Newspaper Page Text
.1 1 BE SPEEDED USIMPITO IESS; PLAN iJA BY AT L . HAWAIIAN GAZEi fE, ?TljESPft Y, jij j 3),,' ' t916. SEMI-WEEKLY. V '. I-', i 1 t . l" '' 't " Promotion Committee Back' of Citizens Urge Reappointment of Franchises For Hawaiian Electric' and Honolulu Gas Companies Rushed Through PUBLIC 'UTILITIES BILL1 ' MEETS NO OPPOSITION Proposal To Advertise Terri tory At Exposition Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Teach ers At Waimea r i. i . A. . . I nunorea ana nvc nnmpH or Kauai Hawaiian Day at tbe Baa D ono Ei- .u: . .. . . i . . , . " " . ""' are signed io a petition which Z TJztT : ' :g ' thB -.. of up the details with iti eoast agent in th. J k j.- '? the hoard of ar.bool commissioners in San Francisco. , . , failing to reappoint Mr. and Mn, H. C. .Hawaiian Day at the pahama-r.aelns Brown, principal and lniitructor in the Exposition at Han Francisco in 1918 Waim,, school, waa held on June li ,d wu of f!" T All Measures .Passed By House -5 ."BrH w'-r " Ad,.rti, had . . -i I .V ... ' " l" recelvod a copy of the petition RKS Honolulu Wholesale Pxoduce Market Quptotions ISSUED BT THS TEHJMTOHIAL wnoiesaie only. MARKETINO JHVMION June 15, 191ft As Fast As Clerk Can Bead Them " " By tRNEST O. WALKER , y , (Mall Ppedal to The Advertiser) . WASHINGTON. June 6. The house .Bitting 'today for consideration, ef bilk' by" aaaaliaouj sensent, disposed .of a lot of business for Hawaii. It pasaeci three Hawaiian bills, and to make th work complete tabatitoted senate bill' -bUle that had already passed the Bea nie tor toe pending measures in tor bobae. This meaas the billa in aueatioi will. now be speeded to the senate apd noma snorrjy peeome Jaw. vast crowd.' Vhl' "a! "M ' Petition, But ia . iowV..i .-j f ... 7 . T "x-yona the eomment tnat he had seen irta.SW? bAlti-. k- . -t- art that ' . ... ' . . n. . . ' anew no reason Wby tbe eommiss on whiefc waa Staffed on the ailrrnr Umwin I u , . f ' '" should alter its decision, tbe auperln lennnni aennnea to talk. "Did Governor Pinkhnm have any thing to do with the board's action I' he was asked. "You had better see tbe Governor ntmae f if van want tn flnH n. .Ll .1 ....... . - imng boout tnat," was Kinney's reply whieh waa staged on the mirror lagoon .u front of the ,Fine AU Pulaee, had I typiiml Hawaiian atnoanher. The allmate and the .grouping; of foliage at tbe Han liego Exposition are somewhat characteristic :f the tame features in the Hawaiian Islands that these' oouHbe UUni "7 1 Ki" in a very effective manner, and that P"1' Elevan Waimea glgners Hawaii eeuld be presented in a man ner which would-be an education to those witnessing It. .. The roast agency of the promotion Committee lua alraalir tk. matter with Mr. Jeaneon, of the de pannieni or special events of the rJaa Oiego Exposition. the celebration of "Hawaiian Day, The first 1.111 nauiia h. th. .. ... I 1 celebration of "Hawaiian Day," the one to, extend the machine of th. J " ui'P??,tio? WUJd v .. . naniiial nntlav in AHa .a .Its I.a nawanan Kleetne ( onniiit tn h . . It is learned. hnv.r ik.t tk. mA ministration does not give the Brown petition serious thought, a statement rrom one source being that of the one hundred and a per, only eleven are by residents of A l - r . . . ... "rara. iwi or me signers, It is as serted, are citizens of I.ihue. Why the i . . it r Vt-npie in L.iuue are anxious tnat ftr. and Mrs. Brown should he retained at waimea, or why they should not urge that the couple, rather than be let otot tire Island of Oahu. A.oth.r Mtende.l ?y ' AtaW; on ,0 -HiiwaU, nd that the couple, rather than be let otit imiiar privile'eoa to the cas eomoanv (tnose on te coast representing the enurely Irom the public school serviee, A. V..KT 10 . company I committee feel that in order to n. be even a nlnce in I ih .1.1. aa wira Dili amenoea tbe law H-oii 1 ii. t Tj. ii' . ' In jecting nublie utilitlea functions In Ho- ' til l", . 7 .. v" ur; ?V iiolulu. 'There waa no particular b .V"" "u" u" ,ve" au Mwn nolulu There wa i,i,il.,,l.. k . ,oe matt8r be given due atten-l The board of education plainly takes 4..4i. 4. 4k kin. kr., "- n position that It can release aav were pawed about as fast a- the elerl Th "Ption offieuU. bad anggoated teacher at the end of her year or eon- rtTh.P3enk eou?d read them The im h0 J' ltt Ju,y' but M here " trct P"-,od- of the length a tneaesk eould read them. The bill.-1 DC i va.. w....v.inn i- nf im. .h. h.." j :. ,:.k..4 : bave bees pendinir here ever since the r'.i.. .4 " " - . " r" T.""" " ' ",l"""v T k-j.i. ", ... " . . , '"v 'rriarjr i ayior or tne commit- beginning of the present congress, am fee U considering other datea, suck as were the subject of extensive hearing Et, , Bep, 'ot Ki last winter. Kalakaua'a birthday on November 18 Hawaiian! In Capitol at which time "Hawaiian Pineapple John T XtrCmmmn U,. , . 1 .. 1 Day" is bIhO to be nhaerveH - - . i . i r . . . . . . ny soiling aside November 10, been back to Washington for a few days, following quite a Krirination over many staUs. He has a lot of oh' friends here and says he has beon en joying a .bully time. Former Judge Wilder, of Honolulu, is another familiar territorial in the federal eitv of rUMHT Am vm IT at al In line spirits, but says it has been a little snore quiet On his visit here than it wnn 1? J for 'H,wii" Pineapple earlier in the Season. About the onlv ,;"y - BK,'ted that the Hawaiian earlier in the Season. About the only item of news he eould talk about waV xne poatmastersbip at Honolulu, avpt' be frankly admitted that he had been unable to ascertain anything about Mr. ..Xotinfl'jB auccassos. The senate's confirmation of Judge Thompson. cleared the decks of all exe cutive business at the eapitol in con nection with the Territory. Indeed the posttnastershlp remains the only .Ha waiian plum of importance now that the President baa to bestow. t Washington gets but little of tbe flur ry over Judge Btuart'a resignation. Of coarse. the resignation is not official till it reaches -jthe department of justice. There is not the slightest doubt that Judge Htuart can resign, but if he sends l. : : i i . . ... 'louhle nnn lnorirnl nnnnrtunllv la nA sented to sprad the story of Hawai to the mainland through the exposition ihannels," said Taylor. "Hawaiinn Pineapple Day" at the nan Francisco Exposition was a huge iunceM.. ine promotion committee which is already taking a leading part in the plans for "Hawaiian Pineapple tng either herself or the public any reason therefore, save that it desires to make a change. I.IHL'K, June 12. Ksuai folk are still unsatisfied In regard to the reap pointment of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Brown. The statement made and published by Mr. Kinney that they had not been dis missed but had failed to be reappoint ed strvnge as it may seem haa not settled ihe feeling in any way. The Mtij. Edgar Russell, Chief of De partment Signal Corps Passes Examination MANY OTHERS QUALIFIED FOR PROMOTION IN RANK Long List of Names Made Public By Oahu Examining Boards Maj. Kdgnr Kiish.-I, Hignnl Corps, chief signal officer of the Hawaiian De partment. ia the flint fielH PaSS the examlnntion for nrnmntlni tin. .1 . L . ...... . ' . ' im new inm ructions rrom the sec retary of war. The president of the board of .officers before which Major Kussel .was examini'il h- mriiu 4k. k .i r i ' toe major nas eonipit-ted his examinai tion and has been found qualified for promotion to the next higher grnde, Before coming to this denartmeni. Ma jor Russel waa ststioned in Washing ton on duty in the office of the chief signal officer of the army. ' Another staff officer ified for promotion in I'irst Lieut. Horasbv Evans. Seventeenth Inr.iiini. side de-eamp to Brig.-Oen. R. K. Evans,' the department rommandcr. Many Offloera Qualify '' Other pflieera who have been report ed as qualified for promotion follow: First Lient. Albert K. C. Palmer, First Field Artillsrr Firat !. m.i 1 Bennett, Firat Lieut. Robert M. Lyon, irs j.ieui. nenjnmin r. McClellaM,. First Lieat.' Thoraiis I.. Crvatal Vimt Lieut. Joseph A. McAndrew. First !Jeilt. John H. RifhnrHafkn Vira V !...4 Paul R. Manchester, First Lieut. Clyde ik. Aurnnam, necontf Infantry; Jrlrpt ueut. frederick r . Black. Hivnal Corps; Hecond Lieut. Frank A. Mloan, Hocond Liaut. Oeorirp M H.llnr.. Second Lieut. Thomas J. Camp, Bee- " iJiin. iiaipn u. nouiday, Hecond LioMt. Adrian '"K. Polhemus, Hecond BUTTE H ANU EUUH Islund butter, lb cartons.. Eggs, select doa , F.ggH, No. 1, dor. F.ggs, No 2, dot Egg". Duck .no to ,40 8 J5 .20 to .25 JO .55 to M to .27 to Beanik string, creon, lb Beans, string, wax, lb... Beans, Lima in pod, lb. . Beans 4ry Brail a. Maui Rail ' 1 Beans, calico, ewt Beans, small white, ewt. Beets, doa. hunches Jan-ota, dor. bunebca. . .. Cabbage, cwt Corn, sweet, 100 ears i.oro, Haw., am. yel Corn. Haw.. 1b. vel.. Rice, Japanese seed, ewt ilice, Uawn., cwt I'Ol'l.TRV Broilers, lb (2 to .1 llm.) Yonng rooatcis, ll Hens, lb Turkeys, lb Ducks, Musco y, , Ducks. Pekin. II. r Ducks, Hawn., doz VEOFTABUW AND PRODlfCE .02 to AKJ reannU, small, h 03 to .04 .Peaanu, lare, lb .034 Greea peppers, Bell. lb. ureen p. pners. hi h Potatoes, Isl., Irish (none in mkt.) potatoes, Irl., Irish, new, lb 03 Potatoes, sweet, cwt.. 1,00 to 1JW 5.00 to 3.28 i.50 5.50 40 40 . 3 50 to 4.00 2.U0 to i.tli Jf.Ol to 40.00 13.00 to U M 3.70 4.00 FBD1T .30 to 1.B0. Limes. 100 .40 .81 AO .28 to .30 .2 to .30 tl.50 to 7.00 .04 sn .05 to JM OS Albert Waterhouse General Man ager of New Company Leaves For New Station Backed By Hawaiian Dollars En- dau Development Company Will Develop Great Properties Onions, Bermuda Taro, wt Tare, bunch Tomatoes, lb. . . Groea peas, lb. . encumbers, dot. iPuaipkina, lb. . . .60 to .05 .75 as .02 to .03 .10 .15 to JO 01 to .014 Reef, Veal, Jteer Steer. Ki!, lb. lb . No No. lb. . .75 to 1.00 1.00 .03 to .04' .08 to .10 .01 to .01 H 25 .09 to .10 14 to .15 J5 to .17 lb. lb. .10 .10 to JO to JI0 ine reennir in any way. The i :mr t. -5?" V! ,hey ttr P.robMy Lieut. Kdward If: Witsell, Hecond Lieut . ' . , 10 wdmim Alftwd L., Rockwell, Hecond Liaut. Carl .(s, - v..'i.. i.iri. V4I 1 kO' 1 inoaonie 1 a V ftflvmnr mnmwnittni in 8n Francisco, which served last year nrve- again Mils year. Those compris ing the committee are associated with ine leading junoapple concerns ot-Hi clals, but they san see no appreciable ainerence Deiween dismissal and failure to reappoint individuals to remuneta tlv positions. Tbe practical results following eitlier pleasant Condition are the same, as flar as ihuh inieresieo ran aa yet deJsr- - J -r - T ,1", TS V' mine,, and . they wouldo epprociato4n)) Hawk . a. -fr --..4iiii., . uu .- mey woutlk. BppreClBfT trancisco, and did exceptiopally fine further elucidation of the matter. Mr work in bringine the day to nnhlic. at- .n r.. n., ..:n work in bringing the day to public at WUI1VD. . ' i e FOORIOFIVPLAN BEGINS TAKING SHAPE and Mrs. Brown are still wlthnnt nnai tions in the Territory for the coming .year, ana until some adequate provis ion has been made for tbem the feeling will continue to run hiirh and the mat. A 111 1 1 1 . wr win noi oe dropped ny the promi nent and influential individuals who have become aroused. . The -following petition was sent to uovernor I'mKham last week and was signed by 105 citizens of the Garden Isle, who are intammtnA 1m kA ...!.. . tional uplift of the Island and Terri- ben, Horond fUeut. Robert T. Calderr decono lueut. .UouglusM T. Ureene, Hec bridLHioitti Chailc .B. .Lyman, Hecond i.ieat. Jones, Heeond In fantrv. (InVt' Dtlin K tnuiiK.iih ond Infantry, JTnrt. Liijut. Theodore W. l . U 1 T . . . . . . .. inu,,owraa jfyaniry. fjapi. Hamu lus missive straight to the Attorney It , '', .. tional u General, or the President. Instead of to Tentative PrOOram DraVvTI UD Bv tory: Ben at or Shaf roth, of Colorado, he prob- nk,l,.. "To His Excellency the Governor of .kallslllllim .III 1 .IIITIIIIMI I'l. ... w w. wv rne -lerrltory of Hawaii Ben at or Shaf roth, of Colorado, he prob uiy .wouja get action. Plan To Block O. O. P. Efforts of late to get legislation of a .Democratic platform bearing into shape before the conventions have been a lit tle mere than half . successful. Prob ably enough has been done to "stall" some Republican enthusiasm. The rec ord has as good aa been made up on the preparedness bills. It is on the program for the House to enact the Fortifications appropriation bill this week, a sweeping measure having to do with the country 'a second lino of de fense. It is not a particularly attrac tive topic, popularly, as compared with marching men and battle lines of drend nanghta. Therefore the millions for this imDortant drfnnu wnrk silt k. voted alike in Henate and House with out pyrotechnics. Who 'The The entertainment and reception com mittoe of the, chamber of commerce held a meeting yesterday to discuss plans for Fourth 6f July. A tentative program wns decided up on for exercises which will be carried out at the Capitol grounds, under tin auspices of the chamber, the Hons of the American Revolution, the DHUKliter or ine American Revolution, and the citizenship committee of the Y. M. ' A. Jion. nantord a. Dole will probably be chairman of the day, as it wus de cided yesterday to ask him to act. The exorcises at the eapitol will in elude a reading of the Declaration of Independenee, firing of a salute to th flag, and an oration. It was reported that the national guard and the boy scouts would assist in the ceremonies. and the city band will furnish mimic. such an unattractive title Fortifications ROM" Battle Newt Too Late The God of battles appears on the Hide lf 'RAmitilJ.ia.i4 k a ...... 1 i ----- - w...ft....M, wwmv nvuiu umipi I 1 , il ryH!" "'ures no matter FORMER LOCAL BROKER IS vMc rr1 " " ur pmu. ine great I , , - North He. battle between British and PICTURED LOADING CARGO Germans has been most convincing, of course, as .a demonstration of how Willie Roth, a former stock broker in ships esn be sunk. Navies, after all. Honolulu, is aim wn in fiiiiifAa tt tlm sin ri are frail unless of overpowering Francisco papers which arrived yester strength. This greatest of sea fights in day, working on a Mat son wharf to an time (wnicn it may or may not help lnandling cargo durinc the first prove io be woen the analysts haye days of the waterfront strike. Roth bad chance to make comparisons) had I has been a Ban Franc! certainly overawed the average pacific- of the Matson company for a couple ist in eongress. f years, and the pictures show thnt he, Had the newa nt Ihia tiattta 4MBI i.l . i. . 4 k ." ,"""" "" onierB, urnea out to dock lubor- tZ Zft I 1 kU.,.k"rk,er h"e ,?h.U,d work wheB company needed be no doubt What the hnnu moiil,l hi.. I k..l ' J m -- - - ' .- .... . I UVIU flnna avith lk. 1. 1:.... i I uqi FJUlllSII nillVllUlIll'Ul for two more dreadnoughts. That amendment, instead of keinn i.. i,a. cause of Middle West Republican dp fection, would have gone through by, a doxen majority. Republicans would nave overturned the Democratic major ity in a fair fight and have bad some thing worth bragging about in this year's campaign. Aj it . is the r.d,it !r juthoriaing more dreadnoughts will go to the son- 1. T 1 n . ... . ... l ii... . , . luimuij ine naval or- fairs committee there will speedily de termine that the two new dreadnought, no matter what thocost, aro indispep sibe. Moreover thore'will probably be considerable other navy increases by the senate. Philippines Bill Blocked Renator Lodge, of Massachusetts, fer ociously stopped final motion that would he made the Philippines hill law. Ru ral credits, which lias paused both bous es, is not yet law because conferees have been unable thua far i.. their foemen over much because of laches on these matters. When the con ventlons are over the law givers will complete all the work that is now very nearly done, There will be a few interesting min utes in the supreme court, when Justice Bramleis takes his oafh Monday ami becomes a full fledged member on that bench. Washington, never . knows much about the inner emotions of the oiem bers of that court. It was said soon after Justice Brnndeis was nominated, that his prospective colleagues on the bench regarded the prospect with hor ror. Probably that assertion by ene mies of. Justice Brandeis was rather overdrawn. Now the word goes round that Justices Ilolinos and Hughes are well pleased, and will brtkther a rordial welcome. TIhmmi high bred lawyers and corporations of Bos ton may dhudder at this, for Justice HoIuimr, of course, was originally from their wry midst. But .Tnat ICS II IlllllLtM numbed oriTsT 'k" " JtUm"Z ? "'be.r:nf hL,1 l?bt J? c?lled P'Ht . thinker, of the court and has been eri i.u. -vl'i i i ttBH'"icans at ticir.eci at t,mes as somewhat socialis Chicago Mill bu chary of attacking tic. 'We. the undnrsicPnAail rAiiilflnt. if the County of Kauai beg to draw your attention to the following petition: "We learn with regret and apprehen sion that the department of public In struction hss failed to reappoint Mr. and Mrs. Brown to their positions in the Waimea school, or to any other po sition in the department. i "We feel that grave injustice has been done Mr. and Mrs. Brown by this action of the department and would hereby respectively request that the de partment reconsider its action in this matter, with a view to more equitable treatment of hese tennJiAra nf standing and proven ability. It Is, we believe, a matter of faet hevnn.l -m troversy that they havr, given them selves with untiring industry and devo tion to the interest of their aehonl- nail mistakes bave been tbe result of their anxious desire to further its well-being. ne nepiore tne harshness of treat ment shown toward Mr. Brown, the principal on complaints' made against Mrs. Brown, and while in no way dis posed to excuse a failure to obey tbe instructions of the department, as charged BRninst Mrs. Brown, we feel that a reprimand and a warning would have been adequate punishment, jn view of her long, faithful and efficient service. We admit that local conditions and prejudices at times justify the de partment in transferring a teacher to some other position in order to bring about harmonious relations In a com munity,, and wo -Would respectfully re quest that If, in the opinion of the de partment. ,it would injure such harmon ious relations between the school ami the community to reappoint Mr. and Mrs, Brown to the Waimea school, thev be transferred ,on the nvrits of their excellent. wnrkMji .nk,4 no... i i .. , -- .- a.KUV .U.IIDI Llill ffood position Undlir the onnnrtmnl II tir i. i ... v . " iook win apprehension on any n. nI ni woiun eoauies a department or a person to dismi warning any public servant occupying position or trust and responsibility, without the very 'heat r.n. ,.,1 any such want of reasonable considera tion must surely issue in undermining the loyalty of the teaching force, and n fatallv reduein'r the effiniun. ..f ti... department. The fundamental prerequl r,, seruring capHDle.anU etticient teachers is the reasonable assurance that they wjll be treated fairly, and nothinir eould bn mtr) ru vol tis school system than, the current eonvic lioti tlvat such fair treatment cannot lie relied on. Accordingly, therefore, as responsible residents of Kauai, vitally interested in the education of the chil dren of our Island, we respectfully re ouest that this important matter be: given vour careful, and we trust sym pathetic consideration." r ai try. jCaut. Han ..4tk r4..i... x Ueut. ITilMn'J. Itl KJehl. Vom th n. l i . f i . ' ' ; airy. LMuion raaaea Test First I.ient Arth ond InfsJwtry, is reported professionally qualified for promotion to tbe grade of, dm me ooara is ot tne opinion that Lieutenant Dalton is not physical ly fitted to endure the hnvriahtria nf Inm, marobes that might befall a captain of imanvry. cteverai years ago, while atde de-camn to Brii. Oen. M an. l inn iP Mail Lieutenant Dalton bad the misfortune to receive a fall from a horse which re sulted In an iniurv t.o hla anlrld that haa caused him a great deal of trouble, apci nas ineapailtnted bim for other than light duty. The instructions of the secretary of war, however, were to axnmme an omi ers wno were physical ly able to undergo the examinations ii' . . , . .. nnu i.ieui. iaiton was therefore given an opportunity to demonstrate his pro ressionai qiiaiinrutioa tor promotion HAY PRODUCTION OUGHT TO PAY Experiments guru tod by. the which nre to be iiiuii A l in V in hnv nroHiipt im have airnin drnn attention l th f.,.i that the feed now imjMirted ought ti lie ur iwn here. The difficulties in the Wiiv of commercinl hnv nroftuetion In.. been more in the curing than anything rise, --tauey siuiwers," make rtawui an cnjoynblc place to live but are not fuvomble to drvini; crops out of door The depirtment of agriculture and some or the mainland experiment sta tions here devotml a imirl (4l ;n veetigation to scientiflo hay-making in wet climates and all agree it ean be done. The Missouri experiment station have elaborated a process of drying hay under roof and clHim to have de monstrated that there la a i.,,rb ; ,, profit in the business where Jiny sells mt AM A ,ftl' ...... .. " . Artificial Drying The. hnv bain nhnre ihia n,,.il,...l ; used .is renllv a hot-rootn nmuiilml uith endless .belts on which tbe green grass is.rnrried throiiL'li currents nf air Thcigreen grass goes in at one end of the: drier and hay comes out, at the otliifff, fit for baling or stacking. Thih mothod has been more fully described in these columns. i 'Alfalfa would be the hay crop to grow here if totnl product per acre in What is desired. At the Parker Ranch hay has been made from English Rye grass, Rhodes grass and other species Hay has been put up at the Molokui ram lies and shipped to the .local piark ets. Just why this business has never assumed goodly proportions is not known but the fact remains that Ha wail buys most of its hsy on the Paci He fjotmt -and pays the freight. Alligator pears, doa..., rtananas. huaeh f'kind on - ha '1k I . . Haaanss, bunch, Cooking. .UM) to 1.S3 Watormelons, lb Breadfruit, dor. (none in market) Pohas. lb Fiats. 100 ta t .k " ' Grapes, Isslx-lla, lb '. Ktrawbcrrics. lb.' LIVJ5HTOCK th. (nT?' 'I" 5W ot "rTht They are Ukan bl the mest companies drtaued an1 iiaLrl f. k j tmMmm Vf ifogs, up to 150 lbs., 10 to Jl Hogs, 150 lbs. and over DRESSED MEATS . . J0V4 to .18 Mutton, lb .... JH to .1, Pork, lb UIDE8 (Wot-aalted) 15 Goat, white, each lVt Sheep, each 15 , jrlCKD The following are quotations on feed, f.o.b. Honolulu! Corn, am. yel., ton.... 44.00 Data, .ton Corn, .la rue vel.. ton.. 4.1 nn t i o U'k..i 4. Corn, .cracked, ton. . . . 44J10 to 4s!o0 -MiddlUifia, .ton VJ. Brand, ton artnn w. ZlJLi ' " ... , w. Mini, iUn .... Vrly, ton -34.00 Hay. Alfnlf,; toi.. . WcraUh .food, tun 4.qo . Alfalfa meal, ton ... Tat. T'.a. i mr i . tri. .. no marseiing ui vision is nnder SB per vision- ef the V. 8.'Exprt nent oration, and is at the service of all eititens of the Tefritory. Any prodaor .uu maicuD xivuion is sold at the oeet obtainabli ,riee. A marketing charge of five per cent la made. It is r'gbly desirable that ..-. j .... ..muK uiiuiui wp ii now mncn produce thev ha vi or sale and about L it will k. i -u:r 7. ' . .. , - . t .v ii. A fi a aeipoiDV mara ox tut DivUioa is a s. E. 8. Letter adilres.: Honolulu, P. O. box 137. Salesroom i l ,c"rurr maunaaea and yueen strecU. Telephone 18M). Wireless ad- '., 1 Ull A AAA, Since the .Boys' Industrial School has beon .putting its butter up in neat wa ter proof packages and sendingtbe di vision a uniformly good product, tbe demand has exceeded tbe supply. If WEEKLY MARKET LETTER them as soon as possible as the price is sure to orop when the California crop comes in. Shippers should grade au-ir puiaiucs according to size. i There are some very good alligatot pears coming into the market new and , . ; I I V - i frrrmim mmmv inVU COV mBrBBI ne timer nurrnr nnw iLBN win u . r . . . . . . ....... K ... . u v aui4...miui BLra, , nan . 1 IH4 . ' - vi good an article in as neat a pack- are plentiful and now is the time for Ifna thAV vill knwA n .. . ... .. 1. 1 -3 : . I 1 . ...... -B-i j- "... M.r ..vuiiio uinua-, nnnse .wives to pay tnom 'la quantity inn- nf their batter at at lenst 40 a -fur niitf . .li , r , v. a . . . . ; - ---""'K .iwnniBuH- price pound. One butter maker on Molokai I There are practically no limes lithe las already renueatett tU ,li..iM.n 4, m.,l.i . j i; . . ,, r . sBipimenis would meet Tilt him th- 4a r..,r1 4n,1 - 1 .1 . 1 , 4 - - ------ - ' n .1 , i n uiuuiu. MIL- , . . .... i oe rrceipxs ana tne consumption of ggs seems .to be stationary. It is ex-l.thl ected, however, that tbe price will idvsnce shortly. Due to large im ion of cbick ms from the .Coast , the market is net in aa crond eontlltinn a it ahmM 1.. There is verv irood rinmnn anwavay 'or broilers of the heavier breeds. ' Mrinc beans are tilentiftil and had to dispose of. This is generally the ontlition that follows a period of high sunk as were received during the list winter months. The nrlnn-nf a.ti. nge is still up but California cabbage Alliert Waterhonse, general msnxiror of the Endau Development Company left on the Tenyo Maru yeaterday, with . his family, for the scono of his new serviee. Mr. Waterhouse wilt be aa. ' companled by D. Dt Wilder, George 0. Judy and Mr. Powell, through passe -get. on the Tenyo, who are expert Pact. ne ceest lumber men who have ontered the emDlovment at tk 44,.. iri Tenyo also bad aboard a .full mae'iia ery equipment to erect the new 150,. 000 lumber mill and locirinir natct. Aa an.,. ,!. "k" m.-" -Z. . :ii i.. k . "w" m-Kun. Air. naterneuse said 'J i " pinas matariaUxe ; the hopes to begia patting pailding material on thi, ...i. i- In 1817. General Maaat r tk - who made a th w-, . . ' .-..(.iva.i , the Endau concessions for the company '"""'lr" nis report tnat there, is an a vers ire nf 40 nnn rt k Chastsble Inmlier per aero. The eom. pany owns l'7,000 acres of standing tlm. br so that on Gen. Johnson's esti saate which is held to be n conservative oneiF'tidau Development Company will have over om- billion feet of lumber ' Sell before its holitinrra .k-..4. ---a. - en. - . . i . . . , . . . as rani'iiv tk.'l..J. ... i they will be cleared and r.I.ntI5 !. eoeoanuts and rulib-r. The uiam... hopes to hecin earning profits on its timtiA k r . . . : . : l . , .... . 27.50 tAoaant YiT.u J ne middle ot .70 WO I Urn and ther-aft-r the income from or lumoer wiu oe used for the ngri' 4ilturnl development of the hr4n.ri w a.- I. . I.;' ..... . r--l"i , " "'K ,or"1 mnraet for lum mr. The e. mmtnv nl... n 4.11 u. . t h mm . MICt.ln tho Atnl-iv Mt.t.. .LI.L Ln probably absorb all they esn -enpply -or .many years in ... ek. 1 ' mill svil) be. the flmt up-lo-date, modern M"Mr""ii ever orougnt 'to rae AIalay - in-rra- are a noonoer or very mall hand mills oneMtaai hr nki.. but these do not ' herin .nnnl. k. arlurt sad large qnaaHtiaa tf iumber :xe isi'Hirted .vearlv. Th. k'.. 41 .4 4.I.. U. k I 1 . . ...U ic iin-m inn aori WOOda.' n.wM,tii Money 4ln It : .,.:..--,., Endau nnv.lBiiiM.M4 -n i . 1 i r- wtHtKj t K lawaiiaa cornoralinm ..ii.. 11.. :h cuitiro capital at-nn.ia .id Jally. : 1 l. k ... .. . - - ptjrn laauoa to tBQ.yaliu of .(0.ri00. The WBtrhptisn Company, of 1VDHUIIL f at W T ArK Alhil H ' tntlti for thm s.MhM . '-,. , logged, Endan will become chiefly n . 37.0T 44.00 .45.00 SSJiO to 8&.0I 28.50 to 0.0( 1 . . . '".' . 1 '"isanu, r.n'iao win become chiefly a A II those Who intend to nlant I libber, eoDra and AOlflinrnl aansan aa aa I I'orain&HapUmbar h boo Id make wr I Ufr kce0M thoir bpMiiuni in! vill irice is likely to dsin. There ia muit ale for new potatoes at 3c a pound for he larger sizes. All producers having iQtatoea on .frand will do well to ship r M n 17 nm An fa baw fn. mittj n r n - -- - " . "H, . u 1 a.'w The division roulcl-llke to place its or tier as soon as noaiible to insure get iinf. iwi seeo. - 1, The sales of tha retail viurataKU t. partment and thertUll batcher she, of the division hafto&een very sntisfsc tory end it is honed that aft.r.tka ... month's sales are In, the division will ie aoie to give the producers a littl belter than the market price for thei i .ui. . . .urn., nno mm save tne .consumer wb willing to pay cask and carry hi .. 1 , . ,,,,K ,,, ,,a7 ma and carry nn be more- plenttfiI shortly and the j pm;kage home enough to make it worth is likefv ttl Hmn Thar, im mnA a ... ......-: 4k- j! to patronise the" division. A. T. IJDNQLEY. Marketing Superintendent. u. x. it., uune ao, Jin. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DA! take LAXATIVE BROMO QUIMN'K (Vublcts). Druggists refund money ii t fails to cure. The iguatute ol li. V GROVE is on each box. Man- .,. .4 J k.. .k- luir i iv iiipmKi. .1 h . .' k " ' " " periment Ntatiim CO.. St. Lo"is. U. S. A. lttiu about tuff. Drivtl sewqge sludges and city gar- liiiL'e from which the erfiaae haa .1..... vt racted have been used aa fertilixt)r lit Kothamsred sinee the nf lie Kurtqieaii war. A preliminary re port just at hand from the British wird of airHculture indientea that hese city wastes are not good fortilir nir mnterisla. Thn tittm... 1. 1. n. ivoilnble form and the potash sod ohoa- phiiric acid are insoluble. Dressings of 100H nonmla Tmr .444. produced no increase in yield of crops -rriiMn on the land. It took at Inn at . ton to make a showing. The degreas- mg process does not remove all the at. niitinrentlv. and tin una th. m.t..:.i Iocs not mt ss It should. This nrnctieal trial sliow tng .that cltiy oarbose is not l ffriod fertiliser Will tend tn nu.rli4.w some of the arguments in favor of in tailing city rubbish if ertilixer manufac turing plants. 1 u Sorghum Smut roighum smut is very common j n Ha an. It ean be prevented by treating the seed with Milestone solution or two ucr cent formaline. Hoak the seed twenty minutes in furmnlina .Tk. ...,u. fungus attacks all portions of the pluat but is mainly in evidence heads. Water bented to i:i5 tn 1.-.0 de rees F. hss also lieen rer mm.ii.i..,l seed disinfectant. If onlv clean son. hum seed is ulanted there will h- ... miit. , Teff For Hay Consideralile attention is being given to the cultivation of teff for hsy in Cal ifornia. Teff is a tall growing Abvssri ninn annual grass that ii leafy 'and soft and produces a very good quality of forage in a very short period. t resembles the "six-weeks grass" of Hawaiian ranches. The California ex has published a tul It L'iirden The Joy of Life wonuerrni now attractive a is. Painters. DOSttnen and ilr livery boys find comfort in walkinc 01 er ine enriv bowh aemi. .mi 1,., b.. thnt bate iust been nlantod- tha ,..,w,k w 1 .1 nj 1. : . .. ...... iioK nun 11 a ntt place to roll .i:. :. .li... 4 .. ..... oil; in; ciiiuaens irom an nvnr th. lownsnip seem to .think it was pre (Hired solely for hem to scratch and dust themselves ia. and. flnnllv all th. tats in the county, indoiair from th Knlen and bowl, Ana .the' ntMffbborr .u:i 4 . .... ? . . '""i"1" snoes, cans, potties, btiek and miscellaneous nrtinlna al,....t thi time, to be CSthired .tin and rtenr,.itf) . ."4 ' - I" auk nn. tk. ..... l. . . . . . in tin the sew garden has a magnetic fore' .... ..a unn. ouiiuriina gardener. Liquid Manure Stuble manure ptacod In '.coarse back nil' and susoeaiied in k ,h..i M ..4 is one way of .making liquid fertiliaei wiih-b inn, uiu not oe need stronirer.thai the color of waak t.. ntk 4 .. 4 can be placed in n iteg1 or "barrel. k J water pourea over it and drained oW If too strong dilute with water. Thli is especially beneficial 'for U floveerini plants ano ror yegetablos. I.inuid msfiure should be applied di recuv to roe sou without wettln-j th ronsce or tne plants With 'it rate of half n pailful to thirty gallon ot water, wen stirred. riae arftnr I settles. Always soak the ground witl water oeiore using liquid chicken man lode Eaditi hnrtwir th. l 1 j - - .-. 1 ... VMI fiaH4. 'ocked deep wster Ji arbor on the east DSHt nf tha M.t. 44.1 1- am... .n.ui.r una B raai us or a hundred mile And ' more of new i. A ' u in. rmnjmny iBcreTore ntieiptes f -si tttr I .1 SB.I uB P I nnltl snt htak am..l V. nvoreble to .lt. The harbor requires rse.t!eKy no work dnnl nn It tl,4u k-: - .. . '- ." nriiig a srraignt deep water channel ...... iniivr ussin to toe sea. Taye HiEh Hotma . Nothing had .syer been done yltk "Indnu 'harbor before because its, hint- rimnu in nnnaa. vav1n.44i 4 .. - . hose who had looked that way before u oinsiuereo too. great a .physical 6b taele to be overrnma A rni. ... Vsterhoue company .investigated the larbor n th. kM A ..4ii. 1 . . ..4k ia 1 -I.-J ... .. " 11, loosen into tne Inmhar .it... 'tion Bad seelno La.t ik. " " .wi. . -.. I VJ - ' """t"t neeurea poeeesslon of the 1 u ry nwwailHIl MakrMhr.lrflstMst entMn -ntfrifikT intft (L mw -1-.111... . " - - - - " I's runM itrH friifi Went In the belief thnt they have what - r";K in neeome one or the best pro Ohitions in thn .Orl.nt A...l 1 .1 I...::.- -4i. t V ' '"'"l "J oriti ib recent years. "nrornonae, general manager f the eomnanv haa IW.. 4..i.i.-. . . - " 111. UI he board of egrlcolure and forestry, ... uumvr vi tne enamoer or um. wroe ano IS One of thn aiong:tne younger ireaeratinn mt t.n.i. less men. He .a. ill. . II vn .t .44,4. ... lantatjon tad devote his entire ener- 'les tothe devaloDmaat .tit aftkaft Vhrs-ivta. " ; '? ." ----- J -m ..v 44uV..W.:vPBBI9. Wl toW.M the Xaie JlavMfV; B- Olaeon, tvfao as at awe sHtaS tirinal.a.1 t 4k.,ir... vamcha Holrool 4 (Hays nod seers tary r- ."v ,uwrninii 'MiosirB'' I iBllsSIOIlS VhaB 'ha...linit-'.i.4Ua .. . . 1 i 4r; ;-"i 17 " '("Wy on -ubbs 1 at thritioaaa a.f .. ..,;... j...,... sHrs. lnyQlsso Mtiittoe, in (White f inv ,NV. rk. noeording to news eee ved here yesterdnyby W ion, 1 lav til 1 ni4.44. .,..4. . . . . , ' - v.. .- , - " 4 t 4.;. f-Hl V . Vt mm mt 1 1.4 - & t . . . , w i rs' iKrji in HreonneJd, u ll,ti "T'-r" wijtu jears tW. be kame to Hw-4i 4 a mi, .fol- Chicken manure ao be used st the i.Vg?,,T'k3'1 -r Pl-: te of half n pailful to thirty gallon ta!k-"lYii ,h??iu Prineipsi. ree Suraerv The greatest oporntipn of tree sur in-iy nuempiea was perTorsivd fo John Armstrong .Chaloner of Merrie Mills. a. I be tree u a red oak esti muted to be 300 years old, twenty-four feet in virsumferenoe two feet above the ground. einent Ulline waa carried im Ih tree thirty-three feat from the anrfaitii "id a cement anchor was embedded in the L'lOllllll to BuntHirt thn trn in hi.avv iv nds Si 1 usaonluada nf mnnA i 4l,'. loads of fluid stones, twepty eight bag" m,, roiineen iron straps reen "iiiifT tne concrete, fortv-four eye I ih -i un.l a roll of galvanised wire were ..1 UM'U. f . , , , , 'T B .ir.iw,iHH -the ililo Bonrdlnir t4nk.i St. 1,1. ton died .aaveral onts tagsehils. n . .v EuKmBn, An son a, apd was itined nt Lombard. Tllin.,!. kku .r lesft.w aUo-bt)rid. .! .. r .kiV"iLCA,MrTl .-'ie the dcaji of-' ! JM-W .Olesoa, ""v"..iBsjavi-pusetsj jura. Utf .OleaoV dr pf Whits Plains, Vew York'" XI laa'' At 1. ri4. ... ! York Olty f rarRii-hael Oleon wlng, f Worcester. U tusschusetts, and David L. Oleson, .ti JUonolulu.w ,; c- t r " Do SOt Ouffost fVnan aramn. .nil. .... sln fn 4ho stomach when Chamber. ISIS'S -ColiC. ' flhi.lar. . m..A Ili.-ku. Remedy sroes to the rlht ana gives immediate relief. You cannot afford to be without ,.t If you are sub., iet to attacks of this kind. For sale by all dealers.. Benson, Smith ft Cu, sL'cats for Unasll.