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The Hawaiian gazette. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, January 16, 1914, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1914-01-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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If, I ,;'f ;Ax- l-?': A r X"??f
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s y of c?A.-v
voL Vii.: no. 5 ;
j w 7
V I It J I Wilt I li- I If It I If i
w r M v y v 1 j
President Wilson Issues Call for
' Immediate Funds to Assist
.Starving People of Kagoshima
District, Ruined by Volcanic
. Eruption in Southern Japan.
Relief Party .Visiting Island of
Sakurajima Reports That Thou,
sand Houses There Have Been
Destroyed Other Towns Along
V Coast, Tired by Red Hot Lava,
. Still Burning. , ' V; "
WASHINGTON, January 16.
(By Associated Press Cable)
President Wilson today has
issued a general appeal to the
people of the.United States for
immediate funds to assist the
stricken people of the district
of Kagoshima, who we victims
of the great Tolcanio disaster.
The funds will' be forwarded
as fast as they are reoeived, so
M to do the greatest good possible.-'
pnn, -Jjpmnry
. f16.-fBy As.s(X'iateti 1'resH Cable)
-An eflort ,wn made yeHterday
by a relief party to laud oa the
Island of 8akqrajima,' where the
volcanic eruption is takinff place,
u and upon its return Reported that
four villages there, ,entaininR Bp
, : proximately one . thousand house
holds, have been deHtroyed and
buried under the lava flows. :
( Several villages alungr the coaKt
" ' of KaROHhima Hay, which were get
Senate Committee Advocates Gov.
; ernment Ownership to .
'.-. End Strikes.
. WASHINGTON, Jtnwy 16, (Dy
AMOdiated Pre CVble) Badiful io
extreme it the report filed here today
by the Senator Martine inveiitigating
. committee, which made a itudy of the
roudltiom in the coal minea of Weit
Virginia recently. " ..;
- Boclslistg are jubilant over the ree
ommendation of the committee that the
government ownership of the great coal
niiuee of the country la the only rem
edy for utrike disturbances, aurh aa
. prevailed . for weeka in Weat Virginia
. laat year.' , v
The report gooa into great detail and
attributea much of the violence, and
bloodxhed In the miniug illstriiti to
the presence of armed guard hired by
the mine operator,. . .""
i .. .
EVEBETT. WttHhington, January 16.
(By Associated I'rcM I'able) Five
.unmasked tandita yesterday, " during
the busy tima of the day, raided the
Granite Falls Htattv Ilauk, held up the
cashier and flcnks aud siu-reeded iu ae
curing $151)0, with which they mn
to make their racupe iu safety,
v Possea are scom-intf the country in
pursuit of the robbers, but it hi bo
lieved they have scattered and there
ia not much hops of their capture,'
. -
LKGHOHN, Italy, January 15. (Tiy
Associated Press t'ublo to ritar-Hulletin)
6lx Violent earthquake in rapid suc
cession have frightened the inhabitants
of this province to the poiut of panic.
No deaths ar reported and hp. damage
fits been duoe, ,- - -. . .-.
Scenes of Kagoshima and Vicinity, Where Now. Reigns Death; ,
Starvation and Desolation From Recent Outbreak of Ontake
t '
kSHTTA BuiJmg ih
s rpace of Admire
on fire livflnmino' dihria from the
volcano, are still burning, and the
scene ox .destruction in this dis
trict is heart-rending. Starving I
peasants and those once well-to-do,
are. wandering about" seeking
luVd or assistance. ' .. - , . .
.Tne Japanese government ia 'Ho
voting every--.energy to the task
of bringing relief to the thousands
of homeless people here, ' Practic
ally every building in Kagoshima
has been either destroyed or made
unfit for; habitation but the ques
tion of feeding the neonle is the
immediate problem.- . . V ; - ;
:. It is offlcially ; stated ' that the
1oh8 of life has been great while
the property 4osa. is beyond est i-
mute .at this time;
inn 1' Tinii Mtiiir -'V
, TOKIO, January 15. (Special
Cable to. The Nippu Jiji) Accu
mulated horrors developed in eon-
Representative Gillette . States
Only Result ; Can Be
Mexican Intervention.
WASHINGTON, January : 16. (By
Associated Press Cable) During the
progtesa of a -war speech by Bf.re
sentative Frederick IV Gillette of Mia
k4ihusetts in the house yeiterdar. he
scored the policy of the Democratic ad
ministration ig relation to the troubles
i Mexico and the stand taken toward
Provisional President Huerta. . .
Intervention in Mexico. Predicted Mr.
Gillette, can be the only result of the
admlnis:ration'e present policy. de
clared that an early recognition of
Huerta durbar the orocress of develop
ments Jn the Southern Republic would
have offered the beet chance of restor
ing order there,
. Th&t nurt ii f tIn.....i.i:. : nit
Mto's" speech devoted to th. Mexican
poliey of the Vnited tates wider the
present ailininlntrwin -. i.i Am.
tided interest. '. , ; i
; ' . . ..
. -. ; '
-.. tJAjf .FRANCISCO, January 18.
(By.-. Associated Press Cable)
L'mlor the new tariff eggs are ad-
mitted to the country free of duty
and the first large shipment has
just arrived on the pacific Mail
steamship. (Siberia, from the
Orient, consisting of 600' cases, or
8(1,000 eggs. . "
It is believed that the sudden
throwing of this quantity of Chi-
uese eggs on the market will cause
considerable injury to the home
Product. , i
''.'','.': .'.' ' '-'"'..,' t ,.
: - 'V.:,;o.,; V-r
" ' - T r
V; '.... r,;s i J
V) ' II' " "
nqftf fanpc"
7V60 siov
nection With the volcanic disaster
in i KagoHhima Prefecture oda.y
when a ' second tidal wave swept
over the- lower miction' of the;, now
ruined. city of Ks goahima,-washing
a way What few Iiouwh Vere
left standing rand the ruin of
Djany others.i Only the fact that
iltpwt iT: v.jal in.'jjOvacatod by,
thi'lr'oTw'iIetiA prevented ; n great
losif of Kfjj, following the'tida,!
wave thtf sea resumed its former
comparative calm. ''
j-The tidal wave- followel the
outburst from a new crater on the
Island of Sakurajima, after a- pe
riod of subsidence of the erurtion
from the volcano of Ontake, which
at first caused rejoicing through
out the district. " . .-
But this morning there was a
Would Secure
Relic of ; Captain Cook
Suit Brought By Territory to Recover,
ror unusn ivjuseum, it is ueneved,
Ancient Copper Plate. -
Letkl step were instituted yesterday
morning by Attorney General Wade
Warren Thayer, for the Territory, to.
recover a valuable ' historical telle
which ia now in the posysoioa of Mrs.'
Wrt.l T. T.a.Ka nf thia ait ...! wl.ik
the - Territory claims lawfully belongs
tn it -.-': .
'While nrthinir to the effect is allesed
in the writ of re-Mevin filed yesterday
in the office of the clerk of the first
circuit court, it is understood thit this
action is -being brought 'by the Terri
tory .at the request of the British gov
ernment, which last Aipril made unavail
ing efforts to get the relie from Mrs.
Leslie, and offered to pay her a fuir
amount of money , in exchange for it.
Tho relie is none other than the fa
mous copper plate which originally
mark nil the exact nnt "of Mia .IajiMi
of Otptain Cook at Kawaaloa, at Koala-
kciiiim, niwiui tun it is wanted to ne
4dded to the prierte relics which are
now in the liritinh Museum at London.
Tho wiit of replevin filed yesterday
ia entitled, "Territory of Hawaii, by
WadA Wrrpn Thavr : utlnrnir itah.
eral, vs. Mrs. Mary Kllen (MrsV lW
I) Leslie."
uiitoncat inscription.
'The nroirtv claimed bv the Terri
tory is thus described: Ono cop; er
plate, Spproxlmatelytwelvo by tweiity-
e i l I . . i .
iuur lurnm: in size, coniaiuing tne 101
lowing InM-riptipn':
!KAH III 1ft il)T
A. 1). 1778
OCTOBER 17th, 1S37
WM. CAfiy i
a ;' Bcuipt.
That the histuriuil nlal' I. Vrnlur.
fully held by the defeudant and that
,. j
7, - ,-,
terrific explosion 'from the' base
of the volcano 'and another erup
tion burst forth from a new crater
suddenly formed on the western
shore of the inland and in shallow
water, opposite the city $t Kapr
Bhima.' 'y,.;; .' ','...,-'.. -.V
An irnmnw dnlnmn at flumn
a- immiH'r oi jn'axerspouts ; i inen
came ' the tidal wave; Th new
rrater is still in eruption, accord
ing to latest reports, bnt-has died
down considerably and no more
tidal waves' have followed, ..
Emperor Yoshihito is reported
to ' be sti-ickcn . with ' gfiet over
what he terms one of tho greatest
disaaters which has overwhelmed
modem Janan. and helhaa order-
led one of his chamberlains to pro-
-? :
the Territory clailiis to be the rightful
owner of it are ' allegations contained
in the complaint of the writ of re
plevin. That the , Territory cannot
pine a money Value' on the plate, ia
another allegation, but the compliant
on thin nnint ititM ' ' that tha, ictniil
value of the said personal property, to
wii, :i cornier piaie, lies in us His
torical significance; that it is of great
vr.lue.as a historical relie, but that
plaintiff is unable to state the value
thorMif in terms of money." 1
Attached to the eomnlaint ia an affi
davit sworn to and signed by Ippt.ty
Attorney tieoerai Arthur J. Smith, in
which are set forth as matters of fact
the allegations contained in the com
plaint.: The writ was issued and the
suminona was out all yesterday after
noon for service op Mrs. Leslie.
Stories of Copper Plata. -
There am two' ainriaa tttini a in
how tho t elobrsted plate first eame Into'
eiisieqce, una is mat It Waa Kronbt
out from England by the British war
"h'p Tmogeue aud nailed to the cocoa
nut tree at Kawaalna ka m huiimr
stated by early liistorians to have fceou
growing at tne time Captain (.Took met
his trugic death; in fact it is claimed
that Captain Cook died at the foot of
inis very tree.
The other story is that the crew of
the wnrsloop in question tore the cciv
per plate from the bottom of a canoe
at the time of the riait in XVtober.
IN37. to- KealtKakua, and with a nail
or noma other tlunt instrument la
loriously inscribed the legend 'printed
Tho former story apjiears, however,
to be the true one. Af any rate, it U
Klyeu more credence. Tha matter of
fact, however, is that th .lt ilnlu
inner Ued, was nailed to the cocoanut
tree, wherff .it remained until a few
years afo, when it suddenly disap
Marvd, and although earnest inquiries
were maun oy me, tritiah admiralty
(Continued ou page three.)
III; .11
cccd to KacoKhirna to mab i full
investigation of tlia situation there'
TOKIO, January 15. (Special
Cable to the Nipim Jiji) What is
practically a strike by the entire
staff of professors of the ' Kioto
Imperial University took place to-
day when Dr. K. Niho and nine-
teen other professors in tha'uni-
versity handed rn their reaigna
tious to President M. SawSyauagl,
head of the university... , ,
The resignationa come as a pro-
test against the . discharge some
time ago of seven professors by
President Hawsyanagi. A protest
was filed at that trme, but Dr. Y.
Okuta, minister o education back-
ed up the head of tha university
aud now the wholesale resigna-
tions follow. . i
' '.':;"''' '
S A , , ,
PHILADELPHIA, January 15. (By
Associated Press Cable to Star-Bulle-tin)
The widow of the late Dr. 8,
Weir Mitchell, noted author and physi
cian, died today, following her husband
to the grave a few weeks after his own
death. 8he became ill immediately fol
lowing his funeral. . jr '-. l
' 1 1 ' mid mi nf If,'.',
wnonniinurwi. ruraey, Janu
ary 18. (y Associated ITexs X'able)
It Waa ofliciallv annonnoa.l in,an
fnMtiUlvnllk'rinlM m .'
thst the Hublime Porte would partici
pate ia tue i aiiuina I'scifio Exposition
at Ban Fruncisco in! 1913 ;
;.. ai
Tha Advertiser wiU h rlit tA at
ooperate with any. others in tha
ralalng of a local fund to help re-
llava tr suffering resulting from .
theoverwhelminir disastar tn tha at
peopla of tha Province of Kago-
hima, the reports of which, now
couUog to, lndlcau tfcat much helB
and quick help U uetded. Many
thousands in tha stricken district
will need food and clothes. Steps
will b taken today to consult with
Acting-Consul General ArttA and
others, that Honolulu may be ad-
vised as to tha best way iu which
to tna suffering may be offered,
' ."
I nn,l mil.
a personal , report to
himself. '
Evidenct 8howi Unionists
South Africa Would Set
" - tJp Oovsnuneni
LONDOfy January 18. By Asso
ciated. Ftesa Cable)-It was reported
her today that tha government claims
to have discovered evidence of a plot
to start a revolution In Bouth Africa
and io set up a labor government there.
. Striko Is Ornmbling.
CAPETOWX, South Afrka, January
19. (By Associated Vress Cable) The
great strlka throiighol South Africa is
crumbling, and therported call for a
general strikS-abrrjughout Cape Colony
has been abandoned, the workmen re
fusing to strike. .'..-....
Throughout the Union it la predict 1
that an early collapse of tha miners'
strike will take place, while many of
the railway striker are already retuia
ing to work. The. workmen in -Vatol
have refused to obey a strike order.
j - Cannon Good Argument.
January 15. (By Associated Preas
Cable) The government .troops todav
trained a seven-pound gun , oa the
Trades Hall, where Secretary Bain of
the Federated. Trade Council and three
hundred men were at hav. a.l
the unionists a quarter af an hour
grace, proKsing to start the cannonad-'
ig mi ine ena or tnst tlm. ..Before
the time waa un Bain ami tt
urrenderM unconditionally. Tht lead
er and ten of his associates hav j been
jailed. 1 : . f
HAN FBANCI8CO, January ifl.Bv
Associated Prtas Cable) The nilotboat
I ataHnifer waa wrecked oa Point Bo
nlta during a deuse fog yeaterday, and
it is feared that this crack vessel will
prove. to-1 a total Ui. Tha ertw Is
aafa. -
United States Army Not in Ehap)
to Repel Invasion by An y FirsW
class Power, Bars Major-Qen-
. eral Wood fn Annual Report--Absolute)
Slaughter Would Bs
Americans' Fate, He Declares,
Army Especially Weak in field
r Artillery and Ammunition
Guns Without . Shells Worn
Than Useless Junk Oovera
. ment Arsenals' Inadequate for
Any Emergency., :
I ' s
' That tha 1Tnita.l fitataa wm,M
be ' licked" if it ver had c-
eaaioa . to . use its army to repel
an invasion by a first-class Power
is tho official nnininn nt MW
General Wood, chief of staff, ex-
pressed In- his annual report to
congress. The United States has
art llerr ammunitinn rnionvk ml
I w for four days of sack fighting aa "
v toe .. nnssians aid at Mukden,
While eiffht field nimaa in action
he says, could fire awar all tha
ammunition' of tha government '
arsenals as fast a tha
it out. working twrnilT.fnur.lnn, at
shifts. ' . at
I Sr ' 14 If vrt aan1 on, Imnni (.tn sk
war a .they am equipped now,"
I tha chief . aiafl i.,.-
i eomiiiittiip' -on " military BOairs,
I "without funs of sun
WOUM sb aabltnllltA Stlunarhfaa M Sk
- ' :
a. h
At the first meetiiiir of tha hous
military affair committee following
the Christmas Holiday recess, MaJ. Gen.
Leonard Wood presented to tha commit
tee what he termed tha most prewing
need or the 'Army. Irief mention of
Which avaa cabled to The Advertlaar
and recently published.
The secretary of war, in his annual
report, naked for an awropriation of
16.000.000 for flel.1 nn. i.
Uon, half the amount to be spent upon
artillery equipment and ammunition foil
tha remilar Arm V anil . t h ha. k.l
for the national guard. The chief of
stan eonnnett nis remarks largely to a,
written statement, and then answered
questions from, members af
mitteo. '...' ..-. .
In his written ; atat
Wood said: "Wa have neither guns
nor ammunition to iva anv mn.nl
eommaading an army in the field any
assurance of success if attacked by aa
army of emial alaa wtilk I. i
with it proper quota of field artillery.
war wouia B Brief. .
"It is any otininn thmt ii. anj..-
" 1 - w CM
war between lirat-elasa Powera will last
for one year, and unless private manu
facture are now encouraged to manu
facture ammunition for bur guns after
war is declared they will not t la con
dition to do so until after tho war is
finished, and tha supply af ammunition
during tha war will ib limits t- ,k..
the government arsenals can tarn out.
n.i present tnis is about. 1600 rounds a
day. runainir three ahifta mj tki.
munition, under ordinary battle eondi
tiona, wonld be fired by eight guns ia
one day of action. -.
"If the guns are not supplied on tba
battlefield with 'the ammunition they
ean be reasonably expected to use, tbey
are not efficient, and when gun( have
exhausted tha ajnirii.nu; . i: .-1
- - . - - - .Hu.k.ww uiueii .
mem they, are worae tha n.v ..
thy muat be protected by other troopa.
Army Nd Praaalng.
."The war dnnartmati k.i:..
ia case of war with a (lrst clss, Power
an army of 500,000 nion will fee needei
to give this count rv an .K....
- J ...,, vi luv
cesa against invasion, and what ia mora
iu.wiani mis force Will -be needed at
once. To make thU necessary fore
efficient it nmsf te given its proi-er .
quota of artillery.- To do this, this
artillery must be on hand, for it can
Bo a"pplied aft4r war is started.
"If Called tn tha aM
---- ramini. we
should have- to go wth a very small
ammunition allowance,' even for the
CUna In the' hands 4 ....... a
should have neither guua ndr ammunl-
nun lor mo neiu artUlery of our volun
teer forces. If vnn um . i.... .
war as they are equipped now, without
mint n kmmii.il;,.. Il .
lute slaughter," :. .. ,
. Moblla Army Plana.
Thi chief of staff ' tilt iv.
general staff plans for the inotiia army
Hiamiaiuvo. witnin the on
tineutal limit of tha
(Continued oa. Page Three)

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