Newspaper Page Text
VI j. tf K ft ntfmt at th rotomc of Honolulu, II, T Mattel', TlKMMb AM) MIIA18 WALTLR C. SMITH, LDITOR. BUIlSCIttlTlON HATEBl . ,. , tprr Month . .....I .frr Montis Foreign p.r .r ,,;::::::::::::::::: :? iDtulitlj In AdTance. A. W. PEARSON. TUIISPAY XOVEMIIEit 1 " HAWAII NEEDS REPUBULAMJM. . , ,.,,... i, ,lf Willi the closing of the last the cnmpilK" f Prince Kuhlo for the HAWAII Delegateshlp, there In left In the mind also, for the four-footed detroer litis lmprelon. that " tiwlo for nunll n.I phMiwnt ami of the people only one for the young fledglings whhh he will .. .. .. .i, .... to the CTit when Hawaii sends n man c m1(cj o mXMy conclave V0f the chlefii of her people, j ,f (no nnlnnn KeBt the favorite at WnslilnKton for the enactment ter ot the inonKooe will he destroyed, and till will help to some extent In d- of law for the control of the many . crciiH nir the peril of poultry hut the distinct sections of the country, to cZJlL plaBue to the rpent the wishes of the people the Ter- mnlmlm 0f destrurtlvenexs would he rltory, she owes It to herself that the for the l.eRlilature to offer a stnndlnK man chosen should he one In whom the'iewurd for mongoose iewar.1 , . ,,, lilB eiioUBh to set the small hoys mid people have conildence. (JI( men Qf th() Terrlt,)ry Ilt uork tra),. TheflBht which has occupied the pas', j pl)K tJe mtlc nnlml. California did tKo months has been passed upon the , ueil with the J5 reward fc5r coyote one Idea, wnal shall he done for the scalp-, as to encourage the belief that 1 f the neoiile. On the side of the a fifty cent bounty on mongoose heads opposition to this Is the sectional, the personal haired and the race piejudlee contest waged by Wilcox and his followers, none ot whom have been so rabid In speech or so Illogical In con- dusions, ns the luiole confidant of AVII cox, i:dgar Caypless Tl...r n.iiiiilns for'the' people then only to weigh the advocates and their arguments, and of! There Is a geneial lament oer empty the results on Tuesday next there re-'pews. We seem to be experiencing a mains no doubt when the character of decline In church attendance, especially the voters is taken into consideration in the cities We build large and beau-Prince Kuhlo has neer wavered from tlful churches, equip them with every his one principle. He Is In the fight for convenience and comfort, we have line that which shall be for the greatest music, and there are many able pi each-good of the people of the Islands. He its In our pulpits, men who keep does not wige war against the haole,. abreast of the times, who read and Nor doeH he wage a campaign per s think, who have something- to say and against Wilcox or his friends. He has know how to say It. Vet the pews are stood, he is now, the repiesentatie of sparsely illled. The people are as against standing still. He where, on the street, in the parks, 01 at wants to see this Territory one of the' home reading the newspapeis and foremost In the nation, and he Is opposed by the foices which stand for tendencies. There has bten in tills fight no question which has stopped Home Kule argument more effectively, than the pie one. "What has Wilcox done for his country. 01 what has he essayed mat will be of benefit to the people at ' large." To this he has always answered with platitudes and aln boastings. It is Wilcox who has always for his people, and when they ask facts he gives them words. If they should demand ure.iui ,,,... ,)Ut ue ..tount u hardship to hr would give them stones. Through I llk n ,L j,0(.k, to attend the forer all the campaign runs the eln ot thMnoon ppn ,ce Another w titer "Return me to Congress and i t,n,utes religious decline to "the bplrlt 1 will again (recele my salary and ,. ;w,ildli.nss that petvades the expenses, to the amount of lt nB0 ln its rUMh ilfler Blllll (1 V.OHO, jind you will hae the .. SIU ,motlel thinks that "the tlon of knowing that you h..e chosen 1(1W Htie t Hprituallty oft.'n seen ln the man who will spend it. -Milium? for the people, all for Wilcox and ins followers. 'ints is ine antiinesi.s 01 me can fight, for the leader has said only that he wants to secure the olllce for(,BtU8S lhese qm.stlotiH, but they simple purpos,. that he may woilt ,., aHk ie public why It for the benefit of his people To the forclgnets It Is only neressaty to asK me question: -v. men is me stand of the man who will cnect things of benefit for all the people? I To the Hawallans the question Is, "Who, In the past has wotked for the people the nlll who looked upon all as his KrAltmru lt. ItiirtfirlillL li "V '.. ... I. . ,',;.. I '. ,..., . . 'i ... i i ,i r .,n,Cl..r.R .K" '. Lf'.r Mi. uiiu uiiiuii, "l"'"" working for his own aggrandizement. ' A nl tfA n..l1l..pla..,ai af 1. n t lwtl nZ inV "A". -a Tin"', ' ',."'V . Z Prince shows that their hearts are villi him In the struggle which will mean so much for the future of the tory. OPENING NEW LAND. The Sen country is being exploted by a party of white men headed by Charlev." a famous plalnbinau, to whom the Mexican government granted i provisional deed of the land. ,all,i nioro absorbing works of fiction The Seris occupy the Island of Tlburon, have been wiltten by any Western au-a terra Incognita In the Gulf of Call- thot since the ear dajs ot lltet lliute, fornla, about which arm of the sea is thnn "Mc Teague" nnil "Thd Octopus," jnoro unexplored tertltory than can bo Xorrls' masterpieces. The one Is a tale found anywhere els In North America of modern San Francisco, the other n south of the upper Canadian settle- , meiits. Hy common icpute the Indians are cannibals. They are certainly more ferocious than Apaches ns they have been known. In hand to hand combats, to strip tlesb from their enemies with tr.cir teem in nianv pnvstcai respccia, they dlffir fioin tlu mainland Indians, ' having more of lhe points of the thor uughbred animal Their average height exceeds fclx feet and Ihey are piobably the most tireless walkers and runners lr. tho world. There Is a, certain sanctity nbout their marriages and home life although polygamy prevails among them. In the matter of languago their I ecullarlty Is veiy marked, their speech being a Jargon of Welsh, due, It Is Bald, to their Intermarriage, during Die sixteenth century, with a ship's company of Welshmen who were wiecked on Tlburon island, This island las ong attracted gold- seekers, Uut expedition after tlon has been beaten off. Only nr vr. ,.,. .. Han ni..., kliier and soino of nls crew met tlmlr fate there. Mexicans, though tho trrrlimlul havo never bten nblo f...i IV IO.JV HI .llllllllll. "Arizona Pharl." lakes with lilm a large force, of adventure, .no-l of whom invu ImiJ experoiico in liullnn liRliilnir Tliuy propose 0 esurinlimit ur it mining proposliioit f "puns it, Iff n (liutllt riiUBU If inlimiul liiillcw Hon lire wai.tinir Naturally lliis. Tt'riKDAV, VOXT.MMKIt 4, V'r,,,mi u"" "'' ,",,,,!" iiuu. K. T. A U Co f nous of coii... .i. nr o iiu ami , uluOMrT.uu.m u" .. iff n "MZ. '7 ifnen '.u.d Crll. M-' c. Z ' ',, " 'l0,' '' K,Vh" nm r, ' 6. )M,ncn. .nr tlm fact llmt Mr . . , . ''", o. k. A l. ilt m , ruiw i iiuli wiirLliiiwI. "', V im. "I"1 ,;o ' !"iml ,v:l'..'. J',,U'.T".6 '"' c u6U,. uln. wi.iat. t.. .biav u nr" ii,hhhI .. Iiv b.'t'il loH"il khIihIu a i. o. '. A Srver. um, Inn of tlm elomilu aljui Tip' ulimluw p turcK nf M IClllli y . y!l(. iB.jnHiit uiu arinui) lo lliu iwlli. mi ih .n ..f ihu ,iwi.iu wlm, in u. li "",l w..n .r wuiiiinry llu" t and ilulr vwi ius Imcii inuiln nvi .irnjiiisuiim will .Hinblnu furuM vsllli Wlliinlii buv w imlnivil uin l!)lj) u fciiuill Ii4intijii tiuilD copMhlt! an. ihv Kil,.pullu uu mmIII Uiu'l'1'"! bioiiKUl I '' nmiiy hiiiwiIh im'cbiiIoii. of 'uliillliitf tho vi.iodn" I in., tin, ,,( (.mm,,.,!,!, im loMiMiainiH .nijlmii In i lil.f Mvlvllln of Hi 'flib locJIion of uluud is i . r. ,. .. . . n i... ....... i ...,,. n,. ... ...... .i. i,,..o ..... ,.i ,,. .,,mi. i linu wlf way vp I In. llwif ... i'inf.r nl. ivltli'ii HulU nf r(u Mrlmn Hiiiiii ) ISIANO J'LJTS. l HMed IS it. H Mbui " in una I.IIrI.1 lnnnn I i H ' tut hM n nlll " " The lnnlKhn I Hr'HK " """ "'th i- ii..t uluritulv (t l-d It n .thlitR .nii - .ul hwni, m ihr ........ ..ft. nblc t free thrlr panim lend ttuin the urn!, nf lh JhmitW nnd increjnwv ...rrMmlliiKly. th dairy iHdiMrtrr tlp HiMtrtuufllfn or MtMill fanning Tn ,(Iv.irHT hN that Ihr Hx -,,. m ... t Iwr.wpo the iiioi.Km.Mi IiIukuo. which, like the InntHnn Iv urrntR the roftt of llvlll " Ihr imnluniKc wcie nKaln free, milk should be cheaper nnil If the utongnow were exterminated, should k .limn to ennui prices The uplands nil nlmut the lp,' nf'' wo" adapted 1" tl"" raising of potllir , inn me u.uiiK"""e ' "" h' (after the young 1'hlcketiH hut It steals ,,.KKa uheiovcr It win lln.l them Not only egg and chickens would be ,.,rkel except foi (, rnvnRCB of lne mnKim(... hut game would be highly productive THE EMPTY PEW. The H angelical Messenger (Cleveland) In n recent leading un- der the heading, "Why Do Not the Peo- pie Go to Church?" declares. novels What is the mattei ? The same paper not long ago Invited Its readers to contribute to a symposium on the questions invoHed, and prints a number of their answeis. One writer gives It as his conviction that "the lea h0n ,or lhe Iut.k ot uphhual life and nnui'i In inaiiv nf our boiletles and (unonK our people Is the want of real and ..elf-denial. Our fntheis, he sajs, "Uoe fioin thirty to sixty miles to nttend the quartet ly meetings and many times walked twelve to llfteen mlle to prntei -meet- ,,. cnurch" Is due to the fait that .., vncei philosophy, asltonomy, etc aro ,hsot upon in the pulpit, In thice of j)10 WOrd" , noicimon and rellcloun turners often stios at home. If they would do tnat uni , A uny , Re, cantM llu. ,,., t nlBilt 1)( , k,t n ,.,,, t nBiIt Uo lllt.i, understamllngs. i ,,. n,., ,,, K . I 1IL IM.1I..I.CDV, t V VI IMIIM HO- ( mi t lull that can celebtate i... i.i.tii.i.t of their 121st consecutive I tiler to say I nothing of hi- being of the same family as his ptedecesMiis. The Entpeior of Abss,nl..a e.a.ns descent King ..!..,.... .....I ... nun..,, ..f lint I'l'.l'llll'tl Hill) UIC VUtVtt VI, .J.IV.UU u 1 his line of ancestry Is not nearly so ' - "' f e,twhlle Mikado and now Einpetor ot Japan The latter, among the peculiar exceptions which put him along among modern sovereigns, can count upon the most unaltetable and umiuestlonlnc lojalty ot his subjects, even including that ot the e-Tycoon who would have oei(lh oil his tcmpoial power but fm bloody revolution of 1SGS. i The death of Flank Notrls Is .1 has.Um t bus to liteiaturo. No stronger stoty of the long and tragic struggle of the Snn Joaquin ranchers villi the Southern Pacllle tallroad. Perhaps, If he bad lived to reach the maturltj of his powers. Fiank Norrls would have been the American Dickens. 1 The disposition In tho Unstern papets ti poke fun at Senator llurton'n views of Hawaii would be Increased if they ! knew the methods he took to a. milr.' them. Tho Row ln tho Commons LONDON, Oct. M So bitter has be- i ime the feeling because of recent dls tut bam es in the Houso of Commons that several of the older inoinbeis have inlvately declaied that they will not neck re-election, In leapotlHO to us decViratlmiH by some up - r ' ' ".' "'" "; I ihirS'TiTioL .a.iVfJ. Villi ' - "r 'L,",oml'1, Z elercUo ' ur ".B? , Promised to Pxero a the elos - llro a MlunKt,r ,,,, ,,, ,lu ,mB net before attempted. The buliullts to ,, ,.ul.... fr ',,., ., , .i,,,,.,,. f the NaiionallstH .in MllUUIlliSlU mumrv .iv.ip tin. illllleillllHri uin iumi . ......i, ., vtur...iy mim 'iimi hi r . n i)ms iltnui. ..niy 1'im.ii TELEGRAPH BREVITIES The hiNtllh "f Jay I'.M.k. 1 i piot inK I ' Oil wells Hie belUR ill. i .pe.1 In AlApkn. Only $,!.('() In If. 8. bop. Is are held abroad. Kxplorer 1'eaty haw had two toes amputated. The output of nnthracttc Is ' dally , I The story of a plot aKainst Loubct Is denied Mi'ticlelc mny nld the llrltlsh In I Somallland (Icorge Ooul.l has bought a farm for polo ponies. The St Paul and I Inn linan lines are iu ii merger Hears are ety plentiful ln Nevada County, Cal. I The rumored engagement of Miss Roosevelt is denied. Mere earthquake tiro icported from I.os Alamos, Cal. 1 The French walnut crop will be small, owing to bad weather. Win. Jennings Brjnn Is making political speeches In Nevada. John Cut tin, the veteran detective of San Kranclsco, Is dead. About two-thirds of the Pennsylvania collletles have tesumed. Morgan's tube scheme In London has been completely defeated. Horde! veterans were the pallbearers at Jim Younger's funeral. The Southern Pacific olllclals s-ay that oil fuel Is n great success. Mrs. Flake scored a success In her new play, Mary of Magdala. The volcano of Izalco In Pa vadot la In a state of violent eruption. One hundred scientists will meet at Ilerlln to discuss tuberculosis. Cnpt. McCalla will succeed Admiral Miller In command ot Mare Island. The llrltlsh have resulted fnvotably for the Conservatives. Much damage has been done to shipping by stotnis on the Nome loast. With the capture of Gen Navairo, fighting has ceased In San Domingo. II P. Nlckerson may become president of the Southern Pacllle railroad. Shanghai and the entire valley will soon be vacated by the allies. Edison will establish factories ln Europe to make his new automobile y. Charles M. Schwab will establish a fashionable colony near Great Neck, L. I. Washington believes the transfer of the Danish Islands Iuih only been delayed. Rev Daniel Tenney, a prominent Piesbyteilan inlnihter, died at San Diego. A ton of Mrs. Leslie Carter has, by Joining IiIh mother, forfeited his inheritance. The shattered Hiltlsh expedition to Somaliland wns not attacked during Its letteat. The Ktetich premier will try to end the coal sttlke as did In A met lea. OJedn, Spain's new mlnltet, hns presented his riedentlals tp Piesldent Roosevelt. 4 flliliL.liA.. TllAH.Inn rt C?,ftA T viiaId iiviiiinuwp jviuiuujf wi run m, Is III Rome and will leturn by way of Ireland, The woman who had her beait sewed up In New York, has finally succumbed to the shook. Steamships may land hordes of in Lower California to he smuggled across the line. Washington OIndden of Ohio has been piesldent of the American .Missionary vshoeiuiion. lhuboMsadoi I'm ter asks that the ex- il'lUKllill ill jlllici li an jutKU Hum me French tin f be defeired. Miss JInrle Oge, Is engnged to marry . .. rn. i, i.. 1 ..!... r..llinH in ix.m i.e...... ... '-""" .Maniott tor ueiamitig tier. A Uoweiy theatte audience hurled missiles at the pursuets of Bandit Tra cy ln the pluy of that name. v Washington Is not pleased fit the Samoan award to Germany and will not accept It ns a. precedent. As the Kaiser will not make concessions the outcome of tho tariff Uie'tion lu Geimuny Is In doubt. I1ie noitli coast limited train was held up near Drummond, Mont., but lhe i obber got little plunder. Chile Is said to have made a scciet Meaty with Colombia and mny give the government naval assistance. Captain Cnognn of Snn Francisco, a well known marine man, has been drowned off Dlotuedes Islands. Maor Schmltz of San Francisco, is speaking and playing the violin at Hearst meetings In New York. A lightning bolt descended the shnft of a mine at Nevada city, Cal., nnd knocked several miners Hiigland nnd Oirinany are wild to have a sect el agreement for the dlv .sun .. .... .. 1.-.. 1 I.. c....... 1 ui i in uikucpc ic'iiu1 in c.u... iihihi, John Daly of Chicago, has had part of his brain removed but Is likely to let over and have the full use ot Ills faculties. Justice Hnilnn of the Supreme Coutt stopped a class light at tho Columbia law school by getting Into It himself and seizing the leaders. In the 125.000 stilt of Jennie llelasco against Win J. Sloano of New York, for btench of promise, tho Jury brought iii u vcullct of sl rents. Munlerer Young, who Is coiiIIiikI In '.,.,u Toombs, iWH written n sensntlonal ''' ' '"'-"- ' W"".-? "". rn,,lUtl 8U",Uo ln """s 1 . .. K1"B Alf0,,HO ,MW '""""",e'1 "K,C " fussiir i.0ll0 the latter refused to iiIhhiImi htm from certain lovn Intrigues without a, soveio iiennnce. P, II. Anderson of Kntpriiilso. Kas , i ii.iu unit r.m. dm lvinn.iiito vviiu i. V ..'.'.... iini u.mi,v.i ,,k.., nin III" liultu Imii Iiuh iiivi. u railing nlu MXt imni.tiivi . mo iiiillf nuns lu iu wy or Ukinv imlruUiuii nil fiM on lMlll.hli !:"""'.' v" r w Illlo It. II. I 0.0 p. c luvi r iiu vlmiiiiwii bill Imtu !' LOCAL BKEVITICS. mtln li hk --n i pfp4 i i lp n I "! 'H llivh HViiff au f ! Hon ! Talr rhr. anxthrr i.ik buca fr.m l'r..f.wnr .t Alam.iU 1 welii) Imxea of the rsme and Ihey lll ! dlslrlh' nipl thwnhiy will 1. H.p int liartn to lantan.t. ' Hupt Ho).l litis rweltxl a reply from Auditor Meyers to his demand for Octo ber anlary. In whleh the law as (unieu In tlm Advertiser Is referred to. Tor the present at lenst Mr Iloyd will probably take no further action Wtlpt. Cooper elerday Inspeited the Kewnlo ilmln and found that the storm water had been ctinleJ off In ood shape. There Is howeter .onslderable water statidlnf? In the Knkaako district, as the result of the heavy rain. Durlnt? last evenlns's parade it hunch lf fireworks exploded unexpectedly near ,, Q jIan & Sot).s Htore on Kn(? street nmi f(.i the crowds scurrying for nelter. Fortunately no one was In- lured though n lot of rockets, etc., went up In smoke. The meeting of the Honolulu Hn-I sinter's Association which was to have 'been held las evening was postponed .because of the Republican parade and 1 ally, many of the membeis being In line. The meeting will be held Monday evening, November 17th, Instead. An Involuntary petition In bankruptcy has been Hied against H V. Jones of Illlo by II. Hnckfeld & Co., Theo. II. Davles & Co. and B. N Holmes, a Illlo inetchnnt. Hackfeld's claim is the largest, being $1,317.01, Davles ,t Co. claim JG8.62, and Holmes J.123.00 The petitioners say Jones committed an act of bankruptcy In transferring to Win. Downer his Interest In two Olaa lots, with the Intent to defraud his creditors. Wray Taylor, Commissioner of Agriculture, has received a letter from E. M. Grilllths, the expert forester from Washington who visited Honolulu a few months ago, saying he wns to have left Manila on the tenth of last month. He Is to return to the States by way of India, then going to Get many before returning home. In leference to seeds of Philippine trees uml shrubs Mr. tlths wtltes that the cholera and typhoons have pi evented him from sending any to Honolulu, but that Cap tain Abe. n. In chaige of the foiestry bine.iu nf the Islands, had been nsked b h.n. to 1111 the icqitest vvlien possible. ) Moi McLane, the authoress, will leave Hoslnn and return West. The Ptcaldent, having neiuly recovered, lias icnuiiicd his evening dilves. Wi Ight, the labor commissioner, has been added to the coal commission. It is now believed that the proposed sttlke on the Southern Pacllle railroad will be averted. In i mr day Foxh.ill Keene was thrown f i om his automobile and bitten by a vicious bull-dog. A young Hiussels pnjslclan claims to have found a seium that easily cuies w nooping cougn. Emperor William and King Cuius of Portugal will confer with King Edwatd over Delagoa bay. The New York Yacht Club has elected Emperor William and Piince Henty honorary members. iivi.ivi i st lit mi; iv; u(i subway Iniuied thiee nersons and ""' John II. Jackson will go to Athens ns Amei lean minister to Gieeco. II. L j Wilson will lemaln In Chile. Geoige Martin, an Insane cleigynuui, has been arrested In London, with a pound of gun-powder In his possession, with which he pioposed to destroy a I stand elected to obseive the Roval piogress near St. George's church. A Lime Shoulder Is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles, and ... . - ...... .-.. . 1 may tie cureu oy me use oi cjna luin ;. x'uiu imiin xiiih iiiitiiiciiL ii .." - 1 , cualcd as a soothing lotion, One ' plication gives relief. Try it. All deal- '.,., . ..... .i-.,., . ,m, -" .- f.r" " .- i i Co., agents for Hawaii. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHAN . Honolulu, November 3, ID'jJ name or srecs Capital Vftl Bid Alk. Mep.cimils 0. Brewer A Co. 1,000,000 185. L. B. Ken C!o., Ltd.. VIIO.OOVI BCUiB S.fOO.OCO 20 Hhw! Agricultural c o 1,000,000 100 .... 275 IIhw. Dom. A Bug. Co, 2SU.7WI too S3. liaw. sugar ivO S.O'JO.WW 20 23 llonomu 710,000 100 110 HouoVna 2,000.000 20 IS Haiku 600,000 100 Kithllku BUO.OOO 20 20 Klhel Man. Co., L'd. 2,500,000 50 Klpahulu 160.000 100 Uiilni. . v 100 3,500,000 2i fStr ----. -o 100 W Uuuincu l,0l.000 20 UoLala 500,000 SO 10 (llsa Biuar Co, At.. M 2.000 20 is Ola I aid Dp. I J.tO'J.OOO 20 OlOWRlU . .. lDU.UOU 100 iiVt 1'aauhau Suxai l'lau tatlon Co 5,000,000 50 Pacific 100 1'ala.. .100 I'epeckeu . 100 150 Pioneer . . .... 2,750,000 100 aUlua Ak. Co, .... 1,500,000 too 50 55 Walluku 700.000 100 325 Waltnsualo. . asj.ouo 100 170 bTEtKHHir CO' I WiUtertf. 500,010 100, 100 lutbfb.and t. f Co. 500.0C.J 100 100 llaw'n KlectrteCo,,,, 30 0TO 95 nun. u. t. a l. co 250,0cO Mutual Tel. Co SU.OUO O. IUU Co 2000 000 110 IIONIK .,' I go' iw. 0m' HAI.Urt. UIWn ImanU l'tv C. Uruwer i l , Jl0 KI5HHION I'Ivk ninn ptM, U0, ilvn do. Iti 6 - 'lV'..01!!?. ft""L';l",,',,!.'..,i!.. ' iivu n r i ... ".. ."... '- r." '" nuvcwiHT Cat? fjn Tn dtpclinrfj from tli mtiomin iiioiiibrnnn nf lint ww. Uiro.iL Blomnoli, Ik.'- Mrwhi'ti krj.t In Btntu of lii.'liiiiiiiiiitinii liv mi I p. piiro comltthiii nf th M ! mil. n want of tc.i.B in the sjstoin. I Hootho tin; Inllnmcd moiiibmnc, Klreiigtlifn the wcakoiiwl Hystoni, nnil the Miu:imrKfl will btop to do this purify tho LIoihI. "I was troubled with catarrh for yi".rt and tried rarloui. rrtnedlet but found in lb Ing that would cure me, I then rrtol ed to try llooil'g .ursApatllln and took Ijnt bottles which Ptttlrely rured me I have never been tro'ililod with rnlarrh sl'icv As a blood purllicr I can tlnd nothing elre equal to Rood's Snrapnr!lla." Wiuii" SnraMAM. lfO) Gth'st., Milwaukee, VI Hood's Sarsaparllla Cures cuturrh radically anil removes its cause iuuI ovci comes all iU eiTecta. Aeuept no Mibstitute. HUblNKSS CAKDS. H. HACKFELD & CO. LTD. QeneraJ Commission Agents, Queen St., Honolulu, H. L F, A. SCHAEFER & CO. Importers and Commission Merchants, Honolu lu, Hawaiian Islands. LEWERS & COOKE. (Robert lowers y. 3. Lowrey, C. M. Cooke.) Importers and dealers in lumber and build Ins materials. Office, 414 Fort St. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Ma chlnery of every descrltlon made to order. MCI II I The Famous Tourist Route of the World. In Connect.on With the Canadian-Australian Steamship Line 1 Tickets are Issued To All Points in "the United States and Canada, via Victoria and Vancouver. MOUNTAIN RESORTS: Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephens and Fraser Canon. Empress line ol sieomers'irom voncouver. Tickets to All Points In Japan, China India and Around the World. For tickets and general Information applv to THEO. H. DAVIES& CO., LID. Agentp Canadian-Australian S. S. Line, Canadian Pacific Railway. TRANS-ATLANTIC FIRE INS. Ct OF HAMBURG. Capital of the Company ai.S reserve, reichsmarks .1 ,OOO.HI Capital their reinsurance com panies .101,650,001 Tola re'ehsmarks .. .107,650,01 North German Fire Insurance C OF HAMBURG. Capital of the Company and reserve, relchsmarks 8.SS,00f capital tneir reinsurance companies S5,tM,00l Total relchsmarks 43,836,001 The undersigned, general agents of the above t0T the Ha ailan Islands, are prepared to Insure Hulldlngs, Furniture, Merchandise and Produce. Mnchlnery. etc.: also Sugai end Rice Mills, and Vessels In the har. bor, against loss or damagt by Are or the most favorable terms. H. HACKFELD & CO., Limits? The Elgin WORLD'S STANDARD FOR TIME KEEPING. Should be ln the pocket of vn wearer of r Watch. Many Fears' handling of Watch, convinces us, that price considered, th. Elgin Is the most satUfootory ot Aw erlcan Watches. Cased In Nickie, Silver. Gold Filled and Solid Gold. We have a full line and sell them a right prices. ELGIN'S reach us right. ELOINS, reach you right. Elglns stand for what Is right In t)m keeping and lasting qualities, and thai Is why we are right In pushing tfc Elgin Watch. HsF.WICHMAN BOX 342. Win. G. Irwin & Co., LIJIITKI). Firo and Marino Insurance A'gts AUENTB FOR TUB Uoyul Insurance Company ot LWaryoo, Alliance Assurance Company of Lon inn. i Alliance, Marine and Cl.nera! Assurans. Co., Ltd., of iMiidon. litoltlsh Union National Insurant. Company of Bdlnburgb, Wllkslmt of Madfeburx Ocnaral Insur anoe CoKipMft . ... Associated AMuranee Co,, Ltd., of Us nlcb and Berlin. MWm (lie Mm ( Th undprnltcnrd liavl.m bftn aim poltiled airnti of tht abi ve company Mo prpmd to Insure tlski aalnl flic on Htone and Ilrlck llulldlnjn ati on Mrrchatullsc stored thertln on th iti'nt favorable terms. Pur particular apply at the office of F. A. BUIAKrHIt A CO., Arts. German Lloyd Marine Intur'c, c OF UKHLIN. Fortuna General Iniuranc C OF BERLIN. The abov Insurance Companies bava established a general agency here, tat the undersigned, general agents, ar authorized to take risks against th dangers of the sea at the most reasonable rates and on the most f&vorabla terms, F. A. SCHAEFER St CO.. General Agents. General Insurance Co. (or Stti River and Land Transport. of Dresden. Having established an agency at Ho-' nolulu and the Hawaiian Islands, th undersigned general agents are authorized to take risks against the danger of the sea at the most reasonable rates and on the most favorable terms. F. A. SCHAEFER & CO., ' Agents lor the Hawaiian Islands. Now is the Time to Plant s E SEEDS D S A large bhipment of freeh seeds has just been received. It is not neceEfeary to send to the const for gard in or vegetable seeds when tho same may be had in a few day's from the Hollister Drug Company Honolulu, Hawaii. The Bank of Hawaii LIMITED. Incorporated Under the Laws of tq Republic of Hawaii. CAPITAL J600.0M. OFFICERS AND DIUECTOKB. Chas M. Cooke Preside! p. n. Jnnpn Vice Presldei C. H. Cooke Cashl F. C. Atherton Assistant Cashl Directors Henry waiernouse. xo May. F. W. Macfarlane. E. D. Tenne J. A. McCandless. Solicits the Accounts of Firms, co poratlons, Trusts, Individuals, and wl promptly ana careiuuy auenu a business connected with banking el trustpii to it. Sell and Purchase Fd elgn Exchange, Issue Letters of Credl SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Ordnlary and Term Deposits recelvl and Interest allowed ln accordance wl rules and conditions printed in p books, copies of which may be bad application, Judd Uulldlng, Fort Street. ni inurm n n nil I c Are wsrrtal ULAntC0 D l Pains la the back, and all kindred eol plalnu, Fre "xim Msrcury. Gatablut upwards f n years. In boxes 4s. cb. of all CteaUta and Patent Me cine Vendor throughout the 1 Proprietor, The Lincoln and MldU CounUe Drug Oowpany, Uncola,