Newspaper Page Text
The undrinlicnrd having aa I'oliitrJi RRrtili of the above coinpauj are prepared to Iiihim rlnki aralnti fire on Htotif And llrlck llulldlnrja an on atored ttirreln on th mint favorable term. Kor particular apply l the ofllrc of V A. HCHAKFKIl A CO., Ai. German Lloytf Marine Intur'ci C OF BERLIN. Fortuna General Insurance C OP UKIILIN. The above Inaurance Campanlea Mtabllahed a general agency here, an the underalgned,' general agenta, are uthorlceu to take rlaka agalnit the danger of the tea at the moat ratea and on the moat favorabli tertna. F. A. BCHAEFKR CO., Oeneral AgeoU. General Insurance Co. (tr St River and Land Transport tf Dresden. Having eatabllahed an agency at Honolulu and the Hawaiian Ialanda, the undersigned general agenta art to take rlaka agalnit the dangera of the aea at the moat reasonable rata and on the moat favorable terma. F. A. 8CHAEFER CO., Agenta lor the Hawaiian Ialanda. The Bank of Hawaii LIMITED. Incorporated Under the Laws of the Republic of Hawaii. CAPITAL I600.0M.M OFFICERB AND DIRECTORS. Chaa M. Cooke President P. C. Jonea Vice President C. H. Cooke Caahler F. C. Atherton Assistant- Cashier Directors Henry Waterhouse, Tom May, F. W. Macfarlane, E. D. Tenney, J. A. McuanQless. Solicits the Accounts of Firms, Corporations, Trusts, Individuals, and will promptly and carefully attend to all business connected with banking entrusted to It. Sell and Purchase Foreign Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Ordnlary and Term Deposits received ind Interest allowed In accordance with and conditions printed In poaa looks, copies of which may be bad on ppllcatlon. Judd Building, Fort Street. TRANS-ATLANTIC FIRE INS. CI. OF HAMBURb. Capital of the Company and ' reserve, relchsmarks (,000,Nt Capital their reinsurance companies lOl.WO.OO Total relchsmarks 107,660,t North German Fire Insurance C OP HAMBURG. Capital of the Company and reserve, relchsmarks 8,89t,0M Capital their reinsurance companies MM,0M Total relchsmarks 48,830,001 The undersigned, general agenta of the above two companies, for the Hawaiian Island, are prepared to Insure Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise and Produce, Machinery, etc.; also Sugar and Rice Mills, and Vessels In the harbor, against lass or damage by fire on the most favorable terms. H. HACKFELD & CO., Limited T SS-53 'My L&dyS; Jewels Knthlne chArms avomnn HVe beautiful jewelry. Jitit , ncictmrllj' cxpeiitlo Jewel-1 ry, but tntteiul ouriascs COIUUIU ft liwfci; ncrui mi.:... w Feminine Fln'ry at lew cost Hint will nrnciil to tlio Judg ment of tbu nioet exoctlng If jou nre undecided nsto what on will Klanro imt our nock will prubiibly ghe you the ditlicil Idea lliuiy new- ilef Iki aro lieru whlihjou liaenoteeti. Wo will be liajipy to tliuw them. MiSM H.F.WICHMAN BOX 342. Wm. G. Irwin & Co., UMITKl). Firo and Marino Insurance A'gts, AGENTS FOR THIS Royal Inauranea Company of Liverpool. Alllancs Aaaurance Company of Lon don, 'Alliance, Marina and CUnaral Aaaurana Co., Lid., of London. Moulin Union National JnauraiiM Compaay of Hclnburgn, WllbtHiu of Madgaburg Qanaral lnau, net Company, 'Aaaoetatad Aaauranoa Co., MA., of Ma nlcn and Merlin, innn;iu L. ... j lui s In lliu rilH'J Hlul court )ilMlay Jil'IHii V- nrdvrH lliltl A nolle irn iiui in) eiiiuol in ill iliiuu lnlluiimiiiu dmhIiiiI Jmih) M'Otit, und l) as m ihw H4ini )uiy HAWAttAtf tiMwrm, riDAYtjAmJAT m. m wwwimi,v MERCHANTS WILL LOOK INTO TAXATION PLANS Committee of the Association Appointed to Consider the Questions Asked in Schedule I. (From Thursday's Daily.) There will be a storm about the ears of Tax Collector Pratt before the business men of the city make out and file a a full set of answers to the questions In Schedule I. Tills was foreshadowed of In the discussion of the matter In the nf incetlnjj of the Merchants' Association yesterday and the committee appointed to take up the question will not permit It to drop until they have had some understanding with the department. It was openly asserted thut there have a been received, nt the tax office, the returns It of many corporations without tho answers which nre comprised In the To schedule, while now It Is Intltnnted that there must be such liifotmatlon Riven. This Ih classed ns the Krossest kind of discrimination and the business men will resent the action. as The meeting of the Association was well attended und was presided over by Vice-President Dlniond In the absence It of President Mucfnrlane, confined to lilsjlinuse by Illness. The element of be humor was Interjected early In the session by the reading by Sect etui y Harris To of' the following letter: Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 25, 1902. The Merchants' Association, Honolulu, Hawaii. Dear Sirs: I note In today's "Press Dispatches," a communication from be Hon. T. Thos. Fortune, special labor commissioner sent to your islands by Hon. Mr. Shaw, Secretary of Treasury of the United States, In re scarcity of labor with you, for the plantations. If you will place me In touch with the be proper parties, who would be willing to advance transportation from this section to your country and in addition allow me a reasonable peri capita for nny services in gathering them together, I can furnish fiom 1,000 to 10,000 of our Southern negroes, the best farm laborer in the wcfild. Hoping to hear from you, I am Lout Very truly yours, S. K. WILLIAMSON. No action wns taken and the matter of the tnx blank was called up by Vice-President DImond. He said that he thought there was no reason for the Insistence upon answers to the many questions which so closely affect tho business houses, and that there were particulars asked for which were not FIVE MONTHS' RAINFALL Kalnebe rainfall for nine years past. Months. 1894 1895 1896 1897 January . . .. 3.00 G.31 12,84 6.67 February . . . 11. 09 10.32 14.46 5.72 March 21.49 28.21 20.43 4.41 April C.90 39.48 12.84 4.32 May .34 G.8C 10.56 1.57 June 2.35 1.25 6.26 2.03 July 3.98 9.65 3.93 1.67 August 4.CG 7.77 9.37 6.70 September . . .35 C.92 1.50 1.44 October 2.84 3.67 6.41 November . . 20.25 11.54 1.16 9. December . . 17.84 .57 11.17 7. Totals 93. C9 131.53 110.92 52.62 Rainfall nt Kuknlau Mill for 1902. Elevation, 230 feet. Inches. January 3.29 February 3.52 March 62.76 April 8.23 May 17.51 June 5.99 July ,.; 2,69 August 14,66 September S.3I October '...., 6,95 November 1 13,45 December 21,99 Totnl 172.38 Italnfull for 1902, Elevutlon, 000 feet Inches. January , tMMMIIMI .31 February 12 March , , .11 April , , , .32 May , , , ,,,,,,,,, tftlf, ,,,,,,,,, .15 Juiih , , , ,,,, i I If MMt ' ,Ci July (tltlflll,,,ft, ,02 AllKUHt .41 MI tf M ft ff Hti'tt'inber i n If tllttlf II), ., ,i0 Octnliur , , , ,, Mil ft fill ti II I) ,6 Noyuniliur . ,87 llttfl ttltll II It Jiurunilior , , .li Xftlf ft II tl II i T'it"l t ii iittiiiiift mi'"li(l MiiliifHll fur mh JJjj)V"iD, W fri, llihf. JM!ury ,, I. II JWjnmry , , if .09 Miih'Ii b)M .M'rll Ml necessary. There was n long dlouIon over the matter and llnally tho matter resolved Itself Into the appointment of committee, consisting of Mussrs. 1)1 moiul, Helm and Super for the purpose tnklng up the question of the k'lnil Inquiry which Is made Into the affairs of the various corporations doing business In the Territory. The Association then received the report of Its committee sent to the Joint body, which considered the matter of census of tho Orientals In the city. The report wns received and adopted. Is as follows: the Builders and Traders' Exchange, the Merchants' Association and the Honolulu Trades and Labor Council'. The Joint committee appointed by your several bodies for the purpose of taking n census of the business und trades of Honolulu, beg'leuve to report follows: Your committee have Investigated the cost of taking such n census nnd believe Is beyond the limit which In your committee's opinion your bodies would willing to expend. The Huwullun census of 159C cost $0.33 per hundred. be exnc't, prndtlcally a complete census of the city. Including 40,000 to 45,000 people, would be necessary. The cost of taking the census of 1890 In Honolulu proper cost 4.87 cents per head. This would mean about $2,000. Even if the census were attempted to taken by your committee, without government authority, it would be Incomplete and inaccurate at the best. Your committee have arranged for compiling statistics from the Internal Revenue ofllce as to Chinese, which will absolutely reliable n.s far as they go. There may be home slight expense attached to this compilation, which your committee ask leave to teport later when the statistics are compiled. Your committee therefore recommend that they be discharged und that the several organizations herein represented adopt the following resolution delay, ns the' biennial session of the Legislature Is almost upon us. ''Resolved, that It is the .sense of this 6rganlzatlon that the Legislature should make this year un appiopriatloii sulllclent to pay the expense of establishing nnd mnlntnlulng a fully permanent statistical bureau whoso duty It shall be to compile all existing statistical Information regarding the Hawaiian Islands and the taking of a biennial census of the Territory of Iia- RECORD OF ON MAUNAKEA Elevation, 1450 feet. 189S 1899 1900, 1901 1902 2S.42 .49 6.32 11.49 4.14 5.35 .74 10.11 8.60 yt.m 30.35 19.70 4.85 25.66 93.39 8.05 15.84 11.02 3,57 14.74 4.12 3.54 16.14 .40 29. 8S 2.05 2.81 3.48 .21 12.05 G.5S 5,96 2.62 1.07 2. 48 4.59 1.17 .26 32.62 1.03 l'.CO 1.15 .70 8.06 .89 3.19 23.35 7.59 5.03 y.yo CO 3.47 8.00 18.14 17.56 19.50 CO 10.99 .09 5.71 14.75 31.89 107.19 89.31 90.93 87.36 275.46 May 29. 8S June ...'... 12.63 July 2.18 August . . . . 32.62 September . . 8.06 October . . . 9.90 November . . 19.56 December . , 34.89 Total 276.46 Hnlnfall for 1902. Elevation, 3300 feet. Inches. January . . .' 2,77 February , 2,65 March . . . 78.30 April 22.77 Mny , ,.,,.,,, 7. OS Juno .i.iii 4.88 July ;, , 06 August . . . .lull,,,,,, i,i, U.8S September , , , ,,,,,, , ,(, October ,,, ,,,,,..,, ,,, 6,68 Novitmbnr . . . ,..,,,,,...,,,,,,,,., 10.66 IM' . , , , 31.21 Total . . , ,)b0,r9 Hulnfull fur 1002, Klovuiloii, .WVf) fu. IihjIi'im. Moron fi.tiitttfftfti' in , 2701 April i t it m if imi f i f i i i i ,.01 May . . . i .. 1. 1, tf i f f ., ,. .. 1 1 it i, . (i, Juno , , , ,, ti i, . 1 1, ,ti.t. i ,itt i tin .7IS Jlllj" i, ' li ttHMMf ' ,B0 AlJKIJ! I lltlHllllfiM Mil II II .eo t&MH'lji.iiir . . i Mi.itiiiiiiniiiM. nilUliJO' i ftlltlf Mill mil. mh ht i BJUlrtir I I II MM Mil II l ' I illl li ihasinhjr 1 .60 mi, mi mi. mh Tumi Jin fcll HHItulfttly j." h of nlnxMliH l ho o un! itiffi iwii n I i (lilP'in tli 'ft llirM i ll' M Hill Hit- l,.iU;. Iihlttr of ihla ianiMttin ar. h i.'n iHfit4 w rtil -i I r ti Ih hi , If tit loll nf y i . imi imi. M. 'i I ii.iUatnit In hm I rvtiKMNM"! i i i hi Ifclli In M It!, muni Mi dim fl nd In hi tftsUiMta f A i lilt I. and imI.I r..,.,ii airartotf i iH) uhk pieaHimm b. f r lh nwilli4n l.i tllmial tVdinti iNMiMNlttM ami Ilui l(v Cam u Hd tu . uit ttidr aKtMutai thrr." -The raixirt nf tli mi stntlrtle Is nttuahed ltttfp(tfuly submlltiHl, JOHN HMMH1.UTII. 1'HHD U WAI.11HON V. W. HAltlUS, JAS. NOTT. JH. W. LAltHKN. C. M. TAYLOH. Honolulu, Jan. 16, 1903. I K. IMiikhum suggested that there was a sentiment that some recogni tion should he made of the work of the Senators who had held meetings here. In Investigation of the nffalis of the Territory, and who had made some recommendations which would be of vnlue to the people at large. The general opinion wns that there were several things In the report which would be Inimical to the good of the Territory, and that the whole should be laid aside for the present. The meeting then adjourned. Those present were: V. V. Dlniond, V. W. Harris, John G. Ilothwell, Fred L. Waldron, J. L. John F. Soper, H. II. Williams, E. A. Mclnerny, J. A. Oilman, F. C. Church, T. J. King. F. Wakefield. J. Hocking, W. W. Hnll, L. E. Plnkhnm, II. F. Wlchinnn. P, It. Helm, Seeley Shaw, A, Montano and J. A. M. Johnson. So Different ots of Claims Like This, But so Diilerent Local Proof is Wl)at Honolulu People Waut. There are a great many ot them. Every paper has Its share. Statements hard to believe, harder to prove. Statements from far-away places. What people bay in Florida. Public expressions from California. Outlines good endorsement there. Hut of little service here at home. Honolulu people want locnl proof. The sayings of neighbors, friends and citizens. Home Indorsement counts. It disarms the skeptic; Is beyond dispute. This Is tho backing that stands behind every box of Doan's Kidney PJIls. Here Is a case of It: Mr. Cyrus S. Edison of Kaplolanl Paik, this city, says: "I um at present a teamster nnd came to the Islands Iifi " -" K r v terorrwr'jii m i V. Ki y"i'Tl''Xfr EniMaiflHflflHl' 'f j"J5 w SAVE YOUR SKIN . lrrent alt In rum nml ttnrnat nf omniiiifl "". kid gloves with tho llnirer ends cut cnUs dry, flMurcd, Itchhig, fiverirti iln; f now to Purify nml Beautify the Skin nnd Complexion. To t!rrrtTP. tuir.fy, nmnioaiitUvllin kUiii. niitl ptvti.ut pimp)ftp, MoldiM. t.lavMmi.U, niliiiw, n..iR.,, miv, , ,'. 'tig. j,.(.w, iimiliy ,,, nipl fiirma t.f klu l.l.mUlieMm ..tlur aklii'irnm pl'i c i wwSu for rj iiimnrnl to lm iihiiinhI vMth ft mm SUI', Inc hh.Vi no ollwr im riwIicMhtu'iiiiM', Ir , the rJW.,f, frrfuf nf, ur furt.iw, Jcoinlliliin of tliu I'ohijI SAVE YOUR HAIR How to Prevent Falling Hnlr Scalp Humours and Dandruff. CIonnc tho ppnlp mul Imlr thorounhly with a warm shnmnoo of fciAP, rln llh warm water, dry carefully, nn.l nl iHQ diwilne I'tU're "A lmren Vf,,,mo,llc,.,,i' iwwly "tClHil Into (ho iS?n. "n fe pimple, KfreaMni:, and luospentlvo lnntinpnl tho seal and In Ir Sift l5ea,B,, nUl '!n,ln,n' 800.,!, lrrl"'. Itol.ltiK aiirfawaVt"mu"nto tlir ha r follicle, tho nupply roots with energy nu.l nourMmifi.t, an. ,ko t hair grow uiwu a iwoct, wholesome, nnd healthy scalp, whea nil elio fall,. SAVE YOUR HANDS How to Make the Hands Soft and White in a Single Night. , .. . . .. . ' llnthft and annl? llm nn ti.ti.. 8oAiDw!horiEM; this one IS&'tXXZS tTSSSWtOS nnd alllicted with a blesalnir w "" chnnnnd. sore, mntih n r.,n,.. I i CutlCUra Co,!,plfi,e External and Internal Treatment for Even Humoor, fu a a J"l,.,?,.if9P7l?,,"6oto,"n,,,,h,,ltlnofcrat.nrtclei ... Ti f4 MU Jhrouffliont IMM Ulflflll a HBt UTrKiaDHUttAMUCHEM. COEf., 8ol lTopt., DR J. COLLIS BROWNE" O KMOlgQiPraTia bbi -a. i li epa, -1 - IS THK OKIOINAL Tlie book in the u)mv left hand corner in called an Extra Iluuuiu with patent back. It is a binding and the uhuuI Htylc for first claun work, The one in the centre BhowB how the patent back thrown the book open flat, The one in tlie lower riht hand corner U called a Iull BumU with patent buck. It In Hultable for tlione wUblng nomethlng more tttyllah than ad Extra Buwix, Wo ulao manufacture any other wtylo 4Mdrcd, ucU ail quarter bound) half bound, UirMHjuarter Wad, full bound, ttc, on nhort aetic, Eywy book guaranteed, ,,,,,, - ..V11" uhuuua, vnui.uiuaL. . . uia Acar durini? At. I thnnlirhf. nl.l lo- ofr For red, rough, chapped hands. sltapdesV nalURhlS ln7, Coughs,rColds, Asthma and Bronchitis. DU. J. COLLIS BltOWNE'S CHLOnODYNE. Vice Chancellor BIR f. PAGE WOOD stated puullcly In court that Dlt, J. COLLIS BROWNE wot undoubtedly the, INVENTOR of CHLORODYNE; that the whole story ot the dffpudant. Freeman, wns deliberately untrue, and re regretted to lay li had been sworn to. See the Times, July 18, 18CI. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE Is a liquid medicine which assuages PAIN of EVERY KIND, affords a calm, refreshing sleep WITHOUT HEADACHE, und INVIGORATES the nervous system when exhausted. Is the GREAT SPECIFIC FOR CHOLERA, DYSENTERY und The General Board of Health, London, reports that It ACTS as CHARM; one dose gencrully BUfllcIeut. Dr. Gibbon, Arn.y Medical Stuff, Calcutta, states: "Two doses complettly cured me of diarrhoea." DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE Is the true pallatlve In NEURALGIA. GOUT. CANCER, TOOTHACHE, RHEUMATISM. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE rapidly cuts short all attacks of EPILEPSY, SPASMS. COLIC, PALPITATION, HYSTERIA-IMPORTANT CAUTION. The Immense Sale of this Remedy has given rise to many Unscrupulous Imitations. N. B. Every Bottle of Genuine Chlorodyne bears on the Government Stamp the name of the Inventor, DR. J. COLL" BROWNE. Sold In bottles. Is lVd, 2s Od and 4s Cd, by all chemists. Solo Manufacturers. J T. Davetlpurti 33 Great Russell St., London. fifteen years neo. Previous to that I drove a stngu coach In the United States. These occupations necessitating: my hehiK out at ull seasons were no doubt the cause of my kidney disorder. I hntl tho ordinary symptoms of this complaint, and resorted to a host of thliu;s to cure It. All of them failed to do so, however, und when I had almost given up hope I heard nbout i. . ipr' wiwuiiimciciuiocurcin ..... .. . IlAKn II l ii V.l ...--- putt fttal BOitOtt. U. ti. A , AMD ONLY GKNUINK. Doan's Backache Kidney Pills and not some at tho Holllstcr Drug Co.'s store. They' did Indeed relieve me nnd I am quite satined with the benefit they have heeh to me." Doan's Backache Kidney Pills nre for snlo by all dealers; price CO cents per box (six boxes J2.C0). Mailed hy tho Holllstcr DniB Co., Honolulu, for the Hawaiian Islands. BLANK BOOKS We are Manufacturing Blank Books which for price and workmanship are equal to Coast or Eastern Work. Call for Prices. Telephone Main 88. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. aBjBMBBffBB9ajaBaBBCBBH A