Newspaper Page Text
HAWAIIAN C.AT.TTF. TUESDAY, -NOVEMBER" 20, 1917.-SEMI-WEEKLY. i-n PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON remembered the late Hawaiian sovereign by cabling' to Honolulu to have a wreath placed upon Lttiuokajani's b)er. 'The - central picture shows the offerjag'of Mie President "The upper picture ahoy Lieut Qku,' Imperial Japanese Navy," parrying the". decoration pf the .Ordef of the Crown conferred by Emperor Mutsuhito upon LUiuokalani. The lower inaet howt Hon. John Baker (left), and CoL Henry Bertleman, carrying the decorations and mm:wm ordef of the Kalakaua dynasty. Both wore rare leather tyiujaa. '." s. '( ,'- A -o;" v ''Ml TO k , KJ t " -' ' tjU ' epswj GUI Ruler Borne Kingdom's Former J of 0' . v .. ' , 7; .' " 1 y :: A'' V'X;- i - '. " '. i ' ... 7 . '' f Ar-A:- ; (Continued Yrorn Psgt 1 , .' sti!) for more Jhan,:,; jtm in the ficarf? .Particularly did the United States government, successor to former power8t pay ;hqr -honcr and,reE?ect 4 J.he military ;ccr!fjr.bracjn3'j hranches.ol,th?,sefxicef .vvas.pneof the inptt iT--nsim ever ecc.i h: I'lrioluk. i Senators and rettresentatiyei)f ncr-ress. as the recrescntativ.ei' soUthA- PrcsiderJ pt the,WiUd ;Cirt;s, attcr.:d catafalque toj:the.jpemetery:iand.tRod in On cers corrcw .3 -cVsfitwat Ijorne' into the eilcr.t cryat-iV, Ciyil' : ,.u.?ri.:2s v.'?re rrescr.ttan4 a rvreath.pre?cnted by PrestdentvVfi-, . .-1 by.fp: 1UA cntktj; asihe solemn.word? of t-.e; tuna! service . ; ' were rc.J cycrifl ttWi rortai ot.UJiuQKaJanjK jast,rnprwch.of 1'thelsr.iVci ft 8 wi rot; - c' l!:oku!ai -iat 'ws ri ' ':' r colorful minsling of things of ancient Hawaii with those - that the years have trcvht tothe' pf.the ' dynasty of :jcalajcaua,.ai passed ori.and the.royal funeral yester ;' ' day, the last that tftfl Vcr be,h.e!d under ihe Stars an.d.Stripev, fol ! Jawing the, week f. stranss. and 6pectacularjce;emflny that fjad (; elapsed since lhftpu?Qn'8 death, was A.sppctacto ' , 'never again. wiate seeni cnv. 'rt Sf ' ; The Queen. if dead;. , the J4oflarchy. haa'njn its jcpurs.el the lift link' hat bound, lh people f the, Jand to the aaciept regunt, i 1 fevered.-.'..v-.'.hv' "'XsVn ":-.'.K ..v. 1;-,.' ' .' P'JK V-''7.?': v V; : Tb at. gfeflt; chamber where liliubkanj Jkad danced a cq4rt; ' 1 ' 1 . i vVjLrji lH'cdheJfcfedc-ol U 1 atemhc T)tgsfcd aa-re7gnjng eoyereign over great eotirt functions, the throne room (of Iolani . ralace, iww the, ; Jegislatiye hall of .the Capitol, was the; room n which the funeral service washeld. . V : , . r :1.;,.i:;;;r?v.:fi.v.';vCOM '. i -.' iercln'a''stin'f:ieid9rth'e cjerjtcr of a gorgeuus" ftoraj array, that all but hid the crimson carpet of , the .gte'aj rwjip, and iin-: ' der the great kahilis pf pany hues and 6hapesf the uassiye casktt of ' the jnativje. l;oa wood "res'tet near, Jhe"$jot where the throne bad stood.; ,,H; Ceiseiessly the ineas'urt 'waving, pf, the biack plumed, Jcahih's : over Jlie, bjod'y, continnci through the service, as it bad" through the week. A group pf hen and .womepaU in funereal jpirb, .iearl; tpok '. places near .the head pf the casket These" were former laJiesof the , court, 'gn pmciais inacr(ine monarcny, ,oiissin,a aaugnicrs pi, grci '. Hawaiian chiefs, faithful retainers who have followed all the varying . of the former ruler rajij her close,nds ; Younger '-descendants; pf, former court, dignitarfesj wearing their capes pf .?5?ri Jet and .yellow wijh. deigns indicating their rank, stood at Intervals ;around the. jchamber, guardian s of the Queen's body: fav-.L' j. Inexpressibly sad aod weu-d, like, oo other, sound n the "world, i -jrose thj 'Wails of the mourners, a note Tout pf th ,diiq past wen1. te "ancients ot the-old. Ilawaiia tribes' ccno'e4 their- grief, around fires - in misty :forest' delist "wh,en a chief had died. The series pf the.'bld women whose fading eyes had seen the r?e and fall of vthe Hawaiian .-. monarchy, . rose-'high ,.aqd shrill. ;-t'.Wldr eery, pipingf it pjercrd the y air 'with as yncaoriy note articulate with a burden of sadness .too neayy .ja, pe, Dorpe. , s in,e,sounas neq aown j(rom( tune, ; . nants pi prayers ot oter .days sung by wjnte tjrfa j NATIONS HONOR 9UEEN ' V : ; ! t, d cjitly; filled he seats in the balconies and in A IY1 HilliWlM t.".' ;., I. V.! il- mm were, tiearci meo whi ; ; The t the charob "dignitaries, Unif4 Stat gatfri , sootjiin the tmpressiv; . ing the ojpe.njng pf he' st , ; lhe service laste ie. i i Rt. Rey: Hci?ry B. Jtcstar, ., by tive y. Xeppol4. Krpl Resides the tiawauan mouroers ana territorial '. l'i ..visiting representatives of the Congress .of the red the . if' fjnrnirr to the dead sovereign. ".-Jben fikeia ing .pre-' "t .'Jrt'C o'4'-ti'one$ stilled the mournfjil 'cries npressiye pptef pf i u ' : i larcb. in Saul", roped forth rn?r)t- . ne jtannis rose ana feu rymmicaiiy, i n hour,, ,t was conducted! y p of, Jlonotulu, Vho was assisted t H charge of St . Andrew's Ha waiin 'cngregatipnf and iy .' i v. I : -nryjl, Parker, fp.pver ajtiail , century pastor ?t the Historic, ; y ? oao churchy where the yueen 4 :HXniVV': oiiv "And ,God lialjl wipe awa.; . v; :.?s row thr y sod ftdl-i ther there shall Le "any more l V':'- neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any mon vin; or the former things are passed away," ' v , ' ; - . . .... .,-.. , .pie antiien) closed the seryic' nVic Throne Room.' V ! i "':'; -throngs .v wes - :- The throngs that ha) begun to ' li-.V'C- the early hours of the day had grown close-packed around t'n. V.'a;itol grounds long be fore the service began, and within the a'v 1 wtre ranged on the four fides of the building the khak-clad ut.?s t the Regular Army and the battalion "of native Hawaiian Nat; Guardsmen, sen as a gpard.of hpnor from mp Liliuokalahk t jij the ' entrance pf the building to the gates and beyond stretche l txnki of white-clad fig-" ures wreariilg the bright-hued ahuulas ovy ' V"" .'houldsfrs. Thes(e were tli llavvaiians chosen to act as poo .' r- 'l raw the Somber catafalque bearing the casket. ; v - ) s a iv . rsnei was Dorne ir-.rti. wed slowly to A hush came over the great concourse a;i into sieht in the doorway. As the pall-bca ih trt with their burden a cloud of snow w -tt .ftvite ' the iice,siui, castiug a momenury sba J' N n ihe grpund ter low as though the heavens themselves were ; ; 1 ni: at the sight. A the cloud passed .Uie cannon's roar jef k I f Aft-V.1 'Salute Jo 4efj 4 ,; I tj1 ' ' . " ' ' '. Funeral Ceremonies In Palace Syayea m center , " Soft crooning wailing and the doleful chanting of meles brought night and day together, a thejhrone Hoorn pf; Palace yester day. njorrdnd where the watch, at the bier of the sovereign stood v motionless save for the continuous movement of their kahilis which drpoped arid rose injanguorpus ryihyr so that ataU timeSjthe royal Bead repd$cd peneath these Graceful symbols of suprpmai authorl- . ty, symbols which were old yyhcrt Uioa was klng.of.Hiawail centu- riei'agd.'v sH) i'-'X m'"u'h V. .V 'V-T ' I'n'- 'f'f&XitlJl !, ; . As the gray light stole irt through the windows' and the-sun sent shafts aslant, the kahilis and, their, shadows fell uporj the casket and brought forth the brilliant 'I hues of the.; feathers and silken. rirapes upon- the kshiiisi the: scene was one of barbaric , splendor. iRoun ine.inrene tiooin was moacrn, ana ivpiuea me aiory ot me Kalakaua dynasy.yet the Symbols of ahcient rule, the crossed 'c'Dcar. surmounted bV tiL':d above the windows, and the royalty clashed. forth and from a distance on the street along which pAVJ . rftrtriiAnC' the procession had started, sweet and clear came the, strains of the JvUYUl JJtvUrulIUuS 'v Star Spangled Banner, played by one of the Army bands. Eyes' "on fijiVfjj, ? Un'rV ).riK: :::';1 sill sides were dimmed with' fast falling 'tears then as r chorus 6f ArA ' liPlllf A VHT , ' giH' voices, the wbite-clad choir-of St Andrew' Churchy began V IvaiUip VI ,,; ,.x. ', v Beneath that balcony . from' which. Quen Liliuokalant ,in the lat days of her reign had sought ib stay the tide that .was rising about her, and under the spot where1 she had addressed her; subjects When her effort tp proclaim a hew constitution 'had come to naught, the pall-bearers made their way.' Tenderly they lifted the heavy bur den to its place on the black catafalque." Then the ropes id Jtlicir black and white sheathing tautened in the pands of the poolas and the body of the Queen movJ:d. forward on Its last journey. ;' ; '. ' ) jFrom the Capitol gates, out King Street to Nuuanu and from there, to the fausoleum grounds, close-packed humanity filled both sides .o! the 'streets along the lin.e of march.' All the windows of buildings and houses were filled and every vantage spot carried its burden. Reyerence and sorrow were reflected on every face as the pe.sides the many military bodies in the parade, organizations i.hif societies 'representing every detail of the social and-oflkial mxmi Three ot the. most eonspieoov Intf resting figurcf In ' the procemion were the bearers of the tbyeJ decori- tipn poweaaed by Quevt Lilinokilani, conferred opou her by two, ovtel(fi. j tttr were Hon. wooa isaker, ueveraoi of Hawaii under the moDarehr:.,'Coi; Hoary F. -Berfelman, member - ot the Queen 'a juilUary ataff, and lieutenant Oka, of ' Ilia Imperial . Japaneae 21a ealy Navy. U ;. Jci. ; 1 The ! two kawaliana were men of large proportions, whose stalwart fig ores were Imposing -during tbei reigns; of JCelaVaoa aad IiliuokaEinl. . Ooeri aor Baker ia eredited also with bt-ing the mbdel fur the statue of Kemebame; aa the iireat which atauds upon nunc pi tne icrruory, wan representatives ot tne worm powers,: aa the tireat which stands upon a pe' marched 'in' the procession. The police aJi the marshals were fol-! desUl In front of the Judiciary Build; Ujw'ed by' Uniformed jtroo'ps of Poy 'Scouts' ad cadets of the schoolsj v ;. ! ' ,'vi yv-, ; Hawaiian' societies followed in the line' and then rank' upon -ranfcl ',1wte Otoaas W 8aa . f llirig the breadth pf the thoroughfare, th forces' of ihe "Regular 'LLl.Ii.:...-1j.'vI: i.i.if.:. f.lll.i:il ! i.J J..l.t- 1! J ;.riuy wuiig iuiig, cvairy, llFf7 .' uoue lines anu iai" t'rjf and' 'after "them were : 'the marines and 4 naval detachment and the guard of honor. 1 . ' ' '"''' : THE JAPANESE MARCHERS i ; ' i.;. A striking detail of the line f .march, was supplied Ty the bronzed Japanese marines,. white-clad with their round straw hats, swinging along machinelike, with expressionless countenances. In the groups near the catafalque were fhe cbnsular representatives; Frominent among them in his 'uniform of, gold and blue moved Lieutenant Oku, a visiting Japanese naval officer, who bore in his hands the Order of the Crown of Japan that had been conferred on LHiuokalanl while she was still Queen, ly the late Emperor Mut suhito. Near him marched the group of bearers of Hawaiian .deco rations. ' ' v '' -.'..'' ' ''' y': v ! Following the catafalque were the conveyances of close rela tives of the Queen, members of Hawaiian royalty, and after them the Governor and his aides, the commanding officer of the Hawaiian Department, United States Army, and other military and naval offi cials, and the party of Congressional visitors, " f THRONGS FILL STREETS . ; ! u; To the' very 'portals' of the mausoleum grounds the mingled (Ooattmtet on ? 3 Column 7) ., ......... . . . "H . . 1 leathcred-ccpcd watchers lent an zlr of ' ancient' splendor to the scene, a picture often seen there before, but never apainjo be re peated, for the death knell of monarchy was soon tote sounded by the guns ouide.'.;t-'-v f ''-- 1 7, '.' 7 y:Vv;w;sYi:3DL! of democracy1 - ' -'There Was the dais where the throne chairs of the dynasty had been occupied on occasions of state by Kalakaua and hjs. Queen, Kapiolani, wearing their feather robes of royalty, and by Liliuoka lani bothas regent and as queen, but .above it the significance of obsolete monarchy Was apparent for where the ' xrown ohce was. the American eagle rested supreme 'over aLl, symbol of democracy ,lbove"absolutism. ' V'i C-UXr: : . ; . , .A : There upon the walls were the likenesses of former rulers, from Kamchameha the Great, who consolidated the Islands into one em iraWhich, wcj to Ustor a ccriuryUUiuoJcalafljwnqse-reign epded theTruie Af an Independent natioil,;,; .:-. :v,i,T . ' ivlTV1 was 'the' dais where LiliuokalanJ once 'stood to receive princes' and potentates', 'diplomats,' admirals, general?,' writers, musi cians, travelers, men' and women of note of everv nation ' for lulu "waS theni as now the Crossroads of thi Pacific, 9 picturesque monarchy;' remote front the rest of the world down mOng' the lazy latitude's.. -' 'V''-y:V'---;,.-,V1' ;';' . ,- ' Arid there la'y LiliuokalaV'. once ruler of all, abbut1 to be gath ered to, the rest eternal with her forefathers, honored rather as a sovereign who 'still'1 wore: the frown ind wielded the scepter, than one who had stepped from the throne; ' ' v . .-'vl' 1 - v ! , 'rii :ru PRESIDENT'S WREATH ' . . As the early' morning Vor.e pn the chiefs and chiefesses came into the CPtol; watchers tK-ere Yclicved by new ones, new wreaths were piacea at tne toot ot tne oier, and there was a subdued air of preparation 'fpr the impressive cerehiony of the church. : Into the chamber was borne a beautiful wreath sent by President Woodrow Wilson pf the United Stated- Many wreathes,, came from friends Oeyotcd to the Queen's service during 'at lifetime:'-' : Prince and Prin cess' KalanianaoTe entered the hall and gazed upbu the beautifully pplished casket of koa. ;Cpfpoel C P, laukea,1 once be'r 'chamberlain in the days of empire, placed flbwers vponi thif bier. ! ' Chanting be came more insistent - ','..','. -,' ' ' '' ' . ' ' "Then came the tramp of troops and the heayy rumble of artil lery wheels as a battery swung into position in the grounds to fire the last salute 0? minute guns; Came then the kahili bearers who r-tood'at their stations behind the great feathcV cylinders to carry them in Retrocession when the body was moved to thej catafalque. The old .women ' .retainers .'of. Her Majesty; who had attended, her day1 arid night for years, Sat upon the floor crying softly and gazing with' the look of despair upon the wooden casket so soon tp be taken from them. Vv '' ;-'--' ' V V .' '.: --;' ' 1" ' Came the officials of the government, the Covernor, the military ana navai commanders anq their starts, the consuls-general ana con sular representatives of foreign powers, chiefs wearing leather ahu ulas, and representatives of lfawaiian societies selected as art hon orary guard. Cafhe the'pkll-bearers, all descendants -of notable high chiefs of the ancient regime, of men who led Kamehameha's cohorts in battle!' T 'A ,';."v ; '".':.'V";;'!.V ;V'".J'.,"' -' v . '. ' . -l- 'The tatafalui was placed at the foot of the' steps, the, scores of poolas drew out, the ropes of the car and placed themselves in icadinesi to march. " - ' M - "' ;",.:'' !';'';''' .' -,i v. NOTABLES ARRIVE ''. l; At tea o'clock Right Reverend Henry Bond Restarick, Bishop of Honolulu, accompanied by Rev. Leopold Kroll, his chaplain ; Rev, Canon Osborne, rector 'of St. Clement's Church,' and other members of thfe Episcopal clergy J Revl; Henry Parker, pastor pf Kawaiahao Church E, Rudland Bode, organist, and the white-surpliced choir of St. Andrew's Cathedral from the Priory entered the Throne Room from the rear and took station near the bier but without the area prescribed by the tabu sticks. Prince and Princess' Kalanianaole sat near the head of the bier, with Col, C. P, laukea nearby. At cither coper stood the bearers pf the Kalakaua . dynasty orders. lTiese were lion. John Baker, governor of Hawaii Island during the monarchy, smd Col. Henry E. Bertelman,' staff officer at the courts of Kalakaua and Ljliuokalani. Between them stood Lieutenant Oku, Imperial Japanese Navy, bearf of the .decoration of the. Order. of the Crown, conferred upon Her Majesty by the late Emperor Mut suhito of Japan. : v . : '-. - " ' ., . ' ' ; . ' There among the guests were men who had stood by Liliuokalani in her adversity, when the scepter had been taken from her hand, there were men who had suffered imprisonment fpr the sake of their adherence to royalty: there were some who had lost fortunes in de fending their principles of monarchisra. v J- : i;...,. '-.;1: 1 ' FUNERAL SERVICE ' ' ' . "I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lprd; he that be- lieyeth tn me, though he ere dead, yet shajll he live; and whoever Both' wore decorations conferred up on them by the rulers of the Kalakaua dynasty and each carried a, plush pil low upon whish wore 4be Kalakaua decorations,' resplendent jewels which glittered in the sunlight and 'made more so by the eontrsnting colors ot the ribbons of red and of blue,' the latter being the color of the last dynasty. Behind themj walked1 -the' Japaseie naval .lieutenants carrying Milken. draped pillow upon which rested the beautiful decoration of the Order of the Crown, conferred by Emperor Mutsuhito of Japan while LUiuokalani was (JueenJ The officer wore the full dress uniform of .his rank and also wore . the" gold braided chapeau con forming tp this uniform. The Japasose otticials hord were ei. eeedlngly ahzioui to give honor to these decorations, and the arrangement for their appearance in the procession and for special honor In the 1 krone ,-..-;u ki;.,tl, l mA ct,l nir Hie " inntel ih Irtahr. aa KaZaatd r.VUyM??Si the last strain nf lUl.ders'''p:ad March, inaui; died away from latter was special ambassador to U-1 the. organ wh're, jvi.l and BiXde presided. Key. Leopold KroUin- tao dunnir tba monarch Deriod in eon-1 . 1 ' necion with JmmiBratioa matters. .. j '1, .. v-' (,c.uJnu4 6a 8, Caiman 1) ' I--' . '' ,.' 1 ! ' ,. -i . - . i v .f' 'V' f ;. . ... .