Newspaper Page Text
M" 5'M tyttMiiu5cttc ! tttrrt at in. IVytefllee f Hl.nolultt, BLmintbni4ii H'KHDAVH AM) KHIUAIH WALTfcH 0 SMITH. LDIIUH. BUHHCUIITiON UATKfll Or Month ! Month, Foreign .! fr Year ..... J'jj Ptr Trnr, Foreign " Inuriatlj In A. W. PEARSON. Manager Fill DAY di:ci:.muuh ! CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS. One of the most slKnlflcant npoctB of the world's Christmas Is the noun that Its, approach Is being signalized by the . .. ...Un Irnlltlllt tO reference oi me enui... - a court of arbitration. There were tne , elements of a bloody nnd prolonged war . ... .o.,it rt crent novvers upon a disordered.. banUrupt and , n helpless American rciwuuc "- -read the dlsiiatches from Washington, emtodjlrig the comment of Senators and Representatives, to see how easily a might have arisen there; nnd the earlier advices from Venezuela allowed a growing and more reckless policy ot aggression which might, at - any moment, call for the Intervention of this power. Fire was burning dangerously! hear an International powder magazine. At any moment an explosion mlght come. But a calm word from Washington, a sober second thought at . London, a rise of Christian spirit at Berlin, and the lire was nut out and the whole 'question, upon which hung the Issues of peace and war, was the Judgment of an Impartial It was a triumph for enlightenment! l was the noblest tribute In our day to the memory 'of Him whose birth we celebrate. But the pity of it Is that human nature has taken nineteen hundred .J ears to reach, In International dealings, the philosophy which Christ taught on the plains nnd from the mountain tops of Judea and enshrined In the Immortality of Scripture. Still a thousand ears are but a day In His eight and centuries count for little In the ocle Of the ages. In that ejele An Increasing purjose runs, And the thoughts of men are broadened With the process of the suns. But it is not alone the "process of the suns." Time does not necessarily Imnart a wider view nor a milder char acter. Some of the most ancient races are now In the abysmal depths, as is the Kthlop who wears the burnished livery of suns that rose before history began. For tho good In the world there Is a more fruitful a more definite nnd convincing cause than human experience. What we see of Increasing purposes for good, of broadening charity nnd fellowship, of diminishing war and misery, of brighter hopes of millennial concord, harks back to one stately and clement figure, bearing the world's sorrows and the world's hopes, standing In majesty nlone upon the Mount. Arbltiation Is the doctrine of Christianity .supplanting the instinct of force. It carries into tho frictions of world politics the principles of Justice. Now wnkes the power that In the age of Iron burst forth To save the weak and curb the strong. Where men wore wont to slay euch other and lay homes In ashes, nnd devastate pleasant fields and desecrate the sanctuaries, there is near at hand the spectacle of calm and wise Ilislng high above all other monuments left by the closing veurs of the nineteenth century, Is the comt of arbitration at The Hague. As time goes on It will acquire a dignity greater thnn any throne of earth and let us hope more power and authority than all the thrones save that from which the whiteness of Its purposes rellects. The Secretnry of War, In his annunl report, has come out squarely as fol lows for the post canteen. He sajs; "Referring to the operation of Section 3S of the act of eu. .'. lttui, vviucn prohibits the sale of beer and light growth was very much more rapid; In post. exchanges, I said In my nB the decade ending with 18S0 tney last report that a great oouy oi re- ports had been received which Indicated that the effect of the law was but that I thought a sudlclent time had not elapsed to give the law a. fair trial, and that the" observation and rfebort W its 'working would be continued during the coming jear. A great number of additional repoits have now been received, and they confirm the Impression produced by the enrller reports, "I am convinced that the general effect of prohibiting the use of beer and light wines wltl)ln the limited area of the Army post Is to lead the enlisted .men to go out elf the post, to fieiuent He resorts "which cluster In the neighborhood, to drink bad whiskey to excess, and to associate Intimately with abandoned men und more abandoned women; and that the operation of the law Is to increaso drunkenness, disease of tho most luathbomu kind, .and. desertion, nnd moral and physical' degeneration. Thesu reports nro ready tci send to Congress when-over that body desires to consider thu subject." General Miles, who opposed tho canteen a ear ago, has nothing about It In his present lepott and Is snld, on tho authority of tho Anny und Navy Jouriiul, to Imve lie-on so Improved by tho vuluinii of ovlilenoo in u favor n In Imvu ilitniKuiI liln mind, - Tho iiiiHK via Funning nlwut Venn- xtiolii was four ilnyn' luinr Hunt Ihnl Klwn In tliu HUm nml mwiui duiMleliw (rniii vvliUli Hit A'hitlr ilyiivtn li IdIwhphiih Ihln muriiliiij It rtimir from Did KiiiiiiIiiu udviiM Dint Iliu wlmlw tumid. wIiUjIi luuiim tm oii)liP)!i' ly In Urn until n-v. , (ma Ihhjd tiiriieil out In ailjllruiimi, pruUibly Tliv llutju lllliIHll Tl'ln h lii) dnw u Hit) lii Milium of Iliu Unliuil Hiulv WliyJI Iliu Jtrlllllilllull uon. nff Vi,, )uilM liuuhl )U HIlIK If (.Ml tl H V.U M mil IMlllllvl rmni iur nuihiti i i vu. iik. ,n lltflltlllll III III' Ann1' Ail. i jii hull". mi (W lr lml it u w j in in muiK h fllHfifir of UDMoliniilM r i it i i,i. I'MII nf IimI llnlyiii him imihuh) tXfOHTS AND IMPOKU. Tht Ihul HioHiiii tv f man- k ttit iMt m than In ,)tw,d nr ,rBt. Mr-pl lf ami thai K.NW VftltMY, tlKCKMMRtt M Irrlal I al(M. laiKr that, in an) pre-; mr wain ni irr. u. nuram far, lend inter. I f Hate '"" " " ' remarkable ..m iu.i i.hBir.! I., tha TrenMin it....... ..f uimi.i.. . .huuinu the jij tall if n)tMirta f inanafnrturM ninl imiMirtatlon of liuinufaittiret. inn rtalii .rted The principal inanuinriuri'n m "'""i .1 ...... ...i i ...imi ml., . MIV 1111 IIIU aitii imnvt"? ..--, -- leathtr. rotton, agricultural Implements, ehemlcnls. wood, paper, porniun. fibers, on is and cnrrhiKP'. India rubber gtods,( books nnd other printed matter, distilled spirits nnd musical relative Milue being In the order named. The prlnclpnl manufacturers' imported ore hide and skins, chemicals, silk, India rubber, copper, tin, wool, cotton nnd wood their rela ..... value being In the order named. , The Ilureau of Statistics has prepared a statement showing the exH.rtatlon of ,. nf manufactures iiml - " - - " .--..--..' ..'... .. ,. f manufacturers' materials In the ten months ending with October, 1902, com ,1th ,,,. -responding ,,er.od of Jliar.1 v Iron nnd steel manufactures for me ten months ending with October, 1302, were M,9",545 iigulnst $85,911,774 In the corresponding months of Inst enrj exports of mineral oils were $51,175,301 against $35,140,393 In the corresponding months of last year; exports of copper ( weic 40,237,3tS iignlnsi :,1iIi,sm hi "'--corresponding months of last ear; exports of leather and manufactures of were $25,412,530 against $24,115,932 1n the corresponding months of last ear; exports of cotton manufactures were $28,833,131 against $21,871,264 In the same months of 1901; exports of agricultural Implements were $16,246,55(1 against $15,-812,144 In the corresponding months of last year; chemicals, drugs, medicines, etc., were $li,199,lll against $12,006,510 In the corresponding months Of last ear; manufacturea of wood were $10,-410,430 ugalnat $9,216,197 In the corresponding months of 1901, and paper and manufacturers of, were $6,200,163 agulnst $6,145,703 In the tame months of last ear. In Importations of manufacturers materials the figures of the ten months ending with October. 1902, show an In- crease In nearly all articles tlons of hides and skins In the ten !- II ..111. f,.nl.n AnnO II nfO oiiuiH uiiu.iiK .. "" .'Z'"- 8,321.8.1 In value against $46,69.,i.C in tne same monins oi iuhi jmi, cals, which are largely used in manu facturing, were $48,701,129 against $45,- 840,280 In the same months of last year; silk manufactured $29,276,097 ugainst $23,996,628 in the coriespondlng months of last ear; libers, $28,933,891 against $21,198,922 In the same months of last . i .... f. 7 o,rnli,u. t1fliRRin In the coriespondlng months of last year, wool, $16,413,164 against $11,624,278 in the same months of 1901, nnd cotton, $8,030,468 against $6,000,238 In the corresponding months of last jcar. A series of tables has been prepared by the Treasury Iluienu of Statistics, showing the exportation of manufactures In each ear fiom 1790 to 1902, and the dlstiibutlou of each article to eveiy country nnd grand division of the world during the period from 1891 to 1901, and this annljsls shows that fifty-two per cent of the mnnuf.ictuiva go to Kurope nnd twenty-four per cent to North Ameilcan countiles other than the United States. The exports of manufactures amounted, In 1790, tci $1,237,393 and foimed C.l per cent of the tiitnl domestic exports; dining the period of they averaged $1,972,583 per annum and formed 6 6 per cent of the otal, during the decade ending with 1S10 they nvernged $1,033,541 pei annum and formed 8 9 per cent of the total domestic exports: during the decade ending with 1820 they averaged $V50 919 per annum and form .1 .. t. V p. 1'V ., r...,. LV.ll if Vt 4 ..... iw. tiiri.l ....... tlntiiptl.'. ..,,. ...... B ........... nrl. ...... th ...w ,lon..rt,. - ,. withi1'110"' la "Up. M. 1530 they $j,021,30 per annum and foimed 113 per cent of Hip total domestic expoits, during tlio decade ending with 1S50 they nveiaged $12,058,-712 per annum and foimed 10 8 per cent of the total, dining the decade ending with I860 thev averaged $27,407,473 per annum and formed 11.8 per cent of the total, during the decade ending with 1870 they averaged $3S,362,26S per annum and formed 16.1 per cent of the total. From thnt period forward tho a erared $92,792,242 per annum and formed 16.1 per cent of the total; during the decade ending with 1890 they aver aged $136,017,112 per annum nnd formed 18.1 per cent of the totnl exports; during the decade ending with 1900 they averaged $242,278,374 per annum and formed 23 5 per cent of tho totnl; ln the nscnl jear 1900 they were $433,834,756. and formed 31,6 per cent of the total ex ports; In the fiscal enr 1901 they vveraJ $410,932,524, forming 28.1 per cent of the total, and in the tlscnl year 1902 they were $403,641,401 and formed 29.S per cent of the total It turns out that the now famous "Letters of a Self-.Mudo Merchant to His Hon," first published In tho Saturday Uvenlng Post and subsequently In book form, weio written by Georgo Horace Lorlmer, the editor of thu Pixt. Tho lettciH nro about nH good meiclal literal uro as any young man ought to pick off a ChtlHtntnN tree. A sumplo of tlioli Htylo iifipenrs In tho following lilt nf advice which tho merchant gave when the boy got to ".N'iim, I want to give you thnt tip on the inuiket. Thwr nro sovtral reasons why it Un t ufe for uii to tnulo on 'L'luingt' Jut uw. but tho piirlloular oiiu in that (lialiam H Co, will llif nu If vnu o Ti ailing up mm Kin l n K"l dal liku padilling momiil Iliu Ik ' i..v if.ii win. i.i. iig imi u nvwni" m." und tiaay at tlim but UufniM n ftlluw Ihiohh It U lm xlp.w HIT 1)10 tnlHC lulu it. p wat.r Tht wlmot pit In only ihlit) fiKi iro but It rwiulii pImt iluvvil ! Hull And Uit'llUH un UUirHltt ntMtn rllnf n thu raggwl lg nf nuihitm WIibii u iiimii buy , ha'i buy-lug 'iiivtliim u' tug uliiir MUin haku'i ' v . mi) ift, I un' i MlHutf ill. Imgjj'l guj, And It im , kriN(w luai I , "'"K i nit Winn w , ,, i,iMl. I 11 I I"P HI' In 1 1 .,, ul lii 1 un 1 in l' i it i.. . i i i v,, , i I I in, t ru Ak 1 111 lit! 1 !nt lrv fll ill Hii ttvf one ft mc ml, unit if tli instant ih up n in I ve Rot h solid Hi Mfr Hut If JU lot. Ill ohl) port uf the li"K nliieli nu can ilfllw It the " ' . . ... ...... .., . !' "hd unnn or rortunr nne nan known what It wna to bo the wife of the poor derelict who hfl the nrmy nl vancou.e, llarraok. and drifted to Han 'Vnnclseo nnd lo n parrtj room In the ,, .,,. . ,,, ,, , .. . ... old What Cheer lloune: to be the help meet nf a nood.hnulir of'Hi lxiuls nnd n tanner of Oalena, an.l then to atnnd .... .... ..... ........ . ... ,...,.. , U) inn nitju iivii nu 1..1111U . fresh from victorious battlefields to receive the highest runk In the nrmy nnd Inter the Presidency of the United Btntes. Hhe went with lilm around the world to be received In every great court of Kurcpe nnd Asia, and comforted hint when, under tho stuggcrlug blow of a business failure, the saw his meaim of livelihood vanish iiiiu thin (. N()W Hh(j u( rMl by hg g,de ,n 1(; mMl gn)ellJ,(, IlmuSolcum 0f the new world. The latest news shows that the cable went out of San Francisco ull right. It in nut v,.rv in imvn irmiiii i.n. route, unless It be In the Molokal .. ,, nel where some extraordinary tlons may be met. At the time the In- cable went to pieces there It was found that the channel's bottom, , , , , , , . stub-1 was a mass of sharp edged lava ble over which the current set more strongly than at the surface. Such a. Procrustean bed will test the toughest fiber. Howeverj If thq cable doesn't stand It there, a landing con cnslly be made at. vvoimannio una the line' brought over 'the Pall city. Vl' i ' " I This Is a bad time 'for Haytl to get turbulent again, seeing how many German business Interests it Is pledged to protect. ili ' Honolulu will not be able 16 T('hd Christmas wishes by the cable but may connect for New Year greetings. 1 OHBIBTKAB. Uream3 T may behold the Master's faC(j . Ag He gaw nlone GaU1 T H,,..rnnl rtn T ho " " Only afar, In other time and place. ..,. fancv ,, ,,. ,,, , tie grace j In this, our hard and ruthless century, It seems the Christ of mjstlc love must be , For the warm East, not this cold alien race. Perchance He may, through sympathy divine, Come to our clime In patient toll's disguise: Or else in modest knighthood, with high powers To lowliness transfigured, jiast surmise. So might wo see His matchless glory shine, As his disciples saw were ..their faith ours. IIHNItY TYnitKLL. REAL ESTATE ! 'TRANSACTIONS List of deeds filed for record December 23rd, 1902; First Party. Second Party. Class. J. F iind P. Kelley A. H. Day.... D L. G Kellogg and wife M. H. Clark D A. O Clark M. 13. Clark D M. i: Clark et nl. Miss A. O. Clark D ,. .n m I.jdgate D S. Kemuhnltiae et nl. M. Kanuie. Mahuka et nl. M. V. Foster Ti. Gear. Lansing & Co. J. F. C. Hugens , .... Dec. 15 II. Nlcol to O. Scott, lots 3 nnd 4, Hlk. L, Kaplolanl Park Addition, Honolulu, Oaliu. Consideration $150. D I'ohakahl to W. F. Dllllngliam et als , D , Int. in Gr. 233 nnd V Int. ln Gr. 337, Walnlua, Oahu. Consideration $1, etc. W. F. Dillingham und As. Atty. et als. to D. Pohakohl, D., one-seventh Int. In Gr. 24S, Walakaalea, Wnlalua., Patip. Consideration $1, etc. i K. Knmakau (widow) to W. F. Dillingham et als., D., int. In R. Ps. 233 and 337, Mokulela, Walatua, Oahu. Consideration $350. Dec. 16 Wm. C. Achl nnd w Ifo to A. K. Ahl, D lots 9 nnd 10, 111k. C. of kul. 6150. Ap. 1, Kaplolanl Tract. Honolulu, Oahu Consideration $1350. C A. Wright nnd husband to A. A, Long, D., int. In i:st. of Charted A, Long. Consideration $1 and llond $8,000, M. de Medio nnd wlfo to J, Nobrlgn, D por. Land Patent 4411, Ahualoa, Hawaii, Consideration $600, Kutiakaokal to Honokaa Sugar Co., D ', int'. In kul. S379, llonokiiln, ni.ikuii, 1 law nil. CoiiHldurntlou $15, P, Knmuo to H, M, Damon, D.. por, kul, 7715, Monnnlim, Honolulu, Oului. Couvlderntlon 1760, Due K, .N'loltoU nml wife to Tluw IJ. Wall, I), lot 48, Pimlllo llwiHlii", llonoitilti, onlm, i t1n II. i-),,,, 15. Wall lu Funny II, NIuIiqIh. P. It U, IMwIlIu HtflNlit, llimuliilu, DhIiii OoiiniiUriitUin II Matitm'n Uootl Uiiii, i'iiin WiBrii tvi4Hii)' diii not iij) (Us Usntsrlllg rKrllnn iliu hhh of hi Ms at 111 "llaiUur l uml i "" """ twt lM lb m !' ur Iwu !"'' Hmad un i tmt) in ilitihm mi 'I ,i..... Tim Muunu I Iwfi lliin till uliulliil uli il 1, iii) lnlimUtf 1 l H In u, 1,1 I , , at Iliu mm' ' I' H 1 u y 1 ui nil 'III WORLD'S NCWS CONDENSED Olmlera among the Morof Is Imperil litis tho trlb. KtiU'ldca are becoming very frequent in iliu Itunearian armv .. . -- ,.-- n.rg T. llohen, a inWlnnt nn buMm ninn. If. .lead J tIih ooptured Veticiuelan gunboats in tiuu mnnne.1 bv llrltlsh sailors, Cluls McCuIlough, the Stanford watchman. ''I'Pcd dead ''ky" Haldwln had a narrow cape from denth In a runaway nt The big Ht. George winery near Fiosno was destroyed by lire, lxiss, $100,000. Hellnmy Storer Fays the King of Hpnln nnd his mother nro on thu best of terms. Another Kipling poem is said to be ... , , . .... ii,ibi. forthcoming and aimed at the Hrltlsh wnr olllce. Oeneral Miles will arrive In Berlin on January 15, and will be received by the Hmperor. The House Committee of Judiciary has voted against tho Introduction of nil bill. ) Krenc'; nmls!ra'e re",,errX1 .leaui clslcn , stating that Mrs. Gores death wap (uo to an ncc(ient. John W. Gates has donated $123,000 to the town of Port Arthur, Texas, for municipal Improvements. Geo. W. Prescott, rormer president of the Un,on In)n WorI.B le( SU(1. ,jeny at tile pnlace hotel. j;. t. Pierce, "Bear Tracks," an Ogal- laJa Si0UXi nn8 been elected to the SouUl Dnkota. Legislature. An eftort , beln made to Becure a nulm, ... ,o nftn v.n. fnP th uidow of the late Gen'l Franz Slgel, Herr Antrlck, socialist, made a speech In the Reichstag lasting eight hours, tho longest on record. I The Dominion of Canada government has disallowed the recent British Columbia anti-Jap legislation. Major John Hancock of Washington, D. C, a relative of Oeneral Wlnfleld Scott Hancock, was stricken with .. Flrat Royal Oongreaimau. Prince Jonah Kuhlo Kalanianoole, who represents Hawaii in tho next House of Representatives, is the first royal person to epter tho Congress of the United States. Already there is much speculation as 'just how he will bo addressed. Ho is called at home "Prince Cupid." Those who want to avoid bitch familiarity designate him as Prince Kuhlo, which Is correct. Some may Insist on "Mr. but the name Is so long and so Intricate in vowels that it Is feared few who are not acquainted with the Kanaka language will care to try It. Kansas City Journal. The Bishop Estato Wharves. Permission has been granted the Bishop Estate to construct a dolphin at the entrance to Its new dock, and this will nlso act as a protection for the Healanl boat house nnd float. The new, dock Is now all leady for use and It Is expected that the Korea will dock there on her arrival from Yokohama a week f lom next Sunday. - Blthut Noarly Loadod. Tho hark It. P. Itlthet has nearly got a full load of sugar, but will sail from here on December 31 whether she ha3 a full load at that tlmo or not. OF THE MULTJTUDES who havo UBod it, or ore now using it, wo havo novor hoard of any ono who has been disappointed in it. No claims are mado for it oxcept thoso which are amply justified by experience. In commending it to tho afflicted we eimply point to its record. It lias dono great things, and it is certain to continue tho excellent work. Thoro is wo may honestly affirm no medicino which can bo used with greater and moro roasonablo faith and confidence. It nourishes and keeps up tho strength during those periods when tho appotito fails and food cannot be digestod. To avoid imitations and substitutions, this "trado mark" is put ou every bottlo of "Wampolo's Preparation," and without it none is Ronuino. It is palatablo as honoy itnil contitins tho nutritivo ftud curntivo propertioa of Puro Cod Livor Oil, oxtntctcd by us from fresh cod Hvora, combined with tliq Compound Syrup of nnd iliu Uxtraots of Mult nml Wllil Oliorry. Tnkon boforo moiils it orcatos un aids illgoition, renews vital power, drives out dlsoitso conns, iiiiikes tlio blood rloli, rod ami full of ooiietriutlvo cloiiionts and L'ivt'H Imok to tin pleasures and liilioiirs of tlio world immy who luul iilmiuloiioil hope, Ur. B, II. MnOoy, of Ciuimlu, suyst " I tea. ttfy with pleiiBiiro to IU iiiillii lit'ii iibvuhiii'f iw 11 iimiiu him '- nor." m niiriiiivii puwurs vimii wt) ho npoii. It ii.ttko h uiiv 111 11 lii niLMiieliiu und runro units tiie heat ninllcttj H'JWw.of Iliu twDlitlelll runtury KffwM) from llm ilom. .)( , mi n iUhhiiiioiii u ) iir; iwhi i) h) uVmuu m wm v LOCAL tKKVITIES. U'vi.i WHWHir dully) Thera waa tltllf dianne Mtirda' In Ilia fondlllen of lllihup tlulttah. A daURhtfr waa born to Mr. and Mrt. Charles h. WrlRht on December U, . T. Tlma. Fortune MUted WaUlua ) lenlny, looking over the plantation at I uiiii place. I Judge Clear did not Wave on the j Honoma yeslcrdny for Han Fronilsco at he nnd expected to do. The Kona and Knu Hallway han ob tnlned grunts from fifteen owner of real estnte for the right of way In South Konn. Supt. Cooper will probably have his report for submission to Commissioner Kustls todny, concerning public build, lugs In the Islands. Fire warrants were In much demand again yesterday, nil the Chinese certificates being presented. All the warrants are now ready for distribution nnd will be given out upon application. Nothing has been heard as et from Governor Dole regarding a reprieve for Tanbarn. Supt. Cooper forwarded n wireless mussige to the Governor set ting out in brief the facts In the matter. It Is not believed that Governor Dole will net unless upon tha recommenda tion of Judge Estee. (From Thursday's dally.) The case oT Wllder's Steamship Co. vs. Katnalo Sugar Qp. has be.en dismissed. News from Admiral Merry Is to the effect that he Is now on recruiting duty at Boston Navy Yard. Permission has been granted the Bishop Bstate to construct a dolphin at the entrance to its new dock. Judge De Bolt made an order yesterday allowing Nina Flint alimony of twenty dollars per month, by consent of her husband. Judge Wilcox yesterday discharged T. Ryan, the Solace bluejacket, from custody on .the charge of taking a watch belonging to C. II. Ball. C. M. White has given a bond of $10,-000 as chief clerk In the Public Works offlce. His sureties are L. H. Dee, Henry Davli and J, Hughes. A daughter of C. J. Hutchlns of this city was mixed up in the accident whleh onrilrrerl nt thp tnndlnir nf the ----- CT .e ln San Francisco, but escaped un- hurt. Diamond Head Charley had a substantial Christmas gift from the mer chants of Honolulu and desires, through these columns, to express his thanks and appreciation. Col. Soper, who 'got up the testimonial, Is gratefully mentioned by the veteran guardian of the Diamond Head station. Suit was Instituted yesterday ln the Circuit Court by the Pacific Mill Co. against the Enterprise Mill Company, for damages amounting to $2,079.27. The p'aintlff alleges that certain tools necessary to mill business were taken possession of by the defendants contrary to the plaintiff's rights. The wreck of the dredger, which was lost ln the Pearl Harbor bar opening work some time past, was sold at auction by Morgan yesterday. There were few bidders, tho successful one being Gerrit P. Wilder. It is the intention of the buyer to make an parly attempt to raise the wreck. The dredger was Insured for $20,000. i. Sugar Bush la On. Big sugar shipments are now arriving almost dally from the other Islands. The steamer Mlkahala arrived from Knuai portsk yesterday w Ith 5,000 bags of sugar. The bark AUlen Resse commenced to load sugar esterday. Generals Botha and Delarey have sailed from London for South Africa. The Unlucky' Boy Is always getting his llngeis burnt, his hand cut or his slioulder sprained. His parents should keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm In the house. This is n liniment of superior merit. One application gives relief. Try It. All dealers and druggists sells It. Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., agents for Hawaii. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Honolulu, December 24, 1902. NAME OP Bl-OUK Capital Val Bid Aik. "'.'.' "it 24 .' " "27 -i...!!? ISO -B ..!? 70 .... 116 91 U '"io "h lOSi 11 120 18 210 00 .... M ..... ftlj no ..... MKCAHTIL1 O, Brewer A Co 1,000.000 L. 11. Kerr Co., Ltd.... liOO.OOO 8UBAB fiwa 5.0C0.0M Haw. Asrlcnltural Co, l.OCO.000 Haw. Com. A Bug. Co, 2 81'i,7) uaw. sugar uo 2,000,000 r llonomu 760,000 Honokaa 2,000,000 Haiku 600,000 Kauuku 600,000 Ktbel flau. Co., VA 2,600,000 Klpahulu , 160,000 Koloa 630.000 Mclimle Bus. Co. L'd. 1,600,000 oaliu Sugar Co. .,, 1,600,(100 Onomea l.uuu.ouu Ookala 600,000 Olaa Hugar Co, Ltd. uiowaiu 160,000 I'aaubau Sugai plan lanou uo, , ,,,, 6,000,000 Patlnc 6011,000 i 760.0UO I'ulHteieo ,,,,,,,,,,, 760,000 I'louror 2,760,0U3 Walnlua Ag-, Co, ,,,,. 1.600.000 Walluku , 700 000 Malmaualo, ,,,,.., JJiUOO biaiaiuir Co'i WIMerH.S.Oo 600,000 H, On,, J.tlCIUUhlOl'l aw'iiKIctrltiro tnoooo loii.K.r, a 1,0.10.000 Muliial Tvl.i'u I6uiui II, It, A i Co.,,,, ,,,, I Ual U4 IUJ llflKI i Haw, Oov.6l.i), .,,, MtM Id I Vff i .i.i. 1 im nif : lit llll 1 mm Mil "10 1 itt'tii 'I . njini ri'ii ii 11 itilM III HI iiith p, lllllMI !hlA(;'t,'''' Ilk lU Dli 1 .., Itt I lvlil Mill MM iw; imm;hi Till) I) lltn NUllHMIIMl". fUV NiiYJi'l? N i'"l 11 1 InU'linu hY Get th Most Out of Your Food You don't nml can't If your atom, ch It weak. A weak stoitmclt rloc not (llgcot nit tlutl lit nrJU tiarily Ukcn into It. It trcts tired cnslly, nnd what it falls to dlircst Is wahUkI. Amonthe'trffiiB of jt weak stomach aroTinenslneHS nftor eating, fits of nervous hcadaclnyaud dlmtgrco able belching. "I bava taken Hood's Saraaparllla at different timet for stomach troubles, and a tan down condition of the lyilem, and bar been greatly benefited by Its uie. I would not be without It In my family. I am troubled with weak ttoniach and nausea and find Bood'i Sariaparllla Invaluable." B. B. HtckMAX, W.Cbeiter, Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Strengthen and tone the stomach and the whole digcstivi viiimii. IfUblNEbS CARDS. H. HACKFELD ft CO, LTD. Oeneral Commission Agents, Queen SU, Hoao lulu, H. L F. A. BCHAEFER ft CO. ImporUra and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. JLEWER8 ft COOKE. (Robert lowers, V. 3. Lowrey, C. M. Cooke.) Importers and dealers ln lumber and building- materials. Offlce, 414 Fort St. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Ma- cninery oi every aescnuon.maae M order. Mill MIC 11 W The Famous Tourist Route of the World. In Connect.on With the Canadian-Australian Steamship Line Tickets are Issued To All PointB in the' United States and Canada, via Victoria and Vancouver MOUNTAIN RESORTS: Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephens and Fraser Canon, Empressiine oi steomers'irom Vancouver. Tickets to All Points In Japan, China, India and Around the World. For tickets and general information apply to THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD. Agents Canadian-Australian B. 8. Line, Canadian Pacific Railway. TRANS-ATLANTIC FIRE INS. Ct. OF HAMBURG. Capital of the Company and rasorve, relchamarka '.I..... g,000,Mt Capital their reinsurance 101.660.0M Total re'.chsmarka 107,tS0,tl North German Fire Insurant C- OF HAMBURG. Capital of the Company and reserve, relchamarka 8,894,004 Capital their reinsurance companies 85,404,004 Total relchamarka 43,830,004 The undersigned, general agents or the above two companies, for the Hawaiian Islands, are prepared to insure Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise and produce, Macninery, etc.; also sugar and Rice Mills, and Vessels in the harbor, against loss or damage, by fire on the most favorable terms. H. HACKFELD & CO., Limit The Elgin WORLD'S STANDARD FOR TIME KEEPING. I Should be tn the pocket of rtr wearer of a Watch. Many years handling of WaUIim convinces us, that price considered, Is the most satisfactory of Asm erlcan Watches. Cased In Nickle, Silver, Gold Filled and Solid Gold. We have a full tine and sell th.m at right prices. KLQINfl reach us right. ELQIN8 reach you right. Elglns stand for what is right in tls keeping and la ting qualities, and thai Is why we are light In pushing taa Elgin Watch. H,F.WICHMAN HOX 342, Wm. G. Irwin & Co., urn-run, Firo nnd Marino Insurance A'gti, AOKNTpI VQH THK Itoysl In.uranc. Conipany t WvmvooI, AHIttiies Ausii,c. OoNipanr of lAn, Jon, ' Alllsbcs. Usrlu and (Hnsral Atiurtnti Co, M4., of ou4n. VfalMw UrAatt NlUn lurut l.'DWIMBjr M )l(Nlwrw. WliiMitaA 4 W4wr mw Iwur?