HAWAIIAN OAZETT.E! FRIDAY,- JULY 2r. 1918; SEMkWEEKLYE f THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE Roderick o. matbeson, editor The Next Move NOW tliat we have the Republican platform, who'ie are the Republican candidates to come from who will put into deeds the pledpes therein contained? The principal planks of the platform contain the pledges of loyalty to the government, the promises to back up and help the Nation and the pledges t6 support the boys at the front while they are there and to help them when they return. And those planks contain all the requisites of good government, if they are carried out. . The principal demand being made today upon all citizens by the federal government is for war time economy, for thrift, for the elimination of non-essentiaU and the increased production of things that are essential to winning, the war. A legislature honestly striving to carry out these things can do much. The average legislature, as , we have seen it in Hawaii, practises no economy, does nothing to encourage thrift and sits back liappily satisfied if one-tenth of its can be devoted to essential things. Ninety percent of our legislative energy is wast ed on politics. More than half its expenses are made for political reasons. ' There arc many Republicans in Hawaii who could be trusted to sit in the coming legislature with a becoming sense of the seriousness of the financial situation into which Hawaii is rapidly drifting, men who would fulfill these loyalty pledges of the platform. Some of these men are already more or less in the field, but not enough of them It is quite unlikely that there will be enough volunteers. Many ritust be drafted and i would require small persuasion on the part of the Republican leaders this year to induce enough men of the "dollar a year" brand to "do their bit" in the legislature. If these leaders will do this it would give to . the platform pledges a solid background of sin ' cerity. That ought to be the next move. w. a. a. Prohibition an Issue ONE of the very important issues of the vari ous State election campaigns this year will be that of prohibition. The legislatures of thirty four States have not yet voted on the constitu tional amendment to provide a bone dry Nation and in these States many a candidate will rise or fall on the stand he takes for or against the amend , ment. , It requires the ratification of thirty-six States in all to add an amendment to the Constitution. Already a vote has been taken in fourteen States, ' and of these all but one have ratified prohibition. One has gone on record as in opposition, this being Louisiana, which, however, has the right to rescind this at any time before December 18, 1924, by a majority vote of the legislature. Of the thirty-four States yet to vote, it will re quire a ratification from twenty-three to put na tional prohibition into effect. The anti-probihi-tionists require the votes of twelve more States to defeat the amendment and the liquor forces are concentrating their strength in an effort to elect at least that many anti prohibition legislatures. The States which have already passed the amendment are Mississippi, Virginia, Kentucky, South Carolina, Maryland, Texas and Georgia in the South: Massachusetts and Delaware in the North, and Montana and Arizona in the West. w. a. a. Military Roads EVERYBODY knows the important part which automobiles, taxis and motorbuses have play ed in the war. but not everybody remembers the part performed by the good roads which have rendered such signal service jossible. For years, the fine, macadamized, well-kept highways of France have been the admiration of travelers. Today, many of these roads are worn by the in cessant traffic of ar and are torn by shot and shell. Hut if the French bad been content with anything less than perfection before ll14, the war automobiles would have had small chance for speed or jreat usefulness. An officer in the engi neer corps of the I'uited States Army has recently declared that, in an emergency, it would be pos sible to get together, in a few days, on the west front JOO.OOO automobiles, which would be able to rush K(X),000 men and their equipment over the French highways to any weak spot in the line. Napoleon knew that a good road was always an important inilitarx asset; so did the modern Frenchman .--Christian Science Monitor. w. s. s. Return Tickets From France IT has been said, truthfully, that thv return ticket of our boys in France will be secured largely through American savings nf wheat, sugar, meats and fats. The boys in the trenches will win in just such projMjrtion as they are backed up by the folks at home. ' It is essential that tht-rc be built up in this country a reserve supply of fxul just as it is necessary that the army be guaranteed clothing, guns and ammunition. Saving money alone will not guarantee a food supply. .Nature seems fickle sometimes ami I'M1' and 1 ''30 may be lean years. Therefore, out of the abundance of 1(18 America must save even as she saved of the 117 crops to feed her Army and J'avy and share with the armies and civilians of FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 26. 1918., those too busy fighting the lion to find time to cultivate their own food crops. Man Power WR read much of man power these days; hu man power is a better term, because it emphasizes the fact that the women and children also constitute a great factor in this war. Fn the final victory every man. woman and child in America can and should have a part. In comparing the man power of Germany with that of the United States it must be borne in mind that a much larger proportion of the manual labor of the -.man power of the Nation i performed by the German women than by the women of America. It is said that in peace times the women constituted forty-two percent of the agri cultural and industrial !alwr of Germany. They work in the fields, in the factories, in the mines, at the very hardest and most laborious tasks, do ing the work only done by men in this country. With a great proportion of the German men in the army, it is not improbable that women now constitute by far the larger half of German manual lalor. The women of the United States are nobly, un selfishly, manfully, one may say, bearing their share of the hurdens of war. Bv the grace of God time and money j and the power and courage of America the fate of the German women is not and will never be theirs. But it will be with their assistance and cooperation and their full assumption, of the bur dens and duties of the day that the United States is to exert its full power in ridding the world of that intolerable German kultur which makes brute soldiers of the men and slaves of the. women. President Paxson SS. PAXSON, whose coming appointment as president of the board of health by Gov ernor McCarthy was announced in The Advertiser yesterday, is a conspicuous example of the young man who has made good in a business way in Honolulu. He came as a stranger, with nothing back of him but his own energy and a determina tion to succeed. During the comparatively few years he has lived in the Islands he has gone for ward from one responsible business position to another until he has become one of the leading men in the automobile business of Hawaii. His practical judgement and boundless energy should help him make good as president of the board of health as it has otherwise. The Advertiser ex tends cordial wishes, fpr, a successful administra tion of a most difficult branch of governmental work. THE ADVERTISER'S SEMI-WEEKLY w. I. 8. w. a. a. w. a. a. j& I PASSING HOUR A. Every time Berlin suggests new terms of peace we wonder how the Germans ever got their repu tation for efficiency. Their peace chatter along the lines of the map represents just one hundred percent waste effort. While the attorney general is probing the ier man propaganda fund so lavishly scattered about the country by von Hernstorff we trust he will let us know how much those war news items from "Official fierinan Sources" cost the Kaiser. Some are born famous, some aihice it and some, like Supervisor l'etric. have fame thrust upon them for the time being while he breaks a deadlock on the Ixiard. We dnn't blame I'etrit for declining to say in advance what way he is going to vote. He may never hae another chance to keep so many guessing. Like a good many others, we would like to know just what are these casualts lists the gov ernment is supplying. They certainly can have nothing to do with what has Keen happening up iiiul down the Marne for the past three weeks. So far not an intimation has come, except through lierlin, that the Americans have done anv thing in this battle except inarch triumphantly ahead, with out a loss or a check. .Nonsense of this kind does not help; it only tends to create a distrust of the news we do get. The buying of War Savings Stamps, sxstein atically and continuously, corresponds to the work done in the trenches and behind the lines, when "there is nothing of importance to report". It is like the work of the sailors on vigil in the ilangcr zone, like the steady beat of the heart as it stores up the reserve of force ami eneigv that responds- when the call for extra exertion comes. The steady and sustained expenditure of national tnergy at all times and under ail conditions is the potent force for victory. In the light of the recent ncu . li.mi the Maine front, this from an article by ( apt K. von ;,!- maun, in the Vossiche Zeitung. i- w interesting: Anyone lu lias played poki-i . .m I. II :it ..n. . II, at the game is of American mim. In. ill i tin- t.rn.-,. of Aiiierii-Hii politics nii.l A inn i. u tmlit.it . ,n.nt ( Hcerwcseus i, If the I', is. lo.bo .u , nnllv ...-Ming themselves to e.piip a large u on in ili, in ii, ,. i I, -rii-.,' with all that it implies, ' nun I., ,,, , move is nothing but a trial molnliat mi. timn-i . I . , j . . , , , There is America's foe, not heie on ll. Km u., a n . ..n tmeut. It sounds almost like an eilm.ii.il iii,m one of M err Hearst's publications. PERSONALS Dr. W. I. Baldwin returned yester day to hi borne. In Hilo. Kev. H. I.. Desha baa departed for his home in Hiln. ' , , I,. I,. I .a Pierre wan a passenger in flip Mii 'i a Ken yesterday, for llilo. .lodges Whitney ami Clcmon lisvc (one to I.nhaina on legal huNine. George N. WIIo, owoe? "f drove Fnrm limitation, in at the Young. Mr. K. H. V. Droadbcnt arrived from Knmii yesterday and i" Jit I hi Young. A. V. Carter and son returned ye terday to their home at Waimen, Ha waii. Princess KawaiifinakoA plans tn re turn to Honolulu ' in Nepremb. i In re main here a few week. Monitor .F. H. Coney and Fonncr Hen nlor A. Rice orf arrimls fmm Kauai yesterday. Mr. unit Mm. laugher anil tlieir two ehililron were passengers tn yesterday's steamer for their home at I'uuiictie, Maui. K. Crop, manager of Kolnn plnnta tion. unit .Tame M. Spalding, president of Makee Sugar Co., arrived in the city yesterday morning. Captain ami Mra. 0. N. Tyler, of rVbofleld Barracks ' and Miss Mnkin Magoon will leave toon for the main land en route to Washington for a few weeks' visit. Captain Tyler is mnn ager of the Army National Hank ati Cast nor. I. lent l'latt Cooke, boo of Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Cooke, recently completed Ii i n army aviation Course, ami is now flying in Franra. At the outbreak of the war Cooke wan attached to an am bulanee unit, hut transferred to the aviation branch when America entered the conflict. , Miss Lena Waters has Resigned from the Associated Charities, of which she has been manager, and will return to the mainland to take up war work. .Miss Bnulah Hmith of Wisconsin will take over Miaa Watera' work here. Miss Waters handled the charities work here only a year. Major Danielsoii, who has been on duty at department headquarters aa an assistant to tha chief of it a ft", has re ceived orders to proceed t the main land for detail In tha inspector gen eral's department, probably in con nection with one of the big brigade camp depots. uvelyWclI mm in hilo Hilo got a good running start on its W. H. H. campaign yesterday, a radio message received laat nijoit by Director K. W. Hbingle, from OAH. Vicars, of the Crescent City, announcing ffiat cash safea yeatenla ; krdohotVjj! to Jl 1,340. t The message also riluded tta names of individuals and fitus who bad joined the "Limit Club," fourteen thousand dollars being pledged yesterday. Those who joined the club are as follows: II. H. Mariner $1000 James Henderson 1000 .1. C. riankington 1000 H. V. Patten 10(H) Mrs. V. H. Khipman 1000 ('. C. Kennedy 1000 Miss Ivy Kicliar.tsi.il 1000 W. .1. West 1000 Dodo 1000 I'eople'a Hank 1000 Bishop ft Co., Hankers 1000 W. H. Shipman 1000 W. H. Thompson.! 1000 Dr. L. L. Hexton 1000 W. S. I. . AM.STKKDAM. duly 25 ( Associated Press) -Lauding of forces by Orent Britain and the I'uited States is re gurded by the Hiissinn Hoviet govern ment as un Hit of war, the Berliner Lokal Anziger reports. That paper published u ilespntch from Moscow which says Hint the action of the Kn tente Towers iu binding troops on the Murman coast is bitterly resented by the Holsheviki hiuI is considered tanta mount to n declaration of war against Kussin. As such counter action will be taken by the Soviet govornment accord ingly. w. K. s. I'.lMnKM.KK AKRl:i Ity the Inter-IhIiiii.I Mtcumcr Miitins ken fnon IIhwsIL. anil M h ill .orlH. July : I'ri.ni Hum .ill Mr T It. Sillki noil lun In fit ii t m. Ml- T. Slilnaslii Mr. sml Mrx. N W Illckliii: I. W de VIh Norton. I". K .l.-rueirnii II M (llttel. It. I. I.lllle. V. T MorrU. A Aiid.-rMii. M. I.. Holmes. I.leiil. A. M WIIkoii. Ml A. lileler. Mlxs M. M. Sil' MI- 1 1 il t ll Auilerwill. MIn L. Mmllli. Arthur ' l orley. lr. .1 A. Akiuiu. Mi. A l st.jl,.,, Mrs. .1. Miiti.liv Miie.lil. Mi--. Mm. -.Iu Ixiiuil. Kl ui Wo. Y.i- Nov S.-rueillil ltr'lle. N (1 Let. N C Y ..lll.ic. II .Nsllileliui. . K. II. WIIIIhiiih I Mm. 1 1 k I l Ku iili.lii. Mi niol Mr i-'.iiri i . M i o.iiiiiiin niol lw'o chit dren, Mr. ami Mrs C W. IIhHm-IIc. Mr A Aiorrirtinn. two children u it I nntlil. Mi mi. I .Mr I" I. M.-llree Mix T II. Mlll.-r Mt I.H I'n.lc Mr A. I. Mill. W II II V. riittiu II. I. II..K. f. Wllllsril" Alviill Itelxer. Mr L. II I inl mill turiiiil. Ml. S I'c.lr... Mr i lliilev. MiiHler II W Ihil. v MIms I' It.M-niliihl. Mls M IJ.-..r. Mr VImIiIiiioIo. Ml L Knli.il.. Win Miilnv T. Ksnkl. Ml" M I. Kiillehl II W Alkhimill. A H Alfred. I K-iiIhII Mr mid Mr II I'-th.rl.k Mr .1 Xien.er n nd h. finit. Ml-- 11 Ks nlniii Ml Mnrj Kill. alius. Mr- Cluiile Kiieo mid thr.-.. . hll.li. ii. ('bona ll. in.- Mr l.liil. K.- mi. I . hll.lren. KlM'i l'""k lr Tin Ml mid Mrs. W. Medclro- I I..UI Mnnl Mr mi.l Mr". I II..1H11 MInn I. lirenfc; S Shlrokil'vii H SiiIIm Mr mid Mi . .1 Tin .nun. soil 10 lit. Ilci mid Mr- Villi. t Liinirli.T. Mr- . I'll.--. I L lire! rtiee K..li'l... K I'll kHiiiMi-ii I..-- . ii KhuI, Ysiiuilx.ikii. Mr mid Mi' ii.iiiiiihiI.. and Ihlcc . Ill lill.-li - W. S. S. TUNGSTEN IS FOUND WINNKMlTt'A, Novadu, July L'2 -fOfticiuIr An important tungsten strike lim ben minlc miles northwest of here. A eiii .1000 feet iu length has been ilisclosc'il. BREVITIES'' A special noise atuat, the natur of which ia not .yet disclosed, will . an nounce today' noon meeting at the warship "Hawaii." Tha Hawaiian hand will also play and Joseph Light foot will be the speaker. Kauai will celebrate WSH dny Sat unlay with a patriotic, observance, while athletic features will be present ed, including a baseball game, tug-of-war and foot races. Home of the events will he given on the banks of Wailua river. The committee of the Hawaiian Vi gilance Oorpi having in hand tha peti tion to the President of the (Tatted States urging bim to forbid the publica tion of newspapers and magazine in the German language during the war request that those having these peti tions for signatures return them as soon as reasonably filled to J. K. But ler, Box Lfl7, Honolulu. I'ostmaater Mae Adam reported yes terday that Monday had been the big vest WHH sales day up to that date, :u,U3.-- of WHN and 1741.25 of thrift stamp being purchased on that day. The total WHH and thrift stamp sales for July, including Monday, July -:!. are 10l,lt01.4n. These sales are for Oahft only, which baa to make up an arreara of something over $000,000 in the present drive. The Kaiser was hanged la effigy vesterdav noon in front of the newlv launched WHH ''Hawaii" in Bishop Park. Ad Clubbers bore tha effigy to the grounds, armed guards adding to the realism. A rope was thrown over the limb of a tree and the Kaiser was hoist ed. To be certain he waa actually dead firecrackers were exploded, and sudden ly the Kaiser blew up. He had been stuffed with fireworks. This program was conducted under the direction of Frank Canon. w. a. a. ON LEASED LANDS Work on the .cultivation of the Wai akea lands that are to be homesteaded in the near future has begun, reports the Hilo Tribune, and the plantation is now caring for the cane and will con tinue to do so until the men who ob tain the land are iu possession. All charges for weeding, fertilizing and cultivating will be kept track of and the ultimate homesteader will have to meet the obligation. Although the agreement that has been come to by the plantation and the government has not yet been pub lished, enough is known to show that while the plantation will take care of the cane and insure it against deprecia tion, the homesteaders will eventually pay for everything that has been done. The cost of taking care of the cane will he added to the cost of the borne st and the government will take care that the plantations get paid for the work they have done on the land. The draft of the agreement between the planters and the government can not at present he obtained, but it is known that at Waiakea yesterday the plantation management took hold of caring for the ratoon crop on the big tract that is to be homesteaded. w. a. . WILL BE PROBED Territi i ;.l Treusiirer I"lbert T.. Met'.cer "ill iintiiu'-' :i'i nv ' in ion shortly :n'o the ii ml it urcs by the harbor bo-trd fo:- u ii ling the w.itci front property. Kince he giinr.l ot.blishid ir. January, -rJ-J,lMl,.' Iiuj been urtwii from the . merge icy f Hid it lie r.tp. of f.l70.lll n month f ir V- puyn. -ut of guards. There is but ll.nt.T1il n: it'iiinin ;n tic t rn.'i ge.iey fund et aside for li..-. piirp..-: :in I tit I he rat-1 it is bei . cxp.'ii Ir.l. the fi.i.d v ill last iibiiut through September. A con ferenee v'll be In lit with Illl'b.r Muster Vm 'r slmrtly wirli i: vn w o.' having iiim reduce tin- i.un bet u." guurds to nu! the ,.ics.'.it ;n.iit o.;s. DEMOCRATS ARE FIRED WITH AMBITION Inspired possibly by the length and scope of the Republican platform, the llemocrnts have decided to dig away .Ii.mii n nd pro. luce something equally ponderous. Chairman Watson, Of the Democratic Territorial committee, touched the button yesterday afternoon for nil the men in the party "with an idea." Supervisor McOlellun, who has had charge of the work of platform making, will lay aside his shears and paste pot and join with the others in trying to produce something new and timely. The length of the Kepublicnu plat form has, it was said las) night, .'Bused the Hemocrats to discard tlieir plan of brevity and simplicity, and they will now go "the whole hog." Mr. M.-Clcllau has stated definitely that lie will not run for the Senate in the coming election, preferring to stay with the hoard of supervisors. COURT WILL LISTEN TO PLEA OF WOMEN WITH Tit K A M Kit I CAN ARMY IN KNOI.AND.July Ll ( Associated Press) In order lo leave available all the space on ships possible for the transpor tatiou of men, such war material as can be priiilined in France will continue to be supplied there but the greater part of the gas shells that will be used by the American army, is being handled through British ports. The shipment of u limited number of motor cars ulso has been resumed. O 8- PAXON; whd fa t6 ku t 0 ceed Dr. J. S. B. Pratt aa president of the board of health. I ' , T PAXSON IS TO BE PRESIDENT OF BOARD M HEALTH Resignation of Doctor Pratt De manded and Tendered and New Appointment Will Be An nounced Soon Governor Reti cent S. S. l'axson is to be appointed pres ident of the board of health, replacing Dr. ,L K. B. Pratt, whose resignation was submitted to Governor McCarthy yesterday and accepted. Such is author itative information received by The Advertiser yesterday, though not con firmed by Oovernor McCarthy. There is no doubt as to the correct ness of the report, however. Mr. Pax son had a conference with Oovernor McCarthy yesterday ,'aftrnoon from which he emerged smiling like a man entirely satisfied with the course mst- ters had taken. It has been known around the hoard of health offices for a day or two that Mr. Paxson was to he appointed and that the resignation of Doctor Pratt, which had been de manded, was to be submitted. Doctor Pratt last night refused to say whether or not he had submitted his resignation. "Why don't you ask the Governor?" was his reply to a question in that regard. Governor McCarthy when questioned denied that be had appoint.! a new president of the board of heatlb. "Are you going to appoint M. S. Paxson t" the Governor was asked. Ha Nothing to Bay "I have nothing to say In that re gard," he replied. lie was told that it was authorita tively reported that such was the ease. "I aim not ready to make any an nouncement," he said, "and must de cline to discuss the matter at present." The Govenor announced previous to his own inauguration that he would not retain Doctor Tratt as president of the board of health. He said be wanted a business man at the head of the department, though he hoped Doctor Pratt would remain in some other capacity. It is understood, how ever, that, since he is not to retain the presidency. Doctor Pratt will en tirely sever his connection with the department. What is to happen to the other mem bers of the department is problema tical. It is understood that the Demo cratic territorial committee is divided on the question of whether or not Kirk Porton shall be nllowad to retain his position as secretary of the board. Home members of the committee want him ousted while others are in favor of his retention. Charlock To Jo In the case of Clifford Charlock, chief sanitary oHic.r, it is understood that the Democratic committee is virtual ly u ii it n i n i .ii s in dctnunding his dis charge in order that some "deserving Democrat" may be given his place. Charlock, of course, is a Republican. According to whut was said to he authentic information yesterday, the Democrats have decreed that civil service shall be eliminated from the board of health. This report caused much apprehension in many quarters, as it is feared that such a move would greatly impair the efficiency of the de partment, (iciicrnl regret was also ex pressed over the report that Clifford Charlock is not to be retained in his present position, ns he hns been regard ed as an exceptionally efficient officer and one whose long experience makes him difficult adequately to replace. How the hoard of health can be tak en out from under civil service appears to be n question, as an act of the legis lature would he required. But there undoubtesdly is a firm intention on the part of the Democrats tcset tn t that the plums in that department go to the faithful. Doctor Pratt returned a few days ego from the mainland, where he at tended a conference of board of health heads. It was understood during his absence that his plucc was not to be filled until his return. Mr. I'nxsoti is at present manager of the Koyal Hawaiian Garage, having taken that position recently after severing his connection with the Hchu man Carriage Company. He has served one term iu tho lower house of the legislature. W. 8. g. Can You Afford the Risk? Wete von ever seized with a severe utt.'ick of cramp colic or d rrhoea without a bottle of Chuiuberlaii 's Colic and Diniilioea Itemeilv in the houset Don't take such risks. A dose or two 'vill cure ou before a doctor could possibly be called, and it never fails even in the most severe and dangerous cases. Kor sale by Benson, Smith & Co. Advertisement. & M....- ...... ,,M... y.., SHE "SETTLED'1! n BUT. FISHERMEN Fl ; . " A, - ' . Unless They Keep Their Word Marketing Commission Will Jake Charfje . PLANS TO ELIMINATE ;; - MIDDLEMEN ENTIRELY Child Will Be "lacked By Board For Present No Other Action To Be Taken Just Now The lah question has been "nettled" and the strike "Is off," according to an official announcement of Food Ad lijilstrator F. Child, yesterday after noon. Rut, notwithstanding their prom ise to him, the fishermen have not put to sea. Not one of them started flah ing yesterday, t'p to a late hoar yes terday too late for tbem to do any thingnot a fisherman had unmoored his sampan; not one had taken on ice or bait or gasoline. The strike may be off, but there is no flsh in the mar ket and no immediate prospect of any. This situation gives point to the deliberations yesterday of the newly appointed Territorial Marketing Com mission, which held a meeting for the purpose of organising. Mr. Child was present and advised the commission that the fish question was all settled and the. strike off. The fishermen, he said, would go out yes terday afternoon. On this showing the marketing com mission took no action along the lines previously contemplated, which includ ed taking the entire fishing question out of the hands of the food commis sion and of Mr. Child and handling it directly as an important part of the duties of the marketing commis sion. It was not until after the meet ing adjourned that the commissioners learned, through personal observation, that the promises of the fishermen to Mr. Child bad not been kept. Flan of Commission The plan originally worked nut for the marketing commission and which it was the intention to put into nper ation, had in view the entiro elimina tion of the stallmen and of the fish ing companies. If the fish question is not settled and the strike not broken, this plan will probably be revived at the neit meeting of the commission, next Wednesday. According to one of the commission ers, the marketing kommission pro poses to take over the entire market ing of fiah. The stallmen will be left out of consideration and the flahermn required tojuta over thrir product to the marketing commission. This body will, upon the arrival of each sampan in port with its catch, pay the fisher men at once sixty percent of the value of the fish, which will give them funds wherewith to equip for the next voy age and also upon which to live. The balance will be paid later, after the fish have been sold, probably in about fifteen days. Saving For Fishermen The stallmen now collect twenty percent of the selling price of the flsh. The marketing commission proposes to charge only ten percent, for miming expenses, thus saving the fishermen ten percent. The marketing commission will also refuse to recognize or deal with tho fishing companies. They are to be left out of consideration eutircly. One of the commissioners said yes terday that the marketing division is thoioughly equipped to handle fish. The floor of the present territorial market is of concrete jind with the expendi ture of a little money can be turned into an ideal fish market. Sewer con nections are already maile, mo mere 'hi lie no objection from a sanitary standpoint. i For the present, however, until it is demonstrated whether or not Mr. Child's handling of the situation is goini! to work out satisfactorily, the marketing commission proposes to stand behind him and buck him up to the limit. If his announced solution turns out not to be the success ha hopes it will, then the marketing com mission will step in and take charge. To Retain Llghtfoot Those present at the meeting of the commission yesterday were Chairman Fred Hush, Kben Low, Frank Andrade, John Clark and .1. M. McChesney. The commission went to some extent into the financial affairs of the old market ing division but finally threV up its hands and decided it could make neith er head nor tail of them. It was de rided to wipe the slate clean and start all over again. The question of-the appointment of u manager was discussed but no autien was taken. It has been unofficially de cided, however, according to one of the members, to appoint Oswald Light foot, present manager of the marketing divi sion, and give him a ehauce to make good. If be does, he will bo retained. If he does not, another man will be put in his place. But it is folly ex pected that be will make good, with a strong commission behind 'him to back him up. w, 1. 1. HAWAIIAN COMMERCIAL OUTPUT BEATS ESTIMATE lu the II n a I clean up it is fuuud that Hawaiian Commercial t Sugar Com panv, 011 Maui, has run out considerably above calculations. The estimate wus r:i,((0, but the total output will be 57,5011, or 4,50(1 tons mure than hud been expected. Had it not been for the drought Inst year, which did con siderable dainuge to the 1HIH crop, the total would have gone ubove tlll,0HO tons. ARE IT SUING