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LATEST CABLED SUGAR QUOTATIONS Cbtn Dollar 0 Centrifugal N. T. per lb per toa l?rle, Hawaiian basis 4 43 $89.00 . Laat prrrlOBi quota tion. 4.241 M.8 ' - - : ' .-...:' fVQLTVnt. ' NO. '85 HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, TUESDAY; OCTOBER 26, 1915. SEMI-WEEKLY. WHOLE NUMBER 417 n pp nr nnBTTircr n,i n r oi a w w wiiii a w mii ... ; FURIOUSLY WITH S AoouiiD no Teutons Being Pressed Hard By Slavs In Series of Pitched Conflicts ARMIES OF WILHELM STAND LIKE ADAMANT South of Pripet Marshes, How ever, Troops of Kaiser Have Yielded Ground (Aeeoclated Prill by Federal Wireless.) LONDON, October 26. The Rus niann are pressing the Germans in a series of pitched battle in t h i north, in an effort to regain the territory taken from them by von Hindenburg during, the past week, the Slavs being heavily reinforced anil being apparent ly well iupplie! with ammunition. The German line is holding, however, and at leant two place have repulsed the Russians In a deciaive manner. Thin ia along the front southeast of Biga to northeast of Dvinsk. The Hlav of fensive persists at a number of other points, however, and the position of the Germans left is by no means se cure. South of the Pripet marshes the Ger maus have been forced to give ground, particularly north of Loutsk, where the battling ha bca, aevere. Still further to the south, in the region west of Kolomea, in Galieta, 4a Austrian hsve fynei) and are ndvane inf against the- Kassians" along aTtwo .-J .A . in m ' aiiuv i vj Tha Berlin repotta aW that the Rus sians have been repulsed in the at tarks made la the lake district, north of Vilna against tha Bavarians. . rim I'nAnirn BY VILLA FORCES Rebels Capture Agua Prieta. : Carranxa Commander Sur 1 rendering TRAIN WRECK IS CONFESSED OPPOSE WARDRAFT A MANIFESTO Members of Commons Unite To Urge Against Adoption of Conscription (Associated Frees by Federal Wtrslese ) LONDON. October 2fl. A manifesto deploring the suggestion t hat a con srriptiou law be enacted ami promis ing to oppose it was made public yes terday over the signatures of a smnll number of meml:ers of the houxo of commons. The signatories state that the en aetnient of such legislation is in ron travention of the rights of British sub jectx and is likewise unwise and un necessary. To force into the army any much larger proportion of the young men of the nation would, th muni festo, so deplete the ranks of labor that Great Britain would be pressed to turn out a sufficient supply of muni tions and army requisites as are requir ed to meet the pledget Grent Britain has made to her allies. Conscription would, too, arouse a widespread opposition to the govern ment in the labor ranks and would de stroy the existing national unity, so essential to the successful prosecution of the war. Yesterday the governmont aW an example to other employers of labor by aunouueiug that every eligible man in ,the postofflee department might feel free to enlist without fear of losing his position. At the termination of the war, says the government notice, all employes who enlist will be rein stated in their proper place in the civil aervice. Mexican Says Deed Was Done By Band of Fifty In Cause of Liberty (Associated Pros by Federal Wlreleee.) DOUGLAS, Arizona, October 26. General Villa is still an adversary to be considered by General Garranza. Hia threatened invasion of Sonora has be gun and his forces have captured tha town of Agua Prieta. Reports here say the Oarranxa gen eral there surrendered. The name of the commander ia not given, but it may be General Callea, for he has been de fending the town, and on Sunday is re ported to have been engaged with a su perior force of Villistas near Agua Prieta. MAP Showing Entire Campaign In Levant At m Glance, Particularly With' Reference To Austro-German and Bulgarian Drives Through Serbia For Relief of Constantinople 'nd Advance of Franco-British Troops From Salonika To Aid the Serbians CONFESSES BAND WRECKED TRAIN BROWNSVILLE, October 2. The recent . wrecking and detraction by fire of a train near here by a band of Mexican! was done as an act in the interest of Mexican liberty. So aaya Chano Flores, a Mexican who waa ar rested on suspicion and who baa con fessed to having had a hand ia the wreck. Flores implicates a number of his countrymen, and arrests are expect ed as a result. The deed was done by members of a new faction, Flores aaya. Of this fac tion there yf mora than 500 Mexicans, he lays. Svje live U American border towna and others along tha opposite fifty Ja Wracking Baa4 Thirty Mexicans from the other aide of the river took part in the wreck, Flores saya. They Joined a band of twenty who live on this aide. The plans were carefully laid and the band had no trouble in derailing the train and afterward robbing the passengers. The American soldier, who was wounded when a band of Mexicans at tacked a patrol squad of the Sixth Cav alry on the border near hero Sunday, probably will die. His wound has been pronounced fatal. There were forty in the Mexican band. They fled: when re inforceiiieuts came up. A thousand Holdiers were sent in pursuit, but the Mexicans escaped. T i . Pllt& 7" VARNA gpor; ! I BLACK SXSOF IA BURSAS' L f (Mv W rr f X SflLCvci yztZfzZ-JLl. ARMENIAN PDPULAT ON ' ALLIES CRUSH F0HGE BULGAR 1 FRENCH OF VUYET IN OffiSSA Men, Women and Children Are Put'To Sword By Blood -Thirsty Moslems GERMANS ADMIT BRITISH SANK CRUISER IN BALTIC (AxoclMtd Press b rsdsrsl Wirslsss.) HKKl.IN, Oetober 29. It was ad mitted here today that a British sub murine had mink the cruiser 1'riu. Adal bert in the Baltic. Few of those aboard were saved. Otherwise People of Brussels Must Take Germans Into Homes (AmoHiM Press bi ftasnd Wirslsss.) SOME, October 2tt Despatches reuch ing here from Brussels state that Uen ernl von Biasenger, tha military gov ernor of Belgium, has issued a noti'c to the Belgian reaidenta Of Brussels that unless a stop ia put to the signalling of the aviators of the enemy, whereby they know in which houses are quarter ed German troops, the troops will be scattered throughout the city and each Belgian . household be obliged to huve two or more bilietted on it. The Al lies' aviators have bee a dropping bombs ou the houses and buildings taken over for garrison use and officers ' quarters, the airmen displaying a precise knowl edge of what housea to attack. . DREYFUS' BROTHER HONORED (Assoelstsa Irsss t rsasrsl Wirslsss.) I'AHl, October 23u Lieut. Kmihi Dreyfus, aged twenty-four, a brother of the Alfred Dreyfua who was fbe cen tral figure in the Dreyfus case, hua won the Cross of Legion of Honor for conspicuous bravery. - by rsdoral Wirslsss.) South Carolina, Oc FLEE BURNING SHIP (AnsocUtsd Press b CIIAKLKSTON, tober "ft. The Mallory liner Colorado afire, has beeu abandoned off Cape Ro maiu. The crew has been rescued. (Atsoclstsd Frsss by Fedorsl Wirslsss.) LONDON, October The entire Armenian population of Kerraaund, a town on the Black Sea, has been put to the sword by the Turks, according to mail advices to the Daily Mail from Odessa. Kerrasund has a population of 24, (100, but what proportion the Armenians are to the whole is not stated. Neither women or children were spared by the Turks, the correspondence suyi. Entire homes were wiped but in a systematic house-to house massacre. Onlv in houses where Moslems lived were the occupants unmolested. ROWN PRINCE NICHOLAS of Greece. Who Is Expected To Lead ConBtantine's Armies As Allies of Entente Powers i f;.ri "' r j . .t ' ; V TRAPPED BY FIRE. PERISH Eight Others Are Seriously In jured and Ten Escape (Ansoclstsd Pre 5 by Fedtrsl Wirslsss.) 1'ITTSBUKOH, October 20. Four teen girls, employes in a local factory, are dead as a result of a lire which destroyed the factory yesterday, while eight others are seriously injured. One man employed iu the factory ii also dead. The girls were caught by the fire in an upper story and many of them jump ed to save their lives. There were thirty-two girls in all, only ten cf whom escaped unhurt. . REAR ADMIRAL MANNEY A VICTIM OF PNEUMONIA "k v . ' . . I t iy- - r- I & ft '1 POSITION, t IF GREECE AS PM NAIN AUSTRIAN AIRMEN HIT ST. MARK'S CATHEDRAL (Assoelstsd Press by Pedersl Wireless.) HAN DIEGO, October 25. Hear Ad miral Henry Manney, V. 8. N., retired died today of pneumonia. He gradu ated from the United States naval acad emy in time to take part in pursuit of Confederate craft iu the summer of IH04 and later became an expert iu the construction tt uaval coaling sta" tions, colliers and machinery. ' He re tired iu 1909. Bear Admiral Mauuey waa particularly interested iu wireless telegraphy. (Associated Press by Federal Wireless.) KOMK, Oetober 23. Historic Venice, with its art treasures, has been attack ed by Austrian aviator. Last nlgjit the birdmen Hew over the city ami dropped many bombs. One bomb crush ed in the roof of the church of IVgli Hcal.i, and destroyed several Hue sculp tures by I'iepolo. One bomb fell on St. Mark's Cathe dral, but the cathedral was uudumuged, it is said. Five bombs fell into tlie canals. No casualties have been reported. -- NEW JAPANESE WARSHIP (Special Cable to Nippu Jiji) TOKIO, Oetober ".1. The superdread nought Yumashiro will be luunehed No veiuber '.I ut the Yokosuka unvy -nrd. The- displacement us iiiinoiiuced lodn is 3(1,0(10 tous. WILSON APPOINTS NEGRO MINISTER TO LIBERIA (Arnioctitnil Pr by federal Wireless.) WASHINGTON, October 26. J. L. Curtis, ii prominent negro of New York, was yesterday named by the President as I'uited States minister to Liberia, the All icaii Kepublic. He succeeds as resident minister and consul general of the Kepublic George W. liuckucr. Hi salary "ill be $500(1 a year. BIG ARMY FOE GIVES IN (AaeorUtrd Press by Federal Wireless.) WASHINGTON, Octolwr 25. Chair man Hay of the houe committee ou 'military iilYairs conferred with Presi dent WiImmi today. After the confer ence it was announced that he would suppoit the administration 'a program t'or national defense. He says he con siilcrs I lie plans ei nservative. Chairman Hiiv has tieeu one of the chief opponents of uriny eipuusiou. Bulgaria Is Threatening Athens and Crown Prince Leave: Hur riedly For Salonika C Associated Press by Fed erst Wireless.) LONDON, October tti. , ., Greece's position as a neutral nation ia becom ing more untenable each hour, and there are indications that, ahe shortly will be aligned with the Alliea. A declaration of war between Greece and Bulgaria is regarded s a possibility this week. Bulgarian papers are openly threat ening Greece, according to reports here. Official organs at Sofia declare Greece must expel the Allies who are' landing at Salonika for relief of the Serbs, or Bulgaria will do it. The Greek rrowa prince bai left Athens for Salonika, it is reported, for the ostensible purpose of ineuecting the . Greek gajtrjqjn jhire. , Knusual significance is attached to tills report here, and it is hinted as not at all unlikely Hint the crown prince would lead an nriny against Bulgaria from Sa lonika if the Greek Bulgar situation be came aa opeu rupture. FRANZ JOSEF PARDONS L They A"e Mostly Socialists Con fronted By Military Duty (AseocUled Frees by iH arst Wireless.) AM8TKHDAM, October 26. Amnesty has been granted by Emporor franr. Josef of Austria Hsgary to all poli tical prisoners who are serving sen tences for crimes committed before the war, according to advices here. These pardons will release principal ly Socialists, it ia said. The despatches hint that the par doned prisoners will be eipected to take up arms for their country. As this is against the doctrine of Socialism, interest is manifest in the attitude the prisoners will assume. PROHIBITION UP IN OHIO (Associated Press by Pedersl Wlreleea.) COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oetober William Jennings Bryan today began a week 's campaign in the interests of state wide prohibition. The wets are planning a counter campaign. The election to decide whether Ohio shall go dry will be held on November '-. REACH SERBS First Engagement Between Re lief Expedition and Foe Takes Place At Krivolak, Resulting In Rout and Pursuit of Enemy SUBSTANTIAL RELIEF PROMISED IN FIVE DAYS Still Hope For Help Reaching Army Resisting TeutonsFall of Uskup and Kumanova. Un confirmed, Doubted In London (Associated Frees by Federal Wireless.) ' LONDON, October SIC Thl first eo- gagement between the troops of the Allies proceeding north in Serbia to the rcliof 0f the Serbs and the invad ing llulgarians has resulted ta In colli' pKte defeat of the Bulgara, whui tha French met and crushed at Krivolak, ' forty miles north of where the Sata-nika-Nish railroad crosses tha Oraece Scrbian bonier. At this point a small force of Beth were entrenched, holding back Jhe jjttl garian advance. Kei n forced' by the French, the combined army advanced against the Bulgara, driving them bank. The Biilgars are retreating In .'tha ' direction of ,StrumitA, pursue.! by Ute Franco-Serb forces. , f J j.f ' Other treops of tha Alliea ar-4-pre- ; reeding north as rapidly aa tramiiorta- , tion sllowi and there ia yet lime hotta that help will reach the Serbians fall ing back on the north befora the Bui gniiaiis invading from Sofia and tha Austro Germani can crush . tha mala Scrnian anny.. v .. The reports' from Sofia 01 Sunday that I'pkup and Kumanova have been ici-iiiied by the Bulgarians la' not con f.rmcd nnd is regarded as doubtful, even in Berlin. '. A despatch received by tha Daily Telegraph last night from its corres pondent in Nish states that the All'cs have sent word for the Serbs to en deavor to hold out for five days longer, by the end of which time help ia sub stantial form will reach them. Teutonic Alma Accomplish ad Iu the north, the advance of the A ust re Germans has reached the point where it appears certain that tha main objective of the drive into the Balkans will le attained. This waa to open the way for a direct line of communication between Hungary and Turkey, tha poa sessiou of the northeastern section of Herbia and the alliance with Bulgaria accomplishing this. It is within the ossibilities that tha Teutons will be satisfied with this and will prepare a defensive line south of Belgrade and to the Bulgarian border, instead of pushing the advanca aouth against the mountain position! of tha Serb. It is believed here that this ia tha probable Austro German course, as it ' is not believed that Germany has thai troops to spare for a continued offen-, sive campaign in Serbia, while tha of fensive of the Italians has made It ne cessary for Austria to hurry all tha troops she has available to defend hea southern borders. Bulgara May Let Up Should this materialize, tha Bulga rian invasion will uot bo pushed after the Teutonic objective in the north has been completely attained and tha main Bulgar strength will be used to assist the Teutons in holding tha Una and, possibly, in reinforciug the Turk ish positions. Such a disposition of the Balkan troops of the Alliance Would account for the early massing of A Bul garian force in Northwestera Bulgaria. Military critics here are inclined to the belief that Germany will be able to spare very few troopa for tha Bal kan line and will rely maluly oa the Bulgarian to hold oKn the communica tion expected to be established with Turkey. A desputch to (he Time from Bu ( Continued ou 1'sge Three)