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' fk Af I) ' ' r .. I?' fJC V dm. 0 ;1t M ft' tf tiiiPMNiTINTElUnbiNCl AllHIVKO TulM H i Ni 1-k AndreitilR. lli'K' r fi m Inulqu. In dlstrws, nt 2 tit Pchr Adn, from 1'unnUiu tunhu) I ii m. r H 8. Mwinn, Curry, from Itrixbniie xml Kuvn, itt T:tO a. in Wednesday, Kept 51 Stmr. Knual, from ICnunl ports, nt C 45 iu in. Kchr. Knwnllnnl, from Kotilnu ports, at i n. in. Schr. Ijiily, from Kuulmi ports, nt 3 P. m. Am. bk. Wnmond Head, Peterson, 19 day from Tort Hlnkcly, with lumber. Thursday, Rcpt. S. K. 8. Chinn, Frlole, from San nt 3:30 p. m. Am. bk. Mohican, Kelley, 17 days from Snn Framlsco. Stmr. Walnlcnlo, from Wnlmen, nt 7:20 a. m. , Stmr. Ke Au llou, from Anahola, nt J:03 n. m. .. departed. Tuesday, Sept. 13. S. S. Moann, Carey, for Victoria nnd Vancouer, nt 1:40 p. in. Am. bktn. Archer, Cnllioun, for San Frnnclsco, nt 11 a. in. Am. schr. William How don, FJerem, for the Sound, In ballast, nt 9:43 n. in. Stmr. Clnudlne, for Hllo and way ports, nt noon. Stmr. Maul, for Maul ports, at 5 p. m. Stmr. Helene, for Knhulul, 1'npanloa, Ooknla, Lnupahoehoe, Kukalau and at 3 p. in. Stmr. W. G. Hall, for Kauai ports, at 5 p. m. Stmr. Noeau, for Kaanapnll, Lnhnlnn, Honokna nnd Kukulhnele, nt G p. in. Gas. schr. Eclipse, for Moloknl, Hawaii nnd Maul ports, nt 5 p. in. Stmr. J. A. Cummins, for Koolau ports, at 7 a. in. Wednesday, Sept. 24 S. S. Alnmeda, Herrlman, for San Francisco, nt 1 p. m. Am. bp. John Currier, Murchlson, for Pugct Sound, nt 3 p. m. Schr. Chas. Levi "Woodbury, for Hllo, at 6 p. m. Stmr. Hawaii, for Hnkalnu, Honoinu. Pepeekeo, Onomea and l'apatkou, at G P .m. Thursday, Sept. 25. Stmr. Mlkahala, for Kauai iwrts, at S p. in. Stmr. Kauai, for Koloa, Annhola and Hnnamaulu, nt G p. in. Schr. Kawallanl, for Koolnu ports, at 5 p. in. Ship S. D. Cnrleton, In ballast, for the Sound. .. PASSENGERS. Arrived. Per stmr. Knuul, September 24, from Kauai nnd Nllhnu ports S. W. Wilcox, G. 1'. Wilcox, Mrs. K. Crowell, Miss Sarah Kamanoha, David Kealahuhi, W. BchmmelllPinlng, wife and children, A. Y. Peters, J. Jorgensen, M. H. Komatsu, Ng Yuen and C7 deck, "per Stmr. Ke Au Hou, from Kauai ports, Sept 25 G. H. Ewnrt, A. Jordan, S. Jordan, M Jardlne. Departed. Per S. S. Moana, for Victoria nnd Vancouver, Sept. 23 Miss 13. Cameron, Mr. nnd Mis". J. Judge, P. 1 t, W.'lt. Stewort, F W Cniter, Mr. and Airs T. F. Osborne and two bojs, W A. Kolninr, L. A. Dunn, II. 1-. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. H V. Alkliihon, M. Bray, O. M. Mucdonald, Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Stewart, O. K. Elliott, Miss M. T. Elliot. G. A. Haven, Mr. and Mrs. Foxeuatd and three children. Per stmr Maul. September 23, for Knhulul Mrs. H. A. Hnldwln nnd son, W. G. Talor, A. Horba, wife nnd child, JI. Ahinl, Mrs. D. M. Cameron, Misses Brown (3), Mrs. S. K. Alull and son Mrs. S. Davis, Mrs. Fannie Punter, E. Simmons, Hobert Plunkett Per stmr. Claudlne, September 23, for Hllo Theodore Wolff, L. Helnhaidt, W. H. Pettit. Mrs. B. Baddaky. M. O. Dow da, E. P. Mahle. For the Volcano- Miss King, Miss Stevens, I. Wllleke, S. Habcock. For Lahalna T. Gielgg, J. A. Tnthill, Dr. O. H. Wall, H. T. Tor Mahukon.i Mrs. Cockett, Miss Jones, Princess Kulanlanaole, C. S. Desky, F. J Llndeman, Mrs. H. H. Jtei.ton. Tor Kaunakakal James W. Harpy, Mr. Austin, It. McCorrlston. For Kawnlhae D. L. Van Dine. Miss K Moannull For Manlaea George II. Itobertson, A. N. Kepolkal. Ptr bktn. Arclier, September 23, for San Francisco H. M. Page and wife. Shipping News The ship William H. Smith cleaied or Honolulu with 2159 tons of Hast Greta coal on Sept. 4th. The bark Excelsior was loading coal for Honolulu nt Newcastle when the luu mall left. - Snip Dingo Blghted. The ship Dlilgo. on which the son of President Wight of the Wilder Steamship Company left Honolulu as third officer of the vessel In June for the trip to New York, evidently made straight south from Honolulu. On July 17th the vessel was spoken In latitude 21.20 South, and 15S:8 West. The schooner Henry K. Hall bound from Newcastle to Honolulu was spok en on August 10th n latitude 27.40 North nnd longitude 133 West. Vessel! on the Way. The bark Amy Turner Balled from San Francisco for Honolulu on Sept. 18. The schooner Aloha left Port Gam ble for Honolulu on the same date. The British ship Gantock Rock left Iqaloue for Honolulu on August 14. The ehlp Falls of Clyde left San Francisco n Sept. 14th for Hllo. The schooner Transit left Astoria on the 14th for Hllo. Tho "American-Hawaiian" Fleet. The steamer was expected to arrive at San Francisco from New York on September 23rd. The Nebraskan, sister ship to the Nevadan, Is now on the way around the Horn from New York. The Alaskan, largest of the fleet, is also on her way from New York to San Francisco and Honolulu. ' RoVal 'baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum. j Alum baking powdm are the greatest menaceri to health of the preunt day. om wim Eowtmi to mw vo. Becalmed for Seven Days. The schooner Adaf which returned to port Inst night with n enrtfo of rice from Punaluu nfter nn absence of n couplo of weeks over nt Hnwnl! carrying rice to Hllo, had n rather dull experience while off Hawaii coast about a week ngo. She struck n calm one afternoon nnd remnlntd nt about the same point for seven dnys, not getting a sulllclent nmount of wind to move her during nil of that time. ... Pearl Harbor Bar Dredging. Cotton Ilros. will commence the work of dredging out the bar which closes the entrance to Pearl Harbor at once. Yesterday tugs were at work towing down dredging machinery, Almy's houe boat, which Is to be used for quarters for the men who will work on the dredgets, nnd other dredging Honolulu Vesaols at Destinations. The Norweglnn bark City of Agra arrived nt Hurekn on Sept. 16. The bark Knlulanl arrived nt San Francisco on Sept. 10, after n 32 days' vonge from this port The schooner Hobert I.ewers arrived out on Sept. 17. Mohican Had Uood Cargo. Captain Kelley brought the bark Mohican along from San Frunclsco She Is chock full of freight nnd Cantaln Kelley sayw that the cargo sit uation on the Coast has Improved gieatly. Hesavs. "No wind or vessels were sighted on the way down" Goea for Guano Cargo. The bark Albert sails at ten o'clock this morning on another voyage to Lnjsan Island for guano. At this season of the year she Is npt to strike some rough weather. She will carry provisions nnd a number of passengers for the island. Paoliic Mall Promotions. Second Olllcer Pearson of the China has been promoted to the position of first officer. Third Olllcer Kitchen has been ndvanced to second place and Third Olllcer Arps who has been on the Panama run has been promoted to the same position on the Chlnn. Homo Big Oatchub Fish. Steamers arriving from Kauai ports yesteiday bring news of some great flail catches During the past week thousands of fish have been caught off Wnlwea At Ilanalel Mr. Blrkmyre Is reported to have captured 4000 mullet til one haul In the Hannlel river. Hark St. Jamos Spoken. The bark St. James, which Is now out 114 davs from Savannah for this port with a cargo of coal, was spoken on August 14th in latitude 5C S. and long! tude CO W. A,nnle Johnson Laid Up. The well-known bark Annie Johnson Is laid up In San Francisco becnuse of poor business. Her skipper is Captain Williams. Wireless Service to Kauai, The wireless telegraph sevlce is to oe extended to Kauai. .Men are now nt work on sumner Island constructing n mnst whkh Is to be 203 feet high and which will be set up near Wnlanae as the receiving point on Oahu. It Is being made In three sections One eighty-six foot section Is being built out of one of the masts of the old Twilight. WHAT A BLESSIHS Many People Aro Learning to Appreciate in Honolulu. What a blessing It Is. Sought afur by thousands. Honolulu Is II ml Ins; It out. Many a nuseiable man la happy now. Nights of unrest, days of tiouble. Any Itching skin disease means this. Itching Piles mean It. Hczema Just as bad, and Just ns bad to cure. Hut Doan's Ointment relieve at once, and cures nil Itehlness or the skin. A blessing to a suffering public. Here's proof to back our statement: Mr. H. It nil, of No. 11, Grosvenor St., South Ynrrn, a very old resident of Melbourne. Australia, stntes; For some considerable time I have been a sufferer from that annoying complaint known as Irritating piles. At times the Irritation was very annoying, especially at night, and in the warm weather. I applied some of Doan's Ointment, which I had obtained and I am pleased to say that It gave me the desired relief from this annoying disease. Doan's Ointment Is splendid in nil diseases of the skin: Hczema, piles, hives. Insect bites, sores, chilblains, etc. It Is perfectly safe nnd verv ef fective. Very frequently two or three boxes have made a complete cure,of chronic cases that have not jlelded to oiner remedies for )ears. Doan Ointment Is sold by all chemists nnd storekeepers at 50 cents per box, or will be mailed on receipt of ince oy me iioiuster Drug Co., Ltd., ngents for the Hawaiian Islands HAWAIIAN (Uf.KTTK, FIUDAY HKPTKMIU'.R M IIIOS HK.MI WKKKI.V " l - SMALL VLSSEL'S VERY HARD LUCK T' t i lull Ml i " I'" ' sili. i i ffciutlifrn rrr.M was vvn kI while larrilhg n ntnnlwr f nnd fsme lliillv) children on Mile nf Tahiti on the evening of Bept 1st. Natives on thf shore put out In boat nnd rescued on ponru although the (.chooncr vvn n totnl vvreck The Southern Cross wnn built In Snn Francisco n couple of years ago Our of her first cnptnltm committed suicide. A innte vvbh washed overboard from her. On her last cruise her captain refused to go to sen because he had not been paid his salary nnd the man who took Ills place run the vessel nshore. After the American Cup, LONDON, September 16. The challenge of Sir Thomas Upton for nnother Berles of races for the America's cup will be forwarded within a few days, so ns to reach the New York Yacht Club by October 1st. Confirmation wns forthcoming today of the report that the Shamrock III will be milled steel instead of mnngancse bronze, as In the case of the previous challengers. The new yncht'H design does not differ materially from those tof the previous Shamrocks, although there Is some divergence from the old lines forward. The new boat will not be so costly as the Shamrock II. Bemodoling the Kosocrans. SAN ritANCISCO, Sept. 15 The steamer Hosecrans, purchnsed some weeks ago by the Matson Navigation Company from tho transport service, will be taken from her anchorage oft Sausallto today to the Union Iron Works to be overhauled nnd remodeled into nn oil earlier, for use In the trade between the Coast nnd Hawaiian ports. The work Is to be superintended In crent part by Captain Johnson of the bark Roderick Dhu, who Is to be her commander. He Is now en route from Hllo In the Roderick Dhu. GOVERNOR DOLE SUSPENDS AUDITOR AUSTIN (Continued from Page G.) rial, and those that are material are not true. "In the meantime we nre In possession of the otllee, nnd will so remain. unless overborne by violence. If the Governor cares to precipitate n scene of violence, In suppoit of his Illegal act, his chance Is good, nnd we will en deavor to 'give him a run for his money.' The harshest thing I feel Inclined to say of the Governor, In this connection. Is that he has lost his head, probably as a result of late official scandals. "What's that? uh, tho Auditor's head! Well, it's still 'on straight." He hasn't 'lost' it Just )et. "The Governor's request for Mr Austin's leslgnatlon, In view of existing conditions and suspicions, was Impossible of gratification. It would, If tendered, be construed jis a plea of guilty, to any kind of cluuge which malice or gossip might suggest The Auditor Is quite piep.uod for a hearing upon tho cluuges submitted, when If he prov en guilt) of any of them whleh ivvould bring him within the teinis of the Gov einm s power of suspension, the;e will be no further opposition on his imrt, to the ieiclse b) the Governor of that light" LAW UPON WHICH GOVERNOR ACTED The following Is the statute, being Section S, Session Laws of 1S9S, upon which the nctlon of Governor Dole is biiMd This law was continued In force b Congress" "The Auditor General and Deputy Auditor General may be suspended or lemoved fiom olllce at an) time, by the Hwcutlve Council for Incompetence, misbehavior, abuse of authority, mal administration of olllce, or failure to pei form the duties of the olllce for more than thiity days. Any vacancy tluough death, resignation, removal or suspension shall be filled by appointment of the Piesldent as in Seitions 1 and 2 of this Act." MAY BE ANOTHER CONFLICT. Another eontllct Is likely to occur today In the event of an attempt to remove the auditor. What fuither action will be taken In this connection Attorney Gcneial Dole would not say last evening As a matter of fact Mr. Austin Is now out of nctunl possession of his olllce, theie having been of course no effort to maintain that position during the night. The High Sheilft will probably attempt to enforce the Governor's Instructions today. THE WRIGHT MATTER. Developments In the case of Treasurer Wright vesterdav were not numer ous. Secretary Cooper spent the day provisions of n certnln mortgage made In counting over the cancelled sliver by L James Aylett of Honolulu, Island certlllintes, with a view to their burn- of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, to Wiling Nothing wiong was found, nor n,lm n. cattle, Trustee, of said Mr Cooper expect to find anything lulu, dated March 14, 1S9S, recorded amiss In this connection l.lber 179, pages 160 and 162, and The failure of Mr. Ho)d to arrive cd to the Western and Hawaiian In- peared to eilte no apprehension In the vestment Co., by said W. R. Castle, minds of the Territorial otllclals Mr. Tiustee, dated March 22, 1901. nnd re-W H Wright had requested him to corded in Liber 179, page 161. notice is return, and It Is possible that the let- ". J5', P .1 . r,a" Ji! ter did not reach him In time. "e....a':.nor"1 Do1l statci1 Xerday Uiat V, ,,,:?. ,"s not co,,n;c,ea utn u,e II H. VV light Ca&e as far as known to nun. WILL ENTER CIVIL SUIT. REAL E STATE TRANSACTIONS I.ti 1 1 !ii!k flll for f rd f 1 1 Iht .i tn First Pnrty (JInss Knuknnhit llnnlMMj t ul . 1) M. Pnvno Hr i vvf M, da Caiimra V KnUkiuilia I,i'ielH et nf, 1) Knukuuhn K. Konlohn I) First Am. r"av. & Tr. Co, (' llrown , 1 It. Wntson et ni. A. Kcllelt .... , I) Napoe i't al. A, Kcllett D Castle & Cooke Castle & Cooke Ud D Sept. 23 W. C. Achl-S. Apnllona al D Wing Chong & wf Jo da C. PI- mental D Sept. 24- , Mrs K. Singer T. Kchlcmmer .... D Kl D P. Kl & wf It. A. Drutnmond .... D Spt. 15 J. J. Furtndo & wf to M. J. de Gouvea, D lots 1, 2, 5 & 7, blk F, Villa Franca Add., Hllo, Hawaii; con $2000. M J. Gouvea to Helena Furtado, D., lots 1, 2, C & 7 blk F, Villa Franca Add., Hllo, Hawaii; $2000. Spt. IC Kalaiwaa to W M. D., pc land Wulakea, Hllo, Hawaii, con 10 etc. Win. O. Achl & wf to M. It Hlsho, D., lots 13 .t 14 blk 8 Knlulanl Tract, Honolulu, Oahu; con 400. 1.. Webb & hsb to S. M. Dimon, D , It P 34J Moanalua, Honolulu, Oahu; lease R P 313 Moanalua, Honolulu, Oahu, con $1600. Kalanui & wf to Honokau Sugar Co , D, Hit In R P 7778 Kill 7252 Kullel, Hawaii, con (52. Sept. 17 D. Kawnnannkoa & wf et ul to Apt (w) et al., D., por R P 7429 Mil-licit 61, Honuaknha, Honolulu, Oahu; eon 1. 1. Kanekoa (k) to L. Almanuinanu, D , R P 2031 Kul 5515 2 Aps Kallua, Koo lau poko, Oahu; con 60. Kahalau (w) by mtgee to L, D R P S12 Kul 880 Walkele, Hwa, Oahu, con $310. .. CAMH NEAR 1JBING A CRIPI'LH. Josh Westhafer, of Loogootee, Ind , IT. S. A., Is n noor man, but he savs he would not be without Chnmberlaln's Pain Balm if It cost five dollars a bottle, for It saved him from being a crip ple. No external application is equal to this liniment for stiff and swollen joints, contracted muscles, stiff neck, sprains nnd rheumatic nnd muscular pains. It has also cured numerous cases of partial paralysis. It Is for sale by all dealers and druggists. Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., agents for Hawaii. TOD MD8T REGI8TER IP Y0D EXPECT TO VOTE. A FORMER REGISTRY DOES NOT C0DNT. WHY STAY PALE? A pity to see pale girls stay pale and dull when it is so easy to get Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion does a few things well. One of them is to give rich red blood to pale giils. There is a reason for it. But perhaps you are more interested in results than in reasons. The result of steady daily doses of Scott's Emulsion is an increase not only in the red color of the blood and in the appetite but in the good looks and bright manners which are the real charm of good health. Scott's Emulsion is blood food. Send for Free Sample. SCOTT ft ISOWNT, t hcmlMs 409 Peatl St , N. Y BY AUTHORITY. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE AND OF FORECLOSURE SALE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE itriiitEJ iu 4j(;.fU0u iiiu 0ttui; ut tlons broken, to wit. non-payment of both principal and Interest when due. Notice is likewise given that after tlm nvnlrntlnn nf lir uptin frnm the Idnte of this notice, tho nronertv con- ve)ed by said mortgage will be advertised for sale at public auction ut the Civil action will be commenced this auction rooms of Jas. F. Morgan, in morning ngalnst W. H. Wright for the Honolulu, on Monday, the 29th day of recovery of the amount tnken by him September, 1902. at U noon of said day. froih the treasury. Though not present PjJJther particulars can be had of P. Til'1 "V"? VateSTlIonrtulu. September 5th. 1902. S"""' Property In the Territory In WESTERN & HAWAIIAN INVEST-V right s name. The papers In this suit MENT CO w 111 be tiled today. It Is estimated that ' Assignee, Mortgagee. v rights property Is worth 110,000 which the Treasurer had been willing The premises covered by said to turn over to the Territory. Unless gage consist of: Wright Is captured In the meantime no All of those certain premises in said criminal action will be Instituted In the Honolulu In the district called Kullu. courts here until the grand Jurylmeets, containing nn area of 11,165 sq. ft. which will be next month more or less, nnd being the same erert by R. P. 2217. L. C. Award Secretarv Ponnnr u in , f i. upon treasurer's oml ! ch.n,rBe ,' 1092 to Mary Ann A)lett. nnd conveyed A l' P" t0 mortgagor by deed of Hann Lut Sl- Works lk.,T men. u f0r the Present gnlos, dated June 3. 1865. recorded In without a head. Uber 19, page 346; and also all of the M'uun '! ti the autre bfionrintc t. n!i. r wtiu th liuiluiiiftA ami tru - tufwn MlTtl HI(-PI)l c, if 19 H MoilTOAMLKH Swrrit'K dF TO I'dliKi'MiHi: Nfvrtrit in im'i! that lr virtue of a power of isnle obtained If Hint certain tnorlgnice dated the Ifth day of lieptember, iiVJ. made by Olnf llfrgstroni and Harriet Ilcrgstrom. his wife. .f Honolulu. Island of Oahu, Ter- rltory of Hnvvull, to Cecil llrown. tee. nnd of record In Liber 193. on pngc 100 et se the mild Cecil llrown, , tec Intends to foreclose said mortgage for blench oflho conditions In said mortgage contained, to wit, tho lion- payment or interest when due. Notice Is herebv nlvim Hint nil nnd singular the land, tenements and here- dltamcntn In said inortgnge described, win no sold at public miction by Will H. Fisher, nt the front door of Innl Hale (court house), In Honolulu uforesnld, on Snturdny, the 4th day of Octouer, 190.', in 12 o clock noon or thnt day. Tho property covered by said mort gage Is all thnt certnln piece or parcel i or land situate nt Knluaopalena. Kali- hl, Island of Oahu, with the dwelling house, out houses nnd Improvements thereon and more particularly eel as follows: Helng a. part or portion of what Is known as Lot No. 22, which was granted to Henry C. Me)ers by the government by Royal Patent 3610, and bounded ns follows: "Beginning on Rose Street at n point 100 feet from tho south ungle of said lot (nt the corner of Middle nnd Rose streets), thence nlong Rose Street, N. 42 W. 155 3-10 feet; thence nlong lot No. 26, N. 48 E. 139 5-10 feet; thence nlong lot No. 23. S. 42 13. irr. 3-10 feet; thence S. 4S W. 139 C-10 f"et to plnce of beginning, nnd an urea of 21,604 square feet." Terms, Cash, United Stntes Gold Coin. Deeds nt the expense of purchnser. Dated, Honolulu, August 29th, 1902. CECIL DROWN, Trustee. 2415 4tF. MORTGAGEFS NOTICE Or INTENTION TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE AND OF SALE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH A POWER of sale contained In that certain mortgage made by H. N. Kahnlu and Kepe, his wife, mortgagors, of Ewa, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, to Mis. 13. Humphreys, of Honolulu, Island aforesaid, dated the 10th day of March, 1SSS, and recorded In the Olllce, Oahu, In liber 113, pages which mortgage was, on the 5th day of June, 1901, nssigned, transferred and set over to J. Alfred Magoon, mortgagee, notice Is hereby given that said assignee of mortgage Intends to foieclose bald mortgage for condition broken, to wit, the non-payment of principal and Interest when due, and upon said foreclosure-will sell nt public auction at the Bale rooms of Will E. Fisher, Magoon Building, corner of Mei chant and Alakea streets, Honolulu, on Saturday, the 4th day of October, 1902, at 12 o'clock m. of said day, the piemlses described In said mortgage as below specified. Further particulars can be had of Magoon & Peters or J. Llghtfoot, Magoon building, corner of Alakea and Met chant streets, Honolulu. J. ALFRED MAGOON, Assignee of Mortgage. Dated Honolulu, Sept. 11th, 1902. PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN MORTGAGE. 1. All that ceitaln tract or parcel of land situate In Punpuaalkl, N. Kona, Island of Hawaii, more paitlcularly In Ro)al Pnteut C710, L. C. A. 4SS7, to Thomas Sams, containing an area of 170 acres conveyeel to said by deed of Oana, dated July 20th, 1SS3, recorded In the Register Of- nee, uanu, in nuer oi, page jui, excepting nnd reserving therefrom all that portion of said lands and premises lying makal of tho Government road leading f loin Kallua to Hohualoa. 2. All those certnln pieces of land situate in Haleaha, District of Koolauloa, In said Islund of Ouhu, nnd being the same premises descried as Apanas 1, 2 and 3 of L. C. A. 5S53 to Kamano, containing nn area of 3U acres more or les, and being the same premises convened to bald Mlliama Kepe Kahulu by Kaneuml (k), by deed dated June 17th, lbSr., and recorded In said office In liber 96, page 169. 2116 Sept. 12, 19. 6-and 30. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE AND OF SALE. IN ACCORDANCE W ITH THE power of sale contained In that certain mortgage made by W. E. Howell and H. B. Howell, his wife, B. L. Howe and L. 13. Howe, his wife, all of Honolulu, Island fit Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, and 11. II. Brand and Sadie Brand, his wife, both of Hllo, Island of Hawaii, Toriltoiy mortgagors, to J. Alfred Magoon, Trustee, February 2Sth, A. D. 1899, recoided In the Register olllce, Ouhu, in liber 182, pages 471-4, notice Is hereby given that tho jald mortgagee intends to foreclose said mortgage for condition broken, ta wit, the non-pa) inent of principal and Interest when due, and upon mid foreclosure will bell at public auction, nt the bale rooms of Will E. Fisher, corner of Alakea and Meichant streets, Honolulu aforebnld, on Snturday, the 4th day of October, 1902, nt 12 o'clock noon of snld 'day, the piemlses described In said 11101 tgage ns below specified. Further partlculais can be had of Magoon & Peters or J. Llghtfoot, Magoon block, corner of Alakea und Merchant streets, Honolulu. J. ALFRED MAGOON, Trustee, Mortgagee. PREMISES DESCRIBED IN MORTGAGE. 1. All the lands nnd premises situate at Kamakela Honolulu, being a portion of Apann 2, R. P. 19S5, L. C. A. 6245, to Kalaeokeokl, which were conveyed by John Holt. Jr.. to W. W. Aha-na, by deed dated March 21st, 1896, recorded In the Register otlice, Oahu, In Uber 15S, pages 259-60. and which were convc)ed by W. W. Ahana and wife to the said W. E. Howell, B. L. Howe and H. H. Brand by deed dated February 21st, 1899, recorded in the Register office. Oahu, In liber 191, pages 42-3, nnd more particularly described ns follows: Commencing nt the north corner of this lot nt fence nnd running: S. 59 22 W true 233 feet nlong lot 19 along Kuaunn, thence v S. 31' 40' E. true 156 feet along land sold by Kla Nahaolelua nnd wife to N. Knlla Knnon (vV). thence N. 57 40' E. true 101 feet nlong same nnd L. C. A. 725, Apann 1 to Pu- aalclcpa no Kelilokalanl, thence S. 30 25' E. true 12 feet along L. C. A. 725, thence N. 5S 6' E. true 121 feet along L. C. A. 954. Apana 1 to Kaha, thence N V Av till !n fwl olotiK I., r A 919 to NftlHinnttfti lo InllMt MM nrm MS liid of nn rri, irrlliir hiih 10 ft el whip tti Kukul sir et 1 Thai lertiiln Indrntute of !( lie tvsitn William c hung I loon and "Woiijr l.toiiK, Titmice of nremlres situate nt KniiHikiln, mild len lielnit dated ft rV,'" y . ,J"! n?. "N'1 ""'..rded In said l,,Ilr" " l'l.'!r '' l,nr'" "8 -'' .iirwn.i. i:. n, a. . 7TZT,, . , . ,T7. r.T"T,; .. ...,,... MOT '"T'S,?, S TION t I'OllKf LOSURL ANli Ol' BALL. NOTICH IB HL'MKIIY GIVEN THAT pursunni in me power of sflle contain- in that certnln mortgnge dated Mny " '' mauo oy i:iizauetn k Smith, wife of George W. Smith of Ho- nolulu, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, Mortgngor, to Mary J. Alexan- er, nnu recorded in the Register Office, Oahu, In Liber 196, pages 40-43, the Mortgagee Intends to foreclose said mortgage for condition broken, to wit, tho non-payment of principal and Interest when due. Notice is 'likewise given that the property convened by the Bald mortgage will be sold at public auction nt the Auction Rooms of James F. Mor gan, Queen Street, Honolulu, on Satur- dny, the 13th day of September, 1902, at 12 o'clock noon. The property covered uy said mortgage consists of: First: All thnt certain piece or par cel of Innd slumte at Pauwela, District of Makawao, Island of Maul, Hawaiian Islands, containing an nren of 46 acres, 2 chains nnd 65 (more or less) and being the same premises described In Royal Patent No. 144 to Paele nnd conveyed to the mortgagor by Kin Brooks and George Brooks, her husband, by deed dated November 28, A. D. 1895, nnd recorded In the office of tho Registrar of Conveyances in Honolulu Jn Liber 158, pages 366 nnd 367. Second: All that piece or parcel of land situate at Kamaole, Kula, Island of Maul aforesaid, containing nn area of 5 acres (more or less) nnd being the premises described In Royal Patent (Grnnt) 392 to Plllplll; also all those pieces or paicels of land situate nt said Island of Maul, and being parts 1, 5 and 6 of Royal Patent 2168, Land Commission Awards Nos. 3S29 nnd 6613 to Paele; Part I containing an area of 86-100 of an acre; Part 6 contnlnlng an area of 5-100 of an acre; and Part 6 containing an area of 3 21-100 acres; said premises described In Paragraph 2 being the same promises conveyed to said Elizabeth K. Smith by deed of Kla Brooks and husband, dated July 29, 1896 nnd recorded In the Register Olllce, Oahu, In Liber 164, pages 131 nml 132. Third: All and singular that parcel of land situate at Kauluwela In said Honolulu, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the East corner of this land, being the West corner of Lane and Kuaklni Street, and running: N. 41 20' AV. 101 feet along Kuaklni Street; S. 63 W. 110 feet; S. 41" B. 118.5 ft. along Lot 3; N. 44 20' E. 110 feet along Makalnal Lane to the initial point; Containing an area of 12,058 square feet (more or less). And being the same premises conveyed to said Elizabeth K. Smith by deed of Jesse P. Makalnal, dated June I, 1S99, and recorded In the Register Office, Oahu, In Liber 238, pages 214-216. Together with all the rights, easements, privileges und appurtenances theieto belonging. Terms: Cash United States Gold Coin; Deeds at the expense of purchaser. For further particulars apply to W. O. Smith. Judd Building. Honolulu. Dated, Honolulu, August 14, 1902. MARY J. ALEXANDER, Mortgagee, by her Attorney in fact. WILLIAM O. SMITH. The above mentioned foreclosure sale Is postponed until further n6tlce. MARY J. ALEXANDER. By her attorney: WILLIAM O. SMITH. 6271 1 1 CHAS. BREWER & GO'S. NEW YORK LINE IJurk Fooling Suey BAILING FltOM NEW YORK to HONOLULU July 1, 1902. For freight rate apply to , CHAS. BREWER & CO., 27 Kilb Ct., Beiton, C. BREWER & CO., LTD. Honolulu, THE FIRST American Savings & Trust Co. OF HAWAII, LTD. Capital, $250,000 00. President Cecil Brown Vice-President M. P. Robinson Cashier W. G. Cooper Principal Olllce: Corner Fort and King streets. SAVINGS DEPOSITS received and Interest allowed for yearly deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. Rules nnd regulations furnished upon application. Castle & Cooke, -LIMITED. LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. . . AGENTS FOR U OF BOSTON, En Life Insurance Coipi s r J00,g!unu