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FISH FROM a guard when the llsh was travelling about Dr. Gilbert the work done In Hawaiian waters by the Albatross GEM HAS BIG DEPTH HAD DAY Ice Cold Monster Gives the Police From 6000 ft. Another Below. i Die. UIMIICHT uf the United Btntes Dlt Fish Commission steamer Albatross, bus been doing some lhat beats anything on In these wntors. A coup) of dnyg ago oft" the const of Kaunt he was angling for llsh Hint Judgo GMir hnil n bad day yesterday Starting out with the nllegcd threat of n I'orto lllenn to murder him at the conclusion of his term of Imprisonment, the second Judge war hnrrased the entire session of court by nttornevs and prisoners. It seemed almost Im- llo nt a depth of 0,000 feet. Wnyt possible to secure n en so for trial, nnd down there he found fish and of great after a hnlf dozen, had been disponed size too. One specimen brought up wos' of by nolle prosequi, pleas of guilty ... ,, , . , , . or withdrawal of appeals, a Jury was feet In of the ohlmnorn. four n species fcccnrei, f()r tlle trlnl ot Mnnue V,.1H. length and weighing n great deal. It ,,M ollt tnP court threw up the sponge Is the first one ever caught In Hawaiian nnd adjourned court at two o'clock for was suspended term. Then the couit icnewed his attack upon tho High Sheriff nnd Jnllor for permitting Koirest to appear In court In prison garb. Ho said that the police voiletles of snipe eels-very small eelsHmd been warned by other Judges not which aie unable to close their Juws i "ring prisoners iiuo court m conviui nnd seeiire their food by cruising clothes, nnd added "The and the High Sheriff have been nrntiml nnd allow Inu' the smaller oral meiiB of sen life to lloat Into them. The big chlmnern that Dr. Gilbert secured Is a very peculiar kind of llsh. It Is never found at any point except told nn onormous addition to the collection Uns dismissed. of the Fish Commission. Thcc wiueis have some of the most Interesting sea life to be found In any portion of tho world. Captain Thomas was unntilo to effect a landing on Illid Island as the surf heat continuously on dangerous rocks the steam scow owned by II. Hackfeld pin chase of tho vessel for upe at Ieitrl liarnnr ami at mo niauoii neie. Messrs. Hnckfeld & Co, make a wilt ten offer to holt tho vessel to tho Naval Department for n sum slightly In ex to bo nil light III n trial trip. Money vv.ih sent out from Wnshlngton to Paymaster Hall with which to make the purchase When the U. H. H. Wheeling was In nn r rilflcnid nf thnt vbhuaI nnnutlttttml ! ' t - ..r w ...,,..... HAWAIIAN OAfcKTlT I'HIDAY Al'Ot HT IA, IHfiJl HKMI IMMO V THEOSOPHbT PKIMt bAYS ii H Mr. l'rlme'a description of the nurn of contlnuilly ns arloua that, every man Is presumed to month of July, 1802: ue innocent, so you nave no rignt xo, 'ivinncrntiiri drag him Into court as If he were n convict. If the prisoner hns no other at n depth of about a thousand 'Ciouies wien ouy nun some. 11 nnowicr fathoms. Its meat Is not lit for human ! I""" l brought here In prison garb, consumption nnd It make up l.s very particularly If he hns not been con- peculiar. Its body has a lan, " '-", " """ "'" "'"" ""'",- "-"""; so, lowest, 68, ..,i uu n.,u nn. rir ii.r.n. tmil Hlinnodliou will Inform Mr. A. M. Urown of, ' like fans. Its teeth nre welded Into a that, olllcer." soit of large plate on ench Jaw and nrei NOI,LK PKOSHQUI KNTIHtHD. voiy shnip. Like most other deep i the case of Kam Woon ler llsh Its body Is colored lighter "jwlth illegal liquor selling the upper poitlon ot us uouy innn ou Ike lower, At a depth of 1.330 fathoms two veiy large llsh weie secured. Another sea monster cnught was a llsh which had two feelers on each side of Its body, which were ns long ns tho body und Meteorological summaiy for the Hnknlnu . . uean llonohln.i . . ., ' Iviupaliophoe for the month, ookala 77.C, normal, 77.1: average dally Hamakua mum, &3.S, nverage dally minimum, Kul;,iluu 72.4, mean dully range, 11.4, greatest Paauhau (Mill) . dally range, 1C degrees; least dally "onokna Mulr) range, C degrees, highest teiupciature, Chllllngworth, the latter insisting on! Italnfall, 2.87 inches, normal, 180, Kukulhaele Kohnla In thc cuse of Tan Ping Sin, who was level for the month wns 9 85 feet. 10.00 ini. lined twenty-live dollnis In the lower rrpiesentlng the assumed annual niunn. llnlcnknla Ilanch court for assault nnd bnttcry, appeal Trade-wind days, 29; (3 of N.N'B); WnlluVu was withdrawn by Mr. Brooks. normal, 29. nvrnge force of OAHU- vv juiy was inen cuiieu in roe case ing liuyllpllt, Heaufort HCale, 2 7, C10UU, t.i, tw ii.. if M.nniipl Vnlrlern ..hnriroil with llllplt in .,-... t An 1 unnilOU t VV. 1IU " i.v. i,.'.iu..i, iv lvlllnnUfllilln liquor selling, but the papers had not Approximate percentages of district m!,1i Iteservolr linil n linr alniTa ttr thn nnllni. nn. I ,...... ...Mr.A.A .... Illcans only he most peaceable In tho indictment, as the evidence iild'Uanu, 2un evening Trace ot snow still not show positively tho crlmo of bur-i vlslblo on Mnuna Keu. "Afterglow reau) all nbout the Island. From soundings ( bet.n scnt Up by tl)e cierk of the Police rninfill nocompai.d with normal: HI1o,"mt. r Naval Station' taken there was secured evidence that this Island was probably thrown up from the sea by a great earthquake, as the bottom around thnt place Is covered with rough rocks nnd Is very uneven. In soundings between Onnu nnd Kauai, In the channel nbout hnlf wny between tho two Islnnds, evidence wns discovered of nn extinct submerged volcano. On each side of the supposed extinct volcano tho dredges brought up black volcanic sand and bits of lava. The Albatross eaw nothing of tho overdue bark Ceylon during any part of her ciulse. Novy Will Not Buy Bcow. After a deal having hung lire for couit, und juugo uear leiuseu to awuit 150 per cent; Hnmakun, 00 per cent; Knplolnnl Pai k until they arrived adjourning com t un- Kohala, 82, Wnimea, 40; Kona, ISO; Mnnoa (Wnndlnwn D.) til this morning. Kau, no reports arrived; Puna, 120; School St. (Ulshop) .... A bench warrant was Issued for tho Maul, very variable from 0 to 300 per Insane Asylum nirest of I,ee Kin and sixteen others, cent, probable nverage, 100, Oahu, 150 Mr, Douthitt moved to dismiss the up- per cent, vurylm from 100 to 200 nnd Nuuantl (V. W. Hall) ., peal, but when Mr. Thompson said he K.aunl. im me r,.nt Nuunnu (Wyllle St.) ... several months It Is now stn,ted that1 though the olllclal Interpreter ' i nllinxii laiv n ml nitr lilllnil In tliP "- "" - - ,' 1.T.....H.. !.-, ... X ,'ll.. Ii;u, IIIlo ;."."- "UUHIlll )"i,'i"' '" .... ... ,...,..... ... illC'llll tl.Ull', X.... lu. untilil enntlmin 'ni...i.i inn .. ..!. .,.! ,...,.... ti.UflKaiin; the case until morning. j maximum, 79.1; nverage minimum, 70 6, ununavvlll Gi:AIt THOUGHT UK WAS TO BH Wnimea, 2,739 elevation, 77.3 and C.V1; i,ulmnnu J. iMfViiMi pg i ij iBpumnrmmitiiiit mp If 200 300 D00 400 250 300 425 700 Nlulll 200 liuromeier nverage, ;mw, nuriniu, voi fi.ini 29S96, highest, 30.07, 1st, lowest, 2S.84, Kohala Sugar Co. 23rd, greatest 24 hour change, 1. e. from iinn' Homo. ! charged any given hour on one dny to the snine Walrnca a nolle hour on tho next, 009 "Iow"i Konn. prosequi was entered by Mr. Douthitt. passed on 23rd, highs, 1st nnd 21st. 'Holuoloa . . The same action was taken In the case) Relative humidity nverage, 73, nor- Kinlukokua of J Iloige also charged with violation mid, KS D mean dew point, C7.7; normal, Napoopoo . . of the lhiuor laws. This action led to 05. nlisnlute moisture. 7.42 crrnlnK tier Punn, a disagreement between the Deputy cubic foot of air; normal, C.81, dew oi House . nnd Deputy Sheriff grass one day. .Olno (Mt. view) MAUI, projected In front of It ns a sort ot p,()St1 utlon, while Mr. Douthitt nigued days, 25, normal, 19, great- Wnlopae Itnnclt that no conviction could be secured ,.ut rainfall In one d.iv. .43. on the 13th. Knuiio (Mokul.iu) upon tho testimony of Informcis In tho total at Luakaha, 126G, normal, 8 15, KIpahulu Circuit CoUlt. 'nt Ifni.lnlnnl O.M 0 17. wnillBU . Ill the case of Montano Colon, 1 be nrteslnn well level fell during s very complete nnd says that llielp,j with nssault and battery, the wit- the month C21 235 ...1847 ...2720 ...1350 ...15S0 4000 1600 .... 700 285 ,'.'.'. 300 ,...1600 Nnhlku 800 r..ll... Tnn from 33.50 to 33 40 nbove .....'.'. .' .:.. specimens secured Here will constiiiue neSBes Illld disappeared nnd the case July 31, 1901, it stood ,,.lt',"i ' iinn Int 33.00 The average dally mean sea- ,...,.. Wni.ikn ....'... .'!""Tnn ISO 2000 200 47 50 " 0 10 285 50 30 260 50 250 401 850 MUUDCRI:d. I Volcano House. 4,000 elevation, 71.0 nnd i:wn, iM.mtatlon ri) Tnfln Tlovnlrn. 11 Tnrln lMnnn. unn 51.3, Kohala, 521 elevation. 799 and CS.S; Wnlpahu 290 waiaxoa, kuw. Maui. 2.,w) eievai on, . . sentenced to prison for two years by Judge Gear yesterday on the charge of D1 I IllHI Ul I, l-V"l .Tllll. UU I'll VtUI'ill. ..' " ...w.t, .... larceny of Jewelry from tho home of 85- ind " ... tatlo, ll.,n.ilulu. tcastle) ..............- pC.intiililu lltu I Vti'ir Isaac Cockett. The couit said that the w cicvauon, nignest vj, w, mean -- ":..; " defendant had threatened to murder. 77-9- .... ' kauai. 300 350 15 oOO ...1150 ...1360 him at the expiration of the term, Kwu '"' niean new point, in.y. mean j.intie turovo 2u stated reiniive fiuiiuuiiy, u.u, iuuiiiu, i'- i. i,iuiir liiiuiiihu.i ouv Pnrtil U. JlOlltl, mean UCW pOUll, e 1 0.111 l jxunuuil JUV'J clary. Itevelra ndmltted however that'tcn very marked but not iih blight as w. i.nvvni 200 ho had burglarked Cockett's home, nnd . ' PfJpUB month i ' ' ' Too Late for Last Itepoit was Informed by tho court that for cess of 129,000. Tho department at' that crlmo the punishment could be Washington decided to accept this of-: life Imprisonment, though for laiceny fer conditionally on tho vessel proving he could bo sent to prison only for two yenrs. "Do vvhntovnr suits you," wns thu prlsnnei's icsponBo through tho Spanish Interpreter Judge Gear then stilted that ho would sentence tho defundnnt to th limit of im examining linurd to look over tho two years, nnd ns Itevelra began to u nw It nmv titrna Diit Hint tlinlr Inlmnrotetl IHH rmnniki nu "Ho I relative humidity, 80. fc Co., Ltd, will not be purchased by tlons Heavy surf, 1st to 4th: 15th, Die IT S. N'nvnl authorities. Itevoirn enteied a nlon of irulltv to' Hnrthqunke, Pepeekeo, Hllo, reports Some tlmo ago Admiral Meny had! larceny, which Deputy ,Bth 1!,5 Pj "j nnin talk with tho llrm onneernlncr tho' oral Ciiihcnrt stated was the charrco Hawaii, 16th; I oo Thunder and lightning lightning to north of Kealln 15 20th. Kllauea 325 Jiantuei io 200 Wohlnwa Mt 2100 Mellryde lies 850 I.avnl 450 l! Ijiwnl 800 CUIlTiH j. inuiSH. Wnlamannln . . Terrltoilal Meteorologist. Knllua, Hawaii HAINFAM. FOlt JULY, 1902. Stations. (Fl.) (Inches) Kiev ltnln, Wjllie St. Wnhlawu, Oahu 11.8S 9.03 9.72 4.4S 2.63 1.49 1.22 3.41 3.11 2.42 1 65 1.04 11.97 3.79 16.80 0.23 10.49 I 2 27 'i V.'ll 2.4-1 5.15 4 05 12.613 1.6i 6.1.1 6.56 0.25 0.00 2.02 13.05 10.21 ' - " -- .---.. , ....... T.,-T . . , ...-,, . .. l.l !. -.. . . t . .... WILL INVi MUjAII THAT MAN IS BEHIND TIMEl WA,LU Mftth'ng WIN tw 4" in (tiff 1'MAKIT l !.( half ton t.i IknN n Mtorr rlulwd loan ,,,,, . ...IM mkta ,. ' . . )lm..Bh th nr. i sum of T" thai it . h ! m mm h . .Iu., J , rnlHll..n, rnld Thwwitili , mkin thr hum than mnn.iu. minted Uy the MmklKitit Prime last Irtftnt nt Artnn un. MHlnal r mr. hut In ih hi rartiNa to llwltc Intw tha uftnmi Hall tlttiing lit lecture oti the "Aura " or a of poitHttiri mMiIi aro hIhI of the conrtli. Thf sMnmlitM, In th hkmihI half of lh evo4iillmi Ihf "' "" I" siinwa r,,, ,rf , comutt. termor man- tlVT'i "i1 u,yl"4ri,1u"' insr qimHttfR will take the ptacn of the ,orMl n,p IH4IU mil (l jUlBm,,i nmi u,,. "l i:- . Purln. will nmKe lit rowt stent enea In imin, until lie approaches dog has loni, nnd the imih thinks out wllhttt two wruks. more ncrly to the perfect QvA. The th'' ITolwlttlltli I There was a fairly attended meeting theory la that man Is the son of Ood. , """" n"f xl;nds,l nb nil elghtejn f u. sioekholdeis of the coinmu.y nt . .... . ,. . '"' on tMthir sldp uf htm. If one .. . ,,f, t. ir,,,L n.,n,n i i. the ..(lies of Lns le A. coke, ngents. and In man are all the quality In Clod. WMlM Mtf ,, hum ,, W,( ni,tk( In lime man will become as the (lod. It was r.i.l..n.lmit u.m n.,i.,. n... M,,i UH WH,n n lI,t' "otlnjc formally ... t.ti. ti lu.i nr iitiititur ttiiu i ii linn iiiui .... OTI1HUS. MA ADAMS HERE Paradise has a Large Lxass of Males Over Females. In llnwnll the proHrtlon of birhclorfl lie likened thli evolution to tho acorn fomimred with another, would ""onibled thei wns a stuUmont of the to plntorn Is niuro, than twenty to utf diuiae. dark nnd rloudy. ami thu nffulia of the rurporntton b olll.orn ot one. ltecttit atotlstlrn i(f the (elisu crnulne up to be ns griai iih ii.o nir. oUhp , n , rndlnnt and glorious, the agents It was shown that the.o . ent. He said no one should expect to Thl, ,.rt. U0UlJ b), ma,. JifTl.r,MU was n groat Increase In the salt show- ,,,..... lirullBlll ou, the fact lhu, see perfection dew lop nil at ome, but shades, though It would be seen that 1,1K '" ,,,e wrtUr from Ulp l'"ml,nll'" the VXC0M "f mnlw 'r fcmilen Is grndually. the predomlnntlng hue changlnR !. L.'i, .! ,u Wuli uLlX,ul I'" ''"Be In many of the netuT deslrts and hltJ ,rh(, on,y tlll(J I;cJll, waH"wa. Parts of the United Htate,. The excess the human body , an Interestingly "X'aurn0 luTX, canlicern ."? V' T.UT.y ,TM .'" C,0,I1K' '" "ml08 """ fM,WU" '" lh ' an' nur". l" V "power VulV' "u,. ffn, ,0U,,U h'm '" ,i,Ml "Ul laid Phase of th.K,,ophy. He said that to him the J to tho 1M In gazing at nn object one would nearly read uhoracter by It. The astiat body cause of tne Increase of the salt. One tt,e ".iJG.i.O bachelois of twenty u hole there yeurs always nnd n hazy outlinu nbout It "f tno ',axnfi,, would be seen of n dark wan that the wellw having been In use or oxer, while there nre only 4,19.i,4IC ''wn rolor with a great many strenki for IB y.nrs their had given way folmiIes or Um, ()r ftboV(S tieuiarij If tntr. Is a l.iekciound ot nKL, ,mniar. of Kret.n nm, rou ft)(, tJlM(J tt()lm ,)e ,, the Hall fiom upper strata hod be- a neutral tint and ti good light. The vivid. The darker the color the les re- K'1" to seep Into the wells and tainted r,c"' un l'cist ot .,j.ii,j.u. iiuh un- nura surrounded every physical object fln'il are the emotions, the colors ""' vvnler fiom Tor the ecmat dlstilbutlou Is not entliely con- water, nnd the Doctor is naturally very the day. The High IUU, couU u. seen by tho,e possessing """ J"XiXV. hu wnd .u iim ami or niimrAtua "ncu l" U,C '""- "' ' attorneys and the world In UkaU. a higher development. MnBsnchuSetts. which next to the proud of his catch. As the wnter nt , hcr fncutCH of ,, bul UlL. nura ,)( t( cWaa uoH (fu,r whch V. L;r,ll,cn,ne ,n fo,r Hlmre of U' F,01""1 "l . ""un 'r? ,,e",,,u ot "a- tests will bo made to nsceituln the con- trlct of Columbia has the largest I, . , , , n nml,iv .. ex- j,,,..,,,., nbout rm,i ..,! nh wns not nB thnt depth Is very cold this llsh was "ol t"" " uihuuli nuout in- . and there of wl dSpjcnBuiet was a feeling tur(, bc Bll,K cloRL. to ono llltUl , of tlll, tuBK. , r like ii luinn of Ice when brought to the lelief when court was llnally adjourned animate things as when surrounding other. The nuraa of each enveloii Hie Ii n i...viieil that neeoilnilniin co-s'' ot ru""ues L'r males, has o.OOO surface and after being cut open Dr. Gilbert said that putting his hand Into Its body was like placing It In u snowdrift. The Albatross, Captain Thomas, returned jestcrday fiom a two weeks' cruise to Kuual, Nllhati and Ulrd Island, and her urrlval here nt a few minutes before six o'clock last night probably completes her work In these Tir. .Tiniliiit Is exoected to .!.. rA.i rr t I. n 1Cth nf AllirllRt' and shortly after that time the will return to the coast. Dr Gilbert Is very enthuslabtlc over until today. human beings. There vveie few who otlur. n.ich person unconsciously will were now on for the put pose ot llndlng moie unniat ilea males twenty i ears old In the morning after spending half could discern this aura around human lie annoyed by the presence of the out the teims at which the coniim..y or mole than it has females In the Bamo nn hour In trying to find a case ready beings, vvhlth Is nntuially much liner er. nnd they will often change their could obtnlu water from the Wnimea ,.i,,MaiiCl,tion The nercontairo of excess lor uiiii, uuoge utr iiujuuriiuu cuui i. ....... ... ...juui jfnsiv... nwtj puuef j lie speaKei saui inai it was The water rights have bion until one o'clock and then ngaln there'plane ot nature is real to the senses. because the auius clashed 'and tho u'nK,,, b an', .& "obltison from the Hs.s us the newer state. are approach-was the same trouble In llndlng a case that compiehend It. Today n man us- vilnatl..ns In eai h failed to blend with Kowinmint J he condltioiis attached ud. Kansas has 10S per cent, more or defendant waiting for Justice. Ing his oidlnary sight meietv sees tho th ise In fie opposing nura. Irritation lo a lease as suggesttd by the Ussees aie such that the company could not bachelors than spinsters. Nebraska Iuih Through It all however the ctlmlnal physical woild .Some people me and annoyance steals over one under HLtt.. i,pln. A, th.. Koveuimeiit has mote than twice ns many males. In calendar was almost entirely cieareu uunu unci nitnougn ciidim ure jienectiy bui n tonaiiions. rney nre out or liar- .. i, ..... , i, iim .i,.iiiin. fiom tlio up, and aside from murder cases, nnd distinguishable one fiom the other to inony, like two musical Instalments haP 0f water by the lessees. It fair the defendants Indicted by the grnnd a man who knows them pel feetly, they k yed dlffeiently which bilng nbout lei ms annul he had. It Is probable that Jury, there are few cases still to be aie absolutely ineainpiehenslble to the only discoid. thr government will be naked to Inter- dlsposod of nt tho present term. , other one. Mi. Prime said thnt In a "I hope It will bo possible sjine day," feie HIGH SHHltiri'' UOASTHDs. chemlttry room when the colois of the said he. "that all bcliool teachers will I5 the bulldli g of throe miles of "I'ectrum w ei e thrown upon n wall, be of rlahvoyant natures so that they '"K tom the river theie could v. n,,n. in u. nft,.r At the r.. court 111 tho after- openlllB ,... , ,.. ,. m ,. ,., i...!.. .,. ... linnnr hi water un.m nil the n nntnt un. XMIII I.',.--...,, r. Itn....ll... lw,v mm i itoii ..-.- tiniw.i ..... uuiu .J "UWiif IUU IlllJUl ..t . ". ..... '.... - .... .' ...uun..L ,- .. - ...!. ,ln... ..lln. .l ... 111.111 IB OU II UUII IIUUIVI bill.,. .111,1. VI III.-..' tM'UIll I one of the gieatest varieties known to the f endnn w,, nnally n o to small "emnln until his ease was disposed of. the Hclentllle world. It was a TTrrmTirrrr t4f y motion of Mr. Douthitt sentence llsh about four Inches In length. OnlyiUl"n three speclmetis slmilui to it have ever been secured before. One of these was secured oft the coast ot Florida, another oft the coast of Lower California, and the other oft the const of 1'anama. The diedge brought up thiee new until the November - 4- - 4 4 METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF JULY California the propoitlon Ih tvo nnd one-half to one. In Tum.h twu u one, nnd In .Minnesota nnd Aiknnsns the piopoitlon Is us great. In the the excess Is still inoic marked. Iu Arizona there nre seven hls work nnd dedans that the noon vv line a jinwa an wnr( nn(, njnik th ,H,tll UHlllllK lut.H thoIr ,, ftI1(, ti.1?rolo l)e , psl. nnd such additional lauds ns would en- ,., ,0 011u gpmuiei, nnd In l. n 1 tho sol's to Hlid Island was a very . of I 'P" ; " c'1' befo.e they blended, not moie than two th.n ... assist In the upbuilding of each '"' ft '"loul.'" coat ! nbiu" Vow Is mo.u than two to one thnfhavc been caught before 'S H w a" n leged t e tol en J"".1 thc'" alllt T'lls " Su ""V at,cu'd,nKIIt" l"f ',' "- p, b U a, n'comimny may-be With the growth ot population this ex- the hunnn nurn and other nurus which u Irementa. low he world ,,.', ot d Sla chicken nnd had been In prlron for fir ,e toni,llllcol of ,ho ccsi bids fall to be cut down as it has an crc "n" ,nnn B" """ ' ''" when they can read the auras 1Iumi8 uni, water to the hIx months, unable to secure n hearing furnishing the olde. states and In Kuropc. but mi..B tlda liln Then, were good op- '' comprehend and others with senses of Instead of for man 1 probing I1P ,. A1, f these points will be da- of will l.s lor diedghigi Willie nppeared In the blue uniform u be seen that the.e H. room o nlties dw "" ot nr.ived at the higher stages of lets physicians will be able to loca o? e cussed when Hie icport of the commit- LnMhese , Kron the convict, and the court at llrst ,- fur ,111irovelmilt B l08icct. Of wcreal I awllcd a , d .1, ff 1?M fatho'i h "he dTedBo'dercd him taken avay. with a woid ,f ,cl"? "' ' T , , , , '."-'I" bV ,cla Sl1","",,, tn, ,lH 'J", l V;"Jl,n ", ll,L' Hlw, course. In consldeiing these statistic '' d ' ?" LfJ:1?,Ja. TL nul is'ls.censuie foi the po Ice dep.rtment. but ...' ,..,,illn.1' .?"fc?.l" ,y.. .l 1 ."L0t V" 'f1".."'1 .col,)c .t0.. '." 1 1" '.'"J?. ..: . ".. .., . 'l ?". . from ll.e sociological ntnndpoint. sight iiiu uc kiu ninny iiuiiin' I Knunl lust evening, to nn "1,ou,n ,lul ,,c OBl ll,11t' ,'cl ,lhal " '.. ,. . . . . in. 11 ute conslueied eligible fot mar thm of the pliditutlon. - . . . . . , .. . changes In the running of their riage some yeuis caillei than men, and tlm ulinvi Inrr iih til tlinli tillmliuiH Oo. ChHiisea miKUl from this point of view be lu ll Is said that the Inter-Island Steam- ci eased by the Inclusion of many undei ship Company will shortly Inaugurate lw,L'',,y"?nc' 1" J WO there w ei e 30,0.VJ,:i2 males and 37,241, 145 females, or lespectlvely 01 '. steumeis. These Include the laying up nnd 18.8 per cent, icported by tho Cen- of the steamer V.uuna for repairs, sus Dep'Utinent In this countiy. The The steamer W. G. Hull will probably Civil war cut down the excess ot mules take her plnre on the iuii to Kon.t, consldeiubly, but the proportion of Knu and Maul ports nnd the steamer males In 1900 nnd 1S90 vvus as large us Mikuhnla, which Is now undei going Is to be put on the Hull's run to Kauai ports. Clins. Gay, J. K. Kailey, John and W. J. Lucas of Kauai were tin Hals ytsteiday at the Hawaiian hotel. 1'u:adi:d guiii'v to savi: It was la 1SC0. The exetbs of females In this country Is eonllned to the Atlantic coast states. AMERICAN SUGAR PAYING DEBTS At a well nttended meeting of th In the ense of Floreno Mant'cl, Kalno Aineilenn Sugar Company, held In tli M.'ittln and Manuel Moral charged with ..m.. ..r a u ti. n .......... ,i.. ,i... ij..j nssault tiiion u Jap, Manuel pleaded , .,,,.,. CIO "hi, J " rL'I,ortH "f " olIlt'ela " r0!"1 , Mm ih r i ubo are legod t,. hav Imlted the assault, en- d the new list of olllclals for the entered pleas of not guilty. Moral siid sulm; year chosen, he hnil stabbed the Jap In self-defense. I The repot t of the treasurer shown! 'the litter having kicked him out of that on Jnnuiiiy Iht, 1901, the "" his store. The court thereupon nntereu t(jIIPHb 0f t. "" a plea ot not guilty to ue enceiou nnn .; (In di fendnnl tiled Moiul T: 'L. ejl tlie st ileinents of his co-defendants ";flS thnt they wen-not with him at the time p.ivment on account, leaving the "f the commission of the cilme. When dchtedness of the company )S7 114. The 2.V) the thiee defendants were Hist called company has fenced off it foicst 3.19 1 32 1 81 0.01 2.87 1 7ii to the bir Mr. Cathcait discovered satlon extendmi; ovei 8975 ncies, from that the foreman of the grand Juiy which all stock Is excluded, hud failed to sign the A, ,,.,, U))W lh(. ,B,.H of the new nil ctincnt was nf'erwards pnAn ,,,,,, , , """l-any 5000 head or cattle nnd 21.5C0 od to which Attorney Knulukou object- ed. the dnte of the signature aim of 'i"l "t sheep. All of these aro doing the finding of the indictment not well and the nineties ure In thu best of 2.99 responding. Judge Gear ovenuled the condition. Negotiations are pending for 0.81 objection. In admitting his guilt hald that he iccelved the Jewelry alleged to have been stolen from another man, and hnd sold It, returning the money to him. The case of George Funis, charged with minder, was set for a week from Monday, to be taken up sooner If It can be readied. Argument on motion for u new tilnl In the case of William Schneider, tenced to six months' Imprisonment on 10.95 a charge of assault was postponed for I 2.38 2 29 COS 1.14 4.85 6.55 0.25 12. 8". 4.T 4.96 3.49 1.(1 7,15 f.,78 1.S7 3.07 ono week. port showpd thnt It would require nn said Un wuld murder the Ju'ijo when ivaopn wneu omieu mm inv m av ii.njmiii naneo pienuixi nm guuiy n ixpcii'lltuio of nendy flp.000 by thai ho guts out." Judge Clear In mmevvhat fondant had S0I whpn arrest!, but. to tin clwme of assault iimui lleiky ir llrm of ITackfuld & Co., bofnro the of a Hpanlili noholnr, ,ad spent ono dollar for hack hlr wndi M0UK"l.a""!g. "V1 vvu" ,i',i'1 "I"'" "' s ny r uld bo placed In a condition '"rl" 'Wendnnl l untuned with what . L , 1" ' ' ' ""'' , ai,tt,. ...,,, ,., , ' t wli1 Ii voiild (tuaiontee her aooeptanco lie got," was the way Interpreter Mo. " . The " , , aboui I "' '" IB "l,i'v'"1 "t iwiuwt of ,.,. h ii ,- (t pirtmoni. Tile bond of Tarn Wnn, charged with Illegal liquor selling, wns forfeited, tho il.ifnmlfi nt nut lirllicr In nnitt t u'lioti Ills company wns till 4li Dm Ing the year passed the prollts. amounting to $57,378, were applied to tlie leasing of home of the hinds of the OTIIHIl ritlMINAI. CASHS. (ompany for the cultivation of lice, but In the case of Ah Cheong, Judge Gc"r these have not progressed milllciontly lefused to accept a plea ot guilty to to predict the outcome. Thp following otllclalH wore electeti roe charge 01 larceny The defendant ,,..,,,, .. ,, w...i.,,,.,,u... ri, ,, nr. . imd ;,"- .""": : . ;.,.'. ri: .'..... ,. llieill, ciuiiriie A, J. A. Mott-Smith; Treasuier, A. W. Cutter. Auditor, W, II, Ilalnl, Directors, A V. Judd and James Wukelleld, TAKE RIGHT STEP. Every ordinary cold is deserving of serious attention. A. btcp in one direction name was called A bench uatmnt Carries the SyhtCUl from ail Issued for his nrrest. , , . . . Hall was forfeited nlso In the ense dinar)' COld Oil UltO grippe, of Kin and sixteen others charged i.noiiinnniT rntmiinintinn Ol pneumonia, COnblimjUIOIl. with gambling. Uench warrants were issued for the urrest of the defendants. 4 step in ailOtllCl difiCtioil Tho cuse of Frank Iilnekburn, tho , ' . v. hackmnn who run over Col. llnwes, a CaiTlCS the System back IIUO few weekH ago, wns postppned for a i i,iit, week, ns the prosocutlnB witness has i,t)ocl nut yet recovered from his Injuiles. , XT , , ... , couiit noths. Nnture and Scott s Emul- W. H. riemlng, us rommlwloncr in .ion WOlk hand 111 liailU HI their ilt i, ni..... ..a ....I .11.. .. .. t, ,.!.. . T.... I , . ii wiitrniiB uni ii- uie ease in rsipiim tiuuier ivanaieniiiio .. . quisled to foiwnril their iH Manuel Sllvelin Perelru mid S Ko- t UOI't tO make VOlll SyStClU '" iiniiiii'iij in me ... ..i, uu.. bioashl, iiuiile a lepoit to Judge . i ,i t.;,rK, cln Mnitiroio t icport and contlniiiiusly. j.ewl(,nliy. Tm WI1H lhp ,.,, MI.C UlC llglU Step. iNatlirC IS JUe"k.o . : :::::::::::::: w :? T,riit."iii.tinM?K,iHt. vtt aH r..un.i to hn 4 olkinj, aii the time. Scott's - , , I 1 IT. ...... . ....i , ,.,. ,..TU, Win II Poiisb, and Fleming was up- . .mulsiOn Cant WOrk UIllCSS nun (in Lit iiid itiiiiritiit irv iviki iiw iij jiin iuw. i . n.. . .. t it !lltll III liX IIIO fill II VH1I1P. '11 III! i at $1,331) 5S, belilK the inteiest on niiiiiunt she should have iccelved ilowtr. Thin nmouiit In oHiseil mst the dufuiirtuiit Manuel Ullvelru '. .!. r..i t i )'i iaiie it. acou s u. so ' i n makes nature work hard- than ever. Icullv Internreted tho rmatlta of Ilfl..we In cimttdy. remalilOr, (uun.el In tint follow lug caw, WIN Judift ibiiI by dttfiiiilt wtu entered bv If .,.. 1 , ..!.. - 1,1 ,., ki i inl Mirrv ont this rennrt on to'vulrn. "hut nays thiie ara nlontv mora.fnir dullais. would be returned to lilm , HeU. hmniiiII Hllll knife; It. Judie Uolilnmm vesHtnlny In the eusK J ") ' u w i i tt.HiinMun Willi it reooinmeiulntlnii around the city that Imven't btn mn, v. hon he wa Uken to jirliwii, Thel'''1 inallclmw Injury, iiheony Kw.H, r j m MtUhMney v. WalHIkl Land i.jsh to ensure a favorable lh C"iv h not (iiirohnseil iinleen Uhed," (defendant ilunM hvHlf dittwil a nmnili with Hbimii) Anton pony ,, ,,.mm Anwnlullmi and Oi'". 11 , c , ., . . thr, u he. Ilnir examlnprs' rocniiiiiiendii.l Iluvelra than made a lornr rumbling whllo ho wan In i mt uly. and Jlldui '''I' thn with f rrled out. and ni the 1'iriil ntiinint about tHiloun uimu nf money n"r orii'fd K'.'in 'o pay hlin thr P. in firm l iiii'UUInif to nn, t)ima p i lira thnt hml lin inlun nwny fr .. him n"iint 'lunnl, I 4 .p-l t,d tli ''' the win ti tlia Bv rniiient In off ; i pdi u ifriHra, roniralli tinfr him'idirfirrnre to the h vunnafit. ,' "I ll A PHhtf, liliil WHHuill Us nvsuult u! w ' n ii II i !-. i Inilp Hi, i its v, n i i)n fin laitH ti fillum to answer, 1 Hpiwii n Ki'"r'II'il f'f Mir'1' i p it. r, iii't.. yisii'idi !iow u b. linn, on imid i r ji r, ii 3 'iiiei iiwu ueiui a iJiiiiuaivJii. rend far l'uc bam pic ' e f. now .sit, ciicmUw, w ivaii si., n, r