Newspaper Page Text
s ". il. i ' . , i " -, ,..t v. : ..... ":,-. .. ' ' ' , V . ; jj,.'...5 , if ftf ill. ' IUU u ATTETtl PI AT SUICIDE IS!-V jt ' ;t 'if. M'j vt? W IN THOMAS SdOARE Shfrt Spend t Husband's Money " Ttf Get Divorced Spouse Away From Islands QUARREL 19 FOLLOWED ' ( BY OPEIi-AlR TRAGEDY' Husband, tt.Near and Police Are j SunrfnonedTe--, Wild- ; . - Goose Chase balHl ovec t matter of monejr wbiel he had expohded is order to rlj fier1-of-t&o prefon'et of fcor divorced ItuabAoil; ftnd, donlftleMs; li order to r Mi' ''lot nd; ymltky. ' ifrettj little diKrlotte' HJwelT, t-portrfguei1, niidtf' dig bluff til taking poisbn la Thomas Square abbot a ; quarter te ight o'clock last' dlght. ' IneldentalW the police bad a wild-gooa ' ekaae aad re for a 'while iquite dp la the air over the matter. ' - - ' A telpbone meetage'irai received at the station tliat'l worn a ft had commit tod ruicide on a beach in Emma iquara hua requualing tbat the ambulance and a doctor be.aent ftere at once. Th amouiaare . was immediately despatch CiL and Deputy Sheriff Bose and two other officers, hprried.. to the square, o'v io una everyining quiet anil with a,badlutfV no evidence in sight that anyone . bad shuffled off their mortal cuii in iirv avigoDornooa. wbnaa 'Wghtf -At Bum ,' 'Meanwhile the 'Kuiband of the wo man, who had .telephoned the police in the fret, instance, tilaeed hia wife In f private machine and' conveyed her o (He 'emereencr hosnitaL where x- iiiinatioB , by Doctor Ayer revealed i nc aci inai ane was as rlgnt as rain, although apparently feigning uncon sioiianesa, M. W. Howell, tho woman husband, is chief marhiniat'a mate aboard the V. 8. S. Alert stationed at Pearl ljar lor. lie baa been .married and living happily near " Bchool ' and" ' T'ouauu streets' for some 'time' past and had l-t.-.J in the safe-keeping of hia wife $400. , ' r.owelT's work is at Pearl Harbor and in order to be able to make the trip' to- and from town with greater fa.ility he dcciiJed to purchase a run ulxiujt. ' He mentioned the matter to his w'le and she seemed great". y pleased, ainf, a week ago, agreed to draw $230 ' fioin their account to be nsed as part I nVme'nt for" the machine. t U No. Money Oomei '. I'ays went on and Howell was an rt 'e to obtain the money from hs wife, who kept ntl)ing him by telling him that she. would et, him have the quiount the following day. the lattei .j'i.rt. of last week, whea ho had become it s' stent, aha, sent f messenger to Pearl liajbor a letter stating that she would have the mojey., ready for him tlm following day J. TliA.uext, tiay ,canva aad, no money, in,. i ilwell decided to' have a itraigbt tulk with ,h4'w.ifer flra the beat about the bush but on her hunband ac-riuing her of having .used the money lur other purposes she confessed that 'bad spent the greater part of it in yWtniK her divorced husband away fjom the Isliiuds. This was on Saturday night and a iiuarrej la aa-d to ljav followed the ifinis'sion, on the part of Mrs. Howell. Anyhow, the poliix received a messagi' that a woman had been beaten near Nhool and Nuuanu streets and the I'owidls were taken to, the atation in the patrol wagqn. . (lu the way to the statlo the wo inun attempted to stick a couple of liatiiii into her body and' was only revented from doing so by the time-I- intervention of Police Officer Hau di'ii. ' W'f Swears to Warrant ' . A tlie tt'atiqn Mrj) Howell said that H'ie would sFear to, a warrant for her husband 'a ,arret . yeatetday morning, iud Howell aaked the police, were thia done, to notify, him at pearl Harbor, mid be would come In and accept ser vice of the warrant. In the afternoon iluwell called at the atatioa and found thut hia wife had sworn out a warrant for, his arrest, aid be promised to be iu court at nine o'clock thia morning, ut which time tJe case was set , for trial. r.axJy Jat eveniug, when Howell was at hi house, his wife went out. She Lad attempted her life on orevious oc cualons, according to her hunband, aud i tpi , . loiioweu ner 10 hpmaj Siiuare. "where, he sat on.oue si'at and h' Ff ,pn another. amoking ' aeverttl curettes, Jfowcll sa.bia we hold her haud to I'K moutlj ajid.thea fall down on the IfUih on,whh alio was sitting. He jusli'ed to hor aide aud,. finding her ap 1 VUi'otWciouB, telephoned for llio ainbwl.ince auj a doctor, While hu)wifa la 0n the operating futile In the eiuAruennv kom.ttul linu.. ", f.,vUiWv affectei at his wife's r plight and waa most solicitous as to her cqudjtipn and. ,tb,e proapect, of her recovery. ' '. l onler to Veasa'ure himself as to whether or not h woman wa faking, )6!tor Ayr remlrked that he was Itoing (o gVo hft home' aiediclue which wiuld do Mr Kood but Whih would luake ner ' very glck. 1 " y' . v ', !,The arategem haif the' d'esWe " effect aad la m minute or ,ao th woman. Was Hitting up and making ninrtera lip with her huaband, and - shortly afterward they went home together. , . ,. f ..... . , ; ,,A4 v . ... r... ' Supreme Court Orders ' Judge AshT6rd To Sustain Demur rers of Defendants SAYS 'COMPANY KNEW "' MANAGER HAD ABSCONDED Debt Not Yet Due and Plaintiff PbwerlesiMToif (Avoid Being Defrauded; Judge Anhferd 'was feversed yeater day By the supreme court In da bnln toil' handed down la the ease of the Ho nolulu Brewing ft Malting Company aaainst Charles O. Bartlett and Fred Harrison. The opThion Is written by Aiaoclate Juhtic Quarlea and concur red! in by Chief Justice Robertson and Associate Justice Wataom The "suit was brought ty the brew ery against Bartlett, who Is a fugitive from justice, and Tred H'arrtson, his attorney-in-fact, to recover on a prom iseory not made by Bartlett to' T." A. Marlowe' and by the lattef assigned te the' plaintiff company. The note was for 1355.20, dated April 25, .1915, due two years later. ' Bartlett, who was manager of the'cKmpany, got info hot water,' was lad feted by the terntdrial grand jury on four charges of.nibe alement, one of uttering forged paper and the othar of forgery. He skipped iernxory ana to. (late tne local po lioe have not been able to bring him her for trial. The company aued on the arminl that Bartlett being- fua-itlva from justice aid not intend to return and that it waa the intention of the defend ante' to dispose of whatever property Bartlett had here and take the nrn- eeeds away from the Territory, thereby uiwBg it imposaiDie ror tne company w reevrer iq fnis jurisdiction. Aahford Overruled Demurrers ' Judge Lymer for the dtfendanta in (erpoaed 'demurrers to tkm conlmini. ueg.nK, Bmong otlier contentions, that the, note waa not , due and would not De due, until April S3, 1917, and that taymeut of it could not be in forced a th'.s time. The demnrrers of the d. rendanta were overruled, but Judge Ashford allowed them an i nterlocutnrv appeal , to the supreme court, with the resnit given nere. "To, the plaintiff's bill," aavs the supreme court, J'the , defendants filed 'heir aeveral demurrers upon the ground that the aaid bill does not state facta sufficient to entitle the plaintiff to the relief demanded, either by in junction or by a discovery, and that the circuit judite, sitting in equity, has no power to grant the relief demanded by the plaintiff in its aaid bill. These lerourrera. were overruled by the cir cuit judge... We muat either affirm or reverse the, order overruling the said Jcmurrera, Abe controlling question here is: as a court of -equity in this iurisdic Qu, under, the allegations of fart ron- taiued in. the bill, power to restrain a debtor ..from , aelUng and disposing of '" property unless he gives aecnritv for a debt not yet duet Some Patalaf Obaervations "If was laken"bv'the oriuiual nroin isee without .security; and the obliga oi payment, try agrccinpnt of the parties, fotfOned for a neriml nf twn vears. The note 1 negotiable in form, fil other words, the promissee implied, ly agreed to. wait two years for pav nent without se-urity. inner tne allegations of the bill the inference' arise thut Un tt plaintiff took 'the aasignmcnt of the note witnout recourse it knew that Bartlett had absconded, that he had been Indicted for embezzlement, knew that he did not intqnd to return, ami knew tMt hrf wa selling and dispos ing; of his property in Hawaii, as the allegations of the bill show that these things had, occurred prior o the as signment, of he note in question to the olajntiff, and there, la no allegation in the bill that these things, or anv of theni, were uuknowq to the plain tiff.! . ' : The opinion then discusses at con sfderable length' the law in the case. 'Bpl J?reaeiiU Ko Equity , .'-'Ia our opinion,'' concludes the de ciaion, ;."the: jiU. preaenU no equitv. aad the facts alleged therei n are not suficieat.U eaUtla plaintiff to the re lief, demanded, wherefore the demur rera- of th defendants to the auid bill jihould have been sustained. ".The order overruling the said de murrers, ia reversed with coats to the appellant and the cause remanded for further proceedings consistent with the viewa herein e'xpresaed." Cnarlca. 6. payla. with fleorKe A. Davis on the brief, repreaeutcd I he Honolulu Brewing & Malting Com any, while Judge William B. Lymer qf tbt, law, firm of Lindsay k Lymer, represented, the, defendants Bartlett ad. . Harrison. a a . ; y r HAWAIIAN WAY HAVE - . PROTECTIVE NEWSPAPER 'rThe 'Hawaiian: Pi-otective . Aesoria tlon. whk-h T' an outgrowth of the for hatlo' of ul'o fjliiba la the )'' cam pigi),.l contemplating tba (sauaaca pf a weekly .newspaper to, bo' called the ltolomua. Jphu WUo la mentioned as the probnMe ixlltnr. ; It: Ja mid that the Publication will be, Hon political in tone. -, ' .- , ',. BREVERY LOSEJJfJ liVIOANA HOTEL WILL flfipJOlfW BE HNLARGED INTO I BlMliOIE LUXURIOUSRESORT r r '. . '. ' r-. i : HAWAilAW "GAiStitJ tvsdaY;; MAiSei r Report Not Denied By Territorial Company Says $200,000 Will Be Expended PRESIDENT VON HAMM ';, " ' WILL NOT DISCUSS PLANS Improvements Contemplate. Twb Big Wings, Ornamental Pier; and Dancing Pavilion (moe more report u busv with Im provements lor the Moiina Hotel. This the story insists that the Terrl tor.ul Hotel ci.nipauv, Ud., is toing to Siend 20ll,0(l(l on the construction of twp big w.nj-s for its hotel at Waikikl beach, and upon other improvements which will make the pla e larger .and oven more luxurious than at present. When asked regarding the matter yesterday afternoon, . f . von llamm, president of the hotel company, refs ed to talk for, publication, sa. 'ng that matters are lot yet ready, lie would neither affirm nor deny the report: . At a gathering of the directors of the company last Haturdav aftern )U, the question of the additions necessary for the Moana Hotel, in view of the greatly increased tourist traffic here and the prospect that even the increase " ' . win ue largely augment ed this year, was discussed informally. Nothing was done at that meeting that would lie considered definite, but tentative plans involving an expendi ture of 2(X),IM)6 were suggested by Vome of the members, and estimotea wero submitted and studied, without any definite action heing taken. This was reserved for the next meeting ot the board, whh-h is set for some day this week. For a long time, it is siiid,. the direc tors Of the rOltinnnv Irnta f..U M.. 1 , .... - v .v., llMIl aometbirg must be done to meet the growing di niund for accommodations during the tourist season. While the last Carnival was on the pressure was Airtraei.v nesvy, an. I while everybody who applied for rooms at anv of the hotels owned bv the CmilTMint. Ufnu nil. en some sort of accommodation, ;t was not always exactly what was wauted, nj tnere whs a little dissatisfaction. TWl n . 41.- V . . .. . , rompnny out at conditions generally. Also it was recognized that if, as there is every indication will be the case, the tide of tourist trmc sets in eves more strongly in lt7 than it did in 1916, the hotel and boaiding houses nowhere will be ntteily unable to cope aith the demand for rooms. . Therefore, goes on tho report, taking time by the forelock, the directora, acting upon the suggestion of one of the officials of tho company, have practically decided to begin Work ou enlarging and improving the Moana Hotel, by the construction of two big wings or annexes to the present build ing and cojinectlng them with oruameu tal archways with the main structure. The plans are said to include a wing on the ewa side, and shifting of the bathhouses, so as to make room for a reat lanai, that is to extend the whole length of the improved and eularged structure. On the opposite, side, it is reported, the plans call for a smaller wing, wherft the rntiiuM ...... .4 1 Dancing Pavilion On Pier wtner details of the plan are said to be. an enlarged and Ornamental pier with a dancing puvilion at the ex treme eud, with a sort bf dock f-r canoes aud other craft. In short, it is planned to make of th Vt erty a great resort, with all of the w"l-ru niiractiiiiis and I icilitim de manded of Mich a iiU,. l.v 1..... 1 tourists. 1 MAt?r XRWH W a u 4 .1... well known proprietor of the Kahului '"'". was ine victim or a vicious araault. ou Tuemliir rt.rnn.. by four former sailors from the American Hawaiian freighter Alaskan. As a iili H..t taken to the Malulanl Hospital in naiigKti sunering rrom numerous cuts and bruises. Although his inju ries are nnt ImlievoH I. ....... serious character, bia face was scarce iv recognized arter tne quartet hail hiushed beating and kickiug him. Tlic men, had been drinking. H,. ot I ' a mu i I u 1 t ill ,.. . . . - - - .... . v , .1 .... n i ir lll'SI ed shortly, after they had wearied of pounding their victim, are all Hawaii- ajis or par lUwaiiana. , Their names tj:ii 1... .. .. -F, uui . ivaaiinvKu, b, Lincoln. J. Liuooln and William Jona. Thev ur rived at Kahului by the Claiidiue lust Haturdnv. tuivinir ml.u.l UA1H ship wheu it' left that port for Uilo. '""J imcnciHii to rejoin it Here, but the captain, who had shipped other men at Hiln, refused tf take them aboard. It ia said that tn,v had had some trouble at the saloon .several dava before, art.1 ftn.liMi. u.aii M...i . -"-"R ".wu inn Jaiianese bartemler al.ina ' , T....u proi-eeded to do them up. A Jap- uaruer wnj ran into file place to remonstrate, got a crack on the uose and was pitched oilt on his hel for hia trouble. ' BIG ISLAND FAVORITES llenrv Lvinaa and Frank Hrn.n seem; to be. the choice of the Kepub llcill 'Voters of the Hiir T.lan.l tt th.t county Is to hare representation in tho dclegiitlon to'go to the tiationul eou-' mmi'uu m 1 nteago. Tula fact la gleaaud from the Hilo papers, . ' ' SALOON MAN VICTIM OF GANG ASSAULT I I IID.liiL"; . T ., :-i'.V.. -M( ' Oirf.lAflOABOi Lurnberrrien's Trust Is wfaking In quires1 On Improvement Work , ' ' To Be Done "'5 MAYOft tAN'E INFORMS Vt f ' INVESTOR OF PROJECT V ' ',.. '::t City .May Have .Chance To Deal With ; Outsider If It So Desires ' ' " s , - '-I-V Wayor John C. Lane waa reoeatfy in receipt of a communication fronr John A. Keating, presidsat of the Lnnhhr- men ' Trust Company of "VOftlaad, Ore..' askina-'hlm tn advlaa VrJ'ii theamddrts'"of the several contracts whfch have been let for Impfove'meAta ia Honolulu this year, which Bright produce bonds, and also the eatimkted h'mount Of other project " for witch contracU maV be let during the'ehr. katrxir aliiJt 1 I..'.-..! - ---' ivi iniufmiwi aa to 'tba 'Character of the' dUtrieU which are being improved, In each ase and the probable dates of the eompte tiofl of the Foatrai-ta " ' " ' ' . He aaid that he was desh-lout of ob- taittintf ftka im f n.m f inn . n.,..l.J f. - " - ivuimwu BV as .to. b, wble to. gueas the time at K.k i.L ... i. . .1 .1, 1 , . "Pr IH ISIIHll Will U9 BOKI.;, Coast firm Wl 8m Itnmfa ."Ia tan the contracts are". Vet,, will yon Kinaiy.aeivtae as of the same of the contractora. to, whom they, have ben ,awardd,", wrote . Keating. . x,We have, takeat great interest , in the In vestigation of these issues and possi bly shall beTabU to negotiate for their purchase.", ,. ,, The foTlowiag extracts are Ukea from Mayor Lane's answer to Presl dent Keatiagsa. letter, which goea for ward by today's mail: "The contracts for which bids have been conditionally accepted ace as fol- iuwb! manoa improvement district, 1 87,6313 lF.. K Bitchle.4 Co, Han Krancisce,- Lusitana street improve ment, 30,865, Lord Voting Engineering Com pa ay, Jfonoluln, ; 'ImprovemertflstfTcts for 'which bids, will probably, b tailed during the coming year '! Be'etania street im piovement, $24,680; Kalakaoa avenue improvement, I I,tl0;.u Beah Walk improvement, Wl.OfNJ. , Manoa And Luaftaxtaj Woiih , w V Work an the, Maoa Improvement district ' probably, will be commented within th next fwe aaonthi Bud must be completed in pae; re,ar..; This in vol vea the paving f of approximately seven wiles of streets ia, a select resi dential district where the aaaiket value of-the land ranges, from J 5 (.0 23 cents per,. square foot Approximately 30, i:00 will be paid, by the ity in thia project, while the property-owners in aid district will b given thirty days In which 'to pay for th Improvements, after which bonds .will In issued to cover the unpaid bat- aeie necessary to complete the fuud for aame. The terms of these bonds is tea' years, and the interest bot to exceed a per cent per annum. ' "The lusitana work, will commence al out the same time a the Manoa im provement, aud completed in three, uiontba. .It covers One aud one half niUu. of concree .pavlng, with a bituminous am face, in a auction of the city principally occupied by Tortu gueae. ApjiroxiiuaWy. II.73, will be Paid bv t.te ffovernniMaf in ll,i i... provrment. for whieh a .boqd issue of about )0,0(HI will bo' necessary to cover t h. amount to be paid by the proper t.v -owners. " ' ' " 1 Coming Improvejneriti Jrtibab1e "As to the improvements for which hiils will proliably bo called, during the coming year, the, Beretania street pro ie-t takes in a portion of the main ar terv of travel tarana-h'iha i-iiv KaU. kaua ayeuiie aud .Bfiaek.. Walk lis provements include' portions of the famous Waikikl beach, which ia a prln fipil resort bf tourists. The property vabiee, In this sectjoo, ( are relatively high. , "It is impossible at this time to say when bonds-will be issued for such im provements, even for those for which tide ha"Ve been submitted." 7ft GOING IT TOO HARD Teoplo live so last nowadays that they tear down their tissues faster than nature can build up. Jt Alls the hlood with waste matter aad nrle poi suna. The kidneys struggbj for awhile to filter the blood, .but anally weaken anil "go on a strike. V- .- When your back begins to ache, you feel .blue, nervous aud tired, aad notice kidney and bladder' Irregularities. Best and nelp the kidney if you would avoid dropsy, gravel or fatal Bright 's disease. . .4. . To rot the kidneys, shun overwork, moTtY,"Mi JflurV ifvereatlng, and atrong drinks. Beat more,- sleep more a.Ml get some outdoor exercise. Walk ing is good. ," To help the, Vidneya,, ate Doan's twskarha Kidaoj?., JPIJI . . Tey act quickly. They are harmless and do lastiug , gooil. Touaands vouch for them, , , ,, v 1 . , "When YourJtai-h ia Berne ai br thcAame.'iPoii'l aimply ask for a .kidney, remedj-r-ask , dwUuctly for t)o SMkach J(tey. P1U and take bo other. Uoan'a aukahe, Kidney J'yii f .e iJa bjr all. druggists aad store keeper at $).,(ix-bqjtea;,iWO) or will be mijjed On reeelpt of pric,e hj tho Hollister T)rig 4, or Ihhiwii, Hmlth t Co., agents for, the Hawaiian Islands, ' ' - -,i ." , , ,. .- PORTtA 21, -semi-weekly 1 i i I. ir7 ' t i. company k mmk raw wmk&tu , , 7. m i DS FINANCIALLY SOUND Sr? ill Utilities Commission Has Second . Inning With This Public Ser vice Corporation TARIFF OF CITY PHONES , WILL NOT BE RAISED NOW Employes Receive Liberal Treat ment and Climate Causes Rap-N id Depreciation of Plant The second hearing on the investiga tion of the Mutual Telephone ompany was had last evening before the piib lie. utilities commissioners. It conaUt .ed of an examination of Treasurer John A, Halrh and Manager P. C. Hummel on the report made by H. Gooding Fiejd for the commission. The report went into the Anancea of the company as found from its hooks of account and other flnani-ial data on 4le in the compnnv's office, and was proven by experting the trial balanee and cross entries. The report covered the fiscal year 1913. The total value of the plant shown to be 891,502.71, the profit and lora ac count of the concern showed $00,928.97. TSe operating and general expenxe wa ,$161,483,157, a against IS7.723.20 for the previous year, and the income in 1918 was 2(i,4.-0.24 a against r;64, 095.62 in 19H. The enpitnl stock per mitted at this time is 73,O(l0, of which 615,570 is issued'. All of this ia fully paid up and none of It has been Issued in atock dividends. There are bonds Outstanding amounting to 26(1,000. The triai balance showed a total of 1,100, 752.16. , Auxiliaries Operate At toss During the course of the examina tion it developed that the country sys tem and electric clocks and fire alarms wore not paying by several hundred dollars a year and' on the request of air. nan-h tne ogures of the income and expense c,f the wireless department were not made public. It was intimated by Batch that while there was no intention on the part of the company to raise the tariff of eit ? hones, . It wn. possible that the rate or the country service might be ad vanced to take care, of the loss occur ring' each year of. operation. .Extensions were being made from time to time aa additional subscribers demanded service and there are at prea ent about 7000 phones installed and in service), of which 11(10 are in the buai neas section of the city and the balance In the residence and countrv districts. On the workmen s compensation law the company Jaimed to be doing bet ter by .its employes than the law de manded. They were taken care of on full pay much longer than the law con templated and one man who was taken sick through his exposure in line of duty had been taken care of for more than Ave months, on full puy and until his recovery. Status of Employes There are 154 employes of the com pany, of whom forty-one are women. These later are operators iu the Hono lulu offices and country exchanges and get from twenty to fifty-five dollars a month, according to cSiciency and length of service. The mechanical de partment pavs from a dollar and a half a day for helpers to four and a half a day to the linemen. 1 lie work day is 110 longer thau eight hours ami several of the employes have been with the company for twenty years; one for more than twenty-two years. and a half is given for overtime. Construction work is going on all the time aud this year it ia possible that there will be spent ubout $80,000 iu extensions and replacements. A new station to take care of the Waikiki ami Kaimuki subscriliers is lieiug con structed at a cost of about 7000 for the building alone. In the country districts the operators are supplied with everything except their, food, bot the company fffruishos sloe-ping and living quarters, kitchen utensils and table and bed linen so that, the girls have only to supply their own food. On a question from Henator James L. Coke, who, in the absence of the attorney general, acted as attorney for the commission, the exereiae of emi nent domain by' the company was de nied by the officers. Does Mot Exercise Sight Senator Coke explained thut the leg islature had passed the law giving the company the right to so exercise tle right but the com puny disclaimed any use of it whatever. Mannger Hummel explained that the climate here, was very hard on the plant and for thut reason there wis a largo depreciation fund set aside yearly 1o take care of the investment. It waa possible that within the coming live years the switchboard would Imw to be renewed, and it was -necessary that the fund allowed to grow nufti cieutly to take ear of thia replace ment when necessary. Treasurer Raich stated that the com pany's manner of handling deprecia tion am genera! accounting would be found to be a climsic. when compared with other corporation accounting sys terns in the Islands and said that the Tutted states was Mastered all over with , defunct telephone , companies which had not paid sufficient attention to deprerintion but had tried to pav dividends too lavishly. Chairman Pur bus pulldd K new stunt or. thCj commissioners in flguriug de (i-iation. It was a slide rule whu h worked like an accordeon. He got re sults, however, and then Bred more iiiiCMtiana. Audit Eeport Accepted ' The reort of the accountant ' wus MARINE INTELLIGENCE By Merchant!' Exchange Nan Krsneincor ArrlvedV Wanch titr. El Hcgnmlo, hence March 9. Han Pram isco -Arrived, March H, nr. AiasKan, rrom HUo March 9. Yokohama Arrived. March 18, 8tf Cite of Pnebls, hence Feb. 29. San Francisco Arrived,' March 18, Btr. 1 ucntan, hence March 8. Port Townsea l-Wailcd , March 18, senr. iielene. for Honolulu. Tuget Bound Hailed, March-18, schr. A. P. Coats, for Honolulu. , . Kahului Arrived, March 18,' str., Santa Marij from ' t'ort San Luis. , Han Francisco Arrived, March 20, 9 a. m., str. Tcnyo Maru, benea March San Francisco flailed, March 90, str. Heiyo Maru, for Honolulu. '-.''' ' H0R1 OF HONOLULU. ASXTvTD Japanese cruisers Tokiwa and Chi tone from Victoria and Ksnulmalt, in offing, 7:33 a. m. Str. Mauna Kea from Hijo, 6:30 a.m. Str. V. (. Hall from Hawaii, 7 a. m Str. Manila from San Francisco, for bunkers, 3:15 p. in. , das. schr. lleeia Maru from Koolau ports, 5 p. m. Str. Claudine from Maui, 11:50 p. m., 8aturday. ' Str. Mikahala from Maul ami Molo kai, 1:31) a. m. Str. Maul from Kauai, 3:45 a. m. Str. Kinau from Kauui, 5 a. m. Str. Wllhelmiaa.fram Hilo, 6:35 a. m. Str. Shoshone from Hawaii, 4:30 a. m. (laa. schr. lleeia Maru from Koolau, H;4o p. 111. . j WfAXTZD Str. Claudine for Maui, 5:05 p. m. Japanese cruisers Tokiwa aud 4'aituae for Caroliae islands or Japan, 6:50 p.m. Str. Maona Kea for' Hilo, 3:lo p. m. fctr. llyadea for Island ports, 12:30 a. m. Str. Columbia for San Francisco, 2:30 p. m. ' T Str. Claudine for Maui, 5:10 p. m. Str. Maui for Kauai, ;4l p. m. PA8SEKOEB8 AftAlVED Hilo Miss Watson. Miss Bunatyne, li. Dietel, Mies T. Yamashiro, C S. Jackson. H. Arita. Mrs. Okino. Mrs. Havano, Hk.J.orgeusen, Miss H. Ishida, O. F. Heine,. It. II. Scovel, II. Class, 0. KV Larrlsoa, N. C. C.rover, W. Kamau, W.. La Adams, Miss Allen. Mahukona T. , H. Lillie and son, H. t hing, r.-C. TaCtow, Jasper Hub sell and wife. Miss M. Maun, A. von Arnswaldt. Kawaihaer-J.' D. Paiis, Jr., William (i. Andrade. ' ' I.ahaina-1I. Faria, A. V. Peters, James L. Coke' O. W. Tewksburv, C. E. Blair, J. Bf. McHale, W. V. William sou. Mr. Fukashima, A. E. Morris. J. 1. Ilackrtt, Rev. A. Akana, P. A. (lor man, T. A., O'Brien, T. Ono, Mr. Sak urnko, C. A. yVoode. Hy str. Claudine from Maui, March 19 Mrs. a Kaipo, lea Fat Koe, ( . Au Mee, Mra. Peterson, Mrs, J. Avilla, P. (i. Krbern, Wy Bot he, J. A Do Rego, Mrs. Do Bego, Mra. H. .1. Meyer, Miss tt. Meyer, Mies E. Aleyer, Mim 1.. Mey er, Ting Hee Lrfing, Ah You ( hong, Mrs. I'hiug She, a ttnlffen, Mrs. T. Hla.k burn, S. Baldwin, ,' . , B' str. Klaau.from Kauai, March IH. Mrs. L. Bose, B. Nakayama, lice Pat, (juong Lung, Mrs. M. F. Cahral, Master 1 lemcut, L. Y. Loon, I V. Ho, J. II. ilowmaa, J. Bchwant, K. I). Piitman, Mrs. U Laeloa, W. L. Woo, .1. Wass manii. Mra. L. Flinhorst, K. Klmhorst, Jr., F. Staiige, C. L, Sang, C. A. Fran., Dr. p. A. Lyman, H. Luud, Miss ol bum, T. IsumL F. A. Alexander, Mrs. P. A. Alexander, F. (ioodwin, .1. P.. Hocliu, James Achuck, James l.vnch, R. C. Walker, Mr. Shaw, .1. K. Mver. .1, K. Lyod, R. N. Oliver, Mrs. K. N. Oliver, J. W. Catheart, Mrs. O. K. Still man. Master F, Stillman, M. II. H111111 inonil, Francis tiay and aervunt, luirle tlav, ('. W. Splti ' '' MAN LIKE ROOSEVELT SHOULD BE PRESIDENT Henry J.' Lyman of Kapoho, a can didute to come before the Republican territorial coavenion .as one of the either two or, six delegates to the uatmual couventio'a, wants to be sent, if selected, with his bands free and without cast-Iron instructions given to the Hawaiian .delegates four yeais ago. Mr. Lyman confesses iu a letter tu The Advertiser to au intense :t 1 mi in tion of the straightforward Amcrp-1111 iain of Theodore Roosevelt and believes that the United (States nee. Is 11 1'rcsi lent "with lota of sand and," fousideriiig. that "'the Mexicans are killing our citizens on the border and our people are being drowned in the war xout." , accepted and Will be considered bv (lie voiiiiuiasiouers and further exuiuiiia tivns oil t Will be had at a future date. Accountant Field gave notice that as he would be leaving for tho main land this evening he would like to have his little bill of twenty five dol lars a day for services rendered unite (he twelfth of thia month settled, and was aasufed that, Ik would tie. The meeting adjourned to this afternoon at two o'clock, when tho regular business of the commission will bo transacted. , Tn r .rT; L ' Honoitlu Stock Exchango Monday," March 20 1916. 1 ... t If lNaaiv of Stock. Mercantile. ( Mcxiiu.ler St llu:dwln24 ' Mu-Wel i 0 ... . 323 Sujfar. Rwn I'lnntTit on Co ail. u Siigm Co ... . llllW u Ag.. to... Haw '11 Co 'I .Sugar. Hnw 11 Sugar o. . , llbiinkaa H"gr i n . Hoiiouni Hnnr Cu. Hutrhi'lSIlh Xiignr . . Kali uke. Plant 'n Co Kekahn Sugar Co. . Koloa Sugnr Co ... . MrHryde Sugnr Co. Oahu Sugar t o la4 Sugar Co Onomea Sngnr Co... Pnauhait Sugar Co. Psc, Sugar Mi l. . . . Paia Plant '11 o. . Pepeekeo Sugar 0 Pioneer Mill Co. . . rtaa Carlos Mill Co. Waialua Agr. Co. . . WailukH M.igsr Co.. :i.T . 3311 3' M ho" 50 --; 10 In I il'O'l to 1". lht .1 uti 47 10 26 V 1K0 " 13 34 17'i 243" 45 i.V 26V4 l"-W ISO IS1! I 34 ; K! .' 57', I To 1 .S40 ' l.-.n I JII I i N',1 : 3t ia 160 I 10 isvh 3.5 17 so"' 46 i 35U MlaeUaneona, Haiku F. A P. o pf llis'n Electric (:o. iiiwa. I inc. Co. . . . Hilo K. R. ( o. pf J. . Hilo B. K. Co., com Hon. Krew. I 'ult. Hon. ( Co H. R. T. k h. Co.. I. I. S. Nnv. Co. . . Mutual Tel. Co. ... . O. R. & U Co Pahang Rubber Co. Tanjoug Olok Rub. I. .1167 W 3N 1 2H .: 2.'',i 39 -. 4' , 18 .! .5oi .501 . 17'1! ' . 110 1,1 Vi . 160'..! . I I 113 'A -i 2":h,i 20) .15.. ... .: 24 I 24 .i 40 I 41 43 hi Bonda. . rTamakna Ditch 6s . .l6t Haw. Irr. Co. 6s 3 Haw. Ter. Imp. 4s. . .l01 Hilo U. R. 6s 1901.. I 60 Hilo R. K. A Ext. 6s. 1 !5.1 Honokaa Sugar s. . .i biu. Hon. Cas Co. 5s 1103 103H H. R. T. A L. Co. 6a. '105 104 Kauai- y, Co. Its 100 100 McBryde Sugar 5s .il0 .(....,.100 Mutual Tel. ."s ,108 1106 O. R. t I.. Co 5s Jit 105 Oahu Mugur 6s Hi9 1)08 109 Olua Hugar Co. Cs.. .I10IV4 102Mi i nc. Miinno ti t . y 0. us; uta Pae. Hug. Mill Co. 6s: 95 ...... 100. San Carina 6s; . ;t .';1100 ' BETWEEN BOAKDS 1 Olaa, 63, !0, 50, 50, J00, 100, 200, 1H5, 15. 10, 275, t5, 30,. J7.37H; Me Bryde, 125, 13 00: MrMrvde, 250, 10, 2 1 at. ton, 45(f, 1e,.8.V2t" Tahang Rub. Co,, sWl, 24 00; Ea. 1,V 33, 25, 33.50; ripnecr, 50, 5", 50, 5, 46.00; Hon. B. A M. Co., 15, ?.V 17.73; Ka hnku, BO, 100, ,f.50 Oahu Sog. Co, 30, 150. .VI, 20, 20, 2 34 75; Honokaa, 15, 1 0. 1 2 i ; O. K. A I. t'i, 7, 163.00; Wtia1, JO, S4 5d. SES3ION I.UX8 ' Ewa,. 'Io, -it), 33 50: Honokaa,' 10, I0.12U, ; Kohnkii, 10. 26 50; McBrvde, 100, 100. 50, 13.12'Xii Olaa, 100, 17.37; ,Oohu Eng. Co.. 100,. 100, 100, ., 50, 50, 3-..00; McBrvde, lO'l is.ix.i:.- waialna, 100, so, 50, 33.00; Kwn. 15, 5, 33 $ '; Haw Pineapple Co, 10. 31.25: Oahu Si g. Co., 10, 35.00; McBrvde, 100, 13 12C DrvrDENr.s March 20, 11. Pahang Rubber Co. . . 1 (nome 40. Haw. Ag.. Co. . . 1.50 Alexander 4c Baldwin 1 AM) 8UOAB QUOTATIONS 8S analvsia beets(no advices). Parifv 0" Cent (For Haw. Sugars) 3.8U NOTICE Much 2, 1916. At a inextiiig of t'ie I) r-ctors of the llnwaiiau fommrrcial k Sugar Com-.' pan.v held todav an extra dividend of )" centa M?r rhnre was declared pay-' aMe on April 5th, lnJ- F Peculiar and Probably Fatal Ac cident Overtakes Japanese PICK As the result vt a most unusual a,.'',', cid nt lute yette'tf.iV aftera.ton,' an nn-.-known Japanese mhn 1 lying at The ', tjueeu'a lliwpilal with a fractured' sl-ull an I iiob,ib- w U die About hulfp.ji.t fvi o'clock, whllo S. KawbUiurn. a .luuacese. was ridluir , in u, street car , otng to Kalihi, and . when uear Kaim huinehn IV road, he ' parsed a Chinese for whom he had lieen doing aume work. Th Chinese shout-, cd 'or luni;to OJ o,j a pick, which hd had with him, tri.'"i tin cur, and Kb--.' , Muimira threw the pick into the toad from, the moving ci.. At tliat niument ' u Jai uue,e mau r diiu a. bicycle to- Uliril ii.lW-li IV .14 ttM.(,..r ...i'l ,I.A IUII.I 1 of the pick at' nek, h'ni viarely in th'i head, frartuiing ft aidl. The r -4 man was t; ken to the emergency hospital in a passing auto- ' : mobile an-1 then't" w is m iii ived to TU tjoeea's. Hoapi'al v!e e lie was, lat .' tuff night, rep. rti'.l to ') still unrou - - ' -cioua. K :waiii.i;a w.i a rested aad U ui,. 1,1.1 V -i-rai -- 7T 1 1 v, .i HAWAIIAN' COMMERCIAL ' ' . TO PAY SPECIAL DIVIDEND ; llawailun ,C.inincri iiil directora have ' auuQufr-d sj'fi iHl dividend, of ,Mftv ' ceuta a alijir, pnuble April j, Vith the regular monthly dividend of tweii- ' ' ty-fiv cent a share It will make a ' tia viae ut. tuthu atutkholders of 300,. UIBJ, vv'iil t a'. H OLAA MAY REACH PAR Olaa sold t 17 3 H yesterday aud there are predictions that it will go to par by tho eud of tho moa'.h. -