Newspaper Page Text
HOUSE. ' (Continued trora Far M Uoads nnd bridges, North nnd South Kohnla GOO Jtonds and bridge", North nnd South Konn 500 Roads nnd bridge, Maul nnd Molokni 1,250 lioad and bridges, Kolon, Knual . "CO Hon els nnd bridges, Walmen, Knuai COO In each of the foregoing districts, appropriations were mndo nt the last session of the Legislature, to be expended in ndditlon to the special road taxes, nnd there nrc balances still available in thoso districts to show that tho former appropriations wero aot inndenunto andihero arc suflicient iunds nvnllable in each of tho foregoing districts to maintain tho Itond Boards until July 1. BOAHD OF HEALTH. Indigent sick, other inlands thnn Oahu jj.uuu Tho necessity for economy is so great that no npproprintion should bo inserted unless there is absoluto need for the same. Those in charge of every other department would bo glad to have additional appropriations. If economy is to bo practiced, appropriation bills must carry only items that nro absolutely necessary. PUBLIC LANDS. Gcncrnl: To reimburse A. Jr. McBryoJe.... $12 To reimbiirso C. B. Makeo 37 To rcimburso W. J. Sheldon 05 Theso items appear both in this bill and in Senato Bill No. 0, malting appropriations for unpaid bills, nnd ns they nro lor services rendered in 1902, which have never been enumerated, owing to tho shortngo in .Land Ulnce, they should not be included in this bill, making appropriations for tho present iiscal period only. May I repeat tho statement mndo at tho special session of tho Legislntmo in 1904, that in order to overtake our income and return to a cnsli bnsls, thereby doing nwny with tho necessity of registering wnrrnnts, our must bo kept, ns far ns consistent with sound judgment, below tho income. Tho items Miioed total 1 5,905.75 nnd Tcduco tho amount carried in tho bill from $44,G05.11 to $3S,030.30. G. It. CARTER, Governor, Exccutivo Chamber, May 24, 1905. Dickey moved that tho bill bo reconsidered, item by item. Carried. Avery's item passed over tho veto thus: Ayes Achi, Bishop, Brown, Dickey, Dowsctt, llnyscldcn, How it t, Ka-lama, Lnnc, McCandlcss 10. Noes Gandall, Isenbcrg, Paris, Wilcox, Woodb 5. On tho registration items tho veto was sustained uy tho following voto on tho uuestionof their pnssaco: A) cs Brown, Lano, Woods 3. Noes Achi, Bishop, Dickey, Hnysclden, Hewitt, McCandlcss, Iscnbcig, Paris, Wilcox 10. Bishop moved tlio health item bo referred to a committee, unless somo member could throw, light on tho subject. Paris stntcd ho had found there was bo physician in Kona, but a great deal of sickness, and no money to provido medicine. Thcrcforo ho moved to insert nn item of $500. Kalnnia asked to have that item raised, nnd it was passed at $1000. At the time n talk was had with the Governor, who seemed to be perf tlv BntisGcd with tho item. Tho president of tho Board of Health was present. It seemed to him (Paris) tho mo'cv was reeded. Achi said tho Board of Health bad plenty of money to spend in driving around town. McCandlcss lSI there was money Tii tho current accoi'its bill for medic'ne. Sinco tho timo tho item wns inserted tho Legislature had providnd for an increaco of doctoi ' salaries acd monoy for medicine. Paris considered n bird in tho hand worth two in tho bush. Tho Governor might veto tho items in thoso othc bills. Anyway, thj item under consideration was available, boforo July 1, whilo tho others wero rot. Tho item passed notwithstanding tho Tcto by tho voto Ayes Bishop. Brown. Dickev. Dow. sett, Hnysclden, Iscnberg, Ka-lama, Lane, Paris, Wilcor, Woods 12. Noes Achi, Gandall, McCandlcss 3. Tho ve'to of the roads items wns sustained, their passage failing on this vote: Ayes Brown, Hewitt, Woods 3. Noes Achi, Bishop, Dickey, Gandall, Hnyccldci Isenbcrg, An-lama, Lane, McCandlcss, Paris" Wilcox 13. Woods was the only one to voto for tho Public Lands items against tho ' Governor's veto. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Hnysclden presented tho following report, which was adopted: Honolulu, May 24, 1905. Hon. D. P. It. Isenbcrg, Presidcrt of the Senate: Sir: Your Committeo on Education to which was referred House Concurrent Resolution ao. 1, beg lcavo to as follows: This resolution authorizes nnd directs tho Commissioners of Public Instruction to investigate tho requirements under tho Federal laws, the, probable expense to tho Territory, nnd a possible practicable site for n College of AgHculturo and Mcchnnicnl ArtB, with other details, nnd to report the Tcsult of their ilndinnx in Vin r,o El recular session nf tlm,. M.W ,,.-.- wo unu mat by properly establish-lug nn Agricultural College within this Territory wo shall bo entitled to n .Federal npproprietion of $25,000 n year. This will materially assist tho Territory in( defraying the expenses necessarily attached to maintaining such nn institution. Thero can be no question ns to the ueuuut which win oe nerivci' by the Territory in tho establishment nnd tho maintenance of such nn institution. An Agricultural Collego will undoubtedly enhance our future development along agricultural and industrial lines. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1905. SEMI-WEEKLY, Your committee, however, feels that special direction should bo innde so ns to include n request for proper examination Into conditions, suitability of Lnhninnlunn ns a slto for this purpose. Lnhnlnalunn Is centrally located on Maul, in close p.nd frequent communication with nil pnrts of the Territory, has been reecutly provided with splendid iiiildlngs n credit to this Territory and which Would be nn honor to such nn institution. Tnkirir the matter of expense into consideration in connection therewith, we feel thnt very little extra expenditure would lc needed in the event of Lahalnalunn being selected as the Agricultural College. It is provided with buildings, workshops, electric powor nnd owns lnrgo tracts of wet nnd kula lnnds nnd a suitable water supply. Your committeo therefore recommend thnt the resolution pass with tho following nmendment: Insert the words: "Tho Buitnblencss of Lnhninnluna for such a purpose" in lino 13 between tho words "College" nnd "nnd," Respectfully submitted, HAYSELDEN, HEWITT, GANDALL. LOAN APPROPRIATIONS. Bishop presented tho following report of the confcrcnco committeo on tho Loan Appropriation Bill: Honolulu, May 23rd, 1903. Hon. D. 1. R. Isenbcrg, President of tho Senate, and Hon. E. ... Knudscn, Speaker of tho House, of Representatives, Legislative Assembly, Territory of "Hawaii: Sirs: Your joint conference committee, to whom was referred Senate Bill No. 3 (Loan Appropriations), beg lcavo to report tnat they liavo nail tlio bill under consideration nnd have, reached a unanimous agreement thereon. Tho committeo recommend thnt the bill ns amended by tho House, subject to tho changes hereinafter specified, bo passed, said changes being ns follows, viz.: Section 2, under "General Appropriations for all Islands," amend item, "Extension of Wharf Svstcm, Honolulu, out tho figures 2S0,000 nnd insert in lieu thereof tho figures $300,000. Section 2. Striko out items: School house, Wnihce, Maui, $3500; new school house, Puukolii, Maui, $2500; new school house, Mokulau, $1000; new school house, Kihei, $1500; now dining hnll and furnishings, Lnhainnlunn, Mnul, $4500. Insert new item (in lieu of tho preceding fivo items stricken out) "Educational buildings, Maui, $14,000." Striko out item, "Now school house, Pain, Mnui, $3500." Chnngo item reading, "New building for homo for non-lop ous rnii.. &rtnnn i i ..i kv building for homo of nondqprous children of leprous pnrents, Oahu, $S000." Amend item "Horolulu water works, general, $00,000," by stiikinir out tho figures 00,000, nnd inserting in lieu - - " iiiercoi ;:uu,uuu, Amend item reading "Ptirchnso of Pauoa water rights, according to tho Commissioner's report of March 30, 1905," nlso tho impounding nnd delivery of the same, $140,000," to read as follows, viz.: ' Purchase, of Pauoh water, nlso tho impounding nnd delivery of tho cniiie, $80,000." Strike out item rendinir. "Pinini? T . ..,. A . . "' A O x nroa wnicr jju,uuu. ' Striko out tho total "783.G00." bo ing tho total under tho headinc Appropriations for all Js-I lands" (ns amended by tho Houso) nnd insert in lieu thereof tho figures $S01,10." In tho same section reinsert tho following item, viz.: "Widening nnd Belt road, Knohe, South Kona to Knn boundary, $4000." Amend item rending, "New road, Knoho homesteads, Puna, $G500," by striking out tho figures "0,500," nnd inserting in lieu thereof tho figures "4,000." Amend item reading, "Extension Bridgo street, Hilo, $0000," by striking out tho figures "0,000," nnd inserting in lieu thereof tho figures "5,000." Amend item reading, "Extension Knlnppnn road, Punn, $4500," by striking out tho figures "4,duU" and insert ing in neu tnereor tlio lignros "4,000." In tho same section, Is'npd of Maui. reinsert tho item "Lahninn firo sta tion nnd equipment, $5000." Anicrd item reading, "Approaches from government road to McGregor's landing, $4000," by striking out tho figures "4,000" nnd insert in lieu thereof tho figures "3,1S0." Amend item rending "Relocating road from Lahninn to Mnnlaoa $G0S0," by striking out tho figures "0,080" nnd insorting in liou thereof tho figures "5,000." Striko out figures Island of Maui) "(19,180," nnd insert in liou thercot the figures ' In tho snme section, "Islnnd of Oahu," amend item "Horseshoo road around Pauoa vnlloy, $25,000," by striking out tho figures "2.,000" nnd inserting in lieu thereof tho figures "20,0.00." Striko out item "Iwilei branch road, $3000." Amend item "Widening Nuunnu nbovo Judd street, $7500," by striking out tho figures "7,500" and insert in lieu thereof tho figures "15,-000." Tho report wns adopted on tho following vote: Ayes Bishop, Dickey, Dowsott, Hayselden, Hewitt, Kalnnia, Lano, McCandlcss, Paris, Wilcox, Woods 12. Noes Achi, Brown, Isenberg 3. At 10:40 tho Senato adjourned till 10 o'clock this morning. THE HOUSE. For nil that the Houso of did yesterday ns nctunl work, it might just as well havo stayed at home. Still, there wero matters of routine to bo attended to and with theso it dealt. The House received tho two messages from Governor Carter which in tho Scnntn ronnrK Tho message respecting tho trouble at Lnliaina Wns rend nnd nptlnn torn. porarily deferred. Later, Harris a bill to appropriate $2000 for police expenses occasioned by tho rioting. On Coclho's motion the rules wero ' subtended and Jlnrrls's bill for tho riot expenses, the Governor's mciiico relating in ino rim nnu oenmo jjiu No. !, now before the llouo for third rending, wero referred to tho Finance Committeo for consideration. He explained that by so doing tho item of 42000 count be inserted in Senato Bill No. 9 ns nn nmendment nnd that fivo dnvs could thus bo saved. JIarris also introduced n bill to appropriate $10,000 for the support of tho militia. It wns rend n first time by title. GOVERNOR'S VETO. The Governor's messngo vetoing items in tho Additional Departmental Appropriations Bill (S. B. 5), wns read nnd action deferred. Tho report of tho conference committee on tho Loan Appropriation Bill was submitted in tho House, ns in tho Senate, nnd wns'ndoptcd. ELECTION LAWS. On Coclho's motion tho Senate's joint resolution for tho submission of tho Territory's election lnws to a of five, passed first reading. The Houso ndjourncd nt 11:30 until 10 o'clock this morning. TO FILL PULPIT OF One of the strongest ministers of the denomination on the Pacific Coast will occupy the pulpit of the Christian church In this city during the summer months. This is Itev. W. E. Crabtree, pastor of the Central Christian church of San Diego, California. Mr. Crabtree has twice been asked by the local church to come here as Its pastor but his own church has refused to let him go but he has consented to accept nn Invitation to spend two months In Hawaii and will fill tho pulpit of the local chutch during a part of the time before the regular pastor arrives. The official board of his own church has Just granted him n leave of absence nnd he ban cabled that he will come as soon as his supply arrives. Mr. Crabtree Is expected hero on the Mongolia arriving June 13. Mr. Crabtree Is n'Kentucklan and a " graduate of Kentucky University nt Lexington, taking his theological course at the College of the Bible connected with that Institution. Although still a young man he boa had the longest Protestant pastorate in the county where he resides. He took a church deep in debt and worshipping In a building in the outskirts of the city of San Diego and now- has a building on one of the finest sites in the city, the property of the church and absolutely free fiom debt. He has added hundreds to his church In the last few-years and plans are being made for the erection of a new building In order to nccommodate the glowing congregations. Three years ago Mr. Crabtree made a tour of the Holy Land, studying It In relation to the Bible. For the past few weeks ho has been conducting a revival nnd It Is probable that there will be special meetings nt the Christian church while he Is here. Mr. Crabtree will be accompanied by his family. J, THAN M'GBEW RETURNS FROM PARIS J. Tarn McGrow, son of Dr. Mc-Grow, nnd one of tho leaders in social life in Honolulu, roturned homo yesterday from a long stay abroad, spent principally in Prance. Mr. McGrow 's health has been bad for many months and ho decided that tho best placo to recupcrato was in tho Hawaiian Ho will remain hero about six weeks nnd then return to Paris to re-sumo his studies in architecture. Mr. McGrow has traveled much in Spnin nnd Italy to obtain ideas from tho architecture of there countries, but his headquarters were nnd nre still in Pnris. Ho hns mndo great progress and was duo to graduato in 'April from tho institution ho was attending. Mr. McGrcw is stopping at tho McGrew uomo on Jjiinnlilo and llackfeld streets. THOUSANDS SEE KIT. Many Honolulu People Join. In the Search. Nights of tosIng days of misery; Nearly crazy from the constant itching; Such is the lot of every sufferer With Eczema, Plies or any itchiness of the skin. Thousands Beek and fall to find relief. Many a Honolulu citizen can tell you Doan's Ointment will cure all itching skin dlseabes. William GUIlver, of the well-known firm of GUIlver & Curtis, railway and general contractors, and whoe private address is "Avoca," Bankstown, a suburb of Sydney, N. S. W., has written the following unsolicited letter, which we herewith publish in full: Messrs. Foster, McClellan Co., 76 Pitt St. Sydney, N. S. W., February 14, 1S99. Dear Sirs: In Justice to you and suffering humanity I write to say that I suffered from itching plle3 for 22 years. I tried many doctors and pretty well all kinds of patent medicines, but got relief for n short time only. Seeing Donn's Ointment advertised, I bought a pot and did not use more than one-half of It, not six months ngo, and I am perfectly cured. You may use this as you wish. Yours gratefully, WILLIAM GILLIVER. Doan's ointment Is fold by all dealers nt BO cents per box or will be mailed on receipt of price by the Holltster Drug Co., Honolulu, agents for the Hawaiian Islands. )i&Ks5(t0sKjKSSB WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN, For the Week Ending May 20, 1905. r.i Vt:ilQ&& !5 uXJr Honolulu, T. II., May 22, 1905. GENERAL SUMMARY. Moderate temperatures have prevailed throughout the' past week" accompanied hy high trade winds. Abundant rains have fallen over all windward districts, and light showers over most leeward sections. Growing cane has made fair progress, although the high winds have whipped the leaves to some extent. The harvesting and grinding of mature cane, the preparation of land, and planting continue. Pineapple plants arc in good condition, but in Maui would now be benefited by a spell of dry weather. Rice is ripening rapidly in Oahu and is heading nicely in the other islands. Coffee is doing fairly well, but is growing rather slowly on account of the high winds, which also threaten damage to the blossom. In most sections, pasture lands are in excellent condition, but would be improved by more moisture in the lower levels of Kona, Hawaii, and need rain badly in leeward Kauai, leeward Oahu, and the Kan district of Hawaii; in the last named locality drought conditions arc extremely acute, especially in the lower levels, where stock is dying for want of food and water. The high winds have had an unfavorable drying effect on pastures in extreme northern Hawaii and have damaged growing crops slightly in the Kula district of Maui. REMARKS BY CORRESPONDENTS. ISLAND OF HAWAII. Kaumnnn All growing crops are doing well under present fnvorablo weather conditions, except on hilly nnd exposed land, whero tho got tho upper hand of pieces of cane during tho drought; stripping and harvesting cane. J. E. Gnmalielson. Hilo Strong traao winds during week, with rainy nights; crops improving. L. v. Lyman. 1'apaikou Showery and cloudy; very good growing weather, and crops doing well; plowing land; planting, weeding, stripping and harvesting cane. John T. Moir. I'epeekeo Good growing weather; plowing nnd planting; hoeing young cane; stripping. James Webster! Hononiu Weather during week very fnvorablo for growing canes, and tho young plant cane, is coming up well; harvesting, stripping nud planting. Win. Pullar. Hakalnu Weather continues good for growing cane, and crops aro doing well; harvesting and planting cane. Goo. Boss. liaupahoehoe Showery and warm all week, wi'.n strong winds; crops looking well. E. W. Barnard. Ookaln V.arm days and rainy nights1; planting and harvesting cane. W. G. Walker. Paauhau Steady trado winds, with froquont heavy showers; cano showing good growth under generally weather conditions. II. Glass. Honoknn Strong trndo winds, with frequent heavy showers during week; plowing land; planting, hoeing and har vesting cane. U. 11. liragg. Kiulli Strong trado winds nnd showers all week; stripping plant cano for crop of 1900; plowing nnd hnrrowing land; plowing, fertilizing and cultivating ratoons. liobt. Hnll. Koliala Weathor continues cool and showery; quito favorable, for all operations, especially planting. W. O. Taylor. Koliala Mission A week of high winds; daily showers havo been very boneficinl to crops and pastures. Dr. B. D. Bond. 1'uakca linnch Good rains throughout tho week, but with very high drying winds. A. Mason. I'uuhuo Ifanch Strong trado winds, with continual showers; pastures excellent. S. I'. Woods. Kamuela High winds and abundnnt showers; streams full. Mrs. E. W. Hny. Puuwnnwaa Strong trndo winds continue; light show-era over makai land on 14th. Itobt. Hind. Honoknhau Northeast winds; heavy rains during first part of wook extending from ocean to mountain; pastures and coffeo much improved, but lower lnnds still requiro more moisture; live stock in good condition. F. H. Green-well. Kealakekua A good rain over tho higher lovels during afternoon and night of 10th; rain badly necdod on lower lands. llov. S. H. Davis. Knu Strong northeast winds during week; stock dying on lower lovels. I H. Hayselden. Knnlohu Wind blowing a gale all the timo; no rntn; cattlo and horses dying. G. G. Kinney. Pahnln Xo chongo to report; dry nnd windy wenthor continues. H. D. Harrison. Kapoho Light showers every night; feed more plentiful than during tho winter; vegetation fresh nnd green from tho rnins; enno is being rnpidly taken off. H J. Lyman. Olna Warm days, and rain every night; young cano doing very well, and harvesting continues; plowing considerable land for plant. E. P. McCann. ISLAND OF MAUL Kipnhulu Splendid weather for crops; harvesting nnd fertilizing enne; plowing and weeding ratoons. Andrew Gross. Xahiku Light showers every day; Rubber Company nnd several privato narties busv idantine; rubber seeds: al ligator pears beginning to ripen; nlso penohes, nnd there is indication of a largo crop of grapes. C. O. Jacobs. Huelo Conditions continuo most fnvorablo for tho development of nil vegetation; not quito ns much rnin ns during previous weeks, which is better for range stock of nil kinds; all plantation irrigation ditches running full capacity. W. P. Pogue. Hniku Sunny dnys, nnd, rnln every night; conditions very fnvorablo for general plant growth; pineapples in good condition, but a dry spell is now dcsirnblo for them; tho continuous rains of tho past four weeks have kept tho irrigation ditches of tho sugar plantations full to overflowing. D. D. Baldwin. Mnkawao Weather partly cloudy and cool, with strong winds nnd driving rains most of week causing soma )tWslf!S&&3 dnmago to crops; potato blight seems to havo entirely disappeared this year; pastures good, and crops doing well. E. H. Bniloy. Kahului .10 inch of rain on night of 14th, followed by clear and windy weather during tho week. It. W. Filler. Puuneno Light showers nt beginning of week; nights cool for this timo of the year; plantation work proceeding X. S. Williams. I Wniluku Weather during wcok tuui, wiiu Huverui. iignt snowers; nigu northeast winds blowing; vegetation doing well, and rico in full blossom; fruits very slow in ripening. Bro. rrank. Kihei Weather warm and dry. with strong northeasterly winds; ditches tairiy well sunnlieu with water from rains to windward; fertilizing nnd enno; propnring to plant 1007 crop. James Scott. Olownlu Wenthcr warm, with heavy northeast winds during most of week; hoeing, fertilizing and grinding cane. Gcorgo Gibb. Kannnpali Strong northeast winds, accompanied by light rains hero nnd heavy rains over tho upper lands; cano nnd pastures looking well. Wm. Itobb. ISLAND OF OAHU. Ahulmnnu Very lino weather, with nbundnnt showers to keep pastures and stock in good condition. E. Knust. Maunawili Weather showery, with high winds; coffeo doing fairly well; pastures improving. John Herd. Waimanalo Weather warm, with very littlo rain. A. Irvine. Ewa Moderately warm days, but night temperatures slightly below tho normal; no rain. G. Y. Ronton. Sisal Dry weather continues; milling sisal. Wm. Wcinrich, Jr. Wnianno Warm weather all week, with high winds nt night; no rnin; cano growing very well. F. Meyer. Kahuku Weather generally very dry, except for occasional light showers; high trades still prevail; pastures helped slightly by recent rnins; crops progressing favorably; steadily harvesting nnd milling cano; preparing lnnd for new crop. R. T. ISLAND OF KAUAI. Makawell High winds; no rain yet; fair growing weathor; plowing laml, and harvesting cano steadily. Hawaiian Sugar Co. Koloa Showery weather continues, with high winds during week; pastures aro in good condition. P. McLane. Lihuo Moderate temperatures, with very light showers daily. F. Weber. Kealia Moderately high temperature, with showers nearly every night; conditions favorable for growing cano. W. Jnrvis. Kilauea Very light rains during week, with strong northeast trades not favorable for tho growth of cane. L. B. Borciko. Hannlei All the rico fields aro now in seed and looking well; pastures in excellent condition. E. O. K. Dovcrill. A. McC. ASHLEY, Section Director. NOMINATIONS FOR COUNTY OFFICES The following nominations for county ofllces have been filed In the office of the Secretary: HAWAII. Sheriff Wm. M. Keolanul, John Cooper Searle. Attorney W. S. Wise. Deputy Sheriffs Antone Fernandez, District of Hamakua; David K. Baker, District of South Kona; C. K. Kunaue, District of North Koliala. Supervisors John Atcherley, tricts of North nnd South Kohnla; J. K, Hanuna, District of Hana. KAUAI. Sheriff Wm. Henry Rice. j Attorney John D. Wlllard. Treasurer A. II. Rice. Deputy Sheriffs James K. Lota, S. Kanewanul, District of Hannlei; W. C. Crow ell. District of Walmea; C. K. Haae, District of Kav.nlhau. Supervisors C. H. Willis, District of Hannlei: R. Puukl, District H GIVE CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN I BALM A TRIAL. 1 No other liniment affords such prompt relief from rheumatic pains. No other is so valuable for deep seated pains like lame back and pains in the chest. Give this liniment a trial and become acquainted with Its remarkable J qualities and you will never wish to be without it. For sale by all Dealers and Druggists. Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., agents for Hawaii. HiwiDfciKi flie nsuuee St The underilrned tinvlnir hn ap pointed agent of the above company r prepared to Insure rlika acalnst Ore on Ston and iiniMiim . jo Merchandise stored therein on ! ooit i&vorable tenim. For particular ipply at the office of F. A. SCHAEFEB & CO., Attn. North Gorman Marino Inonr'oa Go. OF BERLIN. Z Fortuna General Insuranoo Go. OF BERLIN. The above Insurance nnmnnnl.i ihnva established a general agency here, and the Underslcmed. cenernl nrpnti im authorised to take risk aeaUist th aangera or the Btn at the most reason able rate and on the most favorabl terms. F. A. SCHAEFER & CO., General Agent. General Insuranoo Go. lor Soa River and Land Transport of Dresden. Having established an agency at Honolulu and the Hawaiian Islands, th undersigned general agents are authorized to take risk against the danger of the sea at the most reasonable rate ind on thn most favorable term. F. A. SCHAEFER & CC.. Agents for the Hawaiian Island. UNION PACIFIC Tht Overland Route. It was the Route In '48! It Is the Route today, end Will be for all time (o come. THE OLD WAY. i&tzrx4'M 7tdp, Mmm If n7rrjimmmM rfv iH LL iiil THE NEW WAY. Y! JKaiaaBHHM t:d&w4f4Lfl iHiiIHilHHl tG&&aRjflHHHHB "THt OVmUNP LIMITED ELECTRIC LIGHTED RUNNING EVERY DAY IN THETEAR Only Two Nights between Missouri and Ban Francisco Montgomery St. SunFrancliCn, Cal. S. F.UOOTH. General Aeent. IS Ono still has to go away from homo to get tho news. Following is a local cablegram, headlines and all, that appears in tlio Cleveland, Obio, Press of Mny 8: PEOPLE OF HAWAII IN GREAT DANGER Burning Lava in Great .Crater of Kilauea Is Rising Explosivo Eruption Would Do Immense Damage. By Press Ass'n. Honolulu, May 8. The three-mile long crater of Kilauea, n constantly agitated lake of liquid lava, is showing great activity and fears aro felt that tho enormous mass may bo tbrowm into tho air by an explosion and a part of tlio Islnnd of Hawaii and its 25,000 inhabitants. Tho burning lava in tho great crater, tlio largest in the world, Is steadily rising. Should tho pressure increase thero is great danger of a terrific eruption. Kilauea is tho child of Mauna Loa, butjias far outgrown its parent in site, although not in tho constancy of flow. It is 10 miles from Mauna Loa and IS miles nenrer tho town of Hilo, whose inhabitants havo sovcral times bee tliown into a stnto of terror by the lava flow from Mauna Loa. On account of the relative smaller height of Kilauea an eruption from it might not reach the north coast, but it is feared Mauna Loa, which i 7000 feet higher and in tho center of tho island, would be exploded by the eruption of tho other- nnd cover tUct wholo islnnd. Hilo is considered sdfe from a mere overflow of Kilauea and it is only a, explosive eruption that is feared. Tho overflows from Kilauea usually go dowa tho south and west slopes and away from Hilo. In any event, it is likely that tho activity now begun will leavo its mark on tho topography of tho island. In ono of its overflows ono hundred year ago, Kilauea gave forth 15,000,000,00 cubic feet of rock and lava, changing tho formation of tho coast line for miles. W. Wright, for some time In the employ of the Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co., has been appointed purser ot the cable repair steamer Restorer.