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V i-v 1 '&, 1-. DEMOCRATS it.. lnK lion ' MAIM XOMIN'men. t ' tirlrgMe Wllrox and BMttttnr ' I I'kntanl m n th street yMHUf. w nftr thrtr irom MMl wMt they held a writ off meetlnim ami IMHI eel I lie candidal who will H trMMt f clriiloii ti th ttlnUtiirp. Oetsfat that he was perfectly felt with condition and that hit mcetlnr vera entirely t Ills liking. At the convention at Wnlluku on Saturday the following- were nominated for the legislature: ! For Fenutor William White. ' For Representatives F. W. lleckley. l L. Kookoo, Solomon Kawnlhon, Wnllchun, J. K. Hlhln. i ATTACKS IAUKEA. J The current ls?ue of Home Hulo, the Wilcox organ, thus opens up on Col. Inukca: ! The llttlo snake of Wnlnlua talks with a wish-bone In his mouth. He says ho takes Issue and resents tho statement that tho electorate (mennlng' thereby the Hawaiian voter) Is 'lire-' sponsible'; he says, I know you will point to the utter Incompetence and failure of our Delegnte to properly maintain the high position of his olllce. On this score I have no defence to offer. With heads bowed In shame, 1 admit you surely can expect such a language from this little snake, as he Is nothing but a white-washed Hawaiian; he cares not for this country uml people. "He Is one of those animals that has a rope tied to his nostrils and Is led here nnd there to suit the Held. He Is one of those that will give up his birthright for the sake of a few beans. If I am not mistaken, he has alieady done BO. "Now all this talk about tho Delegate's Incompetency Is all 'bosh.' Delegate Wilcox has done a great deal for this country nnd people, nnd has done a great deal now. What has this little Hawaiian done for his country nnd people, can any one tell? He bolted away from the ones who showed him up to the world and who educated him and who put him In high positions; he loves nothing but the Almighty Dollars, this ungrateful being. He never thanked the ones who put him In high position nnd gnve him a nnme as he was not known In days gone by but as a retainer for some of the Chlcfess now living, but the King fancied him In hfs younger days and took him up and made something of him, but after the King's death he thought he was a little god, and ran off where he Is now, n white-washed Hawaiian. No Hawaiian cares for him; no Hawaiian talks good of him, as he Is a snake to his countrymen. "Delegate Wilcox got the franchise for his people. Was It this little fenake of Wnlalua? Delegate Wilcox got five Senators elected for the Home Rulers. Was It this little white-washed Hawaiian of Walalua? "Delegate Wilcox got tho commissioners to come down to the TcjrUory of Hawaii to Investigate every thing In the Territory, Was It this little snake of Wnlalua? "Delegate Wilcox was the first one 4 who wanted the' municipal nnd county governments In the Territory. Was it this little Hawaiian snake of "He better keep perfectly cool, as he Is nothing but a traitor to his country and people. This little Hawaiian had better look Into the Congressional records of Washington, D. C, and put his eye-balls on the pages Vnd look for Delegate Wilcox's name and find out what he has done 'iUMMMtMlHMMliMtMtHtMMI.ltHHMMllMMtMtM.'MUlltMMtHluHl PICTORIAL HISTORY OF I HE WEEK STAND FUST t , &m$kL W"$ TO CO KIICI t . (Continued ffmti Vac 1 1 IV(h I 'Inn A Ah trMMt rviiii itimi for notnl for his people and country, and not talk through his hat. Ho has an Idea that the Capitol Is a small place and that It will take but a day to get acquainted with all the members of both Houses. It takes a long time to get Introduced to the members, as they nre so many and thoy are always busy. ",I presume he Is so ashamed of the Delegate's Inocmpeiency because he fought for his country nnd his rights, nnd for justice, nnd nlso he fought to restore his Queen on the throne. Oh! what n shame! "I could Imagine seeing him hanging his head with shame on account of the Delegate's Incompetency "Delegate Flynn has told several people here during his stay that Dole-gate Wilcox has been a faithful man to his country nnd people, and has done all he could at Congress, nnd even on his sick bed, and that he thinks that the Delegate has not been treated right by the people here." ' WILCOX'S MAUI SPEECH. "I went to the United States Con Kress, as has been explained by my secretary, as your Delegate. It was the only one of the 355 members of that august body thnt came beyond the seas. This bouy represents eignty millions of people, so you can see the most exalted position In which your Delegate was placed and the great honors conferred upon him. When I wns thus honored you were also honored. "My enemies have been raising the cry that Wilcox Is a failure and they are and have been trying In every possible way to Injure me. They do this because they are Jealous of mo and the most envious position that I hold through you. They hate not only Wil cox but they also hate you, for to hate Wilcox Is to hate you. They sent delegates of their own to Congress to hinder, obstruct and In every possible w'ay to lnjuro me, but the results have i been In every Instance they came home as failures, weeping before your Delegate. They think so much of themselves that they place us a little I nbove cattle, What do we want money for? T)ld not the United States give us eighty millions of dollars during the twenty years of the Reciprocity Trenty? And what were the natural effects of that treaty? Why the country was so prosperous that the poor Hawailans mortgaged and sold their lands nnd were pushed to the wall and are now rendered homeless. Plantation people were enriched and you were Im-i poverlshed. t t fw 4xJ m' m,J ffl 1 W& CH ' - . - t ' ? "The same people were connected In tho overthrow of the constitution In 1&S7 nnd likewise in the overthrow tit the monarchy In ISM. These Hepubllcans are lespnnalule for It They nre Itepubllcans, they are snakes. They are our enemies. Do not be by then. Theie's really no Ite-( publican party here. In tl'10 United States the Hepubllcans n id Democrats are Home Itulers. Hume Itula In the political sense means 11 government ofi the country by tho people. Hawaii wnnts the county government and we want to elect our own olllclals, nnd not be governed by thnt goat of a. Dole who hntes us Hawalians. "I want to carry out the Intent of the United Stutes laws. These people want to eat pie and wnnt us only to look on.' The United Stntes does not favor thnt. They want you to shnre the benefits and spoils In your own land and not allow only carpet baggers to enjoy that. "Wc must stnnd together until we rule Hawaii. These snakes are now rich; but rich nnd poor are alike In the United States. You are nil Americans now nnd you should glory as such. "Theie are two classes of missionaries. First, those who do not favor American laws hejV, nnd, secondly, the carpet baggers. The latter are like plovers who come from their stamping grounds In duo season, get fnt on worms and then return to thp places from, whence they came. They are all annexationists those Hepubllcans nnd Democrats. They can empty headed. They do not know tho procedure in Congress, AVllcox knows that, for ho there. Wilcox knows everything. through my efforts. Any , th Tn1! NiCtna K,,nl .,,, . .. IU,. , I curtuling the franchise. They want a "-' " iv miuo uiuiuum, inu Hawaiian that they can pull by the Wrns ninning f r the Imx. nose. When Wilcox was In his sick At that time the lift) W1I8 nun your tnro take to mm ror a cure. Tney L! Hotel htrout oci U)ILU hato Wilcox because he was . 1 "e me, im iiy uji iii Juuiii . ., , ....... ,. , - 111; iti'. iiitj iu i..r n,in i.. i,i i nQ Information In line given everything kea htrtct on the muka Bl0ej but with the development of the cable Is was confined to the one block on the and the '""J"1' ' progressing favorably, con- , , t. ..ta .,.- .i rush the work, the contract and will along, expecting that he will complete SA.THiAiCj IS VERy on nn olllcei's uniform. A monkey will "" """ buiuu jiiu iim '" u... ., ... j.n. .,h ".. i " always be a monkey All the Honolulu the Oriental .opulatiomwus t,rror I ? tfZafutZ papers hate Wilcox because they can- stricken and IS now encamped in lugs 1 not down Wilcox. Thoy are like crabs, , i, ,i;, 1..4 . 1 ., liiii 1111 1 11.1 in, vi i.iii . 1111.N. iitiiint ri n vni oinn nr iiiuni Of riiiif 1 1111 n..nn -.. "--..-. ... . v t w n7 llHinui rrtitu rt. iLViflvVk Vliu "They are favoring a Hawaiian can- (liC0Vfied dldate for Delegate who would favor Whv I J"-0 't alarm, which y the block corner of Hlver was tho prop-, ' "l. way btruek oil lie .iw . . , erty of James Armstrong, which, in been ll has linlior, vas cJunctIlJll wlth Ullll of Charles Merging. I run J in lt rf u clock. Ihe hrd Wiih rllleld. occupied the cntlte front to I) the l)i)iico un lilt l"lllto utreel. There was one frame l-y nl mental In sending this man here. (Untune provision "Wilcox wants government lands Tho "ames ran up the rear when leases expire to be divided among with such nstomsnlng rapidity thot the building on tho latter street, which wiih distroyed. All the buildings burned were two-story frame sliuctures. The lire finally was controlled, niter bed, nevertheless all his foes were nnlv nn tlm rnr mil., ,,r il, sweeping everything- In tho block. because Wilcox beat them bounded by Hotel, ltlver. Pauahl and quivering Hilton kii,' Khieri . ,1, all. , block, OCCupieH Mnunnken streets, except the Walklkl "There Is an entomologist here sent C irner .( Hotel aid River corner building, the fire stopping at the from the United States. He got hero Tho point of ltt) fitartilli: Jm located "xcavatlon for the Mutch building. The iiiiniita in .1 1 .1 1 . ,JI" uiuck on ine niaitui siue uiune wun .blights u, tl,H ,e)r room 0f tuo gnrond htOfrt .buined. Thoiihandu of Chinamen and Japanese crowded about the burning block ttul fieveial mud rushes were made In attempts to get Into the burning build ings nnd get out property. There were Hawalians, 40-acre lots with pasture people first on tlu ground imm find no many fiom the adjacent neighborhood enough to keep a dairy. A hen I was otner comment than that it Reamed sick for three months they gloried In ,,uite beyond anything ever before that, for they surely thought I known. A-i quickly the llanles were who t'lowiled about half dressed, al though they weie only onlookers. Ad jacent streets were filled at a late hour die, but Wilcox is not ready to die, and seen bursting through the front nf tho t,,IH nM'rnlnB with piles of goods Willi he fought ugalnst death. I fought nt stoic, and nlmost before th depart- ,nnny Japannit Chinese sleeping oil throne.' Leahl (Diamond Head) to restore your . njent had responded the block hm, TMkUoC the fire attract- THE CABLE PLANS. The wind was blowing from the north "V", "u" ,, ''u""lu' '";,,1 r i ,,. nnd us soon us the flro showed at the '"' "V 1l'nc!l,"Jvl "1 I'aclllc 'front It caught on the mnkal side of Heights tailing iilurm for Chinatown us Dickinson of the Mackay Lino Will down to Kekaulike street and a line Return un the Korea. nf linat tint to in f i- Yii itin llli'irC'SS. tv twiuje. 1 itu ntJeciuiuin Jllieu mv streets nbout In all kinds of diess and Viinrn nf lh flntnnu wnJ u ...wii.1 . TllO Ullimi (18 IliaiJO KHLTUl VCTV S. S. Dickenson, who has charge of tor the slV'lti SSVnK $&'&SS&$2 e Interests here of the Commercial "i0. a u l 'some of the hoso tho Kvwnd personally directing the Cable Company, writes to had to he left while the machine wan,w?,r,lc' . . .. ... The trolley w res of tho Hap d Tran- , , . , , , In run nacK. fr ends here thnt he will not return .,nmlmr,'i., eiirlv H,t t""i'an in iioui tr,.ei were cany , . ,.,,.. There was no hope of saving the Hwa .11 the Sierra as contemplated, but will j,0l. ot Hotel street nnd Chief l,u''ned down, but no dnnger resulted to remain In San Francisco and make the Thurston devoted his nttentlon to "l"01"0" "H the current had been trip in ine Korea. According 10 ine Jacent buildings on Kekaulike and Mauna- Ho- wl103 V'"'1"'" "".1 '. street, hut weie ,,-,, i ,,, f ,,.111,.,,,, .!....... While the loss can only be estimated In tho opinion of those ut the lire the destruction of buildings will amount struction will be rushed nlong. He had mn. iino 'rt.nt nil unnn.i ,..1.1,1 to J.'.O.OOO, nnd the losses on stocks will . ... .- ., , 1 .. t. . ... . . . .n,l.l "DIUV1 ,, llm, u,,m not ut wio lime 01 ine leaving ui 111c ineir nveH spemn linnnsHinie. nut in tnei'""4 -i om,. Coptic completed his contriets, but ex- confusion thiru In no chance to verify pected to have them In readiness Boon, rumors. Men and women saved what Construction work upon the cable they could nnd camped on sidewalks house on the property recently and In vacant lots. Fully C00 Orientals chased at Sans Soucl will commence are humi less, and five times that Kr llel n terror, dragging everything soon as the permit for the building has been received. Fred Harrison has ' ,a Pot to a sewlnjr machine 'after them. The Winston block in which the lire -- Transport Seward Coming. TACO.MA, August 4. The United States army transport Seward was given her final Inspection Saturday at Seattle by Major O, S. Ilingham, of the quartermaster's department, and is expected to arrive here Wednesdny to prepare for u started nnd which Is a total loss, cost. vo one to Manila, via Honolulu. Tim Hi- the building within four or five weeks, nnd was insured for more' than I ward has heretofore been In the Alaska ufter work Is begun. 'J12.000. Mr. Winston was one of the tram-port service. flR. SMITH OF Hll.0 IS 'HERE OM BU6INB ; 44.4 4. 444.4.444..44f 4 4 44... 4 444 4 f 4.4 f 4 4.4 T4 f. 4 . 44444.4.44 444 . 4-4 4444 4 4 1 I AGAIN IN i Starts in Destroys change their Identity any more tnan wliloli ;u,000, ,,,, a monkey can be n general by putting , may niunTcp Oaf V I 1 B I I IL I U Winston Building and Nearly Six Blocks ji. of Frame Structures. (From Mondfts dally.) iirst 011 the ground, nnd he snld that w:. winch hroko , .. 1 RlVr "'e spread with nlaimliig rapidity. IP-, out t ir. kmw that nome of his tenanlH were ami IIolol streets, at ! o'clock this Insured, but he had asked ItiHiit 111 irninu, di'etroyid rmirly m ",a'" l,J Uc'? n"a Tllls idock extendeii ,.. 1,1 ,., f 1 .... i- . . - 111 ine way iiiouk tin- bl,ck.H of "Ui'di'iKS, a lot-o, Kwn ))lock of noU1 Mt,.cel un(I Ulls ell. J litre tin- block on Hlver to I'nunhi. 4 4 - 4- 4-4- X 4- II 4 OUTLAW 1KACY COMMITS SUICIDE .Sl'OKA.N'H, Wu-'i., Aug. C For two (layn Tratey ttrrorUed the occupant.' of the ICddy ranch, out In the Lake Cieek country, tluee miles from the little siding of Fellows on the Cential Washington rnllioud. Ttitu live determined citizens of Cri'Hton, hearing of his presence there, took their lilies and revolvers and vwnt after him. They knew their business and did It without flinching. When Tracey they hung upon IiIh flank as the deer-hound hangs to the hunted deer. Sighting the liifii and securing his rille, Ttucey sought cover behind 11 hay stack, escaping ticvcrul rille bullets. The poHse then found cover behind u dctci initiation of the man. After re order to reach 11 spot that would com mand the posse and enable him to pour a 1 ue it'll eii.s rille tire upon them. Hut let thiough his brain JSy this time dUHk had fallen and the nosse. unaware of the seriousness of his ambush, posted themselves to prevent his escape and patiently waited for the dawn. During the night others came on the scene nnd Joined In the cordon. At daylight they found the outlaw's deud body, THE OHKS3 TOUHNAtNT. Wolf Losos the Prlzi to the Fan Expert, Jatiowatei, HANOVHlt, August D. Ily beating Wolf In the morning sitting of the Chess Masters' touinamcnt, the Tails expert, Janow.ikl, mailn sure of first prize, having naclird u total number of 12Ht poluts, which none of his competitors fur first lionom can uacli. After the game hu ricilvod many rioiu the spiclators und pluyers alike, Ilouml C of the Jlcrger schedule the pairing for today, when the regular round was played, the nun facing (ch other as follows: vs. Swldirskl, Cnhn vs. I'oplel, Ootlbcliull vs. Tschlgorln vs. I'lllsbury vs. Marshall, Jnowskl vs. Wolf, llaidtlihm vs. Uunsbrrg, Nnpler vs. Atkins nnd Mason vs. Buechtlng. 1 Wlille Jnnowskl was biatlng Wolf In the morning sitting, Tschlgorln uiaile V Ml ' I . I t .1 te-.H :MM . 1fft4 'i n ' U'll M ll I i K. M, Itto, , x ; .i ii ' S4 h i ti ' I i l f ,. i hi 1 i, i i I i f I t 11 H . 11(11 I ! '1 ' ten 1 t'ty t , ,. i ' l hi. 111. i. " Ii - ' 'i I I i I ' ir t 1. i i ii H I In i'ii i nil Hi. mi, , "Undi i i i In uitKimi, . with ttn timimtrndl ted t Ue lllirtt Hit HIT as tn tli nance unrt, r u hi i t' d- r hw allewd d.uiKhicr lithe nlirht nf Aujruvt 7. ll". that an ui tn t!i r I tlon of the l.m: J .St., i. -: lempled. and the c Itlrh ll tn ti e duty nt th. ' i . r In prevent. ' I n m I'imiictd. nTic i "III. Til I!. 11 l,f all till' ' ! "iiUfiuaiit uf Ljiu 1 l,uy, n-i v.iM rh thiwe .f i In r.i ir, i. Imlng to Uttr li nf Lum 1'onR. are ho hit 'i b aa to be unworthy m hi "Having- failed to that ahe Ir the wife of I in -la th Jndirnnl of i i Sui-. alia All Vuk. la unl . . In th- United Stati and IJ -4, ii m i il r at - r, tH ,lha aina 'till lrf tl it i a u wttc ' IIPR I tit IU iftrt py f . UDl ! not S on I I Heir ..i i at-.i- -n f i i aa -is i jui at Uc JOrt it Ak t of Haw all, and she Is hi r. l. rrmamliii to th custody of the I'nlt 1 Bl.itrt Marshal with dlreetl.uiH to d i ort hrr to the country from wIipiji ut curnr, "The order of deport - will to duly prepaied wlllinut d lay' MAY GET THE KMALO PUMP The Knnsns City wateruoiks may purchase the capacity pet- diem pump which was -di red for tlie Kitmnlo Sugar Company-on Maul, but which was never idilppeiL Tlie following Item from the Kiiium CHy Journal of August i. tells of IK iinpeudliig sale to the Missouri city: "William Coodwln, suerlntenilent af the waterworks, has returned from 'm junket. He bus not been hack loar enough to collect his thoughts, hut laat night he win of the opinion that the city could not do much better than to by the hand-me-down engine which be went to New York and 1 Sim ton and to see. The engine Is In ooht rnn, storuge in rmw lont, out u won no aa going east without doing the gran rounds properly, so Huston and Haiti-more were Included. " '1 saw the engine they offered , hiiM the engineer. 'It will iiumn 000 gallons a day, en 11 he put up In four mouths, nnd will cost about $7,1,000. The huge rock and for a while It looked like!''"1"'" c0'"m,:n,Ji,, 'll"'"'I '" 11 siege. Then Tracey broke fur n huge bowlder lyjug on the edgo of a smull wheat Held, and this ilntih was his for Juut as he came to the rock he fell forward, a 1 lite bullet having Ills log. He pluntcd Into the wheat mid his bloody tial theie shows the s.ivagu capacity of 12,000,000 gallons u. day, ar of ID.000,000 n day, to cost from iurj,tm to JIDO.OOO, either of which would require eighteen months to build. We could get the same capacity pumps tar much less money, but they would Mk Ktnnd the requisite ,"prWure of lift pounds. We have to raise water ben l.r,0 feet to get to the tops 'of oa Kcwnrrltt s point, HI. l.ouls has an celvlng tho wound lie crawled seventy- k'uo there for less money than Uw live arils on his lmr,d nnd knees la ' tjngine, counting giuion lor gallon, but It has a pressuie of only JM pounds, nnd so Is of no use to us. "Evidently ICauhiis City Is not the fktllir ftldtf li'linrn til 1 1 11 tl 1 mwa (i (innitntl once only was he able to Ire from his le(, Afu,r ft Hymllculu , Honolulu b vnntnge point. Then, weakened by loss BnulIt tw,.Ve ,, u,u i,Uylnc of blood, he tried to staunch his wound; J ,, nlattlug them for farming at4 laiieu, ami wun 111s revolver sent u nrlgatlon and running ditches, and nit er It hud ordered un $30,000 pumplnr engine and paid 120,000 cash, It discov ered that the wuter they proposed U- wound und fearing that his silence was.l'ump was salt, and conseuuently to lure them Into a deadly1 lulL,Iy worthless. The whole scheme wns knocked on the head and that ex plains why there Is a 10,000,000 gnllot pumping engine being peddled over Ihr country," Elke on the Move. DKNVHH, Colo., August 3.-" "I'orwurd." These three expriBsivo words tunc hu 11 seleil upon as the shibboleths of IU i:iks, who ure iitertalulng thcii' bruthei s from all parts of the countijr us they Journey across the continent In the iu etlng of the drum! Lodge hi .Kali I.nke. Tliu rush begun this morning aivll during the tiny delegations from Huston, Connecticut, Kentucky, Buffalo, Kansas, Mississippi, Illinois an New Mexico were entertained at Ti tuple. At noon Hunduy tho Denver Hlks, S00 strong, will leave for &K Lake. They will bo accompanied by z. baud of thirty-two pieces and 11 drill team of members, . Peter 8prockls FuiU. IIUUI.IX, August a kinsman of tho Sun rranclsco HprcckcJ. lainlly, Is the principal owner of tbe private banking-house uf Kdouard Ilorklm which cloHid Its doors on Friday wltk aneets nominally 10,000,000 murks (:',U,- Bmatiur, "?. and liabilities of 3.(009 marks (7.- Hhoit work of the Dutch UI- 00). land; I'lllsbury vvorstid Muishall and llardclibcn and niinsbcrc drew, the rtst of the ganus being adjourned In even positions. I'lllsbury Is nixt to the badrr wifi eleven points and Atkins with it n points. Btauds third FhII Thr Hundr d K t NKW YOHK. AllgllHt JK fict duwn tliu sheer slij'e of a cliff In Knglcwood, llobert Hcott, 13 yrura of age, reached the bottom with no greater injuries than bruiius, When hu regained his srnscs, howevert he was so weak that his cries for help did not reach far beyond the lonely spot In which he had fallen. Scott Iny in the bushes at the bottom of the cliff for nearly two days, being discovered filially by boys. They summoned aid and Hcott was carried home. Two. doctors wrre called. They found not a bone broken and express the be lief mat the boy will recover. Kpr ckels, beforo and since the failure. to his relatives for help. Il appears thai tho American family ktpt a considerable deposit Jfc Diimlrn, which l'eter Hprcckeis now rsks to havu used for the benefit uf hit end! tors. Embassador White Resigns. HICHLIN, August 8. Embassador Andrew D, White mailed his resignation. t the ITnltid States severul days ago. It to to take effect early hi November. Mr. White's resignation may now be In ttw hands of President Tho dale .set by the Embassador tor his resignation to take effect wun November 7th, ll Ii now at Hamburg, where ho Is Ukhic tho wateis and where ho probably WIX remain uutll tho end of the month. J ! - . . Tho Custa Itlcan minister at Washington denies the report of recent j canlc activity in his country.