was declared the candidate, though Mi it halng come to the eats of the mm- (Joodale had support, is who wished his nutlet that thero was a ticket in the name to be submitted to the primaries ilcld, he called leaders of arlous '.ides There was no other light Mr. Ooodale of opinion about him and they agteed teslgned from the executive committee upon a ticket They had dlhcunsed over The results wri lifty names nnd their lesult was be-1 Territorial roncntlnn' C P. Iaukea. lleved to be Buch as to app. al to eoiy District commute. Hen Naukann, man In the precinct He tin i unon of- Ohule, W W Ooodnle. Hi nry Wharton, filed the ticket, which had en it 'I men riFTII PKLCINCT. FIFTH DISTRICT f'nn!i,,!7TnJ0lil.npnlr?r',rh '!li u'i Thete was a fair atumlanu. and au S it I ' l""t",t """ ' .nihuausn. a. the moling at .ommltt.e, the llrst is nam. .1 ,.wa , T, eont.bts The There wore several hot colloquies nomlna,lonH ,vir,.. .luilng the meeting, there being ut no T, rrltorlal Comintln corf. y tlm a jiosslble chance foi the members jtt nton of the parties In the meetingto get , niHtllct coimnltt.e David DoiirMss. through anything without some jMlliH wnrnn tlon It was decided that the ticket for the primaries should be printed upon ...., .,.....,- uli" white paper and that the eonimlttee 1,ul r should s.e that there was nothing but' The inciting at Fw.i court Iioiiho was the UbUal character In the making of ,,t" attiml.d b lb publicans several the ballots. The nominees were ns names b.lng slgmd to the roll The lows: I nominations win as follows' Territorial convention R W Avlett.l T.rrltoilal Convintlon W C. Ashlev, C. 11. Wilson, J. Kumulae. J W Jones.'1' lj McCandl.w 9 llookano. IJ II Ml-T. F. Lansing. J. H. Flshet. A. J. aIml. J 11 Kunewa, 11 K M.enuiio Campbell, L. Andrews, J n W Knhat'01 lu. J. P. Cooke, W. T Rawlins II H I IJl"trict Commltti S Arelur. D J WelRht, George Davis nnd S Kea. i McCarthy H H Wilklnsou.R A. Wood- DUtrltt committee: It. W Avlett J. !'. Oilman. V '. J. Church. J Water - house, J. P. Cooke. C. II Wilson. J. Kumulae, O. H. McClellan, J a. K. Smtthcrs, Charles Zelgler, M, Keluaa, M. K. Nahalau, C. Croziei, P. Mopoha, J. Lucas, J. D. Marques, J. H. Craig. D. II. Wright. J. M. Rlggs. r ii J t M A l Mil ! ! KralMtM rMtim Mi' I H WupWhUilH .f ' . . t, i lh RmMIN( h' I m 'h. . ii t . i id. Nuuatia lenl et n m. mix i- cfr MKloM pl Mith thru ..rK, and MIX lltrfo Irttlr tlHHi tni hf lit mam mtrtrt t llrkHa HIMII) MTn4 nt wr 1 fed. ' I rt t riiot tal nmttlifti M V mii A I. ' AiVlnann K A Mtl Mmlth km hMHtM4l Mil br t. hm his Mtftt uH 8ft (w llH tint wnt to In th- romeiiltofl DMtriet (wimltiw A t) NMxl. J Mann. 1 )(ahnul I'rutik Mrlntyte, It. 1. KHT, II N Il)f). J. MltTude I POt'llTII PHRCINiT, IXlfltTII lIH I TIIICT Tlnr thi bct nf pixxl at II.. juullti. . .f ll.i I"-.. .... IhMihil . 11.. . I. i." ,"- -Mill., llir wiiii i-i-. u , ,h ..,,, Mtlc, N,.,,r,y ,. inemWrs of the rluli wire v n " ;"",. tn',,.,'": ,.'! ""Ur ,'n HI Antimlu I f nil Nomination for i ,.,,.( n in the urn. ' vrntlun wire ImmrdUlily calUtl I tr end1 irupi.ii me i..nowing District Commute HolMt J Nntt Jr tl W It KlnK. L J Ay- !.. !..-.. I fl At.-... ill Hill IICIUJ I llljn. I Jl alllVll " ,Mre ,. w gulnn w w Citlflri ( ,, pp,,,,,,, j j 8 it K i.ikjn - nolo, W r Kinc Wm Krii'Ke Norman K GedRe, II C rilusT, C II Jlurrlm. 0orne Itton S'lmt.en ciiKslou The rtsult of the nominations wan as follows. Territorial Convention Hamtitl John son, O C Hwivin, V II Coney, i:nust Kohs, J Kinhnkll District Commltti e- Mike Harvey, tills Hose, Nahora Illpa, i: V Chapln, K ,';'", Knill. O C. Hwaln. Sam Johnaon " ' J A J . lllxstll .SIXTH IT.r.CINCT. rOUUTH TIIICT When th re gatlu n d at tho olllre of fli.i Kttii lniit itnnlni. Hum., .if sult of tho ilictlon was that K C Kmlth was chow n iirislilent, Il.rman Kruger. lce pnsld.nt, H Aldrlcb, sic-n tary ami O Waldo llurgiss. trinsurer TIiii u nt .f.Oldii fitr Ihn nrlmnn' wl be cm rBy ,,,rmnn KrUBI.r ,, K Allirlon. Thp nominations for the tliuis resulUd ns follows Territorial Convintlon: K C. Smith, 1 II Wolf District Committee: Dr. Ci W, Hirman Krugir, I M Ilrooks and L It Wolf si:vi:ntii i'ihicinct, THICT The Walmanalo Id piilillcans had a busy time fur tiny gave tin Ir club being last evinlng as well as nninid the an.llilati s for the next m ting's voting The diction rt stilled as follows I'risldint, Oeo Cli.ilmeis, vice prisld.nt, A Adams, -'re tr.astirer Kcau The 'as follows: Territorial Convention A AdaniH. District Committte. O Chalmi rs SHCOND l'ltKCINCT, tiktii There was a fairly good attendance at the meeting of Kahukll Republicans ,C Knnlll THIltD l'linciNCT, FIFTH The meeting of the Wnlalua club at the court houw, was one which had some life and theie will be a hot canvass at the primaries next Saturday During the muting there was sprung the question of the stand of the only two nominees for the Territorial con- entlon upon the cltv nnd county gov !""". '' """. ' mikbiciiii. a 1 .",- J ''. " Mcrrlman. ( W. Nawtmol. S N. Av.rn. 11 DuiiNhee. It. A McKenKU.. 1 I McCandlcss, C. 11. Arnold SCVBNTH I'ltlX'INCT, I'IKTH The Seventh Precinct, the battle ground ' ' ii ,. p- ' i '"X t"n i Mttt w i W' u n tint e ... II. ii W i ,rt Hri I Ma I II !.. .id, Mil, M' l' Inttriei CuMHMitixi Jn W Ilium IWfNMI. JaMr Kl II I WIMI t, wiiiiam iiHHv. Owij. rrr, 1 tvirk." f a iMi Jr. W I. Witm. U i RMn K It Olark. 1 It Hlwoiwrt ( Mabrlnna A II tNtnl. J A AIhwk J I. Holt William Mated. I5IOIITH I'llWINfT. l'llTIt hli TltlrT The mwotliiR nf the IDInhth Prwin. I wnii IhSiI In the Aehl wtiratiiiuiH nnd there wan n InrKf ntlendniiee f th. members nf the rluli. The men who hne the lendinc In the prlnrt joi to-Rether nnd llnnlly decided tiMn n ticket whiili ptiilmbly will repieFcnt tin of the . iters The nominees lire ns follows Tirrltorinl tonvetitloii W C Arhl, John C Kane I Matrlct committee C H DwlBht, V C Aihl. John (' Lane. J I). Aery. II Vlelra Jr, Knponn Knnlkollo mautTbase BALL MEN t ASI.I1AU. will take a brace next. B week with two Raines between the best men In Uonolitlifnnd n team repiesentliiK the pick of the Maul Itnmp. The Innbllitj of lillo to furnish a. i Ihlid team fur a contest between Islanders I makes the proposed Merchants' I air strl"i one between the two Islands otily. The reason for all this Is haps the success or the local lathes at the races, for the only son udvaticid by IIIlo wan Unit, there was not ehollKli money for the trip, . As It Is there will be two gtoat Rtttnes Tiie llist on Momliiy vlll bring T "J" ?'"rl lcA,n 'l"d t,u' Honolulus.' llii ill A I J I uoe , r ... l, local lL':m,s ?""' '" be taken the two dredges will be put ni.ii" iT, i thl' JI!IU1" to work upon the Job. The dredg. S?HSlC& mMaV'lealo " within U;e month ink.. nn ii ii...,i..i.. i...,.. .and it is the belief of the managers at 'Hie Honnlulus have tho best of the '" companies umi mey can Clear the sand and coral within four game on form but the Mauls are a out strong nggieKiillon nnd they may proe months' time, a sui prise for the locals. They have In V. V. lJllllnglnimi representing the Jackson u pitcher who will give the Hawaiian Dredging Company, nnd Cap-best nf them n hard time nnd may tan Clark ol the contractors leave for prove u puzzle The fact that the team thl, CollU lw the sierra and the ,...... ,. win come to .own louay ann ine men haveachuiKe to get over the trip !;;uc,'and0sh,SV;e aJiVr very highest class ball The trip of the Mauls Is due entirely to the president of the league, Mr ('hllllngworth. who has hi en responsible for everything in the way of the game and whose guests the players will be while In the city Tlwre will be n hard game played and It Is safe to say that the game muHt draw good crowds, for they will be ivh high class ball as has been plaed heie recently. This afternoon there will be the usual games between the l'unahous nnd the Mniles and the Customs and the Ka- mihnmchas. The games will be plnjed dredges would have to be used. In this order nnd should prove to be There was considerable gossip yes-good ones. There will bo plenty of terd.iy concerning the cnuse of stop-guessing In both games for neither club ping work, but the facts of the matter bus any cinch on the contests. The mo that the firm of Clark & Henrv teams w HI play as follows Malle Klley. r ; (Jco. W Clark, p , D Davis, lb . Mnna, 2l , J" Wright, 3b , Charks Jones, ps ; K Desha, rf , Carl Talor, cf , J Luahlwa. If , W Hush. II Williams, subs KameliamilinH I) Kiku. wa, c; C 1 m. in, ii. J K. known, lb, W 2li . A. Illchards, 3b; O Joins, ss , i: llamakii, rf , It Iliuttr, rf , S Kokl, if. F Cock. tt. D Kahaulello, subs Puliation lltimnway, c , Williamson, p. Sopi r, lb , Steire, lb , Mcj.r, 3b , A Marcalliiio, ss , J Marcallluo, If , C Cooke, if ; J Watei house, rf I Customs Wilder, c. Klwa. p. Willis,' lb King, 2li , Nowtll, 3li , Llshman, ss ; Tuckir. If. Hnwirs, cf , Anderson, rf The Walluku corict.pondi.iit of the writis as follows. The Maul Athletic Association will Hind a team of li.isili.ill plujtrs lij tlle Clailillno which leuvis toiuoi row ev.nlng, arriving In Ho- nolulii on halurilnv niornliig The team rgms down un.lir the captaincy of tl Cuininliigs iiiid consists of plaers from the Morn ni; Stars. Walkapus, Maul Al.rts and Puu... ins It Is Just now learn. d that Cimimliigs has select. .1 the I.ill.iwlug. to plav the Honnlulus on neM afternoon O CuninilnKS. A Jaeksun. T Plckaid. J arclu. C 11 Henili rson. J laWs. W Se.irli', K Smith A (larcln. L It Crook and T I Krug.r Kitliir I)r Iloote or Coke wilt go down as manage! of the team Cum- iiilngs pih that the ti am is a viry strong one, ami that he expects to give the Ho- Mfiltilli tilnn A vi rv hnrit mil With Jackson In the box and Cummlngs behind the bat no doubt the boys can put up a vi r good game, the Inllild be- lug all good plavers The probable weak point in the Maui trim will be the bat- ting but on Maui the bovs who form I the Maui nine haw alwass been good batti rs although It Is not known what tiny will show when tluv face i pitcher Jo In the box The action of the Maul Athbtii Association in sending a I ti run to Honolulu Is the result of a fix clal mi ting lu Id Wi dm s.lay night, to discuss a ver Haltering offer made by C Chllllngwortli, president of the Honolulu Athlitic Club The iiiKis aeivaiuage oi ine oner, i in t I ..i!,.. ..ill ...ii. i.. i. -....i il.. .ii.iui ii'inn in ,i!tii iiiiii in outiom. of the game. , Now Steamship Sorvice, A in w Kt..tinis1iiii Kinvlri. Iq In lin it Clam Shell Dredge Not a Great Success. I'l'TION dredKcH, rejtit.d at Hist S' by the (ontiactorH who have tak en from the (lovernment the task of opcnlni? lV.ii I Harbor Inr, mint complete the tnsl: nnil unless th.-y are able to work In the suell which constantly keeps the sea a tumbling ei the bar. nnd has proved a bnr to the clam shell dredger, there will be ft Ioiib wait before the opening Is made. The conclusion to sub-let the con- tn n t fnt I tin ili.,litli( 11 ict fit inlin.l li hl. ......, (or. ,,k - H..rv '. Stockton, Cal . recently, after four months' work on the Job, when there was not more than one-sixth of the sand temoved, nnd half the time limit expired. The local superintendent, Mr. Huns, who built the dicdEer, gave .(. a thorotiKh trial and made it do ns much ns possible, but he could not perform the Impossible There has bten a fill effort made, and while nt some Umca the work of the scoop has been up to expectations, generally speaking, there has been such a loss of time that it was deemed inexpedient to continue. f lie task of completing the dredging ins been offered to the Cottons and .,irker, and Phould the sub-contract . ...... ... . llon(, wlu ,, t.omiucted there. The two ,,,.,, , llL. oporllled under the one """ " - - m'l('L' l0 set through the work before tlle reason of the kona comes again For the piesent at least the scoop dredge of Claik & Henry will remain here, K. V Haas, who has had charge of tho work, was yesterday stowing away the dredging apparatus near new wharf, but showed a disinclination to discuss the matter. l only statement was that the work had been temporarily suspended nnd tha' when It is again continued suction has found it impossible to complete their WO.OiH) contract with the appliances In use In the specified time. T'le work was to have been completed in nine months' time, but five months of this time has passed nnd only ab utt 16 per cent of the work has been completed. The clam shell dredge failed to do what was expected of It and .t Is claimed that the engine In use in the dredge Is of Insufficient horse pow t to handle the Immense machinery in use. Now the firm will mnke nn effort to have the time for the completion of the work extended and then will sublet the work to local dredging companies who have suction dredges to carry out the contract. Captain W. R. Clark came to Honolulu last week to make rangements with other dredging com panics to carry out the work In cu" the .tennrlinnnt nt Wnshlnirtnn will il- ,ow cxlPIlai0n of time on the ' , , . ,. ,, fntract. How. Cotton llros "' t,lc Hawaiian Dredging Co.. Ltd.. agreed to carry out the work, but cannot possibly do It in the four months now remaining of the present con- tract. when Captain Henrv wns In Hono- !u,u ,, fulIv oxjuiftt,, tllnt nis nrrn ,.,,. ., ,., ,n r,rrv nn, ,h(1 ..rV In the lenulred time, but since bis return to the Const the failure of the "retiguig npiiuiinceH onu ineinoos inii ben discovered nnd Captain Clark has moved for nn extension of time. An application Is even now before Genernl Mackenzie. Chief of Knglneers of the War Department nt Washington, for more time, nnd If this nppllcation Is successful there will be but little difficulty In securing the completion of the work. If it is not extended there may be some trouble. According to the conditions of the contract the channel nt the entrnnce of Peat I Harbor was to be dredged 2.10 feet ulli,,, .0 fe,,t ,lei.,, t 1(,ftn ,),., um1 1S00 leifc loiier The failure of the clam shell scoop was a genernl topic nmong dredging men yesterday, ns great things were expected of It. The hydraulic dredge must now be used on the work and l'""0 "'oro successful. " u About a jcai ago a gentleman residing in Loudon, savs "The Outlook," Undine that burglars had visited his house, 01 ,l Ii'' tel. phone to communicate with the police. Imaglnu his consternation on learning that there was no telephone In " pence siaiioni as ine luca oi using ,1"' telephone would nev.r have occurred ' Indoncr at home, this gentleman muat ,mo l,con a foreigner. "The Spec- ,Blor .presumes lie men tounel on Inquiry that the correct thing to do under the circumstances was to dispatch his butler to the station houso In a hansom, a good old custom dating from the lelsn of o, -.... ,..,., i .i,,ii- i At the iiiiii: ill the search for ,,, uvernool Hank robber. Oouille. the police were much hampereel by the fac, thllt ,hp s.otIaI1(, Tar1 nlco l9 not cn.uipped with the These s- tonlshlng conditions rrevall In' Lemdon today, tho local police stations having no telephone connection whatever, either with one another or the public. tnblbhed be'we.'ii New Zealand and South Africa It will ronsNt of monthlv line from New Zealand pons. probably Amkland, Wellington. Dune- din and Lvttleton, with Port Hllzabetli Capo Town This will give n Ice .einiieetliiir with the Oceanic line i o that passengers can go from Cape Town vl i New Zealand nnd Honolulu to Francisco and should be of con- sidernble benefit to Honolulu, ns ninny jf the penple travelling this long ills- tan.. will be glad to lay over for a few woi at Honolulu. IVnlcotlnlzeel cigars have ben te Jeeted as Intdpid. Ily the piocess of .,., .., ... n.rold. of Halle, the nicotin and other in. I. J .,, . , lut o of tannic acid, and a decoction of wilrl marjoram restores the perfume. PhHololcal tests of this treated to- bnrco. which retains Its nicotin with scnicely changed flavor, has given M. Ilardet no symptoms of any poisoning IHL ICHPL oil Nivi'h Iviiuw Hit) MMiit'ii WlifMi 'Mm Umii'iiiiiUoii My Ppuv nf IiiIIii. 1(4 V a I mi In. f N r It'iaM tih .uat4iatiif In anr i i II m.iittla tn hiHiw th valw nl i - f i in. dlislna, fr if ther l h i -i to eniitr It. In ! lull hnmanltr I ub)eited t,, , man) mfliien. am ttnfnraaen i that tho wtatsat ara tiHally un Wt in whim ilia ftttm Know then that Dunn's Oliitniant will i ure any aa of eoiiunonly known is irfl.ia, or Hiiy illwnat. of the cuticle r skin, genet termed On Ripllentlon ciinvlnnea -n ontliiuntloii ihhw, llwul this ptvof -Mr. William (llllher, of the well- Known linn of clllllver ft Curtis, tall-"' nnd general contractors, nnd whoe private addres Is "Avoca," llaiikstown, a subuth of fijdney, N. 8. W. has wilttun the fnlolwlng Ittil letter, which we herewith publish In full: M sr roster. Mel'lellan Co, 76 l'ltt St. HJdney, N S. W . February 14, 1191. Dear Hits: In JustUc to you nnd suffcilng humanity I write to say thnt I suffered from Itching piles for 22 5 ears. I tried many doctors and pretty well all kinds of patent medicines, but got relief for n short time only. Seeing your Ointment advettlsed, I bought n pot nnd did not use more than one-half of It, not six months ngo, and I am perfectly cutcd. You may use this as you wish. Yours gratefully. WILLIAM aiLLIVDlt. Doan's ointment Is sold by all dealers at f.O cents per bov or will be mailed on receipt of price by the Drug Co , Honolulu, agents for the Hawaiian Islands. . Mill's College CALIFORNIA. r o l l i: a k and s i: m i n a h y Courses. Music and Ail: excellent advantages. A refined. Christian home tor oung ladles Kail term begins August 11, 1902 Foi catalogue or othir infoi matlon. address MHS C T. MILLS, Mills College l O. California. 2101 Oar Soda Water GINGER ALE. CREAM SODA, rOMEL, ROOT BcER, Etc Is sweetened" by tho uso of pure cane sugar. Wo use no cheap snlHtiiute, ONE KEASON WHY our lieveraen nre the best aud tho most iKipular. Prompt ilelivery nmwhuro nnd evutywlioro hi tue. cit nuil Consolidatsd Soda Water Works Company, Ltd. Telephone Mnin 71. Works 001 Fort street. Uable BenolitB Navy. Should the Secretin y of the Navy end Rear Admiral Hradford, U. S. N Chief of tho IJureau of Hqulpment, decide to assent to the proposition whiob nas been mnde to them by representatives of the Commercial Pacific Cable Company end the Eastern Intension Telegraph Company it is probable that the United States will be placed In direct cable communication with the Philippines by way of Hawaii and unm a year earlier than was The cable companies jiopi ..hat if the government will give them tho use of Information developed in the surveys made in HM by the U. S. S. Nero In seatch for a practicable cnble route ncrosfi the Pacific, they will have their lines to .Manila completed nnd ready for business by tho end of 1003. The offei has been taken under consideration and Admiral Hradford has been charged to make a petsonal investigation of the whole matter, the belief prov ailing In some ciunrteis that he will mnke an earlj repot t in favor of accepting the proposition. Compared with the tolls which the government is now required to pay on Its official messages to dnd from tlie Philippines, tho rates offered by the Commercial Pacltle Company would (loubtless result in tho saving In a single year of nn nmount cantldeinblv ex- Ice ecJlnrj the cost of the Nero's smvey At my and Xav y Journal "None Such" ia Speedy. Captain Hlanchard of the ship Han- galore has launched Ills new sloop 'None Such," and ine stiango craft was sailing all about the harbot She comes up to the captain's expectation as far as speed Is concerned and made some lively tilps before the wind She can hill very dom to the wind 'and still cut through the water nt a dnshlug rate Local yachtsmen should be able to arrange a rnce with the "None Such" us it would lie bound to Interest followers of water sports. vmA t t Keep Cool ilu' f g tt ts I weather by tinting our rn das nnd Innnli tUt'l d Willi ,n new stjle Porch : Shades I Wp have Just received am n large shipment of them, an' X now preiwred to fill nil oi m Tliey como In several . i are cheap and durable. Window : Shades I AU Blzes, on hand and made to order. . We have a uphste.ry ' and repair department. Z Fine hand polishing a specialty Linoleum and matting. Also a JT complete line of Furniture t In all grades. To please our cus Is our aim. iUHopp&co.f LEADING FUKNITURB DDALIHtB. Corner King and Bethel Sir ---"- CHAS. BREWER & GO'S. NEW YORK LINE Hark Fooling Stipy flAILINO FROM NEW YOKK to HONOLULU July I, 1902, For freight rates apply to ' CHAS. BREWER It CO., 27 Kllby Ct., Beaton, C BREWER & CO-, LTD. Honolulu. Castle & Cooke. LIMITED. LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. . . AGENTS FOK ew EDQlond Mutual Die lflSDrao& OF JUOSTON. .ffina Life Insurance tapy OF HARTFORD. a cuitn roit sujiMnit couhjaxt Summer camplalnt is ununutUlr among children this scauu. A well developed case lu the wntur's family was cured last week by the timely iim of Chamberlain's OoM. Cholern. nnd Diarrhoea Remedy one t the bef.t patent medicines tired nnd which Is always kept n hand nt the home of ye scribe. Tnia Is not Intended us a free puff for the company, who do put advertise with us, but to benellt little sufrereis who meiy not be within easy access of n No family should be without n bottle of this medicine in the hose, especially In Lansing, Iowa, USA, Journal For sals by all druggists and dealers. Ilenson, Smith & Co.. Ltd., agents for Haws. You AH Knows3 of tho purity anil the cleanliness of tho browing methods of JPWmo Lager If you don't, just vitit tho brewery and see. Brpwery Telephone Main 341. S A