Newspaper Page Text
Vnttfu M the" I'nMoftl of II T MMr I ! lhl lll.MiAh AM rMIA VVALTLR 0 SMITH. LIMOH J 'I'rt stuntli i '!! i c. ... lf.lrn .11' rri .. - pr Year S'2J Pr Yetr, KorelKii '" In Advance. A. W. I'BAIUJON, Manager TUESDAY DKCUMIIKIt 1C. MARKETING PUBLIC LANDS. The Territory Ii now In the ) of rcttlnc white homesteader It l out on the right track It propose , n.ivrtl. its landed possessions a HAW M" thoy have not been nelvertlKed before.' tneanlntf. will be an eent second only In Importance to annexation It will uslnc the lulnnd pres nnd perhaps some malnlnnd papers a elescrlpllw me-, pkmji. an did the other. Htubilltj, for (Hums. Hitherto the general public hn ullh knowledge an to the marketH of known verj little Indeed n'jout the ,lH. uor( ,,r,. wm be- parity of nines quantity, e,unlit ami and euunllty of prltex. tlon of our pub c lands, and there una .... ,, , . a senulne wae of surprise when thej U would he Impossible to enumerato Advertiser announced, two or three1 the variety of ws In which electric years ago. that time were '.'0.000 acre communication with the world will tend of'such propert on the Island of Oahu lo Illllke nawa u business center, alone. Hereafter the light will be Aron,ij thore nre to be Been the lgnn turned on. and the public will knoWwi,,n indicate the coming of griater precisely what there Is available Vu,Heet of merchant ships The a fair guess If the policy, If ()l, jVench line will give new carrltd out, will not bring on a t(ljn ilh ie Soutll eas and with the rush of the very best 1 1 jss of settlers l,.oln,,K 0r the great "Jim" Hill liners It Is true, as Commissioner Hod fro) j.ounj ,,orts there will be an out, that we have no big tracts j,,,) evitit,Mce 0f the Importance of Ho-to offer as In the case of Oklahoma, i 1u)u ut a capltul. but Hawaii has thl advantage over, with all the advantages In prospect Oklahoma that a living can be made on )t ouu uu unlke Honolulu to pennlt small tracts Twenty acres heie villi th(, ,la of tllo opening of the line to go further than 1C0 acres there True, .MHH vv Itliout ceremonious celebration much of the land Is lock. but Mr 'cjmcrnur Dole sounded the note when Uuchholtz has shown what such land ( hp declaied that he favored a peuple'w can be made to jield Sisal Is a Hne(jay ttth mulll.i addresses, public for the pooiest hull, chickens can . COj)tlons and ilrewoiks as opposed to be grown on rocky land and where eggs ' u,r(, frlnn h,iniuet wheie the few are (He cents apiece and broilers seven-1 ,))(,ll xoct. their rejoicings. The four cents, chicken inlslng is a irii I fair thing So Is turkey-raising Hog ranches are Immensely profitable, so are the duck ranches, which will soon be driven from the subuibs of the cil. Back in central New York cabbages are now quoted at fl.75 per ton, here thej sell at ten cents a pound and upwards nnd the high lands produce them to the Queen's taste. Kveti castor beans, hlch grow like weeds any wheie. produce ciops which sell locally fot C0 a ton. Coffee only awaits a bounty or a favorable tariff and the vanilla bean has Immense possibilities. The wooded country might be made to pioduce ginseng. Pineapple openings ale attentive and the man who will lalse an Improved grade of bananas can sell them at a sui prising Ilguie. Theie Is plenty of public; land In Hawaii suitable foi some one or two of these products and the Advertiser feels sure that If It Is put on the market In the right vva It mill be quickly taken up by an Industrious class of people. Why not? A rederal ofliclal, In answer to a question put b the Advertiser jester-day, said he thought the available public lands ought to be given away In small tracts to applicants who would, as u means of obtaining title, live on them foi five jeais and make ceitaln prescribed improvements He thought thnt settlers would come here in crowds to get free farms, and the Advertiser, knowing how such things go on the mainland and how general Is the desire to get uvvay from the cold northern . lutein Into some tiopical country under the Ainciliun ling, quite agrees lth him. The i etui lis to the Government would be found in u vast Increase, after live jeais, of taxable property and in the steadying Influence of a larger white vote, while the benefit to the people would be been from the stmt In an Inci eased demand for the articles of tiade which white settlers lequlie Better, far better, n hundred small fauns givin free than one Immense tinct turned over to a cattle raiser nt a nominal rental. The big cattle lanchcs kept California from setting ahead In population foi a pcilod of twenty-live ears But methods are things of detail, the main thing Is to put up the laud in some reasonable wa and give the American farmei a chance at It This is vvhnt Is coming and in It Is a blessing for llnvvali which cannot be THE VENEZUELA INCIDENT. The net mall from the coast may bring some Inteieatlng stmies from the Carlbbenu sea. At last advices British and Gorman ships weie eonveiglng on l.a;Guayra, lhe seaport of the Venezuelan' capital, to collect a long overdue debt at the caiumn s mouth and hovering near' wait the stiongest lint ever collected under the Ainuricou flag and oho which was about to pass under the personal command of Admiial I)cw it was anticipated that Oeucj's seln me of umneuveiK would take him close to the scone of operations, his luminous being to exerc l initial pictWiUlu on behalf of the M mrce dm - tlillH. It Im not likely, however, that this doctrine Hill be made an Issue as It clow not stand In the whj, even b im-i plication, of the IntornailoniU c uiin timi ' of dftbtc There Ui no evidence tluil oltlinr riitwl Britain or ijirmmu l sottkliig h iiniiimmnt fiHitlioM on the ViillttiEiiaUll coast nor, even If the op-! Iiri unity offrci, that (' would act loHfthfr III taking one As a mmur of fnul OriHtt liilialn, which Has the In-J vuiuur of IIib do. trine at i pled by I'ltwUlsjit JMiiin, has lattly uotimmrd linr ttciaiililulii ., nf ll yita , mii .1., a,. In' uocnI fulUi iKveausu sh Iim all ihw milt' lair mi) unval staiiom U riilrvs on His Ws IndUii suatiosii In Ouluiia, l I HMM l.u. lu, m Vim ni. Ji.ii'M fiiHl tAmwUnv U4 bocUu lht uf lit' kliinriw dutiiinv will In In llu MMNM' o''lurMim In i trrlliiflal llVblf. Bl '' Hm in butp her lvl1 ' illns any i would IIMl IM ( ' II llllDl'Hll ll httvn UN'' I six anUiia u UiVl jl) t u iisor llir WsW m lundliiM Iim -in hui ai. lioaiull N Bo U i. I Him a II kUIl i III) III full I ". I i i. n IIUS II 4IUI "' II r MM I' i ili f M i i Alif (I "u I m'4 Hi I . li,, . i m riiii.ilr r ( " ' '"' . H. f i tlartr las Hi- r i f h ivtiti ' t i u1.u b n" ' ' . I - im ihII n until llu AiiIii '! rmali i. LI i il With ' I I"" I ii I. I rlll textile! h. in '- lu l i iiitti it4 firm! llrliaiti will) "'" I. miliiHi I'll l ( "f Tiirhsf thi.iush a MttMJrv of th Hmfrna imUNH h Ur nt lh tlww Otf tMltlMhlp Kr- tu K on It rallM ikm titur in Wv hall siinpl ' Mr m iHlorwrtol MWtHtr. nt mindful of the- imiI, which North AiiMTlf miR us well HA ICnrnpuii '"' of tern hln Uif Ittln AiihtIimii i the sanctity of . CABLE DAY CELEBRATION. Cable Day will lie made one f the tnetnonihlp occasions In Honolulu's chronoloR). nml fittingly so. for the arrival of the SlUertuwn, with tin- etui of the copper wire which will bear no liiatlj ineBxiiKO fr.uiKht with Knsit cummltlees will frame such a program us will enable the vnrlous dements of our cosmopolitan population to find pleasure In the exercises which will in irk the event and certainly ever cltlui will have cause to Join In the making which will mark the pin h n Island history The only element which villi be lacking will be the presence of one of the gem ml o Ulcers of the company to whose piogresslveness credited the i iiiisuiiimntlon of the hopes of u The leaders In the gieat enterprise however will be at the other end of the wlie and will be able to know In.stantlj the feeling which will animate the whole people upon the mention of the name of Mnckay. To the man departed must be given the credit for the plans which are so near to fruition anil lo his son and worthy successor will be sent on that opening day an "Aloha" which will lepresent the good will of all Hawaii. lu enunei tlon with the Islands' of coffee and the fact that the steamship Zcalanill.i will carry two thntisiud bags to the const with her on Wednesday It Is Interesting to note that Anif ilea's consumption of that nge Is fui and away beyond hei Increase p population when the two nre com pared. During IS90 there were 431,159, 12C pounds of coffee Imported into the United Slates while during only eight months nf the last fiscal year pounds came In through American Feapoits. ( " Illghwisiien are poor Indeed when thry )iai to hold up a tramenr. THEV WILL REMAIN. Tho bump of rovorenco is ovor7 Biuuiowed by the bump of in tho 20th century iiinu nnd woman. Old things tiro not preserved pimply because thoy nro old. Wlmtboover is no longer useful must get out of the way. .Nevertheless, progress that is not intelligent will not bo permanent. We shall continue to breatho air, drink water and eat bread. There will bo no " improvement" on tho great essentials of living, and wo do not want any. Habies will come into tho world as thoy have from tho boginning, and people will die out of it as thoy have done sinco tho world began. Lot us not run away with the idea that nil of. our treasured opinions nio to ho upset. Through evory change, nil standard articles which, liko WAAlPOLlj'S PREPARATION have buililed a reputation on honour and good son ice, will hold their place. This olTootivo remedy belongs to the past, tho present and the future. It is not only but ahead of date. For Wasting Diseases, Impaired Nutrition, lnlliienzn, Lunjr, Troubled, Impure IIiuiioih in thu blood uuli resulting skin el.'., it H)i).ous the of pli)uliiii mill the people own VHliere. It U not to mil; it neer does full, Tho formula nflur wliloh it U mnile in HI) illallil'litioil. It eon. talim I lie iiniriiivii mill niirnllvu properiuw nf 1'iirn Oinj Mvor Oil. by im fr,,,!) fnial) noil livers, loiuliiiiml with I lit) I'tini' ioiini) )nii of noiluwiliiU) uni llu. JJntmeu ut ihiU mt) WlliJ rimrry, It U iwlnUliUi tw lonuy, nml )ii so ihwiIhIiihI m o m pfliirilvo ffuui i Iim lf Jimii. 'fufywnr llmMy. of ('Upln,Ml'l 'I liiitv muiili iiiurn In sIhUmm Uwl I liuwi iiuol ii lu Lttii uj ilnUHiy nl huvr round ll lu Iw l Wl) V.l il'li Ii llu ly 4 U'll UK (iliHHi rt I I .k ")I mIIHi 'I )ll" l I I I I ) i bill ' I TIJKrfllMM'WKMIlT.U 18, WRRKLT S! BOtKNIIHQ HHOKM.AHV 1 alto iii ii. in mil, India Ink ' no !..!., I , ) ( lc..r h I i i. miia I'. iitiit ii ! if fMaU up t "II lh rr V ' Hit MH?lt)' llht, ihv Iran I tin n t rm glvr a ni'l.iabl rsmi i oi '4 stmht IIiim Htmrh nf Mir itatel mf iil tool! from sfw uaMmit lw s Sttacks ntifnmrtMg l ! g4l m mfNily utHtm (mm ntrtwrtls. net the imrtaofic mltr nmohltiK UHeMrili I Is wtlnmtnl at nmny ihIIHsiin tonf ycusrl), much of th gissl of ti iHllii and of may be aequ eel III this wn. Grecit ertlniiiikes are usual fill' lowed by hundreds or even thoj Hindu v.1 miiiiir shocks. i ioiii iuu iHllun em thquukes, I)r Cancan! has I irned that when the focus of dlsturlxiice Is of small depth, the 'on tlnue about 10 days, when mod irately deep, thice months, and when -cry deep, several ears The Dead Hen, whose size Is Is about 40 miles long by S vide, nnd Is only 10 feet deep In its soutlern part. The surface is considerably below sen level, while It leccivett the viiainagc of salt, sulphur nnd iispialt inlmu. The density of the watei is about 2 as compared with dlsllled wutet, that of sea wuter being enly 1.027, and u iccent uiiiiIjhI.s by C. A. Mitchell shows more than 24 per tent of solid matter, Inculdlng 9 per ecu of mugnesium chloride. A buther bn enes lnstantlj coveted with a layer t lalt. Painting rain now fashion with tireaks of red, blue and yellow Is u iritish olllcer's plan for making cunnoi less consjilcuous Tiled on u. battel y jif six guns at Aldershot, the colors bll nded into n confused mass at a lltti distance, making each gun dlfllcultfn locate, and at S00 jards the outllie of the gun was lost, while ut 1000 yijds It harmonized with tiees, open grassland, sandy plains, or bioken country. Approaching from about 3000 jardssome nrtllleiy olllceis failed to discover the guns until they had advanced to i ithltt 1000 yards. The world's greatest monument, I as a marvel of antiquity, seems to have been made with tools we diss as I in idem From evidence colleetjd all (31eh, W. M concludes' that the pyramid buildeis usee solid , and tubular drills, stinlght and cicular saws, and lathe tools, all of vvhltl weie. set witli euttinu stones, anil tluv did I work that would pu:Me the of today. Home gram.e coies shov that the J i III sunk one-tenth of an lich at each revolution, while the ctt was e lean and uniform thiough soft sandstone and the hardest giaulte. Ai din? monds were veiy scarce, It Is sui posed that the cutting material was coi mi lium. The problems of tho sea about IJurope nre to be attacked by Great Biltulu, Geninny, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Svcden, Itussln and Klnlaud. A definite ptitlon li r tile mil I hern untnru Imu linen fifili'ii. " ' " -" i ed to each country, and simultaneous ciulhcs will be made four times each lear for lecordlng the teinn. r.ituie. denslty, life, etc, of these seas tlnniil obhervatlons nie expected fioni regular lines of steamers, etc The International Council has talillshed a cential bureau ut Copen- hitgen, from which all publications will he Issued, and an International too at I'lulstlana, wheie observeis will, be tt alned, Instalments tested, etc. When the dnjs are longer thun tin nights, mole heat Is luceived b da than Is list by night. Beat giaeluall in umuutus in laiul, sea and a r. so that the hottest part of the car is not In June, when the das nie lunges . but , eiiiisiiieiablv later, i.'i.h.i nmnv ri.u,.r. v .Huns in j. ii.isii.nvn timt tae soil Iii Voithein ruiope ieieh'8 Its liiHi.t tempeiattuo In September "nnd lis lowest In Match, air nnd wuter be- ing warmest In August and coldest In Pi In inn j. Tho sea takes up 20 to 40 tlims as much heat as the land, the he it penetrating much eleopei. The sea "in) he two degiees waimei than the air lu October or Novembei, but Its avnage for the car Is but half a degree warmer. A "I'nited States rood " to aid the grocer and the food inspector as the Pharmacopoeia serves the druggist, Is the suggestion of .Mr ....,...,, 1', lu not ., V !... ,i ,f .1... lill.. ..I t.n...t i,iiiu, i.i niu iiiiiiina r imiii Ciiiiiniisilun, IThe work, to be iireimred b xperts, slould conliiln n tl.m and description of the v.ulous mil- n il vegetuble and mineral substances ii si d for food or in prepailng food, with standards of iiuallty, methods of fc. mre and preparing for the market, an. I i hemienl data to piuve purity or ch.ra.te.. or amount of l.v.iy etTort should be exerted to make tin book authoritative with the trade ui'd as lnlluentlul In court as posnlble The t'nlticl States Phitrmueopocdii, ui'. ted as nn excellent model, U id . veiy ten eur. and Is eontinllcil b an nn orpnrHled body, with a liflcud of five ti iiHtet b lo transact all buslmiss and n miefull clHHien levlsloti oi)iinlttee ut liiedliul men nnd in li uu THE NEW FnCNCH REMEDY. TUiroAniAM ni...i.tii.i i i 1 1-. I r I V 1 J , i. siUrii , I inlU ml. I I , 1 i I l il V. i.l , ,i I 1 1 ,. I ,MU4 kl " i . i i i I., -i i iii i i i ii in ill Ih i ii iin li iliiu hi isiWl THERAPION No . iuVcW I i i i,.iii.irM Hat i, IwdtrkSfiS b I . .1 . li lli lilt, till " ' i. , 1 1 I- it mutf wlM I i I I lu. I,.,, l Cull I. W.lhlM THRHiPIONN fl i m i . fCw I. LI;I.. I. l"c Im. i ,11.. 4H I(W1II1I 1 l t In I, .11.1 k . I I, .11 ll li ii I ,, !... I ii , I..I I i l UUV I II, I. .III. I i, I. , nfVl.vili i l I In. I III. 1 I i .11 ,1U '' . .1 i llu i,i, llu I,. I 4i 11 1 Iwiibly ! n 1. 1, . nwiuiii I, iii. U4 i 'i i i. i . i. 4 It 1ijMm I ,.. .1 I 11 I..IUIIIU III I.. 1 1, ., J & t lu ' I III", li I I lK fllill.lll, " Jiill ij I I i . II I lU.LMlllk lUl 4lt. 1 II , i lull LOCAL BKfcVITlLS I i in luf.Uj ),. H h i H-tri. a win M.t i if from Maul umil next Knuur J..,l v l,iraihfli at U'allyliu HV.ium.m,,.! i ' M WhIU was rwnrui.l i br Hi'M j i htf lrtt in ili '( I'mMIs Works ywlrrdav X. . (im torn received from WMWku of the- acquittal of the two Hawaiian Vlrla MKa4 t have Ht lire to Bisalmtry. CiHiper has nppraveil the plans , ,,f th llunnlulu Uaskl Tranlt Co. fnrj th- surveyed routu freim MrCully stret ti Kaplednnl Park. Mrs James Cniupbell Iark"r has lorated fort dollars (tiOOii) u month, l.iwardl the defraying of exiwnses In ICiiuinaknplll church, The will of the Inte I)r Oliver was llleel for probate vsterdu) The estate Is left to the widow, and IWvlel is named as executor Hackfeld A- Co. have paid the penalty of MOO to Collector Stnckable for to return a rejected emigrant, nnd the suit In United States court has be'ci dismissed J B Atherton Is much Improved lu health, but his pli slclnn has advised that he refrain from all work for a. least u j ear. Tor thnt rensin Mr Ather ton will teslgn from all the ofllcs i,,,! arus private nnd publi tiullons. tornorntlons. etc Including the benevolent and religious enterpilses with which Mr. Atherton Is connected there Is a total of thirty-nine of which he Is an olllcer. (From Monday's Dnll.) It Is reported that C. V. Iauken Is to be private secietary to Delegate-elect Kuhio. The cable rate from California to Austr.illa, Tasmania, New Zealand, FIJI , Island and Not folk Island is fifty-eight cents a word. it is repotted that Yang Wei Pin does not intend to leturu to Honolulu. He will be asked to give a new power of llUllim,y delegating his authoiity In the lire claims matter to the acting consul. Camp Roosevelt, Spanish-American Wnr ... Vetnp.inK. .-- , eill h.ilil -- 11 n llllllill , - til II t , ,i,icllnn tViln in unlnir rat C r.'it.irlr 111' the headquarters In the Oregon block. Every membei Is requested to be pies- ent. Word has been iccelved of the sudden death of Ho Kee, a well known Chinese tailor of l'aiu, Haul. Death was sudden and u coroner's Jury examined into the fucts, only to llnd the cause to nave been heart disease. F. C Handy, Deputy United States Maishal, letuined on Saturday from Illln wheie he unested a Japanese moonshine i Tho mun was held to nwait the action of the fedeial grand Jury In bonds of J2.000. The Jap will be the first United States prisoner to have a tilal In Hllo. The Inmates of the house In Knllhl which wns destroed Kiid.iy morning b an explosion of giant powder, who were taken to the hospital, are gradually Improving. Knlehun, who was thought to be lu n ellng condition, has betteied to the extent that It is possible his life may now be saved. Ills sight, however, Is gone, and his ear , .. . , """" ",u "" I" W Mnklnney, the scntcher of land titles, was anested on Satuiday noon on a wnrrant charging him with 'passing n check for J5 25 mi.n Chinese I meichant, It being alleged thnt Makin- "e' had no funds In the Bishop Hank " which tho paper was drawn. Sev- 'r''' "titer checks of small ,1,,l,h nle sal(I to 1,nve been Ied by nnu uie ponce are iiivesiigni Ing the matter. Mnklnney was con vlcted of gioss cheat on two similar eh.uges In the Police Court a couple of weeks, since, both cases being appealed. ,-. The I'nlucky Ho Is alwnjs getting "'' Angers burnt, his hand cut or Ills shoulder spialned. His paients should keei u bottle of Chamberlains Pain Hlin In the house This is a liniment ot superior merit One application gives '"" Ti It All dealers and drug- K1 " "l'" " Henson, Smith i Co , Ltd , agents foi Hawaii HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE Honolulu, December 15, 1802. namk o Blue a Capital Val Did Auk MmtAMIILB C.lliowor.V Co 1,000.000 100 890. 1 II. Ecrr Co., Ltd. aW.OOO M Bl'iub tWa 5,l) ft).i SO 2t 2IJi i lluw. AgriculturslCo 1,000,00) loo I J1"' sSL'srCo11"'0' 2.UJ.T60 100 J.OHU.COU vo nouonm .. .'....."" 7V),000 loo US llouolmi 2,000,0110 -M ..'6 6011,000 lW 5no,ao '."0 2i klliel I'liin.'coi, lm J,SO0,tl H Kiimiuilu loo 70 Kl M0 (MX, 100 Q lM j.wo.ti'io J (inlui H'lK'ir l'o, 8,Ceio,i 100 Oiionun t.OiO.WKi vo 'Jnu, s' ,; ' K, i'.'iVMcM 20 I ouh PrIj Up, . .MO.(K0 11 Wi Olouslu l.V) (C.I 100 ' " 'tat'lnn"!'"'1 so PnciUe ".'.'.' nci.e lot I. 7,'O.OvO 1C0 . 7.V) ono lr.i 2,760 WO 100 I 10 WsUIiihAk , fo l,l),Ui0 1W, MK UJ), VNiilluicil 7(D.fi00 100 I WkluiU)u. UJ.CQ0 IcXI . Mtlklkhll I'll'. UlUltflH p. I o '40 umi ioo l lulvr Mullrt Mly lll I w. HO MlnitUlKbort it'll KliWllleOei.., fAiojn N, 11, I. ,v uu 611. "Hi Uuiiwl I'sl.l'rt , l itajo) " I), A, A l0il I iKiTOB w IHmw 101 , lion il. T. 4 L t'i p. p. . .... .III. u air ! Ill' III II. I'll IP1 Ml. p)l fl mm " l.M MMtWWIW tttt.VIIIM ttiti Itui.4rw4 "U wnhsMmMk Itw l'u m i'v ' nrvm 1. 1 til .! N l.Uli ' I I lll ltl . . .iu. . . it . ....... . i ir c il'iin ii " mniTiiis ' ' wvrirn', . i tlihnit, t. W hell Jtfjit III I 't0 I tlilLimtu .Molt b.V all lill !IM CXMIel'H'Kl I 1 1, Mil si nntl ft : oT leu . in tfn o li.iUtntsI ineiiibrntic, id wijnkoiieil systvm, i . I l.f i , liarjjv will stop to do lliM jmnfy t ! ItliKsl. "J ww tmahits) veitii eMtsrrh for )er end trlni viin,.. , nn,lri hut found uoth lor that mihiii ure me. I then resolved to T) Ilissi's Sariirttrlll.i and took four boti't'j wliPh entirely Hired inc. I have neur ben trouliled with rntnrrh since, A? n bloisl purifier I rnn llnd nothing cite equal to IIikhI's sarsapurllln." Wiliiam MiriiMAv l) Uh ht., Milwaukee, Wis. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cuius c.itarrh riiilicilly and rumoves its caubo aud overcomes all its (.-fleets. Accept no substitute. ItUMNUbb CAKUS. H. & CO . LTD. Genera-Commission Agents, Queen St., Hono lulu, 11. i V. A. SC1UCFEU & CO. Importer! and Coiiiii lslou Merchsnts, Hotiolu lu, Hawaiian Islands. LEWERS & COOKE. (Robert Lewert y. J. Lovvrey, C. M. Cooke.) Import ers and dealers in lumber and build !ng materials. Offlce. 414 Fort St. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.-Mo chlnery of every descrltlon made te order. The Famous Tourist Route of the World, In Connect. on With the Canadian- Australian Steamship Line Tickets aie Ieaued To All Point in the United States and Canada, via Victoiia and Vancouver. MOUNTAIN UEFOrtTS: Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephens and Eraser Canon. Empress l tne oi sieamers'irom' Vancouver. Tickets to All Points In Japan, China, India and Around the World. For tickets and general Information apptv to THEO. H. DAVIES& CO., LTD. Agents Canadian-Australian S. S. Line, Canadian Pacific Railway. TRANS-ATLANTIC FIRE INS. OF HAMBURG. Capital of the Company ana reserve, relchsmarks 6,000,14 Capital their reinsurance 101,6G0,00t Total re'ehsmarks .107,650,l North German Fire Insuranct Cs OF HAMBURG. Capital of the Company and reserve, relchsmarks 8,891,001 Capital their reinsurance companies 35,(00,001 Total relchsmarks 43,830,001 The undersigned, general agents ol the ubovc two companies, for the Hawaiian Islands, are prennred to Insure Iluildlngs, Furniture, Merchandise and Produce. Machinery etc.; also sugar i pad Rice Mills, and VesselB in the har. bor. "Balnst loss or damage, by Are or the most favorable terms. H. HACKFELD & CO., Limitu The Elgin WORLD'S STANDARD FOR TIME KEEPING. Should be in the pocket ot even wearer of a Watch. Many years' handling of Watch, convinces us, that price considered, the Elgin Is the most satisfactory ot Are erlcan Watches. Cased In Nickie, Silver, Gold Filled and Solid Gold. We have a full lino and sell them a riKht prices. I3LQINS reach us right. KLCIIN8 reach ou right. Kleins stand for what it right in time keeping and letting qualities, and ti Is why we are right In puihlut the Kl.'ln vVatch, H.F.WICHMAN nox ni2. Wm, G, Irwin & Co., I.IMIlKOi Firo nml Marino Insurance A'rU AUKNTH VOl TIIK llu) ui i,fiirHiiu i.oinpn)r or i.ivri4i Allluiicr Aursm uniiipsiif o( mhi toil, AI)Ui.i', Marino siiJ nnvru AMurtim l.'o,, l.i) . pf )in)gn. Mtsilll)i Union Nslloiinl niiirni Comptny nf Killnbgrili, Wlltiti'hi or Mciuburif lfiir Irmr sllH roniplilllr, AnilliJ Amltrw Vo, 1.14, (l Mv HUh sin) lrlli lie Mm to The umWlii d ha n a a it ..eilM .f el. & .!.. . r.t.ana are pi clotted to insure title almt fire vn Hlune and llrluk Bull In ifi and on Merchandise stored therein ft. lb tnott favorable terms. Tor pnrt ulart apply at the office of I". A. HUIIAKPUIl A CO AC'S German Lloyd Marine Insui u u OF IJBHLIN. Fortuna General Insurance ui OF BERLIN. Thi . fthnva Inaiipahna Oninania (Sbwa au v i i. iiiouiaiitG iiiaiiif n u established a general agency here, and the undersigned, general agent, ara authorized to take risks against the dangers of the sea at the most reasonable Mites and on the most favorabU terms, F. A. SCHAEFER & CO. General Agents. General Insurance Co. (or ?. River and Land Transport., of Dresden. Having established an agency at Honolulu and the Hawaiian Island.', ths undersigned general agents arc authorized to take risks against the dangers of the sea at the most reasonable rate and on the most favorable terms. F. A, SCHAEFER CO., Agents tor the Havvnllan Islands. - Now is the Time lo Plant S E D S A large shipment ot fresh t seeds haB just been received. i It ie not necessary to send to ! the coast for gard in or i table seeds when tho same J may bo had in a few day's J from the Hollister Drug Company Honolulu, Hawaii. The Bank of Hawaii LIMITED. Incorporated Under the Laws of ths Republic ot Hawaii. CAI'lTAL 1600,00. e orricizns and Dirtncrons. Chas M. Cooke President 1', C, Jones Vice President C. II, Cooke Cashier F. C, Atherton Assistant Cashier Dlroctors Henry Waterhouse, Tom May, l W, Macfarlane, 15. D. Tenney, J, A. McCandless. BollcltB tho Accounts of Pinna, Corporations, Trimts, Individuals, and will promptly and carefully attend to all connected with banking en trusted tn It, Hell nnd Purchase Knr tlKii llicliiiniin, Issue Letters of Credit j SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, . Ordiilniy nnd Term Deposits received 'and Inlerml allowed In arenrdance with rules und coinllllnns punted In !' woiiks, rnpies ur WHICH limy pe iiau on uiliallnn. Jmhl IIUlldliiK, I'orl HI rift (RURKG'SMI PI 1.1.8 M ' rlii In (lis Uck, nn) irlniirid cam lUliiit. Yf4 'rum Uvrcurr, Mihllhi upftsrdi ur w " In hoi t. 14. ll, of all Uiitill mt I'slsni M0i rU Vn4r ikrnuslioui lh VTorU )vrti(rlti, Vsi IJiih n4 UMIn OmuIUs pri'tf IVuiinr, Miicoln, )Cii 1 11)4.