OCR Interpretation

The Hawaiian gazette. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, March 15, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1918-03-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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. . . -P- -, - 1 1 v " ' : f 1 1 ,' '
. . -,,r.m 7:n:zjs.r pit T-f
Ik..- VI I
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A ,
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1 xn?A
, -sj ' s ' -J ' '
y j i vii
r'K-tess J
MI'lili 1 i
& i
oi Monro cmc
' Arrivals Permit Meltings of Fifty
j Thousand Tons : During Last
... f wieek InFeljrtiary 5. "
Advices From Chiiago Say Con
. v ififions' Tre Af elmproved
With Moderate Weather'
. NEW TOBK, febrftary 2 Sales of
e.xuui i. .u . .
1,000 U.g. of Cuba .d Eorto Biro
'aojrars, 17 tons of Yenexnelas and 450
tpus bt I'erus are xoportal for the
eX ending February iB'by W(llett
A feraj in the Weehrjr Btatistieal 8u-jw-TVad
Commentinir on the market it says:
JUwatiotno ui ' .
Tha international committee eontin-
mm wn umnr mucb uujiiHi n ri t
m W accept Mjurth loAdihg Cnfias at
3w -T T. 7i porrRisoiVrtu
datT-fotUil emriVftletit 6f that flmire.
1-? S'Hf ' " bmB
tfkea at 4.749c s.i.I. ,.
'The arrivals of raw aagars at the
Atbjntie ports this Fseksvro 48.27
tons .ick;dmils rtelttnv pf 00,000
tons, leaving rW stock' of 11,619 tons.
These BMlttUgs sjioiw distjribuVion f
50,000 tons of red oed sugar t be for
warded from' the Atlantic ports and to
whick eaa he added (kbont 17,000 tons
from the Southern refineries at New
Orleans, Savannah and' "Oaiveeton. A
.r. A97l
' fqwiore weeks e. 4istJbUto of this
' aiae should place the cbuotry in a
r normal ondito as fat ha supplies of
refltied are pncerBsdr T-
. vkrssi sswiw -
The receipts for the week at all
port ta tne island snow a moderate in
ereaae over last week, being. 1408
"""" 'tons against 1H2,192 tons. Exports are
;' largej 100,687 tons, being iiiore than
double last waek's agure, of which
' "' quantity 64,S65 tons were shipped to
' the ' United SHrtea Attaatie 'ports, 13,
' 857 ton t New Orteaas: asd, 3273
'..i - ton to ; Europe. The stork . baa' in-r-.
creased 'M,!' ton 'tltirinf the -week
to1S54,8. ena, .Tka'i toek'.iiaa In
... ..... creased SfhOOl tons during the week to
o . 6M87 toasi' tVtrtraJ h finiahsd
grinuiag, aooordiag to aur eabht 4
'.X. vices, aud one other has started up, a
I-. that the nnmhes nf fiu-tAriee s.ft Ark
r: . remijas at 193. The Central "El Sal-
VBilor" finished the crnn with in nnt-
Maaara, ; Joaauin Oums Lesndro Me-
t,v,.-i 1 December 24, 19J7, estimate of
l,OW beg.
"." iFAa waetiwr has prevailed, but it
1... vu Uk.. J... ..l. ;k k:i.
... WVW 1 b HI 1 UIJ, njillll, V. 11 1 ID
being 'favorable for harvesting and
T" - griaauig operatioBs, kas slowed up new
'" . erop growth' somewhat.
f"r-,'i' ipfesent crop In Java, which
''.aUrted i April-May, 1817, to Jan
uary 31, 1918, were 948,343 tons. The
'"' ' attars of the srop U practically as
" ,ved,M AfiOOflW tons, aad by dedurt-
- -ing these exports it lesves a balance
of wpproximhtely 850,000 tons a a
stock of both sold and unsold sogwr.
However, we estimate that there is
stin dae for shipment to Europe and
. Eastern countries about 150,000 tone,
and that the local consumption of Java
' aad surrounding islands is 250,000 tons,
"!tke total of which would account for
v 40d,0O0 tpns out of the stock of 850,
004 tons oh January .11, mentioaol
above, which loaves an unsold stuck
iof 450,000 tons as of that date. In
vfartkV connection with the above we
received an additional cubic during the
week submitting offers of new crop
JnneJnly, 1918 Javas. The shippers,
kv apparently been able to obtaJa
Options on freight for these shipments,
and.' -e the basis of the quotations
naated, in the cable the freight and
insurance figures H.TOcb per pound. On
v this freight basis a r.i.f. quotation for
" a degree raws is nunied at 6.05c for
Browns and for the Whites fi.48c. To
1 these quotations oiir duty of 1.256c for
'-V,'baatr, m'nst'U added, which, of
LuJ. ifO"'. "Jakes these figures toe high
for oar market.
" : Rflp.v1, smp
a,t !Av remsirKsd aliove, the distribution
. . ' of IsflsH sugar through the Atlantis
" and Southern ports is reaching quite
SOd proportions this week, being
ahiut H7.0UO tou. Cnntinnn.l rli.tri.
".. Initio ef this size for a few morq
tu : .week will mhke a great improvement
"w la refined sugar conditions in the
iMf t. ' Tk wkpleeale grocers usd jobbers
should advise their brokers as to the
'J. i( number of. ttftir, rood Administration
Weopsa wflroutly, so that same may be
. '. filel, witn, re4ners or placed oji orders.
" ! IJefiurrs are ' tjot. willing to accept or-
,1',,,' ar4 unless license numbers are filed
, .,',' with thedf, lps depargnenta.
' ., .Advirey frpili Cblt'ttgo state that the
' , '' sljiiatjpn there has improve. I, owing
to the tolld wcstlier and that some
''''yellftf kas b,een experienced from the
" scarcity of, sugar for the past month or
q lit tMfk territory'.
i -v4 ,
' BAN JTJIAN, P. R February 20
'' The senate af Porto Rino has paHsud
"n rceolatipn adiireemtd to Kiiml Admin-
istrator 'M'oover eudorsing the request
' of th Pr)o Ricart sugar, producers
"' that he permit distribution of cargo
ajiae for-Porto Rico's auger to be
' .mads in th Island,' instead of sf th
' ' lieadquarter of the Jont Committee
' on West Indies Transportation . in Now
mw 4m
m llali
It Shoulrf Wave Been
Company Pays - Its Laborers
More tn Bdrojses' Than It Dis
tributes To Its " Stockholders
Id Dividend! From Earnings
tHv.w'i-'Vfal 'fyti -' .. '('::!
From eomprtJ teblaa, three of
which r pabliabea In -the annual re
pert of the Otoa Sugar CorapMiy, are
aliuwn the ihorU , f water, with
Kbkh the fomj.By had to fontead laet
year. In the puie ille section the
rainfall from Majr to Jaautrv amount
ed to sixty-two . intae . whue In tho
aaaie months of 1910 the rainail was
J3--1 ''vj 'h.iP0w aoetion
April to JanuaJJ tho precipita
u,tt af gj.ai 1cke, w'hiI, ,;, a,
period in 1916 It was v 142.45 laches.
Kvea mere striking is the Mountain
view section where B2JJ7 inehea
.raia fell in those jnonths of last year
as eompared wath 198.42 for tho sanje
month of tha previous, year, ,
Thus It is seen that in two of the
three sections where observations were
takes the precipitation was loss than
i . . - .
i UlT. iS?:
I : v ' ...t A .
! scre of IP17 cahe had to stand ovm
'into tine vear ' ' 7
, Bi,r-.i i.r k.
. T. . r " ."T- ""IT" "
drought in the financial reiurts of the ,
company wne charg.nl as 50,!irt7.i,
there was paid lit bonuses S08,818.70 !
and the war exeess profit tax is cs I
timsted nt 1O,000. It is an Interest- I
iug tsct the amount paid to the labor ,
ers in bonuses Upder the planters' prof-
, nr... ... iTum ,1...
was paid out la divide.,. J
Esuecialtv satisfactorv is tho annual .
'report of McRryde Sugar Company pre-
sentrfl to the stockholders of the com-j
pany at its annhal meeting. 1
Relative to the. crops Manager F. A. f
juexanaer saiti-in nia rpoir:
. 'Crop 1917: i-Th esse was heavy
land though the sucrose?' contents was
low we Tad' over our estimate, making
.a' total of 17,503.6775 tons of sugar.
"'Our "best yield was from a field of
II 109. which gave 67.3 tons of cane
and M5 tons of sugnr per acre.
Ine outBido planters have in
creased their arens planted to cane
which during 1917 taxed opr transpor
tation facilities to finish (he Home
ted cane while we were grinding
plantation fields. ' -
1 wCrop 1918: We stnrtederinding on
"December 17th and un to the middle of
February have manufactured 3800 tons
of ogar.
'wj,e fields thus far harvested have
fatten bdow our estimate in cane add
sugar, and we may run slightly under
'WfioA tons. r '
'''The H 109 harveste.l early gave
us good returns, one field averaging
fP.9 'funs of cane per acre, but thee
jolee was low, du to the wet weather.
' ''"Cr6v 1919: We have atioiit 500
acres of 11 109 in the 1919 crop, all of
which is free of insect pests and grow
ing rapidly.
"The wet, warm wm'er has helped
-the growing rune and tln'refore all of
OUT vpung cane it iu good condition.
'.'Crop 1920: We plan to plant about
5Q aires during 19 IS for the 1920
erop. Frm present indications most
,0. this planting will rousiat uf II 1U9.
itiatau uUaud sn-uous win be piante 1 1
ta U 1U0, ami some ttclUs to Xellow
.Csdedoaia. ' '
i anting Are Oood
Th. fjpaueial report shows net re
.turo from sugar of 1.987,21712 aud
total, earnings of 2,iiol),4(il'ifl. Net
earnings ane given us fi7,7LS6 of
,w)ch $144.0t5 was set aaide to meet
iacosjie and war profits taxes, $42,000
paid, ia dividend on preferred stock
and. $165,000 011 coiiiinou slock. Bonds
of $50,000 were redeemed reducing the
bonded indobteduecs to $I,593;60.Q. The
average bonus per ton of sugar was
$15J)7 .and the total bouua paid was
$$51,324.17, more tliu $40,000. more
thaa was paid to the stockholders' in
dividend. Expenditures for perma
nent improvements for the year were
Sr7T, ru' lUiUJ,S 9y'
si" dm (iu il t . - rvrt
Hiarv va piiinni luili
As a result of the publication of an
editorial . which attacks president Wil
son, fpr hi order making Ouhu "dry",
the Hawaii Mui,mi, a local Japanese
pnper, stantlx ia iluncr of suspepaion
or future r 1 1; i J rrim.,riln). Assistant
Postmaster Petersen, who was foreign
lAlKruAfrA PellMur in 1 1 . .n ,il ii I ii In , k . a,.
aeee of tjie poMmuster, has submitted
the editorial in uuestion tn the noatnl
authorities ut H'ail ,..i,,n n,l it.'
the iasirui tions to be issued by tbem
in the uiattcr.
n 'i i" "i Ii- t Ii i nk
A good Ii
tisin i-nvinoi
without taking
ml.i'rliiin 's Pain
nuuseous on
Balminassaged tlioroughlv into the skin
has etired far more rheumatism than
any' internal remedy ia existence aud
gives relief quirk, r Kor sule by a'l
dealers. Benson Month e Co., Ltd,
agents for lluwmi. Advt.
The worUVs sugar production for
mi' i" a aaowa hf tbs sstintatpii
givcu on the areomanvinK table,
whirh rough l, repreMats the augar
uiplv for the eurent rear, leads to
many interesting ' deductions, ar
Ka. tn About Sugar tn Its Ueue of Fob
ruarv O-ompared wjth the reported
production for l6jft-l,Z the figures in
l, nl thst the total supply will show
a ilecrpaae of npQroximatpl.v 7l,O()0
or, Unary tons, nod, should the promtnt
rrop rstimataa not le realised, the
fulling off In supplies will reach a still
higher figure.
A the decline- in prodnrtion for
19 1 (U 7 amounted to about l,.rj(H),IK)0
tonn, it is now- apparent that the He
cn-ase in production for 1917 IS in
be low
tin- siiiar yielil in 1915-1H. InMHinticli
hh tin- stocks of sugar earril over
into , Ilia rrop season from the previ
mi" linrveat in the Far ast are iurge,
amounting to something over 1.54K),.
000 tons, the net visible supply for
inn i rnmuTeiy wrger ijiaa was inc
case a yeas' Higo, ami the- decrease in
the world's supply for the present crop
season amounts to only 700,000 tons,
compared with the 1915-10 period.
The shrinkage in the total Euro
pean beet crop continues to 'Increase,
amounting1 to 1,600,000 tons for
i 1917 1. while th ran iuirar nrixliio
I u" world show, an ...cren
oxer tho previous period of about
IMin.mm tohs, represoutiug an alm.wt
I 1 . ..1 , 1 1
""" '" , ,.r,v, ir
vs,"",r" Hen.iphere and rur;at.
'' lontlnuntion of 1he war a
decline in European mlgnr production
'""vitablo. Under existing cmidi
Uon" if -'moat InipoeMble to obtain
rxart "tistice of crop, but the most
reliable reDorts obtainable indicate
,ht pfs'ticaliy every country except
IFcumnrk experienced a reduction in
its output of beet sugar for the 1917
18 cumpHign. The falling off in pro
iluctiou for the Central . Powers has
been exceedingly large, and, accord-
North America
' n'te.l H;ptes beet .
Louisiana nod Texas
Porto Rico
Virgui lsianda . ...
Total V. 8. (except Philippines) .
Cnnmla 1
Culm 3,775.000
Hritihh and Frcn. h West Indies 30n,WiO
! 8unto hoiiiinu
! Mexico
1 I (Vntr.il Anieri. ii
Totul North America
Booth America -
Britb-h iuinna
qth,er 8011th America
Total Houth America
Total Western Hemisphere . ...
Grand Total . .
1 ourists and Kamaainas out-
numbered By 124 Head, of
Cattle Aboard Lurline
There were four tinu s as many cat
tle ss passengers on the steamer Lur
line when she reached ort yesterday
afternoon from Han Francisco, but
there was a stuttering of tourists
nevert Iii'Icns among the forty some odd
on the passenger lit.
The cattle consisted of 121 cows and
three bulls, all pure breds, shipped here
from Sonoma County, California, by
Supervisor Charles Belliua, who return
ed on the same steamer. There were
-I both the forward and after
main docks of the vessel
Mrs. Elizubeth Kuhns, wife of Daniel
JCuhna, and two children, retarned from
an extended visit to her parents home
in Indiana. Mri Kuuus was one of
the local residents who was told in the
East that she would have to secure a
passport ,to return to her home, ribs
made her application fur the passport,
but sfti r she reuched tjio Coast wit in
formed that it would not be required
in order to purchase u steamer ticket.
Among the tourists 11 board were Miss
Leone Berlin of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs.
R. lluinpsuu, Air. and Mrs. C. 8. Hiuch-
f""- "V;'1 -i1'1"1 A""l w''''luw, of Pasa
' d""a t ibfornm.
red Kaue is on his way to Wailuku
to take a position with the Wailuku
Sugar Couipuuy aud C. K. Wittington
arriven i tn enter the employ nieut
of the Hilmp Trust Cuiupuny.
ItoiHii H, U,,. l.riithir of Jtick
Belser, ami an ,n.,i.ve i.f the lluno-
lulu t 'oust rii.-: ii. n fmiipanv, ri'lrrueil
in i! .V .
from n il
to the Htntes, ac-
eompiiiiied b hi twelve tour old sou.
Another young traveller aboard the
steamer was Frank Thompson, Jr., a
aOn of Attorney I'runk Thompson. He
has been ntloudiug a iiulitury school
in the Lust.
eater Information that tries show allaEt deellae. Due to
i iff o
him reachelr 'l the ' outside world.
amoiinU to over J.OOO.CHH) tons, as
compared with : tho reilnced output bf
19III1T. BusTir, Production in Rus- j
ma has also aharnly doclineil and is
fully 300,000 ton kelow the poor yield
of the previous eampaign.
The, flgarea hovering the United
State prvductjoB abow a decrease of
200,000 tons, as ; compared with the
return of .the previous seusou. This
iter reae was the result of unfavor
able weather Conditions which brought
about short crops in .llawnii, Louisiana
and the beet growing states. Includ
ing both the continental and insular
(Kjrtioiia of the . country, but except
ing the Philippine production, the to-
tnl output of sugar grown will renc.h
approxunately g,tM8,000 tons, us om
pared with 2,2WH,00 toon the previ
ous season! This production closely
approaches 56 percent of tho toUsl
consumption - la this country for a
twelve-month period.
Ouba still retains its position of the
leailing n gar producer of the wVirld,
and i easily tte largest exporter. Based
o the preseat estimates the Cuban
crop for the present season is of rec
ord proportions, aad if the 8,775,000
ton market M by the sugar statist!
eiana of the Island la reached, it will
establish a aew high level oft produc
tion for this (nost important sugnr pro
lim ing country and on whom ss large
a portion of the world is how depeixl
ing for supplies. I Jit est advices indi
cnte that lose to 25 crceiit of the
I'Mtinittted production has alrciuly l,ecn
nimle, and there is every indication
of extremely favorable progress being
made in the harvest, which in turn
points to the very probable final renli
ration f,,fl outturn eJase to expeeta
tions. 'r n
In addition to the Increased produc
tion in Cuba, some aright inrreuse m
the. sugar yield is not4 for the total
output of thai British and French West
rallies, while Central American coun:
of 2,000 pounds
1917 18
1910 17
the m
France '
Dt'lMiinrk ; ..
1 4Ipaiii 1
Italy . .k i
.lOentrat Powers
(tiermany, Austria-Hungary and liei-gi.iiu)
' ,8,000
" 50:1,000
: i,000
2,098,000 8,292,500
Total Europe
Other Afcira ,
Total Africa
The Far East
Philippine Isiunds
lint i ill India
Japnh and Formosa
Australia aud Fiji
Total F'ar East
Total Eastern Hemisphere
1917-18 1910 17
1 t'l 200
6,457,700 11,255,500
decrease in World' Production, 763,800 ! tons.
At the -bureau bf labor and statistics
it is sail) there is no, acute shortage of
liilx.r in the Islands nt this time. The
opinion prevails on the mainland that
Hawaii is suffering from a "labor fnm
ine. ' '
There is almost never any real sur
plus of labor in the Territory and at al
most any time more labor could be
used. This applies to some industries
other than the stoar, although it is
true that a larger than usual number
'if .Spanish unit Portuguese workers
have left Hawaii this yvM, attracted
by promised higher wages on the main
land in munition factories and other
industries.' Sesne Filipinos have also
gone away intending to work in the
Alaskan fish paekeries. At that the
situation is not serious.
It is improbable the exodus of labor
from the Islands will go much further.
Lack of steerage 'accommodations ex
plains this. It is aaid that only one
.line is now taking any steerage psen
grs from her that un take only
single men, . L'nder such conditions it
would uppeur the exodus must be speed
ily checked. It is said that the num
ber it he oue liue oao take is very Usi
The fact tlmt there is no stesrpge ac
eommndntion for those who would go to
the main In nd puts a quietus on a street
rumor tlmt lias been frequently heard
ainoe it became most probable that pro
hibitiou under federal enactment will
be in operation in the Islands by the
nrst or July. IBis rwaaor sain more
than 20,000 Japanese laborers intended
to leave the Islands fur Mexico if they
could nut get their sake. The rumor
eoundod improbable. It sounded un
likely they would leav" tluur homes
here tonne on nil of the pltiut'ttions. or
nearly nil, tho lu.lirei bus a eulti.ge
with home grounds u many, schools
uh.I iiiuiiv other arrmigemeiits fr tjuir
comfort. The piiy is better here thun
thty could command iu Mexico, und si
together the "yarn" soeinod iinprub
iible. but moat of ull is it so in the light
of there being no steerage acvoiuuioju
tions for them. '
sHiM ro iaereaae i i i M -Utmth
American soun tries tho total Increase
in proikietio for . that ' dlvisioa
amount to owor 100.000 tons.
In the Far Eaat,' Formosa, Java, th
Philippines, and Australasia all show
some gain over lst Seasoo's produc
tion amounting for the entire Far East
-to over 00000 too, iCowpkni with
heavy arry over stock , mentioned
above it, la aptiarefit that the supply
of sugar at the end of this erop seaeos
for this division wiH be of abnormal
proportion and in each. volume a U
tax storage aeiiitleo -. severely. Th
lack of tonnage to aiove this sugar
and tb,e high freight rates prevailing
make it practically impossible to
mfcrket ttiis sngar, and, although st
Ustwally this year'a Far Eastern pco
ilu titin plue stocks en hand, carves t
bring up the world 's supply to a figure
over 20,000,000 ionc, a very large
proportion of this sugar must there
fore bo classed as naavalUble" for
W estera consumption. . . r
Tonnag BitaattoB
"While the statistic for th year re
val comparatively large world up
plles, taking Into eonsideratioa war
tirne 'conditions. It la evident that be
cause f ahlpnlng difficulties thr will
not be an adequate ttcean tpaaagf to
move sugar to poipt-where U oujd
(be rejidUf absorbed lata cpnaCmptjea
channels. This condition eau harfljy
ihe relieved this year unless the war
should suddenly cad, and even ia that
evout it. would le extremely difficult to
overuome the obstailes that lirevrpt
the free marketing of sugar. Facing!
these conditions, it is apparent that
'Jie large sugar consuming countries of
Europe cow practically wholly depend
ent on supplies from the Western Hem
isphere will have to continue this year
enforced , reduction ia consumption,
.and thai such supplies as thsy are able
to obtain . will be measured wholly - by'
chipping facilities assigned to move
sugar. '
- Ton of '2,000 pounds
i9i n
. 100,000
' 180,000
1,830,000 j ,8?(O0
506,000 651,000
. 3,100,000
. 2,000,000
. 600,000
. 6,524,000
Quarters In Young Hotel Now
Used By Promotion Conroit-'
tee To Be Taken June 1
William A. Avery, general advisor
of the Asano Hyndicate, which oontrols
the Toyo Kisen Ktha, has written to
the Territorial Hotel Company mn
agemeiit that the Japanese steamsh'p
company will lease the portion of th
Young Uotel now ixcupied by the pro
motion committee for steamer offices
beginning June 1. ' '
While be was here lasf fall Mr
Avery took an option on. the quarter
selected by the Toyo Kisen KaUha
for its Honolulu office, and the letter
received from Avery I one to close
the tentative deal.
Where th promotion committee wiH
find it new quarters has not bean de
rided, although a meetipg of th com
mittee was held yesterday at which
the question was considered, it ia said.
Alennnder Hume Ford says that he hfi
offered the committee the use uS th
1'uu Pacific Union building, is th
Army ami Navy Y. M, & A grounds.
1'p until the roct'int of the letter
from Avery, it hsd been th hope of
j yTPi Mc
. tjon commjtte))
I ,(iuM reaen'
reiary or tne prpnto-
that an agreement
I with th Japan
shipping company so the Toyo Kisen
Kaisha and the promotion committee
could occupy tho Young Hot'- quarters
jointly. But the steamship company 1
sni.l to require all the roym available.
colds cAitft' mmm
uioves tlie cause. Used toe World ever
to cure a oold in on dty. The signa
ture of it. W. CIOVR: Is on. each box.
Mstiufactured ly the' PARIS nlBDl
CINR CO.. 31 Louis, U. 8 " A. "
President Is Asked To Aid Kona
1 NeT By -PUclhg Tariff On i
' Ifrihrtrrarf fiAlttik 1 if ie I
'MK-At i;:
What mv eoihe from a err for heln
sent , forth, by'cin iufaat Industry of
the Territory, that fostered by the cof-
, - . ' , f -' - . ,
fe grower W Kon. "a matter of
doubt, but the call ia the shape of a
petition to President Wilson arid eon-"
gTeW asilug ihit a' tarl t Imposed
on ' thr-importati'on Into the United
Btatec of -Nioffee is g61 Bg forward to
Washiagton. "' , y
,' Ta real value and" excellence of
Kona eoffs 1 prietloeJl' unknown oa '
, the . jnainjand, due to the fact that
it ha dot; been 'pushed or. advertised,
inarkst hie eei tiar-tiut to it to' die-
. -ooqtr.viata iwas-evaiea. recently on
nq- prujacc- uirrnii lue Hnportation
at coffee gTownrtideJof JthvTrrl
tory f Of tk Islands! and, this, meaenre
wpn; sosmw support iq' various )nartra.
Deaksra halve rxfifseed dottbt.' howerwr.'
that any ambitious plan, like a general
VnrtO- that -wonui.anect-Uie, great trade
channel In coffee oft the' mainland will
'rr :sy ssiWatl. ' ' :
Xhe petition signed-by .bout seven
ty name, most of,"which are Japanese.
4 felCtlAHU,a(Uih4 IvJ
In b dektli'of iUDhaxd Jrt,
. vtce-presldetit . aad aactatary - f
Brew 'And. Company, tha - cm ire
jtmaipesa ceitmtinlty of the Tsr!-1
I (AT; ha auMajned a; gr&v los.
'Thl Ia'aspoclaUjr true la ttaW
gM tadustry And.lt, la ajnomg th
ea la the chief and, raot lmBott
ant industry at' the! Island that
hit loaa will he; tnost deeply flM
On all side yesterday 'were heard
xpreaelofuj of deep appreciation
of Richard Xver, the man and tha
pounces man, The aews of bis
death,. U the Tecy halgbtt ef hi
onatnew career came a shock.
Hi aawtcUta could hardly belhtv
tt and tfcejt hM h, n of . -aonai
bereavement. -
Tha larger ap gar factor houeee
trlU ha closed 'this aftsrnoen In
respect to the memory of Richard
Ivers. .,' '
and largely fOr the sajnc-raaoh it is catj be promised by the slnppuig
not .used widely' K.re it it ''bitght t,0f r1; ' Af' vi,,'f shippliig is re-4iki-
iJ'svlViii.aeW-' t QMlod on the Atlantic aud this leaves
f-ji?lhW'4-I Jery meager possibilities for tho IV
1 fe 0wer ,lnVth vfee ff the Island route.
carries pathetic. not, j It ia given in accommodations ami a building permit
part as ollowst '' ;;:.. ' .:' , ? i ' I has bean issued for the erection of
"That cam to lis wail a ordi- 'such a building which will cost $11,
nary laborera and with' the Intent of ' 000.' This building will be concrete
making this ' OUT; permanent' home.' floored aud its dimoiiaioBH are 200 by
"That our Children are American-
bom aad though reared) wmifh .hard
ship and suffering are toyklHAd faith
ful t thMMif ' their "birth-aad
with every hop and, expectation of.
making thia their lifslpng place of
residence." '' '
' VThat ws have cultivated Und that
formerly was wild, rocky, jid f lit
tle or no value for agriculture and
have by years of Ithe hardest labor,'
th closest application aad intensive
industry eo averted the land into
fertile field and prOdaeed a coffee
tha has obtained more; thaa local
fame for its eMeHeace, -
"But the war hat caused coffee; un
like foost' other articles' of food,' to de
cline la price thirty percent, while
th ost of, our daily aecesaitias, while
Increased from fifty to one hundred
percent and our 'cultivating and bar
vesting expenses have increased ia like
proportion until we now find tlukt
should this condition longer 'pre vsil we
will be unable to f urther ;carry on oar
coffee industry and that we fare total
destruction in our cgrjeulfural pur-
The petition was submitted to the
Ooveraar, but he ha withhold approv
al. '
, ;
Now that the electrification of mills
'and plantations 1 beonin; a hobby
with xaowy jsngUisers,' K -i rfsfreshing to
note that a contribute ia the Journal
of doctricitv maintains that the gaso
line engine is oheaper and better than
electric power, in, some locations. '
Data were compiled by one of the
hydroelectric eompaale in California.
to determine the eost of electric pump
ing in irrigated: districts. It was re
ported that where little, or only occa
sional pumping waa required, electric
service was. unprofitable to both the
power company arid the consumer.
Electric-' servlc i pnofltuble to the
if a given volume of current can be
used continuously, night and dy, week
in and wk wl, Where, the "Joud "
is uniform, electricity ,1 an extremely ;
ecouomioai form of. power. But. for.
detapjisd station and, interrupted aer- '
vice the gat eugina is far cheaper I
.because U caji b Ahown. into and, out
pf ryjee ss easily. Wiieu the gs en
gine is idle th only eb&fge atfaius, it
Is th capital charge.
Year's Crop Is Now Piling Up In
" Warehouses With No Im
; .k mediate Relief Seent
Efforts of Shipping Board Recog
nized and Ultimate Settlement
; of Problem Expected
Shipments of sugnr to date, accord
ing to figures secureil from th Sugar
Factors Company, have been 93,205
ton,' bi which ' 13,470 tons have been
Western sugar. That ia to say about
a sixth of the rrop has been moved.
Last year at this time shiptnent had
been 42,612 tons and at thnt ship
ments were behinA the schedule.
. Reports to th shipping board of su
gar1 eu .' ha ad and awaiting shipment
,showed 33,000 ton. The grind is now
going forward, faster than the ship
ments so -that it may be taken -there
is oneiderably more sugar . now wait
ing transportation than there was then.
Sugar on Hand
I . "imi ititer-isiana purser.
give some idea of this though they
, ,re onw B Urometer aud by no means
show all the sugar. Thttt in warehouse
here- and at other shipping points for
market not being included, .showed 61,
921 hags oh Kauifl and 277,837 bags on
nawaii. '
To move this sugar two steamers
are now loading and may leave before
the end of the week, the Taucred and
the Oregon. Tho rtnernmentd will soon
I be repaired and will t lien help with
i the movement.
Little help in the immediate future
Can Only Wait
. .Under these eirciiniHtnnces there is
nothing to be done in Hawaii bnt to
Walt. It is known the shipping board
;is seeking any possible means to re
lieve the situation for the sugar from
the Islands' is urgently required a
the refineries, and it ' is believed the
j loard will find an ultimate outlet from
1 tne iimcuiues.
KccogniKing ine nanger or rurinor
congestion of sugar freights here Wai
alua Agricultural Company has deter
mined to build additional storehouse
sixty reel.
Situation Gloomy
'The rfituatien is rather of a gloomy
one.' Delayed shipment mean delayed
returns and the effects of this practic
ally all of the companies will feel. For
tanately most of the companies are in
such fiuauqial condition that they can,
if it be desired, continue the payment
of dividends, anticipating return-,
from the surpluses which they huve iu
Relative to the bngasse paper making
plant which Oluu is to instull, Mjinnger
C. F. Eckhart in his report to the
stockholders of the company said:
"Following a careful investigation
into the practicability of making a
suitable, mulching paper from bagasse
aa the raw muterial it wus decided in
December Inst that ti small auxiliary
pnper plant be erected alongside of the
augar factory to turu out approximate
ly aitteen tons of uaphalt-suturated
paper per day.
"It has been demonstrated that
about fifty percent of the labor or
dinarily required in the care-taking of
our cane fields can be saved by the
employment of suitable paper mulches
in Oa' eord sine with the practise whirh
has been developed under Olaa condi
tions and thnt a tnaterinlly increased
yield can be obtained at the same time.
, VTlie product of the auxiliary mill
will therefore be used primarily to meet
the agricultural needs of the planta
tion and only a comparatively small
surplus output wj be placed on the
genera) market where it should Und a
ready sule in the forms in which its
manufacture will be adapted for tho
trade. Iu addition lo the manufacture
of mulching paper for which the plant
is primnrily intended, it will be equip
ped and devised o as to permit the
production of roofing rtnd sheathing
felts, tissue and wrapping pnper, and
curd and box hoards. About one-tenth
only of tiie present supply of bagasse
will be utilized iii paper manufacture,
the bnlunce Of it being use as foiinerlv
as fuel in the furnaces.
"The phyitu1 ion has entered into n
contract with Arthur 1). Little. Inc.,
of Cambridge, Mass.. for the design
iflg and erection of this pliiut, mid pro
viding thnt no excessive delays in the
delivery of machinery are encountered,
it is hoped to have the mill in operation
in the beginning of IHl(. The esti-
J mated cost of tho plant Is $185,000.00."

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