Newspaper Page Text
ri I M TIKHHA NOVKMHKH 18, at the I'liMornce of Honolulu, II. T rrofid'Cle Matter. SEMI -WEEKLY. fUKl) llK8IAKJkM) KKHlA.S WALTER 0 bMlTH, EDITOR. uiMiofiniDTtns' UATKRi ftr Month Per Month, Foreign ,........ .J Per Tear ?? Per Yenr, Foreign lnrarlably Id Adunce. a. W. PEARSON, Manager TUESDAY NOVEMBER 18. LIBELS ON HAWAII. Hon. Gorhnni D. Gllmnn of Huston wax once n connul Renernl of Hiiwoll and ns such ho represented the com- ,r,.rMM IntprpfttR Of tllllf KfOUIl lit the chief New England port,v with slgnnl ni.niiv His retirement only mine whnn ii nun 1 1 conned to hnve consuls hui nnlwlthstnndlnK the end of ofllcinl relations Mr. Oilman has continued to serve this country with nil his f miner zcnl nnd In nn even broader and more frrtfv. wnv than before. Every now nnd then some Influential mnn whn linn been misled nbout the himnrv nf Hawaii. In turn mlsreprc sents the people or the Institutions of the Islnnds. -If the attack Is one that ought to be repulsed, Mr. Oilman meets It with an array of facts and arguments which at once settles the iiucHtlons In .;t.,.iD, Tin. Intent Ituilnnre of this kind of service was reported In yesterday's Advertiser. It shows how Mr. Oilman worsted I'rof. O. Stanley Hall of Clarke University, the man who had charged the early missionaries here with checking the growth of nntlve population, lowering native culture and depriving the aboriginal Hawnllnn of at lenil one legitimate menus of livelihood. It was an astonishing charge for a university professor to make and It served to show, In Its evidence of widespread and deep-rooted misapprehensions about Hawaii and Its clvlllzers, the need of the kind of service that Mr. Gllmnn Is rendering. The missionary Is everywhere a much-maligned person. It plcnses those who do not think well of religion to describe lilm ns a disturber of the ueacu In Armenia, n looter of palaces In China, a sybarite In India and Japan and a land-grabber In Hawaii. In forty-nine cases out of fifty the charge has nothing but prejudice to rest upon. Certainly it has little else here, where, so far as we can learn, but one or two of the throng of missionaries to Hawaii left their children a decent If many of these children, not missionaries themselves, have done well in business, that is no fault of the mission fatherH but, it a fault at all. It must be attributed to the Industry, nagaclty nnd thrift of business men of New England blood. Unfortunately the totul accumulations oft all white people here, the veriest minority of whom have a missionary origin or descent, Is laid to the discredit of the Missionary class, until it would nppeur as It the piofesslonnl religious workers of Hawaii had done nothing but steal from their converts since the day of tkelr landing on this beach. An analysis of the assessment roll would convince any one to the contrary, but no alien Investigator ever takes the trouble to make It. The charges uttered by I'rpfessor Hall, are however, new. No one, so far as we know, has ever before made the missionaries bear the blame of the introduction of those pestilential diseases which, during and after the time of Cook's discovery, swept away no many of the natives and undermined the constitutions of the rest. Heretofore the blame has gone where it belongs, to sailors, beachcombers and ther ndventurers. As to nn native culture," here, the phrase is .somewhat Indefinite; but the critics f Hawaii may rest assured that anything worth preserving und building pon In the nboriginal character was .arefully held together by the missionaries as a foundation for Christianity. But there could not have been much In a race given over for centuries to Idola'try, witchcraft, war and Individual vice . What culture the native race kas It acquired from white example and teaching. The final accusation made by Professor Hall, namely that the missionaries killed the native silk worm industry by a too rigid observance of the Sunday Jaw, Jb almost diverting. As Mr. Oilman points out In a letter to a Boston apir, the cultivation of the silk worm as made unprofitable by the warmth f the climate an, was attempted by a white mau, who, though not in sympathy with the beliefs of the missionaries, bore frequent written testimony to thtr unselfish usefulness. Where the Ulue law story came from enn hardly be fathomed, It may have been W reamed. Considering the high place held In New England by Prufessor Hall It Is tovt fortunate for the truth of history lint there was a man like Mr. Oilman u the ground to challenge nnd correct kls btntuiueutB. The former consul nil Is ii defender of the good niimo of Huwnll whom the boldest areuuer Is soon taught to respect; hut It U u nlty that lie Is forced to enter the fray ho fien, Iong bo fore this lme the truth about the civilisation of Hawaii lit nils, sivnury hand ought In liuvw bsun tout-111 In the public mind, nnd In tli. nilndti of wliolmw, ... It by h vry narrow cIiiiiiih) Unit Hiif llf nf I'rliioM Kulilo wu mivul rwlnhlio ciiiiHUiK to an i.vurluiiinl yuyit, a liuMflllitf Uttl.., , wim iiiqi IIhui iui hour In ib ttuur. Tit Owkoii ll IWHI' U MKv II,. iMlp Ullll lll iu IukI 'am fruui Hi Imh i luil It nut iwii fur llunrly r. ur ih uumimjiiKy iUi, Iu4y m iiwuhhii ho mil)' (iyr lJMMl ItvlMhtl bUI ! I UK ltMHll r unutlor vUlujal bam,, , N'jW Til VuUMo U luakluu m luuiullriil "lilliiii uf ll iiiri,i.., .-.. T.V,. . Vlpj, U bUrllM MwWitfr A HO DIB)' fi'lt jDdljMM, f'olt. ,tf. t loiMWll0 l)l Jlll0 mmii wi. iHlla, hill ll ll ClllIll wli In,, in , i . A STRAIGHT PAfll f till tlll)flll '1 I. i i lwn to the l!i l ,,,.,!., ,,.,! nnd t aaaur lhl "f tr tin fi1 t her in a maxim thai m m t kf In miiid II Ma party nlHi aervwt hi runtr bisk" It Is n't the poiitin of m iMtmtlVB body, nor th wrinnl nor tin- that roulit nt th Iwr "f PUbllo opinion, but th carrlnl uut, the good rwMlutlotin cryKtnllln d In law. Ily their fruits are leRlilntr known; not by the hopes they have rl'd in the bud or In the leaf. It was their failure to serve the Territory nnd their preference for serving themselves, which lost to the Home Hulers In l.'02 what they had so signally gnlncd In lt'00. The Home Hulers originally had a pretty fair proopectus. They pledged themselves to many Ideas which were neceptable to voteis outside their ranks; but they did not attempt to carry out one of them. All they wanted was money for themselves and so busy were they In getting It that they forgot to provide revenue for the Territory. The result was seen in the election returns of the present month. The strongest nrgument the Home Hulers had to contend with In the canvasi was that they had done nothing for the people; nnd that same argument proved to be the undoing of Wllrojc In the fight for Delegate. The Hepubllcan legislators-elect have the chance now to make a reputation which will commend them to the great majority of voters and ndvance Hawaii In the path townrds statehood. Hy the simple process of taking the party platform and living up to It all this can be achieved. If at the end of the session Hawaii finds Itself with revenues assured and with the prospect of better government In all that the term Im plies to good citizens, then the rest will be smooth sailing for the Hepubllcan shin. I. Is a Treat onnortunltv to make Itepubllcanlsm Indispensable to Hawaii and one which, ns we feel assured, the Legislature will meet with open arms. f GRAND JURY SECRECY. The secrecv of errand Jury proceedings is essential to the proper tentlon of the planters nnd that one of tlon of Justice, but In many cases It hailtnenl promised to actively support It ln not been observed. The celebrated, congress the others merely waiting "packed Jury" of Home Hule legislative limes wns particularly leaKy, some or,)., Its indictments being announced In thei press twV days before the Indicted men were arrested. Of course something1,,,.,,, ,.,.,.. ,ih !,. .,m. must be allowed for the novelty of the,, grand Jury system, the gossipy char-i,. acter of the town, the ncuteness of Pry - Ing eyes nnd ears, domestic confidences' and the like; but It nevertheless ought' to be easy for a court to uscertain. where the lenks are. When the tlves of a man who Is before a grand I Jury on grave charges go ubout telling what the Jury lias done or means to 1 do, effort, backed by the an power toKllnrH ,lf ;,u n,,m,n,KlP,,, ,nllst ,1P punish for contempt, to find out where they got their information, should not prove abortive. I However. It must be recognized that he press some lines gets Information uf uiuuiiimuiiuui oiuciice. rur hi- stance when reporters see J. A. Mngoon go Into the Jury room to be followed i shortly after by Becky Panee, Mr. Spltzer, the dealer In suit cases, and I by the High Sheriff, who ,ima been for some time past Investigating the ods of Treasurer Wright's escape, it Is fair to assume that those mlln,1n nre n.ll being reviewed by the Jury Itself. It needs no tattler, come from the Inner i temple of Justice, to tell the reporters, that. They are able without help to, put two and two together and make four. B. H. Wright Is reported ns saying that lie has not been asked by the grand Jury to tell what he knows about, the inside doings of the Public Works department, of which he was chief, clerk. Mr. bright claims to have in-' formation of the greatest value to those' vho want to get at the Inner facts of' the Boyd case. He was certainly In a position to know what was going on,to folJ mt them out am, rlnK the ,)atrol ....v. .. ,,uu..u uuuunmcui; """" "', wagon. If they want to reMr the what he to If he has ms say. tiJt tep to Wn8hlnBon ttcr they will been overlooked by the grand Jury, we ,, , ,,.... ,ln ,, ,ma,w,.,i nDIIIIIII.. Mini Ii I,. ..n 1,.4n , k.inf'ni iiuiul' uitu it m iiuk iuu utic iu the otulssiun ood. If HMo wants touristn. as a returned .... ,, . . , visitor says, he sooner she reopens the hotel the better. The Advertiser has ilillM Ul DUt;iitl jiL'Uilt; llliu jilCBUlllca there are many more, who have been deterred from going to see tho volcanol by tho fear that lodgings at Hllo could not he had. ICven the assurance of furnished rooms nnd a chnnco to go out to meals has not reconciled tliem. Tourists must have hotel accommodations In civilized lands or they will stay away, and the sooner Hllo appreciates that fact, the better for her revenues. 1 Mascagnl will go homo from his American tour a poorer and perhaps wiser man. Ho .....uw .,i; mistnke, at the outset, of showing great personnli vanity and this eel him the butt of the satirists. After that thu people' refused to take him seriously nnd his! tour ended In f II tiro almost ns soon us It began. Iu fnct Mascagnl hnd a debut. The spectacle of n Judge In attendance nt a prlzo light and pununellng chair backs with his gavel In a mock effort to keep some boozier friends in order was presented at Saturday even ing's Orpheum scrap, Thu removal of mis mau fruni oillce by the- rrculdeut would go a long wuy towaids restoring publlo renpoct for tho Island Judiciary. 1 The ruiuur' AiHiooliitloii will meet under mum fiivnmtilu oiuidltldim than , ' wn th ,hm iMMt your, fiiigur I I UP, llltf vIvetluiM linvn goiio wrll im 1 ilir i i4 Uvtur filing iiltinir nil i meiiiHi mill liidimtilal lllliaH. WllUt hUS MvuriiMl Hut, in th iiiii In. inlldiiu inydi. i. .1 t .. --- - I Mffltf -- The uuly Natty Uf nw(ill whn U un uin.iir of tiiv I'iiiimI Puittfn HnK l.lMiuiit uiiKraidl uf Dm ,Vw V"ik I Hl U hm Uou illrlTlPllloit m,H HoUII iPpaitiM In g lUMml Ot mivI. tthletj im llltll i hl I" iti tiay bH1Vw' it ittkr i imw ttmiiiijiK u ft Ur I uiw ait, (nMHimauJivFlifc in. un it uimin iu buy up iii)i.4i,.. rrrnrtidu uh l U rmilll , n, n.a 1 f: Ton lilt LABOK QUbSTION 1h . mi ti Mi Uo'M'hH In a (tiff on Ilia IHb.ii ,i"U" that tfee adniUwInn nt China i Ihrw IMmh4s will larerly ilpnil nn Hi' attitude befor I'linmMi of th American In bit r uhtana, Ii nn Important on Mr Maura, who Iihr liven connevtMl HUH t nidcs organizations on tlio mainland, nrgues that, If the plnnters will ngree to employ whllo skilled Inbor in plantation trades there will be no light made hy the unions on their employment nf Asiatic unskilled labor In the cone fields. Hut If the proposition Is to Introduce Orientals In such a way as to croud out or keep out white mechanics, then the plan of the planters to get Congressional aid In the matter of labor will rail. Considering the great advantages to be had from the Introduction of Chinese, the concessions asked for do not seem to be burdensome. We surmise that If the labor unions would agree to keep n supply of competent mechanics on the plantations, promptly replacing those who get sick of the sequestered life and leave or the towns or for the malulund, the way to nn agreement would .be easy. f THE PLANTERS. The Planters' Association had a fruitful meeting yesterday, the papers rend being for the most part instructive and otherwise vnluoble. On the whole the Association has much upon which toM congratulate itself. By extreme care In the details of plantation work, by pushing the output which for the year I cached the enormous total of 353,631 tons and by reducing expenses, It has sccuied a better Income than the pre vailing price of sugar perhaps Justified ll ln expecting. This policy Ii.i8.un doubtedly. averted u panic as well as improveu uie uuwwuk iur iinoLiier year. One of the Important features of the Associations work has been to Impress upon the Senatorial Commission the need of cheap labor nnd plenty of It. II Ih an (men secret that all the Sena- iru ,.,..-,.(.,i mum tim innin intmr mm. 'upo,, the, attitude of the labor unions their States. i .,,., ... ..,- alln, , .,. " morally or legally unfit for ,,. , .,,,,, ,, .,. ,,. ,miml8 t;t the Executlve shall have a ,, , vv.,,rnvv. thn, nn(, .,,. , other8 omclaIg nulncd by un , ,. ..,,, , A..,na ,, . ' , , ,,! c...., ,i ,.. .i h American system, represent Senatorial spoils. It Is held that a President or nni'iifiinp tiulniT riiDnnMalhlii flip tint , f cho,c , h , ,ta. ,,,, nalned abo of thu head8 of de. partments. Senator Mitchell, while , t.x,lressed astonishment over the , f h Hawa,,Bn genate In re- ,. ,,,P ,lf n,,,, n,.ln'o ,,l. nees for purely political reasons. Such a thing Is almost unheard of at Wash ington, lack of moral fitness being the only cause upon which the Senate ,d leJect nomlnutlon fl) r cabinet 0mcel. ' . We would here suggest to the leaders and advisers of the Home Pule party. whoever they may be, to have nil the Homo Hule Senators nndr turncoats of the first body advised to 'take their seats, and then let the question come up nnd have It submitted tq Washing- ton for an opinion. Independent, lt tho Homo RuIl! or othor Senntors ho uero not re.Bleetcd or do not )10() over uder t)le ,nw ..,,, thelr ,,,.. ()bod w objcct ln fnct Ule H()oner ,,, ,, .nv. ,,,, ,, ,,.,, ,h ,,. ter- shou)d U) t t0 tak(J the seatg of newly-elected Senators, however, lt will be the painful duty of the police . ' " There Is no doubt that some Chinese nnd Jnpaueae hackmcu are needed to serve uiu Asiatic population uhlch. f ailllcultles of language. ' chiiiio t . wth whUe u,u, n,u,ve dr,verB The question Is not one of race, but of efficiency. It appears that many Orientals have taken out hack licenses who nre no more fitted to drive n horse than n child is to run an automobile. These should be weeded out. i;i ough fair drivers will be left to attend to the Oriental carrying trade about town. Several letters on the church attendance question will appear In tomorrow's Issue. I r Judge Kalua ot Maul Is a visitor In .. ,. lMe cltJ' Kdward Stratcmeyer of he Custom House Us In Hllo. r..... T-l 1 11 .1. .t.. .. iiiMvmur iuiu lla iiireciru iiiui an milillo buildings be liosoil November 27th. because of . , . . .... . Information Is wanted of tho nbout of one Carl Itobert Qunsihny Splller. whoso Inst lesldenco wns In Sydney THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. THERAPION.SttW." iu. I,ii i miii riitiiiii,iil, .pl(jl.iy III. i I. It.wUu J. Iki, Viljici., mid illicra, wiuUiic4 nil II. i .1, .i lurm In lv .. !,..! n a lutxlulua cl Uia k'i I ,i I. .r,icivfly!i hltlltrto f Ulllujrl THERAPION No I iiuulii iu ill rni... .i.t. ii,iiii.rii'iiUitWn lor I.UI4 "I th. .int In tli Utk, tml k.nii. Miin.i,i, uil.ii uu,: riiit rvtUI kU' . wm ,.,u. fiimiti.a I uvll IMWVIIV. TMEnAPIONNu II ruu llll)UIU:i'IJ.., ." ! iri ii HIM 4lUillll K l Mil tfill i'" Ill . U.lii Ml llMUMMlor Wl.l h ii i iwi.ii Uh iuu. i n i4.i 1 i,t . iw4uy i.w. ... . .i..ll,m. Ulli. . Ii ..lli I. I I ill! itl hutllll TUt. I ' .HI4I HIIIOk 11 Wli... .. IMU lU'lli lit. 11.--I Ull'l ly 111.11140 h iwmihx . iii.iur ir,iiu iii i i THEUAPION No 3 I nftwtiwi, .U. it ..,!. ana ll Jli...i,,, MHtwiMi... u l' !), mti k, k, I) w,.a wiiikttii ! n I"i"'iii,iiutj,lli4u4 i, 1 m Ibxt nlMuttf ll.4U Uw .(1J2 IHHimiiim. I ,' '..iliu.v in I...I ii iiujlii) HUIMI 1'IIW III p4Utt4VJ It l 4i4Tr0, H. 14.. ui un 1 . m W" -. Hi. uiH imu i 1. H W 41 f9 11...'. IIM wI "TUfMM -it"" 'A MM prill ( .iMttffcMbiil til 1 4 i ' " 1 ft I j II J? I . LOCAL BHCVITIES. trrtrni Monday" Vktir.) I. P. "colt forfeited ball ot IU III .I i I'otirt Hattirdny He wni rhnrsed mlh rrulty to nnlmaii. H..ifn . Khlngle Iiha received news of the of Ilia father. John K. rUtltiRlr. at Denver. The elder Shingle whs n Judge i'Iibs. K. Parsons, the Illlo attorney, I In town looking nfter the Interests of clients ot Kmlth & Parsons In the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court will sit this morning to take up the Hole case on a writ ot prohibition against Judge Gear's order of alimony. The funeral of the late Otto was held yesterday afternoon from the Herman Lutheran church. Many old friends of the deceased were In attendance. School teachers and other responsible persons on these Islands that have a little spare time can hear ot something to their ndvantage by writing to Oeo. Osborne, Paaullo, Hawaii. Funeral services were held yesterday over the remains of the Hev. Thos. F. Alexander who died Friday nt the residence of Mr. A. F. Cooke. The body Is to be shipped to the old home of the deceased. The grand Jury may possibly report today, though the report may bo delayed until tomorrow. It Is rumored thut the Jury will make an investiga tion of the supposed "leak" through which a newspaper published the alleged action of the grand Jury In the Boyd case. Friday, November 2Sth, Is a legal hollduy In Hawaii, being the anniversary of Independence Day. ( The following criminal cases are set down for trial this morning before Judge De Bolt: Nos. DO, 02, 7, 11, 13. 14 and 38. The grand Jury met yesterday morning and adjourned until today. A. S. Cleghorn, the foreman pro tern, was reported 111 und was excused by Judge De Bolt. A special meeting of Honolulu Labor Council Is called for Friday night, Nov. 21, at their hall. Important business. All unions are requested to send their full delegates. . Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is Intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and Influenza. It has become famous for Its cures of these diseases over a largo part of the civilized world. The most flattering testimonials have been received, giving accounts of Its good works; of the aggravating and persistent coughs It has cured; of severe colds that have yielded promptly to Its soothing effects, And of the dangerous attacks of croup It has cured, often saving the life of the child. The extensive use of lt for whooping cough has shown that lt robs that disease of all dangerous results. It is especially prized by mothers because it contains- nothing Injurious and there Is not the least danger ln giving lt, even to babies. It always cures and cures quickly., All dealers and druggists sell it. Benson, Smith & Co., agents for Hawaii. The WTwT.!5 "Star" Storm-proof, effective, for ventilating factories of nil kinds, public buildings, rcsideuces, etc. Merchant's Metal "Spanish" Tiles Orunmentnl, Storm-Proof, Ensily Laid Tho'so tiles nre recommondeil by leading architects, engineers nud buildnrs of first clneH buildings. Merchant's '"Gothic" Slnugles, copper, galvanized steel sorew plates Send for illiiHtrnted book-let of our pecinltics, mailed frco upon appli cation. MEUOHANT & CO., Inc., Solo Manufacture, 517 AreliSt., Philmlel phin. Pa. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Honolulu, November 17, 1902. NAMK OV B10CE Capital Aik. Mkecintili U.DrcwerA Co 1,000,000 L. B. Kerr Co., Ltd... 200,000 8PS1R wa Haw. AerlcultnralCo. IIrw. Cora. A Bug. Co, uaw. bugarco lloaomu lloaokft .. Ilalku Kalmau Klhcllian.Co., L'd. . Kiiuliulu Koloa LM' i iiuumca I Ookala ,,,, t)la Bugar Co. Al., oiaa I'afil Up.... Olowalu l,Rl',u(?"it J'Ul1 ,000,000 i l'aclno , KW.tHiO I'ala 7M.0O0 I'i'pceVeo 7W.0U0 I'luiU'vr 2,TU,0U0 Waialua Ac. Co 4,600,1X10 Wallnku 700,000 Waluianalo. 162.000 170 HTIlUtHII'CO't Wiliter H. H. (n 600,000 100 A, Co., (09,(00 100 UltCILUPItiri IJaw'liKlucirlcCo,,,, 224.000 !""' ,',' l- 10,,, 111,000 II, It, A I.. Co ,(U).tUJ llOKin (Uw, llnri.tii.n , ..,, lo II. It. ('u. 11, e... Ili-ii. l, T. A t Vu, ftHlfllfl L. ''" t" till Gt!ii lln e i r a&A.r..e.' "JtJt, 11, u. OS f . , gift 04U ovM'4h, A it Stuffed Up That's the condition of ninny stilTcr. era from ontmrli, i'fini'iiilly In the mornliif?. (hent tlilll.nilty Is ex. IHiilciiteU In clearing the lientl nnd throat. No wonder entnrrh causes head-ache, (intuit thu Uistc, smell and hearing, pollutes thu hreath, deranges the Btoiniicli mid directs the appetite. To cure catarrh, treatment must bo constitutional alterative and tonic. 'I naj afflicted with catarrh. I took medicines or different kinds, giving each a fair trial ; but gradunlly itrcw worse until I could hardly hear, taste or smell. I then concluded to try Hood's Sarsnparllla, and atier taklnK tire bottles I was cured and have not hod any return ot the disease lince." Korbis, Lebanon, Kan. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures catarrh it soothes and strengthens tln ucous membrane and builds vholo system. ' BUSINESS CARDS- H. HACKFELD & CO. LTD. General Commlaalon Agents, Queen St., Honolulu, H. I. "". A. SCHAEFER & CO. Importers and Commlealon' Merchants, Honolu lu, Hawaiian Islands. liEWERS & COOKE. (Robert Lewera y. J. Lowrey, C. M. Cooke.) Importers and dealers In lumber and build lng materials. Office, 414 Fort St. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Ma chlnery of every descrltlon made tc order. The Famous Tourist Route of the World. In Connect.on With the Canadian-Australian Steamship Line Tickets are Issued To All FointB in the .United States and Canada, via Victoria and Vancouver. MOUNTAIN RESORTS: Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephens and Fraser Canon. Empress line ol sieamersrironr Vancouver. Tickets to All Points ln Japan, China, India and Around the World. For tickets and general Information apply to THE0. H. DAVJES& CO., LTD. Agent Canadian-Australian 8. 8. Line, Canadian Pacific Railway. TRANS-ATLANTIC FIRE INS. Cf " OF HAMBURG. Capital of the Company auA reserve, relchsmarks (,000,IM Cnpital their reinsurance companies 101,860,004 Total relchsmarks ...107,650,M North Cerman Fire Insurance Cfc OF HAMBURG. Capital of the Company and reserve, relchsmarks 8,89,004 Capital their reinsurance companies 85,109,001 Total relchsmarks 43,830,001 The undersigned, general agents ol rthe above two companies, for the Ha waiian Jslandi, are prepared to Insure Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise and Produce, Machinery, etc.: also Sugat end Rice Mills, and Vessels In the harbor, against loss or damage by fire ot the most favorable terms. H. HACKFELD & CO., Limits The Elgin WORLD'S STANDARD FOR TIME KEEPING. Should be ln the pocket of Tri wearer of a Watch. Many years' handling of Witch, convinces us, that price considered, Un Elgin Is the most satisfactory of Air erlcan Watches. Cased In Nickle, Silver. Gold Filled and Solid Gold. We have a full line and sell them a light prices. ELQINB reach ua rlfht. ELOINS reach you rltjnt, Elglna stand for what la right In tim keeping and lasting qualities, and that la why we are right In puahtng tk. Elgin Watch. H.F.WICHMAN BOX 342. Wm. G. Irwin & Co., I,1MITK1. Firo nnd Marine Insurance A'gts AUISNTB rOR TUB lloyal Insurance Company ot Liverpool Alliance Aaturanca Company of Lou don, Alllanra, Marina and Cltnaral Assuranai Co.. Ltd.. of Loudon. iUottlah Union National Inaurenat ComMar el HaUnturiB, Wllbelnu of MMfflmr 0nrl Icaur anc CoHii)r, Aola(a4 Aaauranca Co., Ltd., of Mt ulrb nn4 Harlln. 'I. land. flit iKnct 9 Th IibvIhb been appointed arnti uf the above cornpani re prepared to Imure rtakj naalntt fire on Hlnn ati,l llrlKk llnll.lln.. 11,4 on Merchandise atored therein on the moil mvormuie terms, ror particular apply at thn office of F. A. 8CHAEFEH A CO., Ata German Uoyd Marine Iniur'c Ce OF BERLIN. Fortuna General Insurance c OF BERLIN. The above Inaurance Companies nava established a general agency here, ana the undersigned, general agenta, are authorized to talco rlalra nvaln.t lh. danger of the sea at the most reason- uoie rates ana on tne moat rarorabla terms. F. A. 8CHAEFER ft CO.. General Agenta. General Insurance Co. for S&. River and Land Transport. of Dresden. Having established an agency at Honolulu and the Hawaiian Islands, th undersigned general agents are authorized to take risks against the danger of the sea at the most reasonable rates and on the most favorable terras. Agents lor the Hawaiian Island. ''1 4 Now is the Time to Plant 1 s E SEEDS D S A large shipment of fresh seeds has just been received. It iB not necessary to send to the coast for gard in or vegetable seeds when the same may be had in a few day'i from the Hollister Drug Gompany Honolulu, Hawaii. ,., . ,4...4.4...). ).. It), t The Bank of Hawaii . LIMITED. Incorporated Under the Laws ot th Republic of Hawaii. CAPITAL I600.0OI.M OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Chas M. Cooke President P. C. Jones Vice President C. H. Cooke Cashier F. C. Atherton Assistant Cashier Directors Henry Waterhouse. Tom May, F. W. Macfarlane, E. D. Tenney, J. A. McCandless. Solicits the Accounts of Firms, Cor porations, Trusts, Individuals, and wli: promptly and carefully attend to all business connected witn panning en trusted to It. Sell and Purchase For elgn Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Ordntary and Term Deposit received and Interest allowed In accordance with) rules and conditions 'printed in dam books, copies of which may be bad on application, Judd nulldlng, Fort Street. Are warranto PW&U'iWa cure Grata kiadred cowl plaint. fro aterctirr. M uuwarda ait H raara. la rosm as. cb, ail ObOMtett MA ratMt Uadil clu Vw4r UirNCbout th Worivi rTont4, TM MaoMa ati hmkai