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CASTLE fc COOKE CO., id HONOLULU. Uiffifliisaion OUtAli ifA.OTObtb. , AGENTS FOR the Bna Plantation Company. The NValttua Agricultural Co., Aitd. Ike KL.iuia Cugar Company. lip Vv aimea Huur Mill Company. bt. Fulton lion Works. St. Louis. 11a The Stardaid Oil Company. The Gtorge F. Iilake Eteam Pumps. Westpn'i Centrifugals. The New England Mutual Life Company, of Boston. The Aetna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. The Alliance Assurance Company, ot London. INSURANCE. rheo. H. Davies 5 Cc- (Limited.) ; WENTS FOR FIRE. LIFE A W4HI..E INSURANCE. Korihern Assurance Companj Or LONDON r'OK rlUE AND LH 5. Established 1S3S. Auan.uiu.tod Funds .... 3.'J75.00a Brilisliano Foreign Marine Ins, fi OF LIVERPOOL. FOR MAIUNE. CaWUU 1,WJ,UW Reduction of futea. Immediate Wv'ineut of CIriiii 1H0. H. OAViES & CO LH AGKNTB Castle & Cooke, LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. . . AGENTS FOR mini OF BOSTON, M Life Insurance Company OF HARTFORD. .ANADIAN PACIFIC R1ILWDY The Famous Tourist Route ot the World. Connection 'With the Canadian Australian Steamship Lino Tickets are leaned ro All Points in the United States and Canada, via Victoria and Vancouver. Mountlan Resorts: " 3anff, Glacier, Mount Stephens and Fraser Canon. Empresi Line of Steamers from Vancouver I Tickets to All Points in Japan, China, India and Around the Woild. for Tickets and gen al information Apptx o 'BEO.H. DAVIES & CO., Ltd. Agents Canadian-Australian 8. 8. Lino Canadian Paciflo Railway. CHAB. BREWER & CO'S NEW YORK LINE Bark Nuuanu sailing from New 'York to Honolulu on or about March 1st. FREIGHT TAKEN AT LOWEST RATES. For freight rates apply to CHAS. BREWER &CO., 27 Kllby St, Boston, or C. BREWER & CO., LTD., Honolulu. IAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Snjered for Record July IS, 1905. flth M W Blackmau to Harmony lodge No 3 I O O F Trs of AM bert E Mitchell to J Alfred Ma roon ..; M Itate of 8 G Wilder Ltd to Notice. N del K Abrams to Notice N ibana to Kapall (w) et al Alfred Magoon Tr to Fong Inn I'o BS Ice E Harrison and hsb to Fred "VValdron D of B P Bishop by Trs to Ter- lltcry of Hawaii ,.., ,, D in T Baker to Territory of Ha waii . .- ,. D ale W Akong to Territory of Hat , , 1 D tali n Broad et al to Territory of (await h... D a K Palama to Territory of la-wall , T nuel de Fontea and wf to ' of Hawaii .... D A TJ4.Indsay and wf to Territory of TTnwnll D ! Caroline Broad to Territory of Hawaii , r n N Kahalepuna to R Tanaka L iSdwln Benner and wf to II F Stlpp D II F Stlpp and wf to Richard H Trent Tr M "Entered for Record July 20, 1905. Joao R Telxelra and wf to Patrick O Donnell D Wlllkina and wf to J Q Lufkln M Ethel K Abrams and hsb to Estate. ot S G Wilder Ltd M Bank of Hawaii Ltd to William R Castle ..Kel "Mlkaele Kalua (k) to Klllklna Ka- ' ill (w) D Jesse P Makalnal and wt to EH F Wolter T D Isnnc S Kalu and wf to J Alfred Magoon PA Kealoha Kane to A F Cooke Tr..AL Joseph Cockett and wf et al to .C Brewer & Co Ltd , D E Colt Hobron and wf to James E Fullerton ,i. D Thomas Chrlstley and wf to Richard H Trent Tr TD Edw II F .Wolter to Bishop & Co..C M Entered for Record July 12, 1905. ijalolo Land and Imprvmt Co Ltd to Mrs Isabella Souza D Est of George C Stratemeyer by Tr to Manuel Gomes D M Gomes to John Buckley M Entered for Record July 21, 1905. Nalu (w) to Joseph Kaulnul D J G Seirao and wf to Cabrlnha & Co "Tnm."T"AVI'"v" John Lewis james u iokb v IPP HOME ;v r. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, JULY 2h 1 1905. -SEMI-WEEKLY, CIHMER L feet' There wns a multltude ot BUCSt3 him nnd Henry wired Wlttrock to know-to tiresent. .it lenst nvr hundred i.-i... i. .11.1 rri , .... Tnito. n. oni. Pk,k T.. 7.1. """"'-""""' - pomnns conveyed immer in crowaeu Christ by atty, of Tr to Luukla J traln8 .n the different villages of lono iCentral Maul. It seemed as though Luukla Pono to Mrs Mallana ' every one who had received an -- . 'James II Macy et al to Mrs Lucy E Jaklns Ml Lucy B Jaklns to First Bank of I Hllo Ltd AM J Alfred Magoon to J W Keola ot I al ' PR - Lizzie K Keola and hsb to Antone P.De Nobrique D Lllluokalanl to Hakalau Plantation I Co I Honokaa Sugar Co to J A Paaklkl i p s I Mnkaikc nnd vf to E J Benjamin Tr Recorded July 11, 1905. Hannah Kala to" Henry Komomua, D; int in kuls 11073, 7211, 6699 and "350, Walaha. 1, etc, N Kona, Hawaii. $50. B 272, p 254. Dated Oct 10, 1901. Francisco G Duarte and wf to John G Duarte, D; 3-4 acr land and bldgs, Iao valley, Walluku, Maul. $500. B 272, p 255. Dated July 10, 1905. J M Monsarrat by atty and mtgee to Theresa M Loulsson, D; 4-5 lnt In por R P 26 kul Union 1020, UIHUH 01, Honolulu, I Oahu. J3000. B 272, p 256. Dated" June 30 1905 I tfnv,in jp. ttii Tn,n.. - h e.i . t t. t;...,!.. . r..1 o.,-. w uuiiics aj r unci iuu, oiler ouici leasehold, "fralakea, Hllo, Hawaii., ll2nn. n 274 r, 109 Twi . . o ions "" , " --- .w v, vvv. 1 Manaohla (w) to Henry W Doane, D; por kul E85, Nuuanu St, Honolulu, 1 Oahu. Love, etc, UUi.piW. Dated June 6, 1905. 1 c . .. .-- . . ....' ''""""tu uuiiii ujiu wi 10 riiiur Gay gdn of. Extn M; In liber 166 fol 483 to Julv 28 1907 B 275 r, 17 Dated July 6 1905 1 C Bolte Tr to Andrew Adams D- RP 252 kul 2892 Wdm etc Kahnta KoLuioa Oahu! 150 I .? 26L Dateu Feb 13 1905 Recorded July 12. 1905. H Kin Wal to Ho Chock, Rel; lease- hold, bldgs, 1 horse, wagon, fowls, etc, Kalla, Honolulu, Oahu. $400. B 239, p 93. Dated July 12, 1905. j 1 First Bank of Hllo Ltd to Manuel Camlnos and wf, Relj 1 26U00 acr land, Kukuau 2nd, Hllo, Hawaii. $400. B 221, p 118. Dated July 8, 1905. Manuel Camlnos and wf to Verglnlo a. warvaino, u; por lot a oni P &JU6 kul 8521 B, Kukuau 2nd Add, Hllo, Ha- wall. $1000. B 272, -p 262. Dated June w. 1 Verglnlo A Carvalho and wf to An- tonlo do Rego, M; 1 26-100 ner land, Kukuau 2nd, Hllo, Hawaii. $350. B 275, n 19. Dated July 8. 1905. J Iwasakl to Hllo Mercantile Cn Ltd. ' C M; cane planting contract, sugar cane, 'bldgs, furniture, fixtures, live- stock, tools, etc. Olaa, etc. Puna. Ha- wall. $38,577.03. B 275. p 21. Dated Mrs. D. B Murdoch, Theodore Nlchol sen and Miss Evn Smith. J. N. S. Miss Fenield Rev. W. Ault ami Sm Baldwin. H. B Wcller and Mis Fanny Engle C. W. Baldwin and Miss nihil Taylor, J. P. Cooke and 5Ir"' "W S, Nlcoll, J. B. Thompson and - mj wr, l. ,. jiuraocn una Jirs. S. E. Uajlor. TheNprtdr of the challenge cups has aroused much Interest In Maul tennis circles! TALE OF. A JAILOR. Several letters have been printed re ccntly tellecttng upon Deputy Sheriff . Ittiock of Hnna for dlscharclnr from nnw i,a k-i ,i,.,i .n. now Ule tr,lth of tlle mnUer ls ,ne jiaul supervisors failed to appropriate money for Jailors' salaries because Jalla are under terrltoilal Jurisdiction, and hence Mr. Wlttrock had no power elther to reappoint or discharge Ka- hele. All this was beyond the Jailor's com- iinu ho no roie me nign i, thnt wmi, .... .iii "" " "" "" : Kinni leiiers appeared In the newspapers heaping abuse on the Innocent deputy sheriff Kaliele thinking that ho had lost his position, was naturally much offended. GAVE A HIGH TEA. On Tuesday afternoon nml nwnlntf. the ISth, Mrs. Dora von Tempsky of Makawao gave a "high tea" nnd re- ceptlon In honor ot her Sirs. J. M. Dow sett of Honolulu. After some tennis games, during the latter Pirt of the afternoon, supper was served at small tables In the parlors -and then came music nnd dancing to the Btrajns of the Kawalahao Quintet Club of Honolulu, The singing as well hn tl. . nln,il n ,!... ...., " " i""K ui ic musicians was the best ot the kind heard on Mnul In many months. Among the guests Present were Senntor nnd Mrs. J. M. Dow sett nnd Miss Edith Mist of Ilono- lulu, Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Ault of luku, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. S. Williams f Puunene nnd others from Puunene n"d Makawao. , NOTES Treasurer L. M. Baldwin states that there Is very little money In the coun ty trensuty at present, nothing but some road tax funds. However nt the . - ,. . , """ ' ' r "', V , 7, ""' "" "r" w io P"r ex- Pe"ses an." will continue to do the same monthly for half a year. rri,t ,. . , ., . . pl" "?nlf'Ctl" " Moul among c.ounty officials because of party poll- linn ailno.o ... It. TT 1 II -- : " " -.....v.. nno m harmony with his Republican con- frrAR nnH rwnnt.. Cho.lw n-. " "-' ";.. xum v-mm ," "7 of Walluku takes everything quietly ..., ., . ... . . "-." suiisneu Willi appointments - , h TVoltMt... ..u t Q ,,,"" a change " of plantation the Wnee of Pala and Hamakuapoko celebrated the approaching peace be- Vf" n'a nn3 JaPa" " Brand style " Saturday ot last 1 Koreans seem to have a peculiar cus to'".hen seriously offended with any ono' ot xVln hlm UP and heating him. "turday night Inst, at Kaluanul, three Koreans tied a fellow-country man and heat him "with sticks ijntU his back and legs were black and blue. His crlea at ,enKth brought help and one of the two as irrestcd, the other two escaping. "e arrested ono was lifted $10 and C0at9 y Magistrate Copp of Makawao "" 0n Thursday the schooner George E. Bel"nes left Kahulul for Port Town- se"2" ' Tno new BUBar mill now building at PaIa wlH nave a caPaolty of at least 20 00 tons a year. I Misses Arques, Ogler, Katherlne Hearne, Bessie Henry, former Stanford E'rls' accompanied by Mrs. Henry came to Mnul last week "nil have been the Guests of Mrs. II. B. Penhallow of Walluku. They were present nt the "harvest home celebration" of last Saturday night- Misses Mary Alexander and Kellogg of Honolulu are being entertained by Mrs. D. B. Murdoch of Pala. Mrs. Ordway and Mrs. Boyer of Ho- S?1"1" are. vlsltlnB Mrs. Kinney at the .KahuIuJ cl,ub house- Dr' Davidson of Lahalna Is on the malnland settling up his father's es tate and claiming an Inheritance of quite a fortune, $18,000, so rumor hns it. W. O. Smith and Ab. Lewis made a "r'ei uusiness visit to ainui this week and returned to Honolulu on Wednes dav. l On Monday, a crater party consisting r Misses Alexander-end Kellogg, Hon. C. II. Dickey, A. M. Merrill nnd others "- ui Uieunuia. I On Monday and Tuesday Hon. J. M. Dowsett and 8. R. Dowdle enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the head waters Honnmanu vallpv fKpnnnp,. i Miss Edith Mist of Honolulu has been a visitor at her cousin's, Mrs. J. N. 8. Williams, I'uunene. Tonight, Captain Wilcox, who has In charge of the Salvation Army on Maul, will denart for the Coast via Honolulu. He Is to receive a new appointment there. Miss Stewart, tjie dnughteri of the well known Honolulu lawyer, Is inir friends nt Pain. known fnmllvhBr fnthorj""" " " -- - . . .. DelnS lQe llrst minister of public in- structlon of the Kingdom ot Hawaii. When eight years old she went to Springfield, Massachusetts and lived wUh an Ullcle. who wn8 a JUUS of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, until ut ' tiauuuuuii uumi iul, nut. c . . .. , 1RK1 Returning p Honolulu she was mar- riea to Dr. 'Beckwlth In 1853. The gold- en- anniversary of their wedding was remembered by friends ail over the Territory two years ago. After her merlin 0v, .ni .or, ,,,.., in bury. Conn., fourteen' years in San Francisco, after which she lived In Ho. nolulu and Makawao. Mrs. Beckwlth was most charitable. Her every thought seemed to be concerning the welfare of others. She wrote many a letter expressive of condolence, en- "courngement and sympathy. Frail and delicate In physique, her opportunities for doing good were limited, but she did what she could which Is, when all Is sj!d. the best of euWIes. Tinliipa hor himtmnM i,o l.nv.. daughter, Mrs. J. J. Hair, six grand- children, thiee sisters, Mrs. Weaver, Misses Jennie nnd Amelia Armstrong. and one brother. W. N. Armstrong Th late Gen. Samuel, Armstrong of Hamp- ton wus also her brother. 1 The funeral took place on the afternoon of her death and the monies at the Hamakuapoko residence nnd nt tho Minttru In Arntrnwnn iram conducted by Rev. B. V. Bazata. The pall-bearers were H. P. Baldwin, R. F. Encle. H. A. Baldwin, ri. P. TJntlsav. W. S, Nlcoll and F. B. Atwater. D1ES OP CANCER. uru.iy morning, tne jbin, Mrs. Knirlr Atnrtnn tha wife rt tha a,...t,. " " "" """ , Be"" 01 jioxawao aistricl, uiea or cancer at Makawao after months of sufferlmr. Mrs. ICnmnln ATnrtnn wna w ..-. tne daughter of the late Benlamlna, a wea Known Hawaiian resident and of Kula, and was born at ""'" .um. o years ago. She was educated at Maunaolu ary and has always resided on Maul. July 1, 1905. j Lemuel C Abies to Nora M A Davis, Rel: lot 12 blk 33 and lot 20 blk 16, Pearl City, Ewa, Oahu; pc land, Dole Beckwlth Sts, Honolulu, Oahu; lioilRphnlil fnrnltnrp Mn TTn. nolulu, Oahu. $1. B 271, p 200. Dated July 12, 1905. t I BIshOD & Co to Georce Houchtnlllmr. Rel; pes' land, Moanaiua, Honolulu, B 138' P 382' DaUa JUne 9?hlU905,150' James" Carty by afft of mtgee to Est' v.. . ... . . . .... ... oij l uiaisueu it or, iorc juiat; jots 1. 2 and 5 blk 106 Pnlolo val Honolu- lu, Oahu; lnt In leasehold, bldgs, etc, ., ... tt 1..,.. .'.. T, ... jtiuimru !5, xiunuiuiu,, x 19, p 24. Dated June 13 1905. I Claus Spreckels & Co by atty to Lemuel C Abies A M; mtg N M Davis and hsb on lots 19 and 21, bldgs, etc, Punahou lots, Honolulu, Oahu. $1. B 275, p 28, Dated July 12, 1905. Recorded July 13, 1905. Lui Kehopu (k) to Kalelkoa (k), D; 2 acr of gr 2578. Hullhana, Hana, Maul, $20. B 269, p 236: Dated Feb 11, 1905. Ida E Lamb by atty to A Kalelkau, Rel; por R P 1730 bldgs, etc, Queen St, Honolulu. Oahu; R P 1056 kul 3079, etc, , Walanae, Oahu. $300, B 215, pS. Dat ed May 10, 1905, Abraham Kalelkau and wf to Richard H Trent Tr, M; por R P 1730 kul 729, Queen St, Honolulu. $150. B 275, D 29. Dated June 24, 1903. 1, " CAUTION1 I Persons when traveling should exercise care In the use ot drinking water. As a safeguard it Is urged that every traveler secure a" bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy before leaving home, to be carried in the hand baggage. This may prevent distressing sickness and an-, HAPPY HARVEST HAWAIIAN OF MAUI, July 21. The third annual harvest celebration given by the general manager and employees ot the Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar CO. in Puunene mill, Saturday evening, the 15th, was the great social success an- ticlpated. The mammoth sugar-room ttn frntiRfnrinpd Intn q hit of land with Its adornment of branches, ropes of ferns, the vivid colors of nags nnd bunting, and 'he glamor 'cant over all by the oiilliatit light 'from many oH.uie lamps of rod, .white and blue. There were two large halls, each 130 by 30 feet, adjacent to nnd opening Into each other, but still entirely separate. One of them was used by the dancers and the other by the spectators or those of the guests who preferred playing to dancing. The Kawalahao Quintet Club ot Ho- nolulu, on a raised platform under the .drapery of large American and English j . , ,.0 0 r ed muMc most InsDirlnjr to dancing ' ...... . . ... iinn nnn snnwn npcpmann ni it dv iiis presence.? I NMrcr 9 nVlnpk thin 8 Mr. II. P." Baldwin, president nnd general man- 0ger of the H. C. & S. Co. nnd Mrs. J. n s. Williams led the grand march, This was followed by a lancers and then by many a pleasing two-step and waltz till midnight. The caterer of the occasion should be congratulated upon the arrangement of the attractive sup- per room and the delicious menu. The Ice cream soda served during the even- . .. t r .1 ing Hours was more popular man iiih claret punch and other cool beverages, Shortly after midnight the festivity came to an end and the. trains bore away the many guests who wished their generous hosts many happy re- turns of the delightful hnrvest homo celebration of 1905. W. B. Hardey had charge of the decorations and J. B. Thompson, BenJ.i Williams W. W. Westcott and Theodore Nlcholsen man. aged the floor. MRS. BECKWITH'S DEATH. Knrlv Tilpmlnv mnmlnfr. , flip 1RIVi. . j .- Edward G. Beckwlth, the wife of Rev. Dr. .Beckwlth ot Hamakuapoko. died. She had been an Invalid for fortv vpnrs . nmi wo.irv . .., nn.i xvnm ...... with ...... tin. ...- J"B struggle against the Ills ot flesh- she wanted "to go home" and at last nnu ner uesire. Mrs .uecKWim was horn In Hnnnlnin on Tiilv 17. nnrt ..!... "as ' years or age tne day Before ner - ...- -. - ...w ..-.. She was a superior woman, a leader in thf IttilrL mmmnnltv whopa atia'of lived until three years ago. She was a faithful wife and loving mother. Be- sides her husband, she leaves a sister, , Mrs. John Aea of Honolulu nnd threol sons. The funeral took place at maple on Sunday, the 16th. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. At the Harvest Home Celebration, the evening of the 18th, J. N. S. Wll llams, assisted by two ladles, drew the players for the men's and'mlxed bles In the tennis tournament to be held on the Sunnyalde courts (Pala), August 12. under the auspices of the Puunene Athletic Club. The following list, however, ls Ject to changes; G. S. Aiken and Miss Irene AJken.' G. B. Henderson and EL ' C. Campbell, W. W. Westcott and Miss Belle Dickey, S. ,R. Dowdle and Miss Dora von Tempsky, C. C. Krumbhoar and Rev. B. V. Bazata, C. E. Rosecrans Some of the passengers to Honolulu by the Mauna Loa of Thursday were: or Holmes Beckwlth, who' is returning to California after a brief visit with his Tgrandfather, Dr. Beckwlth of Hama- Miss Edith Alexander, who Now Is going back to Oakland after a long stnv with hr hMtim. nt Tai. ir,. and Mrs. W. A. Baldwin of Haiku, School Inspector C. W. Baldwin, and Hon. and Mrs. J, M. Dowsett and three children. noylngr delay. For sale by all Dealers and Mrs. II. A. Baldwin, W. Lougher Weather Generally dry, though a and Druggists. Benson. Smith & Copland Miss Ethel Smith, D. C. Lindsay few light showers have fallen on east-Ltd., agents for Hawaii. ' and W. E. Smith, Stone Douglass and era Maul. SKIN TORTURES And Every Distressing Irritation of the Skin and Scalp Instantly Relieved by a Bath with CUTBCURA SOAP tSJnHn ilT sVW0.Vtf moitP,1r. Immanent, and economical treatment for torturing, dLflirinB, itching, barnlng. blooding, scaly, cni.tcl, and pimply kh it.P n?Uri "' l0SY hMr "d htts weo1 " "is onUorsomont olWcW chemlits, and nurses throughout the world. .us. ItSIMICBD X. u . ...... . . . 0 ,r'" "ri i t.w utwuo, ,.w .wwr uiuigu ur uomcsuo louti soap. nowoTir expensive, Is to bo compared with It for all tho purposes of the toilet, bath, and turscry. Thus It combines In ONE Soap nt Onb TniCB, tho BEST skin and complexion soap, U10 best toll jt soap and best baby soap In tho world. Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humour, Consisting of Cirricun 80 ir, to clonso tho skin of crust and scales and soften the thlckeof cuticle, Cutiutra Ointment, to Instantly allny Itching, Inllommntlon, and Irritation, and sooths and heal, and ttKtccnA Usolvkit. to coed and cleanse tho blood. A Bole Bst Is oftea sufficient to cure tho most torturing, dUlcurlng, and hurnlllatlnu skin, scalp, and blood humonra. with loss of lialr. when all else falls Bold throuiihoul the world. Aust. Depot ! It. Tnwna ft Oo,8)dney,N.H.V. Bo. Afrlcjn Depot: I.bnnon I.tii., Uapo Town. "All about the Skin. Bcalp, and Hair." free, formi Dnuo and Ohkh. OnMP..8ob Props., lioston. U.B.A. R. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. ORIOINALAND Each Uottlo oftlils well-known Ilomcdy for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Neuralgia, Toothache, Diarrhoea, Spasms, etc, bears on the Government Stomp tho nnmo of tho Inventor DR. j. COLLIS BROWNE. Numerous Tcstimouinla from Eminent Fhysieians no-company each bottlo. ORIOtKAL AND ONLY OIHUIMI Sold In Bottles. Solo Manufacturers, j t. Davenports Commercial Ono fit tho principal elements of interest in stock circles during tho woolc was tho continued rlso of tlio stock of tlio Wnlmea 8nBnr Company 'of Kauai, which had hut recently boon placed again on tho stock lists. From 37 it jumped to 00, at which ilguro Hnrry Armltngo purchased quito a block of stock from 0. J. Hutching. During tho' weok tlio stock of tho Honolulu Ilrowing and Malting Company was also placotl on tho exchange Thoro is a rumor, not conflrmod, that coast financial people aro looking over tho local financial situation to ascertain whetlior anothor hanking institution could ho added to Honolulu. WILLETT & ailAY'S REPOItT. Willott & Gray's statistical sugar trado journal fdr July 0, gives the following data concerning sugar: VISIBLE SUPPLY. Total stock of Europo and America, 2,107,018 tons, against 2,548,005 tons Inst year at tlio samo unoven dates and 2,750,208 tons' nt tho oven dato of Janunry 1st, 100.T. Tho docrcaso of stock is 381,074 tons, against a docrenso of 305,403 tons Iat week, and a docrcaso of 1,005,740 tons January 1st, 1005. Total stocks nnd nlloats, together, show a visible supply, of 2,317,231 tons, against 2,730,005 tons last year. HAWS. Tho Fourth of July holidays reduced biiBlncM and decrcasod meltings for tho weok. Changes in prices wcro unimportant hero, though important nbroad, Ono salo during tho wock of Porto Itico Contrifugals was mado at 4 for 90 test followed by sales of 4c. on roports of unfavot. able crop woather in Europo. At tho closo, howovcr, a sharp docllno in Europo which had n depressing ofloct upon Cuban holders anil they accepted n bid of 2 c. and t, basis 00 test on n cargo for prompt shipment which is equal to 4 landed, thus establishing a net dccllno of for tho week. Tho Europcnn market mado a now low level at the closo today nt 10s. 93. for immediato and 0s. 5d. for Octobor, doll very. Inasmuch as September is quoted nt 10s. Cd. nnd October 9s. Sd., tho diffcrenco, between plthnnd new-crop is still too largo to hold much longer Tlio surpriso is that the new-crop quotation still show declines in sympathy with the old crop, as on merit new crop quotations would seom to ho low enough alroady. Java sugars might ho bought nt lis. 9d. c. and f., equal to 4.30c. landed, for 00' test, but offorings are light, the carlior shlpmonts having been nearly all disposod of and no arrivals being reported nt port of call. Receipts for tho weok 20,313 tops, meltings 20,000 tons, lonving total stocks 237,231 tons agnlnst 227,018 tons last week nnd 210,280 tons last year. Refiners stock at Now York Includes 20,000 tons hold by 'the agents of tho Federal refinery, for account of speculators, hoing tho same amount roportctl by us a month ago. Cuba receipts for tho week 6,000 tons, oxports 18,600 tons ami stock 322,000 tons, with 5 centrnls grinding. Stocks in tho United States nnd Cuba together is now 559,231 tons against 349,005 tons nt samo time last year. As tho season draws to n closo it is moro ovldont that tho Cuba crop wllj, surely reach 1,100,000 tons, but not oxecod it b many thousand tons. v REFINED. Tho prices and conditions during tho week r'omnincd entirely unchanged. A good doinantl existed over the holidays, since when tho market is moro quiet and much beneath- expectations for demand, Jienco a furthor decline appears to bo nearly duo. On this decline, when it comes, it would seem to bo desirable or safer than it has been to carry a good lino of stock, although thoro is no reason to expoct any turn upwards in tho refined market the raw market for a long timo to como. European markets opened the week nt lis. for oldi crop beet sugars, advanced to lis. ld., closing at 10s 0d., tlio parity of 4.20c. for Centrifugals at York, with now crop quoted at 9s.' 5d., parity of 3.08cv for Centrifugals. Estimated afloats to the Unltod States from Cuba and West Indies, 30,000 tons; Java, 50,000 tons; Hawaii, 40,000 tons; Peru, etc., 15,000 tons. Total, 135,000 tons, ngainst 173,000 tons last year. ' "" A feature, for which Hawaii should ho thankful, ,lr that Wlllctt & Orsy nrn millllalilno' undnr "TTftwnllnn f!rnn " 'stImipIb frnm 1ia 1innl WnnTivT Bureau's crop statistics, is3ucd weekly, to the islands. ' Millions of Women Usr Crnmiu Soap, ewlnrirelr, for pro. erring, purlflnt,ii ml beautify! for cleansing U10 ecalp of crustt, ecales, and dandruff, and tlio stopping of falling hair, foroftcnlng, nhltrnlng, and soothing reil. rough, and eoro hands, In tho form ot batht forannornglrritaUons,lnn.imniatloiu,anl ehafllnge, or too f roo or ofTcnstro pcrsplra. Uon, In tho form ot wailics for ulccratlr weaknesscs.andformanrsanatlTOantlscp. tlo purposes which readily suggest them. seWcs to women, and especially mothers, and for nil tlio purposes of U10 toilet, bath, And mimprv. Vn llmnnnt nftiHnalnii ask -- -- .!, i us suaviuu tan Induce thoso wholmvo used It to us ny other, especially for preserving and pnrlfylngtho skin, tcalp.andtnlrof Infants and chtMren. Cuticuiu 80 r combines dollcato emollient propcittcs derived from CUTICUttA, the great skin euro, with th parcetotclcanslngliigmllcntsandUiomost refreshing of flower odours. Koothermofi. cqfftl soap ever compounded Is to bo com poreuwiuiurorprcscrvlng.nurlfylng.and ONLY OCNUINK. 1W. 29, 46. by all Chemists Limited. London! Considerable- space is now devoted t iS B' ft .. . A .A ),J,,J s .. . JL,JLt.A.dkJ y& jMiJL: . W r v. "ytjwtryv J T' Au 'j,i" VI , SSMaiaOLSL