OCR Interpretation

The Hawaiian gazette. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, July 17, 1903, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1903-07-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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Tests Will Be Made In the Courts of
Pratt's Inventory Value
Tourist Committee To Be Increased and Work
Started In Earnest Merchants Asked
To Aid Flood Sufferers.
Tourists and taxes formed the chief
topics for discussion at the meeting of
the Merchants' Association held yesterday
afternoon. The tourist committee
Is to be Increased If the Chamber of
Commerce approves anil the work of
attracting tourists to the Islands will
iBO on without delay.
The discussion of taxation" methods
ended in a resolution providing for test
f cases on oenau 01 me msuiiuiiuu
.ascertaining the Supreme Court's views
on the cash or inventory value of
stocks of merchandise. Catton, Nelll &
Co., and "Wllder's Steamship Co., will
make the appeals, the Merchants'
to bear the expense.
been knocked out near the end of the
The cablegrams sent by the Association
upon. the opening of the Manila
.line were read, as well as as the answers
Secretary Helm read a letter from the
Merchants' and Mutual Association of
Kansas City asking for aid on behalf
of the mercharta of Armourdale who
) .had been wiped out by the Hood. A
I contribution of one dollar by each
member was requested. Upon motion
of Mr. Macfarlane the secretary was
"instructed to write to the San Francisco
Association with a request for
to the genuineness of the
appeal and the need for aid.
A letter .was next read from C. R.
Frazler of the Pioneer Advertising Co.,
offering to the association 1,000 copies
of his 1 00k on Hawaii at fifteen cents
lier copy, on condition that they were
distributed free of charge. For over
1,000 copies tho prico is to be twelve
-cents provided tliat the order goes In
at at the same time as that for the
60,000 copies for tho Territory. This
letter was referred to the Tourist Committee.
J, A. Oilman for tho Tourist Committee
stated that It was the Intention
of the committee to Issue smaller
pamphlets for free distribution, but
that if anyone wanted detailed Information
then such a book as Frazler's
could be sent. For this a nominal
charge of ten cents per copy should be
made. Lighter literature end folders
were to be sent. out free. Mr. GUman
suggested also that the committee be
allowed to increase Its membership as
with the broadening of the plans there
wa8 more work and the! present committee
was too small. Finally upon
motion of C. S. Wight a resolution was
passed authorizing an Increase of the
Joint committee when the emergency
requires, the resolution first to have
the approval of the Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. F. W. Macfarlane reported
upon the Interview the directors
had had with Assessor Pratt over the
question of taxation of merchandise.
The directors contended that the
the tourist ventory value was not the cash value,
W. W. Hall reported for
I while Pratt claimed that it was. 'Mr.
committee on the Interview had with MacfnrIane nlBO quoted p.n opinion by
Secretary Carter and Treasurer Attorney Lewis to the effect that no
Jcai. He said that assurance had been teBt case could be brought by the
that the appropriation of J15.000 elation, but it must be by an individual
-was available. The committee had not
11 1 . . .. '.mere was a ienginy aiscussion on
sone into particulars as regards the
nendlnc of money, but had agreed that .,, . , . . f ,,
k - hue uoiicaoiiiciik o v. xii vci ti kiiu
It f;, running expenses, such as room rent, inventory value. It was stated that In
Vl secretary, etc., should not come out 01 jportiana forty per cent or tile inventory
the government fund. The fund to be is taKen as tne casn value, wnne in
used, for this purpose Is to be derived
from the merchant's tax. Mr. Hall
-stated that the committee Intended to
Advertise by means of posters and other
books which are to be scattered all
over the United States through the
-Steamship and railroad companies.
In response to a question from the
-chairman, G. W. Smith, the
-dent, F. "W. Macfarlane stated that the
.appropriation for reimbursement of the
-association for expenses of Pratt to
Washington had failed to pass. It had
San Francisco it is sixty per cent
It was stated also that under the
former governments a deduction of
thirty-three and a third per cent was
allowed as a basis for the cash value,
this being taken as what a stock of
merchandise would bring at auction.
A general reorganization of the tax
system was also suggested. One member
stated that he had heard it said
that the government was taking advantage
of taxpayers to make the assessment
as high as possible, and cutting
it as little as possible when cpmplalnt
is made, the merchants paying a little
more perhaps, because of a desire to
avoid the expense of appeal. It was
suggested also that the time had come
when the Merchants' Association
should do something, It being pointed
out that it was better to pay upon a
high rate of tax at a fair valuation,
than less upon an excessive valuation.
The whole system was wrong, It was
said. The assessor was not to blame,
ho was acting under the direct instructions
of the Governor and Treasurer.
Finally It was decided that the Merchants'
Association should test I he
merchandise valuation and also the assessment
upon a corporation as an
"enterprise for profit." Catton, Nelll
& Co. was chosen as the firm to test tho
clause upon a concern as an "enterprise
for profit" and Wllder's Steamship Co.
will appeal from the assessment upon
the inventory vnlue as tho cash value.
Tho directors were authorized to
bring such other test cases as required
in getting an opinion upon every phase
of the question. There was much dls
cusslon also of the cash value as related
to Inventory value, everyone
present, taking the view that no stock
ot goods would bring Its Inventory
value if sold for .cash, or at a forced
G. W. Smith presided at the meeting
and tho following were present: u. W.
Smith, P. R. Helm, W. W. Hall, F. J,
Church, J, , Oilman, II. F. WIchman,
F. W. Macfarlane, A. B. Wood, I.
Dillingham, E. E. Paxton, S. I, Bhaw,
C, L. Wight, Mr. Wakefield, Capt.
Soule, T, J. King, A. Gartenberg, E. A.
Mclnerny, Mr. von Hamm, Mr. Lucas,
Mr. Basch, F. L. Waldrpn, J, H. Soper,
J. S. Andrade, A. A. Montano, R. Cat-ton.
Head of the military conspirators that slew the King nnd Queen of Servla.
He Is the man who killed Draga. J ',
SAN FRANCISCO, July 10. Major lloopcr for many years
lessee of the Occidental Hotel, died today of kidney disease.
Major Win. B. Hooper was widely known, in Hawaii as on tho
Pacific .coast, as the most' accomplished hotcljkccpcr of San Francisco.
was.11 vercniu qijne jivh war, a ihgihuit.olviuu Jym .legion uuu.
a leading lay member of the Episcopal Church. His hotel, the Occidental,
was, for many years, tho headquarters for. the Army, Navy,
National Guard 'and clerical s nests, and it was the- favorite resort of
Ilawaiians. Major Hooper had been in ill health for some years previous
to his death and lately he relinquished his lease, intending to go
out of business altogether. The lease was, however, offered him and
I accepted on a month to month basis. Tho Major leaves a family con-
1 of a son and two daughters.
To Build Carnegie library.
VALLEJO, July 1C. The American-Hawaiian Engineering
company has tho contract to build the $1S,000 Carnegie library here.
Tho American-Hawaiian Engineering company is tho concern of
which Mr. Amweg is the local representative.
Kentucky Republicans.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., July 10. Morris Belknap is tho Republican
nomineo for Governor of Kentucky. Tho convention endorsed
President Roosevelt for tho nomination.
To Catch Ocean Smugglers.
PORT TOWNSEND, July 10. A wireless telegraph system has
been connected with tho San Juan islands to assi.t the apprehension
of smuggling craft.
Fpworth Leaguers Gather.
DETROIT, July 10. Seventeen thousand members of tho
League have arrived to attend tho convention.
Tho Detroit NewB.
GEORGE "Peoplo may think I'm stuck on this, but I'm not."
Congress To Be Called In Extra
Session On the Ninth of
Knapp, the Murderer, To Be Electrocuted.
Abner McKinley Paralyzed The
Pope Still Lives.
LONDON, July 1G. Tho Japanese legation is disappointed otot
Great Britain's attitude in the Manchurian affair. It is believed that
tho interchange of visits between King Edward and President Loubet
is significant of tho non-support of .Russia by Franco in far Eastern
jwlitics and tho withdrawal of Great Britain from tho Jap'ancso
OYSTER BAY, July 1C Tho President announces that ho
will call Congress in extra session on October 9th to consider financial
0 :
The Pope Still Alive.
ROME, July 10. Tho Popo is breathing -with great difficulty
and is kept alivo by stimulants.
HAMILTON, O., July 10. Knapp tho murderer of five women
has been found guilty and will bo electrocuted.
In Cincinnatti Knapp murdered threo persons. Ono was tho
wife of another man, another was a twelve year old girl, andtho other
was his second wife. Theso threo crimes were all committed during
tho space of seven weeks. Knapp had no real motive for any of them.
In 1895 ho killed a little four year old girl. Ho cut this cliild ,to
pieces with a hatchet and then packed her body away in a box. Finally
ho killed his third wife. When first tried tho jury disagreed and
whilo waiting for a second trial Knapp confessed tho wholo 6erica of
murders, and showed himself to bo a robber, outlaw and common
thief. Afterwards ho took tho confession back.
Abner McKinley Paralyzed.
SOMERSET, Pa., July 10. Abner McKinley, brother of tho
late President, is dangerously ill of paralysis.
PARIS, July 10. As a result of tho magisterial inquiry into
tho death of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fair in an automobilo ac'cidont,
tho two alleged witnesses, who testified that Mr. Fair died first, wero
arrested for perjury.
Tho Nelsons, Mrs. Fair's relatives who are contesting on tho
ground that Mrs. Fair died last, brought theso two witnesses from
Franco to tho United States to testify. They wero Lucicn Mas and
M. Moranne. Their testimony in Now York was badly twisted
up before tho hearing had been concluded. Tho reason thoj can
bo prosecuted in Franco for perjury is that tley told their
story under oath to a magistrate in Paris Tho story has boon
questioned many times and it is now declared thaVtho two men wero
miles away from tho 6ceno of tho great tragedy at tho tiino it occurred.
Would Not Receive Petition.
ST. PETERSBURG, July 10. Tho American embassy haaboon
officially notified that tho Government would refuso to recoivo Uio
Jowish petition.

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