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8 Hawaiian gazette, Tuesday, july 30, 1918. -semi-weeKly. RICE VS. SUGAR UNK'S ISSUE IF HE ENTERS RACE But McCandless Is Beginning To Wonder If Maybe Some Other Democrat Mightn't Be Better TO RUN OR NOTTTO RUN: THAT'S THE QUESTION Accuses Plantation Interests of . Trying To Throttle Rice Indus try To Get Chinese Laborers "Link" McCandless, who ha the habit Of running for dolegate to eon (re on the Democratic ticket, will reason a rice jilRtform thin year if ha rana at all. A statement to thin of- feet Was made by Mr. McCandless yes- J erday. I But "Link" may not run. Whether or not be will he says he hns not yet decided. He is beginning to wonder it it ia not just barely posishle that then ia nome other man in the Demo cratic party who might mnke a pns aible, eaadidato, who might even run faster and farther than himself, not withtsanding all hi riperience. Truly, "tha world do move." Mr. McCandless was asked yester day wbether or not he was ready yet to announce hi candidacy. He wasn 't. Ho waa still waiting, with one ear creased closely to the ground, he inti mated, to uncertain from tha leaders ' of tha Democratic precinct clubs whether or not there is a loud and in- ' aiatent demand that he once more enter fba lists. ' 1 But even if such a demand should be voiced in stentorian tones, the hitherto perpetual candidate, whose aspirations ; have, up to this year bloomed biennielly with all their pristine freshness, said ha wasn't at all sure he wonld heed the Macedonian call. He might, and then gain he might not. Not Scared, Anyway i , But if he doesn't run, It will not be because he is afraid to go before the people on his rice record. He wanted I that made perfectly plain. I ' Indeed, he intimated that should he laaneh an offensive once more on the oft fought over political battle field, soma .of the shots he would fire at his eneaaiea would be in the nature of rice pellets. . Bice versus sugar will be the cam paign issue npon which the veteran enndidate will make the race if he , makes it. I Aaked if it was fear of attack be- eanae of hia difference with the food commission over the question of rice ' prieee that might keep him out of the j race, "Link" waxed eloquent. A rice . platform, he asserted, migth be just as good ia Hawaii aa one sweetened with sugar. Referring to the suggestion by "By ataader" in The Advertiser yesterday that a loeal aongsmith was grinding ont a campaign song for McCandless entitled "1 didn't raisp my rice to feed the soldiers," "Link" said that was ot entierly correct. He didn't raise hia .rice, he said, to fatten plantation laborers at three dollars a bag less than they are willing to pay for Japan ese rice. "I am not afraid to go before the people and explain my stand on the rice question," said the Land Locked ono. BUtDM Sugar Men All the trouble over rice is blamed by '.'Link" under the " iniquitous sugar men''.. And ho drugs tho skeleton right -ont of the eleset and rnttlcs its dry bones in the full light of noonday. The sugar men. he say, always have tried to kill the rice industry in Ha waii. Now they are trying to do it legally while they have the opportunity. This ia the way Link states the problem and works out the answer: "The best cane cutters in the Is lands are Chinese. "Nearly all the Chinese latmrers arc engaged in cultivating rice. "Therefore, if the rice industry were killed off, the Chinese would have to work on the sugar plant it inns, thereby alleviating the present llor shortage. "y. K. D." Defend His Actions McCandless defends his act urn in selling Hawaiian rice nbovc the price filed by the food administration w ith ronniderH lile heat. lie says he was complying with the request "I the food commission and Belling Ins rice for eight dollars a bug. three dollars less than the price Japanese rice as bring ing ;n the open market. I hen, he says, California rice was imported and sold on the market for $I0.U5 a bag. It was after this that he began marketing Hawaiian rice for the same figure, regardless of the food com mission rules, which eventually led to his arrest on a charge of profiteering, and the question of the constitutional ity of the food commission 's powers carried up to the supreme court, where it now awaits a decision. He says it was "Hunnish" for tha food commission to try to dictate the price of Hawaiian rice, when no con trol was assumed of the price of im ported rice. McCandless nsks the ques tion, "What would the sugar men have done!" if they had been ordered by Hoover to sell their sugar at several dollars less a ton than the sugar of the Philippines, because of the differ enae' in ,thfl; freight rates between Ho nolulu and the mainland, and those between" Manila and the mainland. McCandless says the principle in the same and that Hawaiian rice growers sltoilM be allowed to take advaiitni;--of the open market price in compcti tion with Japanese rire, the same n the Hawaii sugar men are given Hi ad vantage over the Philippine sugar irrespective of any differences in the freight rates. It 'a upon this contention tlmt. Mc Caadless says he is willing t go be fore the people in the coming cr-uimiir--if the Democratic precinct binder vlnce him he should be a candidate and. he decides there is not mint her BIG FIRM FACES SEVERAL CHANGES Alexander & Baldwin's Loss By Death and Call Means Al mosLReorganization As a result of the loss of J. P. Cnnle, its president, by death nnd J ' latest suggestions emanating from K. (ialt. second vice president tiy re j Provost Marshal General Crowder, just son of his call into tho service of the received at the office of Capt. H. Good government, Alexander k Baldwin ing Field, selective draft officer for the fares something which will approach Territory. Copies or the suggestion reorganization. Admittedly there is no hT b 7 Captain Field to one who can exactly fill the niche In business affairs, whether of the firm or of the community, aa did J. P. Cooke, but a president will have to be selected nnd in making this selection it is not unlikely- that a number of changes will result. Already surmises as to the probable new directorate and official personnel of Alexander A Baldwin are heard. It is considered unlikely that the regular line of advancement will be followed. If this were done it would mean that W. M. Alexander would head the con cern as president, but he resides on the rnninlsnd apd it is thought unlikely that he will return to Honolulu to head the firm. Next in order would be "J. R. Oslt, second vice president, but he is an officer of the reserve and has received orders to proceed to the mainland, which removes him as a possibility. W. O. Smith is third vice president, John Ouild is secretary and John Waterhouae is treasurer. From the active part Mr. Waterhouae has been t.iking in the affairs of the house for the past two years it ia considered highly probable that he will be the successor to Mr. Cooke as president. If such be the case it will still leave two other vacancies to be filled. w. a. s. CREDIT FOR BILL MRS MAN GETS Wife of Hilo Man Intlnimentol, g-u7 J&S In Securing Congressional Action money compensation. on Hawaii Suffrage tot'S3li . . , . . . . filing in the office jf the provoat mar- The vicotry which was won in eon- gh, wnl gress to extend woman suffrage to the ' x board of inatruction may be ap v.omtn of the Hawaiian Islands is said pointed to cover two or more areaa of t h a been Inigelv due to the effort local boar Is, where the loeal boards of Mrs. Benjamin Pitman, of Boston, thereof eoasent to cooperate, wife of the late Benjamin Pitman, who "Subject to the ultimate authority ws born in Hilo. but who lived for of tho "' board, each board of in more than fifty years in the Maaaa- "truction will perform its work by in chusetta metropolis, and died about the dividual interview and group meetings first week in July. Tho following witl the selective, by giving advice statment concerning local suffrage was insturction on all subjects that are sent from New York to the Christian necessary or useful to future soldiers, Sconce Monitor on July 11: ' n'1 b7 "ranging for preparatory tail The National American Woman 8uf- ""fy drill and instruction where feas frage Association expects that the Ha- H)'e- waiian legislature will promptly ex-! "Th authority of each local selee tend to the women of that country the tive ""vice board will control in the same territorial and municipal elec- done within that area; but it is tion privileges as the Hawaiian men expected that there will be full cooper enjoy, since the United States congress tlon "d harmony, in the same manner has passed a bill authorising such ae- heretofore experienced with the legal tion. The ilawniian legislature has al- , advisory boards. ready shown its oifipoeition in the mat- "Local boards are authorized and di ttr, since it hvi sort twe memorials to1 r,",0,, to f""""" to the boards of in congress urging such action. The aa- strurtion access to the records for the soeiation reports that this suffrage vie- purpose of compiling lists of names and tory is largely due to the efforts of, and to send out in the name Mrs. Benjamin F. Pitman of Massa- i ot the loral board any notices of meet- chusetts, who has been working for ,n or interviews a oesirea ana re them. Mr. Pitman is a son of the i quoted by the boards of instruction." Chieftainess Kinole of Hilo, who was i extremely influential among her peo ple. When her son, after fifty years' absence from his home, returned there, he found that the people had transfer- i red their allegiance to him. "In the days of the monarchy, Ha waiian women took great interest in j politics and could be effectively active, j The women are today, as heretofore, I possessors of great wealth, and hold a large share of the property. The men fully appreciate the wisdom, public spirit and executive ability of the wo men, both of the native and missionary classes, but since the monarchy ceased to exist and Hawaii became a territory of the I ' ii i ted States, they have been obliged to take their place beside their American sisters of the unfranchised states. The men of Hawaii believe, with us, that taxation without repre sentation is tyranny, and have gone as far as they can to rectify the injus tice," said Mrs. Pitman. "It was known in Hawaii," she con tinued, "that 1 was greatly interested in this subject, and' almost immediately upon my arrival 1 was asked to bold suffrage meetings. I soon learned that I was in a suffrage country, that the suffrage bill had been voted upon fav oarbly by both the Democratic and Republican parties. It was my privi lege to be present at the opening of the legislature, and I was able to in terview members of both Houses. Kvery man to whom I spoke, including the president of the senate and the speaker of the house, expressed himself in favor of stilTrane. Hawaii had swan nad passed an overwhelming vot the Delegate had been romm lay the bill before congress had tsopped, as far as they knew. I Everyone was awaiting the outcome,1 nml us the months went tiv without ' hearing one way or the other, I prom ised the women of Hawaii to inquire into the matter." Democrat who eo race. Meantime, while run, or not to uld make better ho it (IfM-iiling to riro or no riri, hr .. .1 ... la... I ....l:..:... ..f his iiniHt hi oim ii iii; Democratic oimo nt-nt, Ir. .1 I! rtnymnnd PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure blind, bleeding, itching or pro truding l'lI.HS iii 6 to 14 dins or iiKinev refunded MhiiuIhi tint- by tie' '. K !.-- , I "If I N U I.'. I SI . ,,ui Motion Board !!E A special Board of Instruction to in struct selective under the draft system to prepare them to go to camp willing, loyal, clean ana sober, la One of the trict and medical advisory board. The plan is aa follow: "The attention of this office ha been favorably attracted by the oe- cessful result in several cities ' and I towns of a systematic plan of instrue I tion for selective prior to their call in the draft. The plan includes all such measures a are beet calculated to pre- pare the selective to gr to eamp will , ing, loyal, intelligent, elean and sober, j and thus better to fit them for rapid ' progress In their military education after joining the Army. It 1 believ ed that such a plan will prove useful and practicable in other local board areaa. Wherever such a plan If in struction has not already been under taken and the loeal sentiment will sus tain it, the plan should be now put in to effect by the appointment of a spec ial board of instruction. In order that the movement may be coordinated, su pervised, and controlled in all it rela tions to the selective servie system, the board of instruction should bo under the authority of the local board and should serve to' relieve the local board of all personal burdea involved in the instruction. "The board of instruction will con sist of an appropriate number of eiti sens having the highest character and ability and enjoying the confidence of the eommnnity. The member will be selected by the local board. Wherever other ageacie have already actively undertaken such work in the same area (and particularly the loeal committee or war council under the state councils of defense), the loeal board can, if it sees lit, accord them a representation in the board of instruction. Every mem ber of tho board of instruction will be I expected to take aa active personal w. s. a - T VISITS SUN YAT-SEN Dr. turer Hun Yat Hen, he rebel adven tioiii Konh China, has decided to leave .I.hi.iii sooner than lie had expected, says the Japan Advertiser of June 2H. He has left Hakone for Kyoto and probably will sail from Kobe on June i?7. A revolutionary bill of 50,000 Yen recently piesented to Doctor Hun may, or may not, hae hastened his depur tore. It i k ie hi (lyainu, a Japanese blue jacket on the reserve list, paid a visit to the Doctor and demanded payment of the al.ove sum in accordance with a contract alleged to have been con eluded at the uuUet of the revolution in 1912. For the benefit of Japanese who aided the Koutheru cause Doctor Kun is sniil to have promised to pav 30,000 Yen to bereaved families of of fleers and 1,000 Yeu to the families of privates OyaniH says he raised 300 navalers under this contract and participated in the revolutionary fighting, with the result that three men were killed. The bluejacket claims, therefore, that 50, 000 Yen, is due him, but that Sun i Yet refused to remit. w. a. a. w 'DECISION MADE FOR T (ireensburg, Pa. --As a result of n con ference recently held between H. W. Jackson, Chief Kngineer for the Mtutc Highway I lepart mejit for this district, mill So i,t i ,i t . I.... It VI l l ' "r Hoiid ' (lUiiiiiKMiiuier William (1. It Max decided to leHurfure. oil and improve the Lincoln Highway in the (ireeiiHbuig district. A force of men hm already been placed at this work. i A NtMtcmejit son that the l.n military run. I u army truck .lie ill perfect repaii Utilize! to kce a Hindi- l.v Mr. Jack oln Highway, being a r which thousands of pn suing, iniist he kept Prison labor will be the coiintv roads in romlitioii fo travel. I PEOUi'GSHOE G TO BERLINlTinrnn Tiir nninr rnrvni Tiinnrii uni A Million and a Half Pairs To 6, Delivered Every Month To ' American Forces According to the Government Hid and Leather, Control Board, ihe prin cipal use to which, leather I being put at the present moment is for the Pershing I reach, shoe., ' Beginning pn August 1,' there Will b delivered one snd on half million pair of Cie Per shing trench shoeA every month, says the New York Evening Post ' Fach pair of these shoe weigh' live and a half pound. The shoes are heavier than those 'used by tha armi.ji of Great Britain or France, j They nre com posed of a . sole about three quarters of an inch; thick,' 'madn of four solos, or four thicknesses of leather. Tho sole and heel are completely stud ied with iron nails. 'Affixed to each heel and sole are ' iron plates so thst the sol dier is wearing out the metal all the time instead of leather. After three metal nails and'' plates wear out, the shoe are exchanged for new lines, while the old are being res added aud replnted to b wora again. The uppers of these shoes' are the finest and heavi est that can be made. Most Durable of AJ1 Therefore, the Tersh ing trench shoe in construction aad -quality represents the most durable and most modern in all respects that the men in this branch of the lenther industry bnv ever been able to tur ont. The shoe was miidc after the meet -careful analysis of the wearing qualities of army shoes turned ont by the. AlUe ince the war . began. The manufacture . of the ' Fershing trench shoe ha made it necessary for the authorities ' Washington to con serve all leather and not allow the sale of any, thicker than "8 Iron." or about an . eighth of an , inch. No . tanner vrill sell sole leather any thicker I than that - ' - ' ' I The largert use of outside ' of that set aside' for the Pershing trench shoo, or possibly larger, is for j harnoaa. for which there i. a. tremen dous demand. It is stated that the Government ' especta, within the nxt , sixty daya, to have sll the block her ne leather, it. renuires: as for russet . fA-ak.- -t.nA ..mixtion if i as HVStl 4 svas tuvi y mm i ifuaiiii..- ' still required.- The tanners of the United States ars endeavoring to cup ply this . demand for russet harness leather, which unquestionably will be met In time. Army officers hrc paying apoeial . attention to the 'manufacture and quality of stirrup strap's for caval ry and artillery horses. They are mak- i . i -i : 4. : ..... .... . ,tr.. because If one bri n.Vs ' 7.J r, . j.,u tk- Big Leather . Demand There kaa been a irreat foreign da manof for American sole leather, as' a result of the war, and a vast amount of it has been exported. ' This eonfli tion Is the result of the almoit ectn - k. .1... manufaeturors of sole leather in th9 countries involved in tha war. When the big conflict ends,, there will be a natural falling off in American -sole leather exports. As to upper leather, the foreign trade, especially tlmt of South America, will continue to buy it in great quantitiea, because the poo pie like it for its looks, neatness, and adaptability to style. There will, al ways be a great market for it. The export trade of belting will U vo'ry lar,-e. Kurope alone will call for prac tically all we can produce, and the demand will last for some months be fore normal conditions prevail. Officer Sneezes and Six Polacks Answer "Present" Much difficulty is being experienced by army officials when it comes to cull ing the roll daily, with the mixed na tionalities that are in our new army at Fort Hhafter and BchofieUl Barracks. Filipino and some of the longer Ha waiian names seem tobe the stumbling bloek upon which these officers' trip. Now conies John Edgar, a draftee from Kauai, who entered the army service about, three week ago, who cays that the jaw breaking names of the Filipinos her are not a circum stance to wht tbey are ia the canton menti in certain district of southern Ohio and eastern Pennsylvania, where Poles, Slovaks and other kindred na tionalities live iaV lsrge numbers. "I was in an army cantonment in Ohio last summer," said Kdgar yester day, "and some of the names that were culled off at roll call were weird to say the least. I recall an instnnrc, when one of the officers happened to sneer.e, while calling the roll, and at least six Polacks answered 'Present.' " i w. s. s. I HAN FRANCISCO, July 11 (Astio eiated Press) Horse meat may appeur t on the market -throughout California iu the near future if plaas submitted to the federal livestock eommiasion of the Knifed Htates food administration for California are acted upon favor ably, it was announced tonight. Lnrge drovea of half wild horses, worthless for draught purposes, are roaming the ranges of northern Cnli- t fornia, Nevada aad Montana, eating grass and herbage needed badly Cor beef cattle, according to reports sub mitted to the food administration. The livestock commission, it waa said, may Hike mi Ihe matter Ivith a view either to plnee this horse flesh on the market or to utilize it in some other way. rider. The strap i, made of russet today, tomorrow and Wedn srfijr. aATi" " " 'VP-to. at 8t. I-is, today, tomorrow, . Ilbtnd lAlAtuKAlit tUKIi InllUoAIIU . FROM PHILADELPHIA Red So Lose Again To Chicago Indians and Yanks Stage Tie Game AMXRI0AK LEAOVB BTANDIKO r. w. i Pet 83 6. 38 .501 04 58 42 .553 91 60 48 .543 89 4fT 43 .SIT 90 43 47 .478 91 42 49 .412 91 40 51 .440 90 37 43 .411 Boston . . ....... Cleveland Washington New York Chicago St. Ixuis Detroit .. Philadelphia . . . Yesterday's Result At HL Irfiuis Ht. Louis 4, Washing ton 3. At Chicago Chicago 8, Boston 0. . Al Cleveland New York 2, Cleve land 2; called at the end of, the tenth inning on account of rain. ',' At Dctorit Detroit 6, Philadelphia 0 (first game); Detroit 6,' Philadelphia 2, (seeond game). How Series Ended Detroit 4, Philadelphia 1. Washington 3, Ht. Louis 1. Cleveland 2, New York 0. Chicago 3, Boston 1. Today' Games Boston at SL Louis. New York at Detroit. Washington at Chicago. Philadelphia at Cleveland. Tk. T ..... t.J U. i wtn n.ln.H League leaders, were in for another defeat yesterday, being beaten at cm- eago by the White Sox. It was a per- ' aw,y to a perfect start. Duke imme fect afternoon for the home team, for diately forged to the front, but was they blsnked the viistors by the one-' fooled by Topp when they had raced aided score of 8-0. In the series which osea yesxoroay jnicago ioo inr ux 'u' P'yd "ltn Boton- frying at home, the Browns manag. d to Win from the vlsting Washington f y cl" .3 W'h' '"tf?" captured three of the four games of - . t. . Th Kreatest game of the dsy was a . . ili . l . 1 M i a Cleveland, where the Indians a ,ne.,.- " P,"yeu.u 'h Kame heln ealled th? end of fr,me 00 aceonDt Tain, The only double-header of the day was staged in Detroit, where the Tigers won both games. Detroit took the first, blanking the visitors by a 8-0 core. In the second game victory went again to the home team, this time by a 6-2 score. New Series Opens Today The new series opens today, all the o'ubs playing in the West still Wash iigton meets the White Nox at Cnicago ! Wednesday and Thursday ' ' In 'the series just closed the Detroit Tiger msde the best showing, winning four of tho live games with the Athle tics. Washington and Chicago each won three of the four games in their series from tho Browns and Red Sox, respectively. Boston is leading in the league, be ing three and a half games ahead of Cleveland, while Washington is one full game back of the Indians. New York is two and a half games in the rear of Washington. Detroit has gain ed considerably, even though Chicago hold its own. No games were scheduled in the Na tional League for yesterday and none were pla'ycd. The schedule for today is as follows: Pittsburgh at New York, Cincinnati at Philadelphia, Chi cago at Boston and Ht. Louis at Brook lyn. CHINESE FALLS FROM LADDER AND MAY DIE Ng Chack, Chinese fifty years of age, pHrtner in the Quong Hing Loy dry goods store on King .Street near Nun ami Street, fell from a ladder in the rear of his place of business yesterday nft.eriioon shortly a.fter five o'clock ami was protiahly finally Injured, ine injured man was taken to the emergen cy hospital and upon being examined by Dr. R. (1. Ayer it was found that he had sustained a serious fracture at the base of the skull. He was taken to the Queen's Hospital where little hope ia held out for his recovery. Ng Chack, assisted by his fifteen year old son, Ng Hau, was engaged in clean ing off an iron roof in the rear of the Hing Loy stor. He was standing part ly on the top of a ten foot step-ladder and partly on a light woodon brace on the building when tho latter gave way and he crashed to the concrete floor below, striking on his head. Ng Chack ha sa wife and thre eaons, one of whom is in the national guard at Fort Hhafter. Ho is well known in Honolulu, having made his hbme here for a number of years and has a wide circle of friends in Chinese business and social circles. w. a. s. i BUD NORWOOD LEAVES ! FOR CONSUL'S POST HAN FKANCIHCO. Norwood, known as ' golf course about the day for Washington July 1H 8. F. ' Bud ' ' on every bay, left yester and expects to take over an appointment as vice consul at Berne, Switzerland. "Bud" Norwood eiiu drive u irold bnll further hii I then do more trifling with it than nnv first class golfer in these Hurts. But with all his trifling "Bud" has nlways been a mighty hard mun to beat. Murin was his favorite club, though he was n director of the Lin coln Turk Golf Club uml u member of California. NOW JOf'fRE AVENUE NKW YOKK, .Inly 1.1 -Mayor Hy lan next week will request the board of estimate to reuume one of the finest New York I horoi:giif:ires as the "Ave I ne Juffre Mariie. iu honor of the hero of the SEE DUKE SWIM ' ';. r ': Clarence Lane Presses Kahana moku In 100-Yard Contest, Staged In Chicago CHICAGO, July 15 Swimming with a free and easy crawl stroke, Duk Ksbanmoku, Hawaiian swimmer, ' won the 100-yard race, feature' of the ec ond day 'a program hf the Chicago Ath letic Association 'a patriotic water csr nival, in the Lincoln 'Park lagoon, be fore a crowd larger than that of Satur day, when 40,000 persons were present. Before the contest it ws learned Ptr ry McOillivrsy of Great Lake Naval Training station would noa compete, Official of the station asserted Ferry had not agreed fo meet Xahanamoku In the aentury, although the Hawaiian conceded a point by swimming McGH livray 220 yards, which ia supposed to bo Perry 's specialty. The event was open, and any contestant could swim or withdraw, as he ehoae. Duke Ooea After Accord . Kahanamoku therefore attempted to break bis own world 's record of :5.t for 100 yards ' and continue to 100 meters in an effort to lower his world's mark oY 1:01 1-5. The other starters were Clarence Lane of Hawaii, Walter Earle and Her bert Topp of the C. A. A. After the Hawaiian had gone through their usual limbering up they were sent twenty yards. The foul compelled Duke to break his stroke, and before he could get nnder way again Lane and Earle had drawn np to even term a Kah'narooktt Wins By Yard Scenting the danger of defeat, Duke bent to his task. By nse of long, powerful strokes and strong kicks he again went to the front, but waa im , medially .hallenged by his teammate, Lane. In the meantime Topp and Earle had been outdistanced by three yards. As Duke and Lane neared the fin ish Kahanamoku gained and went un der the line winner by a scant yard. He held this lead by the same margin when he passed under the wire which denoted the finish of the 100 meters. The five timers gave his intermediate time for the lfX) yards at tS0 2-5, and for the 1000 meters, 1:03 4 8. Neither ia a record. Walksn Beat Kruger. The other race of particular Interest to the lsrge gathering was the 440 yard event, in which Buddy Wallen of Great Lakes, who established a new world's straights way record of 6:25 for the distance Saturday, was pitted against Harold Kruger of Hawaii. , The field of sevon starters hit the water at once aad all started for the finish platform with powerful crawl stroke. Wallen and Kruger soon drew away from the field. At the end of the first 100 yards the pair was five yards in advance of the other bunched contestants. As Wallen and Kruger passed the 220 yard mark Wallen led by three yards, whilo Kruger had a lead of ten yards over Laubis of the Oreat Ikes As he neared the finish the crowd cheered Wslleti and he bent to bis task in earnest. The bugler 'gave the chow call as he did on Saturday to make rJuilrty swim raster. Wallen swam strong at tbe finish and touched the platform fifteen yards in advance of Kruger, who was an equal distance in advance of Laubis. Wallen 's time was IS.3.1 1 5. Hawajlans Try Other Btont This event finished the racing as far as the Hnwaiians were concerned. Dur ing the intervals between races Duke showed he wss some single skull artist by beating Fred Metternick of the Lin. coin Park Boat Club in a 440-yard race Duke nlso attempted canoe t'ltiug, but was upset by one of the Lincoln Park Boat Club members, Kruger, Li'i" ami j jj,,! w(un up their work by giving an exhibition of triple oar swimming which proved interesting. All kinds of novelty events, such- as nightshirt relays, tub races, canoe tilt ing, -ami tug of war contests, were held, in addition to fancy diving ex hibitions by men and women from the high and low boards. As a climax to the great carnival Coxswain Jack Oruple of Great Lakes, who acted as announcer, reminded the crowd it was Bastille day. He com manded Ihe gathering to give three cheers for France, and they were given with a world of spirit. ' w. a a F AMHTKHDAM, July 2( Associated Press) The present rations in Berlin ure as follows, tbe quantities being for ore person for one week: Brend and flour, 4 pounds. Butter snd margnrine, 2'j ounces. Potatoes, 7 pounds. Mi-at, 4V4 ounces. Bones. 1 ounces. Wausnge, 1 ounces. Hiiyar., (1 ounces. Is addition, esrh person is allowed one egg a month. Milk is provided only for children under six yesrs of ii e and for invalids. w. a a CRAMP COLIC. No need of suffering from cramps in the stomach or intestinal pains. Chsm berluin s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy rever fails to relieve ths most severe inscs. Get it today, there will be no time to send for It after the attack comes oa. For sale hy all dealers. Benson, fih t Co. Ltd., Agent for ila-iii uoAft factors, tmrjvxa AMU COMMISSION MERCHANT! v ' IN8UBANCB AOBNTaV Kt Plant avion Oornpacy - i : Wsiliiha Agricultural Co., Ltd. , j , ,. Ap has Sugar Co., Ltd. ; KohaN Sugar Company ' ,' Wabiaww Water Company, Lta PuHoa Iron Work, ot Bt. Lout . , Babeoek Wllco Companyx . (,., Green' Fuel Economlaer Comma Chaa.; C,, ,Muot ,Co:, Eafineara, WLATSO ' NAVIGATION OOMTAVY - TOYO XISBN KAIBHA BUY THRIFT and WAR SAVING . ; ; .'STAMPS of business Ann and tadlvidaal Invited. Our present sjrtenslvs clientele tsstlflss to the' satisfac tion we give our patrons la con siderate, conservative financial ser vie. - Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. Corner Fort snd f'erchsnt Streets CANADIAN AUSTRALASIAN ROYAL MAIL LINE Regular Bailings to BRITISH ( COLUMBIA (change at Victoria, B C, for Seattle; Vancouver Is con necting point for passengers by CANADIAN PACIFIC BAILWAY to or via tS. Paul, ChieaCgo or Mon treal), FIJI, NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA. Theo. H. Davies &Co.Ltd KAA HUMAN U 8TBEET CASTLE & COOKE Co., Ltd HONOLULU, T. H. i Commission Merchant5 Sugar Factors Ews Plantation Co. Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. Apokaa 8ugar Co., Ltd. Fulton Iron Works of St. lxiul Blake Steam Pumps Western Centrifugals Babeoek A Wilcox Boilers Green 's Fuel Eeonomiaer Marsh Stesm Pumps Matsou Navigation Co. Planters' Line Shipping Co Kohala Sugar Co. BUSINESS CARDS. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Ma chinery of every description aaade im order. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE SEMI-WEEKLY. Issued Tuesdays and Fridays (Kntered at the Postoffice of Honolulu,, T. IL, as second class matter) SUBSCRIPTION RATES Per Year 2.(M) Por Year (foreign) 3.00 Payable Iuvariably in advance. MBMSBB Of THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tk AssodaUd Prass is xelnslvaly a tltlad to ths nsa for republication ef all aaws-SaspstohM oroditad to It or not othor wlso ersdltod In this pspor and also tho local bows published therein. 0. 8. CRANE, Business Manager. DENTISTS FIND CURE FOR "TRENCH MOUTH" San Francisco, July 13 Announce ments that "trench mouth," a disease of the fighting forces, has been pract ically conquered, and the passage of a ycsplntiqtv 'evoripR legitimate , dental uuvemning, rrainrox mi unai nay OI the California State Dental association here today. Dr. Karl T. Meyer of the Hopper re search laboratory, University of Cali fornia, announced nlso the discovery of a new investing material to take the place of tlje plaster paris now in use in dental laboratories. It was explained ' that-i" trench mouth" is caused by the inability of the men in the trenches toitlean their teeth properly, and results, in a host of digestive ailmets. ' Froinulns which were said to amply cope with the dis ease were read. In the advertising ri solution, the association placed itself on record as not being nposed to advertising as such, but stated that it was unquest ionably opposed to " professional ad vertising ' which is untruthful, mislead or bombastic in character." It frvor ed an educational campaign through uewepnper advert using "for the better ment of the health of people of Oali fornia. Castle &Cooke, ACCOUNTS M ... r