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M 0Hv HwH L - - pi t. "'7 g. half, bull J hrtM tit ' Rr. ii, is thai la vliftt pur ties UirtiK Tho fact Is, tlio hair ncorit n little help low and then. The rooU require feeding. rf if'BBsafl sffv&g Tm mtftzr&im UME4 X 3 .i- ra i r 5f iffliraw When the hair Is starred, It itopa growing, loios IU hutre, tail out, turns pray Ayer's Hair Vigor It a kali-help. It makes tho hair grow, stops It from (ailing, and completely ouroa dandruff. Ayer's Hair Vigor IF your hair is fading or turning gray, begin at onco with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It will positively restore color t your gray hair, all tho full, rich oo lor it had in early life. Aa a hair-dressing you will certainly like it, for it keeps tho hair snlt and glossy and prevents it from splitting at tho ends. Do not bo deceived by cheap Imitations which will only disappoint you. Kako sure that you get tho genuino Ayer's Hair Vigor. Vn$nt kr Dr. J. C AierTc. UutlL Km . U.S A. H0LLI8TBR DRUG CO.. Agents. THE FIRST American Savings & Trust Co. OF HAWAII, LTD. Capital, $250,000.00. President Cecil Brown Vice-President M. P. Robinson Cashier W. G. Cooper Principal Office: Corner Fort and Klna streets. SAVINGS DEPOSITS received 'and Interest allowed for yearly deposits at the rate of 4V4 per cent per annum. Rules and regulations furnished upon Surplus Stock Sale No. 1. PIE PLATES Enameled Iron, Size 10 inches, 12 each, Regular Price 25c. W.W. Dimond&Co. LIMITED. J vwwwwvs CUAS, BKKWKB & CO'. NEW YORK LINE Bark "NUUANU" Boiling from NEW YORK to HONOLULU About Dec. 15. For freight rates apply to CJIAB. BRKWER & OO. 27 Kilby St., Boston. oh C. BltEWEtt & CO UMITHD, HONOLULU. WVWWSVWV Nat Salisbury, manager Bill's bIiows, Ih dend, of IlulTalo Laura Blggar, the actress, was acquitted of tlio charge of attempted blackmail. A syndicate, of American capitalists, headed by Rockefeller Is trying to no-euro control of European gas franchises, Chamburlaln'H Cough Remedy Is Intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, w hooping rough and Influenza. It lias become famous for Its cures of these discuses, ovur a largo part of the civilized world, Tim most llutterlng testimonial liuvu been received, giving nccnunts of lis good works, of tho aggravating und porclstent coughs It ha en rod! of suvero colds that have ylrldeJ promptly ( H" """tiling effects, and of th danuviiius uttuuks of croup It lift" cured, nflwi waving tlio Ufa of Ilia uhlld, 'CM uiieiiitlvi' iisu of it fur tthoopinir ddiikIi, lias shown lhu( It rl tliul !! vuso nf nil ilungiTuiM rwsiill, It Is is. pvclully primi py nutuier iiemiu u WORLD'S NEWS FLUSHED UNDER THE WIDE SEA (Continue from Pr at thin nclion tlio Knxon King ltBinlKOl in offlcLTH of the l.'KHh ri'uiiiiLMit for oiiuhhIiij; 1UmlRHiil (lie CololllO (if (111! fl'L'llllLMll. Then llHfrnc( fivo junior in 1iu1h. lie u1h tlio Knitter did hoiiio diumifiniiif,'. He published in the onieial Knzette the roiKnntion of KiiiK Ot'orRe from the ofllce of IiiHitector Cieneriil of the Second Army CorpH without commltinc the lntter. Kliijr, Guorj,'e'n cliiiRrln at thiH nction nent htm to hit? bed and he linn lieen in very poor health ever since. The elopement of his daughter Iiiih made him worse. The King 1h now years of age. SPAIN'S GOLD STANDARD. MADRID, Jan. It. Tlio Financial MiniMer hnH presented the Senate a financial scheme for the free coinage of gold with un absolute prohibition of silver. GOVERNOR TAFT Ul'IlKLD. MANILV, Jan. 3. Solicitor General Araneta sustains Governor Tnft's contention thnt he is not in a position to intervene regarding the possession of Roman Catholic property seized by the independent Catholics. The courts must settle the question. The incident will not affect the frinr lunds negotiations. A LONE HIGHWAYMAN. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 3. A lone highwayman held up the tage near Calistoga, Cal., this afternoon. Ten passengers were lined up on the road and robbed. The bandit then took the express box and fled. The amount secured is unknown. A HEAVY STORM. SEATTLE, Jan. 3. Heavy rain and snow have tied up practically all the tail ways in the State. TrackH are washed out in all directions nrd train service between Seattle and Tacoma is sus pended indefinitely. In many places the tracks are under eignt feet of water. All rivers are out of their banks und many towns are flooded. Wires are down in nil directions. LATEST SUGAR PRICES. NEW YORK, Jan. 3. Raw sugar, 3 7-8. No change from yesterday. MINISTER GOING OUT. PANAMA, Jan. 3. General Perdome, Minister of State, has left for Bogota to resign on his arrival. THE COAL FAMINE. NEW YORK, Jan. 3. Owing to the great shortage of coal in many of the Eastern states, there is great suffering among the poor. The weather recently has been intensely cold and the suffering in many places has been intense. The deplorable condition will be augmented by the closing of some of the largest manufactories throwing thousands of out of work temporarily. The financial loss to the manufacturers for having to shut down on account of this coal shortage will be immense. AN EDITOR'S SENTENCE. MANILA, Jan. 3. Manual Rango, editor of Libertos, has been sentenced to six months at hard labor and a fine of f 2,000 for- libeling General Bell. CHINA THREATENED. PEKING, Jan. 3. The signatories of the Chinese peace protocol, except America, have decided to notify China that her failure to fulfill her obligations for a gold payment will entail grave consequences. MEXICAN SILVER. SHANGHAI, Jan. 3. Mexican dollars are still falling. They are now at 38 and 39. COLORADO POLITICS. DENVER, Jan. 3. The Denver Journal says there will be contests filed with the Secretary of State against every Democratic member of the House and Senate on the ground of fraud, miscount and intimidation. IN GREATER NEW YORK. NEW. YORK,. Jan. 3. New York assessments show an increase of a billion, and a half in real estate values for "the year. THE CANAL TREATY. WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. The canal negotiations are progressing satisfactorily. The treaty will be signed soon. HONOLULU CELEBRATES (Continued from page 7) we doing all the time previous to tho time of Columbus? "What was man before that that ho could not tell the contour of the hall of mud on which wo are living. I am not throwing stones at anybody, but I remember how hard It once was for man to understand why the earth Is round Instead of flat. Why, I heard a Honolulu policeman today ask another, 'How long does It tako a messago to go through from San Francisco to Honolulu over the cable?' nnd the other said, 'Just as quick as that' (striking his hands together). And then ho asked his brother policemen how long It would tako a messago to go from Honolulu to Ban Franclso. (daughter.) "When Columbus told a priest that the earth was round tho priest did not agreo with him finally. What a delight It Is to get hold of some Intellectual truth, or a gllmpso of a llaBh of truth. The priest tol "olumbus that when Christ came ' All men will seo him, but If tho c s round nomo peoplo on tho other bulo cannot seo lilm. (Laughter,) Wo were nil In tho position of tho priest 400 years ago. Tho end nnd object of llfo Is to como out of that position, Wo havo not only found out that the earth Ih round, hut wo havo boon delving down Into the elements and up into upaco to find tho manifestations of (lod. Wo are only beginning, Wo oro making for tho future. The moment wo Mop Intellect ual development from crowing, that moment wo die, nnd non of us nro af us much tun as that little com I Insect under our fcot. "It U hard to iinilitrstiind tlmt wo that It Is out of the coming nnd going of man that wo get our Ideas of moral life. Wo get tho Intellectual conception In music, In art, In the freedom of the flag these "are things that stand for the higher llfo of the individual man. It Is progress, and progress is tho law of human llfo. I thank you," (Prolonged applause.) HIOHTON'S IlEMINISCENES. Chairman Smith then Introduced of the finest slanxus In the epic of notion, Through the uluriml liurmonlf, dint has u kI n xpoken to III creolurm). TIiii InvHbla force, that In III" iieiirt't syinlml of llfii Iwn once innru struck the imiIm nf universal brnlhorlinod, aii'l uv 'tirywhiTii tlw liuinni) ou responds I1) it ircirio uppii neml piesiafio In San FrHiirlsco nno w havo wiliifuseii the Nmw JllrlH of minute, oml It Ii rorrlvnd In Dm tniuo Dm Hiiwnllnn stand, Die IivhIhiiIdk "f time n tlmt rlty, lliniiimiuN of mile. rnfnimlon lmt will be linniu' u way Hill tim nnnii or rfirl nnrn niuifiy mil " iimii i ! ( ri Uiulii. iiulliiiiK InMrlim. met liter-' n lolmirnpli 'l"i. ' 'or Dm )h of ir irfri. Tli "Ppirli wvj'r. Id i nut Ilia M4I iH BT mi Kiv iih ii vvi , 1 1 i a i n n iiiiiinramuii iuit in T'f .'"""' .'" " "' ' " : I , ill liil i"" II V we ii'l PMrri' ilnt iiinl mm llit wr "wle )r ili "" "' " I'll! ' '", Hniiienl Hi ruiil ililU'H All 'j"'lr 'UMi iirimulut miln iislrinnlil tliroimli , ilmt .vslrp ! '.siny 'Tlwlr Hw U mm m II llttlllllll, fur iiKwuir Hinllli f. ('.. I.M uhhiiU uul worn rffBlvml "limit Inslonlly In inrcumi mii ihw rui mii;i imir wru t IH. hi Mm rttt a H rrn ), I ltltrt4 ill iutrli)M r th WHflHfttHn rtf th first AlUhll rbl On Hi rrnwdrd rrl I n Hi Inounn pmrm Dint pi Uirx1, In It u(riU pliMc, tli ttiumphi of duitic etiprcr, li'XMilnir innk ml from thr thmi.Jnn nt iKfwrnti.e lorplillir nnd i 1 littennl to Die Inn J Kiingp "f tiuifr n , In nmJfKlli iintlieim , and with umtruiiifiitnl unlion. It lifted 111 multitude tuwnnU the Merit, t heard the blended inelihly nnd power oti a great nrntor 4t thnt kindred stuck, which duplicate our own couuueiU of, time nnd npnte nit he eunileimcd Kiel feelings nnd ninbltlonn of the hour In to i .... !............. 1. 1.. ....K l.ll,... .. ..' til un i'iiiMirtiiit: iiiii;viiiiiuu ui mn Nineteenth Century. And now, after forty-four teeming yenri", still higher and In more cxiiutslte (trains does the p.iean of resurrected mnnklnd nrlse, and tiuwhcre more grandly than from tliejc Islands of the blesstd, with their emerald vetting nnd their towering altitudes, which point towards our flnnl home. l'or nineteen hundred years, the from llethlehem lint gradunllr but surely clectrllled Individuals, nations, races. With nil Its gath ered nnd resistless force It now repeats Itself on tliene shores and a new year tlnds us vitally Joined to the throbbing breast of the highest civilization. llndr the deep and restless sen that at once divides and connects the nggresslva West nnd the awakening East, the slender wire hoa been placed thnt unites us Inseparably to thought, to action, to aspiration, to all the flnest elements of I progress. The cable means tho extension of freedom, law, order, enterprise, Intelligence. It means the obliteration of the narrowness, the wenkness, the per- Honalltlcs, of provincialism. It means deflnlteness, resolution, Judgment. It means the further promotion of the family of man. It means the welding of discordant heterogeneousness into peaceful unity. It melius cosmopolitan ism, broad, controlling, resting on settled principles nnd scattering to the winds the plucked feathers of pretentious nonentity. It means that xplrltuallty will be extracted from the right use of materialism. As the scule of being rises, the world grows better, In this era, ut least, tho living century Is always an Improvement upon the dead. Good and evil, light and darkness, storm and calm, all contrasts and opposltes, are only conditions, through whose struggles and conflicts, with many an apparent break, and many an apparent relapse, man ceaselessly forces his way toward the shadowless future. The commercial spirit has been unjustly derided. Commerce and fraternity have ever walked together. They are the handmaids of religion. They bring to the masses, not alone the comforts and even the luxuries that supply their growing demands, but the glowing Ideals of which peace and love are the ministers. They penetrate unknown lands and unknown seas. They carry to the very centers of barbarism or petrifaction the seeds of growth and en. llghtenment. They spin and radiate the cords that bind together human breasts. The masters of trade, of manufacture and of finance are the patrons of art, of science, of philosophy, of edu cation and of morality. And industry, represented by labor In all Its aspects, aids In raising and beautifying the common level. Intercommunication between men and communities is the solvent of mystery and of difficulty. It bathes the world with Immortal hues. It aids significant ly In adjusting the relations of labor and of capital, born from the same womb, twins that should be nnd will be Intimately and Indlssolubly allied. The spirit of association, of combination, possesses the wider spaces of the earth, and the most intricate problem of tho Twentieth Century Is to preserve Individualism, to ripen personal character, and at the same time to harmonize the classes to reconcile the liberty and the Integrity of the individual soul with the xafuty und the soundness of existence to produce the highest man, the perfect citizen to secure genuine equality, not In condition or influence, which is impracticable, but In opportunity, equnllty before the law that protects society and Its units, the family nnd Its members, and eauallty him that it was like a great long dog before that deeper law that touches tho that had Its hind legs In Persia and conscience! and holds effort to its front logs In London. "Now," said changeable moral anchorage, the man who was explaining the matter The law of unselfishness, the law of to tho Shah, "step on the dog's tall In brotherhood, of which developed nnd and you will hear him bark In strutted man Is alike the product and London." You havo a sea-dog stretch- J the seer, nro the safeguards of the from Honolulu to San Francisco tltudes, and, when the willing mind and wo step on his tall here and they ( supersedes compulsion and tnesp laws will hear him bark In San Francisco, nre spontaneously obeyed, tho standard (Laughter and applause.) .of American Institutions, resting upon 'personal sovereignty within the limits "Progress Is tho way for us to go. f Mora' Code, wil be attained and Thero Is Just as much more ahead of l,he vindicated and National our Flag, I us ns thero Is behind-far more. I havo given you this thought-1 1,' , "'". ono and Inseparable," will be the stainless cm blern of purified self-government. "Hach man shall llnd Ills own In all men's good. And ull men work In noble brotherhood." It hns been fallaciously said thnt tho globe shrinks In lze ns the means of rapid communication nro extended, Thr practical annihilation of distance Is the motor of Intellectual expansion. The Invisible tie that brings races, nutloni Judge Henry E. Hlghton, Who had par- and Indlviuuals Into contact, enlarges tlclpatcd In San Francisco In tho scope and power of nature, lifts hratlon of tho laying of tho Atlantic) mortality towards the arching heavens, cable In IRE'S. Mr. Hlghton said: and fills the mind with new nurlilii of This Is no occasion for prophetic breadth nnd light. It clean tho Miul statistics nor cold prose. The f Its pultrlnewt und fires the eyo of tlon may soar to Its utmost limit and I strenuous youth with tlio presage "f vi tim full inensuro of tho scone will . accumulating victories. Tho hiiiul of ... .... . , .....' no unioiu, too ciioie inniruiiiuiim silently recording tho terse eloquence of n now era through the lobois nnd under the direction of strong, trained and experienced men, In every department of tho mturprUw from Its Inception, "" are .,,..,.-.. with the the pessimist becomes a poor echo of expiring bnrburlsrn, Tho faith of the optimist Ih Hummed wtli un electrlo glow that brightens the entire horizon, and the how of promise set In the eternal blue, pours Its prUmutlo folorn Into the drollest . pest-holes of iiiitntal ami I'-- honorH of u reiilUed dream, rlosu ouu.rnorul putrefaction. Huch lire the suggestions of the ouble, In pence, In goodwill, In onward and upward iiKivmiieiit, fliulieil lliU iluy tlirosKli the I'ucllto depths, u lliln lutu.t iichovtimtnt of thu niirlstlMii mid the cninmurr In! spirit, nVfii lliu 1 vlng diiad, Id tim pinR'Nty ut hIIhih'u, p.iy nii the fruition of Ids oniiNitcruM Ulr. If III u bleotrlo llni truvuriix 'l Mpur.e, theru it ytiusit in wliluli tiu rmii'ilu Hlum may n o your ufiuwutioiiu. The wirvlixH lt'U'rpiiy nf the nnlvursu inuy hu churuvil will) n ninlniiniis tu kviii nf rfMuilfMillliK fiulnrnlly, limnv flOIII UK' IIIIIHllllliMIM lliw HIUl inn II llirllii llir'HHii tim fur -"IT l'i did llm inuiviiui tu 1 1 MpiriMMl U Hid nr'Kr nf nil diinilii h h ip). Sleep for Skin-Tortured Babies And Rest for Tired Mothers In this elevating moment, the ancient signal of advance towards the ultimate goal Is repeated and emphasized. As the, Galilean shepherds heeded the angelic call, so let us accept the invitation of manifest destiny, "Finis coronat opus." Let the end crown the work. MESSAGES OP CONGRATULATION. Secretary Cooper thon read the following messages of congratulation from the mainland: New York, Jan. 1, 1903. H. E. Cooper, Territory of Huwull. Please accept my sincere thunkji for your kind message of congratulation on the completion of the Pacific Commercial Cable Company's cable to Hawaii. It certainly afford me much gratlllcatlon that the proJe9t of my father Is so far accomplished. The work of laying the cable to Manila will be vigorously prosecuted and we expect that It will be laid and in operation by the'next Fourth of July and shortly will be laid to Shanghai. CLARENCE H. MACICAY. San Francisco, Jan. 1, 1903. Chief Executive of Honolulu. Han Francisco, queen city of our Western American mainland, sends sisterly greeting to the metropolis of our country's Iblnnd possessions, and congratulates Hawull and her people upjn this nearer connection and speedier communication. May the bonds of patriotism and of friendly feeling now existing between us be strengthened and forever maintained In the interest of our country, for the advancement und promotion of her prosperlt and of the happiness of all her people, and may the progress of civilization by the ways of peace bo ever and always signalized and recorded through this new Pacific cable. E. E. 8CIIMITK, Mayor of Sao Frunclsco. Sun Francisco, Jan. 1, 1903. Hon. Hanford H. Dole, Governor of Hawaii Islunds, Honolulu. The California Promotion Committee of Han Francisco extends greetings to tho people of tho Hawaiian Islands. May tho link now Joining your tenltoiy with the maiulund never .ulacitcn but strengthen its time goes on, und bring ubmit whut thu founder of the Puciflo cuble hoped for, a community of Interests nnd n doner bond of friendship be. twren thu inutiopolls mill the l'aradlsn of the 1'aclllo, A, HIIAUIIAHO, Clialrni.wi, Hun Fruiivlscn, Jim, I, 1003. Oorrrnor Dole, Honolulu, CongrntulutloriH upon Urn sneers of Mr, MueKuy und associates In uniting our Inland possessions tu thu mother country br the Innw desired cablu, Muy l, purnmneiicu b us luMliitf as the IMif Ilmt unites uh, O, W, H'NKAU, I'ronldunl Tho UurcliunU' Hun Fruntiscu, (JlilrMKti, III.. Jn, , )m lloynrnor )rili, fiinnuii )4li) riul'l nn lior llfu III xrirkliiH fur iinni'millnn. If Iim wmt Allvu h uiili hIvu Itf r liifl rvnl In D4lilliiH An lnr frlvml ami llti wir frliiniJ. uiiiiu un) iiiiiffur my ml viiiv fur h Imppy H'W V'r ) II iuHI4lAAT In warm bath with CUTICURA SOAP and a single anotatlar with CUTICURA, purest of emollients and greatest of skia cures. This is the purest, sweetest, most speedy, permanent, and economical treatment for torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humours, with loss of hair of Infants and children, and is sure to succeed when all else fails. Complete External and Internal Treatmpnt for Every Mumour, CotUlln of cuticvm lur, In rl..nM Ih, .kin n( cru.U id !. CiTicnut l luusDiljr J1. mil Ifril.tinn n.l ami hl. and Ul'tlri'S llMolf ruT, Wrwil nil elralur t blowt. watt itthlnjr nfun I run thf ., it humoura wh.n all lll. Autl. H.D..II II. J """ ". xa. II. S. W, b. AIiuu D.nli LlJ0 LTD , Lav Town. rult Cor.. btL IVap. . Utakiu, V. 8. A. DR J. COLLI BROWNE'- IS T1IK ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Coughs, Colds, Msthma and Bronchitis DR, J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOKODTNI3. Vice Chancellor SIR W. PAOIS WOOD stated publicly in court that DR. J. COLLIS MtOWNE wm undoubtedly the INVENTOR of CHLORODYNE; that the whole story of the defendant, Freeman, was deliberately untrue, and re regretted to r k had been sworn to. See the Times, July 18, 18C4. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE Is a liquid medicine whik assuages PAIN of EVERY KIND, affords a calm, refreshing sleep WITH OUT HEADACHE, and INVIGORATES the nervous system when exhausted. Is the GREAT SPECIFIC FOR CHOLERA. DYSENTERY and The General Board of Health, London, report that It ACTS a CHARM; one dose generally sufficient. Dr. Gibbon, Army Medical Staff, Calcutta, states: "Two dose complty cured me of diarrhoea." DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE is the true pallatlre hi NEURALGIA. GOUT, CANCER, TOOTHACHE. RHEUMATISM. DR. J. COLLIB BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE rapidly cuts short aU attacks of EPILEPSY, SPASMS. COLIC, PALPITATION, HYSTERIA. IMPORTANT CAUTION. The immense Sale of this Remedy has gtrsa rise to many Unscrupulous Imitations. N. B. Every Bottle of Genuine Chlorodyne bears on the Government Stamp the name of the Inventor, DR. 3. COLL" BROWNE. Bold In bottlss. Is llid, 2s 9d and 4s Cd, by all chemists. Hole Manufacturers. DaVCDPOft, ' Great Russell St., London. Sacramento, Jan. 1st, INI. Hon. Sanford B. Dole, Governor of Hawaii, Honolulu. On behalf of the peoplo of California, I tender most cordial greetings to yos and the people of the Hawaiian government, upon this successful completion by the Commercial Pacific Cable Company of the splendid American enterprise of the Into John W. Mackay an of Mewrs. Clarence It. Mackay, Ward. Bradley, Baker, Storror and other members of wild company, and their able nHsoclntes. The close and Immediate means of correspondence betweea the people of Hawaii and of this stats, which Is today perfected, will unite us in more compact bonds of amity an sympathy and redound to the greatness, prosperity and happiness of our common country, , HENRY T. GAaE, Governor of California. Salem, Oregon, Jan. 1st, 1J0. Governor Dole, Honolulu. Accept the congrntuliitlonH of the people of Oregon upon the establishment of telegraphic communication with your distant Island territory. May it be tb forerunner of an uninterrupted patriot! and commercial community of I between your peoplo and those ef the parent country. T. T. OEER, Governor of Oregos. Olympla, Jan. 1, 1903. Hun. Hanford Dole, Governor, Honolulu. On behnlf of the people of the Stat of Washington I send greetings. Th distance between us has been overcome. You nre now a part of w k fact as well as in name. HENRY M'BRIDE, Governor of Washington. San Francisco, Jnn. 1, 1903. Hon. Hanford II, Dole, Governor of Honolulu. Aloha. California nnd Hawaii, first friends, now neighbors, hereafter kinsmen. Tho golden ktuto'a new administration welcomes the tie thnt binds us oven closer. Our cable latchstring I? now In your bunds and our doom ure opes to the people of Hawaii. aiJO. C. PARDEE, Governor-elect, Han Diego, Cal., Jan. 1, 1901. Hon, Hanford 11, Dole, Governor of Hawaii, Honolulu, Thu Chamber of Commerce of fins Diego, California, sends greetings ana best wishes for thu new your which is so full of promise for Hawull iml, whoa Isolation Is now u thing of the past, thiinks to the enterprise of John W Mackay, to whose nuiiiu nnd noble Mr lliu iniiwrui'lllo cnblu will be a lusting mnnuinenl. II, I, WOOD, Hucroturr. Hun I'ruiiclsco, Jan, I, 90l. llon Munfiinl II, Dole, Ouvurnor Vr rllnry of lluwull, Honolulu, Tliu llwird nf Tru'lu nf Hun l''rnnclu mi hi'hulf nf s (wn hiindrud iminhir it ml by thu rnurliiny nf tin Wninintr' iiiul impiiIii f.'ublu nmnpMiiy. luurlllr iKjiiurmiuii Hiu ntiiiu nf ill ll'iwi. uii iMintnlH iiiini IliD iii'i'wful liiylns nf lliu llril nn!l Him nf Hid fllrl iiuilii ttlikli v 111 iiniiu)itfi)itfii)ii tills thu urlunl, lliniUHll llw I'siiPllkii nf l. f'niillnwvO un ptlv'P If fl f V