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CALLED SCGAlt QUOTATIONS ) ( trifaokta If. 1T. Bar lb tiht tm rrioo, uwiia dim d.wj 11.20 , Lm pravtoua toot- , tio..... ........,. 6.917 HUM VVOL,. IX.: NO. !. 25. HONOLULU, 1 1 AW A 1 1 T F. R R 1 TO R Y ; f R 1 D A " M A R ( 1 1 31,: 1916;-SEMI-WEEKLV. - WHOLE NUMBER'412( as. T1 E LORIES OF WAS Three tcenei ol de-th from the, battl front 'lufthV Champagne dUtrict,' tAkenby the official nhotographer. of the French foreign office. JLJZE" J)hot0.raPh te,l'he :of bombardment- of German trenchea-by the'Fftnchl.TfhV-In the left hand photograph it comrnunication trench. &'i-nT-in' U!ht in attempt t0 iM bact lTh an- Photograp! it of demoUthed aecond-line trench, blasted out of ahape by high explotfve thells. while the bottom photograph it a "mint crater." tot defense. There are manyfmllea of ju.t such tcenet as these along western front T V r- O . . .' ( . A. C I , ' J. A J I II 1 1 I t ' II 1 I l I 1 - i.'. i I ' i -' ''-''' : TLUinns use Linuiu FIIIE 111'FIGIITIilG VILLA GAUGH j i - - - Herald Abortive Attacks At Dou V v aumont . By . .Flame. Sprayed Against French 'Trenches, But ' - Are Driven Back With Loss i V- AVIATORS OF BOTH SIDES : k: GROWING ACTIVE ONCE MORE .. French Officially ' Report That ' Their Airmen Brought Down No Less - Than Eight Machines of the Kaiser'i Aerial Corps ' ' ' ' ''''''' ' '-!''''' v. - , ' (AMoaUtod Turn fcjr rdal WlrtlaM.) ' PARIS, March 811iquld llrt tUy 4 it pwt on th fighting line north pf Verdun around Donau mont, agaiil yeiterd,V , aeeordlny to official ' deptche aiaje publie ' in laat sight. , Tha ; Tentona under the ..'rown . PrinM,.' made erveral abortive attack v heralding! their oming with piirta ot flame, but the eneh. hi) ' their ground and tdroTt the iaraden .'back with.heavjr lomea, , Battle At roeonrt i . A; . At Avoeoart there an exchange of attack. The Qerman commander . . launched f reeh eolumni of men against the French line, and Hiffred a' finite. Later the French ent X .nnt attack . agaiaat'lhe Teuton, 'and in turn, vwere driren back. - The day ended with the . French in poaeion, of the gronad '.;; ther took from the Herman veiterdar , and the day before. ' . ' at of the river Meuaa there waa a ; . reaewal pf the terrific bombardment of ' , the last few week, bpt no tnfaatnr ! ! attack, save at Panoumoni, '"t- -,;-ATiator- Aetivt ' t -V' V Tbj aviator oti litli-lani1v(rray. ';rtrenmctrrrhowwrr-aad . the j.nremn uiruma are rcjuin ea io aave xrougai aown bo lea thB eight of the Germ- lllera,' Bve' of the aorth of f Vcnlun, two in . the Champagn di ' triet and one on-' the Somme. Several of the French fliera wert hU.'bnt were al le to reah their line afely. la Grewe, the Teuton aad their al lie yesterday attempted another aerial raid againtj the'-elt of Salonika and the rarop of the,' Entente Allies but without' sucee. French airmen took their machine aloft at the rt hint of the attempted raid and drove the Herman away before they could drop bombs, on the eampa outside of the eity; ,' Orceka Fprf SntenU - Deapatehea from Athens declare that there i 'a general f eeling in the Greek , capital that the raid against Salonika are being done with' the object of forcing GreW to Join in expelling the Allies from the country. A high offi cial of the Greek court said yesterday that this waa evidently tne German aim. but, h added, that there 1 little or no ehanc-. the Teutons will attain their object, aa Greece realises that she is "at the mercy of the Entente Powers," and caa not (a any way take idc with the 'Germans. HEAVY FIGHTING', IN SOUTH BEBLIX. Mareh 30.wNewa front the Ttolo-Austnan front. today la-that there i heavy battttnar near Uorizila, oa the Item so line, , both (idea having large force engaged. To Austrian have eapturej 350 Italian. ; . .- AUSTRIAN AIR RAID. FAILS HOME, March iOJ'our Auetriaa .aeroplane which tried te, raid Vene tian, provincial towns and dsop bomb have been shot down by the Italians, and eight officer' optured. ; Little damage ,waa dene by the bomb, few persoD. teing wounded. ; " i. TWENTY.' THOUSAND SERBS .DIE OF COLD AND HUNGER AMdMd tm f r4ral Wirtl.) BKBNK, March 30. Htaggering Iom of life from aheer privation and hard hio imon the Berblaa, refugee, men, women and AUdren, 1 told of in a formal report of the BwU Bed Crotw, i-ad pnblia today. The report de clarea that of "30,000' refugees from Serbia who were driven from ' their country by tba, invasion of the Teu tonic araue and the l.rlngwate of the laud, and who beaded southward acrnes the Greek border, only 8000 leached Silonikl and vicinity. ' The 't i rtated,. periHhed of sold and, hunger en rout. The survivor were . in a pitiable condition, , - (- NEW MILITARY GOVERNOR AMoeUU4 rrM Vr rrM WlrUu.) PARIS. March Jlr Qoa; A. Y. B. Im ball ha been iuamel aaccesaor to Gen eral Mauaury piilltry covemor of !'. The change it to take effect Immediately. MAIN ' COJCIITTEE - OF ; ADMIIlALTYjYILL EMPLOY i.LL MEANS AT ITS DISPOSAL TO .VIN SUCCESS (AsmcUU4 mm by rdrU'WurlM.) LONDON, March 31 A wireleea des patch cent out from BerMa laat night and intercepted here states that the "main committee of 'the reischatag ha decided tht' Germany'' st sea shall employ "all meaas" at the 'disposal of the admiralty to gain success. , "Oermany ea warfare shall be car ried through with all the mean at her diiposal which caa b made most in strumental in securing a successful is sue to the war," saya the despatch. This i taken here vto mean merely the approval of a policy ' already Inau gurated by the German admiralty. Cer- Will Build Railroad With Sanction of Japanese Government : , .' ,"' , i ; '' i :' k ., (AssodsWa Frsss by rarsl VliiUu.) PEKIIQ,' March ) Si, The,, thinese government yesterday formally ratified aa agreement ' whereby Russia obtains the right to construct C62 miles of rail road, aivlna control of 'Northern Man churia to the flivs. ! ' ' ' ' Japanese oflieial after going over the term of the agreement hava'devided to concur ia the arrangement. ; Russia, under provision of the con tract, is to finance .the construction of the railway, and will float a loan of $25,- ooo.ouo for tae purpose, ,. 7 . - ' - T " 1 ' AIR RECORDS SMASHED (AeUU4 rrsss k IMsral Wtrslss.) PENSACOLA, March 80.Blchard C. Sauflcr, Junior grade lieutenant at- lacusu 10 iu Tti Beranauiic iieiion RUSSIA SECURES CONTROL OF NORTHERN MAfCHURIA nere, touay reacneu an aitituuu or io,- cxpccien 10 outaiu a great deui of loot 079 feet In a navy aeroplane. Naval 'rum the sh'p. This is gathered from authorities contend that thia is a ntutciuiiits he made to members of tho world's record for altitude under the 1 vessel's crw.' A search of the Matop aouditious.. .,, I po fuiled td dlaeloae any bombs! x I J ' . - " . .. f ,''.;;; rt. ,.1 REIGBTAG -ENDORSES GERMAN SUBMARINE ; POLICY tainlVithe Garmaa auhmarina nmmrui1 er are allowing a little a possible to encape them.. All told twenty BritUh veMl' have' been 'destroyed by torpe does or mines since the new campaign of the Teutonic Powers began March 1. Yesterday the steamers Diadem, Kil bride and La vina Weirtoll, and the Su siaa achooner Ottomaf were sunk hi the war zone. There were no casual tie o far aa is now know. SUBMARINE ? BASES LOCATED UNDON, March 80. A wireless de spHtcb f row) Koine", says that patrol boats belonging to. tho Allies' navies have discovered four boxtlle 'submarine LOCKS UP SKIPPER (Aaoctot4 rrta by fttntX Wirsl.) LEVyESDelaware, .March 31. Ern est Schiller, s German: stowaway, who secreted-himself' on tKe steamer Ma- toppo, when the vessel left New York for Vladivostok with munitions, came tut Waduesday night from his hiding place loeked the csptsln in his state room and put the Wireless out ofv com mission while the vessel was off Sandy Hook. . '' He then aKserted tliat bombs ha J been secreted . on the steamer, which would soon- be trlowV up. Meiiibers' of the crew succeeded in getting distress" signals noticed by coasting vessel, which responded to the call and; the Matoppo was" brought here, Schiller being taken into custody. Schiller-bad 'been bidden for flva duys on, board. the. vessel, lie refused to make any statement to the police, sfter beiBa(b'0Unt hT'i tut it i be lieved that the- man - is unhslahc.l iiieutally. It is also believed that he GERIVIAN STOWAWAY . iiicuuiMT. ii is bisu leiieveo mat ne v bases alonff' the' Greek inlnnda' nf tt Mediterranean "Sea. It hat beea aua- pecteil for a long time that hostile sub marines wore able to cecnra, supplies from somewhere in these islands .-. -' SUSSEX CASE DEVELOPING . LONDON', March 30. A' new phase in the Sussex explosion appears to1, be developing. Ambassador Page., has forwarded from- London all unofficial report that a, BjitiHb destroyer, when aiding in rescuing the survivors of the cripplod vessel, fired twice upoa - the submarine believed to have, launched the torpedo that . struck the steamer amidships. -... A . OF ARRESTED, AS ' Said To Be fmplicated . in Wei land ,CanaV Conspiracy (Auodated Frsss br Tdrsl Wireless.) ' NEW YOEIC-March .to. Han Pn. jhcr n4 of Johanna Gadnki, thf famous opera alnger, was arrested by tho iudcral authorities here today; He is alleged to be a repreaentatlva in the United State of tha.Krupp, MunJtiqs Company of Germany 'X ''' : The charge against him are that he is connected with', the conspiracy to blow up and destroy the Wetland canal, between Lake Ontario and Lake, Erie. The disclosure Of Horst 'von dor Goltz, the German held as a' military prisoner ia Koglnud, are said to have impliented Pauscher. He denies any knowledge of a basis for the charge. GERMAN OFFICER ARRESTED tAisacutisd Vrses hy rtdtral Wtrsisu.) NEW YORK, SMarch 81. Captain Tauscher, who' rlaiuig to 1ms a German nflicer, hssbeea arrvsteil bore and yea trrdHv was held In 2.V00 bond for iuvestigatioa. ., ' -r - HUSBAND GADSKI PLOTTtR ATTACKED BY VICTI1I (Xf)tS .Tnm y rcderat Viral.) ; FliCLD HEADQUARTERS." Ameri can. Army in Mexico, March 11-rThat, 'Pancho'. Villa na'rowly eesptd death by trangling. at the banla of one-of report which haa beea " brought nto these hea4lanartrs by Mexican eyewit- utmvem i iae Buair, la WOK'B I Be Dan-, dit 'chief 'ftortnMMl n... r,cA ' M. mcmborsi-of the Polanco family, em ployed ob the Corralito ranch.' . - xrltl ' 1 . .'4 ' jiiB,paa ai men oaa aaen poa- Muinn nt f k a ' n nak mmA i.J .. k . ed the Ave. mea of the Polanea junily. wnom ae announce Be tnlandod to f?Tbe victims1 were WfAJ the- 'flata of '-tha .. Vm. Hlcei' km - MTiiIk tnl..j. . J broke looaa from ; hi rorturerS1 aurt 'jlrUthed DVflK til k. VIII. 'r.-. hin? and showZag hia enjoyment of-tht apretaela. ', v y . . '?. -'' ; Mucio. gvanped Villa by. this throat and threw him to the ground,' twisting hi Angers around the bandit Wader 'a windpipe as the latter straggled to tear hlmtielr free. The officers came to thet SECRETARY OF NAVY ASKS AISO URGES UPON CONGRESS ARIIO PLATE RANT WASHINGTON'. March 1 SI Secre tary Daniels went befqre the naval af fairs committee of the houfce yesterday! in support of a aumber of the item la the general narikl bill. He asked tb committee to provide for the establish) meet of a plant for the maaofaetwr of pro,)ectllea for tha big gunsof th war ships, and alee nrged the appreprla Uon of 1 ,500,000 for the estatlih ment of a' research laboratory for aa al. purpose, a recommended by, tha aaval advisory board. ..yj.j Asks Hydroaeroplanea 'y ; Ao appropriation of $2,000,000 was also requested for the purchase" of hy droaeroplanes and for the :vpkeeproi the air branch of the eerviee, . -. Secretary Daniel also asked thai provision be matte .for the enlistment of 1.1,000 more teamen, in order that the enlisted personnel might 4ie brought np to the requirements of the fleets The secretary outlined his pla -for the rrestlon oi.a asvsl reserve, under RAILROAD TRAINMEN Cj MAKE THEIR DEMANDS; (AssoeUto rrss by rsdaral Wtrslsss.) NEW Y0RK, March JO.-L-Damiid, from nearly 400,000 locomotive engin eers, firemen, and other trainmen . were, formally presented today to, the gene ral managers of 180 railroad v.jiyrtemaj covering the entire United State. The member of the o-e ailed "1iQ Four "union ask for aa eight-hour day, without reduction of pay. Th road are given a month ia which W make answer to the demands. T The eastern railroad nave already replied to the men' demand, submitting their t Owajfedemam; ids for discussion.) . CAPITAL LEARNS OF , WHITE HOUSE ROMANCE; (AssadsUd Press by r4ral Wtrslsss.) ! WASHINGTON March 80. An Bouncaraent wak made this aftemoea of the engagement of Dr. Cary Oray son, the Whit House phvsielan, an4 Alice (lertrilde Gordon, Mrs. Wilson 'a most lntinmte , friend. The wedding may be held ia the White House neat June. -j. 1 YfflLE JIORDERINC FAJEY renrue oi ineir leaner ant beat Muclo upon the head, with the hutt r k.i. revolvers antil ha was unconscious and his Angers eoud be pries) loose. - Other SrotsJiy Treated ' ; 1 By this time' the four- other of the family. had keen beaten into uncon sciousness and' ropes were fastened around the- neck of each. n.. ... then hauled from the gronnd, "but at nrn sign er consciousness they were lowered to thi ground and que?, tioaed aa ta the kiJinv nl ..(. twa sister,' who had run away and eereted themselves' whoa lh v.-.iij first appVared.The-brotheni n,)' f t wiieofioned. WheB th Bias - tkia.l ...Ki, ' ..... u. Ki . rae anmren larorma Won, they were attnn ui. for the last time arid their- boMestddled with bul- lt.V H " li,-. -, c .The tfandits dLf not find tiie girl and flaaliv laft the; ra to" continue their flight. ,, . . .'.': ,'..," '. Report hve alio reached here to the effflrt that VliU Bat ben woaaded in the eif, but efforts to verify this re- rrT n-rn o rsr poveii wniiuccessfiil FOR MUNITION FACTORY which the reservist are to b divided into five classes, ' fleet,', naval, naval auxiliary and coast defease volun teera." t , '. s.-. . Waau Armor Plata plant"' . ? He urged the passage of the bill be fore the committee to', purchase or build and equip a government plant for the ' manufacture of armor piste, a presented by Senator Tillman, chair man of the committee on naval affairs ia the enate, which bill haa already passed ia the upper house, lie also kave hi personal advocacy to the plan for th -equipment of tae navy yards at, Norfolk, Philadelphia and Puget Sound for the construction in these government plants of battleships and other heavy construction. He also presented the need of thf Norfolk vy yard for an adequate drydock. The committeemen made no criticism of; the plans ef the secretary nor of his administration of tha navy ' depart ment The report of the committee will probably be made today- HOUSE PASSES BURNETT IMMIGRATION i MEASURE (AMaataua Press by rsceral Wtrslsss.) WASHING TON, Maren JO With it provision on literacy teat and Asiatic exclusion unchanged, the Immigration bill wa today passed by the house by vote of 308 to sighty seven. Favorable action in the nte 1 re garded' a assured. . The senate this afternoon passed a resolution requesting Attorney-General Gregory to institute an investiga tion to determine whether or not the raises in me price ot gasoline are due to a conspiracy. Senator Hta.. .1.1.. ted 'senators know the consumers are being robbed. " AMBASSADOR MARYE LEAVES HIS POST AT PETR0GRAD ;t (AsUt4 Vtsss by rerel Wusisss.) WASniNOTON, March 80.Abas ador George T. Marye, who haa re signed on account of ill health, left Pet rograd today, snd the secretary of Ihe ronsulate, Mr..l)eeiing, ia acting ambas sador. David B. Francis of Missouri, the new amliassador, will start for Huh sla aoon. SesLtle General Funston Advises Wash toflton That Bandit Leader Is ".Surrounded In Vicinity of Head' .waters of Santa Maria River assaBBsasaaBBBB, CARRANZA GARRISON WANTONLY BUTCHERED - General Calles Now Practically Dictator of Chihuahua, Provi sional President Giving Author ity To Northern Commander (AMeeUU rrss by rsdsra! Wlrslass.) Y7A8HINGTOV. M":l 81 Ea. A cou raging news cam front the , " ' Mexican "front" last night, contradicting the previous rather pes simistic rumors. It is now asserted that the American cavalry ha Villa hemmed in, and that nnless the bandit leader manage to break through the cordon of United State troop and Carranalsta, and escape again, ho. will be forced to fight er surrender." This information comes to the capi tal from General ' Funston a bendqiar ters, with the additional detail that Villa ia now believed to die in the vicinity of the headwater of the San. ta Maria 'river. It ia io tinofflclally stated that tha kL lew 178 member of the Guerrero gar- 5M i.k 11 4. . ' v ..ou, n.kuuuv Kivnig inera ao muea aa f-- chance for their Uvea. their Uvea.' j.-.'v -.' ., 'y y . s.wera stmt out ever railT'?'. Ka 'BuppUea Ben, Ns inhnlias r s.M.i..w , v-cf m. pttii qui fdd-yesterttay, despite the- annouBx'-,,. e-jit awt.thaL,'lt had ha.kten,lc,' ijA' so. Xhe7baa.,Bnea seading Americalr troop a", auarda - nnnn k annnl." .train, AnAi thd, other eonditioBa'-inv tdj ........ .k , . . . ,-v.v., iub 1 ouwi oiatea emctan by the provisional government of Me ico prove vekatiou, ; say war depart-, ment authorities. v ArBiy omcials and then! held a onV ferenee at El Paso laat alght and the railroad and supply situation Was gone Into very thoroughly,, but none of the., officer at the conference would talk about what waa decided upon there. r It is atata 1ah. k.A I. a.. 1 . determined to takej ehance and begin ", ;ri-"B "Hfra vo ueneraj fersninir this morning, v . . . . Mexico Northwestern TJel ' , According to other advices, 'Ameri- can troops si ready have made use of the Mexico Northwestern road between ' asas Orandes and Madera, and have been transporting troops and muni tions. Thi report i based upon state. -nitints made byfa aoltUer of the Tenth Cavalry, who returned to Columbus yesterdsy. , (leneral Calles is now practicslly dictator of Chihuahua, Despatchea from Dougl, Arisooa, last alght an nousced that Carraaxa ha formally approved o the decree, issued by Cal les, disfranchising all "enemies of the government.". He haa also delegated to General Calles. all legislative, an I executive authority, pendiug the elec tions. ,JF . Carranxa Mayor Murdered . ' . That the Villista sentiment ta North ern Mexico Is not by any? manner of mean dead, waa proved again yestsr. day when assassins murdered Alberto Rodrigues, the Carranaa mayor of Ojl- . nsga. According to advice to General' Oavira the assaasina escaped.' ; CAUSE OF RAILROAD " : ' ACCIDENT UNSOLVED ; (Asaeelatsa Press' By tsaeral Wlrslass.) , ('LEV EI.AND, March SO.Opinloo ; is dividetl aa to the. responsibility, for -the frightful railroad accident near here yesterday morning, when' three New York Central train were wreck. . ed. The towermaa, Ernst, who was accused of doling at, his post and fail' ' ing to see that the first signal Of warning waa properly heeded, assert a that be did not aet a ''stop signal" for ' the first section when it waa delayed.,' Engineer Leonard, runulsg n tha first section, says that he stopped be- ' cause of a signal originating at tha tower. " A baby was bora on fiuaday .'ak Ernst's home and the railroad author ' ities say the towermaa did not get-, any sleep for soma time, trust denie ; . this. :. ..''' ; GENERAL YAMADA PROMOTED (Spscisl CibUfTia te BswaU bIbbo.) TOKIO, March SI. -I.teutcoant-Qen. eral Vamada, formerly head of the bu reau of military affair, ha been a p. poiuted vice-miniter of war in the place of'utenaat General Oahima, recently named miuister. , 'I 1 - ' t ' .4 . 1 " n V . , i . ; ' " v 1 y