Newspaper Page Text
, ir i MiPiMi MTftLLMICMOr. aumvh N 11 ji p V'tiiMtn. ltnrr f" n ri tiry ml ', ArklM ' Ir' log Ml H nlnUi 7 wi N" U. ' IT wmtr for Ihmolyln MM M thmufti. tnw ( Mnm f"r llmtsliila nil SN tmx tltmath Krhr KodMK ..ft nrl ir from Had rmnelMw n war t Mattll. Ktmr. NHImmi. from KimmU twrta. t 4 45 a m. WotlMwUr. Uov. It Ofoanio P. P mmoma, Vhb Iruin Han Francisco, at 8 n. in. Am l)k. It. I. ItltHM. McPImiII, fourteen nnd dii from Pan nt 10 n. m. Stmr. Mlknhnln, frem Navvlllwlll, M 4.15 a. m. Pacific Mall liner Korea, Senbury, from Han Fratiolseo. nt & p. m. Thursday, Nov. 13 Fchr. Knulkeaoull, Kalua, from nt 2 P. in. Schr. Kawnllunl, Moses, from at S a. in. DKl'AHTKD. Tueday, Nov 11 S. S. Ventura, Unanl, for Sail Frnnclsco, nt 3 p. in. German Imrk Werrn. Gerdcs, nt 11 o'clock, for Portland In ballast to load wheat for tbe United Kingdom. Stmr. Mnul. Dennett, for Lahnlnn, Kalmliil, liuclo, Keanno, Nnhlku, lluna nnd Klpahulu. nt 5 p. in. Strnr. Claudlne, Parker, for I.ftlmlnn, llaalacn. Makenn, Kiiwulhne, llnkalau, Honomu. Pepeekoo, Onomen, Papalkou nnd Hllo. lioehoe. mall and passengers only, nt 12 noon. Stinr. W. G. Hall, S Thompson, for Nnwlllwlll, Kolon, Hleele, Hanapepe, Hannmnulu nnd Ahuklnl, nt 5 p. in. Stmr. Mnuna Loa, Slmerson, for La- halna, Mnalnca, Konn and Kau, nt 1 noon. Stmr. Nocnu, Moshcr, for Lahalna, Knannpall, Hotiokau nnd Kukulhncle, at S p. in. Wednesday. Nov. 12 Stmr. Lohua, Naopala, for Molokai nnd Maul ports, nt C p. in. Stmr. Kauai, for Mnkawell, I -a tin I nnd Punaluu, at 4 p. in. S. S. Sonoma. Van Otcrendorp, "for ttio Colonies at 8 p. in. Thursday, No 13 Stmr. Mlknhnla, for Kauai poits, nt C p. in. Am. bk. St. James, Tapley, In ballaHt for Port Angeles, nt 2 p. in .. passengers. Arrived. Per stmr. Mlknlinln, from Kaunl. Nov. 12 Mr. und Mrs. Francis Gay, maid and two servants, Mis C. A. Jtlcu, child nnd servant; W. H. Rice, Jr., MIsh Elston, Mrs. Hell Knpu, C. B. Hofgaard. Hell Kapu, Mrs. J. K. Iaukea und G7 deck. Departed. Per stmr. Claudlne, for Hllo and vvuy ports, Nov. 11. Mrs. James Wight, )liss Maude Wight. A. W. Dow nnd wife, II. Hawxhurst, Jr., C. T. Day, M. j A. Sllva, Itev. E. W. Thwing, Dr. A. C. Will, J. S. Kerry and wife, H. . Gehr, Mrs. A. Mason, W. A. Clarke, M. A. Sllvn, Solon Hussel, James Young, E. J. Lord, Miss A. K. Daniels, J, S. Kerry and )fe, Mrs. J. H. Kiddes, W. O. Smith, Eugene Wnnjran, C. II. Judd, llev. J. J. Mathlns, Hev. and Mrs. Matais, C. Cowan, J. V. J. Sells. ' Per stmr. Maul, for Maul ports, Nov. 11. W. K Ciockett, Aslm, llev. J. M. Nneole, llev. O. P. Emerson, Itev. O. 11. Gullck, II. Poplowskl, wife nnd daughter, G. Sehuman, V. D. Adams, J. W. Kalua. Per stmr. Manna Loa, for Kona nnd Kuu purls, Nov. 11 Col. S. Norrls, I L. Dortdi. F. 11. I In) selden. wife and i.-. .. 1 rtt. . .. ,- . iwo oiners; j.aii i n.iu, i-. a. ciioiig, Miss Kninauolin, J Makaiual, Mis. C. Yaknam, James Cowan, G. It, Ew.u t, I ..lm.l. . . .. I .. !.-.. I Y. Hlne, A. C. Lovekln, II. Gorman, C. A. Hums, L. Arnsteln, L. Andrews nnd wife, E. S. liovd, II. G. Middle-ditch, S. Lesser, T H. Lyons, A. W. Alull, J. W. Ivualmoku, Hoomann. Ter stmr. Lehua, for Maul nnd Molokai ports, Nov 12 Mrs. J. F. Hi own, Mrs. Kldd, J. It. Hurrows, R, W. Madden, II. II. Kldd. Beat Estate Transaction.. Oct. SI. II. T. Hayselden and wife to J. W. Podmore, Tr., D., por. kul. G5G, Vlnejnid street, Honolulu, O.ihu. Consideration 223. J. W. Pi dn.ore, Tr nnd wife to D. Knahnnul, D., lot 4 of R. P. 1709, kul. DSC, Vlnejartl street, Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration JIOO. Jas. I). Young to Alexander Steel, Hx. D , 5 20-100 acres land Kukuau 2nd, Hllo, Hawaii. Consideration 1, etc. Alexander Steel to Jas. D. Young, Ex. D., lots 11 and 13 of kul. 603, Knllhl, Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration $1, etc. J. D. McVeigh nnd wife to R. W, Shingle. D.. por. It. P. 3590. Domlnls street, Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration woo. .. VESSELS IN POUT. ARMY AND NAVY. U. S. S. Iroquois, ltodman. IJ, S. C. New Yoik, Yokolmmn, Nov. S. 1J. S. Hattleshlp Oregon, San Francisco, Nov. 10 (anchorage). MERCHANTMEN. (This list does not Include coaiter..) Andromeda, Nor. bk., Rotter, iQUlnue, Sept. 23, In distress. Albert, Ant. bk., Turner, Laysnn Island, Oct. 28. Corouado, Am. bk.n., Potter, San Francisco, Oct. 28, flalano, Am. schr., Roslch, Newcastle, Oct. 37, C. Tobcy, Am. bk., Scott, Ban Francisco, 'Andrew Welch, Am. bk Droit, Sn Francisco, Nov, 2, vinreunn, rr, Dk Hclanm, Cardiff, nnvi o, Alden Ilese, Am. bk., Kessoll, Ban fMIIUIPCII, IIV W, jrwEuni, m, num., Bohmldt, Han ITIIIIUIDUO, OVi , C, I), Jlryunt, Am, bk., Oolly, Bun I'rnn. elsco, Nov. JO, ' . 'Aflrr hrpnlifosllng at OIiIobho Nov. Ih, Ilia Ornwn ItIiioo nf Blam nnd sultii vi err lakwn tn dm plVw lil nt the pnc(ynris Tim J'rlncQ ay, iLitt Bdinlratlon, HAWAIIAN nMKVftt, MIMAY, KOVKMftlCR U ItMiUKKMMVKKKt.t COALING BATTLESHIP OREGON OUT AT THE ANCHORAGE - - -- " n.- - v - " ,y i j ' "v' J ' I BWilSiiiWaWBBlBB5!f irl i "'BWBSFStfBHKETBBBaBB5 1 "4aal4ZriftZUMP?V " . J'waa)wwtwaBaiaaawwaaBBa)awyiwitf. SHaMMiSiMHajas IMILMajBpypTt. jiTliilt Gf'TCitfiffWKJi iafJMawrta1f'farlHBMBBlHBfriiT t l?yl Vg ''!JSWWaPj!5S4jMiaiaWBBBBlBlBBiBBBBB I (Advertiser Tclopliotu ) The battleship Oregon being coaled at the anchorage. The above Is a remarkable photograph as it was taken with a telescopic camera which made the battleship appear to be within a stone's throw of the boat house when in reality the big war vessel was at least a mile distant. This sort of photographic work was very useful to the British during their extensive campaign work against the Boers In South Africa. CXXXXXXXX)OOOOOCXXXXXXXXXX3CQOO KCIYAL baking Powder Makes itie bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health oi the present day. ftovAl rakinq rnor CO hfVVOII. I QUEE.N SAILED j ON LINER VENTURA! (From Wednesday's Dally.) The Occnnlc liner Ventura arrived from the I'nlonles eaily yesteiday moinlng nnd left nt three o'cloik In the afternoon wlih a large addition to her iHH..m;..r list iinoiich those (.ettlnt, on uiu meiiiiiei in iiiiiiuiuiii, hm)iik uiunu departing were the ex-Queen ana suite. Thli paity Is on thu way to I vviisiuugion mm ineir tiep.iriurui 'biouglit hundittls uf the Queen'Sj filends to tbe wharf to bid her uloha while the Teirltoriul band plavctl the steamer nvny, Queen Lllluoknlnu! nnd her party were loaded down with lels. So many were put on her as she stood at the rail1 Mint frnm fit ii it 1 1 llin.i utiik Im .1 tit tnlsft l tt V MUIII HIMV KJ UIIIU nilV ((ItVt iU lk. n few olt to make room for tho ones that weie constantly coming along. "I think a wagon load of lels lias passed' Hoff man leielved a letter from his up that gangway to tbe Queen illicitly," I brother, by the Ventura's mail, one lady on the wharf. '"K that the ttensure schoonei Her- Her Majesty was smiling nnd wnsl man, Captain llrnvvn, had arrived safe-kept bowing for a half un hour to her 1' nt Apia after a lough pasn.igc from many friends ashore. I Honolulu and that they lecelved word "Why Is It that one never sees many theie that Sutton, who holds power of people cijlng as they bid their ft lends nttornuj for nil of the members of the good-bye when leaving Honolulu by syndicate controlling the tt ensure par-steamer," asked one man of inquisitive t'. h id gone on to Auckland and would turn of mind. nwnlt the schooner's arilval there. "Well," lespondetl another, "I guess' Win a the Herman left here Drown de-you have not been here very long, oriclaied that he would maroon or shoot jou would know that evei thing is done Hoffman and that young Shnrretts, in that line heie. We smlloj other of the party, might share the at our fi lends when they are leaving same fate, but matters were evidently and nsk them to return quickly until settled In some way after tho schooner the band over yonder sets up such sweet tunes that one feels more llke being than crying. That's tbe reason. See, there are moie lels for the Queen." vvnen me steamer left the vvlian there wns a great waving of hats nml much bowing nnd tlio llguro of the Queen coultl be seen plainly nt the I all waving a thceiful to her f i lends I Tho vessel mnde the usual stops on1 tho wny from Sjdnej, Indudlng a call with n long passage against his record,! cara ho comnianiW tho at Fanning Island, where the Intestj nnd a, long story of n hard voyage, i S G. Wilder, and later tho bark Albert, news from Vletoila was lecelved by ( Tho vessel took thirty days to mako now In port, nnd two years ago on tho cable nnd wnt mi to Honolulu. It wus tho trip up from Honolulu. On October, launching of tho now steel hark tli.iethai the cable was 24 ,i westerly gale was cucountered, lanl ho took command of that vessel, lug splendldlv. '(I,,,! (j,s kept up for two dajs. Tho i Ho was sovonty yoars of ngo. A son lho o8 i hail but a small cargo from bPl,g HWl,,)t t, cg80l. Hooded her! of Captnln Urimths alw died ilurlns; a UIU MUlllll 1)111 lllirled lllllte a llUlllber, of passengers, among whom wcro tho uivuotkiii i'-iii,., .r, ami .virs, t. Harris, Mr. nnd Mrs J. D Ashley und child, nnd Leo Deremlii. llecause of tho departuro of tho Queen a largo number of people vvero permitted to board tho steamer Just before her departure nnd friends of thoBti leaving Klmpli swarmed over her decks, .. . Bchoouar Honolulu Burn, Tlio schoonor Honolulu, which lins Iipoii nvuriliiQ from Uilmliia for 13sqiil malt, Is btifn, hiivlnrf imiwtnl Noah liny on Oetohur SO, - Kortm'ii tUIUiiB Tims, TIip Koi miii probably uill fur III" Oiiniil afitr two '(.ack llflllOOh '"", OXOODOOOOOOOOOOCOOOO Busy Naval Scene Outside the Reef. I i Yesterday was u vtry busy day on the battleship Oiegon out at the anchorage Haily in the morning the U. S tug Iroiiuols got uiotigdde the battleship with the first coal laden barges and the entile day vuis spent In contending with the swells and placing coal into the vessel's bunkers. Many wnterfiont men say that Captain Ilurwell got his vessel veiy dote tn tin. ini.f. HMui hit- tli.4liln lu Tii..iiir the corul banks than any vessel has ever been anchored without getting' into serious ditllcultles. j Muny jieople who visit the naval tiou now are asking many iiuestioiis .about the Oregon. "Where did she start fiom when she mmlu li.. fii.tinllV tl.i nnilllltl fll Horn?" "Well," replied the naval man, "she. started finm the diy dock at Puget; Sound nnd back of her start there is a little story. I believe that the pies- cut captain of the Oregon, who wui then ommaiulant of the Piuet Bound "a" "ftlon, was the man ,or tl,e bull(llnK of the Kreat ,lr' dock j,,,.,,, Thu ,JU,lloK nghtlnc; ship O.egon wns snruee us im t nere ami nan sue not her'luul a diy dot k In which to be Inline- di.itcly .. tleuned she would have been un- nuie to make that remarkable voyage against time nrouud the Hoin As it was she arrUod In time to i.irt!oli)att In the light. Her trip was watched by nnd won the admliatlnii of naval me'i the woild'fi'vei." .. Bcheonor Herman ut Apia. Southard lloffmnn's brother was not marooned on a South bea Island. Mr. got to sea. Sutton will now return from Auckland to Apia und the affairs of tho vvhon tho vessel was 400 miles off Capo party may be settled up In uch a way Blanco on a voyago to Honolulu. The that the little schooner can winter In'causo of his death was stomach Sydney nnd then start In the spring on " ' in c iipi.un tirowns ircasuru linil. -.- S IJ Castle in a Gnlo. Captain Nelson of tho h.irkpntlnn S N Castlo has nirlved In San francTsro rnlilna nml fm,, gratings, and a quantity of lumber on board vvoro washed overboard, Tim vessel suffered no great damage, although almost nt tho end of her trln sho found herself becalmed within two hundred yard of ,0 -Manila. Is anchored off port. The Mllo Hock, Anchors wcro let go In1""81 arrived yesterday morning, her tlmo to snvo tho vossol f'om ilrtiiKir,lMnm ncjioun ouuuia to scuro sup on tho rock, and later alio was nlilo in sail Into part. Frmicli Hteaiiiers Oomlng Hero, Tim McssngnrlcK Mnrailmos do Frmico, tho great French stumnulilp lino wnii n. ns rccnniiy iiunounct'il in tho AilveitUur, w Install n iarco nf not piMiineis iniiu .ii Hi-fee) i is by way Auntralln, Tuliltl, niiilllimoMii to pmi Finiiolico, k now uuiklng iirrm)H inoilli tlirnniili lu at;miU In (lie Intltir port tn spc nro piilrnnro tlie0 Tlio Run Vrnmimo nKent sy tint linn. li.ii)Hli bu in itirrllnii In a t6W weCi J SHIPPING NOTES. The schooner Esther Buhno arrlod nt Port Hndloek on October 31 The schooner Kona from Hllo arriv ed at Port lllakely on November 6. Ihe bchooner Maiy 12 Foster left Taioma on November 1 for Honolulu ine uarKcntine ucho in rived at on November i from Honolulu. The barkentlne Amelia from Hono-' lulu arrived at Uureka on November 'i Tbe ship Tails of Clyde, 17 days from Hllo, arrived at Sau Franclico on November 1. The bchooner Alice Cook from Honolulu arrived at Port Townsend on November 4. The transport Thomas, with General Miles on board, arrived at Manila on uctouer M. The schooner II. C WriGht from Mauukona arrived at San Francisco on November 4. Captain Gilbert I3rokavv Is now In command of the Hod Star tug Liberty in ban Krancibco. Tho American-Hawaiian steamer Or egonlan snllcd from San Kianclsco for Now Yoik direct on November 3 Tho bark Diamond Head arrived at i'ort 'lownscnd on November 1. The ship Florence passed In on the same date. Tho Hed Star llnor Kensington Ins mailo a vnyago from Antwerp to .New York with oil as n fuel She Is the first .iinnii nincimmi, ,,.coni t moi. Micrequ nf thp nso nf fuel oil i Captain Gibbons, late of tho lost rnnnlo Kerr, will hnvo an oppoitunlty to keep an eye open for the lost vessel on his way to Melbourne In command of the Ilrltlsli ship General Gordon, which recently left San Francisco. Tho reinsurance rate on the British ship Clydesdale, out nearly a hundred i and twenty days from Nowcastlo to San Francisco, was SO per cent at the tlmo tho mail left the coast. It is thought that tho vessel may have met tho samo fate as tho Fannie Kerr. Hccauso of tho high prices first given him for convening tho transport Roso- erans Into an oil carrier for tho Hllo trade, Captain Matson Intended to take his vessel to Seatttle to have the work done, but tho San Francisco Iron works people climbed ofT the fence and tho work on tho Rosecrans Is now going 1 ahead. Captain Griffiths Dead. Captnln T. H. Grifflths. ono of the best known skippers t. ailing to this port, died on board tho bark Knlulaul trouble. Chief Olllcer Wallace took cnargo or tno vessel and steered course to San Francisco, whore the Captain's hotly was landed on November G. Captain Griffiths has been sailing on on tho Pacific for tho forty years, and wns a most cnpahlo mariner. For voyago to Hawaii On a Lrmtr Voygo, Th small schooner Kndlak. n slonary boat bound from San Frnnclsco plies ami have a blacksmith do some work on her rigging. The schooner wns twenty day on tho here from San Francisco, v riecii in iini'iiei n.impeneti w'liii i MiHiiiMjnain i'Min ruun nml lioiinn tn ih nffwlnil pails is bitter than any , iir mii mme puck or pains in uiei lil or rhwt. OhninbuiluliiV I'aln Ihilin a llnluint that Ims im huimiU . Ow tiipllenllon ulvs mlluf. Try m All and drniruUls null It. I n lli & io, nuiit for H unii MEETING OP I THI: MONARCH , NKW YoltK N xmh . I rumor mnttttt i 'i I I., m u .n i n I dlliHnaili (atinn(i ' m al i'rlllH VIM I uf Herman Km ,'fi and lh King of rmiuiti, latrha ih I." nil .ii irrtonilni f ih Tn i.yi lint point OH Whit h Dip amatrur lay much tr I the fa I thai ih IHtrtNKtlMNr .MlnlHer in la an Intimate friend of Ihe Moral faml!) ltHr mid Is In a poalllon ! the tranefer f tin- a an peelons nt Portugal tu Kngland and Gerinnny. Thin Intlinm t doea not imply u wlllhiKnoMi on tin- part uf the l,il).)ti M In Inters tu court unpopulurlt) li proposing the allonatlon of a large m tloii of their colonial empire The grlji of Portugal upon her lolunles has been streiigthiincd since th- lus of the Spanish colgnles. Lisbon's main window looks out upon Madrid, nnd Portugal In selling her Hast African would be rivalling the decline in Colonial possessions on the part of Spain The two royal visits will In-v live entertainment on a largo scale nt Saudi Ingham und Windsor. There will be n series of stnte functions nt i Wmdor for the King of Portugal with a uite banquet In St. George's Hall I and possibly n chapter meeting of the . .. .. '.. ,1... r,nnu i.ii .ii.i ..riuii oi tnc IIUIICI, UI1ILI1 Hill J1UI I onio on last June. The roynl will not end with the of the two visiting sovereigns, but ul be continued for several months, ill the Hmbnsbndors, Ministers of the ro n nnd lenders of sninrt society bens invited lirTiirn to parties lit nnd Wlndsoi -. Three of the nppeal cases from Judge I I. alee have been submitted to the Clr- uit Louri oi Appeals, xnese nie me Honolulu Plantation Co. case, the Pi lino beer case and the Income tnx appeal. BY AUTHORITY. ULKOTIOiN' OF OFFICERS. AT THE ADJOURNED meeting held 3rd Ortobci, 1902, nf the Kohala Club & Tiunspurtatlon v" i , Ltd., the following ollkets were eltLted to lepiesent the coinimny for .he year: J. Hind Chairman H. Hull H Kenton Auditor V. I. McDougnll Tieasurer F. C. l'aetovv Secietary Diiectors F. Woods, H. It. lirjant, Jas. Sakal. F. C. PAHTOW, 6315 Secretary. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE AND OF FORECLOSURE SALE. In accordance with the provisions of a certuln mortgage made by Look Hop Co., n co-partnership of Honolulu of which Ching Wai Puck, Chin Wing Pui, Yuen Chew Ho, Yuen Fing Fong (alius Gin Yan), and Ahi, since deceased, weie to Leweis & Cooke, Limited, an Hawaiian which moitgage was dated Apill C, 1901, lecorded In book 220, page 294, notice Is hereby given that the Intends to foieclose the same for condition broken, to wit: non-payment of both Interest and piinclpal when due. Notice is likewise given that after the expiration of three weeks from the date of this notice, the propel ty covered by said moitgage will be adveitlsed for sale at public nuctlon, nt the auction rooms of J. F. Morgan, In Honolulu, on Monday, the lDth day of December, 1902, at 12 noon of said day, Fui tber particulars can be had of W. R Castle or P. L. Weaver, attorneys for moitg.igee. Dated Honolulu, Nov. 14. 190.'. LEWERS & COOKE, LIMITED, Mortgagee. Tlio premises covered by said mort gage and to be sold on said day or post ponement of said sale, unless the amount duo with expensese of foreclos in o shall be paid, nre as follows: That certain leasehold of premises on the easterly side of River street, mauka of Kukul street, In Honolulu, Island of Oahu. T II.. described or Intended to be deseilbed in a certain lease made by John R. Gllllland to Hee Leong and Hung You, dated Oct. 10, 1S99, for a term of twenty-live years from Nov. 1, 1S99, nt a monthly rental of fifty which said lease was assigned, to Look Hop Co., a co-partnership, by bill of sale dated Nov. 6, 1S99, lecorded In book 197, page 397, which said lease was coirected and coriflrmed by a lease made by J. R Gllllland to snld Look Hop Co., a co-partnership, dnted Oct. 20, 1902, nnd described by metes nnd bounds, ns follows, to wit: Beginning- at a point on tho southerly side of River street, and running by tine bearings. North 47 CO' East 149.5 feet from the east corner of River nnd Kukul stieets, nncj running by true benilngs ns follows: (1) S. 26 6' E. 55 feet nlong land described In L. C A. No. 141, Apann 3, Issued to Kclkeuul, less a small strip e.inveyed to John It. Gllllland to Mary Levi, thence (2) N. 57 CO' E. 122 feet along bound ary line of the lot belonging to Angela E. Kunliii, thence (3) N. 18" 25' W. fiS.C feet nlong remaining portion of the lot of John R. aillllnnd. thence (I) N. H" 35' E. GO feet along said lot of John R. nilllland, occupied by him as a house-lot. thence (5) N. 63' CO' W. SS feet along the remaining portion of said Gilliland's lot nnd nlong tho northeast lino of lnnd described In L. C. Awiiitl No. 110S2, 3, tn the easteily side of River Street; thence (0) Along the easterly rurvo of said onsterly side nf River Street to the place of beginning. Said promises being n portion of land described In L. C. Award No, I10S2, Apnna 3, of L. P Award No, 2MS, Apa- na 1, ami of L. C ,wnrd No. lllli Huld limit containing an area of it, ISO wimr i fot It, JI. 2S, ric. 5, 1003, MOIITH.vnUK'H NOTIOU OF INTHN TION TO FOItHQI.OHK AND OI I'OHJICI.OHl'ltH BAW !' irordanro with the provloiu of OP TUB MU1.TI1U0H8 . wlio Imvo iicl It, or nrc now ItiR It, wo hnto never luiml o( nny ono who lm Wen ilUntHilul im In It. Ho olntin nro inndo for it pxwiil tliopo whloli nro ninpljr jiirtifltM !ir citierU'iico. tn com inoixlttiR It to tlio nftlleteil wo itij1y poltit to its HH'onl. It ling d'oiip sircnt tiling, nnd It Is cortnin to continno t no excellent work. 'J'horo U wo niny lion DBtly nfllrm no tnodlcino which can bo iiscil with creator nml inoro rcasonnhlo fnltii nnd confl ilenco. It notiriahcB nnd keeps tin tlio Btrongth (luring those poricMiB when tlio npnotito fails nnd food cannot bo digested. To avoid imitations nnd substitutions, thii "trndo mark" is put ou every bottlo of " Wninpolo's Preparation," and without it nono is genuine. It ib jialatablo as honoy and contains tho nutritivo and curative properties of Puro Cod Liver Oil, extracted by us from fresh cod livers, combined with tlio Compound Svrup of and the Extracts of Malt and Wild Cherry. Taken boforo meals it creates tin appetite, aids digestion, renews vital power, drives out diseaso germs, makes tho blood rich, red and full of constructive clemonts and gives buck to tho pleasures and labours of tho world many who had abandoned hope. Dr. S. H. McCoy, of Canada, says: " I testify with pleasuro to its unlimited usefulness as a tissuo builder." - Its curative powers can always bo relied upon. It makes a now era in medicino and represents the best medical advice of tho twentieth contury. Effective from tho first dose. "You cannot bo disappointed in it." Sold by all chemists tho world oiec n certain mortgage made by Woldemar Muller, of Kona, Haw-all, to William R. Castle, Trustee, dated August 1st, 1S91, recorded in liber 151, page D2, notice is herebj given that the mortgagee Intends to foreclose the same for condition broken, to wit: non-payment of both interest and principal. Notice Is likewise given thnt nfter the expiration of three weeks from the date of this notice, the pioperty covered by said moitgage villi be advertised for sale at public auction, at the auction rooms of James F. Morgan, in Honolulu, on Monday, the 15th day of December, 1902, r.i 12 noon of said day. Further paiticuiuis can be had of said mortgagee. Dated Honolulu, November 14th, 1902. W. R. CASTLE, TRUSTEE, i Mortgagee. The premises covered by said mortgage consist of a parcel of valuable land, with the buildings and structuies, appurtenant, nnd the fine coffee plantation thereon, covering In all 2C.4C acres, covered by Patent 40G1, on Lot 4 of Survey 11 of Homestead Lots, In Noith Kona, In Pahochoe. 2135 Nov. 14, 21, 28, Dec. 5, 1902. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE AND OF FORECLOSURE SALE. In nccordnnce with the provisions of n certuln mortgnge, made by Lavluia Kapu, a widow, of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Teriltmy of Hawaii, to the Agricultural Company, Limited, (an Hawaiian Corporation,) of said Honolulu, dated the 19th day of August, 1S99, ami recoided In the olilce of the Registrar of Conveyances in book 196, page 238, notice Is hereby given that the Mortgagee Intends to foreclose the same for conditions broken, to wit: Non-payment of both Inteiest and principal when due. Notice is likewise given that nfter the explrntlon of three weeks from the date of this notice, the property con veyed by the said mortgage will be ad vertised for sale at public auction at the auction rooms of James F. Morgan in Honolulu on Monday, the 15th day of December, 1902, at 12 o'clock noon of said day. Further particulars can be had of W. R. Castle or P. L. Weaver, 17 Merchant street, Honolulu. Dated Honolulu, November 11, 1902. WAIALUA AGRICULTURAL COMPANY, LIMITED, Mortgagee. The premises intended to Iip ed and covered by tbe suld mortgage, unless mo amount due with expenses of foreclosure are paid, are as follows. 1st. All that piece of land situate at Leleo, in Honolulu aforesaid, being a portion of the land described In L. C. A. No. 722 to Knnlknmi. linnmlml -in follows: Beginning nt a point which benrs North C2 25' En.l trim .W r. fiAl frnm the South coiner of Church lot and running thence: tl) South 29 East Mag. 70 feet on L. C. A. No. 722: (2) South 02 25' West true CO feet (3) North 29 West Mag. 70 feet: (t) North 61' 25' East linn f.ft reel along fenro to the Initial point containing an nrcu of 4.117 sounre feet. 2nd. All those tracts of land situate In Walmnno, District of Ewa, Island of Oahu, known as "Kualllma Polio" and "Kllnu" and compiling all the lands mentioned nnd described In a deed of Victoria K. Knnhiimnnu to Victor Chuneernl, tinted Ootober 29, ISfiO, recorded in the Hawaiian Registry of Deeds in liber 13, page 231. et sen TsetlliT with the reversal)", remain-dots, rents, Usui's and profits, mid all Hie estate, right. Hllo and Interest of the MTigngnr therein and thereto It, 31, 28, Dec 6, I