Newspaper Page Text
' - .. " i I! xxan W VOL. ;xxxvni, No. 1C. HONOLULU, H. T., TUESDAY, -FEBRUARY 24. 1903 SEMI-WEEKLY. WHOLE No. 24G4. HOUSE OH IXPEHSE QUESTION Matter of Printing Is Taken Up. TT4Kk In earnest was Inaugurated yesterday by the Legislature, though oIf two hours were given to the of the House and Senate. The holiday came in between, but as much iru done as possible, owing to the fact tkst much of the most Important of the legislation has reached the stage of printing; and committee work, Tfcs county bill was offered In the Howse and passed through Its first reading by title, and sent to print. This Important part of the proceeding -will be taken In charge by the House -committee, under the arrangement between the two bodies. The expenses of each body will be kept separate this time, and It was determined at a joint committee meeting this morning that ;tliere should be only one translation made, and that the bill shall then be printed In sufficient numbers to supply the needs of both houses and the expense will be shared equally. There were Informal meetings members of the committees during the half hour after adjournment of . the House, and the rules committee, especially, prepared for action later by asking that each member find from others of his party what Is wanted, so that there may be a new set of rules -framed. Other committees got down to organisation, andi will proceed with -work Immediately.' An old friend appeared in the House when Jessie MakVhal, chairman of the Hone Rule part; Jwas made assistant clerk and began 7ork with Meheula. Aylett introduced his old bill to repeal the laws in regard to segregation and control of lepers, and the regulations for appropriations were offered freely. Both bodies took Interest In their measures for paying expenses. The Senate passed its bill, and the House forwarded Its own, the former carrying 325,000 nnd the later $40,000. When business had begun, Speaker Beckloy said that much delay had been caused at the last session because of the partiality shown some printing houses, which resulted in an accumu lation of work, rendering it impossible that the bills could be gotten through -with dispatch. There was a great deal of work to be done at this session, and -consequently he would Instruct the clerk to call for bids for printing from all the printing houses, so that the printing commltee would have a basis upon which to work, and which would establish a rate for printing. He hoped that the printing would be so distributed that there would be the least delay to the House. Despite the fact that this day wns being celebrated as a holiday in honor of the Father of the Country, he hoped that the House would spend the morning In hard work, and then adjourn. Aylett gave notice of his Intention to Introduce a bill repealing the laws relating to secregntlon of lepers and treament of leprosy. Fernandez presented a resolution providing for npnroprlutlons for homestead roads in Hamakua, the mnln rond. and for school houses. In support of the resolution Fernandez told of the roads needed, nnd the resolution was laid on the table to await the appropri ation bills. Kupihea presented a resolution pro viding for nn appropriation of $40,000 for macadamizing King street from the King Street bridge to Kapukakt, ntya: for 130,000 for the extension of Queen street to Knllhl: nnd for $!i,000 for lighting King strict to Moannlua; and a resolution, which wns ndopted, providing thnt the usual hour of meeting fclmll be 10 n, in. Kumnlue presented n resolution pro viding for $7,f.ft0 In support of the ploianl Maternity llnine. Pnele's res olution culled for $3,000 for lug Mllluv strent from YYyllln lo the limrry Kalll wnntml $Ji.7O0 for bridges n llumilel, Knuitl, nnd asked for $13,000 for relocating and lecnnMirurtlng the. innln iond through Mnuhiiu plantation, $i:ooo for the rond lio I.ymun uiiiiii, mid $i;,ooo for nther Irmtdi lu Iliimukun IIiiIh Introduced a iiiiioii providing I5,ooo for wldenlnu in mm wimrr ami nimi iso.poo for loeut. Miir nnd rnimlriiotlni: a road rinin Mil. hies in Kliwiliiilu lum of Mmil. I'ull iiK(fpii't i(004 for ihu l.uliulmi lhrf KumAlm khv iiDilrx at In luiiodiirtf hill id I'erinlt niiy rnn n iri iPiruiy. in Miiiniiriif urn imurd of M'amii lo primum iuioiin nfMlcixd miii nnmiy mil iniuiwiiiHiy luimrvii hi. i 'ruin iiiiTlnir Hm TVrrliniy, fur n lifiulon for l.lllKiiMlunl, mii) io mml i curiUtfu Him aiiiii nrnmiilcd a mmlwt on lira- I Ull'H fur til CM fur mil JftmliliiK I'umldiowl smt MJIIrr Mffrli All iif lit iiinimirlul on rm. l''lf litlllMf of iifiimUui Hf r?yHmny u ) t,) WELL DRILLED SOLDIER BOYS & BbIbBBBBBBBBBBBBBbIsBBBBBBhSsmI I iSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfNMI'WsHIBBnV.V SHBhihS BBBbSSFH SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBlsSBBBBBBlSSBBBBTnp SSBBBbVIsSBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMK BSBSBBSBBI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBsT V-' SBSBBSSBBBBBsSlSBBBBBBBBBBK SBBBBBBBbIIIIbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBbI BbBH HH HjH ELHUsssssssssVbssssssssssI HyMHHHV ViflB VilsssssssssssssssssMilsssssKsilssssss PiBfgF,ssClsssssssssssssBsffBssssf tssssssPRlsB sssssssHisssssiHlissssssK sssssssssss ? lmiMJmmmham 9B AbssKmE sssssssssssssssssssssssssHbssssMbsssssssssssMbsssIbsV & I .Hul m Mm jJjJL III . , r; v A'W & " "&"1 8 iT - it m nfk W mr Fflkft A ?! Ml umjvm; m ' ,l. 'i i HrtAVwCmlBPHSHis.llll.LLiiLlllllloBLllHHA J I i iKju iYivBinMsnsnWKBnnn HsBBsksBBBBBBBBBUaHsBMHsBBHSBBBsHnHS l MsPrssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssBsnBssl i 3l"fe5iissssssSs?w i I ssssssHSisssssssssssssssssssssnBHssli 1 (3 Issssssssssssssssssttnlsssssssssssssssssssssssssn -" X I CAPTAIN JOHNSON AND HIS WINNING COMPANY. V9 1 2&S GX33 MIUTIAAEN OF HONOLULU BEAT WORLD Judgment Is Given by Officers of the Regulars. wind, cold for Honolulu, swept THE dust In eddying gusts down across that triangular piece of ground at the Junction of King and Merchant streets that is known, para doxically, by the name of Capitol Square, but not the wind ncr the coiu the dust could keen the citizens from gathering there to see the evolutions of the crack companies of the Hawaiian National Guard In their competitive drill for the silver cup that by yesterday's victory has become the property of F Company. A grand stand, for the invited guests, had been built in the vacant lot at the corner of Merchant and King streets, but the people began gathering on the sidewalks that line the square long before any of the favored ones had taken the seats In the stand reserved for them, and by the time set for the drill to begin the sidewalks on both sides as far as the Opera House, and as far as the gate of the Capitol grounds were black with the forms of men, women and children, with a fringe of the brown legs of barefooted email boys lining the curb right In front the whole distance, and Merchant, King nnd Richards street's, all opening Into the squure, were packed for a long wny along their length with carriages nnd horsemen and people on foot, blocking the passage of the Rapid Transit curs to Wulklkl. The police, on foot and mounted, with Sheriff Brown In full uniform nt their head, were on hand early to keep the square clear for the movements of the troops, but It was a good-natured crowd, not inclined to infringe upon the reserved space, and the police were nlfco so good-natured that they did not attempt to keep the small boys out of the high trees around about, and so It was a day of happiness for everybody. The Invited guests began to come early, too, I.orrln Andrews was almost tint first in the grand stand, but the military men who had been selected as judges of the drill, Captain Burls D'A, I'eurce, I.luut. H, V, Nuwton iuhI I.leut, J, 1', Hoblnson, nf the Artillery Corps, weiu clone ul his heels, mid lifter them came tlm muni tho legUlatiiro nnd tho Federal, wllli III innten The company wiu met oillcluls, und nuvul und inllltuiy men Hie field by the military Judges of the und ii whole iot of tlm bem known 'drill, Colonel JoneH nnd hU stuff having people of tlm city, filling tlm rlmlr In i.. ilnnl ufler guaid mount, mid the coin, tlm Ktuiid fust. Tlm (luvuriiur hiiiI MnUpuiiy wus put ilirimgli Its puns under Pole ieiii(ml kcuU illrectl) In tlm mid. J tlm nyi. of Dm orllhs dm of tlm front row of seats, und rim huv, niileur of tlm I ifm was Heuulor Ciulibu J'ieM..iit of ,,y, ,vt Unit. It aiwf ul I It-it well lliti Hcimio, Turilloiliil Hvdwlnir Oboikw Tin uvnnin ji'tniige mud" by Urn II. fiirUriiiMl Terilioilul Tieimurvr Kt- eoiniuiiiy wi.v Oml. rim linn who1 imlkui To Hi" HKlit nf Dm wui'i) cuptuln WIiIIIiik. Ciiiluln lod mini ami Mujur Mu'Mlun, Hm lut huiium) Kvntlfinun Mi. OiiiiltiKl'ii nlfu nf m nii. nf Hm )riiitlinoni nf null fullllu. I'oloili'l DjiIIuhIuii lillimi'ir lm Iiik Ion III In ullcml Dm drill Tlm ln nf Dm niHii'l w nlvt'ii nvr hi llm ur Hit- it'Ki.imgic, vtllli Hioir W Vr. Ulli) lilt UllMllJUIIt'll ttAN lurtfV, Ull lllf ill'lit Ukllltf A iHIHlulltu In. lfr in Urn TfirlluiM uiiifMim,., ud - 'iiir Mrviiv iMiittHrn iii m ImliliiiK 4 luiiu iiiiorinwl ivuv trH llirff iHinp' liurM l W), (,4 Hi iMllii vf 'fMHif l fin ()t "Jilw tion of RIchnrdH street, and as the police cleared a way through the crowd Uerger's band, with the drum corps, was seen, coming down that thoroughfare, leading the entire First Regiment, with the exception of the HUo and companies, in martial array. The troops followed the band past the grand stand, arms all a-port as they went by, and under the example of Governor. Dole every Invited guest arose ns they filed by, the gentlemen returning the salute of the soldiers by taking off their hats, Although the show was exclusively; military, and therefore apt to become tiresome, there was a diversity In the I program offerea, and despite a couple of hard showers of rain toward the close of the day, not a spectator gave up his. place while the drill was In progress. ' The troops, marching past the grand stanu. turned anu went ine lengin oi the square, where the band fell out; still 'and Lieutenants S. K. Kamalopill and playing, nnd the soldiers wheeled and' Daniel Kekaullke, was the next to drill, went into the Capitol grounds through Theictyrpnny came on the field In the King street entrance. Then a Bmall piaidoir'tormatlon, which seemed their mixed company came back, ty the same gate, and there wns a formal guard mount under the direction of Colonel jones to me music or me uana nnu me drum coriw. This was a taste of the entertainment for the day, and rather un appetizing one. The guards Being 'nlnnwl tliBnppfnpii'nril nnpiid nil .. nftm '-" w -"" ,.- ..- ernoon, soldier-like, nlong the front of xne crowu lining euner siue oi me square, ready to aid the police In keep- ing order had aid been needed, nnd this guard was relieved at intervals uuriiig ie cuuree oi me aiiernoun in true military fashion. In fact, the re- ueving oi me guuru, wnen me time ror reuer came, was so very realistic tnut the mind was carried right to camp when It was going forward, und the whole thing might have been a bit out. of regular army life Instead of a boll- day spectacle of citizen soldiers for the display ofahelr proficiency. The boys of the guard squud "hiked" around the square like old veterans, nnd the boys wno went on uuiy went wim mo einsuc in tne march than the boys of the pre-step only a soldier can assume who is ceding company had done, but did not himself set free from carrying u line so well and there were some slight ket along a tiresome beat, and sees an- trnces of raggedness In the movements other soldier condemned to take his m masse across the field. The men turn at It. at one moment particularly, when they The display at the entrance of the wc"e ""ed up facing the Capitol upon the field had been com- lnK close to the sidewalk, seemed too plete, even to the battery of two much afraid of stepping on the toes tain howitzers commanded by I.leut. ot the barefooted boys to preserve their Gormun, and the iimbulance corps of formation ut Its best. . the first regiment. After guard mount,) Following the drill of K Company there was music, the field wns i,.utenant aormnu with his two-gun cleared. And then K Company, headed buttery gave un nrtlllery drill, with by Captain Nuhora Hlpa, nnd most deadly volleying of blank J. K. Muuluii nnd Thomns Kaka- trldges, that was so realistic that a hard lla, came down the field, and the drill Hhouer of rain coming In the midst of It was on, This, first of the companies did not drlvo n single person In ull the entered for the competition, came on In large crowd lo Hlieltcr. A round of order, nnd mndo a most credltnhlu pluuso rewarded the artillerymen. The uppenrnnce, but there wns Just a slight, crowd wns generous, lu thut regard, hitch In th cndeiieo of their step. It all tho tlinp, mid every cjmipuny und was so slight, Indeed, that no onn but every officer has partisans.'" an expert would have seen It, and It it was growing somewhat lute, und seumei to be dun mom limn anything there went still spits of ruin In Ihu else to the stature of one iiimi In the nlr when Cuptuln Humuul Johnson with ri'iir rank. I In was loo short to swlnir l.lintmmlu U' w Cirlii. i i i initfl siildiKi'liku In llnlriy nim inolluii It was llkti Hm mnvit. mjuiiiinini u in ko"I unUr. Hu-y wfrunmnl f a iiti f flm inwiinii. 1 1 ti ii rnrrfi'liy !' u Imlr, und in fuull rould ui found Mlih llii'in w lit'ii tli' iir ivIibii livhl ilmir kudu for Hi inaptmiion nf ill JudKt. lwry I'tolmioii inu'lu un oivrs wmii.l hmw innilw ii und Hm inrii wtin m( nuuyY oi'i'iiuiii, umi iim miiiris Hmr .niiilily up ,u ihblr Hoik uml In llmir JllllHIIIMIil .fdltlulfll U illllliUll III.4IIVI Tin umiM u.mul hullxr n. I....V.. IimmMii i.r h..i,hi..i Hiun in llu mi)Mui Ul uiii uIimv mm muiiiw Ivn no f ik im ii ..n.iniir int. I u , fin v It ,i fhuttinu II mud , .vj , ))0 j,,,, j miy . Mn I'MfiilM) y any company of soldiers In the whole world is Lould have beaten them. That is the judgment of the milltury experts. Captain Nuhoia Hlpa's men probably have no superiors, and few equals outside the Hawaiian National Guard Theyj". could be taken anywhere, and would do the Territory credit. ThoJcrowd may or may not have grown tired of drilling soldiers while inc. viiioi, company was on mo neia There 'was no sign of weariness. Nev ertheless, by w;ay of breaking the monotonv.Mis the band struck up while E Coy.pany inarched off the field, a squadi of men from Company H, led by Captain Thompson, came marching down and was out through a bayonet exercise that thrilled the crowd so that a greal cheer ran along Its whole length v;hlle the boys drilled. It was a clever bit of 'work, moot cleverly done by all hands, Comoanv n. r.infnin Hi10iva tiooo favorite order. No matter how the" wheeled and turned und chnrged and laid down and fired as skirmishers, nnd came down the field toward the grand stand, shouting, with fixed bayonets, ulmost Impaling Captain Pearco upon one occasion, they still broke into . . r1..An..c. nni mt i - jiuiuujin iiKUlll. XIIUJ Kfll'W HOW IO OO ft, moreover, but they were up ngalnst the same real thing In the competition that confronted their comrades of E. Company. The boys of F Company were being saved to the last, and every unman on tlie ground wus living In dread of .what Captain Sam Johnson's ooys would do. That they would do wonderful things, everybody know, Small wonder that the men who drilled ahead of them should have been all but overcome by nervousness. It Is to the lasting credit of the companies that fulled to win prizes that they did as well as they did do. Company G had Its marching and countermarching, too, and seemed to strike a better cadence led tlm nuclc roiiipuny of tlm Nutlonul Oimnl on to tlm field. Tlm rnptiiln looked a luuder, und his iikhi u Hoop of wlimois, They wliHitd Inm Hie sqiiuiu from tlm Court building side, Hum reuiliig tlm iihiiuI urihTr, und rum i"n un mm nmn to tlm Hniml Hund, niuiikliiu Into pli.iooiiN us limy runm on, Inu kiiIUiik huri lulu line formation in i!m to iUm m holt l.lll II did Hut kmtlll luiMulht. ltd 1. imiliur of fuel, Hint Una ioui lm 11 1 iiiiniuiiy nf nmn. limn unluuM iuo)j by lilt llnliulkiw. .. Hint ,,,.. kLhiti. 1I1. mlii.l. ..r ..." ..i.,.... .nwf ,,w if,MI. Iff nun H mt"l, mllitr, u muny uniinHl voili mm iiiImIIIuwi.u duminutliiK II IHU) Ill4l, Vffwl, It M ji momi liui lis Hi 't'rfiily iliiiiv.1 iwinimiiy HiMl 11 i if Hm nmn viv mt u in in nuiilr ml ml un Hm imiu ul u m.i iiiim ui. iii.thlinni in 1 iim jn lililuvo " Hml dlrviiy H Nn imiiivr Inn r in I' 1 irn Urn lli'tymrltl hli'l His dill if 1 lfl mm llm 11 'il tun is rfrrn) )yirii)ttr Urn 11 in t.iiv.,' III'VVjJM Htl III m MP l I'll! t nllli t CAPTURE CDNSUBULARY BUT . TURN THEM LOOSE Arizona Wants to Annex Seven Counties of Southern California and Be a State. (ASSOCIATED F&ESB OABJKQKAHB.) MANILA, Feb. 23. Three hundred Ladro'nes under Gen. San Mirjuel captured and released three detachments of, constabulary. Rizal constabulary killed eleven Ladroncs in Luzon. Naval officers aboard the United States Naval Transport Soltcu were shown the above dispatch yesterday and asked concerning the methods of the Ladroncs with respect to prisoners. Sonic of the officers stated that they had heard of Ladroncs making such disposition of their prisoners, although it was to some extent, unusual. The Ladroncs prefer arms to captives. As to Rizal, he4s General Rizal, in command of a division of constabulary in Luzon. Rizal was formerly one. of the most active Filipino generals operating against the Americans, but after falling into their, hands he became their friend and was rewarded by an official position under the Taft administration. It is said he has performed his duties in a creditable and patriotic manner. 0 Arizona's New Scheme. TUCSON, A. T Feb. 23. There is a strong agitation here for the formation of a new State embracing Arizona and seven counties of Southern California. . f This plan is likely to get considerable favor in Southern California where a desire to cut loose from the northern part of the State has been prevalent for years. Southern California has special interests of its own which are often ignored by the North and by the representatives of that section in Congress. Its people arc mainly Easterners who have no traditional, attachment to California as a State. Los Angeles would naturally favor the Arizona move so as to become the, capital of the new State and San Diego would regard it as an assurance of a long-wished for connection by rail with Phoenix and points East making her the seaport for a vast Territory. Local ambitious for Governorships and United States Senatorships would be aroused in both cities. In Arizona the desire to get a seacoast would solidify sentiment in favor of annexing the Southern California counties and getting Statehood at the same time. Francis Sees the King. LONDON, Feb. 23. Today King Edward held his first levee since his illness. President Francis of the St. Louis Exposition was presented and was promised a private audience within the next few days. Later President Francis will visit the President of the French Republic who, i is said, will visit the Exposition in a gunboat following the course of the early French navigators across the Atlantic to the Gulf of Mexico and up the Mississippi river to St. Louis. 0 A Railway Fatality. INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 23. A passenger train running out of this city collided with a freight train today. Five mail clerks were killed and there are probably other fatalities. The wreckage is burning. ' o Germans Restore Gunboat. PUERTO CABELLO, Feb. 23. The Germans have restored the captured Venezuelan gunboat Restattrador and the German cruiser Vinetta, which has been holding it, has departed. o The Plague at Mazatlan. MAZATLAN, Feb. 23.Thcre was one death today of the bubonic plague Two hundred cases have been isolated. Energetic measures against the further spread of the pestilence have been taken. o WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 23. Justice Shiras of the Supreme Court retired today. jlkajll)ll030OJO3O.Ov'iW"'v"tf'v"WW iw" v n break nor 11 fulno motion tlm wholu Hum. Oim -, round nfliT round ot hut wus when, towurd tlm tmd, lifter tlll 111011 hud count down wiu milium ui till uhuiue. yellliiK 11H limy runm, limy W miildeiily Into plutooiiH und lit ood, n lnn'k, lu tlm Muni foiimi' II .... 1.. ...r.i.ivii I'uviilrv. l.llnnillv. tho mmotuliim WKlit niuilml illf tlielr ft't iiv iim iMiiiiuiiviir. It nun Hm Imul tliliiK himmi mi Hi llfM liirluif Hm luy. II lut If tin nmn nf l' I'nmiiiiny s.n l' rfm't in tlilr ilrlll. y wmim pur fiml Hksvti'u in mom nf tlm iillmr imliiU Hint H'i to iHfiku koldliM Tlm I,...., ,it iiikir Wi.uiikliiM mill iliulr HIiIkii Ull klmii In Hm nun llku null 'I'Iimv miIm.uI ihulr iIHdn fur Invimullon iruHHl', ti'"l I"' 1 kl"k "' 'I'll wmlil Hm lfMuur uiuivi Ulli) hiiium iiifiii. lituiy luni' i wll. wry iiihii'x mil-111 vtun ml)uU'l )iroiiirly uml nvory (iHtii dun ml lu Hm mm luiiuili. Hiiaiiily 'I'lmy it'f nil u M uf His m liiHtlllllM, Hllil Mil Ills 11 1 u UH MM llllfl'ltml iwii in ti.s 1'if HUM Hl"l itit.wwii II till TIlW ,l'iHt Vkvll fmlli IK ll 1 1 mv 11 lliy mlii "ii lilt rwi 11 1 ul tv I'lt'i'tr Onutii mmH Mich H (tit ui m lUlli. 4 Al JI The Ih h iiiimI linnortiint thlnir. wlmu u liuill Ih In Imttli!, thut lift Hliould uhoot neither too IiIkIi nor too low thut h should Hhoot where hlii Ih, Mmi do not ko Into lintllu to inuko miiolie iiml 11 iioIhh, Ciiiiiiuiny K left the lUdd, llko wlunern un they mime 011, led hy Hm hund und imooilliiK the colorH hluh hud hrvu HiiitluiiHil lu fimil of Hm novornor wlilh Hm drill wim In pitiKie. 'J'lm noiiimn wiiu 1 m Hm 1 (ilurs un they iiuiim fm-wind, und thut lu Huf vmih u uett NlKllI iIih finud Lrilll...riiil 111 fl.ilil ,.- Hm Kiuii'l t u ml. uml ihuru vtim u slmr' wult while Hm Juilxtul tnml 11 1 1 Iliu i umiiiHtHi nf Hm Ihu 11 utimi'elliiK mmi IimiiIm nitiiiiln iVunu unmmmiyd Hi' lenull "rtimininy K wlim," m salu "ullli u iiiiri'iinluuu of D'J.Si Ooimianv I IH Mulnl Willi II I'l'lll'lllHKM Uf i, Mll't i'mnMny II in Ihlnl Willi u ii'iunUu of Ml" Tlm m. I'lvml Hm unnuunuuim" uf tiiv ifnili will) u vhwy, urn ul urn winv up 11 imii mill IIIV ojMHBII us; lu ihi. Iilnliirv uf liui HuuJllilli Nil II mm I 'iiuaiil H'lll till' r'lllHI II mi ril'IKU 11 , llijr"' l Im I II 17 Imi) III llH'lr mil"' ' iiiiiftc i"iy uf elr i"ii nf vli 11 niKi'ii ul iiiy fwimiiwr'H iiiisim mim h piwuJ M