Newspaper Page Text
. r 'I ... ' . h . U ' f.' Ci'.J- h 1 Mi IP1': XW ' LLL-lirtO DEATH Y.. L'fA. f .. ... ! i mm mm l! . Ui alt. 4 i L.'!ul!iiuJL- , '. 1 'I 1 i 1 . . - An:l'L3fense V i ML'ibilS -r . ss, : Ui v. iiV M T i t -J V ' J x. Will Not Appeal Case and Wants They Are Caught $y flames 0e- - To Cie Soon 'v. iii-r-'rirsnty.i -in: .1 '.' . tetc;:s DULGf.nS 1IIT Americanism V V r invade Greece Without Warnjng, ; V Seizing Important sWteg'fci ; Forcing Defentferi Voi.Bav'e COUNTRY BLADING WITH ldlGPWT AT AFFBONT Government Sends Strongly- Worded Protest Against Action To Capitals of Central Powers While Serbian Army Moves ; V ; ,' (AsaecUU Mm by Fsearal Wireless.) AlHfclN, May Bulgari ans and 'Germans have in : vaded : Greece," and 1 the whole . country is !n a blaze of indigna- tioiv and 'wrath. J The ' invaders, " said, unofficially to te more than ,-. 25,000 strong,' have taken the im : ' nortant fort at kunneL and those ' V - , , , . , , : . at Dragotin and Spatovo, and are reported , to fce advancing from h tAto-Vi K-,i-f.rM"..4 . rtff ' TtYiifliia- 'v sax toward the city of Ka valla:' . . Country At White Heat '.;' Mews of this invasion reachea '. M t ' -t m r '. . t - - cxKiiiiKal nu ims cujr ycMcruajr - 'tJ.."and set fire lo anger of the popu lace. . Popular! indignation rose , - with the first ttportsaad as addi ;':"( tional information continued to '.v.; arrive. py, telegram and courier ,-i'-.grew until by night fail, it "was , v. at vwiie neat 'v Ak,5ftkniki. a meeting of pro 1 , test nas been called, py the mo$t ' ri prominent "Greek leader, and , ( ' other meetings will be held jV throwghotit the kingdom imme . tliately. "'') Government Protests . . trie government iook immeqi- . fit 4ctinn A c aoAM an tii a iV-v - - jvn avaw b-i as tJ v M vi iai ; ; ation of the seizure of.Ruppel ''. T reach d 'brae, rie-snntrhintr ar.rnnsr. 1 1 - J-. ... jr. 'V y,vvvruu pruicsis 10 inc vjtcck ( t ministers ' at Berlin, Vienna . and ' .Sofia. It is inswted that the oper V.'J ationof the. Central Powers. 'in 'or-eelc- Macedonia shall cease at , ; once, and the positions' taken be ' -m The Bulgarian and Teutonic : ,i commanders, arrived near Fort i Ruppet without warning, aod . : ' gav the Greeks but two hours U ..I Tl . .1 ; ij viavaiv nit jiidLC. 4 UCjr VVCtC v j' overwhelming numbers and - ' the' Greek commander without , , . , Si l C f VAA ilia fW.anlAM ma ; "' he yielded at once, moving his . troops southward. ' ; : The invaders in their parley y vritfi the Greeks declared that they '.were compelled to make j . u is move to protect their own VJeft.i wing from eventuar attack! -;yRupptl Strategic Point Ruppel "fort is an important .""'strategic position, commariding as ; it"doM,'the bridge over he I river through the mountain range lead . ing to -the bridge. It is also the 1,; key to. the city of Seres,'' which 'is also occupied, according to re ports from the front whichireah-.p.-' ed liere yesterday. V - .: ' . 'Oth'er important movements ar toktng place in th Balkans! . which are taken to iadicaie that the two warring forces 'ate cool elatrng pperations on a large v'.acale in Macedonia within "a isliotf ;.,.time. , : , . ' Sarbian Airmy Ready . . J ' .",( 'The Serbian army, numbeftng ' now. between eighty-five and one ' hundred thousand since its reor . ganuation on the Island of Cor- fui is .again ready for thi -'(rQnt4ni Corfu across Greece i It has been transferred across the Agean sea witli'out loss, and t Salonika, where it has joined the Chairfnan Hilles Says Platform ,-Alse Will Deal With Tariff OffCCAup,'-Mr, CkMl- D. Hitle efaairniRa of th BvpobHrsil national commlt,tQ, !beVeya that jUh pry platform ' thin -ymt ! oh-g " V. the Birat vitoj Bih iiBitiB on III iiitm-. iiw ij;(p ,t. 4i iotfll hnr tort dikU, Alrw SitUw wUclia that ii Trtr lfitart,t;r ol h opinio -tluit too nf pomi-K ta not wnntad At. the piotf orak. jtmb ntWt V Ji7 " "'l :' ',,",l AUiW.WUI.ja awn -. He WtlVtn 'f)tl chiel plnnkt In too piatrnrm iU .be. lAmnktmoL tarrdar. . a. ie litratitia ia-laar , at a p rot art We 'tai-UI t tWptapaiAd ly mt AmericBtia i((a(f4 iaAkaAalda. n rommiaaiirrv and -laaother, aa ,4aof tot f V A, ioraial -.protW. , ana been lodged building -up he Atnca-eteat f with tUe . atata Snpartnent nod with mnrine, It addedv (that at flM IthA (Braaiden V'Uaoa, iitoHUf, demanding party eatinPntii.ajtad aromnathwt.Uai'Careattia guvamtneot officer aaffragn. iua.,aat 'CraaWiiawl, niU4a ' nmainOi ,tl.pi aelf-imposed talk dooa not kim !Whatrttot1'4Ub..flt-iOf muuhinff tii intingo -indnatrv. , ' i form Will unloirt.nto rtka quaetien. aMl Tie.. puutent- faa,on cigned by Tariff Conin l ion iTninwiinrt i i - : JipUtr-fiur ao.Vir of the American i'a tarm iuli, lM..vJi'r. Hillea, 'aoUwy ia Xapie,tad ebargei that probably vaall. Wha ffomitilantan towiiUBv.Unrj. aathoritiea have of tariff by, . tioa-pwtiaa.i)Bia T'alpaJed deraaa tthat will make it ion to V rwtt -b5 ngw.iitbJioaaila. for the oporatora to eontinoe n special Hew jueda f f the a-..a .iMuaeaa, and they ,m framed witb tinn'i indunuifla after, tb uwa j" tbjeot in. a-iew. .. - r Europe, The. emftit, b ninteA oot ttTba jpwrteat laa -aJledea that an will ereata aoiMrUitui tat aieit-these I Amaru- bai Itean arraatad and lodged will be no precedent, tad ambioa :iH iia.iail. raxmuea 4eouaa ha refused need special treatment 46 alve tK new probleana. raised.' r v .1 ' The qneation of Americanism and preparedness are andoubtedl.tha unott vital and important -.t b aoaidrad, said, Mr. Hilles, and nr Mwll vha, given tha greatest consideration ta thWWa. imttMiately. The ton preparation i tha Bepublieaa platform Vff)- Jcial announced last VIENNA PEOPLE FEELING SHORTAGE OF ICE ACUt ELY (By Assodatod Press) VIENNA.--Natural ice cannot be had in V ienna tkia -seaaof account of the unusually jnil wiifrer.' Ordinarily hoge quantities of, ice are ent from the dead arms of thfc J)aial)ev Jnat' putalde, tha eity, but there waa none at all this year and the titf Is entirely dependent up oa tha aupply of artificial 'ice.' The oa- ampaoi-e4MWoal.n' 1aely owsox to'tfea wea of tbe hospitals, a,ad naieea hare .thus st advanced to 1 4(5 eto for tw hundred pounds. com- psvred iwlth'Sa cents last year. , The greatest difiieulty is vot ia manufacture nt ia the delivery,' as wagons) - .and horaes ara. scarce. Most of the -regular ieemea Also have gone into the army aad their places are being taken., by women who answer 'well enough as drivers but they are not strong laaough to lift the block of , ice. out of the REVENUE AGENTS COLLECT : y HALF A BILLIOM QOiXARS .. t ., ",w u1 ' ''v : ; '' ' -AAssodatea Press kj redecal Wltalsss.) WASHINGTON, May Half a tU- lioa dollars were collected Jor -the ae of he United -States by it interaal revenue agents daring -the, year that will close Jane 8ft, ceordtng to report snade public by Secretary Me Adoo last nicbt. Tbia will emced aay eattsetione of the past by -awveretl anil liana, mi la a aplendid. Mroaseter -of tha -prosperity that ia flooding he ent tire country from, coast to coast, says the secretary of the treasury, ' 4 , ! ... , i i4 e - 'i ' , SEVERE FIGHTING HXR " SHANGHAI jlS- REPORTED (Special Osblscraa ta Hswsli nlape.1 TOKIO, May 9 Despatches from Shanghai to prominent Weal Chinese laat might report aevera "fighting near that city between tha federal and revo lutionary aamiea yesterday. - A . Jap anese women was wounded by a stnay ibiillet. ; Tha Japanaa onaul KarJ hwnadiately entered A protest with tha leader of the opposing factions. ,' r'tf' A 1 lVV .'t r'-y-O. '' LANGHORNE RETURNS ; . FROM MEXICAN CHASE . ;'', 'in i iii'fj i ' ;'.'m v' U . iAasoeUM ma by Xsaeral Wireless.) IX My SShr-Tmo ,roopa ,of thS' Eiffhth Cavalry, -nd vthe om mnd.of Major Langbarnsyihava reach ed fort fiiiaa, an thair return from .pur suing" tke; hand of loutlawa ahat raided and looted tti ten -SpAngs, earner and Uoouillaa, Te,xas, some waeka - Ago, This ends the sampaigo' agajnat that banal of Tobbars... rvt."- ' Hni-h" AV1ATPR Wto'wIL(.; i -' 'flETDfiiiL'HOJ'JIE IN JUNE Vw--wU l. L t vSpastal ablacrl ta Slawaa une.) ' K1Q, May ttWArt timithJ the a v ant or, was decided to jvtara ikone tha Hhmyo MaV deawing lYokohama en im JO. lbs eipeeta to ,mah flight r the Aoyama pa sad ground, is this itv. '..a i ii ' .- ) '--'' French and British 'forces on" the1 Serbian frontier. " ' xhf !v The transfer Was madewith the peraniiiMou of the Greek ovrn- by train, and thence lo ?(ald,nka by . transort. Not a roan was1 lost in the ojcration. fir CoiriDlaln To Wash(naton That P.a...l.t.. I..' b..! 'I AvV r?7 ; - r,nm NW ftEVOLUTIONS FAIL' -' Frt'LAClCOF StjfPOrJ' tbcai flHitary t'sn Arje Surprised i't'c'V'Vni.Sit Af' C '-; trfdl tmiitiaraen AmonUWd rrM by rnl WlrM.) . np'h nitil 8tte. v.rwn.nt to I mtrj-fere .bntwen tnen .a4 th Cmr. F mmv rvdtriak ho, prntor ! r ttrtng, ht tknr caa to throt ttim !.,. iaduafrr oan4 v-driwa ont tha t iwy b1c fixed by tha military aathoritiea, w4iib. i-nieroi in excess of thnaa,pienised.&i jn,ea - ' ') ?(J.'unbera fhecvbordeasoin de ereaa bava 'been ossaed and enforced, ad thipnersf ftha protest ask that 4gu.K iph vui iioit anaiier la Dein iaiveetigtad'.tfd itbat .it is -probable repiaentatio'na will ba made to, Carran. a in the near lutra asking that the burdens be lifted and the bBnoxiou regulations revoked- ' - t!' . 1 HEW REVOLTS At PISCQUNT r A1u, May SV aew rolUtloM are at a discount in Mexico, according 1 : advice,' leeerved .here yester day 'afternoon from Chihuahua, where -Gemsral Salasar, the instigator of revo lutions, eame into to surrender bunselz ta General Gavira,' the farraaaa, eom maader and governor 'of the Chihuatboa diariet, -Ualotar anaenaMd'.tnat hia last attempt to start an . iaannrection bad proved futile',' as be was naable t get amy followers willing to fight.,, He was accompanied by , tbrea . loUowers, U of wbem aaked for permiesiba. ton- torn o nva 4ie. , u . .-. ; , s . , MILITARY TRIAL . t V v fir TEXANS DISCUSSED r Tie Associated Tress despatches lof (Batorday to hs effect that tha freei. dent bad named CoL Kdwaxd. Miller, Third rield Artillery, and Maj. Glanton Wiaship, judge advocate-general 'a der partmeut, botb regular army olfieera, as president and trial judge i advocate, renecUvIy, of the court-martial of dated ito meet at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, for the trial of, Taxaa militia men, have caused, na end of 4cussion in loeaj army and militia clrolea. Tha Unpreasiot waa general among military men here that the employment 'of regu lar mrmy officers as members f a geoer fa) court-martial far the tsial of mili tia officers and men waa cxpraaalr for bidden by law. ttucb. waa tha case up to 1908 and the point was clearly cover ed by Heetton 1U5N, Revised Htatutes, which stated; "Courts martjal.foi the trial of militia shall hi composed at militia officers anly." ' , , ,'..('' . Bection of tha Act of M ajr ft J 008, commonly luown aa tha scronfl'T inch Act,''' amended and reenaetad4hls ee. tion by changing the -pbraaeolora of jhia section to read aa YoUoweJ. ''The for the trial of -officers Cod -men of the mili.tia when in the service of. the Unit ad States shall be composed f militia omsera.' , ;.,.w .. i It is thought here that as the Txs trial involves sui-h aa important Issue a full court of thirteen oflUera will be convened and on this court seven ncia beza arill be militia officers. , Tha Judas advocate not .being a member, may, 4m a regular officer as well as tha itamaiA ing six members of tha eourti ' v. , Bection 1649, 'Ba.vised Statutes, de- 4nea tbs procedure and penalty for re fusal to report when the militia of any state ot territory if called into tha ni uonai aervica. The section rends i " Every officer, aon-eommisaianad of fleer, or private of the militia who fajjs to obey the orders of the President when he calls out the militia' into the actual eervHje of the United States, snail rorreit of bis pay a sum. mot e needing one ysr'a pay, and notJese than one month's pay, to be detexminod and adjudged by a court mart 11 and such offieer iball be linbl to be cashiered by a sentence of court-martial, and bo incapacitated from holding commission in the militia for a teem not exceeding twelve months;' and juch noaeoromUsioned officer and private shall be livbln to imprisonment by like sentence, on lalinre to .pay the lines ad judged against him, for one calender month for avery twenty ?vs dollars of auch line." ' " ' ' ' PILES CURED IN 6 TO U ATS 9KUQ OIWTHKNT U jnaraahe4 cura blind, bloelUng, Aching f; jpo Vddijig TO.E3 J o",4 dy Of Money Mludd.) JUnaiaotne4 f th PARIS MBDICINECO.,St.Loul. U. 8. A. r CI id'"'' . : Caught by the lame that were des troying their lwmwt -at .Labaina, ,MoL fast .Wednesday monfiag, Uiaa-ad Emma Aikai, risers, were burned to deaths The girls swnr tw.eW nii ftia yer olo) resj.nctivelti. i p-. iv." .jl i , ,T:he kM kt e)ievnd to have started from a cigaret a.zfvdi by Akl Akeo, grandfather of tha little girl, with whom they had been living for ora wW4 j. . ( ' (1 ' ,''.' i' 1 . TbegTindf'athef, t in alj, had been drinkiog, -aada setitmbig hnma short ly after eleven .o'clock Tuesday night, went to the fcitehea to get ' cracker. It ia believed that while ia there he dropped a- lighted cigaret on tha laa hala floor, mat,, which nnght tra ad started the rent of the house burning ,onnja Koko, the, thirteen-year-old step daughter of Akeo,, told the coro ner' jury of her jna.rrow escape from the building. She wan awakened by the heat -and smoke, and warned the other girls, one of whom apparently attempted, to escape from, the rfront door snd tho .other from a door lead ing on to 4h tear lanai. ' ; Akeo' wife .recently left him be cause of hi fondness for liquor. ; He wa asleep on the front lanal when awakened .by his step-dnugbter, - A Filipino 'who lived near, by -attempted to batter down on of th -door .but the heat and -amok drove' him back befom he id. nor than beat ia the upper panel, - , t MM Chorus ?irl .nd boose caused the downfall, of Henry htVPniUtpi, han;ed r,he' fourth eiroutt- court, Hilo with burglary 4a tha lint' degree.,' Phillips pieaaea guilty o tne charge, and aaked the e4irt, -abmniga hW, attorney, to be lenient. . Jndge )uinn promised that be would if th prisoner would tell the wrote mvrj't ; 4 - -. v PbilHaf then said that he bad brok-en'hlto- the ffsile Bakery, laat Janu ary,' where be stole a-urt ease, cigars, tobaoeoy: some r bfra4 .ticket, oyer eoat, -a kodak and five dollar aad fifty cents, laJuu4. h. He told the court that-.ha waa wary dcunk -at the time and did no remember any of the details of the aSflir. - . rhilHps.44ed that, he, had, gqn fta Hijo to get a job in the iteamers ,Qf tha ' Amencan-Hkwmian line, tut ua run Boross some'friends who were mm- ber of the ftsjrmond Teal theatrical company. : -A drinking bout followed.-,' Yoo sea I knew all those girls in' San Tancico,i eald .PhiHipa. Tbey are cafa singer there and I knew them all.'"; . . , HphUHp wa, sentenced to three years at 'hard lahwv .-. ' .' HAVE-WJG DAY ' (Mail Special to Tha AdvertUer.) . M y ;2TrtTb vMasqni Hall, in -whieh -tha ,Hilo Emporium i now housed, many shortly be the sit of th First Sunk of Hilo) if ntujotiations pen ding ace .carried .through.. Jt il report ed that th bank will eros th street, owing to tha sead of mora room in which to earrr o it business, that tha First Trust jDompany will also mov 1 i . u Tr!l f- I .. . ! H irvrr .siKl mat me i"u mjwuw seek new quarter an Front- Street. H V. Patten, the snk jaisnager, jtsted today that nothing definite bad been deeidedk He admitted that tJbe chan ge 9UtIined sbova at under dincussioa, however, but depended on th negotia tion jwider way. . Tha HMo Emporium has a leas oa its present . building which has approximately four years yet to run, but it i expecud that suitable arrangement will be mad to render tfut ha,nge adaptable .to i hat flrm- 1UDGE quii;n,,$entence.5 v ! TWO BIG' ISLAND CRIMINALS Pak Chong Kaa, -eoavieted la the Fourth Cureuit court at iHilo Jast week of having killed hi friend Pak Chu. was sentenced a twenty year Impri sonment at hard -labor by Judge Quinn, Th court ako,eaiaed Ferpsjido So telo, A J'ilipinp, .epvieted of having aAaultsdi a tea yaa , old giri, to 1m- prtsoameat .Tor. tot. .. i . . . -. GERMANS EXECUTE THREE mXW) BEU3IAW SPIES , . jjaasdatii Vsass ibjr JimX Wirslsas.) AWJeTJtihBAM, May S-Th German awliMqr uthritia . at BrueseU ha v. eutne threa llegd spie, ad hae etfaaeed aevea oiheM tp JUX luiprlso Snt, aoaordiAfl to aivaite deepatehe aaaoivad ' waeterdsv from to Mot giaa eity.' Th tea aUagd sphe wane boviat4 by military, tribunal. - A,MES'. -HILt tlES vv; oX KAsaaaVMsd fr 1 ft anriss. i OT.vffAkTL AUnneaota, May The aonditien vof J&mea.J. liill, th railroad magnate nd aipire-builder, who -ha beam-ill altout Jlw.o week, took turn Lfor. tjhe wore wasterdajr af teanooa and tas rnigw .aotoe..' Ja is m, tspdann uuoa uUi sged napitaJiM. n- pounced that it.i critical and that Hill may die at any time. . . HTfcmbcrship, Attendance ' and ,l Worjc Done By BraHch Out ; i,kstrlp'?revtoui Period - v ; llKK- Hot' I 'Jf. , EOUCATiQNAL DEPARTMENT " tCOPE INCREASING FA'ST PhysicaJ Department Figures In ' idicate! Ularkied' Growth; bf ; Interest In Gym rThe annual report pi the ronng Men' CbrUtiaa ', AseoolaMon' for 'the year ending April 80, has just ' iieen Issued Mid .shows substantial growth' in' all departments. 'There are 17fl4 member thi year against 1553 at tha close of th last .fiscal year. Propor-' tionate -gala ar noted, all along the tiae. ,.: t r .. s -0 . . ,,'.-.; , i .The average daily attendance at the building -was 929 this year, an increase of 209 over laat. year. - Theea hundred and three member served on eommit-'i -tees during the current year, gakn of sixty, jika Association, property . is valued t 242,700 - including land, building and equipment. : ; If an Aains Sxpached . . v 'A marked growth I th educational department, wa recorded. ! There were; 594 student during th past year in- Led ncational claaaea,' ninety-edven more than in 4 he -preaieu yean With the o -operative trad schools t -open ' a few weeks, another substantial gaia in etpeetad during th coming year. ' - The number of men and boy enrolled In Bible lasaea increased from SZ3 to. 47. ' ; Attendance at -religious meetings held in the association building showed a marked increase The number -of e-t ligioa interviews was 603 this year, La againet 42 laat year, j The .number of men referred te nators Showed aa- other large gaiav.v. - ' y - tjiauatics newe pracucauy every thing in the physical department to have grown -over 4h Ipxaecdiag year, kvaa hoaoVred and Uty-llve member used thi 1 department aa againat 639 during the previona. year. ..There werei more , 'gym'- classes and a larger at tendance, aooTe, , athietis 'teams, ' with more partieipanta, mora phyaieai enam-, mations, aior anu bowled, and a' groater number of bath taken during the year Just loeidv . 4 ... aiaay Jhitartainiant , . a Thi Tear' neport .show .ninety-five soewt -eatertainmants, a gaia of twen ty-three. JNine thonsnnd fifty-two games of billiards were played against .7173. Situations were aacured for. 231 men and boy a, more than double Ust year's fig-nres. . The Prison Aid .Boclety found work, for fifty-two man, and .aided 167 wit wane. . , -i ' - Boys' Clubs were aonducted at eight point throughout Ahe -eity, with 400 boy aa m,embera. Thi is gain -of seventy boy and tne rorJL condueted waa much more elaborate..- - ; Citisaaship education work .was .be gun, two teluba yof Japan with forty eight member and one JFilipino club with sixty -eight , mejubera, -flourisbed- throughout the year.. Weventy-ei edu-, eational lectures were jcVvoa (to a, total of 20 50 people. Valuable publications ware distributed t over i000 'now and prospective voters. ' . t..; ; , x ; The, Japanese Y. V. C. A. Reports 300 members, 101 students ia education al elaasos, four aaeekiy Bible 'Classes and aeveatv- member in th Kandaji after Uioon club. Twesty.six as -enrolled if the boy scoot troop and the average daily attendance at 'the rooms wa 149.' Good AU Round Vor v A igood U-jround, work wn dene at the Korean Y. M- C. A. with eight v-eix members, Bible Classes, educational lec tures, religion meeting, gymnasium elubs and socials were conducted.. The, Filipino Y. M. C. A. ha fifty-five mem bers with a strong religious,-enudoy-tnantaod citUensMp work. The Chi nese Y. M. C, A., ha re-organized and. far enifapHng a full time cretary, who: w-ui begin .active work in the tall. , Nummary of the lending statistic of the Y. U. C. A. annual report:1' Thi ' Last Yenr .74 303 B24 447 TBS 83 9-.0.12 18,721 23t 003 . Year, 1,553; Members l Cpmmittemen In educational Classes . In Bible Clnsaas In Physical Dept. 437. 823. ' 3 J Socmla Held '. T-!,it r 1173 Game Bowled ........ Wtua,Uons Hecured . . , . Beligious Interviews , , . Daily Attendance at Building Siibacrilte to , Associa tion Men ........ ; . . , 18J4'4ft ;10C 242 660 334 313 Value f property this year, 24 2,700. 00, Uat year. S33900.QOM F-Current Expen Budget tbl year,, jt year, SM.pia ti. , Mombcrolip by Classes: Tbi -1 Buslne Man ' Club Full &mior . Regular Senior Hchool Boys i, Emplgyed B.ojr . ... YPB A TAHB 9A0K. When you' have fiains Or' lameness in tne 110011 oath 4b part wit Ubamue-r hiins Pam Bslm twloe a day, tnaasag ing with -the .pulm jnf tha hand for -five minute At each application. I Than dampen a piece of flanael slightly with tikis iinioient and 'bind 4t on ver 'the seat of paia. Vtt :sle -br ail daalur. Benson, Hmilh ft Co., Ltd., agent for Haw.ii. fear . Year 74 ' U 8S4 80O 443 I 40.4 171 133, 183 22 1,704 1,653 tAeseetatoS tnmt fcy Ssnl Wnrsless.) KEW YORK, Msy 9-Dii. Arthur T. Wsite, the you fir dentist, tennis blny- mr, oiubmasl nd pniaoher, eut So die a oouM poeaibKii lis baa abtMutoly re- fuaedt permit Jin eouaml 41le n en- -peal from the finding of the Jury, which declared Jun gulitv of tbe murder or his fatbfr-ip Jnw, oh Tvk, tb multl millionnire of Xirstid Esplda, Michigan, and Mr. Peek. ' ' , ' K v- ;. I wa interview lriven fa hi cell la the Tomb, Wlt jrenterday snorted that he, i willing id do W. hi crimes and is abnolote.iy tut m fied lMlh,the Jurif's verdiot. f'.' t '' V - .Tka, young . man slept fitfully laat night, waking .aeverai im. with, a I rifrhtened, tnervon ry. lie docliaed axodscal Mwstascq. t ., , . . .. r, u ; ' Dramatics Ytre fiourishins ia Labue Juet . nOw nd ttbe Hoal Jiall is kept in, a atHte lexeiting nproar -with the I wbearanw or two' , -amateur pertorav asee -ta be aut fim in June. , ,., i The pupils , of the Kauai High and grammar ttcnooi wiU appear ia fit t- tracU- nooi,. play, V.-Uird of a FeutheV' -written for fhent Ijr W. C. Averr, tb principal .of (the anhodlk . A number of sppoial faatnres will fee in-, trodueed. tncludinir -dmlla. an' annots. About thirty iohUdrem.will take -latft and the -speaking ruiS will b icarried I Josephina Moragne, Martha Walton, r 1 : : ' Mildred Jtogg and- NeU jYokny -Uarsj-'.with, son Bioe, George Hogg, William Wal - - XJ.I J Hi ' J I' . -"'- ' "-"7 ctuot. lleaaryw.S 4 Hubert , Hogg. - Viae play r.: .will probably, be r-?eu. on the tents or ue rnonta. ;.. - . -., ' - For the- beaefit f the 'tennis inter est fit th island th . Xihue ' Tennis Club ia putting on . ( twe-act faree. " Mr. BobaMlcheduled fr. the twenty third of i Jim.. Toe .jJay, ..eontams . J uimuj - auiuuaK mciuvDie :. nail viever. characters, and the work on the pro duction 1 going very veil. . Mrs. Haps i , , , ... imatmrg i. tBsmstina; wri oirec tion of thejplay ,nd the cast' Consists of Misse.. Uabla i WiJcos, Katherine Wood, Edpa, iPenaiaian jid Katherine Ommaaney -n6V Messr. Kdward Oar den, Harry Vincent and Fred Patter son. ' ''.' ;'''. "" ' ;,','.' r, -' 6 M . . -: ' Henry W, JCinney, superintendent of public insVucjiio, paid Jl 4yiqT t a aLardaa. bile, jtEtaving laat Fri day morning and. slaving on, the same aueniqg .. s. i.,, -,. , ,. y . i . ,f , ', ji j v.-: A bufet euppar and 4aaee wa ffiven laat )Jlarday .jning .by (Mi-3J,tri Anaeraon ana AM UAaca Martin ox UanapejM. , Tina, saaia aolor achm ava yliWj jwhich was artistically carried ent ia ,.th c decor atd oo ad mean.; Among the atttaetkv feature mare the butterfl jplaee ard-ad almond dishoa ia jrellaw, with pnnch aad ie. of tha -eame -cjulor. oXlws staiden wal beautifully Jighted rith Jajiaae lan-tl Wn aad l eliotfui lor tu re pose ,of the it between dacaea. A atringad orhesa t fuanWhed 'nusic duriitir .th entir iniiur. The nmest ware; Mr. ud 2t m JCnudsen, Mr.i a -M-r. 4u-y tUaUxn hV. nd Mr. Vorman Bro.e, Mr, and Mia. fi. Dev erill, Mr. and Mr. Benjamin Baldwin,' Mr. and lira r CUuigla Baldwin, .Mr. and Mr, djl. &roUe, Mr, Akxander BroAie Aiul . r: ii'.uiKnv .HnlcrmmrA tta Lea, Oeacxviw aUcotta. Frances Thompson,- (on Uepaait, JQthel iian-i V ) , . r ' w m- 1 mens, Ji Mutdock, ii Maluu,F. Asser,; J,: P M. Thompaon, Ai . A. AIcBoyl. Jr. PwtmBt4id ix. A. i. l)esbr. "',-. f-'- '' Jt "-'v. ';-.;' Mr. and Mr. W. H. file. Br- enter- tajned laonor at Mr. -and Mr. B. W.1 -ur.yis ih nr augaer, uura, OB Tuesday ewinin t 4hi week withj .aa, einboraft poi ujiper.y ffhe oma .reaidaue was beautifully aoo - rated in fiower i fajious i-Mid. ,Af-, w i aioaw nas guia enjoyed .sin,, nfrhmejtt ete erv4. The children f Aha- Lihne Sunday chopl nJovd A omoat delightful picnic recently, in early part of tiie. After-1 boon waa npant in emu and jiporta of variouf Xioda ud atpronriate efrajdt-! taeuu Ave alao sarrsd.. JUitar Jmjti of the children, eoonpanied by Mrs. Katherin Burke, autoed to the Oer-. maa Foxw several mile Jin X4b,n. i . .'. .. J( .4-ff :-.v- -. A TjoHy i"inJnf Parijr wa given; last fiaturday evriia by Mr. and Mrs., Karl BoendiiM a.t tCe Whiwa beach. The guest were mainly from XUeele and "McBrVdo aad -the event, wav ren-i dered J most-' dejightf ul , ,by dancing. Tboae wno fn toyed ' the -aBaif were Misses Htrand. Mttchetl," Histia, John son, Schimmelfennlg, JMelacon, - Bamp-, son. ' Besor T aad ' Messrs: .'- Bobbins. Bmythi Pooler, 3tf?ai, lUr, Epy, Muugiaa, , Aoaptw, i ,. jioaia,i -wwartx, DeuKlaa, Aobincen, MeBoyle and John son, - ;. , ;'; ". ':' "d tl m--y,:,yi,.,, Mr. Bridpewater esd 'Mr.. Menlek anditk other toatkera 4a It be fifana- maulu -ohool entertained ery jtlont- antiy .weaneeaM evening -of tk is mk with aa informal card -md flwoel-ip party. Aboat -a tdoae .guests enjoyed -the 'veniag. ; v t' '.;;' ,t -.-',., ii ji , Miss Orae Barker, Miss Katherine Ommaaney , and Oiiarlo , 1D0K enter tained .JUtst (intnrdny evening with n l I .1 . - r ' tj : I ' HIUHWI WUI u iuucr ,wi. aiim iti-i burn Purvis. .. The guests were. Misses! isiibura -uvi, Uila "Weber, . iottie Jordan, ; J,uaoit Spat-ken, dna Pen- niwon. and Uhinj. !Uornr, hZnudsen, Kiddle, Vincent ud Gaidca. 1 r--v, 'V.-.- -.Jl-Jl il i .' :":-; " Mrs, F. A. AicMiidvf f MoBryde l nt avauni laat twaak b gone tor abort 'Vum. .x v 'a.-r :. . 1 ji dl Judge Lyle - Dickey ha rstdrnsd from a abort trip to Honolulu. ,' ( II- ID Eotiu French and German Des patchestyi o. Furlotft AttackV , ard r Countert On Western Fro Front Without ' Any Results i I - BOTH SIDES CERTAIN ,v vr tknwuii viyivrt . .r t , , . . ML IIL UIIIIBI rTmiSW .-' Russians Smash. Teutonic Off en-' sfYe in fieglon of Lake Orlzvia ty, While Austrians Continue To Harwtier. Away AHtalians i ''...''; ""--J . .,',--,''"'' ' , (AssocUtet Press sy dral Wiraless.) LONDON, May 29 While the itua tion ta the Balkans ha again be come threatening and the Allie ana in Antral j'owars are both pre- the eihborhood of .Verdua eoatinuea ' ttwsbated f ury. . v.- I . French and Herman ! el.lm ... 1 tueeesses in tn attack and, counter- atiacHB ioai seep me una awayins Daca and. forth, like the swing of pendu lum. , Both side deay that the eaemy nas made detinue rains and eaca aid claim gain for its own fighting men. -J bat jnrnhfthlliv ta that hn k .tH.a am . -correct In tbe report they issue, deal ing, with action in sector removed from those where losses aye been sus tained. :. jy..,,v'v,; ,- , JS 4raat Cluuic Probable - ' It 1 aertain, however; that the strag gle, ha bee -productive if nf great change : one way or the other. 'Tha gain and ioeses, whatever , they may ha.vo .been, are undoubtedly small and at minor importance. Be port a say that ia France there is a marked and grow ing feeling agaiuit the eontinuano ot the present method of attack and ds- aenee -at -Verdun, and a -wub that new tactics onay be adopted that will force tha issue. 'France i enfident a -ever. siuse the' first tea day -of the Verdun toggle .showed that the German might .bad been .matcTied,' that ah' id going to win at Verdun and that th drown Prince ha shot his bolt and eaa do no mosa. ... . Both Bid Confident . "While the eenaoaship o"ver the do pa tehee from aermany- is. tnnch more 4ftriet than that in France, tha-name feeling ta manifested in aome of the statements that . ar allowed to come from Berlin. , The Teutons, likewise confident of .victory a they are, want to aee a. definite result attained by their armiaa, .and are beginning tb ahow signs of an impatience at the delayed decision at'Verdun,. .. i-' .. . : ..Berlin yesterday in -the official despatches-, that -were sent, tout -by wire loss, ported minor operation in the rioinlty . of Verdun, In some sectors of the -line .the offensive has evidently panned, tat the timo at any Tate, to the .French. : t !i '.. . '..:-, Infantry Assault BeptUned Tha -official Oermnn announcements tell of having M repulsed repeated Infantry assault" against 'positions upon the outhweatern slop of Le Mort Homm, and near Cumiere village." These at tacks, the communique continues, eot the Frencb attae.Vimr columns heavilv. Ul nd-jfand were psoduotiv of -no real -maul,, . . In the Champagne di.trlct, t AM west of the Verdun, battlefield; these have been' some "minor engagemevt, but if the report tejl all the facts, nothing of any teal military import ance.., The Germane sight befoae last apparently aat out number -of -vecon-noitering parties, aome Of whieh man aged to evade the -watchfulness of the French sentrie and. succeeded i get ting well, inside the Frenoh line, eap tnring about , 100 prisoners. i : ' Farther otward the ''' German launched a aeries of assaults against tbe 'French lines in AImscc, near Mul hausen, bnly to break down' completely nnder the - concentrated fire' of the French artillery and machine pins. JJpon the Bussian front the struggle is till of A -comparatively minor na- tur, involving thing of a vital im iportanee. ; . .' i ' - , '- i. LOerman Offtnaiv Imaahed :rtrii Aermaa offensive ia- the region of Lake Drlcviaty, .which has bine forming for several days, wa intteriy smashed byt the- Bussian -rifle fire, And aMntot-attacka, -and elsewhere on that line ihe'tbatUing ha been confined to artillery -engagements -or mora or iaas vjjjor, and tench attsoks. . ' .Vha Austrian cantlou pounding at the Italian line in southeast Treat, but the Latin foreea apparently have atif feaed onsiderabry, and ar declared "to be holding thhir foe . itsadily . every where, and even' to be able . da' plane to force the Austrian back vlightly. :" CACHE oVAmTA.L:: : -MUNITIONS IS FOUND );,--:. i ;.. "-' ' (Assoetstst 'rrsss br rsastU Wireless.) WAKlUNQTCW, (M 'EJM-Ojespatch- os irun tue en troop night, reported of -maebliie guns, ammunition,., and ,up- liUa belonging to th VlllisU bandit. Th people of Naroiqulpa aura aaid do be working with tbe American to run uenaqvurcers or i tie a merl in fextc'o,' io! this city last I thedisiioverv'. of cache down tb robber ia that vicinity.