Newspaper Page Text
l' INSURANCE Tlico. 11, Davles & Co (Limited ) AQENTS FOR FIRE LIFE Aft MARINE INSURANCE. Northern Assurance Company OF LONDON, roil FinK AND LIKE. Established 1M. Accumulated Funilt .... CI,lt,tM. British ud Foreign Karine ins, G; of Liverpool, rxm marine Capitol 1.00,MI Reduction of Rates. Immediate Payment of Claims. THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., LTI AGENTS. IMPERIAL LIME 99 Per Gem Pure. The very best Lime and in the befat containers. In Lots to Suit. Low Prices. CALIFORNIA FEED Go, AGENTS. Olaa Sugar Co., Ltd. ASSESSMENTS. THE TWENTY-FIRST of 10 or two dollars (J2 00) per share hat) been called to be due and payable June 20, 1902. The twenty-second assessment of 10 or two dollars ($2.00) per share has Wvn called to be due and payable 21, 1802. The twenty-third assessment of 10 or two dollars (82 00) per share has boon called to be due and payable October 21. 1902. The twenty-fourth and final assessment of 10 or two dollars ($2 00) rer Hhfirc has been called to be due a. id pnyoble December 20, 1902. Interest will be charged on assessments unpaid ten dajs after the same are due nt the iate of one per cent (1) per month from the datu upon which such assessments are due. The above nsfessmtnts will bo payable- nt the office of The B. P. Co., Ltd , StntiKenwnld building (Signed) ELMER E. PAXTON. Trennurei Olaa Sugar Co. May 12, 1907. 23S3 Clarke's Blood. Mixture (THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PUH1 K1EK AND RESTORER, IB WARRANTED TO CLEAR TIA BLOOD from all Impurities from whatever cause analog. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin am Blood Diseases, Blackheads, Plinples aa( bores of all kinds, It Is a nevet taUICf am permanent cure. Il Cures Old Soros Cures Sores on the Neck. Cures Sore Lees. Cures Black In art or .Pimple us U. Face. Cures Scurvy. Cures Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all Impure matte From whatever arising. It Is u real specific for Oout and Jibe matlc pains. It removes the cause from the Bloo and Bones. Ab this Mixture Is pleasant to the tastt and warranted free from anything lnjurt oua to the most delicate constitution o either sex, the Proprietors solicit suffereri to give it a trial i teat Its value THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS OF WON DERFUL CURES FROM ALL PARTS OF TUB WORLD Clarke.! Blood Mixture Is cold In bottle Is 9d each, and In cases containing l times the quantity, lis sufficient to effc a permanent cuie In the great majorlt) of long-standing cases By ALL CHlL'l 1ST and fATENT MDDICINU ORS throughout the world. Proprietor THK LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUN TIES DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln. Ens Land. Trado mark-"BLOOD MIXTURE. CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE CAUTION. Purchasers of Clarkt'i Clarke's Blood Mlxtute should se th they get the genuine article. Worthies, Imitations and substitutes are ouieumn palmed off by unprincipled vendors. Till words, "Lincoln and Midland CounMsi Drug Company, Lincoln, an engraved on the Oouramtnc stamp, suit "Clarke's World Famed Blood Mixture' blown In the bottle. WITHOUT WHICT NONE ARE GENUINE. CASTLE & COOKE CO., Ld. HONOLULU. Commission Merchants SUrAH FACTORS. AOKNTfl FOR rk Ewa Plantation Company. Th Walalua Agricultural Co., sVtl. The Kohala Sugar Company. Th Walraea Sugar Hill Company. Th Fulton Iron Work, St. Laula, M Tb Standard OH Company. The George F. Blake Bteam PmaVfC Werton'e Centrlfufala, noe New England Mutual Ufa Imatf ance Company, of Boston. The Aetna Fire Inturan Com, Hartford, Conn. Th Alliance Assurance Company, a lKndon. V HAWAIIAN aAKKTTK, rUHHIUV.AI'lH HT , WHftKl.r. H44M(M(4MMHtMMUMMM( HHH4HMm4 ! COMMERCIAL NEWS. f4UHH4MMHMM4MMHMMHtMMHHMH' W i t -I ' k f ' K '!, i. t .. t (.. t . Ns IT W N in ' t Mi 1 -ft! t Hh8 tl na l th.MI IW ahai.' lllH It was tin- aM ittum in tin M ke lhal Hiaflfil the Imawtsm of 1 1- tlit sales lie I it b i.mj f ft I'.ha and f. KahMku Wnlluiit with the mix a lire knttwludm? thai lhtr wa ammUilHg doit wns offered nt ISO The Inst sale in tills nttvk whb nt CT Th ertwlwcs ere small nnd there were hf) Inkers nt the prtre Tliwi llio IlKUtr Wetil nn down, nnd finally tlit sntmt broker who effetcd the hlwk put lite rtn? nt JI0 There wire still na inkers nnd the priw wan jwt bark to tc nnd thetf it stiiod Tluro wns a Kent nil feellriK thai th eU k hwld be let nlm nnd there was nnt ait offer nt nti price The snips of Etta continue to be to Insiders nnd tB general Itiuirretvlire miikes It Impossible to see Just whnt Is In the future lhtnkus nre nil their patrons to wait nnd there siems to tie In flout of the mnrket n peiloil of Innctltlty Honif think this will Inst until the rexiits of tin next crop tome In, but othcis are of opinion that n Umimt foelinK will follow tlie rloslntr up of tin1 present Krlndlng season It Is the Kenurnl opinion that Eur will continue Its dlldeml dteplte the fall In sugar, nnd this lias contributed to the steadiness of the stoik DurtiiR the week the following dividends haf been nntiminced' C A Co, 2 per cent , Hawaiian Electric Co, '4 ltr tent , Walmnnnlo, 3 per cent , Inter-Island S. N Co, 1 per nnt , Ewa, 1 per cent , Wnlluku, 1H per cent. The month's statement of the stock market will show the following transactions, lf07 shares of Kwu nt 21'4, 40 sdinies of Hnwnllan Sugar nt 23, 55 frhnrcM of Knhuku 22 and 23.25, C4 Klhel nt 10, 30 McHrjde nt 5, 13 Onhu at SI'4, 3M Olaa nsRessable between Ss4 nnd 35 Ola.t J4, 25 Panulmu nt 12, 100 Walalua at r5, 29 Hawaiian Electric at S7V4. and 87 Honolulu Rapid Transit nt 05. Bonds amounting to J4000 were sold, principally Hllo Rallroml consolidated 6 -per cent nt par. The month'M tiansactlouB show that Knhuku Plantation fell off to 22 and Hawaiian Kugar to 21&. Oahu, whleli has iK'en selling nt i'Vi before the dropping of Its dividends Is offered nt 82-i. Klhel is at 10, nnd McMryde at C, with no transactions. Pioneer has weakened, the last bid being 150 Walluku dropjiod to ISO Walalua sold at 55, the present asking quotation being tt'. Walmnnalo Is strong at 157V&. ICIpahulu was offered as low as 75. UUiuDING AND REAL ESTATE. Real estate has tuken a quiet place In the buslncsH world nnd there promises to be home wait befoie there Is anything of the activity. The Inquiry for propel ty is lis than in Mime weeks back, as the general li end of public opinion is that tl.tie will be some waiting before there Is any gieat movement In uny dlitctiou 1 Colli ge Hills addition still seems to hold a great share of the public attention and the prospect 1b that there .vlll be fconie new constiuctluu tliuie "r soon l'lognsn Is being made upon the new leMdenco of V. SI Swnnzy on the slopef. of Sugar liaf mountain and the outlook Is that the property will be out of the nttiactlve places in the entile neighborhood Theio are hctrnl placts which are under In that portion of the city, nnd the propottd extension of the road thiough the general section of the lands makal of Rocky Hill should be responsible for some lively trnnnctlons in Sta View nnd adjacent lands. Among tho residences still in prospect clohtr in aio those of Clarence 'ooke on his pioperty on Keeamoku street, the itjiort being tlmt he Intends to sell his pteieiit lesldence there nnd build a mansion. W. W. Harris la hald to lmvi In contemplation a residence on his Ktnnu street place. The trio of houses icto.U.v ei tied on Maklki Blitet by Abies, the denlei, aie htill on the maiket, thouih he has bcvcrnl luqulieiu who are looking nt these small but vei) d hiralilu ieIdtnces Dounlown building is nt a comparative standum, though there Is an outlook for home small construction In the- Chinatown end of the business William Mutch Is considering the "lection of a house on his Hotel stKi't piopeity, to be a stone fiont and to extend back to the Interior propel ty owned by him The centu of the block bounded by Hotel Paunhl, Jl.nui.iKca and KekaulIKe, If the latli r wiic extended, Is included In the holding of Mutch, and this land was je t'tiluy leased to a hul which will have elected there at once a building will, h will bo used for n thenter. This will draw from the theater on Llllha street, und the plan 1b to hnve the new building a model in the way of a Chinese pla house. The lease Is a long one and the plan Is to have entrances Into the building from each of the bounding streets. Among the (ontincts let Is one for the construction of the Von llnmin residence on Pacillc Height", which it is und rstood will be pushed along as rapidly as possible. There are ut least tivo other houses' In prospect on the Helshts. Despite the extent of the woik there has been notnblp progress made In the finishing of the Young bull.'lng. There is much of tho plastering done and the ground floor is assuming some shape. Notwithstanding the condillon of affairs there, there seems a material demand for the stores lln this block. Already five of the twelve rooms on the ground lloor are jlaken. The makal corner w 111 be used ns tho room for the Von 'stores, the next one will be occupied jthe third will be the offices of the Pacific Commercial Cable Company. The Slurge centei stores will be used by G Hchumnn and the Hotel street corner Jluis been taken by the Porter I urnlture Company. In addition to these there may have been several or the offices engaged and theie will be some decisions made as to other ollices very soon. The last work Is now being done on the LeweiH & Cooke nnd the Wnlt buildings, and there seems every reason to believe that tenants for the very soon will be chosen. - - f - f - f4 - f - M - 4 - M - f4 REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS List of deeds filed for record August 1st. 1902 Elrst 1'artv Second Party. Class Lui N. Knmaka Kikia (w) D Kaluna &. wf Klkla (w) D Klkia (u) William Henry D July JG Pak Sow & wf to Yip Koon Sung, D , lot 5 of Land Patent 2S79 Wal ikon, Homestead, Makuwuu, Maul, eon J300 Mrs. Emily to J. S. Kauoha et al , D , 7 acies in hul land, Peahl, Maul, con M0 J. M. Houokaupu to Mrs Kalnoa, D , l' A. In hul land East Hanawana, Maui, con $7.50 II Kaea to Luikallilll, D, 2 A In hul land, Peahl, Hamakualod, Maul, ton 20. Apikaka & wf to II. Kaea et at , D , 2's A. In R P 1078 Hanehol, Maui; con $25. Hon. Paint & Wall Paper Co Ltd. to II. T. James, Tr. D, real and personal property , con $1 etc. July 28 C N. Ragsdale by atty to G V, Jakhis, I) , lots 327 it 334 Ola.i Reset vation, Puna, Hawaii, con $3250, mtg. 52250 G. V. Jaklns to Lucj E. Jakins, D , lots 327 &. 334 Olaa Reservation, Puna, Hawaii, ton $3230 t mtg. $2250. Ana & hsb. to J. Kaluna, D , 1-3 Hit in It P 3938 Kul 3116 Polno, Wuiehu, Mnul. con $250. KaIohapnuole (k) et al by Gdn to J. Kaluna. D , 1-3 Int In It P 39JS Kul 3116 Polno, Wnlehu, Maul, ton $-'20 jr. de S. Assantlon inflo S XT Nnuknna 't nl , D , pc land Kapaau, N Kohala, Hawaii, ton $560 J K. Kapunlni to H K. Crow ell, D, 37-100 acie of land, ton $100. M. T Hi own &. hsb, to Helen K. Kalna Ec D , pc land Volcano St., Hllo, Hawaii con $1 etc Helen Kalna to J T Hrown, E D , 3 pes land Ponahnwal, Hllo, Hawaii, con $1 etc Wnng Tat to I Mntsugowo tt al . D , pc line! Kapaau, N Kuhula, Hawaii, ton $200 Knmulllwnhlne to Knlllponl (w) n. 3't nties land Puumol, Hllo, Hawaii, con $1 etc J II Schnnck & wf to J C Plcanco, D , lots 1G .S. 17 of H P 5171 Kul 11019 Mokauea, Honolulu, Oahu; ton $1900 H Kauaihllo & wf to A, S. Wilcox, D, 1 22 A. of Gr 295S Waioll, Ka.ilclca. Kauai, con $300 K. Nahakudua to Honokaa Sugar Co, D, por R P 7778 Kill 7252 Kullel, Hnmakua, Hawaii; con $20. . WENT TO VISIT HIS SISTER A. J. Cottlngham went to Washington Co , Ark., V. S A to see his sister and while there was tnken with flux (djsenterj) nnd was very bad off. He decided to try Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was so much pleaRed with the piompt cure which It effected, that he wrote the manufacturers a letter In praise of their medicine. Mr. Cottingham resides at Lockland, Ark., U. S. A, For sale by all 'druggists nnd dealers, Smith & Co , agents for Hawaii. by David Lawrence & Company and - f - f - - f - t 4 - f - f 44- 4- RAINPALL ON GARDEN ISLE The following conespondence j dative to lainfalls on Kauni appeals In the Sun Tianclsco Commeicial News of July 14. Makawell, Kauai, If. I., June 17, 1902. Editoi Commercial News: Dar Sir Youi esteemed f.ivoi of May 29th was duly received. I note the contents, and In answer to jour request for a few lines occasionally weather conditions in this legion, I have to say that foi nine or ten months of the year the state of the vvtiithei Is so equable und uniform, one Jay is so much like the one preceding or following, that the keeping of records becomes very uninteresting Recoids have been kept foi seveial jtarn at this plantation which are distinctly local iceords kept thiee miles on either side of this plantation may vuiy a great deal from those kept at thin place. This place, like all the depends on the rainfall for its bountiful tiops of sugar. This plantation lias an extensive sjstem of initiation ditches which reaches every piece of cultivated land, however remote It may be. The source of supply Is the Hanapepe river, a small mountuln stream, and the use of the water is so nicely controlled by a Hvstem of traps and water gates that veiy little is wasted, and theie Is now a project un-dei way Increasing tile irrigation facilities to double tlie present acreage of cultivated litid, und Incidentally to double lis HUgat ptoduclug capacity, anil within a veiy few yenis It Is expelled this will bo a 30,000-ton plantation RA1NEALL Inches Tiom Januniy 1 to June 1, 1902 17 70 Of which theie fell on tho dayj noted as follows: 1902. Inches. Eebruary 2G b0 Eebiuaiy 28 4S Mnich 21 ..... 3.40 March 22 .... 1.21 Marcli 23 2.40 Maich 21 4G March 25 02 Maich 31 7C No. of days, S; amount.. 10.13 Leaving for the other 1J5 dajs but G 57 All tho plantations In this district have artificial irilgatlon; some by means of ditches, like Makawell, taking wntci from some mountain stream, otheis catching tho surface water In and pumping from artesian wells. Very truly yours, WM. G. GOODMAN. n the overturning of a Fire hose cart Saturday morning at 7 o'clock at the corner of Nuuanu and Vineyard streets, foreman L. Smith was thrown to the pavement, etrlklng his head, Two hosemen were bruised, but driver Richard was unhurt. The w agon was damaged considerably. The accident was caused by turning too short at the corner, TUX COURT ORGANIZED First Cases W Be Heard on Monday. (Prou; Salurdn s Dull) ) The Ceurt f Tax Appeals for DUrrlet met yestenlny In Pratt's olllcu and formally by the eleotleti of E. C. Winston ns relat There were present at the first seewlon A, A. Wilder, who appears fur the aenessor, nnd tb following attorneys reprefccntlng the various appellnnu: W, R. Custlc. Judge Stanley, Judge Perry, A. F, Judd, Judge Davldnon, F. M. Hatch nnd others. After the oignnliatlon had been perfected President Winston called the calendar and the cases of W. R. Castle nnd Mau Sug Wat Co. weie sot for hearing on Monday. Tho cases of tho Oahu Railway, Dowsctt Estate, Kane-one Ranch Co and other ranch properties were set fur Thursdny. In these cases theie Is an Increase by the assessor of three dollars per head on all cattle, and the up pen I will be pieseuted as a whole. The cases of Judge Penj and other membeis of the Periy family will also be presented Mouiluv These involve the assessment on Hotel streot property In which all are equally Interested. The eufcCH of Brewer & C( , Castle &. Coeke .ind other commission llrms In whloh there has been added a tax on good will ncic put at the foot of the calendar. In the case of Brewer Jt Co., there was an Increase from $107,038 to $1,121,137 which is nam ed ns personal piopert), being the valu ation of the stock in the murket, which Is ussesseti at over a million dolUrs There has been a raise on Castle X. Cooke stock on the snme proposition to the amount of over $400,000. The Ena Plantation suffered the largest Increase In valuation, the leturu made by Manager Ronton was $4,504,300 and Pratt raised this to $3,600,000. Preshltnt WliiBton announced that the court nunld have but sixteen working days to consider neaily a hundrud appeals and theiefure the eases must be presented In a huiry Adjournment wus taken until 1.30 o'clock Monday afternooa. Below is given a list of the returns and Increased .tskcssmenls In some of thw larger oases on appeal' R- As- turned scsmd Iwllel rllce .Mtll Co . .$ 7,5ot $ 13.110 H M Parker . . . 14,0m) 3UW J A Kanr 1.000 11, IW Oahu ColUg ... . (&.O20 MI.IIM M. W. MaChmey tc Soav t,000 2X,20 C P. luukee . . . 3MW 10,V C rwr & Co . 17,0W l.UUtf A FornaaiiM . . . 22,250 J I Wo N VmnatiduE fi.OW lC.Uuu W C Actil 12 0U0 24 5W Hawaii I.aud Co 29.0UO 41,850 F M SwiuiJy . UjO 24.0W C K C Roiike k"750 i,8iU Emily C Juda 15 913 2 5U0 T II Daviek At Co 51,700 140.0UH John I' CoIIihiii 15&JO fiW Orpin urn Co 50,000 74,42.i Kapliiluni i:tMtt J2,40O 4(,100 W C Peacock JI,U 40, JW W C l'eutook &. Co fil.Sjy 87,618 Moana Hotel Co 70 9S8 130.0U0 Einllj r Day . 2u,50 50.WW Iluw Sugar I'laiili IB' Ass ll.SOi) SfilM.) Mnrk P Roblluon 22,fc00 48,OU) Oahu Railway L. Land Co 100,075 2ic),M Dow sett Co . W,(fn, 45.1CU Bishop Estate . 2X.000 35,000 lleela Agrluultural Co .' 65320 150.0UO Kimeolie Ranch Co . SS.305 225.OU0 J P Meiidonta . . 187,!l 198,217 Jos Campbell Estate .... 95,000 136 WW I)r 1' L Mhur .. . . 9.000 22.500 H .May A Co 99,')C0 150,000 J II Castle . . S3.000 1JJ,290 Apokaa Sugar Co 3"i,972 47.7 Antonio Pirr . .. 30,500 29.823 S C Allen . . 40,000 69.000 Mrs II M Allin 20,000 30 000 City Mill Co . 59,000 05 400 Hawaiian TrmnwajB Co . 71.000 17)000 G Sthunian Co 14 236 40,000 C II llootl 13 300 4I.W) Elizabeth H Booth iW 31,000 Hi b. ci a Panie 7,800 13 000 Kalua Kapuklnl 1,000 3,000 E M Magoon . . 2",,4J9 40,905 J A Magoon A E M .Ma- gooi 30 000 21,750 Magoon c Llghtfnot . . 20,000 JS.OtW J A Magoon . 62,356 102.IN) A HoekliiK 02.440 XI 400 .. WIRE FENCE 700 MILEB LONG Will Separate Montana and Canada and Provont Oattlo Smuggling. 5T PAUL. July 24 A Helena, Mont , enetlnl to The Dlsnatth savs that It Is rpioposed to build u wire fence 700 miles long on the boundary line between Montana and Canada The Immediate c itisii of this huge undertaking Is that "overal weeks ago a laige numbei of cattle which had straved Into Cinnda from this State weie s Ued hi the Do minion offclnls on the ground that they had been smuggled The fonco will probably be built Jointly bj the Canadian and Ameilcan governments, and will cost several hundred thousuml tlollais . COMING TO CANADA. Boors Will Visit the Dominion to Learn Fanning. JOHANNESBURG, July 24. The home government has decided to scud parties of Boers to Cunada nnd Australia to Btudy agricultural methods theie for an application In improving their own farming. .. Oharlea Bagsdale Dead. Oharles N. TtacBdale, sn f J. TT. Ragtsdale, American Consul at China, and formerly a resident of and Hllo, Hawaii, died 1 Honors, Meacfco, on July It. Rertrand Ratjsdale, aa elder brother died of consumption last year In China. Charles Kaxsdale was associated la coffee culture at Olaa with Charles Bean. wr T J W m'Sm v Vft iti LA MjsH1vis' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaassi ft alaaal nr sere haw, reeVeaaiihaad. Itaklar. baralac aaiai. M- tal Umfr ad sKaW will el sKaaW Dry, aii, th emu tho CURA treat. anent I lMlr sXaaaW woadarful Ioobo kn. BSbBSJ oil Comploto External and Internal .n - j, I i. ..F f1,.. , ,,, .,,. ,....,. W.k . (. . ... ilinii't' Ulin,-,,,,K .', 1, to 1 (I ,.l,-l- tlio tlilckeni il ciilli If, ClITH llllA Ointment, In Imt lion, ami wnHIiii nml, ami limiimv GOLF HANDS Red Rough Hands ONE NIGHT CURE. Soak the hands e retiring in aatrMglMt creamy lather of (UtiCBJj, TS0AP4 Rtitl nnoiiit ficoly with Cuticuua,. groat skin cmo nnd purest of Wonr duriiiR tlio liiplit oldr kid gloves, with finger ends cut HINUI F SIT U nftiii iiOlrluit to iiiiii tuitiirliiir, illMlsurlnK liiimoui i. with Iu of liilr, when till life fill, iltiuit It 'low Nr. A. CO , Siiliie), N H W t .Vfilrnn ill xit: I.FNM1N I.tii ,C.iir1iin. ".Mlnliiiiitllin hMii, llaiiiU,anl llati," trie. 1'oiTMI UltUO AKIlC'lll.X.COIir, -oil) 1'liipi, ltuctuli, U. h, A. A GOOD TOP WAGOAS, PHAETONS, DRAKES, SURKEYS, BUGGIES, RUNABOUTS. PACIFIC VEHICLE AND SUPPLY CO. J)ny Block, Bortituniii Street, Honolulu. :o: WHITE US FOR Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co. and Toyo Kisen Kaisha. Steamers of the above companies w srt on or about the daten below men FROM SAN FRANCISCO: DORIC JULT NIPPON MARU JUET ill PERU AUO. 8 COPTIC AUG, 16 AMERICA MARU AUG. 23 PEKING SHPT. 2 GAELIC SISlr. It HONGKONG MARU BHPT. 18 CHINA SIOIT. 28 DORIC OOT. 4 NIPPON MABU o)CT. 14 KOREA OCT. tl COPTIC OCr. 29 AMERICA MARU NOV. 6 PEKING NOT. 14 F' general Information apply to P. and IiolOB in the tialmH. Treatmont for Evorv Humour. nKIII III t I II. Ill illlll Hlllll'H II III 1 nilliri UIH mtlr nil l Hi lilnu. liillaiiimnUiin. unit li rlU. Itl.solA t t. to i mil anil tlie liluml. A "'A BUGGY, $100.00 HiirncHS, VurnifllieH, CHrriapa Mutoriitl, J ron Ilorno .SIiouh. AND I PRICES 111 call at Honolulu and leave this tJoued: , FOR SAN FRANCISCO: COPTIC JULY 25 AMERICA MARU AUG. 2 PEKING AUG. 11 GAELIC AUG. 20 HONGKONG MARU AUG. 2C CHINA SEPT f. DORIC SEPT. 12 NIPPON MARU SEPT. 20 KOREA SEPT. 30 COPTIC OCT. 7 AMI1RICA MARW OCT. 14 PHKING OCT. 22 GAHLIC NOV. 1 HONGKONG MARV NOV. 8- M. B. S. C. & Co., Ltd. AGENTS. month, but they uro meet u chaige of chilled shot fired uech Cartridges week wo received K)2 cmch or (10,000 shot nun cartridges, factory. A Due stock of 1'nrker, mid other well known shot tho (,'iin, ritle, revolver, sportiuc Roods liuo that any ono Roods, nnd prices tlmt satisfy & SON, Ltd. AND KINO STREETS. w il. Hackfeld are flying well thin Stopped hhoit when they By a Spoifatinun who Selby Uy tlio "Alnmcdu" this ot 500 cnrtridi'rt onch, fleshly londeil at tho L, 0. Smith, pmiiic,'ton cfjiiiH nnd every thine in cartridge innl Kuucrnl win wish for. Standard jou, nt E. O. HALL CORNER FORT