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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
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cpfV v ST ? 0,v' 'TTWjrTw " iiyiw "fff v ; ii j.rM'"Si I i 3Hfc Jul 5 IB BRwl' HtWt I- VOL XL No. 54 HONOLULU T. H., FRIDAY, JULY 14, 190J. SEMI-WEEKLY, WHOLE 2711 ULLWOLULU TO GREET TUT. Welcomes of All Kinds to Be Given. Scheme of Preparations for: Entertaining the Party. o o 'O Owing to the fact that there O will be a- company of troops and -it an assemblage of carriages on - the Hackfeld wharf this morn- k lng to receUe the Taft party, It Is deemed undesirable to open - the wharf at that time to the public. The wharf will be kept r clear of visitors other than k members of the reception com- mlttee and those in their ploy. As the Taft party will be taken at once to the Pall, pass- lng from the wharf to Nuuanu Btreet, the public will have an -k opportunity to line the route and greet the city's guests. - J. A. OILMAN, Chairman Transportation Com- O mlttee. O -o O O Hawaii nel, glowing In her own sun ahlne from the foam of the outer "breakers oft Honolulu to tho waving -treetops of Konahuanul, will smile a welcome this morning to the most distinguished party statesmen that has' ever lslted the first outpost of Uncle Sam In the Pacific Ocean provided, of course, that the weather clerk does not call for weeping skies to Bhow the sorrow of the people of Honolulu that Secretary of War Tnft Miss Alice Roosevelt and their party are to stay here, but a day, To attempt to see Honolulu in a day (s a task more Herculean than any yet attempted by even tho restless, pushing American, but the arrange ments perfected by the business men's committee promises that with propitious weather there will be accomplished wonders In the exploiting of what Honolulu has and what Is of more Importance, of what Honolulu needs. THE FIRST WEICOMD, , The Pacific Mall Steamship Manchuria with the Taft party aboard is expected oft the port before daybreak. Captain Saunders of the big steamer, In carrying out the plans made by the officials of the Pacific Mall Company, will glide Into the-slip at the Hackfeld wharf at 7:30 o'clock this morning, providing, of course, the vessel arrives before daybreak. Tho first welcome will be spoken by the committee of citizens who are to meet the steamer Aboard the U. S. S, Iroquois. The committee will be accompanied by the Hawaiian band, under the leadership of Captain Berger, and the , visitors will be serenaded all, the way Into the harbor. Aboard the .Manchuria the Aloha of Hawaii will be voiced by a club of Hawaiian singing boys clad In White uniforms. Chairman L. E. Pink-ham of the business men's committee will express the welcome of the people of the islands to the Secretary of War and visiting officials. THROUGH LANE OP COLOR. The voyage of the steamer into the harbor will be attended with all kinds o vociferous welcome. Aa the great ship turns the corner at the lighthouse the marine guard of the Naval Station will be paraded on the Naval TJock and the salute of seventeen Buna In honor of Secretary Taft will be flred In the Naval Station grounds. Given fine weather the pier heads along the entire waterfront will be crowded so that the visitors may receive a touch of the true Hawaiian greeting. Tho Journey down the harbor, will be between lines of bunting, for every ship will be dressed In honor of the day. It Is also expected .that all flagstaffa In the city will he adorned with flags, and possibly consular flags will also be flown Parties' will be out on the harbor In various tugs and launches, so that not only the air will be vibrant with the greeting, but from every point of vantage will float the colors. GOVERNOR AND 8ECRETARY. Acting Governor Atkinson will await , the arrival of the territory's guests at the Hackfeld dock, and will there welcome Secretary Taft to the Islands. In the meantime the committee's dispatch boat will have communicated ashore the wishes of the Secretary, should there be any silent change In.tbe -pro mam mA Km gAfltvfn jBb Tare H rftte)il MmMM9Ki!UmMtiN8m (S.sKsSsWi gram as already printed, so that no time will be lost In getting tho large party under way for the first of the day's trips. THE PALI TRIP. As at present planned a dozen coaches which are to be used In conveying the visitors to Nuuanu Pall, the first point of Interest to be visited, will be parked inside the shed. Secretary Taft wll use the carriage of Governor Carter, under the escort of Acting Governor Atkinson. This carriage will move first, and as It starts down the dock' two companies of infantry from Camp McKlnley will form a lane through which tho carriage must pass, and present arms to their department chief. The coaches are. well provided with guides so that once under way the visitors will find themselves In tho hands of friends ready to and capable of explaining the many beauty spots nlong tho roads! WILI SEE SUGAR MILL. On the return qflthe party from the Pall the carriages '"will drive to the Oahu Railroad station where the special train will be In 'halting. To cover the program of thej day no time will be lost in getting Under way, and It la expected that the hm to Honolulu Plantation mill will ''be made within twenty minutes. A!fer an Inspection of the mill, which' 'will not be prolonged, as themembers of the party are technlpal i trugar people, the return will be made'fri as quick time as possible. Tit -is' expected that the run in, and that of the special electric train In waiting on King street for the party will be accomplished before 12 o'clock, which will give the visitors half an hour at the Hawaiian Hotel before luncheon. THE LUNCHEON. The luncheon 'will begin at 12:39. When the guests are seated 225 in all- Acting Governor Atkinson In a few words will welcome them to Hawaii, and perhaps impress upon their minds the necessity of the part of the Fed- ,i ..nt nr woii t lta ' Poclflc outpost. When luncheon is"008 bv tho arnliM in Manchuria, concluded the Acting Governor will j General ShouvalofT, prefect of police propose the health ot the President of at Moscow, has been assassinated, the United States, to which Secretary I The throno of Norway has been of- Taft will respond. This will conciuao the speechmaklng. HOTEL DECORATIONS. The docoratiorijp at the Hawaiian" Hotel will certalnlv form a pleasing surprise to the visitors. Mrs. EdwardT D. Tenney, Mrs. Charle3 B. Cooper, Mrs. F, W. MacfarMhe, Mrs. George Herbert, Miss Nellie 'Kitchen and Mr. Gerrlt Wilder -worked'.the Ewa lanals ywterday Into HroplcB?boweni. fairly .. -.... n..)vtu ...o . VnAllnH.J TT.VH. jwuuumi wtxjyrBav hi SOME DISTINGUISHED VISITORS. PROGRAM FOR THE DAY, ' 8 A. M. Arrive at Hackfeld Wharf from stoamor. Oarriagos in wait ing will convey all thoso who may wish to tho Nuuanu Pali. Tho driving tour will occupy two and' one-half hours. 10:30 A. M. Special train to with Btors to look over tho lochs of 12:30 P. M. Luncheon at tho Royal Hawaiian Hotel. 2:30 P. M. Electric car trip through tho city to Walkiki with stop at Aquarium. Optional trips to Pearl Harbor by U. S. S Iroquois to inspect sito of U. S. Naval Station; to Kahaulkl sito of U. 8. Army Barracks; about Honolulu and through its public buildings,' may bo mado under the escort of special sub-committees. 6P. M. Return to Manchuria, rt :asoaix3oo CABLE NEWS SINCE THE TAFT PARTY LEFT COAST Ambassador Cassini has sailed for home Agitator Doroulcdo has boon granted uniuesiy, At Tiflis many bombs have been lately thrown. Juliet's house at Verona has boon sold for $2000. Thirty five Terrorists have been ar rested at Rica. 1 Tho Dowio bankruptcy proceedings nave been dismissed. New York' has oversubscribed for the second Japanese loan. At Cardiff 180 miners were killed by an explosion in a colliery. Tho report that tho Popo will leave tho Vatican has been denied. Russian sailors at Rovel havo been ulBarm0(, for f e of mut, . ....: an has prevented lurtuer opera- lerea to i'rlnco Ubarles of Denmark. At Dortmund, Prussia,- a colliery off the escape of thirty-nine miners. officials at Milwaukee havo been indicted for graft- ing, Three encounters between troops and strikers took place at Warsaw on the Hth. T n Mi!.C, t,fw ., an(1 citjzeng at jTavana two werej Killed, Mt- - , , 1 . V. .. m8 oevona laieraanomi .riwortaf t mm Honolulu Plantation and Sugar Mill, Poarl Harbor. NUI OE. Lcaguo convention closed at Denver on the 10th. Tho schooner Honolulu. 107 days out of Shanghai for Pugct Sound, has been given up. Tho torpedo boat in tho bands of tho mutineers at Kustonjl has rofusod to surrender. Tbo Japaneso pcaco commissioners left Yokohama July 8 on the steamer Minnesota. All bono of savlne tho crew of tho sunken siibmarino Purfadet has been abandoned. Tho Kaiser and tho King nnd Crown Prince of Sweden aro having nn interview nt Geflo. Tho yacht Normandio has been sunk nt Now1 York in colUsipn with the steamer Volund. 4Tho People's Homo United States bank at St. Louis, has been blacklisted by the P. O, departmont. Russian Admiral Krueger will be court martialed for his incapacity in handling tho Black Sea mutiny. As a result of tho formal inquiry into the surrender of Port Arthur, Gen. Stoessel has been put under arrest. On July 12 thero wcro general strikes and riots at Minsk. Losaacks and rioters fought and many wcro wounded. Attorney Collins of San TranciscQ, lately indicted for bigamy, has fled from the city with his second wife. Many deaths from heat prostrations aro reported from Rome, New York. Thllndr lphla, Pittsburg and Chicago. Schwab's American company" has been instructed to nuild wharves for hn epnstructipia of Russia's new navTe and Russia have agreed to meet in tbo Oooriunont building at Portsmouth. N. H. Tlio Russian naval mutineers to tho Roumanln authorities on condition that they bo not returned to Russia. Lord Roberts declared in tho IIouso of Lords thnt tho British army is unfit for tho work it muyjio called to do. At Joluj Kns., n tempcranco reformer dynamited throo saloons, destroying adjoining property to tho value of $100, 090. Rougoln, thp Trcnchmnn accused of soiling military information, has been convicted and sontenced to ten j cars' imprisonment. Tho Panama Canal Commissioners lmvo decided to Import 2000 each of Italians, Chincso and Japnncso for labor on tho canal. ' A negro sailor nboard a gulf schooner murdered tho passongers nnd crow, twolvo in all, and affected his escape. Tho motive was robbery. Admiral Birilolt has been appointod Russinn Minister of Marino and is charged with rebuilding, reforming and reorganizing tho Russian navy. Ambassador Muravielf, after a stormy interview with tho Czar, has tendered his resignation ns pence commissioner and may bo succeeded by M, do Witto. i Tho battleship Potemkin was scuttled by tbo mutineers In tho harbor of Another dispatch statos that sho was recovered and taken away by Admiral Krueger, who found soyon officers aboard or tier in a pitiable condition. WASHINGTON. D. O.. Julv 8Sta. tistician Holmes ot the Agricultural Bureau hus been dismissed from tho service- for furnishing to speculators nuvanco cotton reports betoro they had boon officially issued by the government. It is roportcd that 23 mutineers at Lilmu wore condemned to doath. Tho firing squad detailed to oxecute tbum mutinied, turned about and shot twelvo officers. Cossacks wcro summoned and In tho fight that followed 30 woro killed. A strong Japanese squadron, escorting transports, nrrived In Saghnlien waters at daybreak on the 7th inst. Troops were landed after the sea had been cleared of mines. Tho fort at Korsakov openod fire, doing no damage, and was soon silenced. Japaneso troops occupied It. At Rososei boy, field batteries opened on Japaneso destroy ors but were finally driven away. Tho town of Korsakov was, fired by tho retreating Russians who mado another stand seven miles north but were dislodged and driven towards 22 miles north l Korsakov, The Japanese captured "four guns and ..a quantity or amnrunuwn, CONTRACT FOR TRANSPORT WORK, American Hawaiian Steamship Alliance Contemplated Between Germany and Sweden. . (Auociated Prtu Cablegrams) NEW YORK, July 14.Th American - Hawaiian Steamship Company has contracted with the Government to perform tho Teh-' uantepeo national transport butt- , ness between tho Atlantic and tb Pacific until tho isthmian road bo completed, which is expected to bo a year horlco. 1 GERMAN Y AND SWEDEN. t STOCKHOLM, July 14. Sine Oscar and Kaiser Wilhehn bar held a conference. It is said u alliance is contemplated. ' 4 . MORGAN AIDING BELGIUM., LONDON, July 14. King Leot pold of Belgium and J. Picrpont Morgan of Now York aro holding a conference with regard to the financing of tho development of tho Belgian littorals.' TREPOPP WARNS TERROR ISTS. ST. PETERSBURG, July 14. Admiral TrenofF will probablv succeed Minister Bouligan. Tho Terrorists havo again been warn ed by Trepofi". i QUD3T AT THE FRONT. SHANGHAI, July 14. It is quiet at tho front. Thc Japanese aro moving northward in Korea. DEADLY TORRID WAVE. NEW YORK, July 14. Thirteen deaths from heat wero reported hero yesterday. , AFTERNOON REPORT. ODESSA, July 13. Tho Pobied nosetz has arrived to take the mu tineers to Sebastopol, whero they will be SAN FRANCISCO, July 13. A reduction of twenty cpnts a hundred on all sugar was made today in anticipation of a bigEuropean beot crop. ODESSA, July 13. Twenty- four leaders of the disturbances hero havo been Langcd. Twenty- seven moro are slated for the scaffold. ST.'PETERSBURGrJuly 13. Four of the Grenadier regiments of Moscow are reported to have mutinied. The report has not been confirmed. ST. PETERSBURG, July 13. M. De Witto has been appointed chief of tho Russian peace commissioners in place of Ambassador Muravieff. OAKLAND, July 13. An ex plosion in tho mixing houso of the giant powder works at North Richmond killed the white fore man and seven Chinese. VICTORIA, July 13. Attorney Collins, who arrived here from San Francisco with hi? second bigamous wife is resisting extradition on two now indictments for pwjury. , (t m k- 'f p