Newspaper Page Text
. '. V 4 ii f i' T i 1 v . ' ' l"l Ul.. '.. It ' ). Iff! -a' ... 4 . -I - I. .1 l r . . "ll (, ,1.1.'" BERLIN WU WOT DISAVOW OF LUSITAl Cermany Replies To American Demand That It Cannot Admit Destruction of Big Cunarder Was -Illegal Act' Under Law WASHINGTON WARNED NOT TO PRESS ISSUE This Attitude Brings About An other 'Serious Crisis' Which President Wilson Hopes To Bridge By Use of Persuasion (Annotated Press by redsral Wlrslsss.) WASHINGTON, February 5. The i.-suo let ween the United Sta tes ami German)' over the lat ter ' disregard of the Ameriran warn inn, officially given, that the J'owor i . r KardiiiB the rights of Americans ii travel sufely on their lawful busi nisx on the merchant ships of any na t.yn, would be nelil to "strict account- ility," has aain approached a crisis, ith H'liii-oflicial warnings from Berlin 1 '; t it will not ne sife to press the Awe iean contention that the Germans ted ilbgally in tbq sinking of the Luaitania. C inn an Reply Delivered The official German reply to the last Ainerieau ni te, which itaisted upon the G' rman government ackn' wlrHging the . 'o-Tiiv i uie net which sent the British liner to the hnftmt. with k ..i io. of m.i.-j tluiii a hundred American lives, w as yesterday delivered by fount ot Heintorlr, who onferied briefly v.ith Heeretarv of S ate I.anning, the conference lasting about Ave minutes. At tho coni'lusiou of the confereace, vltfcout giving out th official text of v the German reply. Secretary Lanaiaglf? MF.uuii.-r i tn in me eiiuaiioa is :un- . changed." rerroasion May Be Tried . Treeident Wilson, who returned from hi BJ"e hmaking tour, whs in consulta tiin w th Secretary Lansing and aev- eral other- in regard to the Lusitanla situation, but declined to mnke any statement in the mutter. It is under stood, however, tlmt he desires the ne gotintions to l,o continue I, in the hope that the Gerniiin f'oreiirn nflii-i. ma i.o led to ae pi.t the Ameri.... tion of the international law ffovcrain the ease. Authorie, .resH .leHpiif hes received fiom Kerlin an-ert in positive term thnt the (iennnn gin eminent will not meet the Ameri.-,,,, eont.ntion thnt thfl act of the Geriiinn,, ri ne eommand- er in rinling the l.itania was illegal Berlin Wl'l Not Yield The AsfiM-iiitedl're.N co-respondent in I'erjin cables that under no eireumstan- ces Will nurli an admission be officially made by the German foreign office. The latest instruction forwarded to Auibaa ' hjkIot von Iternt orlf, The Anociated I'ress lenrns, contains simply one phase of a new formulation 0f the proposed finriiiun note of . Tr.-t The soggeHted sentence ol this ne .hafl cons st- of mlv ek'tit lAor.l- .....I This new draft of the Cerm.n note oi rrirrri reprosein.' the limit or (.or. matiy's concessions in tie Lusitania i-kho. Il vause of the ieiuands made by the Anteriran notes, which insist that f-ermnny rh.-ill admit the sinling of the liner -was illenal, the situation is view ed here as one of the most serious crises of the war. Outcome la Jn Doubt It is impo.s'hlo to foresee the out come. The resnlt appears to hinge on the word "illeiHl" and what the I'nited State,, Hj ,,, tll carry out ill iiisirtcn-e that the (iermaii ri-paration r.-,,. the Mulatioti uf interuational uw, The As'octalcd I'icms I also inforni . piwituelv and authoritatively that Cvrmnnv i and di not designate im '.'ilb gal" the sinking of a liner by lutv snlima- inc. L.anlt Aynarei.tly Reached Ile.T lfn, iiiinu riiiHIi, under sec M'lnry for to c'-ii affairs in the lier cabinet, has granted an interview to Tin- Associated I'ress correspondent i which he m . "ii rmany is willing to do every th'ii in its power to meet American v' lies, but there arc limits beyond which even friend.-hip snaps. You n'i'st not push your demands too far no - attempt to humiliate (iermany. " He nraerted that if America drives the mutter t'i a breach, with all it.i Ijtiuoutalile eons' Miiences, iiimiii Allien en most rest the responsibility for all that may come. PRESIDENT IS HOME PLEASED WITH TOUR ( Associated Prn by Tsdsral Wlrslsss.) AsniMi ION, F'el.ruary 5. presi dent Umiii has leitihcd home after I'ut b" ili" 'aie was a most successful tr'p He is al'cadv I'laniiiiiii another tour of I lie country in the interest of Mi ii i 'ic-i- cam' uieii. as roou as the 'iouiatic situation will permit his leu In" fhe White House. The next t:"e he I'Mibul'lv wdl co" er arts of th' v,,rt,'wit uod the fa West, a will us M'ctiuiis of Hie South. ei WAS fi BETTER SHAPE Admiral Bine Praises Personnel and Ships of Service (Associated Praaa by rsdsral Wtralsss.) WASHINGTON. February " Rear- Admiral Victor Mue, who apeiired be fore the house naval committee yes terday, (obi that body that the ierson- hel ot the service was never better or higher than' at present. Admiral lilue ia chief of the bureau of navigation, which has charge of the personnel of the navy. In answer to questions put- aim by members of the committee, the admiral Mid: "Thia talk of deterioration of per sonnel in the navy ia baseless. Never in the history of the country waa the personnel of the service higher than now. Never- were the ship of the navv better manned and officered." The admiral also praised the efforts of Secretary Daniels to build up the naval service. . . . a El General Goethals Tells House Committee of tremendous Slides (Associated Press by rsd'ersl Wlrslsss.) WASHINGTON, February 5 Major General Goethals intimated yesterday that it will be eight months before the canal is cleared of its elides for good. lie apieared before the House appro priation committee yesterday and spoke iqr some, time on the great ranal, anil the problems that are now being work ed out there. . Ia replying to question asked by members of the committee he denied that the cause of the recent s'-des waa the admission of water into the ditch before the work of excavation had been complete. In all, he told the eonj tnitteemen, 8,(M)0,(HH) cubic yards of earth hail tumbled into the canal in the last big slides. The dredges are now removing thia eatb at the rate of 1,K,000 yarde monthly. I General Goethals added that he ia c"n""nt n wlen lne canal (l0r ed thia, Smf, there will b,. no further uouuie t wi ae CTtf.. Bases Action Upon Clause In The Hague Convention (AssocUUd Frt by r.d.rml Wireless ) WASHINGTON, rebruary 4. The British ambasMador, Sir Cecil Spring Kice' lo,,v l,r,,l,taJ the tte de l'Brt,"""t formal demand or .he re t"rn th'' l,nt",h llI,rr API to the "ritiah owners. T " ,5rl,1"h ""'"aasiidor bat.s his ie ""d u'" ,h'' l'r"v'K'on '" The Hague Convention making it oWgatory upon oeut ral to seize any prioe of war ,,rouiht ""to its ports ybich does not doTt when ordered, intern the prise rrew r,',nrn ,he Prir- to ,t4 former owuer ,0 which provision the United stttn a"J t'erinany are each adhering Prtl'- ihe "f rctaiy of state DBS already Pro,,"",",'l the Appnm a priie of wa ""l H" auxiliary cruiser, aubjecl to mternment. CHINESE TELEGRAPH LINES DISCONTINUED (pacUl Oblsrrsn to Liberty Hews.) KIlANtiHAI, February 4 The K.uug Si and Shanghai telegraph line has been discontinued by Yuan Hhih-kai oHirials, It iH thought that the move was made to keep oiwi of the suces of the Republican troops .from the M'Pple of tins city. It U knovvu that Vuan Slnh kai Iihvm recalled his sixth di vision from the province f Kiang Si. -IVE PERSONS PERISH ' WHEN TRAPPED BY FIRE (Asmclstsit PrF by r4ertl Wlrslsss) ATI. A NTH ' CITY, February 4. Three women ami two men perishud and oiylit oilier wire in Jure.' today in a lire which di stroyed th" llvei brook hotel A In go rrowJl, helpless to takii any rescue measures, saw u woman bum tn death in a high win dow. Mcvral are m'ssing, varimn counts making the number from two to aix., , , . TROOPS OF YUAN HAVE WON IMPORTANT; VICTORY ...... bf Wlrslsss. WASHINGTON. Kebruarv a. The ''hinese emliicHy here yesterday made i public di xpat. h. ( ,, the Peking gov ; erii"en Moiiouiiciii) the victories of government troops over the rebels m the Hui Chow l''u district. The revola I tionists are sai.l to have suffered heavi ' lv in the flt:lit'ii.' 1 1 . 1 are retreating be fore the Yuan -oUiers. ' gus oTTllies Active j BKJULIN, February Tliwe bi con t;nu"l ami nicieaHing activity of the, Allies' artillery forces on the Franco Belgian front, it i ulliciallv . reported An aWti.iii of a Hriti-h mill dodrov ' I'd a ernfer who Ii the flermsiis .wore o.eunyiin? near Hulluch. Iucnnclii-i . hand gr. iiadc lighting is proreedug on the nearby front. DlDGiNG AT CANAL I beIUinTias conhrmed 1 1 ' imjii uminm uuunnuu HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, i I Mil ... l uiunru. : yj ' , t " ' Incident Leads To Court-Martial of An Officer Associated Press by rsdsral Wireless.) ' VLl.iS.iO, t'alifornK, February 6.J Lieut. Herbert Jones, former eommaad er of the torpedo boat destroyer Hull, was notified yesterday that he la under arrest, and would be tried by a nvJ court-martial at Ban Franciaeo, Febru ary 9. Lieutenant Jones is held re sponsible lor tho disappearance or a naval aignal code book, two months ago. Ensign Robert Fitzgerald, executive officer, of the Hull, in whose direct care the missing book waa held, has of fered to assume entire responsibility for tne lose or the nook, hut the authorities at Washington have refused to grant his request that he stand trial instead of his former commanding officer. Hear Admiral Reeves will preside at tne coming court-martial of Lieuten ant Jones. LOSS OF ONE ZEPPELIN Aircraft Presumably -Sinks After Falling Into North Sea (AsaocUUd Press by rsdaral Wlrslsss.) , IX)NIX)N, Tcbruary S Official eon-i finnatioa of the, report that one of the Zeppelins which attempted a raid against the east coast of Euirland on! Tuesday waa hit ao badl by the Brit-. ish anti-aircraft Runs that she fell intol the Nor.h ,St-a, has been received in. Berlin despatches, which announce that' the L-J9, which had gone on a recoa noitering tript has not returned to her base and haa not been beard from. British destroyers yesterday aearched' the North Sea in the vicin'ty of the: place where a trawler had aighted the; helpless aircraft, but no trace of the Zeppelin could be found. I Jt ia presumed .that ahe haa sunk. .. , ., , M i, TRANSFERRED ADMIRAL OPPOimMENt Secretary of Navy Tells Why He Made Change (Associate Prns by Tsdsrsl Wireless.) WASHINGTON, February 6. Secre tary of the Navy Daniels - yesterday made a formal statement of his reasons for transferring Bear-Admiral Stanford to the command of the Philadelphia navy yard after orders had been issued sending the officer to command the Mare Island yard. Mr. DaniolH says that he waa con viiieed the change would be for the good of the service, as Admiral fctan ford ha eone. on record as being .OP -osed to the further development ef the Mare island yard. The se. relary adds that he believes thnt the fe-Iing aga nst .Stanford on the ('out is strong, and would hamper l.8 WOIK. t APPEAL MADE FOR FLOOD ' SUFFERERS JN ARKANSAS (AuoeUUd Prsss by roitsral Wtrelsss.r LITTLE RO K, February 4. An org. lit appeal soliciting federal aid for the thousands of flood sufferers in Arkansas is being sent to Washington by the governor., . - SIX PERISH Fn FLAMES AnoiaU4 Pnts by redsral Wtreteea.) BROOKLYN, February 4. Fjre to dav destroyed the home of the widow of l asimir Tag, president of the Oer-ij man Savings flank. The widow waa saved from death, but her daughters, aroline, Helen and Hannah Hhavley, a cousin, a nurse and two servants, per ished. The daughter Caroline saved her mother. ACHY JOINTS FORETELL Achy joints give warning of dUtur j . ..... ci iiisiue in uolv, juat M they foretell ti,.., weather. Those stiff, creaky, swollen painful JoniK tell of nric acid in the blood, of weakened kidneys that are not doing their duty. i l or healthy kidneys They take o':t tha uric Alter the blond. acid tad pass it off Hon't neulect weak kidneys and let urn- ici.l dog the Idood. It's danger ous, (hit of slight kidney troubles. rheumatic pam rvousiiess. headache, di'v s ells, heart trouJile,. dropsy, 1 stone and Blight's disease. It s easy to give the kidneys help., n, ,, H liae.'iai'he Kuiney rills. 'Ili.v hi'.. h"pe, thousknda all o'er 'hi' will 1 1 hii's are publicly praised i. it. I evervniicre. iist as much "aiinii isiai ,1- a- anywhere, ... J ' U hvn S i, nr Hack is H Lanjer-Bemera-' l'r the Name ' Hon t si nilii V ak for " kidnei v -sk itii)i;tiv for Doon'a F.i.'-n h Kidney Pills aniitake no other I.,,,,, Uackacho Kiday.lUls me )!,! K a I droL'uists aaiL.'atore- lieeicf -or will lie OKI. I M... Ho't "x (M ho)ceiWVt. ... i . j. . on rtccii of pirte.tiy "it Co.. or ' nson, nts fur the Hawailau lllltll i Islands. a I TUESDAY, FEBRUArVJ ft,, 191$. ui ill ' li I M sji bm as .L.kahW sssAaaaa -'. ,1 rtti EnOlarid Awaits New of Another DrfVe RfjalnttTeuWilc TrtrtclTte s By aiiics - tHROUGH 5UL OF. F'RAVCE Vicina; irTeports 'Orlfy TAerlali At tooTc In tatern theater 'V::V:-:; U War ;'-Av.l (;,tnt i....t . - -. J. ,.,) ,, -; K'!-; i i. ... i -a !.''.,, k (AasUu4 rrm by raderal Wiralssa.) LONDON, February S.Oreat Britain Ii Imi atfentiv waitinir 'for an announce ment that another allied drive against jtne ,Te'i'tqq on ,the Veeferii front 'has L-voinu Bqeu. . - jue prolonged oomuard ment or the 'entire iieraian line, from the Belgian border to the enow covered Vcsges monntairis, is taken here to mean but one thing another aasautt. Just whea or where that assault will come i remains of course, a military secret, and the reporta from the firing line give no bint of it evea to the mili tary experts who have been following every move of the great armiea in the Paris arid Berlin are in accord re garding the . fearfulness ,of the aliied bombardment that runs a cone of ex plosion continuous from ,he waters of the .chspncl near Newport,, almost , to rh famous, bloody Held of Hartmanns weilerkopf. where the German Land trurn an the French territorials have! bfn paging uch prolonged and aaa Juinary struggle. Infafitrr Tjtn. Hand Nor ars the great guns alone in their: work of destruction, for the French, official communique reports that all along- the hundred of miles of fighting me inrantry are joining la with hand grenades and the more deadly grenade hurled bl.tpVans of catapults from the onken trenches. The "heaviest fire is said to be ia the Argonne district, aronnd the salient which the German Crown Prince thrust into the flank of General Joffre'a army In the first mad rush of the Teutonic legions towards Paris. There, say the official reports, the Gsltic artillery has increased its flee, as though it f Uunoi to blow jtW inVaders back fo Mett by 'sheer' concussion' of the bui sting shells. Irltlsh Q arts Bnsy While the French are steadily strengthening the pressure upon the part of the German lines in front of their trenchea, , the British artillery, stronger now than since the beginning of the war, if joining the thunder of its guns to that of their allies. The war office here is silent, er touches but lightly on this phase of the con flict, as has been its custom since the start of the strife, but from ia multi-j tude of sources, 'including the Paris and Berlin statements, comes the informa tion that from the Somme to the A,'ne the Hritish guns are busy. "Violent" is the word that the official statements use iu describing this section of the fight. In tho other fields of the war the warriors are also busy. Vienna reKrts an air raid by Austrian aviators on the Russian lines between Shumak and Vol hynia. These raids say the Austrians have caused severe fires in those towns, and "tv lne much damage to the Blav munition depots there This is how ever, the only news from the Russian or Oalieian front. Advar e In jubanJa In Albania the Austrians are reported as advancing still, and are said to have taken the city, .of Kroia, twenty miles notheast of Durasso, rbile three aero plane attacks have been made upon Dur razzo and Avalona. Despatches from a neutral city, are authority for tho report that the Kaiser for several days baa been personally di recting the war on the wetera front. H is also, said that he was present at the conference of war at which the re e'eut Zeppelin raid against England was planned. ' ' ' ' x i f T . 1 " Vuan conOl of hupeh THREATENED BY REBELS (Onsets) fJablsgrau to Xlppa 111.) TOKIO, February 3.-r-Yuan phlh kai's troops stationed At Wuchang, iu the province of llopeh, are on the verge of an uprising, acc'orifiug to an authen tic, report which reavhvd here today. Jliui is the strongest post now held by Yuan Hhih kal. in, tliis peution of China, sun suuuiii . ine,soiiiers iu rvuenang, jrevplt, it ntan the complete overthrow pr the luaa wtwer la Unpen. At the present time thia province is supposed to lie one of the provinces that would still cling to the monarchy, but with Hupeh in control of the revolutionists the en liresectioa south of the Yaiigste kiang river will be controlled by the revolu tiouary party " i i i. TARIS HEAjrtS HEIR TO . SULTAN ASSASSINATED 4 Associated Vress by federal Wlrslsss.) PA RIM, February 3 Yus'of Izzedin, rilr apparent to the Turkish throne nephew of the reigning sultnn. did not commit lu'icide,. as he his been re-i orN1 " doingjbut; wan assassinate i, ,,w ares i nern r", ouecior or inc movrnivut of oppo'ition to th- Tujk's'i jj)OVerHM.MiLj. Cf ,,'sha ,,tql I re .rt.r for Ih'e Pa-U jtu that Vu-of Utedin was assneslnated by wnjer ef the rvs.. i.i. d it.. i ri ir- "iuue.,f , f"i i vtcin. YiiHof If Slid to ive remit e l against tho Young Turk party au I j it ws feard by tb"ni th it he would succeed in iiiuMug himself dictator. . : r , -SEXWEEIsI.Y IfSiliiiiiii ' t'-i:.' v.; t: ft M!i.svvn. Threatened ImrJeachment May Not 2b Pushed y Enemies (itsotsl OsMstta to ITlppi 1JI.) I JOXJO. February 4.--It ia , bolived jthat .Count Qkuma, premier of Japan, seine m private witn the peer the different subjects 0f criticism and threatene.1 lmachment which " have becD Taleedy such as the sueeession to the title and estate of Count Mogt for mer Held marshal of the empire; sale of Japanese Army guns . to Russia, which waa regarded diacloeina-. se- Jerota of the military, ate, . .. vonnt OKnma and former Minister of Foreign Affairf Kato, a member of the House of Peera, who hi of the Doshl kal, or government, party, met yester day afternoon, and it ia believed that ruy. arranged, a eeoret, nderstaniilt- MEANS END t)F fMPEACHMf NT Honolulu Japanese believe, that this despatch Indidatea that there will be no attempt to . impeach the v ministry. Throughout two aesniona the opposition repeatedly haa attacked .. the . govera meat on sever! ground, but actual im peachment hat, been, aoidqd. BANDITS ROUT FORCE v ,0F CARTttNZA TROOPS (Assodauil Prsss by reaeral Wlrslsss.) ! f Ele PASO. February 4,News of the successful attack by a band of Villa bandits prr a force undei the command of a (larrahza leader at Moctezuma, reached here last night. Reinforcements have been hurried to the Csrranr.istas by General Gavira, commandant of tha garrison at -Juarez, . .General Gavirn earlier fn the day reported that Oeneral Villa haa been seen fifty miles east of Gallego,, and that Carranxa forces are p.VV'ja upon hfo ,f ast , , , JAPANESE LINER HITS ' , 1 ! , ROCK IN INLAND SEA . , special Osbiscraai to Wlppa 11.) , , TO K 10,. February S. The ,N, V. K. liner, Atauta Maru hit a rock at Moil thia morning while passing through the 8himonseki strait at the entrance to the Inland sea. The AtsuU left Yoko hama on January 28, and called at Ko be on January 31. The steamer is a regular passenger boat plying between Y ok oh any and EpropfaP IKrts. FORMErTtfANCLtRK ' ' rGERWAN CONSPIRATOR (AsseelsUd Tress ay Tsasral Wlrslsss.) NEW YOBK, February 4. Frederick Schleindle, formerly a 'clerk in the, em ploy of .' the National- City Bank,' was yesterday convicted of having sold to the agents of the Teutonic governments confidential secrets ef. his employer? having to do . wilh the .. date -'and amounts of mupition 'shipments being made to the Entente allies. Hchleinlilv was sentenced to an indeterminate e riod in prison. -. . ' ., ,.; ,.4. ; ARREST REVEALS THEFT ' ' ' OF BALDWIN DIAMONDS (AocltMf Trm by Fsdml Wtrslses.) , CHICAGO. February 3. The arrest of a man and a . woman here, charged with larceny, reveals the fact that Mrs. (.'lata Haldwin Ktooker, daughter of the late "Lucky" Baldwin and a rich heiress, recently waa robbed of (500, INMj worth of jewelry. Those arrested : re charged with bsinj implicated In hs theft. ,,..,.., BRITONS tJIVEN tJNTll 1 v! MARCH TO ENTER ARMY (AasodaUd Prsas by Psdsrsl Wtnlass.) LONDON, February 4. King George yesterday signed the formal proclama tion which makes e dec live the recently enacted compulsory service act, tho reclamation naming February 111 a the date upon which tho act boeomOH 'he law of the land. The proclamation provides that all single men., subjects of the crown and physically fit, be tween the ages of nineteen and forty one years, who have not already attested their willingness to serve when called upon under tho terms of ,the 'Derby plan, anil who are not otherwise exempt, must sign the volunteer rolls before March 2. Those who have not attested their willingness to serve y that date will be ordered iukp service as con scripts. MESsSGTrilrloWiPdPE TO MEET MIKADO TODAY nclal Csblagram te Nippa iijl.) TOKfO, February 3 --The hn4ngcr from Pw peneilirt arrived In Tokio yesterday ami will meet -the Kmperor -today at Tokio Palace. The Kmperor has Conferred ulon hi in the Order of the- Hieing Hon, first class. - Minister of War Oka is ill ami has gone to Oishlso to recuperate, leaving his seat vacant In the diet. i ' It is announced that the 50,000,1100 yen loan bv Japau to Russia has been subscribed almost entirely. ' ' -u- , ' BELGIUM rJAWES BRltlSHER" HER MINISTER TO CHINA OpscUl Psblscrsm to Hawaii sbtapo 1X)KI(), February 3 Mr. Wiiiofield, secretary to the British ambassedor in Toklo, has been snpoi'it'M minister to Chlnn by the Belgian uovpriiinent. M.'.fr.a conference betwe remcs nta My.f the Riit'.sh and Belgian gov- er-incuts the ufpouitnieut wus dicidel rttflUIA 'CflNVctNFS THI MONTH "i PKTrilRAI. Februarv 4 It is - ' ported thnt an imperinl ukn eallintr the liiii"i into -i-H i'i. wilt .e issued Ht i o'les. The lUte mentioned for the re-e-nvenlia7 of the Duma members is the eghWeuth, i I llll'.lltll .1 liliu.llll i-n w rn n -m mm ammm mmm; mmm One HunrjrcrJ And Sfxfy 'Drowned In Coilislbri "Near Port of . Swatow UsieeUUa Fresa by Vssml Wlraleas.) SHANGHAI, February 5-One hun dred and sixty passengers on board tho Japanese 'steamer Daljin Maru, of the Osaka tehoeen Kalsha, were drowned Wednesday when that vessel ' craslied into tne steamer Llaaa, .eighty miles trt .n .Bwatowi Twenty of the passen gers aqi .crew of , the Japanese liner wero saved. The LIuaa was crippled but Is report-, ed by wireless, to be on her way back to Hongkong,, from which . , port she eails.1. Most , of. tha drowned are Chi nese, , who bioke into an uncontrolled panie when the collision occurred. The steamer filled so quickly that it was almost impossiblo to render Assistance, although the injured Llnan, which had trouHe ia . keeping afloat, tried . to aave a few. . The Daijia Mam was a passenger and freight carrier, plying between Oriental ports only, fthe was of 1927 tons burden. Wireless, appeals for aid sent a num-' ber of Japanese battleships scurrying to the seene of the accident, but thev arrived too late to be of any assistance. - U - -' ' , i , ' " t - ' VILLA IS BEING HEMMED - j , IN BY CARRANZA TROOPS j 4 (AssoeiaUd Press by reasrat Wlrslsss. tuu jt'ASU, February 5. General Vil la, with a few' followers. Is reported to have been aeen near Bosque Honi'to, routheaat Of this eity. Many of ViTU's men are said to be, deserting L5m, and to have formed two separate bands of bandits, both of which are said to be proceeding westward. Carranza triop re saiu IS' nave, come la .touch with tha Villa command, and they have be gun the battle, which Carranza officials at Juarez declare will end with the enpture of the tandit chief. t i . . , . , ,,. FIFTY-FIVE GENERALS ' LOST.BY FRANCE IN WAR (AssocUUd rrtas by TAt Wlraless.) , PAB1H, February fi.-r-The publication Tout Paris, issued this morning, an nounqes that it has compiled a list of the. officers who have died for their country. Under the caption, "Honor Roll," the pabliration gives a full list. It included fifty-five, gonerals. n nety one colonels, 1S5 lieutenant colonelj anl 113 officers of the engineer corps. RUSSIA mNStO FLOAT t ANOTHER LARGE WAR LOAN (AasoaUud Pns by redsral Wlrslsss.) LONDON, February 5. The London Times this mornin? prints the an nouncement that Russia is preparing to float a -loan of 25.rMMI,0lO along tbc lines adopted by the Hritish and French commissioners who negotiated the loan of the Allies with American bankers. The loan, which will be in the nature of a "credit loan,'' will bo used to liquidate the obligations Russia has contracted in the purchase of munitions of war. " ' " 1 ' -1 ' ' REDMOND ISSUES APPEAL ' TO IRISH TO AID BRITAIN fAssMtsUa frsss tor rsdsral Wtrsls DUBLIN, February 8. John Red mond, the Irish parliamentary leader, in a public address here today issued a s'inlnif appeal for mors recruits from Ireland. "It ia essential for Ireland to guard her higher interests," he said, "to maintain her honor and to show that she is willing and euger to fulfill her obligations. Any impression that Iro laud is shirking will be deadly to our future interests.',' . ;i . , AMERICAN" SENATE ASKED , TO DENOUNCE HOLOCAUST WASHINGTON, February 5.-JScna tor .Thomas, a Democrat,, yesterday in trpiluceil a resolution in .the senate, railing, upon that body to declare that the destruction of the parliament bouse at Ottawa was au "art of deliberately olanned incendiarism.' ' Senator Oai lcaer 'Objected to the passage of this resolution on the ground that there was no evidence to aupport the contention; that the destruction of the building, was other than an unfortunate acci- ,:: L OFRCE'RS'UF 'MEXICAN CbSTOMS DEMAND GOLD i . ' .-. ' . i ,, , ( Assorts ts Fras" by rsdsral WlrslM.I DOUGLAS; Fcbraary 4. Every offici al in the Nogalea, Honors, customs ser vice has notified the Carranza govern ment that they will resign unless their salaries are paid in gold. Heretofore they bavs been receiving pay in Con stitutionalist paer money, which is worth three cents6n the d'idjar. r;.-'V-' 'ift' i vtK ARTILLERY DUELS IN WEST 4.ias Wrsss by rsdsral Wtrelsaa.) PAH IS, February 4 Artillery dock sis in, progress todav alone many pa Is of the western . f rout, notably near Prmnkoof,. in the valley of the Fin-lit, ami near Altinalt. DON'T RISK PNBT7MONTA. Get rid of everv cold as qui kh a possible, It is the forerunner of jiuliiionsry trouble, and pneem .we I mav di vern in a few hours. Tdk ('haml.erlaii.'s Co.ijfh Remedy. It is Jones bill, jrmntlnij additional 'nowe a .iiMM-. thl.. do dn, but th,. elT f. in pt self apv?rn,..e,,f to the 1'hil .pi n-rvalous. or ssla bv ..II de,.l n and ,imra.,teeinK in.lepe.nlenie ntt. p'"' .' Hn"," "l"ta for four years whs HHed by the sei,H.i lluw-aii. GATASTROPHE Charles tron, Who Claims To Be Native of Belgium Is Ar rested By tha Canadian Offi cials At Windsor, Ontario DECLARES' HE ' RECENTLY PLAYED FOR CONNAUGHT Insists He Is Harmless But the Dominion Authorities. Are Hold ing' Him Pending Searching In vestigation of His Assertions s . . , (Assoclatsd Fraas by rsdsral W'Telssa.) 'XTTAWA, Ontario, I'ebru ary 5. The police answer ed the demand of the people that those responsible for the destruc tion of the parliament buildings Thursday night be brought to justice, by arresting Oarlcs Strbny at Windsor, Onlaria, lai; yesterday afternoon, ju.-t as !ic was about to cro'os ihti t'.ic I7h!; ed States. Strony had a ticl-t to Chicago in his pocket when ap prehended. The suspect, the first to be ar rested in Connection with the de struction of the parliament build ing, which resulted in the crema tion of seven persons, several of them women, denied that he was in any way connected with that catastrophe.' Claims To Be Belgian Strony claims to be a Belgian musician, and fold the police of the border town that he has just recently played at'a concert given in'hbnor of the Duke of Con naught, governor-general of Can ida. In spite of his assertions be is being hi'd for a searching in vestigation. While this is the first arrest, it is understood that, despite the as sertion made earlier in the day that the fire was not due to human agency, the Dominion police arc making ready to arrest several oilier suspects. It is probable that some of thes arrests will be made today. People Feel Outraged Ottawa slowly awoke yesterday to the extent of the holocaust which has robbed the city and the Domin ion of their most f anions structure, which stood for More than half a century on Parliament Hill over looking the city. And as the peo ple realized the extent of their loss in lives and money, and the things that money cannot replace, their rage grew against the perpetrators pf'thc deed, for the general feel ing here is that an incendiary's hand laid the bomb which destroyed he parliament building. Demand For' Investigation Af.most before the papers carried the details of the great conflagra tion to the people of Ottawa, came their demand that the police an 1 government pffici.iTs conduct a searching investigation into the causes jf the fire, which sent seven persons through flame to death. Tlte.dpath ist has been growing v'nee the ruins began to cool an I tbc searchers fi;ive liad an .iMportm) ity. 'to rlg ddejier "info the -debris that marks the site of the parlia ment structure. Seven Known To Be ;ad It is now known that there are tjeas,t seven dead, among whom is B. B.'l.hw, a member of the house of commons, at first reported missing . The total'monev loss has been estimated at altbut $.UX)0.(X), but it may reach a far greater sum. whqn the full amount of damage "done by the explosion and flames is learned. The valuable library v. ns s-ivf- by the hard work of the militii and police. Both wings were saved Y fforts pf the firemen. SENATE PASSES JONES BILL b5r r.!",.wl"J-,.. yesterday with a vote, of fil' to L'4. V