Newspaper Page Text
I m i I lU IS 6, V J NEWS OF CCOCKOQCOCOCCC3QQaOOCrcXC IIWVAIIW HAriTTI' rHIDW KM'IIMIUIU grVr 5 .-" ;". t. i ? ' - HONOLULU HARBOR, SEPTEMBER, 1902. That pictures show as no statistics could do, the revolution made in the carrying trade of Honolulu by the big dispatch to other islands of this group. ,. OOCXXDCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CXXXX0OCOOOCXX3CXXXXXXXXXXXOOC "WJB INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED, Tuesday, Sept. 2. Stinr. Ke Au Hou, from Aliukln), ut S:30 n. m. Wednesday, September 3, Stmr. Kauai, fium Kauai ports, ul C a. m., with 3400 bags Htignr, 30 head tattle. C4 bags taro, four bundles hides, and 88 packages of sundries. Am, sp. S. D. Carlcton, Amesbury, 18 days from Tacunin, at 9 n. in. ,'Cug Feurless, from Kaanapall. Splnv'Jiihn.G., North, In distress, from 'uiiuluu,'utMi3Q , Thursday, Sept. 4. Stmr. Waluleale, from Ahuklnl, at 5:45 a. ,111. Stmr, Lehun, from Molokal ports, at noon. ,, Schr. Jlalolo, from Koolau ports, at .1:30 n. m. . c DnPAllTED. Tuesday, Sept. 2. Stmr. Claudine, for HUo and wuy ports, at C n. tn. Stmr. Maul, for Maul pen Is, ut D p. m, Stmr. Mlkahala, for Kauai ports, nt G p. 111. Slinr. Ke Au JIou, for Kuj .an. Kauai ports, nt 5 p. in. , , Gds. for Molokal, Maul nd Kona. ports, at C p. m. Schr. Mnlolo, for Hanalel nnd wal, nt 5 p. in. Stmr. Lchua, for Molokal ports, nt 5 P. in. T, blmonton, . V. IMUlMevant, Jirs 1J. TV"U anJ "- ,?'VnBch.,.,n and -.1 deck. iTiJvVtWii ' Vcr lc,uml' for Knl,nl I'01"1"' on Tug Feailcss with bChOoner JIonolUIUPp to b 4K K , j, Xllk , jiss sn tow. at 3 p. m.. for Kaannpall. vl K, , u Km1)n ,., Wednesday. September 3. Mi Andrade. W. II. Hire. M. D. S. S. Alameda, Herrlman, at 12:45 p. in., for San Francisco. i c.. .. W..,.n.. n. T ..l.'.li.n irnnnnitnll ""111. ""I"". "' "."l"..". .......!.. and Kukulhuele. at 5 p. in. Stmr. Helene, for Hllo and way porls, st 10 a. in. ' Schr. Kawallanl, for Koolau poits, nt " I 5 p. m. S. S. American, for Kahulul.and New I Yolk, T Thursday, Sept. -J. I I Stmr. Walaleale, nt G p. m., for Ahu- I'ttit nml llnnnimilllll Stmr. Kauai, ut D p. in., for Kauai , jiorts. Stmr. Lehua, nt 5 p. m., for Molokal, Haul and ports. ) PASSKNCEHS. Arrived. Per stmr. Kairal, from Knunl ports. Sept. !'. l.ucas nnu wue. n. ; man. uss ue ia iux, .m. n. ue m Vcrgne. Mrs. W. H. Htce. H. Itlee, It. W. Madden, Mrs. L.' A. De la Nux ami ' two children, T. 11. Itoblnson. Father AdolUert. V. Jvani, .miss v. u. linsue. , Young Kwong, Miss Turner, Miss de SllVa.(IL,Kapea K. llanchett, P liauin, D. Kapahee. Tan Wo. Miss A. Ttnlr mill Kt . ilfinlf .v. .,.... -.--... Departed Per stmr. Claudine. Sept. 2, for Hllo Miss Conn, George M. Robertson, M,lss Haton. Miss Schmidt. A. C."Gehf. Sen ator' "3. M. Thurston and wife. Sister Ephren, Mrs, O'Connor, Mrs. W. A. Clark and daughter, John McTnggart. Capt. E. F. Cameron and wife. Mrs. A. H. nianco, Miss Cnrr, W. II. Blanco, C. Burton, Mr. King, D. I R. Adams. Jared Smith, Albert F. J mid. i Por Mahukona Miss Mary Logan, Mrs. W. H. 1'atton. Mrs. Kltcnt, Miss A. Van Xleerlln. Miss Aklnn. Miss E. Qulnn, Miss E. Knohl, Miss A. I. Forbes, tor lanainu .Mies iiuuiey, r. imuihii, .m. Richardson and friend, ..iion Xllt... i. T .. ,....i. ...... o.,., .. .,....... .x- um, Kn ts nt,xt TlleHljIiy Tne VtfS. press surprise that such a small anchor aol hnM bepn cnl,llcte,y l)VCr,uiea. was capable of withstanding as much ller hu ,, w clDIlncdi caulked, strain as the ves.sel caused during the .;,, , u.a , UerCvU. rfoalred. limit- ...... . ,1 w.... , i Tin. S, S, ' 'v TZv . Wray Tav,nr' Commissioner of Ia Pierre i. A. A.'ouUurCi Jhj llas rt.colve(1 from Profi Koe. McKay, .Mrs. E. L. Aubtln, Jtrs. C. U u.k. t0,,s ot Mexlcan ,,11K.nppje8 whlch 1 erklns. ! tie has planted nt different -locations at Per stmr. MaUl, Sept. ... fnr Atnilllllin . j ports For liana Miss F. .nu?sumn, ii. F. Wchselan and two children, of line quality, and their Toomy. Ong Chee. For Kahulul uy for growing In Hawaii will be Louise Ave, Wong Kong. Miss termlned. The pineapple Is known as Mary Miss Hobc, Miss M. H. HlmomlR, Bister KUiaua, diaries King, itev. !;. u. Sllva. Rev. J. Knllno. Miss Mary Plhl Miss C. Benjamin. Mrs. C. King. Miss 11. Akuna. C. R. Wells, Miss M. E. Alexander, Mrs. C. 11. WeliB and daughter, For Klpahulu Mrs. Hakuoda. For Lahalna P. Paronzlnl. Per stmr. ilelene, on special trip on rw pt 3, to "lie W. F, Whltemore, II. . Guard. H. L. Herbert, George M. jioneriBou, ansa j. vtnuney, iiiss n. Robertson, Miss M. Angus, Miss irerald. For the volcano-R. C. Hartley. J T. Warren. J. McCready M s C. B xton. MIbh L. L. Handos, Miss Perry, Mv' negrUberger, Miss A. F. Roe, Mrs. W. C, Roe, Miss Lindsay, Mies E 1, Hamilton. THE OCEAN AND WATERFRONI ' - AINJ'" NOW. HONOLULU HARBOR. MAY, 1900. (Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. BOvAt lUKiia rowcf a eo.. kcw you. i'er Hiinr. .uiKuiuiiu. iur iiiuui nuntr. on Sept. 2 Francis Gny. H. D. Wlshaid .1. Wlllc.ock. 13. A. Knudsen. Mr. Cox J. H. ii1n.n.k Jumcs A. 'J hompbon, K. H. McClanahan. Prince Cunld. John F. Colburn and wife. E. A. Douthltt and, t -. i..i t..j H-...M .. K. Hart."V. E. Itowell. A. G, M, Hob- ertBon, Mlsi. Emniii Uochert. C. ton. LI Cheung. Mnry Wnrman. Miss Howard, Mrs. C. W. Spitz. Mrs. Ka- newnnul. Miss Stewart. Ix'ong Vim, S. 'rat, Miss Nlnkler. Miss Mossmnn, II. Cannon, Lou I Yip, Young Puon, Chas. - 1" All! . Alitmili . . I a i a , r -,. BcUoonor Burma's LonK Btsy. I The little treasure schooner Hermnn still lies at Hoienson's wharf. She has , ., . . , .., .,.,... i. I..V1I ... i thin port .u. , nearly .. mi onth anu has been ready to sal, for about ten days but no one aboard of hei seems to have any laea as to when s.n Is going. Her passengers spend their time In the chairs on her cosy deck nnd do not seem to have the slightest of troubles, Cap tain Brown's ill-health may be one of ti,.. causes of ii... vessel's detention i Anchors Not Vary Lr.ri;o The starboard anchor of the schooner Jolm G Nortl) ,,,,.,, ,ul(, uch tUH8,0 with a storm at Piiuulu still bangs f0'" Xw & b.m. One part of It " ".- ""i " ." iiw". ,Q. , Bl Wavou Cnught Mrtlalo ! In some of the unusually rough weath er that has prevailed about the Islands during the past week. On Tuesday night, her crew siv, while olt the Koo- Iau const, Uvo j,UKe uaves cutizht her nml "lul "" l""-' bromUlde on the ttrlbute the waves to a marine uuake. - roiin KAIWI At Llhue, Knuol. Aug. 2S, to the wife of Jas. II. K. Kulwl Jr., a r i iCf the bowels. In the most serovo cases of diarrhoea and dyJenterv how. cver, Chninberlaln's Co l Sn m Dla.Vhoea "hou'd lUmedy lm given nft r th nil nr.rn, ... .. "...t.. ."."... M4J 7 KOREA SHOULD BE, HERE THIS WEEK 'Die aRents for.ihe l'aclfle Company onppi t the new mall Hn r Korea to nrrl on Knday or Saturday. It has been considered somewhat uncertain as to whither the unuUl arrive this weok or nut to the tumble with the government becuufru of thaChiuehe dew broUKht to San Francisco for the kKoren on the steamer Gaelic, llul it Is considered here that a cleat deal depended on thol(ll,Ufl K'1 When making the Miul sailing of the steamer on August 30th c0:lst u big blow started up and she" h'Adnlrcadybeon delayed for lowed him until hu got In the leeward four days and If the Schedule was to ot Oahu. The seas weie tremendous be kept up ut all she would lime to ll,ul swept nil over the deep laden Sun Francisco on that-date, and i Amesbury kept the vessel before for this reason overytiiln'g ' lhe Kal nml succeeded lu running It would be done on the Coiftt ta get her!ut. away on time. if ' Purser Frlel of the steumcr Kauai M,r i,t ti,.. l.-.n..,.. ... i. nu n n3, iiorts vestonmv msn rnrmrin nail wpntti. llf imi(in.,M f,.r ,1... .....!- mniL er on the leeward side of thnt Island. ., .... .... .. ... iin .miniin o..,i i...., ..,!.,,. i..i i..... lull hu.i M-Ul uuwi liy Hie .liamuoa, ,.,.... ... ....u.. .. ,,.u lauu umi ,, ,.. , , .,..., ,... j ,.vi.,.l,r...,i ti, ., " '?""""" .-' '" "- :."' .;,..".. .. :.."T'."" '"''". bit list will ue a lrtrge one. , , ,- . , o uui ,,. growing wie cnuiinei The Koreii w l be ninnir!ili xrom Kauai the vessel encountered a..i ... ...u .t'iv,,iiivil milium in llIUillU. .11111 pineapples are very large and said to "plna du neun.1 - NOTHING LIKE OIL. "In dealing with man. remember that a spoonful of oil will go farther than a gallon of vinegar." The same may be said of children. There Is nothing bo It Is not known here who th the Pacific Mall wharf. There lifts been considerable talk as to whether tlie vessel will have anv trouble Ing that wharf as she draws consider- able water and the steumers which make use of that whnrf -it nieent Xuin mid the up to such an extent thah most tourists Imagine that J , p- "f Hteamlnir llfel,t overXfiile of "awan " TuuriGts to Sho Volcano. I 11.1,. ,., ,. Il..l.... ,.t ,. Wilder line leaves at ten o'clock thl lm,rniI1B for Khowni probably have a big passenger list. She takes several people who nie anxious to "ee "'e volcano while It Is In working ,.,. ,,, , , ' , .. . ryo8 ' a! P M r s ,, ',, ... '., ,'i A 7. ;illt"e' . " C- ) ,Il,' h'f :A J'T . L,e"' mine Cross, Mary Lawrence, It. C, Hartley. In addition u number of people ore booked for Hllo who may go on to the volcano. They are: W. F. AMiittemore, II. L. Herbert, Miss ', E. J Hamilton. Miss M. Angus, Miss Fitzgerald, Miss S. Hobertson, and Miss A. Whitney. Kennedy to Oo to Hawaii. The steamer Mauna Loa which has bcf. ull(IelpllnB rr,mrs f(. Kl))nctlme will lesun.e her old run to Maul. Kona, msMiiger. portion wt the stei neen nml ti.ilntoil nml everything Is now In order. ' .. .... 1.-..n....l.. .1... (!..... I n.u"m iTrao'toMi on her first round trip after undergoing repnhs nnd It Is said that his trip may losult In several changes In the nry of the steamer's voyage to the windward isles. ( Onrtrutt Bulla Sfttutciay. i The riormnu ship Gertrud, Cnptnln nenke. left Railway wharf yesterday and is now anchored In the stream. Captain Henke says the leak In the easel's bottom has now been entirely stopped. . . . ioT. so much What .You .Pay as What You Get for yOUr moneyi When QUcllitV IS siaerea our goods are always appreciated. N R. ONLY PURE GANG SUGAR ufmI us n HvrVtoriH' fur .... our Otlll Wilier, Hoot UetT, liillKer Ale Cl' Consolidated Soda Wafer Wrts Com pant, Ltd. Telephone Miiiu 71. good for children as the old-fashioned nnulne rt 1I.. .. t .. (castor oil. However much they abhori It. It Is their best medicine for disorders . .. .. nulrk -. i..iiiii uiiii i iiuirn i'uiii in aiiro to follow. For sale by all dealers and druggists. Benson, Smith & Co., .iu., .i&ciiib jur iiawau I rv m OCOOCOOCKXXXXXXO Works 001 Fort titroet. v Irli AM ! i. All' m 1 R I MIL JWjjjilCflpil.tJf Jf,fi" i ' T ngrtJII freighters and by the policy of direct CARLETON WAS IN A BIG GALE "Old Dad" Amesbury has come to town nguln und he brings alone with 1 Mm the ship S. 1). Carleton, loaded l with coal from Tiicomu. The vessel took eighteen days to make the trip to this port. People say that he "brought the ship along with him" they know very well tnat the Carleton would never get here In elghtten days' time If Amesbury weie not nt the helm, lie also bilngs a story of a which arrived from Kauai and Nilhau choppy seas and strfilig northeast trades. ' Carleton will discharge her car- R ut Hallway wharf. Powell's Balsam, of Aniseed. -SAFE AND RELIABLE.- Givos Immodlato Rollol. FOR 78 YEARS THE POPULAR REMEDY FOR Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, IH &. iiiimeuza, aim an uing rADEMf Mh I Ii. ii IIkui oil. tl.o tf miriii ,cloi, wntri 'ItilllVIl Mt Ifj IllrOICinc ft- Illrlil,. rf my I .U4l UU Aln.v, ni UHiii.liJr.l it It I. y .. . . ..... ' iti in I scii riiitet :i I U ILl lAl, hHMuk. jv, o b t. lUriik. .Olk t l.ll -. It; I V V Ill- II ,fl' c tWIIMI III INV Iirllltbl HUSIMFtt, 1 IHVC n 4TI4 ' Mt lf .t.Olii (M.U i(ll II Mtllk I tss jii i 1 t.n. ui rc nuw ml it ai imy UtlCWfcll l.tHK t) Mil. A J WouminiH. l.-!,i. t !, .NoiMk, wtiiu " Us )tdi I1 n.L Hi mIu U f iiru a ty il.,1 i r iti'tli uf . v UM lUullt Ik tlkllttlUll, Mltkli I fflcJ MiHlM wit "' O i l llaiwtUr AlteH It.t ' ' it louinut tlie I'n.rinii tumirilutiiU. ftnit tnrittrt 'tc t&iV i veuMtKm lu live 1 hnv.l, nln h i & 1ti) ul rent tlunn tlif m lit It o "hVo' iut CUIa 104Irf utH. 1'bt tbitiicl StorukcepcrR, 8dt it ii e u . non ThI. M'k IJcin, Nel a.i " oa rcn t.pprr s I'rcUicc oil) liy Thomas Ltd., ii)4 .. BY AUTHORITY. EXECUTIVE NOTICE. The Governor directs that notice be JBlvcn that the following named persons nnv uee" commissioned District Mag- Istrntes: ISLAND OF HAWAII. R. H. Atkins. Esq. N. Kohala. G.'W. A. Hnpal, Esq. S. Hllo. Win. Kumnu, Esq. Puna. S. W. Kaal, Esq. S. Kona. J. II. Walptlllanl. Esq. E. & W. Knu, ISLAND OF MAUI. Chns, Copp, Esq. Maknwan. D. Knhnulello, Esq, Uilialna. J, K, Pllmanu, Esq. Klpahulu. S, Esq. Island of V W II it Irlt II. .(! 'I fm I II K't l!a ft Hf WtMIM : f mum ft I. liHrlHa. BM l.'l IIIKCHV i. ..'i v ! f Hi. r'rii"t lunutut, aVp : im; til i ir, ult OmttU il ir.uli, ' v .if )lnHnlt. Or4r fr Htwelnl )'y Mrtuo f the muharlty i t iiy law, nnd doming It i tli. proiiMitlon of jHttlcv. 1 do itby with the written nppmvnl of the . .. r..ble W 1'. TriHir, VUM Justice ' the Supreme Court of the Territory f ll.iwnll. appoint nnd order n Spoclnl T rm nf the Second Circuit Court, Territory of Hawaii, to be convened nt mluku court house, District of Ulnnd of Maul, on Wednesday, the 3d day of September, A. 1J. 1!'02, nt ton o'clock n. in., nnd to bo continued held thereafter ns provided by law. In witness whereof I have hereunto se my hnnd and the seal of the said tlrruit Court at Wnlluku, Island of JIaul Territory of Hawaii, this Oth day of August, A. D. 1902. JOHN W. KAI.UA, Judge Circuit Court, Second Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. Approved this 15th day of August, 1002. W. F. FrtKAll, Chief Justice Supreme Court, Territory of Hawaii. ;4U MOUTUACEIS'S NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FOHICCLOSE AND OF FOllECLOSUllE SALE. IN ACCOItDANCE WITH THE provisions of a certain mortgage made by M C. Amana and Shu Seeklno Amana. his wife, dated the 10th day of A pi II, 1900, to Lewers & Cooke, a which mortgage Is recorded In Hook 207, page 83, and Is assigned by f,ald Lewers & Cooke, a co-partnership, to Lewers & Cooke, Ltd.. a corporation, duly orgnnlzed nnd exist- ilng under the laws of the Territory of I Hawaii, by bill ot sale dated December 7, l'JOO, and duly recWded, notice Is hereby given that the mortgagee In tends to foreclose the same for conditions broken, to wit: non-payment of both Interest and principal when due. Notice Is likewise given that after the expiration of three weeks from the date of this notice, the property conveyed by said mortgage will be advertised for sale at public auction at the uuctlon rooms of James F. Morgan, In Honolulu, on Monday, September 20, at 12 o'clock noon of said day. Fuither particulars can be had of P. L. Weaver Jr. Dated Honolulu, August 20, 1902. LHWEItS AND COOKE, LIMITED, Assignee of Mortgagee. The premises covered ,by said mortgage consist of: First: Those certain lots of land lying In Kauluwela, Honolulu, Island of Oahu. Territory of Hawaii, particularly described In Itoyal Patent 1G28, L. C. Award No. 3155, tp Mnle, being the same premises conveyed o M. C. Annna, mortgagor, by deed of J. Keo-pan, dated Odtober 11, 1830, and recorded in Hook 201, pages 60 and 61, respectively, excepting therefrom, however, H.COO square feet conveyed by the said mortgagor to the Minister of the Interior by deed dated March 7. 1000, and i eca riled In Hook 203, page 439. Second: All that certain indenture of lease dated March 3, 1S00, made by the trustees under the will of Iiernlce P. JSlHhop to said M. C. Amana, for a teim of llf teen (IS) yenrs, nnd covering a parcel of land containing t'4) of nn acre, situated at said Honolulu, said lease being duly recorded on April 11. 1900. 2414 Aug. 29; Sept. G, 12, 19. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of a power of sale contained In that certain mottgage dated the 12th day of September, 1899, made by Olnf Bergstrom und Harriet Bergstrom, his wife, of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, to Cecil Brown, trustee, and of record In Liber 199, on page 100 et seq., the said Cecil Brown, trustee, intends to foreclose snld mortgage for blench of the conditions In said mortgage contained, to wit, the nonpayment ot Interest when due. Notice Is hereby given that nil and lingular the land, tenements and In said mortgage described, will be sold at public auction by Will E. Fisher, nt the front door of Hale (court house), In Honolulu aforesaid, on Saturday, the 4th day of October, 1902, In 12 o'clock noon of that day. The property covered by said mortgage Is all that certain piece or parcel of land sltunte at Kaluaopalena, Island of Oahu, with the dwelling house, out houses nnd Improvements thereon nnd more particularly described us follows: Being a part or portion of what Is known as Lot No. 22, which was granted to Henry C. Meyers by the government by Royal Patent 3610, nnd bounded as follows: "Beginning on Rose Street at a point 100 feet from the south nngle of said lot (at the corner of Middle und Rose streets), thence along Rose Street, N. 42" W. 15.". 3-10 feet; thence nlong lot No. 2C, N. 4S' E. 139 5-10 feet: thence nlong lot No. 23. S. 42" E. 153 3-10 feet; thence S. 4S' W. 139 B-10 feet to place of beginning, nnd containing nn area of 21,664 square feet." Terms, Cash. United Stntes Gold Coin. Deeds nt the expense ot purchaser. Dated, Honolulu, August 29th, 1902. CECIL BROWN, Trustee. 2415 4tF. ASSIGNEES' NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE AND SALE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE provisions of a certain mortgnge made by John Nnhlnu, party of the first pact, Knpulo Nnhlnu, wife of said party of tho first part, joining therein, both of Hookenn. District of South Konn. of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii, to J. M. Monsnrrat, of Honolulu. District of Honolulu. Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, party of the second part, dated the 8th day of December, 1896, nnd recorded In tho office ofthe RegUtrnr of Conveyances. In said Honolulu, in Liber 1C6, page 204, said mortgnge having been finally ns-signed to Samuel M. Damon. Henry E. Wnlty nnd S. Edward Damon, all of raid Honolulu, partners In business Ohit t Hm fir (ii KM. rf lr.p A to. N. n. u h ..! jr llul tkM Hn in t M Ii.ii ii , n-y lr t ilii P l:lii.t Jii. i f.fiHhMll M fiHHMI4 Ihlrtiil 1.. f ,i p. i t( Mn . tttfiti,, ;...l, id nnn N, ,. .M of K.h (irtlKllMll ftlld HllMtet. 4 uii tii iirMfwHr inrt nr Diorlcftiir wMI Ii Ntld nt i hi bib n or I Inn, tii HMln imttniiee mt III iMiiWuiR in Mhi ilm.iiiii, on Mon 4n . 1 h ilii) l H i tr. IIW1, nt It I. I Tin ....i i ,f Mid innlt Kr' "1 .i Hi, it tin i in h fnl.nn I All il. i crruin pen or in. I nt & miunl nt Krtiihsko in I Hnuth on. cnnialtilnK nn uieu u tl , ! ami btlriK th name prrmires d cHIkwI In llionl Patent (nranli No. 14fi tti llonry Clarke nnd that wnt ponv)(Nl to the said Mortgagor by John Schlelf by deed dated April 36. HtM. nnd recorded In the Olllce nf Hit I ItoKlttriir of Conveyances In wild Ilo- Itiolulu In I.IIkt 14S on folio 32S. I 2. All that certain piece or narcil of land sltunte nt Hookenn lu saU South Konn containing nn area of 3 It acres ntid being the same premises described In lloynl Patent No. 610S I l Award No. 70C6 to Knhula, Apann J, and Hint were conveyed to said Mortgagor by Knnklmukn by deed dHli May 11, 1&93, nnd recorded In the Olllct of the snld ileglstrar lu l.lbcr 105 a folios 238 nnd 2311. 111SIIOP & CO . Ily their Attorneys, A Mntthcwmnn. Honolulu, T. 11., August 21st, 1S02. 2412 Aug. 22. 29; Sept. C, 12. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION OF FORECLOSURE AND OF SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT pursuant to the power of sale contained In that certain mortgage dated May 31, A. D. 1899. made by Elizabeth K. Smith, wife of George W. Sifllth of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, Mortgagor, to Mary J. Alexander, Mortgagee, and recorded In the Register Olllce, Oahu, In Liber 166, pages 40-43, the Mo'rtgagee intends to foreclose said mortgage for condition broken, to wit, the non-payment of principal and Interest when due. Notice Is likewise given that th property conveyed by the said mortgage will be sold at public auction nt the Auction Rooms of James F. Morgan, Queen Street, Honolulu, on Saturday, the 13th day of September, 1902, at i i o ciock noon. The property covered by said mortgage consists of: I First: All that certain piece or par-' eel of land situate at Pauwela, kualoa, District of Makawno, Island of s Mnul, Hawaiian Islands, containing nn nrea of 46 ucres, 2 chains and 63 oms (more or less) and being the same , premises described In Royal Patent No. 114 to Pnele and conveyed to the mortgagor by Kla Brooks and George I Brooks, her husband, by deed dated I November 28, A. D. 1S95, and recorded in me uuice ul me negisirnr oi conveyances In Honolulu In Liber 158, pages 366 and 367. Second: All that piece or parcel of land situate at Kamaole, Kula, Island of Maul aforesaid, containing an area of 5 acres (more or less) and being the premises described In Royal Patent (Grnnt) 392 to PIUplll; also all those pieces or parcels of land situate at said Island of Maul, and being parts 1, 5 and 6 of Royal Patent . (ltlTO T n.l -... -.!.... I A...,1.. -KT -ma, jtiiiu uiiiiuiaiuil ilivuiua xnus. .3S29 and 6613 to Pnele: Part 1 lng nn area of 86-100 of un acre; Part 5 containing an area of 5-100 of nn acre; and Part 6 containing an area of 3 24-100 'acres; said premises described In Para graph 2 being the same premises conveyed to said Elizabeth K. Smith by deed of Kin Brooks and husband, dated (July 29, 1896 and recorded In the Olllce. Onhu, In Liber 161, pages 131 nnit Viz. Third: All nnd singular that parcel of land situate at Kauluwela In said Honolulu, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the East corner of this land, being the West corner of Lane and Kuaklnt Street, and running: N. 41 20' W. 101 feet nlong Kuaklnt Street; S. 53" W. 110 fret; S. 41" E. 118.5 ft. nlong Lot 3; N. 44 20' E. 110 feet along Makalnal Lane to the Initial point; Containing an area of 12,058 square feet (more or less). And being the same premises convey- ! ed to snld Elizabeth K. Smith by deed of Jesse P. Makalnal, dated June 1, 1899, I and recorded In the Register Olllce, Oahu, In Liber 238, pages 214-216.., Together with all the rights, easements, privileges und nppurtenances theteto belonging. Terms: Cash United States Gold Coin; Deeds nt the expenso of purchaser. For further particulars apply to W. O. Smith, Judd Building, Honolulu. Dated, Honolulu, August 14, 1902. MARY J. ALEXANDER, Mortgagee, by her Attorney In fact. WILLIAM O. SMITH. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE AND OF FORECLOSURE SALE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE provisions of a certain mortgage made by L. James Aylett of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, to William It. Cattle, Trustee, of said Honolulu, dated March 14, 1S9S, recorded Liber 179, puges 160 and 162, and assigned to the Western nnd Hawaiian Investment Co., by snld W. R, Castle. Trustee, dated March 22, 1901, and recorded In Liber 179, page 161, notice Is hereby given that the mortgagee Intends to foreclose the same for conditions broken, to wit: non-payment of both principal and Interest when due. Notice is likewise given thnt after the expiration of three weeks from tho date of this notice, the property con-eyed by 3ald mortgage will be advertised for sale at public auction at the uuctlon rooms of Jas. F. Morgan, In Honolulu, on Monday, the 29th day of September, 1902, nt 12 noon of Bald day. Further particulars can be had of P. L. Weaver. Jr. DateiU Honolulu, September 5th. 1902. WESTERN & HAWAIIAN INVESTMENT CO., Assignee, Mortgagee. The premises covered by said mortgage consist of: All of those certnln premises In said Hpnolulu In the district cnlled Knllu, containing nn nrea of 11,165 iq. ft. more or less, and being tho Bnme covered by It. P. 2217. upon L. C. Award 1092 to Mary Ann Aylett. nnd conveyed to mortgngor by deed of Hann Lul Signing, dated June 3, 1863. recorded In Liber 19, page 346; and also nil of the nppurtenances tn the Bame belonging, together with the buildings and erected thereon. 2415-Sept. 5, 12. 19, 28.