HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, , : FRIDAY, MAY 10. 191ft SEMI-WT.EKLY. i....,iCE DECIDES. m DEFER ACTION V.'L'I Await Arrival of Assistant Secretary Bradley Who Coming Soon f In deference ta Aeaietast Secretary of the' Interior Bradley, whe will arrive HeW front Washington aboat June N, presumably ta 'make an Investigation of Hawaii ' publle land problem, the ehaatber ibf Marnew resolution on the subject will tot be forwarded to Wash ington dirtly from her, but together ni,th all reports en tbe entire situation. wU,.be laid before tbe administration official,;' The amended resolution of the legis liuUva committee of the chamber wa presented ta the directors yesterday, am) g long consideration was given to the chamber's policy, ed a decision u reached that ail elements ia tba Island particular? planter and homesteaders ehenld ba rlva tba .equareet of dealt, and', that the only intention of the clamber of eoiameree was baaad upon the. administration's call for tba eon aervatioa of food. Tba legislative com mittee, waa given further time to gath er. data and render a report. Upon the ,aoraplatlon of tbeir report ape cini meeting of the-entire chamber wil' ba railed to ltt consideration, and the meeting will ba thrown opea to the publio for farther eipreesion of opin imi niHta a subject which President W. J. Dillingham aaid is one of tba no upqHent matters of policy la tba. Isl anils today. - ' Will Walt Tor Bradley Coaaiderable discussion sras bad op oo. tba cablegram received by Delegate fclnlole that Assist sat fteeretarv Hev ia eom.1 ng here, as to whether it Ai. Intended . to mean that ao action b . taken bar concerning raoommeoda . tioma to tba administration apon lam? matter la advance of his arrival, ot tjirvt ba would take ao aetioa himself but. tha -directors decided it was op to than no to forward any aetioa antil M Bradla? arrived ia tba Ialnada. .'.Tie sentiment of tba chamber wa eirceA'ted la ' tba statement that the eVvuiUation. has advanced its position reference tan the . temporary with trv'iib,'o4 eaftlred-leess lends ao that nesr. proddction may . ba; continued wtthowf .breaeVY It.; ajae suggested at oas time that the committee '' report ba extended and tuVea on with the food commiasioa and forwarded. Food Controller .Hoover, noil, it would tbea go oa to tba Presi de. -(.' 'i .. "This -Is distinctly a war measure f tie' chamber's only desire being to aid in , the production of foodstuffs, and sugar ia oae of tba commodities which the food controller wants," aaid Presi dcht Dillingham. -..'If wo lose 90,000 tone of sugar, we lose- more sugar tbaa tba bousewive throughout tba Territory can conserve even if they eut sugar off the bill of fare entirely:' I j,; ; A Delicate Matter ' "Thie la verr derieate matter to approach for It opens up one of the greatest problems in too islands, me object; starting this matter waa tc bring- :0t . h: forcible'; fact , that any eiige't tbe situation, as far aa area ai)er Bu1tiVatJae.oBeerBed will ma UHs)h aot wa or mtput of sugar V-V WiraevUwloa- tia aa .much a ti i' hnuse-wivea'ean .aava, .' J I f , th -Ahanibaf can put before the er ;tiat eontror taa rood aammis- Jon -.atftar wer raeta -.are n mmi e. the niattaT along. Instead of lMr4atioa. going - before tba legislature and' the into - conferee ; tne repon floiiU ge through Food Controller Hoo verVan it Vftrl ba Bp to the President to-ear what the remedy shall be as to Bbejcar tnoVV aoaaerved." V al Bast Toe AH w.4 -.P. C' Hageno aaid that already two 1es of ' the situation had beer ' V'-ptJUhf- -pmaters and homesteaders TJiejr Ware other interests. He believed tha-ohamber eould best empress its in rireeis), the Community by offering 4."vJf,tVajl' a1 ftO-batweea between thr mit ev and ; homesteader. 7---V AT Oa TTB ,W V R tira wwl ritrredi',. aaid Hi. "Hagena "Wash irik'toii, more tba over, listens to pub ' lje -opiniott, andrfbis chamber ean get Oa)ia plnlo! properly aroused here." rhea the suggestion was made that t.ji report,; gathering material evidence trfnf all aidea ' nd compiling figures. au&'tbeiT walt Mr: Bradley, it wai ' .oggete that even a month's 1 r r time would materially increase fhe'e.ost of Ibe fe-preparation of those tajj'W. taader aoneideratioa for new and,, tbali after a crop is takes aei month ' it lias idle without , MiifiVatiOn mls tbe cost Increase rap to pn-.p. proper condition for TiXhere waa inarrlmltr of opinion, how etrr, that V'-. Bradley, and possibly jtytiar lne, wa f oming to Ha v a Vt ifL consldee all phases of tbe pub VwL.mnda:iouestloo. and that action on this matter vebould ba left entirely to 'personal" Investigation, The com mtiree snQma prsj'r uiu.m (ierjosapia.- at(i.an jnTroiujr Weetinr, ot' tba chamber members, t igtltret pressioa could be adopter" W the Chamber, e tbat Mr. Bradley 'i ' t' m at hA.takan uo br lone ifjftfod dietaaaioBa. ' f will. CoaUnua lavaatlgatlon ' f A, 3Cott 8mltb, af the legislative Aiijrimlttea, SOW eommuiee was per . f.?v willing 'te continue with its in wMrtrfiitloa and witbia a week wil! flrobaMr ,Uave Us report ready to be rtreetel .to tbe directors; Shortly af (avward ' general chamber meetinr rr-m 1i"d to receive end discus the (rtirt.aaoT. fcrrwa at a definite policy aa-to- jual what sentiment will lc ex rresd to'Mf. Bradley. v- bavw roealvad tiews ft frmn WsmIi iWuloa-'tbat1 the' admiaistration wnntu ' eat TradiMe, fedgarl taid Mr. Mntt ptnirts ."Wo.asast ave eugar." - t W.-.. I 4ilfiH DEFEATS THORPE FmlW Vr rorr wona won acre over 11 an r" Thorp of Kansas City in fif , tuo- eobadiL ' a. .-''. .. ''' 'ia-t'i v , FIREWORKS FIZZLE AT FOOD U Promised Pyrotechnics Prove But Flash In the Pan Much Talk. Little Action At Meeting Much talk and very little, if, any, action characterised Honolulu's flrxt public food commission hearing yester day. The public hsd been Invited to attend the meeting to offer suggest ion i and make cri lie Isms of tbe food ad ministration and shout forty well known Honolulims attended among rhom were: Iclcgate Kalanianaole FtMvi Administrator Child, Commission jrs Dole, Hockns, Hoogs, Aadereoa, Wa terhouse end Kbcn Low, I.. L, MeCand less, K. '. Winston, B. B. Booth, Mrs r'. W. Macfarlsne, Mrs. Nakniaa, James i.ove, Jowph Clark, L. M. Judd, Col .inel Schobeld and O. P. Castle. The meeting gave promiae of a dis llay of verbal pyrotechnics when Com oieeioner' Hoogs made an assertion that Ah Chuck, a rice planter in Kailua .as hoarding rice and.diad stored in hi; Aarehouee oa the other side of thr .stand thounands of baga'of rice which. Mr. Hoogs said, he waa holding foi higher prices. This proved to be a clash in the pan, however. I.. 1 McCandless gave promise ot injecting a bit of "pep" into the meet ing when be suddenly made a state nent, while the hoarding question wa inder consideration, that "the terri torial government waa tba greatest oarder we had In our midst." Ia ex la nation, he said tbat there were housands of acres of land in tbe forest eserve which eould well be Used in ittening cattle during tbe period ot lie war which at presnnt m-aa lyin). lie. "What good are these trees," he aid, "if we starve to death in thr neantime for the want of meat." Mostly Talk CliHirniaii Dole, in answer to Mr vfcCandlemt, said that this subject had pen gone into thoroughly some timi i'O with the tsrritorial board of agri 'ulture nnd forestry and it proved im iraotiralile, as graxiers could not see heir way clear to go to tbe expense if fencing. Aside from these two fea 'urea about two and a half of thr .hree liim of the meeting were de .ot.'d to a general discussion of, the .'ood conditions ranging from the cause f blight in taro to the bigb eoet 01 "mil both H reuse I and undressed. CommiHsioner Hoogs in support ot lis statement that Ab Chuck was board .ng rice in Kailua, said that the ex uxe of ba.) roads in that district ar icing a deterrent in shipping rice ont f tbe district, was all camouflage le said that tlie Honolulu Construction ind Dray ing Co. was reeuy to move the rice at nine dollars a ton and thai investigations had been made of thr oads. which were found in a paxsabh ondition. The Union Transfer .Co. who have iren handling rice for the Ah Chew ilantafion, in the same neighborhood ays that for the last . five months hey have not been able to get over these roads with a motor truck. Do,r ng the past three days the roads' have tried up considerably, tbey said, and forty bags of rice were moved by mule back to the foot of the Pali where, it ras loaded. on truck, it being impossi Me for these vehicles to get through he roads In the Kailua district At the conclusion of the talk on this sub ject, Chairman Dole instructed Food Administrator Child to make an investi gation of tbe conditions and if there van any proof of hoarding, to exercise 'he federal law in the matter. Corner In Taro Mrs. V. W. Macfarlane brought to he attention of the meeting that taro vhich was selling at fifty rents a bag wo years ago was now being held ai wo dollars and fifty cents, Mrs. Mac 'arlane aaid that b".r bad been toIC iiat Wong Nin, a taro planter of Ma ma, had tbe taro market practical)) ornered and in a short time would tave a social rating with the Japanese otato king of California. David Ka mha, poi inspector, threw considerable ight on the taro situation and asked lie commission to ct a maximum price in this essential food product. Eben 'a)W was appointed a committee ol ine to investigate the condition. The subject of bringing flour her 'rom Australia wan tirmtxht up. 1 M fudd, manager of the grocery depart; nent of T. H. Davie and Co., sain hat he had sent in an order to thr Antipodes for a trial lot of 1000 bag mil did not learn until the vessel vhirb was to brinjr the flour was with n two days of Honolulu, that then vas no freight spare available for tht hipment. Delegate Kuhio ureil that more pro iuetion of taro in the Territory should he encouraged and said that a quick 'rowing taro plant hail been developed iv the agricultural department in Wash ington which was a success from every tandioint and that taro waa sold ir ihundanre in Washington today. Kuhio suggested that like experiments be made by the agricultural department here. waa HARVARD AND YALE TO MEET AT ROWING t AMnniinir., .iiiiMi'-nuKeun, sitriy v.iwTKtTrtf- c f 1 ... A : 27 The Harvard nn.l Yale varsitv boat rare will lie rowed 011 the Housa tonie river at Derby, Connecticut, June 1, Harvard I'uiwrsitv rowing authori ties announced tonijjlit On the same dav the second and Irishman rrrwr will race on thr Charles river. w. a a BOYS SHOW SPIRIT With more than tlir.i- fourths of Ht. I.ouis Colleire enmlli-.l in the Junior Rod Cross, that i n-i it nl ion has bern given a certificate b the Hawaii com iitttii 0f the Iti'l ir.. In all six hundred and thirty two boys out of a little over HOi't ;ne m.-iiibem To be conie 11 n auailiiirv of the Keil Cross there must be at len-t llftv percent of the pupils in the ranks. SEA OF MATRIMOHY i 1 ENGULFS MFRMAID GAM L V II Claire Gailigan 'ls Now Mrs. Ea! gar Finney Bacy Coast. , I Aquatic Chatter f . Claire Oalligaa is no aiorMIs Oal ligan; ihe's Mra.. Edgar Finne The well known mermaid, who 'raMe all kinds of r-teordc ia Hoaolelnlast yeir and is considered one of Ate foremost of the world's aquatic stkrs, was mar ried a little over a month ago and the sorret i.f her .wedding ,rat Came to lifcht n few deya before the Npt.:ne Ben ;h sw imming meet' on April 'ZX Ruth stacker tlla It ia the 8ae 1 Krsnriseo Examiner of .April S3, as! follows: , V, 'i j Of course, almost any wooding is the culmination of romance, or"-ehould he, and though they are all the same, j it wouldn't do to tell anyone ao, bey! cause they are all supposed to be dif-'j ferent. Ctbire i(lal ligan, America 'a water queen, has her Own particular little story, which is somowhat interesting, in the first place. Claire didnt think niucb when Dorothy Burns introduced her to Edgar Finney, dowa ia Loa An geles, that she, Claire waa going to be Mrs. Edgar Finney before ao very long. " Eg ", aa they call him, hat not yet blossomed out in? bis unL . He was, of course, attractive, bot, well Booted for Fair Claire The whole thing started at tba na tional 600, after the girls came baek from the Islands. - The race wat over at Idora and "Eg" promiaed to root for Claire, aa tba little eastern girl didn't have many rooters on 'her aide. That just about ' ended 'it and laat month when "Eg" waa tranefetred to the east coast, be called on Claire at nine o'clock one morning, before she hsd left her place of residence, and took her down to tbe little church on the corner and thea abe waa Mrs. Fin ney. The newlyweds kept their wedding a secret for1 a month, that is, until Claire-was about to leave for her'trlp out here. Mrs. Finney received a' cable from her husband yesterday that be was leaving for France. She waa very blue and I guess (hat's why she tore such chunks out . of that water at Idorn. Idora. Kiss Boyle la Beauty Charlotte Boyle, who is a decided blonde with a wealth of golden hair and complexion to match, ia certainly a beautiful girl and bas none of the taa of the usual swimmer. The mermaid looks for a moment to be the last per son la the world who would be a swim ming champion,' but when she shows the muscle in her arm you could even give her credit for being of pugilistic bent. Hhe's not, though. ; Miss Boyle's father is Sir Joseph W. Boyle and is with tbe British forces ia France. , 81r Joseph bas won many honors in the past 'year aa a fighter, j and brave one, and his swimming daughter is vory proud of bis achieve- i meats, showing it i her spirited way i of telling of the way In which he haa ' distinguished '-himself. She wears a service flag with single star. ' I Claire Gallignn, queen of water spdrts, bas e,naounted her retirement from tbe gave, tbat is, as soon as sae baa bad' her fling with Fanny Duraok, and bas decided to turn professional, ays Baa Francisco paper of April 28.' Claire baa had one or two oppor tunities to teach in Eastern colleges, but thinks she will make the West her home until "hubby" comes sailing back from the war. , Last year the swimming champion thought tbat sho would remain in Hono- j IU1U zor a season or ao, out cuungeu wr mind at the last minute, saying that she waa disinclined to camp in the park and feed on eocoanuts. However, she may wander over there to compete with the water wonders in the big meet of September, in such event to remain as coach for one of the clubs. BeUef Over Duke A little Story about Duke Kahanamo ku"e "accident", nays a Coast paper of April 85. There was wild excite ment among Duke's coterie of friends in California when news came that ha had an accident and would not be able to swim in the 100-yard National at Neptune Beach on Sunday. With per fectly good imaginations we had him1 on a stretcher with a broken leg and perhaps unconscious. One fair maiden who bas hero-worshiped the Hawaiian for a long time juBt knew that it bad all come through trying to save a some one in distress, after having swum miles and .miles and becoming com- I pletely eihausted. But the real news is here: A letter from a newspaper man prominent la athletics waa received: "I guess Duke will leave on the next boat, but be bas a boil, and it bothers him,. great deal. 1 hope tbat he will be able to swim 'though it has been worrying him quite a let." Testerday came the following: "Duke's leg is In such shape that he won't be able to swim in San Francisco and there is no use making the trip. He hasn't been hble to get in the water for ten days, but hoped at the last moment to be able to make it. It sure is hard luck for Duke and Hawaii, but then we are. expecting Lane to do something." Of course, we sre glad to know that it 's a boil, and only a boil, that Is keep ing the champ from our midst, bat really, bolls are so prosaic for lis that love poetry. w g B THOMPSON BEATS GALINDA g AX iIEOO. April 5.1 fJ'eorglf Thompson, ftsa Diepo's primer bantam pugilist, iron over Young flalinda laat night. In tbe semi-final Chief Aha'f" tby beat George Drew ia a close match. a a TENDLER BEATS BRITT BOSTON, April 24 l.ew Tendler, the sensational lightweight of Phi's delphla, knocked out "Young" Britt Of New Bedford in the third round of scheduled twelve round bout here last night. YANKEES. ONLY- HALF E BEHIND LEAD Red Sox Can't Stem Tide of De teat Eddie Collins Hat New. Record ' I AMERICA XJUQtn TANTrm F. W. U Pet Boston 2(1 12 .600 Ne York ,...10 11 .579 t'.iieng 14 ft 6 .A71 C'eelar d , . 1 10 .656 St. Iui :.,. 17 ! I .471 Washington . ...... 18 10 .444 Detroit .... J.I 5 .385 Philadelphia .17 II -153 Yesterday'a JteeuKs At Chicago Chicago B, Cleveland A At Dotroit St. I.mils ., Detroit 1. At Philadelphia Philadelphia ff, New York 2. .At Washington AYashingtoa 14, Boa ton, 4. The Red Hox yesterday lost their fifth straight game. Twe of the five Bos ton lute dropped to tba Beuators and the previous throe to the Yoakees. Be ginning ahead of the whole bunch, th. Boston Amerioans have the past few days triicki a losing streak which tbey seem unable ta stem.. Although atil st the top hf the club list, Boston I only haJf a gam ahead of the Yankees At Washington yesterday the Bee Aot aeie again defeated, the More be ing a vury oua&sided oae, The day be fo.e. iu tbe bwt game of the series the nenutors shit liostoa out. Yester Uy 's ik ore: Washington 14, Bostoa 4. 1 uo best American, league game wa i) laved esterday at Philadelphia, when Uie Alh etics managed to win from th Yankee, bringing if) temporary bait st least, the hew Ydrk Americans' win ing streak, the latter having just prev ioi:n!y fattened on the Bed Hoi. Kcorr Philadelphia 5, New York 2. The Arowna playedring arooad the 1 igers at Detroit, winning , an eas game; score Wt. Ixmis8, Detroit i. It was a very ragged exhibition Chi rao funs were in for yesterday after noon, for tbe White Sox took the In dinns Into camp only after the side had piled up a total of fourteen ruaa. Seore Chicago , Cleveland &. 1 Wbite Box Third Again ' Cleveland has droppMQfrosn secono to fourth and Chicago na tone up fron 1 he latter station to third place. New York not only is in second place but the Yankesa are only hair a game behiad the Bed Kox foe. first place Washington got out of the cellar yes teniae and let Philadelphia down into it. Only two American games are sched uled for today: New York at Phila helchia. I and Boston at Washinston these games closing the present series . Tomorrow will witness, ail sour west ern teams playing in tfie Eeajt. The schedule, for the new series May JO. 11, 13 sd 14 being:. Chleago at Phil adelphiaj Ht, Louis at Boet6n, Detroit at Ne York, and Clevelaa4 at Wash ington. 'It will be the first series of the year ia which the 'Went plays the East. There will be no -games ' next Hunilay la the American League. PHILADELPHIA, , April 27-rouV former Athletics defeated Philadelphia today, 4 to 1, giving Boston the aeries tbsee out of four. Joe Bush, for five years Mack s msinstay In the box, belli the locals safe in his first appearance against them. Eddie Celllas' New Record HT. IDL'IN, April 20 The Chicago Sox cot even with Urover L.oulermua here today when they got to him in the first, fourth- aud fifth innings and won from the Browns, 6 ta 2. Williams had one 1 bad inning, the third, when 111 11 if le end two doubles scored the Browns'i two runs. Jackson -of the White Box was the feature today, making four hits, a home run. a double and two singles. Besidet tbie he scored two runs and drove in tbe other four for the visitors. Bddieit'olliiiN set a new world's Tee ord for continuous ball playing. It war his 473d straight game. The previous record. 71" names, was held by Ham Crawford. NEW YORK, April 2tt Walter Job son, Washington's star pitcher, won hit Arst game of the season here today, de featlng New York, 0 to' 4. Washington clinched1 the game in the opening in uiog, scoring six runs, five of them before a batsman waa retired. DETROIT, Michigan, April 25 Us ing a team made up moetly of substl tutes Cleveland won from Detroit to day 8 to 4, mainly through their ability to hit- Ftnrersan and fast bane running' la the five innings Ftnneran pitched be allowed seven hit and three bases on balls aud let loose a wild pitch. One of the irregulars the visitors put In the game was Bchaefer, who played s splendid fielding game at aerond. NEW YORK, April 25 The New American League baseball club tonight announced the purchase of Catorter Thomas Clarke from the Cincinnati Sa tionals. w. a. s. t ENEMY STOCK IN SOUTH . AFRICA IS TAKEN OVER CAPKTOWN, April 30 ( Associated I'resv) A report inniied by the official Ciistodinn of tlucniv 1'roperty in South Africa shows ihflt 20,000 enertfr stack holders sootruild. nearly $40,0)U)0t wofth m ntoik in Houth African' tainT inirVomiiunics The ('ustodian has tak en cheritc of all this stock, together ith other enemy property, such as fnrms nul liu-tincw) and trading con cerns. The work of liquidatien has been ennrmoiiH. hut it is now asserted that 1 ' tbore is not a single firm in South Africa carrying on busioesa wholly or chiefly is the interests of enemy per sons. ' ' , Lh.ji.hlLJ liruLAlUiiwJL MR. QttOftQK XITCHlkQfe, 1711 Puachbowl Drive, nays: i nnd B. rB C, C wonderful ntomach nnd. r HtmePnsedlclae,''!: Doctored for' 80 , ynexa without reeult eayi g. b.' C. y too U,WWtf;;- j .;. w v, , . "'hilt WILtlll Mvirtti'm.' aar Rawallaa rartiUaor Co.: "B. B. . ta a grasU rbaumatlam madlclna, it er4 fD;;thrww wy Bay erutchaa. , M. DAVID i ALO. Pot DMlar, Oaba riah Market: -1 can certain ly fooommand tba B. B.XX Madloin tor lh good H hu tow b ud ylljr.r ; JA. VltKRA, Punnoi t. Wa: ; fB.,BC- C groat .tooto.-: ..';.; ; ' ' CAFT. ' M. C ANCHARD, ' Bow toad Lnat 'v "Doctored . ever to yastfs. Tha law waaka' aaa of B. & C hata dona mo mora good: that ; all tba other money apoat" i MR. ANTON COSTA, KaUbJ, tna kai- Kamehameba Bcbool, eaya: "Great baaeflt from B. B. O. for his eatarrh ut atomach roublo." MR. d ' RltDCW 114 Oollck Ave.: B. B. C. la wonderful, rnen matlaro remedy..' ,, . ; ;f MR. KLLtN MAHOirWaiklkJ: "B. B. O. n wonderful atomaeh mad lclna. Hag benefited ma greatly 'MRS S. R.' iTONf, 10th' Ato Palolo Valley: "Sick a long ttrna; atomaca ' aad oonstlpation."7 . MR. MANUEL SMITH, lU Ou llck Ava.: ' "Stomach aad oerva trouble; great fault,a,M MR. WM.. PERRY, IS24 Ullba: "Aa a etomach. medlclaa B. B. C. ia number ona." ' MR. BEN ANORAOt, Moleauea road: . "B. B. C l a manraloua eioniach ant nerve medlctna." . 1 1 , 1 ''-i ..' .. . n it BEN BRIANS, whose B. B. C Medtdne has mads sJl Honolulu talk, 8ya : W hsrf thousands of cures on the mainland but wo seldom us their Dimes her. W prefer to fire you the oaraes of people you bum, who Uv here and whom you meet tery day. so ther can b Do doubt as to their genuineness 4Rd truth 'x. ' E WARM LIES Giants Win Their Seventh Straight Alexander Victor In His Farewell Battle KAtlOXAX. LBAOUS STANfelka r: P.. .'y'l .18 Sfi .,18 .. 1 0 ..' 18. W.Ct.Pcfc NeW;.Torh if U 17- 1. ,.944 IS 5 .768 -9 U. .430 ia ,.444 flhieage-. . . Ciaelnaatl . Philadelphia ittaburgh .. St.Xoms . ' 8 A 'J rib iBrooklyu . fBostoa 5 Yesterday's Basalts At St. Louis Cincinnati 9. Bh lvOiAs' : 1 0. A$ Boston Boston 4, Brooklyn's.'1 At Pittsburgb--Chleago H, Pitteburgb I. - ' . At .New York New York 3, t'bila delpbia 2. The Oiaots keep winning, for yester day they again defeated the Athletics, although the latter gave them a mighty hard fight before tbe ' game .was over. This was the seventh straight -victory fr the McGraw club. They bad won nine straight games before losing their first, tbeir only defeat so far. Tbis game, by the' way, was the Dodger' first victory. ' Yesterday 's seore-New York 3, Philadelphia Z. The-onlv othertame of the"liatiAa.;i League plgyed yesterday was tbat at Boston, where the home Braves Jut managed to win from tha Tto'dgeW a r ui... i .At Pittsburgh the game between tha rS.K. .ml PlriK! wan a rlecllv one. sided one, the visitors wiunlng without any trouble at all; ecere-ChleagO , Pittsburgh 1 ; . . A very ragged affair was the game played in St iouis, whrA the vi.Tting Beds won from the home Cardlnala, a total of fifteen runs beug made, sor -Cincinnati 9, Bt. Louis 5. - . ' CHICAGO, April 26 Grover Cleve- land Aleaander, premier plteher at the National Lesgue, pitcbed hla. farewell game hero today, before reporting to Camp FuostoU for-duty In the natioaat miUlJ, IU.VIIH1,U HW ' Uta.lfw. 3 io 2. ' . . It was a pitching duel between Aleav aader and May, the latter being unable to go the route. Alexander allowed, aalyi two 'hits, both of which were made by Boger Hornsby. Before the same Alexander was pre aented with a, wrist watch by his team- mates and two large bouquets by his' friends. He then turned in his tub-, j seHptlon for 3,00f of third Joan , Liberty Bonds. BOSTON, April 7 Philadelphia made-it ithfea, ,ou of four today by. beatinr Bostoa. , to .1.: The, Boston pwyere bought' 6.7,500. ip Third Liberty Loao. bonds -before the-. game, y ', -. -...-,d-. a. a.., ( hSPIlJElT!f EULY -SIGNED ' AS WluLARD S TRAIN tH CHICAGO, Mav 8 (Associated Press)' Joss -Wlllard, world's heavyweight ring ebaraploa, . yes terday signed "Spider" Kelly of Sao Francisco at his trsiuer for his fight with Frederick C. Fvltpn in Minneapolis, Minnesota 0a July 4.. .. x . .. pi nn UvJ MR. MANUEL ROSA, 661 King 8t: "B. B. C. la a marvelous atom ah medicine aad a great tonic MR. A. M. FERIA, 416 School St.: "B. B. O. Is 1 wonderful kidney ant stomach medicine." MR. JOHN KEKILIA, of Kalmu kl: "B. B. C. la a flno madlclna." MR. J. P FREITA, Kapahulu, Hobroa Ave., aaye: "I had palna all over for noma time. Bbao using B. B. C. I feel fine." MR. H. B. CHILTON, Kalmukli "B. B. C haa dona my children a world of good." MRS. A. H. FLINT, 6030 I St., Sacramento. Paralysed S years ; now wall. Say a: "B. B. C. cured me." MRS. CONSTANTINO SILVA, Kalihi Valley: "B. B. C. Madlclna and tha Cough Romady haa brought ma tha greatest benefit la yearn for my asthma trouble." MR. CHARLES HASSARO, 6116 Kapabulu.Road, Walklkl: "B. B. C. la a Una kidney remedy." HENRY ROGER, Oateman, Pier 16, says: "B. B. C. groat madlclna." JOHN W.' WILLIAMS, Palama BatUement: "B. B. C. la wonderful. 1 00 my health to It" MR. JOS. OLIVIERA, who ra ldaa Bear depot: "B. B. C. Is a wonderful kidney and liver madl clna. It cured .my lama back." MR. MANUEL BETTENCOURT, 1600 N. School 8t says: "I suf fered with general run down con dition..' Since using tha B. B. C. madlclna am Improving right along." SEALS LOSE AGAIN lOICJpiEBEES Tigers take Close Game From Angels Rain In Sacramen to, Nothing, Doing ' PACIFIC COAST LEAOUB 1 P. W. I Pet. :ts 20 is tjits 5 19 16 .i54.t 3!5 IS 17 S14 34 16 IS .471 31 14 17 .4.')3 H 14 L0 .412 Salt Lake Vernon - Lee Angeles , Oaklaad Saeramente . . 8an. Francisco Yesterday's Betults At Vernon Vernon S, Los Angeles 2. At Bas lanvis'o-Ka)t Lake 1, ftnn LPraneisco 0. , At- Saeramento Oakland vs. Sacra mentb, rain; no game. It ia bad euough when the Hon In are playing away from home ami lom, but when they i nsixt on lettiug the other I fellows win day in and day out right 1 in Ban Frsncim-o, why, then, things are' going to the bow wows, think Han Fran ( aiHcsns, Last year' clianipirym of the Pacific Coast Lesgue have now about cinclieil their clitim to the cellar and 1 the Heals won't even give the Rcnatom a .chance to get into the cooler. Walter H. Mrt.'redie'a Bm have been 6'Mt "f lHe aJ insist on renie.uing at tne top or rne cum .r.,.i nK- Yesterday again Halt Luke took out of Hu Y rancisco, winning a verv elose eanic ami at the snme time enumK ..c ne . u,.v . board! seore Salt Lake 1, Kun the score Frat. ''0 , , ', The. Bill LHmck Tigers turned the tables on the Wade Killifer Angels yen teislay at Vernon, winning the .lay's b?"1". h,, h . fhf m",; seore Voruon 3, Los Angeles . B arramento forced u pt ! potiement of the scheduled game be- tweeo Oakland and Sac.raiiiento. Vernon has jumped from fourth, to second i.lace, sending Los Angeles end Oakland down into third hu.I fourth places, res.e. tively. CASTLE & COOKE Co., Ltd HONOLULU, T. n. Commission Merchants Sugar Factors Kwa Plantation Co. ' Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. ApoksH Sugar Co., Ltd. "uitou Irou Works of St. Loois Blake Hteuni l'umps Westeru ('entrifugsls Baleck 4 Wilcox Boilers ' Orenov's Fuel Kconomiacr MarsU Hteam Humps klatson NuviKStinu Co. Plauters' Line Hhippinu (' Kohsls WtiL'ar Co BUSINESS CARDS IIONOI.rLti jijoN WoKKH 11V M- ehiuvry of every description mud.' t order. mm B. 6k C. has eco fee of testimoni als from tha bast people la Hono lulu, testifying to tha great efficacy of B. B. C. la cases of stomach, nerve and kidney trouble, rheuma tism, sick headaches, Sleefplee nights, bladder dleorders( bilious ness, aenemlo condition ant blood disorders, constipation, lama back and liver ailments. B. B. OL la purely horbal and contain no alco hol, ao poisonous drugs, and it action la audi thai It strengthens and infuses th Iron force of health and vitality Into tha system, nabb ing It to throw off Infirmities, sick ness ant disease, even In cases of years' standing. B. B. C. Is a medV cine sensation and haa mads mora cures than anything that has ever been introduced here. B. B. O. 1 demonstrated aad explained at lt King St Ewa sldo fish Market, very day from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. No raise in prices 1.00 par bottlat special tbla week. 6 tor 65.00. B. B. C Is a bottled liquid aa taa i't form remedlee lose their strength nd am often eoiied in handiins. , au Druggist, Dealers and Plant, K!T d; . lhlD to yot wing ehargs 0n ail orders of f t oo and over. Address Ba Bruno, Honolulu., HUOAK lACToitS. 8HUVHra'AMO OOMMUSSIOM 1IBBOHAVT8 IN8UHANCB AOBWTO 1 riatitailoii Compact" VHi)nq AliHoulturai Co., Ltd. Apnkaa Sugar Co., Ltd. Knhala Sagas Company WabUwk V7ate Ooupaay, Lto. Fulton Iron Works, of St. Loots Babccrck a Wileo Company Greea 's Fuel Eeouomiaer Con aa Chut. C Moore a; Co., Engineers MATBOH NAVIQATIO- OOMPABY TOTO KI8EN SAZSHA BE WISE Don't spend all ynt earn, the road to riches lies in spending less than you earn, and inci dentally you do your Country a service. Start a savings ac count with us and make your money earn 49 7 INTEREST if c ON DEPOSITS BANK OF HAWAII, LTD Corner Fort and Merchant St. CANADIAN - PACIFIC RAILWAY ATLANTIu LINE OP STBAMBM from JJontreal to Liverpool, London and Glssgow via tha j CANADIAN PACITIO RAILWAY and St. Lawrence Boats TliiA 8CENIC TOUBI8T BOUTE OT THE "WORLD i aad ' ,TUE ALASKA BRITISH OOLUMBIA ' COAST BEEVICB ,. ' .By tha popular, Prinaaa' 1 Hteamers from Vanoouver, J Victoria or fleettlo. . ' I r'nr full information apply to i Theo. a Davies & Co- Ltd j K iASVMAKXr STREET i 'ten 'I Agents, Cauadiaa-Paeifie By. Co. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE I . Isausd Tuesdaya, and Fridays 1 Kntere.l at the rostoulce of Hoaoluhi, ; T. H aa earend-elaM matter.) 8UBSCEJPTI0N BATES: I Par Year , axoo Per Year (foreign) ... ( UtO , I Pnyable Invariably is a vase. u Castle &Cooke, LIMITED ........