Newspaper Page Text
MidMiiMA f INUUnANCI: Theo. H. Davies & Go (Limited 1 ACENTS FOR FIRE, LIF& A MARINE INSURANCE lirtbcrn Assurance Compaq OP" IXlNltON. Toil P1HB AND 1.1 KK. ItsUlillshrd US. AwniouUtrd 1'utidt .... CI,(,tfX Irilisliud Foreign Marine Ins, Ct of mvkhtool, ron majunb Capital 1.000,M Reduction eif Hates. Immediate Payment of Claim. THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Lit AGENTS IMPERIAL LIME 99 15-100 Per Gem Pure. 3be very best Lime ami in the best container). In Lots to Suit. . Low Prices. CALIFORNIA FEED Co. AG E NTS. Olaa Sugar Co., Ltd. ASSESSMENTS. THE ASSESS aunt of 10"c or two dollars (2.00) per ahare has -been cnllcd to be duo und payable June 20. 1902. Thr twenty-second assessment of 3(S or mo dollnrs (2.00) per share Iiuh been cnllcd to be due mid payable August Si. 1M2. The twenty-third assessment of 10 r two dollars (J2.00) per Hhare has ecn called to be due and payable Oc tolwr 21, 1902. The twenty-fourth and final assess merit of 10 or two dollars ($2.00) per share has been called to be due and jnyable December 20. 1902. Interest will be chnrge.l on nssess aenLi unpaid ten days after the same re due at the rate of one per cent (1) per month from the date upon which audi assessment1) are due. The above assessments will be pay able at the olllco of The U. P. bam Co., Ltd.. fitnngenwnld building (Slsrntd) ELMER E. 1'AXTON. Treasurer Olaa Sugar Co. Hay 1!, 190. 23S3 Clarke's lood sure THSl IILOOD I I n. KlLlt AND liESTOitKll. 38 WA1UIAKTELI TO CLKAJt T15J BLOOD from ull Impurities trow whatever cause arising. Ttor Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin am Xlood Llseascs, Ulacklieads, I'lmplet a&i lores of all kinds, It Is a nsver tailing parnuuierit cure. li Cures Old Eon s Curia Bores on the Neck. Cures Sore Legs. Cures Ulackhtad or Pimple ea t Tat. Curt Scurvy. Cures Ulcers. Cures Wood ana Hkln Disease. iMn Glandular Swellings. (Stars the Blood from all Impure matt. Prom whatever arising, 14 b a real specific for Oout and Ra natte pains. Jt removes the cause from the Bloe and Donee. As this Mixture Is Pleasant to the taste and warranted free from anything uajun u to the most delicate constitution o; allhtt sex, the Proprietors solicit sudsren m vita It a trial o test Its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS OF WON DERfUL CURES 71UM1 ALL I'AUTrl OK TIIK WU1II.U Clarke' i Iilood Mixture Is sold In bottlu j yd each, and lc cases containing au Jlmu the quantity, lis sufficient to etteo a immanent cure In the great majorlt; if ALL C11EU IBT and i'aTENT MEDICINE VEND OUR throughout the world Proprietor! T11K LINCOLN AND MIDI.AND COUN TlKd DIlTia COMPANY. Lincoln, Ent Ittwl. Trade UIXTURB CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE CAUTION. Purchasers of Olarkei Claries Iilood Mixture should see the tbey get the genuine article Worthleii Jirilfttlons and SUbstltUtM fir somAllm, yalmtd off by unprincipled vendors. Tni wpraa. "i,rncoin ana Midland Coun'lti Itrvti Company. Lincoln. Fngland," an engraved on the Government stamp, an. -Clarke's World Famed Iilood Mixture Mown In the bottle. WITHOUT WHIGl JJtWK ARE OENTJTNE. CASTLE & COOKE CO., Ld ONOLTJLU. Commission Merchants 3U&AE FACTORS. AGENTH FOR "! lBwPlgnfitlon Company. The Walalua Atrleultural Co., Ha. Kohala Bugar Company. Site Walmea Bugar Mill Company T Fulton Iron Works, fit. Louis. H Standard Oil Company, " George F. Blake Rteam Pnaipc TVeston's Centrifugals tfh New England Mutual Ufa last,, ance Company, of Boston. fe Aetna Fire Insurant fnfnsaar Tanforrt, Conn 1 Alliance Assurance Comptny londoru F Y OURST HAWAIIAN' (lAf.lirri? YXWWW H! TRAFFIC Railroad Director Tells How to Get Them. H H. Dennis, a dlrp lur of the lanla mllfuad, one of the must mod I ern railways In the world, id throuKh tnls It)' on the Koren on a round the world trip with his family. Mr Dennis linn had a Ihiik experience In railway inanaRoiiient and has had a Kreat deal to do with the handling of tourists llo mukes a number of ery obcervatlons leKardliiR the se uriiiK of tourists for Hawaii. "I have made some line little Junket-lilt; trips around Honolulu during our stay here. Air. Daws said yesterday. 'anil I think It Is about the moxt.curred In the local market or for ex- charming little place I ever vlsltel. If your city Is a sample of the life and scenery that can be seen in the other Islands of the Hawaiian group I see no reason why In ears to come the place should not be Hooded with tourists. I do not know what arrangements you have at present for encouraging tourist travel but fiom the little we hear In the East joii cannot be doing anything very up-to-date In that direction. "Tin. tltne Iiiim miHHeil when tourists spent their own time looking up tlnM out of the way corners of the globe N.iwadays they want others to llnd and , han francisco j.Uuic. belongs to a good but 1 fmart itottr chtolr that Congress would ' lead them. In order for a place to have Since our last report the market for n Kdn jjafa, an(j &. jjaj, j IZVfMA Vrxatd the up-keep of the many tourists now It mum liave some raws has ruled quiet and stead, while ll(,d wjt), a Kay ht,i oi -M,BK uAanA. arvl rejrulated the spending of poworful connection which leads people "'-' situation generally upjieais to call, wjJO j,u, tjle A yrnr ur th- Isfand funds accordingly. The It. 1 mean railways, steamship lines for "ll'e comment. Throughout the 0 aK0 there was a party vf Hi frfftUtUra was thrown out by Con-J and so forth that have combination ar- rangements to send huge parties of ,, .,,..!.., ..,,, ... ..,...,,! u.,.,u,,.,u .,( ih,.l ear on special exeurslons. Take the I l'uniisylvanlu lallioad for Instance. It. like all other Eastern roads, has a sp.'.iai ii. iiaiimeni lor lounsis. vve aie c.iiislaiitly In nei il of new places to which touilsts can be taken becrluse of the novelty of them. Hawaii Is siirh a pla. e. ut least as far us people on the Atlantic coast are concern, d. Veiy few of the people who mukc annual winter trljH from the Atlantic coast to Ktitope, the Itlvorlu, Mudelin. or Spain know of the attractions of the Islands which you Justly call the 'Paradise of the I'aclllc.' To tell the tlllth I .11.1 not know much about their attractions but I know Homethlng about them now which Inteiests me a deal. "Hut I think the solution of vour tourist problem lies with the big Eastern railroads. Those powerful companies aie diverting the tourists of the Eastern States from trips to Europe und are now sending them speeding over the continent to the vvestwaid on special trains. The Pennsylvania. Is sending out many special thiough tialns which go over other lines besides niir own to Yellowstone National Park, the CJiand ('nn)ou of the Colorado, and to California. Most of these penple would be bettel satlsllcd If they ntl.l add a sea tilp to their Journeys and I do not see an reason why trallle arrangements could not be made by the Eastern wih with the steamship companies to take these touilsts fiom us in San Frail' Is. o and send them along to Ha waii f jr a couple of weeks' stay. The matter is feasible and all it wants now is for the Hawaiian business people to Interest themselves In the question sufficiently to :u range with the Eastern railways. If the railways hi lug the steamships business you can believe that the latter will not try to discourage the trade. A smart man from Hawaii by presenting this matter dliect to the general passenger agents of the Eastern lines might be able to accomplish n gioat deal for the Islands. My opinion of the matter Is that the Eastern railways will be your salvation as far as tourists are concerned," HILO WATERWORKS MUCH IMPROVED The Improvements so far made In the Illlo water works have resulted In a much better supply of water for all parts of the city, before reached by the mains. It Is expected by the end of the week that the mains will be so far completed as to nllow of the Wal- akea district being supplied with vv li ter It will be a short time also before the pipes nre laid to the Villa Fran, a dlstrli t ami the tcsldcnts of Hllo an- already getting water where thej were never able to befoie, under the old sjstem. Hllo with the new sHtem will have perfect lire protection. The plans for the iccelvlng reservoir have h. en completed und bids will be inn.. i ioi wiinin u snort time iur me roimtru. tlon of tills basin. LAIIAINA WATElt WORKS. Word has bten lecelve.l by the De partment of Public Works tlint the new wut.T w.uks and sstcm at Lahntnn win be completed and water turned on by Uctobir 15th. . I Wilcox's Btar Wauintf I If indications are eoircct, the political stur of Hob Wilcox has feet on Muul, ' never to ilse again. The Hume Kuleis are beginning to think and reason for themselves, and this of course will bee. the llnlsh of Hob. Some- of the prominent Home Huleis are beginning to openly complain at being bundled about by' Wilcox, first Into the Hepubllcun and1 then Into the Democratic camp, at the' whim of Wilcox. The action of Prince Cupid In i ef using to bo made a tool of by Wilcox is beginning to be under-! Mood by the Hawallans on Maul, and the more they think about It, tho clearer they where their tiue Interests! lie, and from ull present nppeaiances, there Is now beginning to bo n landslide from Wlltoik's Idea of home riillsm to Cupid's Idea of Independent, Intel-1 Ugeut and untrammelled Hawaiian Mnul News, i SUGAR IS AN EDITOR GOING UP IS SH01 Each Recent MailWell Known Men Brought Word of Advance. HrMr & Co s advices by the G4lcj VMfe that sufwr has advanood me- of a r.nt Advice by the SoiHima Hhttn aniitlier Increase of the same amount. Reels are also up ami the market Is strong. The bjsls ut lust accounts was WILLIAMS. D1MOND & CO SAN KRANCISCO, Sept. 3. Williams. Dimond & Co.'s UKur letter reads. Sugar. No changes have slme port, prices vstubllshed Maroh SUi still if ul. but not oonslderttd In forte. Mr. Williams .and Mr iiale xr ar Husls. AUKunt 1st, cost and freight sale 900 Umu at 3.3bc, 2nd to SO), nu'ed on ball. Marriott a sales. Cth cost and freight sale C00 private hospital for aleal tXmVi ii Guam to VtabUsh tons at 3.38c. and on same dute cost ( Following Is the article wjae4 iAtitaB tciA about a year ago. and freight sale M)0 tons at 3.40S( . 7th. of. It refers to Miss Alarle ;;, a4 Tfoe jr. a are everything else in cost and freight sale 1000 tons at 3 401c , is a falsehood. Mlwi Og? liot barHuCjCuatn, are under the rupervlslon of the Mb to 14th, no sales, 15th, cost and I been at Tamaljials at tfa" lime rejr Hzyy As no sale 1000 tons ut 3c, ICth toto and her sister having bwn iuau ivr tUtn lias et L--n made for Guam, and 23th, no sales, 20th, spot sale 00 tons , three years: a tLe one tried for In the naval supply at 3c , 29th, no sales, 30th und Sept. ... jlear(j a vt,ry 1MtfceUc mtorr tfc tW' tsM& 'D Congress, the schools und !"! " . ivl lb- T? - '-'. esiuuinmiiiH ' " In .New lorK on that elate ( "arller portion or the period under con- slderatlon parti, ularly. it is to be noted that while holders on the one bund wore disposed to differ sparingly ' t prices ubove bujers' views, the lat- evinced l,ilffeM;ce In the fa. e of heavy illicit receipts, coupled wltn a discouraging demand for the.flw,i,. and biit at IfcHr resultant effect being shown in the paucity of tiansaetions. CondltloiiM have latterly undergone an Improve- merit however, .oiniideiit with the je sumption of u heavy demand for i. 'lined, stimulated In a m. asure, no doubt, by the fa. t Unit bountiful supplies are l-. quired for I the cunning of fruits, while latest ma II fiom New York un - der date ..r . .,..i-. "..i, a ,. !, " I .."r.1..11.1 .r.V ".. market for raws with a strong under' tone, and the promise of greater activity of let the holidays. CITY IS BEING CLEARED OF RATS All members of the Eoard of Health were present ut jesterduy's meeting. G. Olson, who claimed to be a .ar- penter and asked to go to the settle.' ment us kokuu for his wife, was d-' i'"'""1"' "" vrw, faw and in- . . ,finu situ: ojvyn a young lady .... desired . .... It , , . permission. being wi's family an- of mine, I lepiescntod that bis services were not 'mw the young lady shortly after the requlied there. publication and full" u heart- I'rolvn, If Here not Jhu n,.n,,i ,.f m..,ii,...i iviminw, re,- un-l was fj fj , (Je omniended G. G. le I'.nia for a f,.lt,i a ulrl from KUih n faUf elan's certificate und the report was and slanderous I looked upon ,.,., , .. ... accepted. ler almost ax a brother would, and ' u Ma" wy "uty ' A "M" H"'' a lleports were read of inspectors for . "",,"'"a" '" l'r"l't good name n... vuilous ,llHir.,.i i h.. r...rliH of , f,,,,,, an Infamous 1 talk- which are contained In the eloit of.ed the matter er with r. Thomas eity Sanitary Olllcer Ttacy. In this li" says: "The Inspector In charge of the lei front to prolilblt fishing Is having no trouble with the large ilshlng I in ill.' h but the small offender who drops a line over and llshes and runs Is hardest to catch consequently keeps hlrn busiest. "The Inspector who specializes on the rat crusade Is meeting with more or less success owing to the poisoned rats not dying uuywheie near buildings and being consequently hard to find. Whole neighborhoods have been cleared of ruts." The Hllo sanitary Inspector reported C0I Inspections for the month of August. Health conditions In tin Orient were reported by Dr. Cofer us follows: Yokohama to Aug. 20 Cholera, una case, no deaths; Nugusaki to Aug, 20 twenty-five crises of cholera, fifteen deaths; Khuilghal, cholera epidemic; Kobe, five cases cholera, no deaths; Hong Kong, cholera, twenty-two cases, nineteen deaths, plague, twenty-eight cubes, sixteen deaths. Total deaths in Japan from cholera Juno 1st to Aug. lStli, 13K7, number of uises, 3221. - ' Tin. b.mMmll Innim.. 1...T.1 nil...ll.Hr ast evening and heard u report of tli" t reusuier. This shown! iccelpls of 300, All the bills have not come in as ct, but It Is thought each of lint live clubs will get J200 und the McKlnley Memorial I'urk will inelvct ubout J1000. (he He" .,.,u. "Star" Storm-proof, elTootivn, for ventihtiiiK factories of all kinds, jmblio liuild itib'g, resiliences, cto. Merchant's Metal "Spanish" Tiles Ornamental, asjly Laid Tlieso tiles nre rt'commtmileil )) lcMiding nrcliitci'U, engineers n. buililnrs of llrwl class liiiililiiigo, Jrercliiint'H ''Ontliio" Slijiigles, pihunizdil btee) pluleu Beml fnr illiifilnile.l IhmW )e( uf our Micciinltictt, mnileil frco upon implication, M15H0JIAN f & CO., w , Hold Alanufaotiiruru. fjl7 AreliSt,, J'JiiluOeJjiliia, ', 111 MIII.H !fe !!) .H1.M1M'f;MKaV I 1 if u Out for Marriott's Blood. HAN KJIAMOIHOO. iMjit 4 Uf an hfmus imbUoecJoe I the 8huruotr f un ammatl Hwn. Mr. Trux4n livir, & iiiiihIii by Mr. Tfcemas H. WIHHium f the CMfr4a tmi vtmt t the rosMtMitve of Vr4iick ta )iub44sher and proprietor f It Amb KranohKW "Nws IsMrf tt land MntWy." to lea a aWr last eiwtUiK. 1Uhs ! Ifce 4- mand and Marriott t tktv tlinw, InllletluK Utat arr rested later In the .evening ad .pretty girl who, lt)i ? ' ratl)Hr prominent la ooelety. Tb lrl Kai M,rits waUjilug tle wws nV OI1 MoUnt Xamajpals. TJy palt tfce ,.,,,. i i.ii., ....m t.ii tllH. ,.,,. t ,,.. anj taryw of Ul,jr lt lb- pajns. IJW of th(. jUIrt a Mry t .,. ,,.,. that aM jutirMt uy Jjad a aw- f Ux arvs4 tlu. lwl rtly in tfcr HtxUli Tll. Uiilt waj5 jy , bot ti,p tuunftt tl all tb tmtty zSvrn. AUrwa(4s lb1 t lh ifrtn (je '0f tf jy A at the j4.tiy tiirt. Thl attn-Uil hr ,.Wer tef bKI tbat Vh .7 , 'ch'0' Property In Guam .jnvaij - j and lias Hsm Um in a !- Thf , ' ..;.!. Z: m, t rtislsts of a half a dozen buildings tar,u'"'. Jt " IbT'' - " h"s' "?lr. Hlatt says that four hundred a cure, 'fifty native children have been attend- Truxtyn Jle a a ol tni the American schools where they James li. Main- aJ a ValHi ""w K"t aptitude for learning the MUOUr V l'erla. Mis wlfr,Knsh i language and seem eager to wu4 h aivwcf. rrw vmutn u ,ra,1r, the flV,m?, .ect .J" Am"1" lPaB Mr- H,att 1,d not know the a wuiuiy turf tiutn. . native language when he started his, UV.M.KH KTATKUKUT. Ivwk. He simply had to get small ' 'Vlumuu H. William. njanr,vnn hy Arm together, teach one by signs and Truxtiuii VakU vm m at th Pacific " 'hat ne to gradually teach 1'iilon lub shortly llr the whs,t American words meant until1 of Vi4rMi UnrrUftt. Vh-n a't fur Ills ol affair Mr. Iale nl m last Katurua? n e letter II. Williams, who has but a very slight' ar.juaimaiie.' with the young aldy, and do not produce hardly anything that he with me that such a coward- " exported and will bring any ly slander ought not to pass unnoticed.'""""' u' tne People. A You mav Judicf of the vicious and ,.aw - character of the article when I say that It averted that the young ' UncU: aam. They are a happy-go-lucky , conduct had driven her slste . ond are fairly well contented with Insane, the fact Is her sister badAm,.rjcfirj ru)c but that cannot bring! been an Inmate of the asylum at Liver- back at once the prosperity that exist-, .more for more than three years. "I mad" up my mind, and Mr. Hams agreed with me, that It wok our place Into the sea. duty to see Marriott Immediately and I H Is a part of the Islanders' religion, exiioslulate with him. We went to his "t to sell any part of their lands, yet house and aw film. We asked what hey are a simple race, and a few he had for such a false ,can; "jve secured mor gages on these I i""1'1 farms so that It Is only a in,..i Ills answer uitiM a sneer. What .. ., o me tn ptantaton8 wm followed was what any man wou d ex- ,. , Arnercan hands, although very! peel to follow. He was smashed In the mtIe ca,,tai from the United Stntes ' face, I.Ike a coward he did not attempt j,ax .erl invested there up to this time, i to defend himself man fashion, but The most serious objection that for his pistol. Then he waa shot. 'pie have to the present state of affairs There Is nothing that we have to con- Is that although American territory the ceul, there is noiolng of which we are laws In force are the old ones made by ashamed irlpaln. Home of these laws work great hardships. The Judge of the courts Is "I give you mv word ns a uenlleman ' naval ensign, who had no special law that tin. von m ir was tint nt , Al. MJ.iluill,in and certainly no education lamaipais I at the time said nor ha t a) fnr ci,,anh iaw i con-she been there except on one occasion. ' ccrnc.( ' Kh Is a pure girl, and this attempt toi if r wreck her life and character out of, , -a .. -...,. u a petty veiiKMHiru is beyond belief. I , Tbo nree Meal Habit do not know what may come of what The Argonaut recently contained an have done and I do not care, I "" ''' r"1"'' "I"""'""' '" ' ia" flliiK like a man than Ull years out of Jail feeling like a. aur who. know - Ing that such a libel of young liulyj vcniwr, m commeriiniB mi un "nice, ought in he avenged, dl.J not attempt to remarks: "In the tropics the lighter avenge It." (the diet the better the health. The Kroin Mrs. Marriott's slory It apears ,mi1Iiik doctors of Honolulu advocate that Meale got out of Hi- way lwnitHO ,,., ,t ,iuy MK ,nugh for "!r l!!L "'.' r" liu, and not h.avy mea.s at Mnrrloll h:.K l,r., uioiikIh I... I TIlOSv WllO toll hardest III tile .-,....,..- .. .,,.K ..,...,- ..Hr ""'.I,,...HI... ..... III,.., I., ffu......, llttlu but probably recover. - A CJ'.IlTAlN CUIXK I'Olt nYfSKti' TEHV AND DUimilOBA, "Some yeais ago I vas one nt n iwrly that Intended pmklng a long neyce trip," feys I' 1 Taylor, of Nw A)' bauy, Hradford Go., )', H. H, A. "I was laken suddepiy wjih dlanlioea, ami was about to give M the trip. w)in Hllor Wurd, of Hie i,aceyyii suggested Unit I u(e u do of riinmbei Iain's folic, Pliolsru and Dlsr. Homedy J nurelniMd a jo and took two doses, nm tor dulling and Jiie on Uu rout. I raadt Hie Irtl) uiieMfully an.) peynr J! any IJ "f' feci Again limt funinw J VP HlmH rumpletely run dov1) Willi Mlf of dyeiilery f iiib)I u IwHIk f ljj same enied ' amy ))y t(m w i)mt . med iiu" ni4 )v all dealer np.) idiugguts ji. i.s.m, mitii fi r.i, jJd yi'B'Plr f'T Hawaii MEED OF MONEY Cilam In Island of Guam Has Spent Revenue Too Fast. I teat t. a Nebraska nun, who a 0aas fr a. year . ! si irnmi: tup Aaavrteso nhis. Is a itutmimr.r abwrd the naval transport wMrh arrival from th Mm4 Guam yttTday People on wins' troiMfMert UM atorlrn which that Gium is practically bank- ir ksssi k imn o.ra mu" " f ""- an,, uhen the I" V-At tb Wad It was expected "t tbf cxMirU wottkl have to suspend work tr a. 4mHar cause within a few k. aatd all public work would In lll.. -,. -. f . ..-.I . .. . atl rarSfUthel.fanlS fur tMr W rt. During the early fttrt ft u, ,t fl.eal vear Governor I avl ru,vr the IsUnd is badly In Inrinf the year the greater part m Manas revenue was spent on a " ? Bana' tneo,m"'l 7Z FZ, ,?Z2 JL" ?5 InwJS,rllchrI"r ortte' ...., ..... ,., ,r,.. .......,. ,.,,. i'ui t3r fnrtk. tb of a million r Una, J Kr. Iftett nays that Congress failed to mak the schfil appropriation because ' ttftm. Including that for schools, i "ere in the navy supply bill and that '"W made a clean sweep of this, now ' and and . -" '''"""!"" ,""'"." ..?..?; this work but At first was very difficult, , f , . Iff?., . .. .... mhv J r Iha. .... Icif,.p .u..'. .c m nJ rn. fin .... vprtf ..a. ,"11 with the children. He was accom jnjMj by his family and his wife and daughter taught In the schools. In ad- dition to his own family the other teachers employed were three marines. I Mr. Hlatt considers that the govern- "lent will make n great mistake If it I I'-milt the schools to be discontinued.1 uu own term has expired and he docs ""l "P"ct to return to the Island, but ?V,?iX'l?Vl JZtnVlZ appdnted to go out and continue the w'0,k whch he claims Is very Important in connection with American Interests in (iuam Vrom others on the boat It was If am- , 1 that matters on Guam are not so sat- Isfariory as they might be. The islands "'" " . - 'y-v i'e"i -- !n,"''f t!r"?islt LUl ' led on the plantations before the phoon of liOO nearly swept the whole1 r,ii ,,n wii Three-Meal Hatill." which lias been copied In a number of "ur ,i,.mtlrnrle The Honolulu Ad. Hawaiian Islands eat rice,, wlilli those who toll least tut Unci - meals a day, with meal at each meal, Epsrunc shows that thl" three-meal liublt inakss business for the drug. t torus and doctors, Tha convicts In Otihu prison, who Kt n llxvd ration Jul tmUKli to keep Hi ton strong, und im nwiv, Vilm work Imnl on llio streets and In the uonvlci ur.t liojllliler limn tho siiim number of tn ilav'lHUurvM or iiiecJmiilec," Till l8i! tliin.iit tho fao In ll prlwrn ihr I diet (r wn l ii)M) In Hie yurds, ami mn work-lug )Mii m no iMisn Air Thww in iiio fIK, ulio !Md HllOIlt III sumii llfu IIS Ills AurK ulifk ur iicc.iudIhiii, uu a vi y liht rstloH, bm it Is wwiihIi kH in )si4llli If limy ur fv. im im in m wUu wuiU oiii).i.i bfrajiblg s(mm. ItMiy fWVajjy f U It noTreHMMfLabU IllMI WUlN III bt. UUl piiVrplsd truu oviissiinir Uf., tui I li, I . ll, r bvllll lb"" Vrlio Hfl ft' ' Aljli ut ' Thin Blood lldB 111 1 1itt III. V I iMI.If Y ar ttr.ula'i u n iy r )U list liamU inl (hi Wur titiiM ale ,'aV,)u aro iltinlriil aixl dl)ateL Vimr sliituatli ll u li IndlgMii. ii nuil sick !raUie iir imi ato mak and i f" I sr.'le "li if Ik lit tht Loui, .civ it n i!.mit Ctlto. ' ivr rfr Mrs. II Archer.of Ilolmt,Taarn.inia, sends bT ptKitncraphaiiil aji ' ily lil.xid mini tlilu and my circulation a so or tliat :ny llngrrs ero rol.1 and blue all the time. I Ion all energy and wa. alnyMt Hut Aycr's fvirsaparllla soon re.tnml vitality to my vclwla jn'm. It mrlfied my Mood anil made it rich and oaltl.y. I liPlleve It Ii the greatest medicine in the world for the blood." AYER'S Sarsaparilia There are many Imitation " Barsaparillas." lie sure you get Ayer's. To get the hn. results from Ayer's your bowel, limit be in good condition Ayer's Pills cure constipation. '""Mr. Dr.J.C.Ar.rC.Uiren.Miu..U5X HOLLISTER DRUG CO.. Agenti. CHAS. BREWER & CO'S. .TTln7 TTAnTy r TWW JXJtfW X XJXLXL JLflJMJb Hark Fooling Suey BAILING FltOM NEW YORK to HONOLULU July 1, 1902. For freight rates apply to CHAS. BREWER & CO., 27 Kllby t., Bciton, C. BREWER & CO., LTD. Honolulu. "Elite" Enameled Ware Turquoise Blue Outside Pure White Inside ThiH is inftde of EXTRA HEAVY MATERIAL, and COATKD FOUR TIMES. These goods are a product of Austria, and will outlast any article manufactured. Our etock is large and the assortment complete, consisting principally of saucepans, stew pans, kettles, frying pans, baking pane, coffee pots, tea pots, etc., etc. We are d.strihuting agents for the Territory of Hawaii. Seo the display in one of our largo windows. W.W.Oimond&Co. I.IMITKD Dealers in Crockery, Glass and IIoiiH'furiiiHhingi. Polo Agonts for tho Dotrolt Jowel Stoves and Ci'iiriioy Rofrigorators, in Omit nmr S