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ti it It 1 m n& Submarines and to Guard Us Pend ing the Mounting of Land Batteries. (Mail Special to the Advertiser.) WASHINGTON, D. C, February 18. General J. Franklin Bell, the ranking head of the army in Washington and chief of the General Staff of that branch of the military service, appeared before the House Committee on Naval Affairs before the Navy bill was Teported on a special confidential mission in explanation of the strategy of the Pacific ocean to which the Atlantic battleship fleet is going. General Bell had with him a series of confidential charts showing the defenses existing and planned by the War Department for the proper protection of American interests and explained these fortifications in detail. Particular attention was devoted to the fortification of Pearl Harbor, as a naval base. The conference was 3. rather significant one and was not discussed in detail by members of the Naval committee after its conclusion. Following a conference at the White House during which President Roosevelt conferred with the Democratic members of the House Committee on Naval Affairs and urged them to vote "as patriots for a large increase of the navy at this time, the conference at the Capitol was looked upon as being all the more significant. The House Naval Committee" does not deal with military affairs of the army and General Bell would not ordinarily appear before thai committee. He has nothing to do with the naval estimates, but the committee wanted to hear from him as he is the chief authority in the country on the fortifications of the Pacific Coast, the" Philippines and Hawaii and as chief of the General Staff is thoroughly familiar with the plans being worked out both for the development of the defenses of the Pacific as well as the confidential plans that are constantly being worked out in anticipation of future warlike contingencies. General Bell was induced to appear before the committee" only after he was assured that his visit would be treated as absolutely confidential. The request that he so appear was made by Representative Richmond Pearson Hobson, a member of the naval committee, who is in favor of a very large navy because he believes that war with Japan is inevitable. General Bell told Representative Hobson that he would appear before the committee and talk fully if guaranteed that his visit would be treated as confidential even to the extent of omitting the usual stenographic record of his remarks. This promise jvas made and the usual stenographer was absent when General Bell entered the conference with his great charts of the, Pacific and its defenses. "When Delegate Kalanianaole was re- f If offensive operations were cently before the Naval committee he urged its members to invite Admiral Dewey or some member of the Xaval Board to appear before the committee and state personally in an executive session some of their reasons for the .nigency of the work at Pearl Harbor which they might not care to transmit to Congress in writing. In connection with this suggestion it developed that Congressman Hobson had ventured in advance to see Admiral Dewey and others who have studied the question, including General Bell. Admiral Dewey recommended Captain John E. Pills-bury, of the General Board, as the man to represent it, and General Bell said he would hold himself in readiness to appear if desired provided his statement would be treated confidentially. General Bell used a Mercator map of the Pacific showing the distances from the Hawaiian Islands to surrounding points and explained that Hawaii was in the center of a circumference which Is approximately from 2100 to 2100 miles that touches Alaska on north, Caroline Islands on southwest, Samoan Islands at the other southwest angle, Tahiti on southeast, San Francisco, Victoria and Seattle on noreheast and Unalaska on. north, therefore dominating the Pacific. If there were no Hawaiian Islands the United States and Japan would be on the same basis in military operations. It would simply be a question of a five or six trip across and operating at that distance. If there were many such island groups in the Pacific the possession of any one would be relatively unimportant, but as there is practically the one single group In mid-Pacific commanding the situation the "effective possession" of Hawaii the Xaval commits tee was told means that no hostile fleet from the Orient would dare' pass that strong base to attack the California coast. If Hawaii is "con-trolled" that is, effectually occupied by the American navy as an operating base it can defensively set out the line of attack 2000 miles from the coast. The naval committee was told that scouting cruisers operating from such an outpost which is connected by cable with the United States could be in constant communication, even en by the United States Pearl Harbor could become the coaling base for the entire fleet. The naval committee has been informed that. unless the United States makes Pearl Harbor impregna ble this outpost would be captured by 'Japan in the event of war and the advantage lost by the United States would go to Japan, which would then have the mid-Pacific outpost. General Bell explained to the committee that the army is this year preparing to mount guns at the mouth of Pearl Harbor. The fortifications include a mortar station on the hill over-looking the harbor, a heavy rifle station at the mouth of the Honolulu channel, another one at "Waikiki, and another one back of Diamond Head. It will take several years to develop a drydock at Hawaii, Meanwhile the plan is. for the Xavy Department to furnish submarines and torpedo boats for the coast defense of Hawaii. The Xaval committee has been frankly told that not one gun is mounted in the Hawaiian Islands, that an Oriental enemy can with one battleship take possession of Hawaii in half a day by landing troops and arms. The army is in advance of the navy in the little that has been done to protect Hawaii. Some emplacements are finished but no guns have yet been mounted. Some appropriations for guns have been made. Secretary Taft is urging very strongly this year that Congress provide for the entire plan of defense outlined by the Taft Boar'd report. The estimate submitted for the emplacements which command the approach to Pearl Harbor is $1,100,000. The total estimates for the army fortifications is about.?2,500,000. The House appropriations committee Is bejng strongly urged to make these appropriations but the Naval committee is told that these fortifications will have their value greatly diminished unless something is done for a naval base. ERNEST G. WALKEB. L-- HOW DIPHTHERIA IS CONTRACTED. One often hears the expression, "My child caught a severe cold which developed into diphtheria," when the truth "was that the cold had simply left the little one particularly susceptible to the wandering diphtheria with the present efficiency of wireless """ , T "-"""""" r J I Remedy is given it not only cures the telegraphy, with Honolulu and through that with the mainland for the direction of . operations for many hundred miles. Army, -transports today, operating beyond Honolulu to the Philippines have communicated for S00 miles. cold, but greatly lessens the danger of diphtheria or any other germ disease being contracted. There Is no danger, in giving this remedy, as it contains no opium or other harmful drug. For sale by Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., agents for Hawaiian Islands. IT X" HAWAIIAlf GAZETTE, TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1908. GENERAL BELL INSISTS ON DEFENSE OF PEARL HARBOR W Oil THE LANDS Arthur C. Alexander, commissioner In the. partition suit of May K. Brown v. H. Holmes and others, relating to the land of Makaha, "Waianae, Oahu, has rendered a detailed report. After discussing the land, the fishery, the water and the appurtenances, Mr. Alexander says: "So far I have avoided the latent resources of the land. One riding over It is struck by its undeveloped possibilities, such as the increase and the greatest development of these latent resources, and by no scheme of partition would it be possible to make an equitable distribution of them." This summary and conclusion are as follows: "Physical features alone considered, I believe, that an equitable partition of the property included In the leasehold could be made on the basis of its present condition without prejudice to the parties at Interest; provided that the improvements on the land were excepted from such partition by mutual agreement and some central authority were constituted for the control and distribution of the water supply. Unless the improvements on the land are excepted and some satisfactory arrangement is made for the mutual control of the water supply, an equitable partition of the property Is not feasible. "The question as to whether any subdivision requiring considerable expenditure for surveying and fencing is sential part of the proceedings to establish the Mahuka site for the proposed Federal building. PLEADS WRITTEN CONTRACT. Julia H. Afong, by her attorneys, Holmes & Stanley and C. H. Olson, de- HONOLULU The -work of enlarging Honolulu Harbor, upon which the "War Department has entered In pursuance of the $400,000 contract authorized by Congress, Is now In full swing. Two dredgers are at work. A floating drill, by means of whlcn the heavy coral of the bottom of the harbor Is blasted and 'broken up'. Is In active operation, and an Island to be known as Sand Island and which will occupy an area conservation of the water supply, the of something like two hundred acres raising of dry land crops like sisal and Is being built up. cocoanuts on the lower flats, the The general plan of the harbor of the elevation of the stream ( provement is to cut off the old point for the development of power, and the where the lighthouse stood for so many possible quarrying of sandstone and years, and to greatly widen the harbor other stone for building purposes. A from the channel entrance, Ewa. The partition of the land would harbor has always been narrow at the edly be prejudicial to the best and point where the channel enters It, so that large steamers lying at wharves In the part of the harbor "Walkiki of the foot of 'Fort street,, always had difficulty In turning around to go out. This narrowness also affected vessel berthing at the other end of the har bor, but not so much, and for two vessels to attempt to pass in this part of the harbor was dangerous. The work now In progress Is at the old lighthouse point and the portion of the harbor in that vicinity. The suction dredger Reclamation is at work between where the old lighthouse stood and where the foundations have been built for the new lighthouse, or as It Is officially designated, the front range light of Honolulu harbor. From this dredge the material brought up from the bottom Is forced through a long line of pipe about a foot in diameter, which passes across the island which is In process of formation, or rather of enlargement, and empties on the seaward side of the island, the solid material dropping to add to the justifiable under the nrprt.iin tprmr accretions to the Island, while the to of the parties at interest, I leave for teF ln which u ls carried runs off to your Honor to decide." FEDERAL. BUILDING SITE, mingle again with the water of the v ocean. The deep dredcintr and the dredirinir In the Territory's condemnation suit, of the hard material is being done by Superintendent Campbell v. Mahuka the dredger Governor. For this work and others, for land needed in the ex- both the "arm" and the "legs" of the tension of Bishop street, H. E. Cooper, Governor had to be lengthened, the attorney for J. F. Hackfeld, trustee, arm so that the dipper part 'of the Heinrich "Wilhelm Ehlers and Paul J. dredge could reach down to the re-F. Ehlers, has filed a motion that the quired depth, and the "legs" so that trial of the cause, so far as these de- the dredger could stand in the are concerned, may be set for ed depth while It did its work, a day certain. This action ls an The material brought up by the dredger Governor is emptied into cars on a scow or lighter brought alongside the dredger. When these cars are loaded the scow Is towed to a landing on the island which has been fitted for this purpose. There the cars are landed and hauled by a locomotive over f'VLiT'z ,arz,?z w " " " , ' -" . " car are dumped always on the o m. She, saYs tne, nly leSal ward side of the track. As the Island contract shown in the petition is the is buUt out seaward in this way the agreement of compromise in the track !s m0Ved constantly in the same inal Afong suit, which does not appear direction netuJonaln Prra'Se a"eSed ln tlW The arrangements 'or the landing of p the cars from the scows or lighters to I , the island is rmltp an Inpsnlmis and GOOD PRICES FOR C SOME CHINESE LOOT effective arrangement. The track comes to the water's edge. There an "apron" is built, one end of it resting on the island, and the other supported by counterweight and so adjusted that it can be raised or lowered to adjust the height to the stage of the tide or NET5V YORK, February 19. The first tne varying draught of the scows. day's sale of .Mrs. E. H. Conger's 'f1 scw w"h "s ,te" ,oa;d , ., . ,, , cars is brought up to this landing the lection of art objects at the American apron Is let down until its surface is Art Galleries realized JS057. The sale even with the surface of the scow, continues during the week. Mrs. Con- Tne track on the scow thus meets the trac on tne and the locomotive ger is the widow of E. H. Conger, late ap,rn' ,. . , ,.. . ' couples on and draws the cars right Minister to China, and now resides In SCOwHxnd off the out to where their California. Her collection represents contents are to be dumped, part of the if.ot of the Peking palaces, The dr'll which is used, in the work taken at theUime of the Boxer of blastlnS consists essentially of a The curio he largest price closed. Along one of the longer sides was a Chinese, imperial bell, taken of the scow there Is a row of drills. from the TempRi of Agriculture, which went for $560. The Metropolitan Museum was prom- SQUADRON JL: These are operated by stationary engines on the scow. The scow is moored by ropes from both sides, which operate over winches, and thus the Inent among the purchasers, buying, whole affair can be "brought to any among other objects, elephant trap- retluIred Position and held there while the drilling goes on. "When all the , from t. , , , . , Pings the imperial elephant drHIs have been driven t0 the requlred stables of Emperor Chien Lung, for depth, blasts of dynamite or giant $150; boxers red silk cavalry flag, de- powder are placed in each hole drilled, Wires connected wlth them. Then are scribed as "Captured on the City "Wall the drill scow is moved riff to a safe by United States Troops, August 14, service, sold for ?505 each. II 1 TTHEY distance bv means of Its wlrmhps nnrl 1900, when they entered the bes'eged mooring ropes, and the row of blasts city of Peking," went fcr $22.50. Is set off simultaneously by electricity. Two very old and rare temple gong's A vlew of one of these blasts at close .. , , . . -, .... tI range is Interesting. Very little rock Is " " " "U""B -""""" thrown up to the surface of the water ;or above It, the water acting as a cushion to prevent this. But the water ! itself is thrown up in miniature geysers, and for several seconds after the ' blast is exploded the water directly above it is a boiling mass with a level fully a foot above the general level of the water in the harbor.. After this subsides, the drill scow Is moved back Into position, and 9. new A party composed of Bookkeeper row of holes is drilled a regular Campbell of Kahuku plantation, Mr. tance back from the last row. Thus Scott of the Honolulu Iron "Works, Hen- the ho"011 is blasted loose in regular ons ready for the big dipper ry Davis. of Honolulu, Ed. Hoare and ,r . ..,,,. dredger Governor to bring the broken Mr. Ginaca were at ilakua last even- fragments to the surface, ing about sunrise and thought they saw In the illustrations herewith, which a squadron of six ships directlv off are from Photographs taken by the that place, on the far horizon. Mr. Adrtis f"81 few f,ays e suction dredger Reclamation is shown , ., ,. ,. Davis 11. .x. telephoned the fact to his son, at work ln the foreground, and beyond saying there was uncertainty as to it the new temporary lighthouse, part-cloudy 'effects but that all the party U" hidden In the picture by a part of what e frame work of the dredger, and the saw seemed to be ships. "When , ., .. lighthouse-keeper's house which has t 1 the Advertiser learned of this it call- been moved from the p0SltJtm ,t had ed up Captain Carter of the navy, who occupied since 1S91, to the new Island got in touch -with the Makua party In course ofreation. The photograph and questioned it closely, reaching the was actually) "taken from the point where the old lighthouse stood, looking ni.: ii A v, conclusion that clouds to blame. were g,'ve seaward. This of UseIf wU, ,0 Captain Carter says that sundown idea of the enlargement of the harbor clouds are often mistaken for ships. lat this point. LETTERS COME FOB LOST SAILORS Two letters were received by "United States Shipping Commissioner Almy yesterday, which recall In mournful and pathetic way the tragedy of the American ship Eclipse and the terrible sixteen days at sea In an open boat experienced by her crew. These letters were addressed to Stanley Ennts and Isidore Madec, two of the three who died from their sufferings from hunger, thirst and disappointment In the leaky boat that had been their home for thirteen awful days. The letter to Ennls was postmarked at New Bedford, Mass., and was ad dressed to him at San Francisco, care of the ship Eclipse. Itjwas postmark ed November 23, 190 1, which was about a month, after the Eclipse sailed from Newcastle, New South "Wales. The letter to Madec was postmarked France, in December, and it likewise was addressed to Madec at San Francisco, care of the ship Eclipse. Evidently the writer of each letter had received word from them that they had shipped on the Eclipse for San Francisco and these letters were written to meet them at San Francisco on their arrival there. Of course, there is nothing on the outside of the envelopes to show from whom the letters are. But It is clear from the fact of the letters Itself that each had friends or relatives who were Interested in him. The letters will be returned to the dead letter office, and from there to the writers, if there is anything In them to indicate who the writers were. These letters, however, make more certain than it was before the homes of these two men, and their effects and the wages due them will be sent by the Shipping Commissioner to the friends or relatives whom they have left behind them. THE CHINESE CONSUL US EXPERT WITNESS Chang Tso Fan, the Chinese -consul, was called in the trial of Lee Sa Kee, as an expert witness on behalf of the United States. He gave evidence similar to that Which he gave in the Dai Fook case some time ago, relative to the marriage and family custom" of his nation. Judge Dole, in the case just mentioned, ruled that a marriage in the Chinese manner was valid whether a license had been issued for it or not. Lee Sa Kee's case turns on the same point. The prosecution is still on, the court standing adjourned until 9:30 Monday morning. Thus far the trial has occupied four days. The basketball championship of the American Amateur League will be played for in San Francisco today. The endorsement asked by Treasurer A. J. Campbell for C. T. "Wilder, nominee for the post. of Assessor to succeed Jas. Holt, over which the members of the executive committee of the Central Republican Committee has been quarreling for the past week, was voted by that body yesterday afternoon on the they liked it. G. "W. EsKing, holding the proxy of Arthur Rice, was also in favor of sustaining the Governor and PUHPE BEIT NCE GAHNIVAL "I have seen fetes and floral festivals all over the world, in Nice on the Riviera, in the South and on the Coast, but nowhere did I ever see such a display including so many original features and so much dissimilarity of beauty as that of your Floral parade here." R. K. Bonine, the moving picture man, who came here for tho purpose of enlarging his collection of Hawaiian scenes and particularly to obtain views of the "Washington's Birthday floral celebration, was the speaker. He is enthusiastic over the parade and over the splendid pictures he was able to get, the day having been an ideal one from the photographer's standpoint. These pictures he has already developed and will print positives off the rolls of films in order to include some of them in the next moving picture entertainment he will give here very shortly. In all, of the parade, he has obtained over eight hundred feet of film and in addition has scores of stereoptic views of the best floats. Of these he expects to sell a very largo number of copies, especially for the use of lecturers. A large number will also bo sent to Europe for distribution. "What struck me as particularly good about the whole parade," he said, "wa3 the fact that it was not stereotyped, one car so much like every other in line, as is the case so often with such affairs. In fact there were no two cars nor floats in the parade on Saturday that were deeorated on tho same idea. Flowers you can see anywhere but such original floats as that of the native canoe, the Chinese dragon boat, the Japanese cars and a large number of others were away out of the common and all splendid. The horseback features, too, were fine. That pageant irom Punahou, for instance, was as pretty and as elaborate as some of the historic pageants being jjjven in the old English cities, about which the illustrated papers are making-so much. The riders also gave the parade a distinctive touch. Altogether it; was splendid, much bettor than I had expected to see. "I expect to place a good many of my pictures with men who will exhibit them to that part of the public, that has money to travel. I have received word from E. Burton Holmes, the celebrated lecturer, for instance, that ho-will be here on the Korea on Monday and wants to have copies of all my Hawaiian stuff. He lectures to the best people of America and in his handsi these views will have a big promotion value." REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE ENDORSES CHAS. T. WILDER noi.ncement of "Wilder 's appointment. Before the votiDg there was muah talk and Governor Frear and Treasurer Campbell had doubtless tingling ears for the half hour that the wrangling: continued. There was warning that the course of the Executive was forcing tho Hawaiians to take up the fight oa a color line basis and answering warnings casting vote of A. G. M. Robertson, th J that they would be foolish to attempt chairman. The vote stood four to four, Lane, Eanuha, Crawford and Ahia re fusing to change their position and accept the explanations that "Wilder was really' md at heart a good Republican, while opposed to them were Farrington, Krueger and Savldge, who realized that to save their faces the committee had any such a thing. Finally the matter was smoothed over and some of the bitterness of defeat modified by the suggestion that the appointment of "Wilder would leave a vacancy which, could be filled by Tim Lyons. The practical dischargo of Lyons from the Land Commissioner's office re- better swallow their medicine and say I cently has been rankling in the minds voted his proxy accordingly. This left"pin "Wilder 's old job,-which carries near the casting vote to the chair, with the result that the way is paved for the an- of some of the committee members, particularly those who opposed "Wilder so strenuously. But if he can be landeil ly as big a salary as the assossorship, things will not be so bad. CAPTAIN CORWIN P. REES ( TO SUCCEED ADMIRAL VERY Portsmouth, X. H., Times. The regret is general that Captain Corwin P. Rees, U. S. 2f., who has been the popular, courteous and efficient executive officer at this station since February 16th, 1906, is about to conclude his tour of duty here having received preparatory orders to sail from San Francisco on April 14th for Honolulu, to relieve Rear Admiral S. "W. Very, U. S. 3f., commandant of the naval station in the Hawaiian Islands. Captain Rees, as executive officer at this station, has done more to ornament and make clean and tidy this yard than all the officers occupying the same position that have preceded him. The esplanade in front of the administration building, which when he came here was little else than a dusty, wind-swept desert, with jagged ledges protruding through the thin crust of earth, is now covered with handsome well kept lawns, traversed with walks and edged with cobble stones. All the thoroughfares and walks about the reservation have been regraded and made smooth, trees have been set out, waste places made clean, sloughs filled up and the entire reservation made attractive to the visitor and comfortable and pleasing to those having to do with this station. All this has bcenN accomplished quietly and without ostentation and with no expense to the government. The prisoners from the Southery have furnished willing labor, material gathered from the dump and refuse piles, and the seed for sowing of the lawns purchased by a fund raised among the officers through the enthusiasm of Captain Rees in his work.. Dignified and of commanding presence, courteous in his dealings with all he has the respect and confidence of the working and official force of the yard who will sincerely regret his departure. JThe1 duty to which he has been assigned takes hiia to one of the most desirable naval stations of the country, in the most delightful climate of the globe with tropical verdure and invigorating sea air, yet withal one of the most important stations of the government. Captain Rees will be the right man at Honolulu in any important event which may occur in the Pacific ocean. i m fc m t.