Newspaper Page Text
C7A PLAHTATION : SHOWS BIG GAINS Stockholders At, Annual Meeting , "Adopt Resolution Providing For Redemption Fund : Report, cf Manager, Renton . Shows That Property Is In ;.7"?i. Good Condition - , At nmiI twtin" of th nharf nuiuor i m i-UnUl-on omany asm yesterday tb old hoard of T U elected Bad the ritorkholdcr "lopU4 , resolution which provide miT .U by liwi far the establish ln ' redemption fund for the stock ati the evrnratldR of th rrnnpti'!) charter in 1040. To accomplish this eiU it will b necessary to put asld . t inu,ini a year ior the twenty aonr years. 'Tho. other object for woica tbih rund and the interest earn ed on it will be put are for equalising Mylileada, repairing maintaining jr , Oktcndipg the warki or property of the . V . 3 "r'"l Donueu in U tmlnera. u The report of Manager George H '-mu, enow mat ine plantation ia n splendid rendition and that the re rent rain bar rained the level of - tke artesian water supply to thirty feet ' ""a ivi. inia ta only one foot a Ban DC low the original level. Cornaanp- pay Wan w - Among other Interesting matteracon , jamed in the report ia the fact that , b 1913 crop wa below the eatitnate , it z T pw eenl and lean than the 19U ;ieiu. rue estimate for the prmnt crwp is xv,wtv con out with ravorahlc weather the estimate probably will be i rrii, miring ibe paat year th" ., !?rrpany P'"1 e'Rhteea per rent on a fVA0.nflA pital out' of a net profit . of . $1,013,830. Ia 1914 the company l aid twelve per cent, with a net profit t)f,59.97.V ' . At the end of 1913 there waa a bal-r-ace, carried forward of $1,424,670, ami ash. ew hand and ia bank totaled , 5I9I,204. ' - r. The 1913 crop waa taken from 4177. 1 2 acres, ef whicL tome waa plant, ; noroe Sixth rattooae and aome volunteer r-ak-vM took' 8.10 tone of eana to Mae a. ton of augar laat year an Kir is attributed to large quantity of Yellow Caledonia and Demerara 1355 ao grown which proved in Ewa to ,. Hi low ia sucrose and purity. Thin '.a thought to have been oa account at ' . tar otiallty of the soil on which theae . have not proven aa successful aa ' th Hawaiian needling of many varie- tie which. It ia thought will be great . ' l.v, CoprrioV to the othera and may ap ' troTiniate the yielda per acre obtained . . irm the-Lahaina cane before it was , t.ttacked by the ao called "Lahaina i yiaoaae.',; ,. . Xar; Area tfoder ban . Mi the prereaf erojt there will be yPl.80 kcrea harvested and on the raae ao far cut the weight haa averaff , l a great deal higher thaa waa eti fated.. fom the three fie Ida harvest : r1 to the1 end. of January the augar ran T349 tone while the estimate waa but T209. It ia flffured from this that th whole crop for the prevent year should cverrna the estimate. . t to February of thia year and , last year augar waa "manufactured res JMivfly to the.: amounts of i479 and J 12 J tone. The' bad weather of the 4at few months haa greatly hampered :' the work of getting the cane harvested end, t the mill but daring the paat lew daye with ' the fine 'weather the , mills, have handled lflfi tons of eaoc a day with aa extraction of 1)8 55 and it ir the intention tq pueh the menu- . factors aa much possible to make ,np for lost time. Improvements in the J aetory installed during last year will . permit of the handling of a deal more Material with tbe aame effici ncy. The irrigating pumps have been shut .. down for months and the rains have ' boon doing the work which en a rule , it eoata much money to do. Hinre the .plantation waa started there have been but two similar aeasona of rain (heax l oing ia , 504-5 and 1906 7. Hince 1907 the rainfall has been greatly below . rormaL. Aa a result of the late great , downpour the' water in the artesian wel's haa riaen to thirty feet above- rea level gad thia ia but one foot and i Inchea below the level found when , the plantation began pumping in 1890, Laborers Eh are Fro fit ' I'exidee the handsome dividends paid to the shareholders, the laborers of the 4tate were- noj forgotten in the profit staring arberoe and $37,H97.25 waa dis rtrfuc(t among them during the year. 'The officers are as follows. Presi dent, E. D, Tenney; vice-president, C. H.. Cooke; ' aecretary,-T. II. Petrie; treasurer, C. H. Atberton; directors, P. 'astle, 3. 8. MeCaadless, J. D. M Inerny auditor, T. Richard Bobinaon; manager, George F. Kenton. i - tr vvaiaLua looks good ' Manager W. W. Ooodale of Waialua re ports the weather conditions fine. All operationa ', are going along about aa usual, he eaid yesterday, and the crop outlook ia bright. TAKE NOCHANCES ' Poan's Backache , Kidney Pills arc not a cure-all. They are for one thing only tatck Hldneya and for fifty years kav been ia successful use in nearly . ... . . .. 9 ,l. -J . 11 : . j i i t ' ri j ymi w UHP CilillUBU wuriu. ID tmlnj Ioau's you take no chances, for thia ia a simple remedy, perfectly harmless and can't cause a habit. N . . ottif -emc'v a so strongly endorsed. "When Vour Back is Lame Itemeiu Let tke Name J' Uen't simply ask for , kidney remedy ask dutiuctlv fop Doan'a Bsckache Kir) nay Pills ami take no other. Doen's Backache Kidney Pills are aold by all druggists and store kerr at 0c. a bo (six bores 2.50), or wui e inanea on receipt or jtrice ny The Hellister . IMi Co., or Hcnson, I ith A-CeV gnta for the Hawaiian I Mil Islands. lujiu M MM n ECRIC HIVM IM 1 LL PROFITS INCREASE This Record It Made In Spite of Reduction of Rates To Consumers Army and Navy Extensions Will Be Completed By Aug ust of 1916 The iiiiiiunl meeting of tlie Hawaiian Klectric ' ompany took place yesterday ami the rciiort of Manager Frank F. Mlskt nhowed that although the rateK for licht "l power to consumer had been materially reduced the profits ti the conipnnv had increased. Th's was through the extension of the bnsine'D In all branches the company has in reused its bualness in 1915 over 'hat of 1IM4 and after paying a twelve per rent dividend and writing off losses of .s2..i, tbee was placed to the credit of the profit and loa account the wn of c!M,-)l.,"4. The total revenue of 'ho corporation from all sources waa $700, 58..'i with expenilituroa of "6,1fl.- 7(1, leaving a net r..-otlt of 92.12.imjJ. Ocnsiunera Number 7031 1 The cniisiiiiiera of light and power nttmiierrd on the laat day of the year 7031 and the ligbta connected to the com m n v ' main line on that date num bered !.VV8. The total connected horeower motor load waa 4627. In the ice department there wore 51l tons more ice manufactured than in the previous year and the col. 1 stor age and merchandise departments also show satisfactory Increases. r.xteneions of the service to 8cho- fleld Itarracks and Fort Kamehameha and the Pearl Harbor naval atation are to be completed by August. This line when completed will make the com ! pany s service extend . twenty four nines rrom the power sta'ion. Old Offlsrs Eoelected The old officera were reelected for the coming year and eonaist of the fol lowing: Richard Cooke, president: F. ur w - - . . , . iTiMi-iAriana, ic (frcsiaeni; u. ii. cone, secrcury; r. tj. Atberton, treas- rer; ('. H. Atberton, Richard Ivors ud 11. M. von Holt, directors. HAS A NEW DEPUTY fudge Kemp of Texas Appointed and Assumes Duties Judge Samuel B. Kemji. formerly of Austin, Texas., qualified and waa sworn in yesterday before .Judge demons in the. federal court as assistant district attorney for Hawaii. Vesterday District Attorney VaughaH received the following cablegram from Attorney Oeneral Uregory: "Kemp appointed; may qualify." Judge Kemp has been looked to for some weeks, in fact, since hia arrival here, aa the choice of the department of justice for the position which he assumed yesterday. He had for some lays paat been assisting, unofficially, District Attorney Vaugban in the worn of the office, and when he got into har ness yesterday was fairly familiar with the routine work of the district attor ney's department here. The new assistant district attorney arrived, in Honolulu in the Lurline on February 8 aud was accompanied by Mra. Kemp and their daughter. , UT0 OWNERS REMINDED THEY MUST GET NUMBERS "Automobile owners who are waiting for the laat minute to apply for new machine numUrs, seemingly do ' not realize what n congestion it will cause thia office whei, they all flock in at once." said Hberiff Koee yesterday. The majority of the city machines have been decorated with the new red num bers, and motorcycle officers have been 'riven orders to halt ami remind delin quents of their obligation. PUMPING ON MAUI HAS BEEN RESUMED Alexander i Baldwin announce that it is ao dry on Maui pumping has been rosumed. A wireless message reports that trade wind showers have filled th Wailuku ditches. John Waterhouse. re turning from Kauai, said the recent storm did no damaue to the leeward plantations. The wind came from the northeast and the cane escaped dam age.. COURT CAMOES ELECTS- DELEGATES TO CONVENTION At a meeting of f'ourt Canioes No. 11, Aucient Otdnr of I orestert, hcU Tiieijy niiyht, Vincent Fernando, Jr, mid Jcneph Oruellns we , elected its delegates to th.i bienninl convention which will be held, beginning May P, in O'lkland, California, by the ubl'i diary high court of the I'hcIiV. l,'nur. which Iiib ju r indicium mer the fetors' courts of Foresters in Hawaii. 0Uv' P. Hon res and Manuel K. Pereir? wore eiccted i lt rnuten. . PRESENT YEAR SUGARS SHIPPED, 66,000 TONS Msnaier A. M. Nowcll stated vester day that up to rVI.riiH.rv IH the Sugar factors Company shieil titiixj'l tons of ItMfl eroii sugars. Hhinmouia to At lantic ports via Magellnn were 22.000 tons Ami vm Snti frYnttiiM.- y mii nUa remaining 3,ihmi tons went to the Crockett and other 'o-t Count refill I eries. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE PRESEfllS - ..i . British Association Club Hears From Hawaii Contingent At ? ; Front It Remembered v i Toward the' end of last year,' a few of, the members of the Britiah Asso ciation Club,. Honolulu, together with xotie frieada living on the 'other lal- sno, raiaea a tumcient am to pay Jfot t hriatmaa presents to those soldiers, Kaiiora aaa itea ureas aarsee en , the Allien' aid, connected .with Hawaii whose addresses were known at tht cnn Acknowledgments of the receipt of these gifts are now coming to hand and show how they. were appreciate'! ur ine recipients. "Mies Claire Jordan, Bed Croaa nurw. in an army, hospital in .Northern France, write : "To-day I received front Harrods a large parrel containing all sorts of good things. Will von prease eoavey to the Britiah Asaorle tion Club in Honolulu, . my ' grateful thanka for the aame. It waa a verv kindly thought and very deeply appr r is ted quite remindins me of unuaek ing a Christmas stocking in the. days of my youth. - All the more welcome for being ao totally unexpected. The only thing to say about the war ia that one prays that the end may come soon Then soma Honolulu sunshine Will be a welcome change after th damp and cold of Northern France. Aloha nui to all my kind Honolulu-frieada." All Erprcsa TtutsXs Hgt. Fdmund Clarke, No. A28141 No.- 4 Platoon, Company L Heventh Battalion, Second Canadian Brigade, formerly a Member of United tttates Infantry at Schofleld, who bought him self out, In order to ioin the British army, says. " You csa rt think how verv Hessed and at the aame time surprised l waa to got a parcel rrom Harrod It ia awfully good of you to remember me. I can't think how vou knew vou knew mv addres and ' rank. Will yon picas' thaak the British Association Club fo me. Would it be imposing oa yon to ask for a Honolulu newspaper once in a while f I'd like t see the new The muffler ia very cosy and tbe other thing just what a aan want. . Wc came out of the trenches last night for six days and then go in for another six. The smell U rotten and the -mud and water up to your knees. You can't keep dry and warm. John French, one of the boys ia my eompany,"who used to work on the Intor-Ialand wa shot through the head and died. I helped carry him out of the trench. He was well known in Honolulu, I think. I got a alight wound in the car." Lance Cpl. R. Q. Maekenxie, No. 1 1 4. Company (', 2-4 Cameron High landers: "I thank you and my Hono Iii'm friends for the big parcel I re ceived. It was a splendid gift and con tained just the things tflat the likes of us ' require towels, soap, scarf, mitta and lot of eatables. Always a Dally Reminder tint. W. Pollock. Koval Engineers: your kindness in sending me a parent with such a numtier of nice things con tained In it. I may say it was appre elated very much. Wo have been in the shell area for over five montha and not So far away from the front line of trenches, and we usually have a few shells over every day into the village where we are stationed just to let n know that they hate us as much as eve." Pvt. John Mackenzie, No. 3002, Com pany D, Sixth Hea forth Highlanders: "I received tbe parcel you aent me all right. Please accept my grateful tbanka for your great kindnesa in send ing it to me. I am having a rest iust now, a few miles behind the firing line. I am in no hurry to go hack until the weather gets better. The last time I was in tbe trenches, I was up to the waist in mud. I have now been out here eight months and am longing for a few days leave, which I expect to get soon. Bemeniber me to friends in Honolulu. Aloha nui." Look Forward to Return Trooier T. J. S. Muirhead, No. 5748, Lovat 's Scouts (son of John H. Muir head, Inter-Island Hteain Navigation Company, Honolulu): "I beg to ac knowledge receipt of the parcel which was sent me from Messrs llarroda of London. 1, thank you and the member of tbe association for your ami their great kindness in remembering me, which 1 appreciate very much." Pvt. V. Woodhurn Heron. No. 4470, 214 Battalion, London Scottish: I re ceived the parcel sent by you and others in Honolulu. Many, many thanks. It was awfully Kind of you all. Just the things that a soldier needs. You can Wet I hnve had a shot at the establns already, tonight, and have had a jolly good supper. I am afraid I indulged too much. The sup per juat touched me in the right npot and of course I let her rip, so don't feel very much like going to rollcal) tonight. What is the betting that there were not some la. lies in the ease! Would n mere man think of all tbe little things vou sent met If I am right, give them my best thanka and SHy that as soon as this little row oyer, here is settled, I am coming bnek to' Honolulu and hope to have the pleasure; of thanking them in persou. You can't imagine how nice it is to have people you do not even know, be so thought ful. It makes things so much brighter in this small dismal country." : GABY DESLYS JEALOUS ; : v ' OF HAWAIIAN SINGERS; Henry X. Hark, the well known. Ha waliau tenor, has ,(u it tbe "8topl Look! Listen! comianv with which he has been uppeuring in New York. aud tins decided t In a letter to A. I'. try other Held. Taylor of the pro motion committee, ( lark that the irounie Has i.-otessional jealousy on ths ;art of I'mbv Ii.mIvs. The other members of the lluwi.iian glee club probably will come l,.,,i,P. n their pass, age was paid, but it i, understood that 'lark mi.. I another Land of Hawaiian are preparing to tour the Continent anu Mouth A ma after incut in oiidou. im engage- XMAS REACH TRENCHES FRIDAY, FEH RUARY 25, ?!916.'sfcMUVn.KLY. DUFFY'S SUIT CASE nlnr im nnnr tiiio DICE M DOPE THIS Former fcT6s&man of Northern - Pacific Has Peculiar Belong- ' .1 lngs In His, Grip v ; CUSTOMS GUARD NABS ' A MAN WITH REPUTATION Thought To Be Party Who Smug- gled 'iack' McGrath Aboard : Army Transport Customs Inspector John Oliveira yos terday morning arrested I -eon Daffy, Ml he waa leaving" th steamer Northers I Pacific, ..crying . .uiU. , ;.. ,V,r , Ia thd ease were found tea erupts opium, una and tnree tilts ot.printldB . oplnm iabela also ior thaa SOO'dice, most of them loaded), tool for drilling dice; poWdeY -for loading tki' same, brushes, colder, ; and -white, red and black paint for covering up and hldina tbe hole wbea drilled. A vice, file and a hammer were also included in the kit.. uuveira lurnen juuHv over to Ia spector MeNicholL who. in turn, re ferred the matter to Vaited State Dia tnct Attorney Horace W. Vaugban, thr man nteaawaue boinjj hold pend.Bg U vest'gation. ... -'. ; Vaughan got ia touch with the poliru department witb a view to ascertaining if Ihiffy wa wanted by them. Ot. -earning tnat sack was not the case Duffy wa roleaand, there being . or statute under which he could be held Second Trip to Steamer With Grip j'uiry returned to the steamer aad resontly left tbe vesael carrying an other suitcase, which was oromntlt pounce.1 on by Inspector Oliveira. ThV nutcase. Howe er. was found to ran tain nothing more in rlmlnating that a lew, clothe and a tube or two- O black saint." . . - 1 he property, taken from Puffs- re .tody of United State. , who will, In all prob L i. ' 1 i th.t n.,fr. ij mams la the cus Marshal Smlddy ability, eonflacate Jt la 1-elieved that Uuffy In tender" working ' th . old 'Dhonv" ooiurv rick on'tsome ttnsri epoetin g Olcstialr n Honolulu. The moiln operandi of thf hunko scheme i : to fill several tinf ith No. One Hongkong motasse ant1 to have one fitf of the "real MeCoy'" an ay. - v ; ' How Trick Ii (Worked The prospective customer-Is invited to sample the 'atraigdt goods, and. af ter the deal baa beert closed. Is haado several tin filled ariah ' nothing morel senuciive man moiassea. rnis trick haa been played witb varying suecesc in Honolulu on a number of occasion ojiie of them comparatively recent. . .last what ihiffy was going , to dol with the loaded die ta a matter of eon-l joeture. Probably, however, he war I going to sell thorn to thi gang of pro-J popped, out .to .Irene, b"t Indian, la feralonal gamblerT whkh infests tbirjftled to left and twd-ruhnar erossed city. MK.'. I Duffr haa been workinfTis a mesa I man aboard the Northern Pacijer it irli. siaiea, ami was paid on nere. tie. Hf openly siioken of being th ma a wholgner gathered one aad theatbe inn imntrcled Jack McOrath aboard a I transport, after he had escaped from I Oahn prison. , - . .. -1 Duffy Tnoagnt To Hav Killed Man f . .n i. - m.mA i I been mixed up in a number of ahady transaction. He ha worked regularly on the transports, and waa at on tin employed in the stewards' department of the ateamer Wilbelmina. Wherever he haa gone he has gambled, and wher- ever he has played ha Vae played f crooked game. It ia aid that ha U well known to the San Francisco police on account, among other things, of having killod a man In that City. v " t FILIPINO IS JAILED FOR STEALING A HAT Judge Monsarrnt sent Nuenta, a Fili pino, to jail yesterday for twenty day. for larceny. Nuenta1 wa in dlr need I or a nat and espying a man taking a quiet snooze on Tuesday night in the Capitol grounds, he, "touched" the aforesaid ' sleeper ' ' for hi sombrero. MM Mad from Grapo Cream cf Tartar tin Ainr.i ' ' "' Royal Cook Book,' BOO Reelpta, sent fre if send aame aad addres to Bo 4S9, Honolulu, or Royal JJaktng I'owder v.. vi vr. - ': : :v Avis 1 r-1 H r- j ir- Totari '. V. . t'.pi l s tr u . i . nutfVlutMtf aaa w . luiympics: V...UVMOHD 4-3 ULllllI ilO At"! scOjEpffliiiK WinCtrj f); Cvcf corns 'Two Ifiiiii Lead And .Finish 'Game. fijii f lnj id ins.uoorj t . - JVt. : J iieJu",yrt finished onvtbh ahort mi .ot. notW Utl gam diaibst tnh Winded O sob. of Wat at th bill vari yeaterday f par noon th oouit; being three tallies for B. Bufk.'i hoi Li iZ taiiiei rer fsl infantry til team "Hetaie'Awaa prformiif tHe but du tU loivi.'llejai.'f Uoinfall caa be tvw urvii.-.iiajaie ' uowntan can boi attributed ta-noor eoacblHir huhi fhi-i it i u o. n. feUoW a.oinaf groat 'jguiia at.lnst the malnianders -aaui ha'4vbl.-ti. th ordet to pitch fa th eotch wanted i ' f bt .wmaUd t Vrtcji aLmseU w" S?! lf!W I blvnblafe ta. fa him m t...d .i.- I r : " -vwnw a an van v ihd I oencq witnout even reaching th .inr tlal sack. u. Then' KddU Hani hnMiiwk.1 dibs ior av Bco Sinai ana, H. 'HurkJ eaaSo along for another ene. Ebtr found York for a bird driva to skart pm Jiaddu gathered tb ball ttp in lim U.ail iiurkf going iaU jeeoa.l baae..:.. . ' ' ' .'.' i TotVfwMs'B4Wv;.;'.;y. fiiriB tut i.,w . war .Was held arouad tbe rirt lafaa- try benck with the coach -tha center of the stag 44 he poured baseball lor dv to gaiioa into ta ara-i of,! th diamond srew. " tVoan wbetv hapDebe, ia the aeit roaad with tha nivsnries at bat, all tb good aarlee, If good dtlo It ara,' -waat wv t , . , ; J-" "'Heinle!' put Bchaamei back ea tb oencit with tsree aic itfikc a ad Jadd palled a sky aeraper wy from Tra mutolo. -Thea cama tha ufidnlnk . of ''Ueiai.M Jimmy IHoMaa- cjouted tb ball ttf left field tor a pretty single and then atole secoad. Wheo York cut la with a , wild Jimmv moved over to third aad then be romped to the rtlS bor wbea KedT kimm4-' liner to left. Jack did aot tarry long at first aad oa tb nett pitched ball .waa .off to eeeoad, ' ttewliag U ba ' ea4lly. wnea-wmi uaiugtier aeavod th bail JfJf,? 1 3P& ''ViSl .J1"!: .! Ti ,iy t aad a the rest of th boy bow easy h-wW jthoni.;UtJact 1m did tbe trick with soett. elegante an 4 grac lhat 'h -eroeeed the plkta standing up, Frelh wrht ooi but tha ' ecor u -a knt, the ntit .havag gtlhered twa in na opening rminri. v oldiora ftirt .Mi, - Vk;Y V, -i Heatoa grH ba iak hlt toaad, whna BurU failed Ut atrioihef hla bnht - A moment later, though; BchanmUl pick ed Ueaton' off fnt; by V: thra-.-. ftj Nverthele tn eoaohv dad -th fea jt th boya, waited to .atgne, brtt Ceoro Rruna sfcdwed tkem ' e, U -the bcs, ana au jmw.wni-viw-i ine oenen aad sat Jown.:Jul4 f crtlotrlntf ,, Ilea, ton, and who -i on nf vlhe best' bnlb blayers on" the team,' poled a slot(le t 'ert, aar, J(ddtit sot fre est nr . an Infield, hit.-, Willie Gallagher A was ih4 ' filling Up tjU b'aafa, pt'hldp toe ruooer. ,vasnao , bio4 Bcnnm mers .troubles by fanning. ' - is I the sepood Inning lork'fstheMd ""s pi ana u tanrarwav tly of hit became , ethaunted," ?only P ' fvtiag oa baser ia tha oext el inhings, two oa passes' lad to on error. .-r-f-'i i- Oaaraonaa Tio-atna lAaA ' ' - .. ; York wa put la f ront with a aiee 'd U tho-.jiith -,whete the Olyill- ks lathered taelr two.,'' ikfj 'a men hlttg ,kftrd)had plajrln , tnuch better "ball jiow, and ,lt wt only' j tlMi of Hm whe they would ret b '"Uow. Thl hy ,6Md la th , ..' '..;V V-v .. . """'' " witn a wean anv U left that CKell mad .. great try for. tltlt ' 4nat' ! abKttn tTnt. . oody gathered hla aeeond single, a User to lert. rreina ian4 to ait nnd jso did Barker, aad things looksd rosy for "Heinle," but Bean waa stilt around aad Eddie' tantalitirtg Aunt bfong the inira-naae line neat Ktordaa to third, and when 'York heaved the ball badly to firkt with .ao chance of getting th runner, tltordaa crossed k plate, Todav tha aa me- tam 'ltt l .-'m othes whirl t, it, the battl. to tart at half past three o'clock, with How edge working for B.Burko aad poa- ibly O'Bell for th Infantry. "V. I; f t . in aeorei f first mr. ABHBH RB PO i Heatoa, 2b. '. . audd,,ef ..... i a: Maddut, at ,. .. GallagW, p 1 1 0 , I. 0 0 Q. o o.fl. o 1 LhinUp, lb Iadian, Ub... Maahaa. rf r. .'. O'BeU, If ;;.'., York, p .... 'Totaj!.i i. Olympic ABBBH6BPO A E ..4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tramutolo, cf R ior dan, Sb . 11 . 4 ' 8 0 S 6 0 1 Kennedy, Sb . rine, a . . . . Barker, If ... I Bonn, Sb ..... BurksV'?1.... Kbner, rf 0 1 J Bcbammel, p . B. II...U (I 9 A I t 1 n 38 we iTwo out Wbea wlnnino rua eciirso. i i. ....,'., v,; Summary Saerlfic. hit. Durilom '. hit by piUh,er, Heatont bse. oa balls, off Vork 0, off Schammel 3; struck out. by Torlr'T, by Schammel, : wild piui York umpire, BUyioa and Bruns. TJme ef game, one hour and thirty-fve wisiuvrs. TB Competition, In All .Kauai tour hament Proving Worth : r While to Pans' - V ' srkafl tradal to Tna AdvwrU.ari : ' jUKUB, rebruary 22. Several match a in tht ladies' All- Kauai tennis tour nament were played off today ia the LlhuO prelioilnarle. Mis. Milleent Waterhous and Mis 8ilbum Purvis becam the Li hue team which will play i V!Lm!?"m,' "". f played or ! flayed off. . Mis Waterhouse and Mum i f n'v! ,,e"!Tf th.e.,n M Mlm J"-or, wood to defeat with aeoro of -ll and ft-S. Both team played In. excellent form aad numerous ueuoo gamoa aept ta Interest high. Tb vary good aervle and backhand ra. turning .of Miaa Mclntyr and Mis wood were bettered by bard ball aad clever placing of their opprment - The L.inueue arc proud of - their team, Which they claim la tho beat ever aeea Oh the Oarden Isle, bat th tennis fan or :T. ajraea are quit as athuelaatie over some of their , player, although laoir winning team aasnot aa yet beei determined. . . , ' . At present there are ao entries from any district but Lihue for tha singles but it 'ia hoped that aorao playrs will be entered later. Two inoia matches were played off thia morning in Llhu. to set piayod Detween Mis Water house and Mis Marjorle alammed ont core oi O-o, e-rj. Mia Katherine Wood 0n two aeta : from ,Mra. ; Katherine Burae, b-i and 8-1, in a closely played match whlen rtlrred np great enthmrb fr'. tho !. linrn. ibe i:Miiirv or in morniii wrf ..Mrs Jln.-k aad Kis' ivau'.Hou. aol Ouimunticr. " Ualea more, enter the ainirlra. -h nneup ior in remainder of th tourna ment will ba Mia Purvis against Mis Elsie Wilcox, and the winner of this match will meet Miaa Katherln. Vm,i Tha winner Of this match will il in mo imais, tne winner or tha set to be played between Mis Waterhouse and Mis ummanney. Everything is ready for the big au tomobil and motorcycle races at K piolarii Park next 8a tar day afternoon, Hd Promoter Eddie ' Watermaa has completed bis labor on tb rack eourae Md th .poedwiy la In great condition for, tke events. Jo Woltets, the dirt track record holder on a motoreyele, gav tb eoarse a tryout estfday af- iwiiws, aaa alter a rew inroa aroand the track reported that it waa in good hap and It would be po fault of his t h did not do better than a mile la fifty seconds la his exhibitions. Wol ter' record for a mil over a dirt track ia lorty two aoconda, . aad j wbil he does aot espeet to lower thia Mark hb say he Intends to make i try at it oeaiae wouera, aeverai of tb local speeder, gave the track a tryout knd all are aatUfied. that it i in good shape aad expect aome close aad exciting fin ish, in both th tea mile event aad 10 tn tke nrteea-mile eveut. Fifteen local riders are entered in these two venu, and th machines to be oed will bo tho' Harley -Davidson, Indian tad Excelsior. "Dntelr" Wena, Lou Orandey,Mik0 oioosi ana Jack uraham. all star dirt track driver fmin the mainland are on nana ready to face the starter. Tbe taen have been Been with their ears aoout tke street, the last two davs and u.k ..... 1 1- - ' ' L . - rmvu car iuwi use a real racer. The ear are a Maxwoll, used by Barney- Oldfield in many of nil dare devil . drive, on Dueaen berg, one National with a Duesenberg nglne, and one 120-horsepower Fiat. They are. formidable looking machines, and with th track in good thane some fast time should be rolled off by the . L . ' , 1 . . . . . vxunris win win do at tne wheels. .Tb first race, a ten mile motorcycle affair for stripped stock ear, w'll start at one o'clock, and Promoter Waterman promises to finish tha card so that those who care to take in tbe hair gam between the Winged O and Twenty-fifth Infantry at AtaletjePark eka .do ao In plenty of time. LIHUE SOCCER TEAMS - PLAYING FAST GAMES -(Mall Special to Tb Advertlaer) ' LIHUE, February 22. In the aeeond rama of the Kauai inter-echool soccer eague, the Lihue Government Hchnol defeated tha Koloa School bv a score of to 8. . Tbe team, played on tbe Koloa Held and a good crowd witnessed the game. The teams were very evenly matched , and played unuauailv .n There are several other games to be played between the Kleele, Koloa, U- bu and th Kauai High aad Grammar scnooi. . in various principal, and teacher bav taken up regular prac tise work and the team plavlno- are in i good- form. ':;',' I .. - t FREDDIE WELSH SIGNS FOR TEN ROUND BOUT (ilsssUto4 mss br rarai Wlrsloss.) - ' " APPKLTIN, Wlaconala, February 84. Freddie ; Welsh last night signal to meet Ford Monger of Philadelphia. ia a ten-round contest, the bunt to be1 fought here, the night of Wa.-b 10. I1C0S BOARD m,i - "RUSH HOh'UAPO PifeR -,"t'Y ".:"' 1 Superintendent .Forbes; Will ln-;v spec! Public Works on Hawaii , f. - riang , for tbe eonrtfuetlon of , the ' Honuapo wharf on the Big Island will bo pusbed through U ' completion '. a. " ,, speedily a pomribl.,. Bo.awrh waa 4. , ! elded opvn at jeaterday 'a meeting ,if th harbor board fa the Capito...,Tho.l,c' atruttttr will ewt kpproilmat' iloV v 'oo.,.-...:,.'- ;r : la ecan-ellioB' wUb thia' aad , other work under rorislderatiovv or already In hand on IlawalL-Bwperlnteadcnt t f v PublU Vrorkr-f,oTl.rUH1.avo aorO Fa turd y afterroon, oa toar ,tt . in- ' pectloi,. , He win n inspect tho road ' work, .the Witrif fepalrwerk ind,' tk reclamatloa work the btd, doing. - , The mmieaiotter,itai autborited repair bn tk wbaf;oiHenoinln, aad ' the i-rrilminary work tbis-wwll bo ' , staite.1 at one.: Th in.poetien )f ta Ilackfeto wharf Pier J6, preliminary to , ftihklng ti estimate of th c- (, jiy pairs, will begin at oac.vv'lt' ia .ievM that about' $30,oon wij bavA f be fXpruded to pot tho wharf la .first elaas sha. , ' ' -. .' . '., xroA rAorosi,. amrrnro amv , OOMMIHrOM MXEOHAKTi . x' XKSTAVANOB AOEKtf. - ' Awa FlaoUtlca Oompaop, i .. watana AKtieaitaral O IM, ApokAa nr f, Ltd .,. XobalA Kngat Oompanj.:.- -- , ffaaiawa 'Water Company, tsj Pnlto Iron Worn f M. hmiM, . v ; , awoooea: at wuoox company, . Oreena til Bcorondaot Oompanf, Onaa. a Srooiw (fe, Imotv , ,' Matron IfarlgnUoa Oompaa ' Tojro Kiae ata'h , ' Bank of Hawaii (aeorporateo, - lnaer lb Uiw n't be , Ta-rttorr of Hawaii. ' OAVTtf V JKPT.TJIl' AKV UXOVXCE ....... . , , 1$6&0 a Cook . .-. , .r-Piaai ' a . B. I. Ttnney , , ....... ,. t : . rresiasm A Im. 3,. VU Prclent and Msnefet P., Darnoi ...,, r. . . Caahit. 0. J'nllrr . . . . . . . ;.Aalaf ait Tatilai hX MoT trrlstoa .' ... .Assistant Cable DrBBCTO'H: C. H. On. n Toahoy, A. Uwia,. Jr., Ti. ' r- Bisho n. MBciannne,. i, Ajv ntCCaslBpsk H. Atlrton. GO B.Xwrtar. VI B Damrv f, O. Atbarto,' A. Coohi COMMERCIAI. ANT) lATTJTot 'U - ' PBPAatTMXNTS. ; V cltriat atUntioa riven to all tranche ox itaaolag. , -v , . BANK OY UAWAU IJ)0., FOBT &T n- XVPBRSS UM Of 8TXAM CaJ' r&va dUCB3C TO LTVWfcPOOL CANADIAN PACOTO BAHWAT th Haow Tonrist bVrat of tho Work la eoaaeeUaa wit) the Caaadiaa-i vstralaalaa Boyal Mall Li hor (ieketa and geaeral laforawtioa pply U HE3.H. DAYIES&CO., LTD Oeaeral AgeaU Jaaadiaa Paeite Ely. Oa. Castle & Cooke Co., Ltd ... ,.., i Commission MsrchznU;, Suar Factors : &w Plaatatiwa Dau .- - v I Vi atalua AgrMaltarai Oe, Ui, Arokaa Hugar Ces lAov. .. , , ., rultoa lroa Work of St, i0l UUkeftm PuBPe'.f. ,t,Ui. , WiMtera'e CoatrtiageJa. -V 4,. Babooek WIU .(Lot lot, , . Qrt ' rol. geearalia., .; Marsh Bteaa: Pampe. -.w,'. Jr.. , Mataoa Nar'gatioa .Oa, - i Planter' Uao Bbif plag Oa. . K KohaU Sugar Co,' t ,o. BUBtNBSa CAK&S. OWOLULn IR03 WOBK8 CfX Ma ebinery of every description mad)" to erdr. a HAWAIIAN GAZETTE Beml-WcekJy IQd Tuesdays an4 ; l v rrtdaya. , . ' Entered at the Ptetofllce of Bonoln'n. H. T Second-OIsao Matter. " 8UB80KIPTION ' liATEB: Month ., .20 . S3. 00 Month, Foreign .3d F Toar, Foreign ...... ...... It. 00 FsTaWe Invariably ta Advance. OHABUB8 . OBAUX lrTasafac in. ' 1,1 .i.ii , : K it i't. "'