Newspaper Page Text
k , ,-, J tJMI m I I I I IW '!! I lllll WIBMI Aiiim 1 1' M MMM Lfc. r..n Mmi na Jfwt tmn at t a i. S. $ftftMM. 'Mm ft " K .1 till Hi t ft, ilk Am. Mm Icwmui. n ''i It mil. 1MmIm4 WMlMMlftt'. i: R. H. HfUigtaKii Mam, Fttliw. fnm Hun rrMimoM, t r. i. m. Klinr. Ritual. frw KkmI mrt. nt J:4R n, tn. UkHt. Kllkltat. Cutlar, II days from I'm WTowiifond. TliurMtoy. Sept. H Slpir. Wnlnletile, ftwit Wnlinca, nt S p. in. Schr. Ka Mol, off Kuko IUnil, at B.45 p. in. Htmr. NHhnu nt 11:41 n. in. frtrni with 1,191 bags HUgar. DHPARTHD. Tuesday, Sopt. 1C. S. R, NovnJnn, Wcedun, for San nit p. in. Am. bk. S. C. Allen, Johnson, nt 4 p. in. for Han Franclseo. Hlmr. J. A. Cummins fur Koolnu ports at 7 a, in. Stmr. Lchua for Molukal ports nt 6 p. tn. Stmr. Mlkalinla for Kniml ports tit 5 p. tn. Stmr. Ke Au Hou for Kauai ports nt 5 p. in. Stinr. Mnul for Mnul lKirts nt 5 p. in. Gas. schr. KcllpHC for Molukal, Maul, and Kmna portB at C p. in. Wednesday, Sept. 17. Stmr. Claudlno. for Hllo nnd way '(liurnday, Sept. 18. S. S. Hongkong Mnru, Kilmer, for the Orient, nt noon. Stmr. AVnlaleale, for Ahuklnl nnd Hanntnnulu, nt 5 . m. ports, nt !) u. in. Stmr. Kauai, for Kauai. SAILING TODAY. Am. sp. E. M. Phelps, Graham, may tall for Tal Tnl, Chile, today. Stmr. Maunn Loa, Slmerson, for Maul, Kona nnd Kau ports, nt noon. PASSENGERS. Arrived. Per stmr. Manna Loa, Sept. 1C, from Kau: J. A. Kennedy, Q. H. Berrey, T. P. Lansing, II. F. Wlclimnn, J. W. Hamilton, J. C. Bnrtels, Mnster W. C. from Konn, I. K. II. Atnalu, W. A. Wall, H. Paris, Miss K. Mossman, Master I'. Mossmnn, J. K. Simeon, Dr. A. It. R6wat, I. S. Stewart and wife, Mrs. M. Ialuii, Miss M. Kino, MIsh A. Kino, Mrs. I. K. It. Ainnlu, Miss T. Marcos, It. McWnyne, Charles Miss M. Wright, Miss L. C. Hustnce; from .unalaep, Itev. W. Ault, Mrs. W. Ault nnd child, Father Stephen, Judge Cockett, J. Kane, Miss K. Akeo, Miss A. Akeo, C. I). Oleson nnd 83 deck. Per stmr. Knunl, for Kauai ports, on Sept. 17 F. J. Walker, C. Gay, C. U. Hofgaard, 13. C. Ioneye, and wife, Ah Keau and wife, Ah Klna, Ah Kol, Kawamoto, J. A. Thompson, Sam Yip, F. Andrade, Ah In, See Wy Man, C. Crcighton, S. K. Egushl, F. Delnert, H. A. Jaeger, S. Lesser, Miss K. Christian, Miss C. ChrlBtlnn, Chang Lll and iC deck. Per stmr. Nllhau from Kallua, Sept. 16. J. Blumleln. ' Departed. Per stmr. Lehua, September 10, for Wallnu Mrs. Ka .uriu, Mrs. S. K. Per stmr. Mnul, September 10, for Knhulul Miss Do Hootn, Mlrfs'M. P. Khlers, J. M. Coulson, William Brede, J. H. Nul, IS. II. Wodchouse, A. B. Ingalls, Miss Mabel Wilder; for Mrs. M. Thornns; for liana, T. C. Howell, B. K. Kalwlnea and wife, Miss L. Ayau, E. II. Cilnt. Per stmr. Ke Au Hou, Sept. 16, for Kauai ports W. G. Irwin, A. C. Love-kin, and W. Cross. Per stmr. Mlknhala, on Sept. 10, for Kauai ports Victor S. Clark, A. V. Peters, Wong Kwul, T. A. Klmolo, Mrs. F. C. Bertleman, B. A. Naglc, Clias. Blnke, II. C. Apana and Ahoy. Per stmr. Clnudlno, for Hllo nnd way ports, Sept. 17 Mrs. Foster, Miss Griggs, Senator Mitchell, Senator Foster, H. G. Danford, Judge Stanley, Mr. anij Mrs. Saimnons, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, Miss Colburn, Mrs. A. F. Judd, Miss F. Koku, Captain Whiting, Mr. Itltchley, P. F. Mohr, Mrs. Mohr, Senator Thurston, Mrs. Thurston, C. II. Kluegel, A. W. Carter, Mrs. W. Fernandez, Mrs. S. Decker, H. A. H. B. Gehr, F. L. Lowell, Cecil Brown, H. E. Cooper, S. M. Mnyer, Maj. .Purdy, Chas. Notley, E. M. lloyd und wife, Jane B. Massey, Mrs. E. E. MrB. Nnwnhl, Senator Burton, Mrs. Burton, Col. Samuel Parker, Mrs. J. A. SI. Johnson, Chas. Baldwin, Mrs. M. Alna and child, K. S. Boyd, M. Lorcnz, S. Kaloa, J. K. Nakookdo, Prince Jonah Kalnnlaunole and A. $ Booked to Leave. Per stmr. Claudlne, September 17, for Hllo Mrs. Foster, Miss Griggs, Senator Foster, Senator Mitchell, II. G. Danford, Judge Stanley, Mr. Sammers and wife, Mr. Robertson and wife, Senator Thurston and wife, Capt. Whitney, Mr. Itltchley, P. F. Mohr nnd wife, C. II.; Kluegel, Mrs. S. Decker, Mrs. W. Ftrnandes, Goo Ho and wife, Miss Alio, E. C. Mechllng, W. II. Pettlt, F. L. Lowell, Senator Burton and wife, Sam Parker and wife, W. E. Skinner and wife, Mrs. E. M. Boyd. Cecil Brown, W. O. Smith. S. M. Mayer, Major Purdy, Mrs. A. F. Judd, Mrs. Colburn; for M. Lorenz; for Mnhukona, Miss K. Koha, Mrs. E. E. Oldlng. y. , Brown's Troubles Ended. Captain Brown has settled with his gallon, by paying, it Is said, about half what the men demanded. As the captain Ib now clear of the libel he can sail any time, and It Is likely that he may go today. Honolulu Bound Vessel Damaged. The French bark Duchesse de Barry, bound to Honolulu, has put Into Cape town uumuKcu anu wnn her cargo unmeet. V" KolftL (baking Powder Makes Hie bread mure healthful. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powdrn Are the crtaltii i tntatctn to health of the prevent day. : ini xww f ft.. ' SHIPPING NOTES. i Tito Alntnedn ntrlvwl at the coa on Kilnxlule lime Th; transport Ilufnril San Francisco on Sept. 0th. The hurl; Mnrtltn lJnvis nailed from San Francisco for Hllo on Sept. I. The schooner Solnno sailed from Nowcustle for Honolulu on Sept. 2. The steamer Tumplcn arrived nt Seattle on September lOlli from Honolulu, The French- bulk Montebollo from Honolulu has arrived at San Francisco. The ship William H. Smith sailed from Newcastle on August 4th for Honolulu. The schooner Esther Buhne sailed from Gray's Harbor for Honolulu on Sept. 0. , The barkentlne Planter sailed from Stilt Francisco for Honolulu on September 10th. The bark Mohlcnn sailed from San Frnnclsc on Sept. 7 with a general car. go for Honolulu. The 'British ship Claverdon Is out about 210 days on n voyage from Hamburg to San Francisco. The schooner Ilobert It. Hind from Elecle for Port Townsend arrived at her destination on Sept. D. The barkentlne S. G. Wilder arrived at San Francisco on September 10 after a twenty-three uuy trip from Honolulu. The smoking room of the Jap liner Hongkong Maru has been enlnrged nnd other Improvements made In the passenger accommodations of the vessel. Lieut. Wlnchell In his report of the trial trip of the oil burner Mariposa to Tahiti says It was remarkable in many respects. He declares the new fuel to be a success. Believing that his vessel was thirty mile oft land Captain Flcheux allowed the French bark Marguerite Mollnos to butt Into the Jagged rocks that fringe tho North Fnrrallone Island. The vessel escaped Injury In a marvelous manner. Freight Clerk llobcrts of the Hong kong Maru left the vessel at San Fran cisco to await the America Maru, to which he has been assigned as purser, His promotion strikes a popular chord In the Jap liner service. Mi;. Burton, formerly of the Pnnumu run, succeeds him. The training ship Mohlcnn is now at San Francisco and her arrival there will cause the Adams to hurry out for a similar cruise to tho one that the Mohican has taken with the exception that sho Is to call at Wake Island and the Midway group In addition to Hawaii and other points. Bquro Ktggars Out of Trade. The good old dnys when square-rigged ships from all purls of the world filled the wharves of Honolulu are apparently Very near nn end. A number of this style of ships has been laid up on the Sound during the past few weeks and many of them nre well known In this port. Among them are the ships J. B. Brown and Jabez Howes. These ships can now swing Idly nt nuchor In port with only a wntchmnn and a cat to guard property that in the pnst has been the backbone of the Amerlcnn merchant marine. The steamers forced nearly all the trade away from these vessels except that of coal and lumber, nnd now the sudden Impetus that has been given to oil as a fuel has knocked the coal business Bky high. Honolulu and San Francisco have both become places where coal is decidedly unwelcome. The hundreds of bchooners on the Pacific const effectually liar the two-decked square-rigger from the lumber trade. The sugar trade has been gobbled up by tho steamers. Largest Steamer in the World. The White Star steamer Cedrlc, the largest steamer In the world, has been launched. It Is 700 feet In length, with :i breadth of 73 feet and depth of 49 feet, and has a gloss tonnage of 20,970. The big steamer has accommodations for 2900 passengers. May Bond Coal to Coast. Severn! coal laden vessels now on their way to this port from Nowcustle may get orders here to proceed to an Francisco and olschurge their cargoes there as the coal market here Is quite dead nnd there nre large stocks on hand at present. Bosun's Mate- In Command. The United States tug Iroquois Is now under the direct command of a bosun's mate. Captain Hodman's going to the Const at a time when there was no other commissioned officer on the little naval vessel places mutters in a bad way. Steamer Cottago City Wrecked. The steamer Cottage City of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company went ashore at Etelln island. The steamer may bo saved, Her passengers and crew were saved by the steamer Spokane. Ship Arthur Bewail Arrived. The ship Arthur Sewall, loaded with sugar from Honolulu, arrived at Delaware Breakwater on September 9th. IIAfHTf !llllV N I'TI MIU'N III IWC HI 'MIWItlCKtt WW tIGHTMUNlHb'lHiP ROUND THE H0KN . I M.- t , .hit, i , 'in tir , M i I t tilinl III ti " till h i iv t ,..,i in an tffhl iiiMh i, . . ... fi..fn Antd'rp ! iNirllaM Tll l arrtt"! at PnrttalHl m tt 4 ni'f T ntWtira MM: W lft CAiil!!) Jaiua't 13 this Yr llnWgk "nlhfr a fwr1ew4 Alfniml M ,,' but in 4. nmth. on MHtth It, the - mil d t tttanv with a lwtlr I'm t. aw until 2 a. tn.. wlinii a imwt i ni hurrli an, fnltwl by rain, tr nway the loww tuMll jnJ, ami damriRed tit forwtny nnd trip Th fnrtHttasl wns illnablrd, nlnl the altlp rtfuMNl to answer Um we trl I to wear ulilp. Intending to put Into M..iiteid(Mi for repairs. The wind was so that the Irons of the tiiuH were carried nwny, making the tlnslnf? tiMdewi. The forwnrd imrt of the vewel was gutted and two nands Injitrwl. The bridge wns stnnslied ami the port lifeboat swept over the side. "I'aptaln ltolerts, who was standing on the Kjop deck, was caught by a tremendous sea and washed from the starboard rail to that on tho port side, nntrowly escaping going overborn il. As soon as the weather moderated a little we made temporary repairs and steered for Port Stanley, Falkland Islands. "Ten weeks were consumed making repnlrs, but the work did us little good, for on July 3 the lower topsail yurd again came down with a crash while the wind was blowing a hurricane. Seemingly a strange coincidence It wns that this repetition of trouble occurred In exactly the same. latitude as the first time, only this was on the South Pacific ocean, and the (lrst occurred on the South Atlantic. But two hours before the tearing of the rigging all hands were at work on the forcynrd, and had they been there when tho ynrd came down nil would have been killed. "Hounding the Horn the whole crew wits frost-bitten, ns will be seen from the following memoranda In the log: 'Have had nothing but gnles and storms since leaving Stanley; ship mnklng only fifty and sixty miles ptfr day. On the 10th of June nnd thereabout the wenther was awfully cold and the crew nlmost played out from cold and exposure. Everything was a innss of Ice, and It wns Impossible to take In or make sail. Tremendous sens, however, continued to make clean breaches over the vessel, fore nnd nft.' "From the Gulf of Cnllfornla to the Columbia river fair weather was experienced, but the winds wore contrary, and hence slow progress was made. Some of the provisions were spoiled by salt water, but the crew tnnnnged to get along with the food and no complaints were made." HERMAN HAS , A NEW CREW AVhen the schooner Herman goes away to the South Seas she will carry a crew of South Sea Islanders. Yesterday the kanakas, who were on the schooner Julia E. Whalen on her trip to Marcus Inland, were engaged to go on the Hermnn but will not be signed on before the shipping commissioner until the case between Captain Brown and his other sailors Is settled. The representative of the United States Marshal's olllce who Is on board the schooner to keep her from sailing before the libel Js lifted has been treated with but scant courtesy. When the schooner was libelled by the' Wilder Steamship Company the gentleman who neted for the mnrshul was treateu with every courtesy. A cabin was'nsslgned to him abd he enjoyed life aboard, but now conditions huve changed. The Herman's captain considers that he has been abused and he doesn't care a rap for anybody. If a deputy marshal must stay aboard he can shift for himself. On Monday night the deputy slept on n cot on deck. Siberia's Trial Trip The new steamship Siberia, sister ship 'to the Korea, nnd her trial trip at Newport News on September 11. She , mnile n maximum speed of twenty-one ' knots, She made a run of 300 miles In twenty-four hours. The Siberia starts from the East for the Pacific nex,, week. Hawallans Not Going to Ben. Hnwnllans as sailors nre fast nenrlnir frnm Mm r, Vpv fovv nf HLAL LbTAlL TfUNSACTIOI l.l'l of .m4 Mi4 fi tr. r4 II. t I'll at Prnnv wtm patir cibm. I KawMMtolWi H at nut t al , I) f .MHMHiwmaMu .. . 1 II A. iCfilMHiIki IJ KtlMNlHiM & wt 1. IC. lloola .. 1) I). If. Naaaa H. li Walker I II. VlhwxM. A. ... 1) Hpt. 9-M. Knpu & hsh to Wm Smith I).. Mi Int in It P loci Kill JM9T PaMm ku, Wnlluktl, Maul; ontt JXl. II. T. nichnrd A. wf to J. Aync & vet, I)., por Gr SITS Kullhnl, Hnmitkun, Hawaii; con Jf2M. V. H. llufliindentt &. hsb to H. H. Cun-ha, I)., Or 202 Manon, Honolulu, Oahu; con JlStOO. Mrs Mary Castle to P. N. Castle Est Ltd., V., land patent 41CC Mnnoa Valley, Honolulu, Oahu; con 11. Sept. 10 II. Ktjkunhi to II. Kotnomun, 1)., Kuls 10373 & 70SO Knhulul II, N. Kona, Hawaii; con $12 &c. L, Altln & wf to J. A. Mngoon, I)., It P S53 Kill 1712C 2 Aps Walkele, Ewa, Oahu; It P 0319 Kul 1GS21I, Walkele, Ewa, Oahu; con 1800. L, Altlo & wf to J. A. Mngoon, D., It P 7US Kul 8241 G O Wnlpio, Ewa, Oahu; It P 814 Kul 8241 K K Wnlpio. Ewa, Oahu; 11 P S32 Kul 1075 E Ap 2 Wnlpio, Ewu, Oahu; con $1200. Julia' Edwards & hsb to D. Calllhan, V., Int In lot fi Machado tract, King St., Honolulu, Onhu; con $17. S. 15. Bishop & wf to Kalakawaha (k) D., lot 14 Knllu tract, Honolulu, Oahu; con $400. Si IC. Knne & wf to Heeln Agrl Co Ltd, V., 11 P 1387 Kul 83S7 Kaneohe, Koolnupoko, Oahu; Kuls 3431B Ap 2 & 2400 Ap 2. Koolnupoko. Oahu; It P 137G Kul H'G3 2 Aps Koolaupoko, Oahu; con $410. Kola & hsb et al to Oahu Hallway & Land Co., D., 40 ft right of way across por Kul 5503 Kahanalkl, Walanae, Oahu; con $30. Sept. 11. Palake & hsb to Esther Ba Kl.r, U., 1111 in Al " - II P 1183 Nnnoopoo, S. Kona, Hawaii; con $15. C. F. Sibley to J. G. Peregll, D lot 0 Mokauea tract, Honolulu, Oahu; con $050. Est of Jas Campbell by Trs & Exrs, to Oahu Hallway & Land Co., D., Int In pes land Ewa. & Koolauloa, Oahu; con $1. MAY MAKE TRIP FROM SEATTLE The bark S. C. Allen which has been In the trade between San Francisco and Honolulu for many years may make a trip from the Sound to this port. She sailed yesterday afternoon for San Francisco nnd on arrival at that port may get Instructions by mail from T. II. Dnvles & Co. to proceed to Seattle to bring down a deck load of lumber for Allen and ltobinson nnd a. cargo of general merchandise for T. II. Dnvles & Co. If sent to Seattle the change will not be a permanent one ns her owners Intend to keep the vessel In the Sun Francisco-Honolulu trade. Sne sailed In ballast yesterday as no sugar cargo was available Busmen's Institute Entortsinmeiit. An entertainment Is to be given at the Seamen's Institute tonight under the management of J. F. Kelly to provide amusement for the seamen on ships at present In the harbor. Music, recitations, club-swinging, performances, etc., will be the order of the evening and a very enjoyable time la anticipated. Admission will be free. Navy After Transports. WASHINGTON, September 8. The Navy Department has decided, nfter ..n. to take over four Army transports, Assistant Secretary Darling said today Umt the department was negotiating for the transfer of the transports Law ton, Grant, Hancock and the hospital ship Belief. .- NOTHING LIKE OIL. "In dealing with an, remember that a 4I)0nfu' ot " wln B further than a gallon of vinegar." The same may be B(lli, of chlulre. There ls 0thlng so Rito(l or cj,imren ns the old-fashioned castor oil. However much they abhor U " ls tl,elr best '"f'Hcino for disorders ,((. U)e bowels In U)e most 8el.BVO cases of diarrhoea and dysentery, how- ever. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Olnrrhoea ltemedy should be given aft- d" the oil operates, and a quick cure Is suro to f.,11,.,,. t;v.,. sale 1... all .lnla ul(j (r(jrrgt8 Benson, Smith & Co., j,td., agentsfor Hawaii BY AUTHORITY. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE AND OF SALE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH A POWER I of sale contained In that certain mortgage jnade by H. N. Kahalu nnd Kepe, his wife, mortgagors, of Ewa, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, to Mrs. E. Humphreys, of Honolulu, nforesald. dated the 10th day of March, 1SSS, and recorded In the Istei Ofllce, Oahu, In liber 113, pages which mortgage was, on the 5th day of June, 1901, assigned, trans ferred and set over to J, Alfred Mngoon, mortgagee, notice ls hereby given that said assignee of mortgage Intends to I foreclose said morttrnir fop condition broken, to wit. the non-payment of principal and Interest when due, and them leave Hawaii now to go on the' deep Several vessels that have sought . Vl. . ., , ,"?', to here rled get crews recently have to secure- Hawaiian sailors but have been unable to obtain them. Qixiy ivo iiouua irjps. C.'tptnln Cutler, the veteran master of the barkentlne Kllkltat, which ar- lived from the Sound yesterday with a oorgo m lumber Is'now IlUUtllli, Ills Ll.... fft. - , ,-,.. ... ,. I..,.. n'i.n IM.M., IUUI1U iril IU ilOllUIUIU. llli; v.iiuuiii is a aim Shipping Notes The barkentlne Archer will sail for, Snn Francisco with sugar at the end of the weeV. The ship John Currier will finish discharging coal by the end of the week and will sail on the first of next week for the Sound In ballast. The bark Olympic arrived at on Friday after a twenty-one day passage front Seattle. She has 2,200 tons of coal for Pioneer Mill. The Mauna Loa reports the following Reg-sugar left on Hawaii: H. A. C, 996 sacks: H In diamond. 531 sacks: II. S. Co., 700 sacks; P. S. M., 500 sacks; IC. S. Co., 3,110 sacks. The Mauna Loa's cargo consisted of 5,200 bags of sugar for W. G. Irwin Co., 4,200 bags of sugar for C. Brewer & Co.. fifty-live sacks of coffee, twenty- eight head pr cattle, twenty-five pigs, t upon said foreclosure will sell at pub-three horses, 175 bundles bananas, and lie auction nt the sale rooms of Will E. sundries. Fisher, Mngoon Building, corner of . - . Merchant and Alakea streets, Honolulu, to'-'S, companTwiuha?' VrcfeT lie S'S'SclSt m" oM d0 C"WPha?s Creasonr"! Dempeffibed '" 8ald ""M-" be able to stand It In the parlor without further particulars can be had of any fire next winter." The Cleveland Mngoon & Peters or J. Llghtfoot, Dealer. Mngoon building, corner i M tM MAM' s-- Itala M Mnfi i i i'l M U ' I, Aii.'imi , 'III! ' . ' i i" i ' land m puHcun .iki n k hi IiHSMsI ,,f Hawaii m,,i, null, ulatll de- n4 in lUijal I'm. ni SMC I. i- A Ian, m TniHiMft Mm. ntainitia nn r of lie aarat Mnvred to aaM tttart afrt W m nt ()ana. ald JUir MM. I St, ramtnlett In the Itciater Of- Hee, UNliH. IH Itlwr l. aa Ml, anil rwwrvlnc therefrom all that portion of Mid IrttnU and premise makal of tho fltiverntnent road leading from Kallua to Hnhualoa. 1 All those certain pieces of land situate In llnlenlm. District of Konlnulon. In said Island of Onhu. and being the Milne premises desrrled ns Amnai 1, 2 and i of L. l A. GSM to Katnnnu. containing nn nrea of SV acres more or lees, und being the same premises conveyed to said Mlllnma Kepe Knhulti by Knlieutnl (k), by deed elated June 17th, ISW, nnd recorded in said olllce in liber !C, pnge 109. 2410-Sept. 12, 19. 26 nnd 30. MOItTGAOEE'S NOTICK OF INTENTION TO FOltECI.OSIC. NOTICE IS llEItlMlY GIVEN THAT by virtue of n power of sale contained In that certain mortgage dated the 12th day of September, l&M, made by Olaf lletgstrom nnd Harriet Bcrgstrom, his wife, of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, to Cecil Brown? trustee, and of record In Liber 193, on page 100 et seo,., the said Cecil Brown, trustee. Intends to foreclose said mortgnge for breach of the conditions in said mortgage contnlncd, to wit, the nonpayment of Interest when due. Notice Is hereby given that all and ringulnr tho land, tenements nnd In said mortgnge described, will be sold nt public auction by Will E. Fisher, nt the front door of Hale (court house), in Honolulu aforesaid, on Snturday, the 4th day of October, 1902, In 12 o'clock noon of that day. Tho property covered by said mortgage Ik all that certain piece or parcel of land sltunte at Kaluaopalena, Kall-hl, Island of Oahu, with the dwelling house, out houses and Improvements thereon and more particularly described as follows: Being a part or portion of what Is known as Lot No. 22, which was grant- ed to . IIenr' ... Meyers by the govern- ,, ,.,n ,, innrt. ed as follows: "Beginning on Rose Street nt n point 100 feet from the south angle of said lot (at the corner of Middle and Rose streets), thence along Rose Street, N. 42 W. 155 3-10 feet; thence along lot No. 26, N. 48 E. 139 6-10 feet: thence along lot No. 23. S. 42 E. 15.-, 3-10 feet; thence S. 48 W. 139 5-10 feet to place of beginning, and contain ing nn area of 21,001 square feet." Terms, Cash, United States Gold Coin. Deeds at the expense of purchaser. Dated, Honolulu, August 29th, 1902. CECIL BROWN, Trustee. 2115 4tF. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTEN TION TO FORECLOSE AND OF FORECLOSURE SALE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE provisions of a certain mortgage made by L. James Aylett of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, to William R. Castle, Trustee, of said Honolulu, dated March 14, 1898, recorded Liber 179, pages 100 and 162, and assign ed to the Western and Hawaiian in vestment Co., by said W. It, Castle, Trustee, dated March 22, 1901, and recorded In Liber 179, page 101, notice ls hereby given that the mortgagee in tends to foreclose the same for condi tions broken, to wit: non-payment of both principal and Interest when due. Notice is likewise given that after the expiration of three weeks front tho date of this notice, tho property con veyed by snid mortgage will be advertised for sale at public auction at the auction rooms of Jas. F. Morgan, In Honolulu, on Monday, the 29th day of September, 1S02, at 12 noon of said day. Further particulars can be had or P. L. Weaver, Jr. Dated, Honolulu, September 5th, 1902. WESTERN & HAWAIIAN INVEST MENT CO., Assignee, Mortgagee. The premises covered by said mort gage consist of: All of those certain premises tn said Honolulu In the district called Kallu, containing an area of 11,105 sq. ft. more or less, and being the same cov ered by It. P. 2247, upon L. C. Awnrd 1032 to Mary Ann Aylett. and conveyeu to mortgagor by deed of Hana Lul dated June 3, 1S05, recorded In Liber 19, page 340: nnd nlso all of the appurtenances to the same belonging, together with the buildings and structures erected thereon. 2415 Sept. 5, 12, 19. 20. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE AND OF SALE. IN ACCORDANCE W I T II THE power of sale contained in that certuln mortgage made by W. E. Howell and II. B. Howell, his wife, B. L. Howe and L. E. Howe, his wife, all of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, nnd 11. H. Brand and Sadie Brand, his wife, both of Hllo, Island of Hawaii, Tertltory aforesaid, mortgagors, to J. Alfred Magoon, Trustee, ed February 2Sth. A. D. 1599, recorded In the Register olllce, Oahu, In liber 182, pages 471-4, notice Is hereby given that the .said mortgagee Intends to foreclose said mortgage for condition broken, to wit, the non-payment of principal and interest when due, and upon said foreclosure will sell at public auction, at the sale rooms of Will E. Fisher, corner of Alakea und Merchnnt streets, Honolulu nforesald. on Saturday, the 4th day of October, 1902, at 12 o'clock noon of said day, the premises described in Bald mortgage as below specified. Further particulars can be nnd of Magoon & Peters or J. Llghtfoot, Magoon block, corner of Alakea nnd Merchant streets, Honolulu. J. ALFRED MAGOON, Trustee, Mortgagee. PREMISES DESCRIBED IN MORTGAGE. 1. All the lands and premises situate at Kamakela. Honolulu, being a portion of Apana 2, R. P. 19S5, L. C. A, 0215, to Kalaeokeoki, which were conveyed by John Holt. Jr.. to W. W. Aha-na, by deed dated March 21st, 1S96, recorded In the Register ofllce, Oahu, In liber 15S, pages 259-60, and which were conveyed by W. W. Ahnna and wife to the said W. E. Howell, B. L. Howe and H. H. Brand by deed dnted February 21st. 1S99, recorded In the Register Oahu, In liber 191, pages 42-3, nnd ,'! int m 'h th I' I al f'i' ant r .in fiin " 7"' W v l. i . it v i nl It) Iw i Nui Ha ami I.. N Knil,, Ui - rl. Hi. ! .; 4H I: mi, li ' t al' t,s v Mini I. ' A , ma 1 I I'. . , . talel, M lie f I Bill t,, ii iv trit II feet alunk . i A them N. f ( IC. true 111 il al. I t Ml. Anatta 1 to Kaba. th r W. trut 1M.I ft aim g t A. M9 tn NfllRinnnwt I" in I point i nitm or nn m t gother with 10 'fit wide, to Kuktll street. 'I'hnf mtrlttlt, lM.ti.til 1I...1 nt I. n.n I I ween William Chung llwin and Wong l.i ong. Trustee, or premises situate at f . n tuft trail ri Unlit lutian ii ill Ail ! ti . liniMiint.iii rtnii iviirt uviiip inii i j, x u - rimry 10th, 1898. and recorded In anl Mill- 111 liber 178, pages SlltoHCpi. Vi, 1, i6, ill). MORTGAGEE'S NOTICK OF INTENTION TO FORKCLOSE AND OF FORECLOSURE SALU. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE provisions of a certnln mortgage made by M. 0, Annum and Shu Seeklno Amnnn, his wife, dated the 10th day of April, 1900, to Lowers & Cooke, n which mortgage ls recorded In Book 207, page S3, and Is assigned by said Lewers Cooke, n co-partnership, to Lewers & Cooke, Ltd , n corporation, duly organized und existing under the laws of the Territory of Hawaii, by bill of sale dated December 7, l'JOO, nnd duly recorded, notice Is hereby given Hint the mortgagee intends to foreclose the same for conditions broken, to wit: of both interest nnd principal when due. Notice Is likewise given that after the expiration of three weeks from the date of this notice, tho property conveyed by said mortgage will be advertised for sale nt public auction at the auction rooms ot James F. Morgnn, In Honolulu, on Monday, September 29, nt 12 o'clock noon of said day. Further particulars can be had of P. L. Weaver Jr. Dated Honolulu, August 29. 1002. LEWERS AND COOKE, LIMITED, Assignee of Mortgagee. The premises covered by said mortgage consist of: First: Those certnln lots of land lying in Knuluwela, Honolulu, Island of Oahu. Territory of Hawaii, particularly described In Boyal Patent 1028, t. C. Award No. 3155, to Male, being the same premises conveyed to M. C. Amana, mortgagor, by deed of J. dated October 11, 1899, and recorded in Book 201, pages 00 and 01, respectively, excepting therefrom, however, 11,500 isqunre feet conveyed by the said mortgagor to the Minister ot the Interior by deed dated March 7, 1900, and recorded In Book 203, page 439. Second: All that certain indenture of lease dated March 3, 1900, made by the trustees under tho will of Bcrnice P. Bishop to said M. C. Am an a, for a term of fifteen (15) years, and covering a parcel of land containing one-fourth (U) of an acre, situated at said Honolulu, said lease being duly recorded on April 11, 1900. 2414 Aug. 29; Sept. 5, 12, 19, MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION OF FORECLOSURE AND OF SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain mortgage dated May 31, A. D. 1899, made by Elizabeth K. Smith, wife ot George W. Smith of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, Mortgagor, to Mary J. Alexander, Mortgagee, nnd recorded In tho Register Office, Onhu, in Liber 196, pages 40-43, the Mortgagee Intends to foreclose said mortgage for condition broken, to wit, the non-payment of principal and Interest when due. Notice Is likewise given that the property conveyed by the snid mortgage will be sold at public auction at the Auction Rooms of Jntnes F. Morgan, Queen Street, Honolulu, on Saturday, the 13th day of September, 1902, 'at 12 o'clock noon. The property covered by said mortgage consists of: y First: All that certain piece orparr. eel of land situate at Pauwela, HatnaK kualoa, District of Makawao, Island ot? Maul, Hawaiian Islands, containing an'-urea of 40 acres, 2 chains nnd 63 fathoms (more or less) and being the same premises described In Royal Patent No. 144 to Paele and conveyed to the mortgagor by Kla Brooks and George Brooks, her husband, by deed dated November 28, A. D. 1895, and recorded In the ofllce of the Registrar of Conveyances In Honolulu In Liber 158, pages 360 and 307. Second: All that piece or parcel of land situate at Kamaole, Kula, Island of Maul aforesaid, containing an area of 5 acres (more or less) and being the premises described In Royal Patent-(Grant) 392 to PillpllI; also all those' pieces or parcels of land situate at said Island of Maul, and being parts 1, 5 and 6 of Royal .Patent 210S, Land Commission Awards Nos. 3S29 and 6013 to Paele; Part 1 containing an nrea of 80-100 of nn ncre; Partti containing nn area of 5-100 of an acre; and Part 0 containing an nrea of 3 24-100 acres; said premises described tn Paragraph 2 being the same premises conveyed to said Elizabeth IC. Smith by deed of Kla Brooks and husband, dated July 29, 1S90 and recorded In the Register Olllce, Oahu, 'In Liber 101, pages 131 ami 132. Third: All and singular that parcel of land situate at Kauluwela In said Honolulu, bounded nnd described as follows: Beginning at tho East corner of this land, being the West corner of nal Lane and Kuaklnl Street, and run ning. N. 41 20' AV. 101 feet along Kuaklnl Street; S. B3 W. 110 feet; S. 41 E. 118.5 ft. along Lot 3; N. 44" 20' E. 110 feet nlong Makalnal Lane to the Initial point; Containing an area of 12.03S square feet (more or less). And being the same premises conveyed to said Elizabeth K. Smith by deed of Jesse P. Makalnal. dated June 1, 1899, and recorded in the Register Ofllce, Oahu, In Liber 238. pages 211-216. Together .with all the rights, easements, privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging. Terms: Cash United States Gold Coin; Deeds at the expense of purchaser. For further particulars apply to W. O. Smith. Judd Building. Honolulu. Dated, Honolulu. August 14. 1902. MARY J. ALEXANDER. Mortgagee, by her Attorney In fact. WILLIAM O. SMITH. The above mentioned foreclosure sale Is postponed until further notice. MARY J. ALEXANDER. Bv her nttnrnev; 1 WILLIAM O. SMITH. 1371 V: St