Newspaper Page Text
HAWAIIAN GAZETTE. FRIDAY, APRIL 21, ?1SEMIAVEZKLV. ZLEGATE !( 0 WILL GET CEIIIND : PROHIBITION ACT Pending Measure Affects All Ter jritory Within Police Jurisdiction of Federal Government i- THIS INCLUDES HAWAII Tr, "AS WITHIN LEGISLATION V "'':'- I- : - Members of Congress Give As- suranccs To Local Workers ;;-.'.v0f their Sopport t,.: Unless there be torn convulsion po I'ticalry and torn upheaval at Wiih Iittoa te sidetrsck" all' question aot Immedistely pressing, prohibition (or , Hawaii aooa will become a live iseu k' Pelegat Kuhl 1 oa, record aa be ing willing to favor a measure reeub- . tolttiag tha question of prohibit ioa to ' lb voter f tha Territory, If congress JU to be naked to veto oa a prohibition ry meeaar for Hawaii alone, and a ' aa further-agreed to aupport the pro- . - - L - tf r4 u Ike lelaads tf the question la again to b submitted. . , Tk la Crthtf,. Miurt In u Java agreed to giv bia aupport la swngres to any prohibition measure for Hawaii that does aot deal with jJKawaii alone, but, Includes within lta Scope th District of Columbia. Thia, apparently, te aw the theory that aaeh . a measure could aot be takea as dis criminating against lit wail " oa (the er of any racial differences between h voting majority her and that of the mainland districts -. , BUI DeUgat WW. Back . i a iui mill nnnn natwai hi r mm i redaction of jaat each a prohibition bill as th Delegate ears he will en ilorse and support. It is a bill intro Tlueed by Rep. Addison T. Smith of ' I.lnho nrohihit thai ami nflntAvi. ' eating beverages- throughout tha police iarieuietio . or, we , leoerai govera eat" Thia bill was introduced oa '''iaj:.' :-t - : . It enacte oy mo nenato ana . TT . tf -n . I tf xl - uwsv 1 s nepmviMWn - vi ' ins Uaited States mt America ia Congress UMihlml . That hn mA sftxr aaa jraar froaj tha approval of this Asf it aii ' do aniawrui ior any perse um " perso as, ompany or .eorporatioav :te eU , rivs away, or dispense lntoxieat- , lag beverages la tha District f, Oslvav IkW tluk. Hawaii Part. IlM..(kin Tntalia, afao Canal Zone, or in I any lsl aad, reservation, ' premises, building, . aseat.. ' -' 'V-.' . utoiii-B-"Bee. 2. That any violaUow'of this -'Act shaJl be deemed a misdasseanois aad - apoa' conviction shall, for V aaeh eeparata offense, be punished, ia tha unt mimwsWf VI m puv wi nui mil . thaa 3 00, and for a second and sob sequent offense by a Una of not loss . than 100 and imprisonment for aot Ifsss than six Months. ..( "Bee. S. That the heads of tha . several ' departments of the Govern ftient ars sUreeted to carry tha provi aUkna of this Act inta full fore and mttmmt ft ' : This bill is aow before the commit- tf. i i t r . i : . . m ' . hi oa Buconoiitfi iiauor irsmc. Vm KsnHsa tamrtva1 J' ClolltlU I.IUinn.l .. .11... 1. u ... ktf. , V" WUI J K U -S ' V WVSS ' roceived by Bev. Samuel K. Kamaio nili from namhtra nf tk hnuu anil senate answerina hii letter in reoard , to the i desirability of prohibitingth , trac of liquor in the Territory. Two batches of similar letters have alreaMjr been published in Tha Advertiser. The . replies just received are given here:-' ' ' Adiison T. BBjith of Idaho, member f the house committee! ou publke lands '.and alcoholic liquor traffic: "I am aearuiy in xavor or proniDition zor Hawaii, and will do everything I eaa te sec a re the enactment of a prohibi .' tion law this session. ' ' V. C Dill of Washington, of the house aommittve on Iqdisn Affairs: "J eaa say I shall vote for prohibition for Hawaii, and hoe that the bill will ' nasa.", , Albert Johnson of Wsshington, of the houss committees on territories (Alas . nay nmmwijti hiUB mi war: J, Uaa ay that Ism la favor of prohibition mot ouly for the Territory of Hawaii, but for tha entire United States." : Frank E. Guernsey of Maine, house aiitle aa Territories: "Note with interest what you say about ths decline ia tha ' number of native Hawaiisns, kl ! lit 1 . . aa account of tha selling of intoxi cants. - I am ia favor of the propoal tion to establish prohibition ia tha Is lands aad shall vote for it whea it some before the Committee aa Ter ritories; of which I am a member.' for action.,'', '.. U, H. Hartley of Washington, member l tha house: " I will mimtrn that I am ' . very pleased to have your views oa the subject aod I am (ling your letter for reference and consideration whea the aiiAjefit cornea op for consideration ia . the bouse." - Calif ornlaa Joins Cause . John E. Bader of California, member of the souse committees on eipendl turas la the department of justice, pub H landa., Irrloation and immiaratioa: "Tour of March II, in regard to ths , question as It affects the beauti ful Island f the sea, 'The Paradia of thr Faciflc,' at band. I note carefully the comment upon th liquor Question and th terrible Inroads that has been . had upon tb Hawaiians by virtue of the. continuation of the traffic 10s your tion Vi'l hsv my best personal consi der '".''. : 'bn M. Ptevens ef Texas, chairman of the uiie, coin mil li on Indiaa Af fairs: y Ijetf to a l ie .voii that I arill ctittinuuti!...! ;;- RAYMOND DECLARES HE'S H'S OVfl BOSS Maui Doctor Sayt He Is Not and. Never Has Been 'Pinkham's Man' "I am aot Pinkham's mha hd never have bees rinkhamV man. I ant my I own man aad I want t impress this strongly upo pryDiy."' Thi is what' Dr. J. II. Baymondr had to say yeaterday ia reply to a question as to what a thought of th tetter of Attorney Engen Murphy of Wailukn, to Joka H. Wirsoa, Democratic national rommitteemaa, aa th way things were done la a recent primary election in Maui, contiaulng th doctor said: . "1 Ud not run away from th elee tion la Ma4 I cam down here to mak arrangements. f 91, th shipping of my cattle for tb aett quarter, as I am goiag away t th 8tata early in Mny to tak a long trip and with my wife visit my old home la New York. "All I lav to say about Murphv is that 1 tnina a ia tasanV We did nothing ia th election that was not straight forward and " above-hoard. - I did pay William Coelho fifteen dollars to translate for m at th meetings in Lahsinand Wailukn whea I spoke. He wss aot feat te Maui t do politics but was there oa business for the laad de partment, where he 1 employed. Hap pening to meet hint I asked him to help me in my speeches. .This he did. "If th county committee counts me but in th election as delegate, I am going t the eonventioa anyhow and protest those sent there la my place. II was honestly elected -and there is , nothing that I am ashamed of ia the way I was elected. ..What Palakik did ia Pala I d not kaow. Ha ia on of our workers, .bat th atory about him voting thirty-tv prozle ia, I am sure, mal ap oat of whole cloth." "I expect te sail for th mainland early in May to b goa for several months. " I am ready t leave it to my friends, of twenty year' standing Is thia community as t my meaner of do ing business and a to my reliability. All I have te say about th charge made by Murphy ia that I think th maa ia erasv." support a prohibition measure for that Territory." '." C. B. Miller,- Minnesota, member of the home: "I am pleased te have had an expression of your views relative te th advisability of prohibition legisla tion for th Hawailaa Islanda. Ton be ing s native Hawailaa are ia a position to speak 'with authority for your peo plev I am" very glad- te have this state ment from' you.7 ' "Bcelt'erris of -Oklahoma, chairman it tbt'tVrJs committee oa public Isndst "IQotal'earcfuIlf what you ssy. I ahad Be- teryglad t give the matter therein mMMoaed my most carsfal and con scientious consideration. Incidentally I might state that I ant aot very active as a member of the eommitteaJnnJ 'l?? : 'Vtl Bbiimlttee; ' public bcM.u.'I win, however, be glad to take ip thV-matter mentioned la your letter. wvOVrhe chairman of the committee oa TefrUnrWand ask him to present your suggtlstioai to the full committee. Judge ffMisth"ehairman of the committee on Territories, is a very splendid and able man, indeed." t ,. ; t': Support Ia Promised ( Edrar B. Kiess of Pennsylvania, mem ber of the bouse: "Not what yon say concerning prohibition ia Hawaii Bhould thia subject com before con gress for action I shall be glad to sup port a bill prohibiting the sal of liquor la the Islands." , O ,- Alben W. Barkley of Kentucky, mem. ber of the house: "Replying to your favor of March 11, in which you ax- press yoar desire for prohibition la tb Hawaiian Islands, permit me to - ey that whea this matter eemee ap ia th nous of representative, 1 shall p gfa4 V giv It 'my hearty supportj' i. 4 ' . Senator James D. Phelan, Califorala, chairman of the committee oa railroaTda: "I am glad to have th benefit of your Judgement in this matter which will receive careful consideration' whm it cornea before the senate." ' i Senator Robert F. Broussard, Louis iana, chairman of the eommitte on na tional banks: " Let me say that this matter will be given careful attention, and I thank you for giving m your views on the subject." . .., ' Senster Miles Poindexter of Wash ington, committee on naval affairs) " Am glad to know of your interest 1 prohibition for Hawaii. I am heartily Ik favor of this legislation, aad will support it in every way, and do what I eaa to secure itii enactment at this seaaioa of congress." . .. .". John F. Mc( arroii, clerk to Senator James Hamilton Lewis of .. lUinols, ebairmaa of ths eommitte oa espea. diture in the department of at ate, writes: "Henstor Lewis direct", me to thank you for your eommuaioatloa of the eleventh instant, and to assure you that he appreciates your kindness In sending him your view. '.fn,-i-iuV V. Senator Smoot In Lin ' . ' t '"''' Senator Beed 8moot of Utah, "chair man of the committee on Xpeaditure ia the interior department i. "In ani swer will state that I fully realize th evu .eneet uquor has a th Inhabl. tanta of the Ialanda. Th questla ahall have my best consideration,' ' O. C. Hustlng, secretary t Sevator Paul O. Husting of Wisconsin.' mam bar or ine committee to inveetinat tres- poasers upon Indian lands, i w rites t 'Your letter of March '11, favoring prohibition in Hawaii, was duly re ceived. The same has beea placed oa file and will be given very careful con sideration by Henator Husting whs mis mailer cornea up befor tb sen at for action." - I ' J. By Alanii, secretary to Seaator maries e. i nomas or Colorado, Chair maa of the committee on womaa auf frag, writes: "Hvuator Thomas bss your letter of March 1 1 tb snd wish m to assure you that the subject f providing prohibition for the Hawailaa Inlands will r is., his most earnest Consideration at the proper tlm," QUEEH IS PERFECTLY, SAHE DR. SIiiCLAIRi Physician Testifies Liliuokalani Is Mentally Competent: Sticks To Opinion Knew rWhy- Medicos r Called At . Washington Placid She Told ; Doctor' Hobdy LUiuokalanl U meata'lly COTfl peteat aad of sound mind. . " Thia 1 th epiislon expressed ia the witneea stand ia Judge Whltaey court yesterday try Dr. A. N. wlnelalr. H baaad this opinion on -observation de-rVvadae.'the.resmH-otv jfoqry, -visits he made to th Quee at her home in Washington Plae recently. Doctor Sin clair wss crose-examined, but - ia no maaner was his opinion of tb Queen's mental competency shaken. He adhered throughout the two' long sessions held yesterday, to thia conviction. Th testimony of Doctor Sinclair will be mad a matter of perpetual record. It was takea under th proceedings In stituted by Queen Liliuokalani through Jodg Antonio Perry, her counsel, against Delegate Jeaah Kuhlo Kalani aaaole, who 1 aow ia Honolulu, for th rsrpetuatioo of testimony la regard to er'meatal competency and ability to Conduct her owa affairs, both of which conditions hav been attacked by Dele gat Kalanjaaaole ia his equity suit against tha Queen and her trustees for th -cancellation of her trust deed. Posttir Queen Zs San ' " Th physiciaa admitted that he had been engaged by counsel for the Queen ad her trnateee to visit her and study the csaditioa of her mind. - - "fixeuee the question j I don't like to ask It. but am compelled to do so, ' ' said Attorney John W. Cathcart, of counsel for Kalanianaole, "you expect remuneration for your services 1 ' "Katurally.V replied Doctor Sinclair, with a- good-humored smile. "I found th Queen perfectly com petent aad Sana," Doctor Sinclair said, whea asked what as th, condition of hr mind.' . '. V- . Th present suit wss diseueeed by the physiciaa with th Queen, Liliuokalani avowed that ah did aot know why It had beea iaatitated. She thought she had a right to dispose of her property as sb ssw fit. The Queen admitted that h was satisfied with the condition of th trust estate aad its management by th trustees. ..-. . Answering Dr." W. C Hobdv, who, with Drs. C. B. Wood snd G, F. Straub, had visited th Queea 'at times when Doctor Sinclair was a caller, when th first named asked Liliuokalani if she knew., why thcr were there, she replied: Know Vfkf Physician Catted "Yes. otn persons are claiming that I in aot aulte right ap here, pointing to ber fiorehead. v ,1 ' ,v , lair a Hawaiian dictionary she is pre- paruiff and pointed out . aearly-out-of-1 us Hawgiiaa word from melee which shs believes should be incorporsted is her dictionary aad thus preserved ' to posterity. At the beainnins Attornev Cathcart objected to th proceedings. Th court overruled hi objection. Mr.' Cathcart then wanted the hearing to be conduct a beior Judge Mtuart, U whose court is th equity suit to esncsl th Queen 's trust deed. Judge Whitney disregarded tb request and ordered toe bearing to proceed; . Th hearing went oa to it eoneluaioa. . . - . ' 3 Thar were rumors sbout the judi ciary. buUdlng yesterday to the ' effect that tha equity ease would probably be dropped after the supreme court takes up ., the several appeals already mad f roaj the rulings and decision of Judge Stuart. There ia certainly considerable doubt te this, judging by the finesse and minute particularity which 1 being given the case ia its present stage by counsel for Delegate Kalanianole. . T, K. K; PLANS HUGE (tpasial 0blscrsai to Hawaii Itdnae.) TOKIO, April 10. President Asa so, head of th T. K. K. steamship Has announced last nicht that hia company I now planning to build a large dock yard hear Yokohama, at which thro large steamers will be constructed for the lis. These ships, sdded Mr. Assao re to be the equal of the lost Chiyo Maru. Th cost of thsi dockyard will b 00,000,000 yea and 'work -will U eommeacel as soon as possible ' " . , - i I PASSENGERS DECLARE SUSSEX NOT TORPEDOED - nnsn i f w , t . -j (1. ..r .(Assosiste Prase-by rseeral WlrcMea.) :. BERLIN, April 20. Th Germaa foreign office last night transmitted te th American embassy a aupplemea tary not en the attack upon tha, Chan nel steamer Sussex. The note contain ed an affidavit of a Swiss passenger, snd formal statement of aa Americaa lasnenger that the steamer was not torpedoed. all REGULAR EXAMINATION , OF CUSTOMS ACCOUNTS A new order has been issued by th tiaury department, in which arrange ments have beea made for th - HI I n D t inn n ,k. 1 1. .. . . L . douse here at least one m v - Tkn 'collector is requested to designate an 'falntsnt to the examiner who will be rere shortly. The books of th local customs house have not been examin ed regularly heretofore, but every time they have been ex per ted from Wash ington J lie collector has been compli mented ou I lu work dona here by hi staff. KUIIIO DAY WIIARF PROVES GOOD DE! Captain' of Gig Schooner Wil mington Thinks Landing Safe 4 For All Craft tMJJ BpocUl.ta Tb Adwtlswr.) niLO, April 11. By one of those coincidences which Sotnstime happea to add Interest to. q nest ions which are engaging the attention Of th public, the steam schooner Wilmington arrived la Hilo aad proceeded to the iKuhlo Bay wharf, there te fliarharg he4 earg of rlos an a million feet of red woo I lumber.. Two days prior- to th arrival of - the Wilmington, 8iipariterideat f Public Work t'harle R. Forbes, made aa impassioned appeal to th eltiseas ot HAH, fwrt, aU.Jhelr ffiwaje t bav vessels bking tha Harbor of Hllo also nse 'the Kuhlo Bay' wharf.' Mr. Forbes then declared his belief la th afet.T of th wharf snd her, three lays later, the public of Hilo wer af forded an opportunity to see for. .them selves , whether there was any under tow or Other tub-aqueous actioa which would militate against (A successful us of the wharf bv deep sea vessels Cart. T. Oleeen, whe asked his o. la Ion of the wharf, was outspoken ia his response, characterizing the wharf as a "dn4y" ana aad declaring it loca tion to be th best place la th harbor. Shipper Says No Undertow . ' Asked regarding his experience, Cap tain Oleeen said, that h bad been at ses for twefaty-fiv yesrs and had fre quented th port -on th Pacific Coast of America, H laughed when asked tf there was ahy nnaertnw at the wharf, "There is no bndertow here now," h said. "Why: she lies here like a duck. 8 he doesn t move eh doesn 't pull oa her lines t'you can see that for yourself,. 1 Had the wharf o. K." " "These are the mooring line which I would as la any other p'nee.. There arc just stern snd breast lines aft and head snd breast lines forward; there's so anchor off th port bow and a stars mooring line, just a small one. That line (indicating the stera mooring line reaching from the vessel to a buoy) is th on we would nse in Honolulu nr 8an Franclneo. . , This (pointing to the stent line from ths wharf to the ship) 1 a heavier' line, an eight inch line, which I would us in any oatsid port In th stnte.- '. "Th Wilmington is a heavy ve sel.V'b' Added. "She was drawing over nineteen root as we earn in, for w hav 870.000 feet of redwood lum ber a board. it No Danger T' .Vessel "Today Is a flue day, but I would aot be afraid to lay here In any kind of weather.- You ; could fasten a line to that mooring 'which would hold a vessel In any kind of weather snd keep Her off the- wharf If -you wanted .to though what would happen if' you 'did touch the wharf"' We do that right f kntTtttSlf&tittyieti lots of . time we have1 to ctear out of bar bors; wo stay ar'-iong as we can but sometimes we bavW to get out There's no chance' of aa open ses coming over her and forcing a shipTut. The seat would have to W; mighty big to come over that breakwater; in a northerly wind they might break over a l'ttle, but it woulda 't amount to much. Even without the breakwater, von. hav the reef t that ia Itsoll would take some of the seas awsy, ; ; 4,.'TI,'"wlsrf is eertainlv as good as yon could clap eyes oa.- There's a big fine fnont. aad for discharging cargo you eoulda 't get any better and seldom you could get ss good. Wben I found that I wat to come te th wharf I was tickles). It will take me about until Thursday to set 'discharged sad with out any froubls too. It is ss good as anywhere n the states and ths railroad people are so accommodating. -Would Load At , Wharf , " "I Willjoad sugar or San Francisco. but I havn say. definite orders yet I believe we sr going to get it out t it out e wharf I would hat the ia the Day. If it was oa the whi we could tak it; this is where- like to load It." v. Captain Olesea ,waa told that Great Northern landed her passengers by small boats laving away from the wharf and on the last trip it wss dur ing a rain squall. .. "The cantata onght to hav been prosecuted," he aaidL i'l would take th Great Northerw -or, any -other steamer alongside here at any time. I would not ssk for a better harbor. If. I could always -ru .to aa nice a plae aa this I would be satisfied." MAINLAND JUDGE VILL TRY DAVIS Judge Gilbert Willing To Send 'It i Jurist Here .for Purpose Hon. William R Gilbert, presiding judge of th ninth circuit court of appeal for the Pacific Coast State, cabled yesterday from .' his, homer la Portland; Oregon, to Judge Clemoo of tktfj tntftfl CaiIamI tfAfirf ' 4tnmwm . . "Caff hav judge middle f May or uexooer term as yoa eiect." . This' answer Judge demon's request that Judge Gilbert assign soma jurist of his gurisdlrttoa to com to Honolulu to . try cms of th .United States a gainst Foster L. Davis, former clerk of.tb federal court bore, who is charged with irregularities while ia of- flee ss deputy clerk, ' Judge Clemoo is disqualified and Judge Vsughsn, eve had he qualified already, as fede- ' rsl judge here, would Also be disquali fied. ' . . "I have not answered Judge Gil bert's cable yet," Judge Clemou said yesterday, "In fact 1 hav aot yet arrived at a declaloa. I will hav to rronfer with the district, attorney and .counsel for tb defendant as t their wishes la tha Batter.' RTH TEUTOulC PLOTTER siill urn MrhmunityVPlea Fails To Win Re lease For von Papen's . Secretary;11; -y;. ; tAssscUisd Press by reasral WlraUao.) , NEW YORK, April 20.Wolf von Ipel, former secretary to taptals Von lspen,- on time military attach ; al th German embassy ,1a Wsshington, is stilt behind thi bar of th Torn!); charged.. , withi t criminal conspiracy -gainst th peace aad aeutrality of th t sited States In coanactloa with '. th plot to dynamite th Wellaad eanaL H will hav to-ataad hi trial des pite th effort of th Germ sa ambas- ccWtiirbleas'oni tht g0oai thtat M a member of the German embassy he is immun from arrest in th Vaited State,.. , v- - - United States district sttorney sr shall, last night sonounced' that "the legality of von Ifrel's arrest ha now been definitely settled. He wss not a member of the embassy staff,, at th tlm h is alleged to hav entered wto th eoaspiraey te destroy th Csusdlss cssal. Therefore he I aot lmasuae to srrest. - H did not join th staff of th embassy antil December, 1013. la deed I have my doubts if h wss ever a legal member f th staff. -Wa hav restored th official document . foood in hi room' .: : v UNIOII.fhEII AfID SHiP OV.IiERSVILL CONFER Delegates Front Both Sides Will : Meet Tomorrow . . " ! i by FeSerU Wlraass. SAN FRANCISCO, April CO. The Shipowners association of th ..Pacific Cosst lsst night appointed nninstructed delegates to meet and confer -with rep resentatives of tb sailors,' cooks, wait ers, marine firemen and water tender union tomorrow. The unions ar demanding better coo ditions oa shipboard, saorto iours of work and nor pay..' Recently twelve thousaad vote wer cast by th mem ber of the unions ia favor of a strike effecting all American shipping on the Psciflc, unless the union demands are complied With.-- , j .f, .'.l Th demands for an increase of pay aang i com 3. to ia mentaiyi i. j 0ADIHL7 CRISIS IN ' ; - GREAT BRITAIN ACUTE Asquith Will Dissolve Ministry ; ' Unless Agreement rfeacned (Asaodatsd Press by reral Wireless.) LONDON, April 20. In a formal statement issued last night Premier As quith snnounced thst he proposed ' t withhold any statement regarding ' th attitude of th cabinet on th question of conscription, until next Tuesday. Earlier in ths dsy he told the boil of commons thst -unless h can. aecur a settlement of th disattreement ia th juialstry regarding thia question, .that he would dissolve th eoalition cabiaet. The crisis over the conscription pol icy is still grsve, th Premier told th commons, sdding that there ar num ber of material points that remaid to be settled. -j v A majority of the leader, it waa de clared, are determined to reach some sort of s compromise rather than see th ministry dissolved at thi tlm. - , SCHOONER IS LEAKING , . (Asssetata Prsas hy Psdsrsl Wtrsls.i ' SAN FRANCISCO, April 80. Ths schooner R. C. Blade, eighty-eight days 3ut from Freemantle. and -bound for Eureka, srrived thcr last night tesh lug badly from a sprung mainlatt head. The spsr wss sprung to a gal en countered by the schooner oa th first of last 'February, ,."'!. .v,-- i . i .in'-) Ti Police Judge Turns Secretary :"; Loose Despite Testimony . W.;W. Thsycr, secretary of th Jcr ritory, charged with violating the traf fic ordinance, was fay rid not guilty sad released by Judg Monsarrat In 'the police court yesterday morning. - .According to the police,' conclusive evidence of Mr. Thayer' vlolatloa of the city onlinanc was submitted to th court. Prosecuting Attorney Char- let F. Cbillingworth attempted to show the court previous 'instances where Mr. Thayer had violated th traffic law, but all in vain. Motorcycle Officer' Perry and Traffic Officer Alapai, who -mad th arrest, testified that Thsyer had continued to drive hi automobile after being halt ed by th officer for not ' giving the proper signal. - The testimony1 of the arresting ofUcer also avsilsd nothing. IS V PLAYED IN BOSTON J' 1IIIIO;;OuOFDAY Patriot's Day was celebrated la Bos tea yesterday by a doubleheader be tweea th Senator and Bed Sox, each t-iam'-WArg 4 from? : --? .; : Bstults of yesUrday's game la the big league! . .. ;' ,,.: .rl" - r AntAcast .!. ... ;;.' ; ; At Boston Washington 8, Boston 8, morning gam. -'', ' - At Boston Boston t, Washington 0, afternoon. ' '--- '.- ( A '.'. At Chicago St.' Louis 9, Chicago 8. "At ClevoUnd Bain, ',.- -JTfttlOBal ."-.' '-.' "v' . At Philadelphia Philadelphia 6, Boston 8.'- ' ' At Brookrya Brooklyn 7, New York 3. ' No other gameschduld. f-Lcagu stsndiagsi i v .. ' AjMrrlcaa Lsagss -V ' '.-?: - V Woa i Lost Pet TI4 67 867 571 son 333 Postoa . . .... ..,t... 8 New York .'.....,.. 8 St. Louis i 7..,.il,.' I Chicago . .V.... 4 Washington . ,'. ......... t Detroit .tf...' '.I Cleveland v . r, ..i... 8 Philadelphia .. ,,.. 0 KaUonal Laagna : a , " Wa 8 1 :. 8 8 8 Lost , .".-I '. 8 ; . 000 Pet. 750 714 800 600 420 Philadelphia t ;;'',. 4 Cincinnati . .......;... 8, Sttf Louie .,... 8 , Boston . ....;..... J. Pittsburg . 8 - Brooklyn . 1 Chicago . .-....:....;., a Nw York . SALT LAKE GETS 833 833 250 . OUT OF CELLAR -anitfl AT SEALS' EXPENSE Coast Leagu Standing r ' W . L ......10 4, .......10 8' 7 9 6 0 6 10 ........5 7 PCT .711 .667 .438 Los .Aagsle .' Oakland -, , . . .' Vernon ; . , Portland . San Fraaciseo Salt Lake .i.. .400 J73 .417 (Associate Press by rsteal WlraUas.) ' LOS ANGELES. April 80 The An gel triumphed over ths Seals today by th score of 8 to 1, and thereby In creased their lead- ia tab ledUMh On their homo' ground lb I'mAi l1 quished the Tigers, 8 tb 0. -LUt ! The Portland sir videntlV agree with, the Mormons for th14ff team .ooff "Up afiuTaiugge witailS Beavere, tv.uuxoH vj xn erieaet sesr M3 tO ALLEGED MURDERERS .'.lij'J. Sli ., GET INITIAL TRIALS Hearing of One Still Pending, Other Bound Over Charged with murder in the first de gree, Murata - Tokubey, a Japaaese, who' confessed to hsving killed his seventeen-year-old daughter, by slash ing -ber scrota th abdomen, -at Wai pah, about tea days sgo, and Yon Cbu . Yong, a Korean, who is charged with murdering 8. Kim, a countryman, wer given a preliminary hearing in th police court yesterday morning. Tokabey sst throughout the hesrlng of the evidence against him, grinning st every other statement which was mad. The hearing was not concluded. . Sarah Kim, the wif of th murder ed Korean, Detective Woo and Mc Poffie, wer th witnesses celled in the hearing of You Chu Yong. Mrs. Kim testified thst when tho first shot wss fired st her husband, she ran into th room, where he was, in time to e assailant fir the second Bad fatal shot, but ssys she wss so dsxed she bss no recollection as to who fired. ths shot. She did remember seeing Young throw a revolver to the floor, which she picked up. Young was remanded to the grand jury, . 1 1 ' ' " ' '. . ' ' ' W. PORTER BOYD FALLS ; , ' HEIR TO LARGE ESTATE . rW. Porter Boyd, formerly resident of this city, where h wss connected with the American consulate before annexation and later as shipping eom n.lasioner, ia being sought by relative. His brother recently died leaving an ratas ia which Boyd hat a largo In terest. ; Th request for Information of him fcs com te the collector of cus toms snd snyon who has Information relative to Boyd's whereabouts ..will b doing him a favor by notifying Col lector Franklin. .Boyd waa prominent ly OHOtloned last year as th succes sor to Collector of Internet Revenue Cot trill but bis eaodidscy wss not suc cessful. Us - wss seen ia Washington ia 1914 by several Honolulu persons, I ut- since then all trace of him seem ingly ha beea lost by hi relatives. COWBOY LOSES FINGER AS RESULT OF ROPING While roping a horse early yester day morning, Joquln Joseph, a cow boy on a Kalihi-valley ranch, caught his hand in the coll or rope, when it wss being drawn taut, iniitrin ths forefinger f his right haniLE p llied to th emergency hospital , for ireatsicat, whr it was found neces sary to amputate, the anger at the knuckle. Joseph will bo sent to his bom this morning. ..- . f - w. ,;.-..'. . !'.., . - "'. ; " " ' ' ' '- - ;'. - ' . . 4 : - v,- . ; rad)frm - 1 ' -i " ' -''''''.. . Royst Cook Book, 600 Rscipts; eat : frw if aend name and address to Bos 489, Honolulu, or Royal Baking Powder r Mtf r-tt- -. - . . - j . . t. , stxtoab PAoroaa, atnrrrata aku . covaaiaon ut&cuakt . N QTStTSAKOtfl AOENTsVj Ewt PlanUtlon Oompssy, v - t .-. HE 8 CO OlE II WaUina Afrtcnltursi co4 m, ". Apokaa SoMf f,lA, . '-i, Kobala Burs Conrpsuy- -' ''.t: Waniawa Watar 6m9VV, tml ' f mitoai Iron Worn f e XMta, -'', . Babcock Wlloojr Company, . , , ,, . Ursens roe) BcoBoadjet CompaaT, Onaa. O. Moor Ja.Co, Zar;:' - Ylataon ITsvlgstlon Oonipsnp i , ' -.Toy Xiaea XAisha. '-i. Bank of Havtiii VA'1"; :' UXXTBOi, ?v'''"v:l"v'i-M.y' taeorporateo rndr th Law sfihi , ,.- , T. ritory f JHawauVr-.-.'ovr"'. . - --, ' i-'.-: OAPTfAL. g JBP'tfTJS At ' . V UMDIVIDCO PBOriTS . .lj3fi09 BESOTJKCE3 .V .;.7,K0,000 .' :v:;.v'OirriCBS,;4;U ;ia' C, H. Cooka.',;. ,...;;'.t.-.-.".'.i'. Prldae fc-vD. Teney,,,..r,..yi-lMln. i. Lwis, Jr.; . : . . . . .1; . . : :..4,.,yicf Prtflaut and Mans get r. B. Damoi ....... ...'..- .CashiO G. G. Fuller. .... ; inSAsslstsnt Csiir B. VbT srrWtos : . i. AssUtaB; 4shl . :JU4ELVO:.fl: C.. jt,: Ccok,' : K, D. Taaney. A. Lewis, Jr.,'E,' FBishen, C, H. Atl-trton, Geo, B, Carler, T. l Damp, F. a Atbrtoa, B 'A.; 'Pooh. K- COMMEBHIAL AJlTX sUVTJlwal'r .y f tt pEPAatTMzJrt. Strict attaatioa gtvsa 6 gll tra'es y. .. f ' of Bantf.tng. : 'u BANK 01" HAWAII 5x3. FOB J 'EWPBKsff-Liini oir BTXAMna' 'ta tha.' CANADIAN PA(OTO BZJItfW4T.", th lamoua Tourist oWt f th Wrl la onetloa wt th. i ;i ' Oaaadias-i eatralasUs Bbyal Mftl Lia or tikeU aad garl Wonitloa ipply' tO . -.'.' M3.H.DIVIES&C0.MTD Qesaral Afsat ,V... Janadiaa PasitU ly. Oa; ' I i ' ' H ' l'i I I Castle & Cooke Co., Ltd Goininlsslon !.!src!:::ts ' ,'. ''.';! 1 1? , " ' -''"' -T - - Suar : Fadtprs , ;5 ' 8;w Plantation Oa,"'' ';-J '" Vt Slain Agmiutaral O, Lt-ti . ' A poke Sugar Co., Ltd.- r-r.- Kuitoo lroa Work of ttVL!. ., Blak Pt.a JrVapa,' ':. -. . WooUra Ce-jtrif sgala, ' Babcock A Wlloos BalUiWi I., . Green Fuel IenTae.' - 'JT t Math 8teas Pump.' V"' i -. Matsoa Nar'gatloa C. Planter4 Lia Shipptaj a.w ' KohaliSugar Co, , -.. .'.;.i7i:ai...'i',.. ma .'-, - 'Brjmi9 -WWr'tift' BOVOLULTJ JBOTi WOBKECO? Ma chinary f every description mtd to order. ;' :;;'' .V:-'- ' . HAWAIIAN GAZETTE gnl-Wekly issued Ttiisdsyi Md' '.'( Fridays.1. .' . . " Entered at tb PitoBlc of Honola' B. T, Becood-01ss Matter. 3TJB8CSIPTI0N UAT8: Per Month ...,...,,.. I .88 (Per Year ... ...,.. , -.; , . ,, . t .83,00 Pt Month, roraigs) '.-.V. . 8. .M .Par Ysar, Foreign. ...,,,..,..4V4.00 , :. PsysM Invariably tn AdTano. CHABiEa a JRANH 4 Vwkgm ' P' '. .. V ':' vr.. - .' :c x; - V IM I. I ej ' . , ' . ' ' . V -I- .1 J Z V " I" " ; at - ' 1 - ' .'.' Y' ' 1 1