Newspaper Page Text
1 1 I V.. ' .,;:: ' 1 I ' -' '' I . . HAWAIIAN-CA2B.TTK, " FR1 DA YM AU 36, r 1916. SEMI-WEEKLY. - . "iW.wa. tturttsus ,uij FIERY FOUNTAIN nrvkF? u : i mi mi alia l Punahou Celebration Compress ed Inta Smaller Time Space, Filling Each Pay Full ' ; BljS PUNAHOU HOLIDAY ' Spectacular, itoric'; Pagcan; iu rpwB sjeconrj paycj An ;' v nfyersary Observance 'r ' I ' ' I I r i " i .i .. ANNIVERSARY- ; v.. '; ' WEEK. PROGRAM Tneaday, 'ItM ! 80, 1916 Annlver Emits; tight Velock 1 AB&Imurf ExarHsa. Wednesday, jrnnt 21, 1916 Pageant Afternoon, threa o'clock "' Punahoa Paa-aa,,' ' -r rfcnrsday, Jun 82, 191 Funaboa: Morning, 'ten t twelve; -V - '' ,:. .Recaption - President, and . Trneteee;; t -.- Noon, Vwlir 'clock , ' BMket QuiuX AfMrtofta, twr-thlrtr '-' Mum if - fl i rnnrnkott wlUi HporU uiki mnil JotUflcmtton ! AfteniooB, tW 'clock t -'v i Ormnasildt np Itathette Dances ' 'ty AfKBwy Olrls ', ' ! MUlUry PrtU hj c4et Corpi' 1 1 'i i" ..ii. j . VTH progr .for.tlM Punakou nai- yerMry;, eelebrmUon. ku Swt complete ly changed. Th ravlied program ia pripted !tt full, above. Tfte alterationi lroi tfte anidnal re aa tollowi: , ' The oaManti'la lmimui hi. in.... day to Wedneaday; Punahou Day iron i.wnmuj W tnuraasy;- Jinkt Bight aluHBi iKht and a Punahou pareatt laeatiog are entirely omitted. AtumtiL night nl) jinke night will be eombiaed into one program, given Thursday noon arter. lane. u bolievod that tho near program, will enable practically , '"V" o join in tue celebra 'The Jmniversary eaerciaea to be held Tueadar evening will baa eommmnrfc. tjon program. Judge Haaford B. Dole in ' . ' """ghata Mt -nu utr puenr written ror the aev pnty-6fth innivmirT Willi.-. t 0te will epeak of the bintorie founda tirn of the aehool and Dr. Doremte cudder, rreMnting the American Board af Fnrnlfrn Minion. :n v t te memiage of the board, under whoee ma wiwuon wae rounded, f ror, Charles. M. Day ley of the UniTer-ity bf California and Prof. William Lyon xpcipg si mis university will delivei addresses. There will be special imirf. under the direction of Walter F. Dil lingbsn. Special Musjo Tor Pageant ' Vhe Puaahoir rmiramat mrill k. ... sentad on Aleiander lield, Wednesday mi hitch o ciocR. ine book is written by Ethel M. Damon, and illustrated hv Jessie C. Hhaw, J. i May Fraser ad ifamee a. wudpr. The committee Ii cliarge of tho presentation eansists Of Mary P. Winna, chairman, Mr: TaaS( M. Cox. Beatrice Cutla flarnt T w.m ermd -Vthel M! 'Damftn. tIi.-Touag vnnwBii ! master or rne pageant. ' lar'addttioa to the book itself which nas special interest and merit fhe pft geanl wiU have mUek nthsle 'written sal Teifcy ft,r it by Mrs. Walter F. Frearj Wartraret K. Clarktf, 'Vernon E. Tennoy, PhilUp H. Dodge and Mrs. Isaae M- Cox. Behearaala n th rram tit aaatil muaje hare bea in progress for some nawBHKB episaaeain,'oharrc of Mrs.- A. P. Taylor will be among the "mbst strihlnif features of the pageant. Special Costumes - i Costumes are being made to Conform to the fashions of tbS respeetive periods nf the pageant. Mrs., Wade Warren Thayer Is chairman of the eostumss committee. The pageant book will be on sale prio to the event. The read ing of the' book will add greatly to the eajoj-ment of the pageant. - . 1 , Tirkets for the pageant will be sold fiir fifty cents, the announcement f tha .plaees and 'arraagemeBta ' for tho bhIb of tiekete will-he made later. t To Make Jt A Holiday . . -j Thursday is to be Punahou Day jit 'real earnest. '' An effort Is being made tt have it'praetically a Pnnahou boH-" day.' persons interested in the aollega will spend a large part of the day Wi the earn pus. There will be a lively program and plenty of good fellowship all day. W. K. Castle is chairman ef the committee. It is bis intention to set u re the cooperation of the business men of the city in allowing as many f the members cf their force a possible t join in the eelebraties, between the hours of eleven aad two-thirty especial ly. The day will open with a reception tit all l'unahou given by President and Mrs. (iriSiths and the trustees and their wive, assisted by Prof, and Mrs. W. I.. I'heliis and Prof. Charles M. Gay ley. The program includes playing many of I'ii null mi ' hiaterie games. Home of the old boys of the school are looking these up and preparing suitable imple inentH of warfare by whleh they may be played. The committee in charge is Oeorue P, Castle, Joseph F. Emer son, and A. F. Cooke. Aipuni, Wic ets lawe pio and ku' niht will be resur rerted from the hoary past. . ' I J udne In Clastic Bole ( , ' 1 1 Judge William I., Whitney Ms the roiiimittee especially ia charge of ' ' nigger baby. His apjointment to t a.-.'; - i ft j' . Asquitb ' Asks Hopse'-To , Await o uuicpnL f)f Njgoiiaiions (Ajssslstec rraes Vy rederal Wireless.) . LONDON. , Mar 25. David Llord George, mi sister ef manitlons, has ua- Men Viho Ignored Service Call to Be Tried (Associates rsss bv Fsdsral Wiraiau.l WASHINGTON. M.v p--i 7 J m.cvivn his decision. AoKrotarv f W.. t-L. : . ' ... . I. . - ' J mm.r. oenuaen negottstioas with-the disaf- nas decided that the 1 Iff Texas militiv fWtlklt trial. 1 . - .1 I t . .L . . , ... -nwici , iii iuo uui'v vi ui.n nno reiusea xo rnnrf k. tit. smoothing' out the situation ' and ra-'atate national miarA ..n-j ... V. . .... .,.. i. r j -------- -"" "" u..ruer service, snau be court-martial lea. storlns tha finftaiHtlitw K .( wtl fn n i v.... - Irelandk 1 ? Premier Asqnith expressed tile hope todsy in the house of commons that the disappearance of, martial law ia Ireland would be speedy, v .. ' ' MV' j . j , a . . long speech today to the Irish rebellion . and aa appeal that settlement be made by agreement of the1 government and the leaders. He requested that the hpnse entertain no debate pending the outcome of Lloyd-George's negotia tions, and John Kedmond, SI Edward Carson and others of the Irish element agreed with him.' - " -a. v The President will personally snpiln't the members of the court-martial. It Is learned that the eourt will bo made up mostly of memhnr. h :i: . w w. .u an. a. . tia organisations. rhliiutl AlKIYIm KAIU - TEUTONICS INSERBIA HONAN AND MUKDEN BACK YUAN SHIH KAI Delegates At Nanking Conference nuiiHsp nun ineir iupponl They fiornbrr) Enemy In, Several towns and Escape v -. (AssastaUd Press by rsdersj Wtrslesa.) , PABI8, May 20. Aceardisff to des patches to the' Ha vaa Newa Agency here, from AtKan. .ink ' F..l. aviators operating in tha Balkans haver K I . .1 . . . 1 1 . . . ""v ourmg ins ins t iwantytienr hours, suit with ennaM.v.h). ' ljL BUiahffV tot , Vierati1a.Aa ttnif.r. Nsneq out irom live ranch lines early W ue BlorniSff'SM hnaiUnlAS r . tiooa of the snemv at Yantht V1 uaaup ana orner towns tw Serbia, ia meting considerable damage. . Other ' dariate.haa . ttma ..llli... ... nouneed that the Austrian and Germsn cuoauis ni.vanea nave lert their posts there and are hurrying to Athens, with their fkmiKes and th ft" mamhara nf th. eoasulate staffs. FINANCIAL: CONGRESS . OF ENTENTE GATHERS ftpscUl OabUaraai to Klppa J1J1.) TOKIO." Mk 2S Ttarnri ft.v.f; Japanese representative to the Allies Financial Congress which will be held la Paris eon June B. has telegraphed from Petrograd that 'he win arrive in France on J line 2. Were tha Knmu. taiiyes of France, England. Belgium, Italy, Buesia and Japan will meet to discuss the question of flnancina the allies. " i r. : - HOUSE COMMITTEE AGREES ON AjRMY APPROPRIATIONS (AsseeisUd Frass by Tsdsrsl Wlrslsss.) WASHINGTON. Vfa 2B Th K.... military affairs committee agreed today upon aa appropriation of $143,000,000, which will be spent on military feat ures under the Hay-Chamberjai n bill, with provision for a OUail rif inform.. tioB tO DCrfeCt tha ennrlinall..n ..f i... dustries and resources in war time. this committee did nnt film from hi a juvenile Court connections but rather from bis well known proficiency in this classic sport. The ring tournament will be Of SDclal Interna in th. 1.,,... the "middle ages." Oeorge H. Water- r"H)i vuab jri wi inu pro- eramf. There 'Will Ka . mv ..r .... joyment -14. wajtuhing' some of the men who ate approaching the stage of "fat aad ioitV'.' iuarinu tha Inn... .... ....... Ot ;WaltairM14inrbain 'a anH II. .1.1 (flpaoUl OablegTast to Wtppn HJL) . IOKIO, May 25. At a conference held In Nanking, China, today, reore- sentatives from all provinces of China wmcn nave not yet announced inde pendence of Yuan Hhl-kai discussed the Situation The representatives of Ho nan and Mukden announced that they would support Yuan Shi kai to the end. The attitude of the other provinces is nui anown. OF PACIFIC JAPANESE MECCA Nipponese Organize Society For Colonization Scheme There ISLANDS NEW Castle alteWlfingksm's apd ' tioio aonuii.1 .1 Tin .i., n. .1.1 and the basket ball eourts will be en livened all' the morning by kuiiu'h of baseball, and basketball litw.,,. ,ih. ters ad their fathers. A basket lunch; will be aerve.l at noon under tha tnu . Vn. .i... do not wish tq bring a lunch or wish lu .uiiiMnnirui. ono mey do brinu, ar ranirementa will Ka V. .. e i pnd drink cfca be procured oh the cain- lu.. ii expected that the lunch will prove to be a very sociable And enjoy able tmrt ef fhS nniHtnn Pnnahou Spirit, To Speak "The meeting of all Punahou Vill he hold Immediately after lunch. At this meeting there Will be a report of the fiaaace eommittee ' of the celebration, speeches and talks, aad much mirth and loUifloatioa.. iThla afllt Ka . .,.. meeting in which the 'spirit of the seventy flfth anniversary celebration will And expression., Every person in Honolillu.'Whai ia la, a int..iu,l w Puaahon it eiuiected to attend this ....H wunmi. av can auenu any Other part of tha celebration or not. The program' .-of Punahou 's historic apart will be- brought ito I concliiHiou Is the afternoon by the up to dute DhVSiesI actfvitiea .nf. h. ...I I VI... girls, will give an eahlbition of .gym- nnauos aaq sesmetic dancing unilt-r the direction of lira. inn.. i iriu.,r ti,.. sadet battalions, consisting of the two companies in the Academy and three companies in the Preparatory hi.IiohI, wiji give a military Vrill. This will ho in ths nature of a fAimuiiiti... t..r hu Castle cups. Capt. Edwin A, Hii kiiiun will be in charge. If there is time and ooergy a basebnU game will be stiu'ed between the school team and the alum ni tenia. This qiakes three ' days in which l'unahou will celebrate. The events ure diversified and so arranged that every one can have a part in them all. The final arrangements for the celebration are In the hands nt a nilttee eonsiiting of Albert Judd, Clihlrinhn, Frank C' Alhorton, Wnller r. iiiiMKiiip, w;fc,t.,ijbbitt, W. H. Castle, W. I.. 'latney and A. V. tl.if-, fiths, I (Special Csble(sam to Klppo Jlji.) TOKIO, ftfny 2J5. Japan will begin a grent colonization plan at once in the South Seaa. Heretofore the Jap anese have looked longingly toward America, but in the past few weeks the trsvel to the United States has decreased, and at a meeting of a new ly organised society yesterday in this city plans wore arranged for a great colonization of the islands of the Pa cific. i' .' I r- t. ARMY REORGANIZATION REACHES WHITE HOUSE . ifc ' t (Associated Press by rederal Wireless.) WASHINGTON. Ma. 2.Th reorganization bill. nesmM hv l...i. house and senate afteej fyylong dead- iifiiirmun, was resa ea at the White House today. Tha Praaitt h.A the bill forwarded to Secretary pf War Baker for suggestions, and is studying it himself deliberately. It will be per haps several days before it is signed. SENATE POSTPONES VOTE ON BRANDEIS (Assoclt.d press by rederal Wireless.) WASHINGTON. Mav . Th. .n. ate. after an executiva aaaalnn uay, oeciaea to postpone, the vote on me nomination or I., u, Urandeis, th tioston attorney named by President Wilson as hia choice for the vacancy on tho bench of the Supreme Cou it, mini louay. k GENERAL GAVIRA WOULD CONFER WITH PERSHING i Associated Press bi Pederal Wireless.) El. PAHO, May 25. General Oavira, rommnnaer at Juarez intends to re quest that a conference ha huM iitk General Pershing to settle the details or cooperation along the border b tween the Mexican and American troops. METHODISTS KEEP, BAN ON CARDS AND THEATER (Associated Press by rederal Wireless.) SARATOGA SPRINGS, . May 25. By a vote of 438 to 380 the Methodist ptmnrai oouicrcnce mis arternoon re fused to remoui from tha rknnik ml... the clause calling for the expulsion of memoers wno piay cards, dance or at teud the theater. FRANCE REESTABLISHES TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION PARIS, April 30. Since the begin ning of the war it has been impossible for the public to telephone from Paris to any other of the departments of France. In order to facilitate revival of business, the minister of commerce and posts has agreed with the minister of war to reestablish telephone cotnmu nirationa between the departments of the Seine, Seine et Oiee, snd the arron dissement of Melun and. Voutainebleau from and after April 16. rr. BOYCOTT WATCHMAKERS -FOR MAKING SHELL PARTS "r"' T--, . . BKKNE, fewitrerland, April 50. Gor man wholesale dealers fn" tha wath. making' and jewelry trades, ' through iHrir respective organisations, have de viated a bovrott of a limit t VI AVI $ V fcluriesas watchmaking firms on the ground that the latter are manufacturing' for Ger many's enemies the II THROWS OUT LAVA Fourth Big Flow May Reach Gov - ernment Road In Kona fyday,", " Is Report .' .... , -; PROFESSOR JAGGAR SAYS , v ACTIVITY IS UNABATED River of Fire Sets Beautiful Koa Forest Ablaze On Mauna . ;Loa Slopes (Special By Mutual Wiralaaa) HILO Hawaii, May 25. (Be eeived la 'Honolulu at 8:S0 p.m.) Tha new flow, known as the fourth since the recent eruption of Mauna Loarwhick broke forth' stjelevea o 'clock o Tue-day night, is making its way down the aide of the big mountain be tweeB the flows of 1887 and 188. ' B.-T. Moae of Hilo aad. Lieut. Charlee H, Bonesteel, U. g. A., instruc tor with-the National Guard of Ha waii aft Kilo, have ju,t returned to this city front the new flow. They report that the river of mol ten rock la about two hundred feet wide and is moving forward at the rate of twenty feet a minute. . .At this rate tha flow is advaneiag a mile in about four h OUTS IBH tw.ntw minutes. -. 1 When laat seen by the returned Via- I ttnra tha A. .... . i . 1 " " men aoout nvs miles from tke Kahuku Bench sate iT. u " now ror three- boars, while the forest on both fides was burning at several points. The neat waa too great to allow the watchers V 1UUCB inH' 1IVQ suaa . i. cruvtllAd formed and the surface tp. iaa.-r vvi.T ON CWICU OiT ft gOOd : vnouia It eatinup. thi. s.M tn -...a. uvn w asa reaek the government road tomorrow, s ueuvvea oy the returned travel Srs. '-. The other three flowa to be at a standstill ami l. stopped altogether. Crowds from Hilo auo wtner parts of the island continue m visit tne scene of activity. INTENSE, ACTIVITY IS REPORTED ' (8vClal By Mutual Wiralaut HIEO. Hawaii. Mar 25 rR.a.l in Honolulu at 'l-io n m t. Thomas A. "Jarcsr Jr.. in h.r. ne . V v. . . . ... iae rviiauaa volcano uoservstory, re- wnep -inteBse wetivtty os Wednes day between the flows of ISflS and 1887. ,The earlier flows, he says, are quiet ana apparently not making auy xurmrr atsuwsr. jds latest now is traveling at an estimated rate of two miles a dav. Its toe is at Dresent iotn. mil., en. the rOad. Which, if ths flaw eontinn... win oe -reached on ttatarday Thf lava is flowing through a ma or nificent koa forest." Mighty trees are borne bodily on iter crest,, severed from root oy me nerr mass and ton yea over me surface of the river, voeir orancn fringes . burnt and scarred. Aa the lava eata Its thrumh tk. forest, fills depressions aait slight rises, beautiful flery cascades are seen, who nere ana there' explosions au aeionations neard, as bubble-like cones burat and a .flarv mm of mnlt.n rock is thrown into the air. Manager Fredcnberg of the Kahuku Ranch suent the niaht with a of others alongside the flow. When Professor Jaggav last saw the new flow it was from a hundred yards to a quarter of a mil wide. The flow now threatens the Kahuku water sys- 1 u F" "waiii iiina Li A-l 71. 1 mi. MARINE INTELLIGENCE By Merckanta Exchange Cojuml.U Hlver-Balled, klsj ?, ntr, Sha sta ror Honolulu. , . Port Townsend Arrived, May 23, str. Caw-o, hene Max 11. Han Francisco ffnllcil, Msy x, 2:30 p. m.. str. Hononia for Ilnniitnlu. i ' " Frsniiaeo Arrirwl, Mar T.i, 1:30 a. to., atr. WUhelnilnn. hence MHy 17 an KranilHco Hailed May 2.1. str. Texaa for Honolulu. Bsa r'rsncl-o Sailed Mav 24, at 2 .10 p m., str. t'hlna for llnnoiuln. San Franclmfi Mulled Msy 2.;, str. I.urllne for Unnoluln. Nitrate Port Hailed May 22, str. ("olumbla for Honolulu. Orsy'a Harbor Bailed May 22, str. Shasta for Honolulu. Hilo Hailed May 24, str. Mexican foe Baa rranrtmD. Arrive,! May 2.1, atr. Tenyo Maru from fo knhama. Bslled May 25, sen. Ueulah for Han FraB- . Cisco. PORT OF HONOLULU. tem, it is reported. SMALL CRATERS BELCH BOULDERS Another wireless message received in Honolulu yesterdsy reported that Man ager B. A. McWayne of the Honoma lino Kunrh in South Kona reached the source of the great lava Obtbreak on the Kahuku side of Mauna I.oa on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Weyne found many small craters belching forth boulders and liquid lava. AH the flows have stopped' since, with the exception of .the one making its way toward the homesteads. This flow is moving at about a mile B dav. Tha latest flow was eight miles long when the - last reports 1 reached Hilo, while the earlier HenomaKao flow was tea mile long, having traveled that dia tanee from the origina outbreak be low Pun Keokeo. '. ' Maay ishort flows' have been found around the site of the big outbreak, whiek ia at tha sevsnXhousasd foot ele vation, or twelve miles up the sloes of Mauun I'On. Mny' visitors were at the aavwrat flows Air Wadnaaitnv mil yesterday, soeking eqrios ; and memen toes of the big mountain's latest vol- came eruption. m, . a. . . CASEMENT FACING TREASON CHARGES Former British Consul and. Sol dier Companion, Are Indicted (Associated Press by Federal Wireless.) LONDON. Mav.25. HIe Rr r.. meat ope. q the chief Waders of th recent- trisn rcDcinoo, and -Daiiiel Ua la.. ' . 1. . .. 1 1 - . 1 m sumil-r irBCU pn. Ainy I hnd heard at the same tiuie that f'M.i lunut was miller examination in th Bow street police eourt, were indictei today for high treason. 17 aeexvUd Htf. K II N IIPN fmm Vn.a .nil V . .. 4:00 s. ni. v Htr. Helene from Hswnll. 4:1.1 a. m. ' ' rtr. Ma n mi Kea from HUo. H:.V a. in. ' : Ht. Mataonla fmm Han Frauclaro, 7:15 a. m. Htr. Klerra from Hydney anl Paso Pago T:JO a. m. : Rtr. Klnau from Kauai. 4;.VI a. m. ' Bch. Kepeat from Astoria. l::m . m. tias. H.h. Kualhelanl from Oaho ports :0O p. iu. las. Hen. Heela Mam from Oahu Ports. 8:10 p. m. iaa. ai-Ur. Ileela Marn fnni Onhn ports. T:2 p. m. Gss. arlir. Kualhelanl from Oahu iiorts, 7:4-1 p. m. Btr. t'laiidlne from Manl. 4 a. m. Htr. Tenyo Maru fi-uui t'hlna auil Japan, ll:li a. ni. Hehr. Hubert I-ewera from Port Oamlile, 6:S0 p: m. D I. PARTED Btr. Nntlia for .snnsnkl for orders, 11 :60 p m., klouilar. Ht. Hunta Murla fur Hilo ami Shu Fran clsoo, 6:.10 a. ni. iir. aianoa ror Mm rraniisco. 12 noon. Htr. Maul for Hswnll 4 n. m. Htr. Mlkaliala for Muiokai and .1:20 B. m. Htr. Manna Un for Kauai. 1:40 p. Btr. Hlerra for Hun Kranclwo. 7::(0 " naiuoan Kuullielsul for On 1:45 a. m. Htr. Manna Kea for lllln, in to a. ni. Htr. Wallele (or llawslt, .1::iO p. m. Htr, IMse fur Hawaii, .1:2.1 p. m. . Btr. Mataonla foe Illo. a.30 p.. m. Hchr. Beulah for Hsn Krsni lmo. 1 p. m. Bk. Olenshee for Hoyal Roads. 2 p, m. Htr. Muss tor Kauai, 3 p. m. Maui, P. m. porta. PAS?ENaEB8 ABErVED By str. Matsomn. fnou Han Kranelico. May 2a. Miss Florence Ackeruian, Miss MaW Allison, B. J. Ashlev. It. W. Atkin son, Mtsa L. Ileiime. K. I. Heard. Mrs. W. HeclW, F.rank lleiiedkct. K. 11. Hentuu. W. K. rterkschlclier. Mrs. MHrvaret Blake and lnrat."0. it. Bra'kus, .1. Frauk Boile. W. F. Boar, Mrs. F. M Browu. William Brmiton. Mrs. Wlllluin Kriiuton. tl. Fre.1 Bush, Mm. O. Fred Hush. Mrs. P. I.. Bush aoxl c-hllil. Miss Z. ( nlilll. Miss I. I'alrna, A. t'ampliell. V. u. fhace. Mm. P. O. Chase. It. II. t'lillders. W. U. ( 'levels n. I. Jsh. Coo)er, V. M. t'lirson. .Miss KHue. Cosier, A. C. CrSiuer, Mrs. A. C. ('miiii-r. Mrs. rharies T. Crocker, T. I Dsliney. Ilerhert H. Day. Mrs. II. l. liUlluitliaiii. I.. I. Iilmm, . Mr. '(,. 1. Oliniii. E. I.. Koiiohoe. Mrs. K. Hoiiobue, Mis Alice M. Doughty, Mrs. A. Driiiiiun.ini, Milton Walker, A.. 3. Fpruillyant. Mrs. A. .1 Foruillyant, Master A. KoruillTHnt. Mr Kohert Ueorse and Infant, Mlsa Itutli (leorae. Master Itolwrt Oivrlte. Mrs. K. II BlllMhe, H. B. ;ilTanl, Mine I'.llmi (Ulmore. Mrs. U Ooerner. II. 0. Jrl(tiy, Mrs it. It !rlirliy and child, Hlehard I.. Haliev Charlea .1. Hnrrah. Mrs. Charles J. HuV ruh. A. N. Uayselden, Mlm K. A. for mil vh tit. ('. H. IHmm. J. K. Hershner. A. .1 llllliert. M. U Holmes, Miss UiM-othy IIihws Master (llena Hopper. Mrs. A. O. Ilo)(pi.r. Miss Morveule itnliliard. C. M. Hiiiiime. I'hiiI ('. HurHt. Alexander Iseulierx. Mrs Alexander IseuliariK Itmlolph iMeulierfr. IV Jones. Miss J. Kennnellv. I,. Kellv Mrs E. M. Kerrigan, K.C. Klluker. Mrs. V Knudnen. Mrs. '. Frederick. Kohl. A .1 Korr. H. Kuliey. Miss V. Kuhns. Miss II. Kuluis. Miss M. KiiIiiim. Msster K. Kuhns n F. Kutiue. Wm. I em In a. Mrs. K. K l.lflll. Thomas i. I.lliL-liuin. Mrs. Thomas 1 l.inirhsin. I.oushhii. Mrs. Ixitissnii Mrs I). I.nvdand.MlKH Janice. I.iirell Mis Ha rah C. Iivett. W. It. Malde. Miss A mil' M'MlUan l. Msloney. The. Martin. Miss Minor Martlu.Mrs. Peaitv McClellan. .1 P. McOowan, Mrs. J. p. Mitiowan. It p Mi'rrllt, Mrs. It. P. Men-ltt. Mrs Flown, .. Merrltt. Mlsa Kstherlne Merrill. Miss K erliie Misre, Msster W. K. Mohsiiisii. W. .1 Moruan. Jmlae IV. W. Murmr W W. Morrow. Mrs. Knirelie ilon.l.i riidslore Mckelsen. Mrs. Theodore Nh kcl -n snd two chllilren. Mrs. Anna Olsen. Miss M. O'Nenll. .1. II. Itayinonil. Mrs. H I.. Mellonald and dauahter. Owen Osl llll'll,. Mrs. Owen Oslatrne. K. N. Osliorne. IWs I-:. Peacock. Mrs. 'I'hnmas Pearssll. J I. Perklus. K. VV. Oulnn. Mrs. K. W. Oiilnii . J. Italstoii. Mrs. A .1. Italatini. MKs li-nn ItHVi'l-oft Flo Hi llaiimi-n v n Itlndite. Miss Anlln Itolih.lo. Mrs F i' Howe. W. II. Ituswll. Mrs. W. l. HusseM. Sliluey Itussell. Miss Kia Kslile. K M Snvas-e. Mrs. B. l. Ha'sire, Miss .v. kIioh hnn, Huilolph Hllra. Mrs. ('. W. slack Ml-.s Killth Slack. I'.ev. It. Hlmi.rv F Htiiulslans, Mlsa I.onls Htenlien. H M Xt.-ik. I.. A. Hues. Mrs Ho Thl-hiiiI tin i.iiiiiiu Taylor. Mrs. Kttu-I Thomas. I,. Tislil M 11 Vsnvsles. IIimiIi-s Vsnllvke. Mis Douslaa VauDyke. V. V.. Walhrld U4K M rs I' K- WHllirWae. Miss K. V'al)ii l.lae I'hsiic Ward Mrs. A. Wnttiiaii. Alliert Waterhouse. Mra. Allien Wsterli"us.. It II West. Mrs. R. H. West. Clina -KV A. M. Wanton. Mm. 1 . uj uwn n.. W Whit-. John YVMtoe. Mrs. John m?. p. wuitams, llri l Wilson Mastor Wilson. Carl Wolters. jmlira II l Wrluht. Mrs. n. M. WrlahJ MU, w-i,, 7.U-W. W. Mortliliisliin. I'nir K, Ah Ku. and P. I. Bush.. By str. Hononia. from Svilm.v M.r :i Mr. and Mrs. V. V. liaiiMr ..l.ll.i i maid: Miss K. D. Hinltli, Dob CHk. Miss I Oatnisn. Bv stc. Maims Kea. Mav 2n.--.TIHo. ('apt J. I'unililii'll. Mrs 1. U' ,i l'l.. v. Mrs. .T C. Poole..' B. Fernlisck ami ..if.. '. J lllnnienhal. Mr. Hnlomon ir. i,ni. '. Kuh. F. K. Welah and wife. J. ' A Mon rlef. ( aplalii . l.lovil. I'aiij,lii Kin.i-ii. Miss Carl. Miss Dilshn. Miss .Kel'wln. Ml M. Kei-n-l'i. Mrs. Moloiie. Visa ' Muhoe. Ms-'er MjiIoiio. I. f. Alexander ami !?. ' SlllH-llS. MIks It. (law.! Ills. l. Kav. It. W. I's'ks. Muster Okumolo Mrs kiimtn. Mrs Okamotrt Hr H Ii a , H. rn aad wife, Kouif Hiu W.,.,14 RI11B Hoiia. Mrs. V.. Cniimlwll and ohll.1 MIDI'S Campliell (21. Mrs. H, kwhiiomi Ni Kiiiiiiihniilil 11 11. 1 dmiuhter, Mrs. Kiilelimi kaPI Md It'u nliHiln-ti. llots-rt llnlr. Itev I l lloilel. wife and ilnuulitxr.- 11 V, F. Cyklvr. N. C. Hello. W K tu.,,. Woiur. V. Naka.viiina. F. Meilorlns to- I'si loll, C. E. Kluif.. I.ahuina, Mlu Fry, O. ; '"' W. McFsrlsse, A, Tf. Rice add wife, Thomas lrattand wife. J. Ilalratiers. Mra. 41. Vanhnsen. Mlsa Vanhnaew, Master Vsnnnaen, ileorirc Hymona, wlfonnd dsatrk ?r.? Fr ,lnk"h'. A. Horner. U P. Bcott, H. U. PeBhallow. II. K. Castle, K. ts- Hr atr. Kin. in f,i KauaL May J4. OoihIwIii. F. Mtrsnae. '. H. Tsrf, T. W. My'. Mrs. Myall. Thelma Myall, B. 1'. Kind, Mrs. P Ji.imson and Infant, Florence Johnson. C. H lye. F (ikunot " ... PASSENGERS DBPAKTXD By atr. Hlerrs for Man FranHaco, Mar tX . Arors. i .1 IllmiienUial. Kdwln .'. Brawnstone. Mr. sail Mrs. J. p. Campbell, Anthony Carroll, lirnnt c. Carter, John W. t atlirart, Mrs K w l arnhanj Mra. W. J. Mr Mr" J ainea t. Jke. W. J. Conroy H V. .'.s.r. Harold J. hick. .rTln ii,V"w ' " Ktsbs, Mra, r. H. rlckaa. ll. Fiisl K Fuji. V. Fnwa, K. J, Oamlile, 11. Ooi,ut,.. .. b. Unest, Mrs., "n"t Infant. I. I Ham. K. Hays, M. Mr" ' '"Pn, airs. M. A. Hill, Nelson A T nines. Capt. William Howe. Mrs. Howe. Ir i. II. Auddv. Mr. Hnnlies. Miss II lluahea. Mrs. J. H. Kearney, Tomijiro Kurata. Jeha l-en-enx, James A. Ma. I lonnld. Mrs. A. Mlrl Mtanl ami two . hll.lren. John D. Moere, Mlsa It, Mctloaan Mr . n.l u m si i rMi-Jenkln. Miss HonitliT McJankln. Mas. irr nmi .n. jfiiKin n alter Norwak, W. H. O'Brien, W. F. O'Brien. r. H. H. Palmer, !!;' K;. ' nrl""". Mis Uwrence Patterson, Mlaa Marlon Peacock. M (I. Ilmental, Dr. J. II. Raymond. Swl y Itiley, Mrs. Mary Ityan. Miss Bessie M m-hiilte. A. fMner. rrederl-k W. h. c. k. Huulrel, Mrs. HqulresT Mra. J. W. Htciilipnaoa BBd du-h-ter. Mh'hael Htlllmsn. V. K. Tip, A.' N. K. Tom, Mrs. I., c. Troy. Mlsa B. Cchhla. Mrs. E. C. Webster. Mrs Mary Ward. Miss n. m. m. ii. r. r,. neics, Mra. - Welch. Mra. M. Winston Mlsa A U'l. u B. 8JUrry. A. K. lUxUy. Mrs. Chan, t'.l I'K-incii. 4. Minn. Mrs. iinno, c. B. Fisher, J. K. (lolden. M Jnae, Mrs. II. MCNicnii. Miss Florence McMeoll, Mlaa Msrrsret McMeoll. Mrs 1' IV Xlnww awi iniant, . a. Hose. Mra. 1, Velxelra and Infant. "Ir Manna I.os f..r Kansl, Ma . Kr P. Hoillier. Mrs llooo.r It II Amaa jsHnn H-narsrii. Mrs. Hcharark. M. Ha rate. Fred Patterson. F. tl. Know Mm. Han. A.- Mlirphr. II. Johnson Mra I' R I In. coin, s-uok-e iMcaey. r. a. Oormaa. Mrs. Mcimnalil and chllit. Mlsa U. McDonald. Mian Hatst McDonnld. 1 ' Br Str. Mikshsls for Manl and Untnk.l Mar M. W. II. Field. .By atr. Mnnoa for Han Pranelace, May Vyt- B. Barton. F. J Bott. Mr. and Mra. A. 8. Baker and child, Mrs. George Chalmers, Mrs. c. It Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. I'S'tle. Miss I Tlavtaon Mra t..- W, Derry. Mrs. c. p. Durney and. two children, Mr. ami Mrs. K. W. Rkstrund. Mlaa M. Kilirar Miss Carrie nilmsn II K tlres-ory, Mlaa R. Oedner. H, Rentoq Hind, jib. ami sirs. n. 11. lloppe, Mr. and Mra. F. W. Jennlnas, A. T. Johnson. Mlaa O. Kanecawa. J. J. Kohn. K. M. Iwenfeld. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. I.lndley. Beth Merle. Mr. and Mrs J. M. Macconet. Mlsa II Moffatt. W. W. Paty. K. I.. Perrv. J. Keea. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hirers, Mra.. sv B Hteers. Miss K. Hteere. Master F. Hirers. Mlaa I.. Tnfts. Miss M. Tarlor. Miss T. Thelmore, Mlas J. I,, t mlerwood. Mrs. W. H. Vltten. Mrs. J. W. Wadman. neorire N. Wilcox. Jsorman Wntkins. Mlsa T. Varraw. Br str. Mauna Kea for llaarall. Mas Si Mlsa C. K. Nawnl. llss It eta AI0I1L Mrs. Herman Hcholts. II. I.. Vlck r. Ah Pin J. W. Cooper. H. W f'orliett. A. Guild. M. M. Orahaui. A. 1. Moses, f). Frenea, Mrs. p. Freoes. j. a. fllhli. H. (llass. Mlaa Dow ell, Mlsa Thompson. Miss A. Ames. Mlaa F.. Ames. Miss A. K Ijniatnan M F Falker, A. J. Karr. Dr. Ilnrner. H: I. Brown. It. Hslda. Chanir Kit. II. J. Wnra- burs, Mrs. Wurilmra. Mrs. A. M. Desha. Capt. C. W. Waller. Lieut. CI. L. Van Doesen. A. H. Alfrcl. Mrs. Budd. Miss Klllot. R. F. I ana. Mrs. K. A. Vouna-. Mra. J. M. Dowsett. A. .T. Campliell. Mrs. Camp bell, Mlas Ilelcp. KlmhsU. Miss H. KlnL Mrs, M. Pulnell. Miss Pulnell. By str. Klnan for Kauai, Mav 25.-J. H. llnfTiiien. It. Coxhead. It. Oyaroa. Mr. C. M. Noyes, K. C. Marrow 1. Atklu Mh.( f. Haunt I Jlfa. M. Thurston, Mr. Chau l.uie ee.T r " HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE asBBBBBBBaaaaaa '' Thnrsdiy, MsyT5.;j$Wi Nams of 8toek 1 r 1 iT 'r-1 : J. isipo CONFIRMED AS JUDGE Awaits Instructions To Succeed West Hawaii Circuit Jurist President Wilson's nomination of J. Wesley Thompson, former assistant dis trict attoraey, for judge of the third rircuit court of West Hawaii, to suc ceed Judge John - A. Matthewman. whose commission aspired about three. years ago, was connrmed by the sea ate yesterday.' The nomination was made by the President several monfbs ago, but U was held up In eommittee for many weeks owing to protests sent from Ho nolulu. Appareatly, ' the committee found no merit in (he protests snd it recommended confirmation of the Pres ident 's choice, ' A week ago Judge. Thompson receiv ed from a friend in Washington a cable meaauge advising him thst the senate committee had -recommended his con tinuation. As proof af this he exhibit ed the cable to, an Advertiser repre sentative. . ,t' ; ' . "I kept this qUiet simply to avoid having my political opponents keep Up their light against me' Judge Thomp son explained.;'1- , "I am ready t goto Kona just as soon aa I can qualify as judge. Thjs 1 will do ss soon aa I receive instruc tions to take the oath bf office, or un til the arrival of my aomuiaaion, which Mercantile. Alexander Baldwin C. Brewer k Co Sugar. Kwa Plantatina Co. Haika Sugar Co Haw 'if Agr! Co. ... Haw'n Coml Hugar Haw's Hugar Co. . . Honoksa Hugar Co.. Hotaomu Ruirar Co. .. Hutchinson Hugar Co. Kahuku riant 'n Co. . Kekaba Sugar Co. . . Koloa Hugar Co. . . . MeBryde Hugar Co . Oahu Hugar Co Olaa Hugar Co. Oqomea Hugar Co. . , Paaubau Hugar Co. Pac. Hugar Mill ... Paia Plant's Co. . Pepeekeo Hugar Co.. Pioneer Mill Co.' .. ftan Carlos Mill Co.. Waialua Agr. Co. .. Wailuka Sugar Co... Miscellaneous Haiku P.F.0ci.pfd.. Haw 'a Eleetrie Co.. Haw. Pi oe Co Hoa. Brew, ft Malt. Hob. Gas Co H. B. T. k I.. Co.. L 1. 8. Nav. Co Mutual Tel. Co. .. O. B.-4 U Co Pahang Rubber Co. Selma-Dlndings Plan l,td.jMl 8elma-I)inding Plan. Ltd. Pd. (42 Pd) Tanjong Olok Rub. . . Bonds. rTamahua Ditch Co. 8s Haw. Irr. Co. 6s Haw. Ter. Imp. 4s... Hoaokaa Sugar 6s. . . Hoa. Gas Co. 5s..... H. R. T. k L. Co., 6s. Kauai By. Co. 8s. .. MeBryde Sugar Ss. . . Mntnal Tel. 5a ... O. B. U Co. 5s.... Qahq Sugar Co. 6s. . . Olaa Sucar Co. 6s. . Psc. Guano k Fort. Col Pac. Sng. Mill Co. 61 Saa Csrlos 6s 271 333 85 265 . 200 . 55 50 180 304 26 H 190 14 40 21 60 28$ 265 150 53 V, 12 r 180 19 WW 40 19 120 J0 00 20 156 24: 13 47 108 ' 95 , 101 . 99 103 . 104 101 100 1 106 105 .., 108 103 106 100 100 33, - a 200 64 y4 14 1) "X 1 a 14 11 zz 69 ' t 1 a (4 12 35 41 ) 120 20 157 24 . 96 104 f . , ICQ ...i 10Q 34.,,; 25 ; ,- 2J!5 : 55 . bo ' ' 9 . . . 4 14' 41Vi ' 82 V' 69r j 30 205 , ' ' 1 , ...'. '. ;.(," 42 7 CO 'a , .4 ; . e6 :.; . f ... ' III . r 100 100 4 . BTWN BOJLRDS : ; , Olaa 800, 200, 200, 300, 60. 50 ' 100, 100, 150, 155, 125, 21.87;' Oahn Sugar Co, 60, 100, 100, 25, T8, 5, 210, 40.75; Waialua 30, 37.00; J5wa 25, 25, 50, 34.75; Hon. B. M. Co, 40, 19.75. ' ',1 ., . SESSION 'AXEa1 . 1 Oahu Sugar Co., 25, 25, JO, 250, 50, 41.00; OakB. Sugar Co, 50, 50,' 41.25; Waialua. 20, 86.00f. Oaho Sugar Co.,' 80, 41.87i Olaa 50, B, W, 100, 100, 10, 35, t2M; - Waialua 5, 8 36.00; MeBryde 100, J5, 15, 50, 14.50; Olaa 100, Si'.OO; Oahn Sugar Co., 60, 41.37. SVOAX QTJOTATIOW' v . 88 analyaia beet (aa advleae) 1 ' Parity i ' ." ' , 06- Cent., (for Haw. sogaTs) " Jb : 1 jinlge will be on the way here short- Judge Thompson does not know just hat changes he will make in the Kai lua circuit court. Ua wijl wait until he run get there aad have a look around. During his residence' of two years in Honolulu Judge -Thompson has made many (leraonaT friends, many of whom believe he wiH make good as a circuit judge. ......... Mrs. Thompson (s Bpw visjting in Nashville, Tennessee, the' Thompson 1, . . V. . V ' L. 1 4 . .. .I.OOI-, niM-rc ucr rati ner, Mrs. M. v. Denton, has been critlsajly ill the past to months. As soon aa she is sale to, Mrs. Thompson will ' return here to make her home in Kniluh, Hawaii. LARRISON PROMOTED TO RANK' OF CAPTAIN Orders iasued at national guard head quarters yesterdav promoted First l.icut. (1. K. Larrison, Corps of F.ngin-' eers, to be captain aa transferred to the Coast Artillery Corps. Captain l.arrison will continue liis work of or Kimixing the Coast Artillery eoiupanv. The lirat formal iaspeetion of the com inny will be made at Fort de Kussy this nfternoon. ' ' "i- VOW IS (THB tiw. Kor rheumatism ; you wW) find nulhipg better than Chamberlafn's Pain Balui. Now is the time to get rid of it. Try this liniment and oe how quickly it ill relieve Ihe pais and aoreneas. For sule by all dialera. v Benson, Smith k Co., Ltd., agents for' Hawaii. .' ;j . Despite IJtioatjon, Directors May Declare Extra Dividend Trading on 'change waa dull yester day and the) notice of the auit brought' by the Bishop Estate to eject the Wai alua Agricultural Company from mora than 14,000 acres ef the land now un der sultivatlon.' scared soma of , the shareholders wjio were offering their stock. . v The brokers are. of the opinion that, the suit will not have any e feet oik the payment of tha dividends by the com pany and although the stock f el) off a point and a half there were few sales, i - . . The report in the street yesterday af ternopa wak that the directors pf Wai alua were not afraid Df tne outcome of the suit a4 war about to declare an extra dividend of thirty cents a share, payable next month. ' " . ','. " ' . " (i 1 1 t : COTTACE USED AS CLUB ;i IS : DESTROYED BY FIRE '':"".. . f 1. :' 4..f -..' v Fira deetrnyed a eotUge owoes by Mra. Manuel Richards and eceupied by soldiers as a baehejora' cjul).. at 1013' Kamehameha IV roai( early yesterday 1 morning. The soldiers had ' left ; the bouse before tan blate was discovered. er an layaatigation, - Fire Chief Thurston could Hvo po reason for tha origin of the Ure, unlesa ft waa caused y a eigtrerth atub left burning by ose pf the soldiers, The hoie and fursUh nigs were insuyed for U0D. A portion ... i be bbildihg was left standing 'after 'Ii,' lire, bpt .Will have to be torn down us it is beyond repair. INTO U6HT PUQGY A Phckard -ar, ' 9. M5, driven by a Japaiiusi;- yesterday 'apparentl de bberittely ran down a.light buggy driv- koi. Th4 ng belonge'd to P. 41. Hehae fer snfl the driyer WM 'probeeding al.iug the road cjo.e o the right band eurti, The ; ahto, coming frqTa town, arua Bhuttually wide and dashed into the yig, smaahiag tl)e right wheel but nbt dsmajfing jfbo machine. The driv er of the ear stopped and spoke with the-drives pf th, r tad Vhea pro eeeded on his way. The horse in the carriaoe t waa - ant -i ok... i jujrad.. s . . V ::.