f. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, : F Rl DAYfAUG OSTy ?2, 191R -SF. M t-WEEKLY; 16 I 1 1 t -P .'"-'v 'a.:-' ' " '- ' W . .,.' V , the OirmiH are replying feebly, evidently having few ping loft on thrtir Inoutlt. . irinif .t."- J"rh,Ba Kun" wr relied, nponito rotnnl tho Allies in their advance wntle the pinna for a further retirement-were bring worked out. " ' '; l .' i lawaa taken early in the day laid thft the order had already bccis' eiveii' ior retirement bv tha German lo'thn Vu t : roopn an.l atiply traini were proceeding toward Fiamea for the new line- !.i.?'A".,,r'r,V,,r''"' of ,vlllVn'Tardnpl-, thW tieriaana made a locnr , u)m vne r renin, at Mllgnyj nctnu; repaintd;" p tr- , ' fi II t.'ijm,f.t!?'?.L'ri"i,,f the past two, wa been U,yr ' a'j.l ViTV,"e.J P ,n the between tha t)ftmtk and thirty-'Orst of- July .f, t.J Ai1 lur'S?' "jj period, Ja addition te'th known slaughter f tho.anrhfenV aidl "r w fl"0B). Hewitt n MV Bw j.afc ibdtAiA B X. o. . J ' . I . . - . I iroa uw nuuimniii a M 1 1 W m in ; M t varv nr(m T tiA aa lit aa haawa. A I. ..... iximMmrs u inn nuiBMons-minim ironi. - ,- . . , I ; 5 VArtHlNOTOVi Anoint 1 (OffleW) ' rTW i-qaaury, , departmant announced thaUtha war, xpettaea... of ha Unitol : Watwfnr Jd!yrwire tpreximately :K2fimflQ0S a compared with. 4fiVlf , toOOJnoOiin. Jnne last and $1,058,000,000 ia Kfay4i , Tha -daiiy outlay In July araonnal . tOiBbOBt 4IJ.O(,000, of; whirli 10,000,- txt-wera hnn(t to the Alliea and the 'ramatndrweat to ynrloa (toveTamr ft . tal itepartmenta for' war. ttpeneea:- v 'Tk. (tflwhwiwit in finnnclnff Itaelf thrtoehaaleir f ertlfioatea of indebt Mtweia ii antlrlpatiim of ' the fourth Iiiherty loaik. mora- than A1.flR0.0OO.000 eoMlntf la tfirovh. thia eurc in July. In- ndditittal the povermmt revived 4J,00moo:froni' belated income and 'xeeaa profit taxea fend $07,000 000 froin JmiMrilaHeaua Vintemal 'revenue, and 14,000,000 from euirtoma' dutie. ' ; iVymt in the third Elbarty' loan total $)62)0O,OOO) Isavinjr' 324,00O,J 000 due at nestlnata1ment payment. : lfttriaalaneuned that'a 500,00.-, 0 bUKfk f ecrtifleatea ef Indebted . hew on which abiariptioni eloaed two day ago) waa veruberibed by 64, 7(ly00.""niia rHke the totkt eertifl eatea ontetanding in antlr.ipatien Of the fourth Liberty loa a $2,183,835,000. -, r.'-.; (i-1 '.in,,;, ,.. . -m ;4 , , , j i- . commuNjcatjon system , will be coordinated . 9 . y 1 t. aBBs .bywawMaaawai ' 1 ' v . iV 4; .ti - . 1 V ' w i . (Am V v.- .llt Enforcing ffisiemlrtsVufflc 'Schools Xiat Ifir Xr?3Q7t;to Axncrtcan IJU III III Dl riLLUJ. Alleging that Henry W. Kinney, my perintendont of public inatruetiori, ia enforcing k symera upon the publi nchoota thnt "in tree won to, Aajerirao Moala," bti ; j '.'the Ituanian ideal". Mrs. htolp Baker, a tekcher in one oi ,ine pnvaie ecnooia aenda a Mate- lIMC l rlMi mn' t0 Tho AJvfr,i,r ,or publicaioo. UML III UUII Among other thlnga the atatement , The- salary. wWch Captt Gooding Field, aelcctive draft officer, hai been drawing aa aocretary of tha publle utll Itifi commieaion, haa beeifeut.in half, and h wiH feeeiva but J78 U iatnre, This waa dire to tbe fact thif aa a'n army capUia Ije in atv reoaiving iZSQ a monin., nu witn- ti) f.0U. Bionttt from the' public utilitlea eommleaioa made a total of about aHOft a month.' He1 is devoting practicly all of hla time to the ieloctive drift and little to the public utilities commission, which wbiibEi&TEcoSii i .SHIP BUILDING MADE ' ' ' 1 ' VT ABHINQTON. Aunrnst 1-rfOAcian Launching of the 12 .000 ton fabif eatpd, steel ahip Invincible twenty-four days after' the laying of the keel is promiiiod by the shlppinrf board. This splendid record ia made in the: face ofl . . . - a aeiay or to days lost." Forty thov mm rivet have been driven and mo than 13T tons' Of steel laid dally durini? At, 1 1 m . .. . . t . " mti'wuri or eonsiruction wnicn ta bow drawing to its close. ': ' ' Announcement waa also made tha1 1 oontracta hare been let for 22 steeF steamshipa, each of 8X00 tons; to be built by I'aciflc Coast varda: also 10 tugs w. a. a. i . , I " W,A8UJN(5T0N, August l-(Offlciftl) .With the taking over of the radio, tele graph' and telephone lines the govern ment has started an investigation to de termine how the interests of tho public nay he safe guarded the purpose be ing to coordinate the facilities offered into the bent povslble system. Tho poetmaster general hajr placed general supervision of the lines in tbe hands of ft committee. CONGRESSIONAL PARTY IS, SAFE IN LONDON i ONIXJN, Auguit 1 (Associated t'fWJ 'Nine Aineritan congreeemen who have lieen vjiting tho Frcncli anil 'Italian "fronts today returned here en route hoiae, They declare that the quality ; of lighting they, have seen on ihe Mnrne lion nmile them prouder than ever that tboy are Amerieaus. Iji t !. ..l .'hi; W,B, , ALLIED PiYERS DOWN AUSTRIAN AIRPLANES WABHfNOTON, August 1 (Assoi iat eitOess) An official dew patch to the Italian embassy Bay that eleven enemy airplanes were idiot down on the Italian front today. . Italian and A Iliad' dyers also raided and bombed enemy railroad plants. 'i' -"T-'i t; BOLSHEVIKI ARE DRIVEN v BACK BY, CZECHOSLOVAKS . : ... AiigiiHt 1 (Associat ed I'reBs) The Mohi-ow Invcstia de clares that the ('r.et-ho Slav forces have takoa the important city of Ykaterina- LOST EVERY HAIR AI?TER GAS ATTACK . . . 1 KANSAS CITY, June 'Si "I haven't a blade of hair 011 my bead," wrote uapt. Jlugbes Knight, son of W. f. Knight, chairman of the draft board of Di'-" It. It Aas a lutter tell ing of his complete recovery in a hoe-' pital after a ens attack. ' 'I'm ell nrd jrtr6nK exeept for thfi niniiKurcment,'- ne continued. f 1 r.'andMrs, Kmht were disturbed over this; anouncemcnt. "I wonder if it will be for lifo,"1 worried Mrs. Knight. Mr, Knight met Dr, W. V. Morrow on the street, ' "My boy hnsn 't a hair on his head," he said. "Do you know whether it will grow again or what the effect of gas in thin way isf " Doctor Morrow said he did not. Mf.-Knight viidtcd Dr. Lester Hall. . "Can't you give us some hope that he won't always be shorn t" ho nxt of the physician. "I haye never henrd of this condl tion," replied Doctor HhIL Still ' dis'nrhed, Mrs. Knight men tioned the faet'to a neighbor who has soe in the trenches. "Do't worry," nhe said. "TH"V shave their heads in the hospitals ti get rid of cortties. " A Siibsoniinnt letter hns vcri ri-,l fset thnt hi is th'ei(,nt of tin juries to Captain Krijght. ' w. a., 3. UYEHARA RESIGNS T)KIO, July 2il (Hpw-inl to Hawnii HoihiV Baron Y. Uycdiaru, chi ef of stnfT of the Imperial army, has re sinned following a diimut with the t'ir i; iurK iroin me noixiievijci. Tlie I'ravita board of foreign affairs. It haa been for no mo time that he would says that tho Gzorho-Hlovak danger is growing like an avalanche. I rumored reniirn. TER OF SIX -,l ) ( .y frm .1.1 .,, -', Appeal Made For Release of Fili pino ,' Upon Whom,,. Large Family Is Dependent Four little boys, n girl of fifteen aia a inotlier of nearly forty yi of age made a distinctly human appeu yesterday for the release from military I uty of the only breadwinner in- the' family,, when th,ny lined up at the rail in Ji e selective draft headquarters Hat urday, and, as a result, Local -Draft Board: No. 2 will give a rehearing on ! Saturday to tho .registrunt who is a Filipinoy'to.-dutrrain whetiver or not ' the regulations shall be strictly adhered td. ' Conception Dell.lo, the head of this family, is of draft age. His father is dead, 'according to the stpry he told yesterday to the draft officials. His mother, sister and four little brothers depend upon' him for, their1 livelihood. He registered at " Ew last year ant filled out a questionnaire early t' is yeur before liejjixtrnr Wills. Tho uanies of. all hi family appear 'n f0 ques tjqnpaire, and thut they are dependehl upon- him, but Dolixle is single, ami the aelovtive draft law says single liieii must serve. . Therefore Deliiie was placed ia Class 1, but In the lowest sec tion. He wns called to active duty In Mt week, and ordered to report to I ocal Hoard No. !i on Tuesday. He ap peared, but pleaded with the member that he was the ouly support ef sir others. Venter. lay he informed B. L. Marx of the board that while-ho formerly worked at Kwa platation, he is now employed at the Navy Yard, and re eeives about 40 a month. It is be licved, however, that hia pay as a sol dier toaetber with allowances, wooiu more than his present wages, but he feels he should remain with the family to take rare, of thorn, for the boys a" nil little fellows. The hoard will roiiaidor the one on Saturday when Delitio and family will personally appear. ' A similar roae is reported of a 11a.- j waiian of Koua, who. was Inducted into waiians aenti from there t(J Fort Arm strong. He haa a' wife and five chi! dreft, but 111 some way or another w set forth in a charge that "the Me Klnley High School ia kept purposely small ',' in order to furnish the. plea, that' tcrtain pupil, who apply for ad- ,m,iasioB cannot be aoeommodated. when, in tne opinion or the writer of the statement, the real fact la that tha an periaendent wnnta. to, make the school "aristrocratie "' and to keep "com mon" children from securing a higher education. . t) 't I 'letter aceomrJnnyinjr'th atate hient,' Mrs Tinker states that it waa "written after conference with- the ! persons who are' outlining afvery def' ..1 j ... 1 .1 . . . ... ..... . mv iiu urirrmmrri campaign ajrninSE hn heavv hand of repression and op praSnlon in the public ar.hools of this Territory.", it MlF-tikan, Bayn.Kln&ey ' Buperiatendent Kinney, to whom-the statement; was shown yesterday,- atx) who had' already - bead furnished, with' copy- by the writer, remarks, that Mrs. Baker Is entirely mistaken In re gard (o the facts she alleges; He points to the fnet that the McKinley High School' has beca doubled in ewrohnent and; faculty during bis term in office and that arrencements have alreadV 'been made to double the present size ofH th acnool. Mrs: Baker writes: He waa called and through Camp Arm a soldier. The 11 n hnve taken his call : placed In Class 1. sent here and put strong 'and is now waiian is said to philosophically. . .- r 'W. STEERAGE ; PASSENGERS, MUST SECUflE PERMIT Beginning Monday, August 8, every male person intending te travel st4-er-ai;e from Honolulu to ports on other islands timet first' obtain a permit from tha office of Captain H. 0. Field, selec tive, draft officer, in tho : Capitol. This arrangement whs perfected yes terday by Captain Field with the muii egement of -the Inter Island Comimnv. Later un similar nrrangeiui-nts will be mnde for imiing permits to persons taking passage on the company's steamers at neighboring inland port for Honolulu, and also for interislund landings. - The new rvHteui Is designed ns an aid to the military authorities in np prehi-iiding deserters from military ser vice, and for delinquents of the selec tiVe draft.' - A BtataaMnV , 1 '''The Dictator of Hawaii' school must- lie 'deposed. " - "Who says so f I -'"Hawaii '"teachers, Hawaii 'a par-' cnts-i'and-McKinley High School stud ents say so. " VVTiy shohld' be be deposedt "Beckbse' the school system enf oread by him is' treason to American ideals. It ia the 1'rtfsaiah ideal. "' ''What Is thfer Prussian methodf ; "It la, east, teaching. The child of the Carpenter shall be a carpenter, the 'gardener's sort 'shall - be a gardener. The pupil ta refused all voice In the. choice 'of bis life ' Work. . , "What is'He WuM j 1 - -"yYhe 'aehooT 'chiMrcli of Germany nuin'ie, suici.le in great numbers.' Recently McKinley High School Student won in' a flrght against ty ranny. ' ' "'i'hby would' not have, won in Ger many thoy would' have suicided. "What is tho American ideal T "Tliat every child shall climb n 'high ss h can. That' he shall be taught reasoning instead bf memorising. Originality, encouraged apt kirk step. That bo shal. be incited to hitch his wagon to a star. "Does (he education Ruler of Hawaii want auything like that! "Any. teacher, who trie it is mark ed' dangeroua'rr-fee stand for Qomo cracy! : "Diatator Kinney will reply that hp is applying the New York Regent method to Hawaii. - "Exactly! For years, American teachers have been combatting Prus sian, methods- in the school of New York and Chicago, , "The quotations below, are from the l'niversity of Chicago War I'aptirs, June, 19J8. America; i1 to- be contrasted With Eurrine' bftnSsc in tb coun tries across the Atlantic education is so organised as to cut off a large percentage, of the population from, higher opportunities.' "Ha would Dictator Kinney and h mnxtcrs have it in Hawaii if they 1 could. In America every possible agency la ati work to bring all the tho people into as, full contact as possible with, as muc-h eduratiou they will accept. "Not so in Hawaii; the High School building, is kept, purposely small that lurire numbers may be refnaed entrn'" en the plea: ' We are full to our capa city.' "f'lis highly Important contrast can be made very vivid by com pHridn. botwaen the. school ay stem of Germany with that of the Unit ed States. In Germany .the com inonbby goes' to a- school known as the folks school. At fourteen1 yetra of aga hi schooling is over. There is absolutely no poaeibifuj- "before ' him of W-.hfghep catling. ' This sohool doe not lead him to any higher school. '' ' " "Neither do the folk school of Oahu lead to' High School because we keep ouf'Hiiru School' building pur posely too -small.' ' ' " ' ' there were, Wfore tho af only, eight percent of the yooth of the O.-rsian Empire in the aristoeratie hcJiooI. The other 02 percentwere in the folk school:' " A The acbool of Gerniah; krt o rial devices for dividing the people inta -distinctly Inarked -classes. The "coruruoa" people ar. given a kind of education suited to 'their humble lot. The official' reguia Hons constantly cnll 'dtfeatlnh t. tho fact that- the "toihmonM peo ple are to b etlucated, tof nbmii ence: they are to serya their rul ors: they aro to hp kept contented with tlip tradua followe4, bv their in routs. v . "Note, that rhjldrea entering the publid schools of Iwail nre- required lo Hlnte the oeeupntion of their pur cuts. 1 The aristocracy, oa the other hand, is to be brought to as high :. Wvel of superiority la power and . position a it- possible, through knowladge and science. - When tbi Oerraan educational system. I thiVa' -Summed un' In flefinitf 'tatertfents, wo ee at once how sharply that stem rnntrssts with ur Ameri can; system, which la- controlled in v every hnsn of lt organisation by tna iiieai or unlimited opportunity toy alt '' MIfawali's school ttxernf'e,rl(ient was 1ucatd In Kurrrpe, tn an aristoeratle Germsn1hntltution;ud H is Germany's school Idt-als. nrt America's that he is labor! n if to establish ia Hawaii;'". , Otir'Bchoot.ystem Is Bl'dltfereot from that of Germany a oiir demo , eraey 'I different ftfom' Genntt Bteerfy.'' ThS Ormsn School I perfect. orKnnlraHtm, but t "- ' oeqahlation rlevefejVrl to prwvrnt the, growth Of DeioereV.-'' VrV tw From Frta.";, ' . :'f " '-. i- 'si' '"About ns far from fnifV' 'it ia, 'possible for xtatement to be' i what Superintendent Kinnef sav b'ont4h elfeegBtlons contained, in M'a. Baker'- statement. In a letter to Th Adver tiser, the' superintendent Of publie ia etntetlan ejiiotea figures that disprove im nigo acnooi carges: 1 , t i .. 1 "Editot Advertiser I thank you' for the opportunity giver! me; 'to answer the statements made by Mr. Estelle Baker, bart ieularly as, these are" about as far from the facts a It is possible for statements 4o be'ih rita.! Ib stead yf keeping the high arboinl small, thi institution bar very - treatly- in creased' dating tbe -preaenMidiBlolstra. tldn of the department of publia inatrue- tiott t -tuf ' - .."JM- . "The Wrotment in Jake, 1 1014, Was twtflrtiirlred eighty4wo; ia June; IMS, 'it we '.four hkivtrtd f ortt-thrto." - In June,' 1914,' there were thirteen teach ers; when school opens iri September of thia year there will be twenty-four. During thi period, Ave room have been dded; and the department recommend-, ed and' eMired an appropriation of tfWfiOOJOO, rhich wjn be ivailaWA next year and' Which Will oxactly double tV aie- of the present McrKlnley ' High School building. In the meantime, ar rangement ?tr "now being- made 'to lease or borrow "temporary Quarters un- 'tir the bb'b uilding i erected. , xaoev vnsoanK . .. - - , ": ''Thei- wiefl(i''of';t(inl"n wntranee, Shto'the-MrKinlev High School i as democratic it' Is possible for It to bS:-as everyone' who passe pie eighth grade .final examinations haa1 the right ta ; enfe the; high, school, and tio'one possessing 'eigith "grade ' diploma from'' the school's Of this, county, has 'rver.heen Tefdsed entrance to t KJnley High School Social hnd finn cial. Status ' c'o'unt - for ; nothing: The only entrance qualification is an el-hi'i 'ade diploma, and that ia Indispensa ble. " ' 'u.fia . . ""the personal allegation- that I re reived my education? ! n German 's"hno1 is tttterlv untrife Bnt, being utterod, at this eriti-nr"timej;'appkrenttv undnlv maliejmr. I teeeived my- ehflre edu cation, both1 primary, -f'kecrono'nrv' and; Votlege in the institution of Denmark stW the TTnlted States,' and a. mee anti-German ehxihtry' than Dennvsrk. narticulsrlv thirty years ago, cannot be imstiied. ,f A " ' "Yrnirs sryVveM-fntly. HF.NBY' W KINNKY. ' ' Superi ntendenf, Prtblie Instruction. ' ' W. B.B. WAP QAVHnnVFI) Exhausting nnii. up iu iiuuiLiil Rigid Economy and Elimination of Waste Necessary, Food : .' Admim'strAtor Warns Is 10 Leave Karl, A(1 KeyunijOf;,GeriTiariBir,th, Refused Permisston'Xo Go To '."prientMilitary 4?easop Al leged By Selective Draft Officer .. For aailitary reasons Karl, A, Heyum, a clerk of H. lUekfeld; ospaay, has been denied permit to leave the Ter ritory. . t .,,1. ). pi 1 1,. Heynm applied tfof a. permit, at ' the elective draft office '0a Wednesday ahd was about' tfi i,erely0 'it from -a flerk when the jitL hoad happened to pass by the desk.'. He halted the pro ceeding ltn2 '"Mougti '-fb? mak in quiries ss to What Heyum 's business was, and on loarnlrti that Ife wa pro posing to. leavo fbf th Orient, withheld the desired document,' " " -: The applictint became angry when the drkty official ' ultimatum waa delivered and detaanedd tA know ,whypeimision was withheld. Ife-eald that he had ap plied to bis local- draft board and had obtained a relets from eall -or aervice, Vwi the (found tfiafr he waa physically unlit for duty. "In' fecit, it was shown that he , was placed la the lowest class ification, i- rt .'IT Vi.i ' ' The-official sgal' announced that tbe only reaosn he eoujd give hrm was a military on and that beyond, that there was no'appen;. ''''."'' ' ' ' ' Heyum: wanted. te know, who-had is sued - such - Instructions but was : given no' satisfaction uq this point..' He in sisted bat be see tome one. whereupon the draft- etlivisl 'told hint hj telght start In with thd hrmy headquaj-tcrs, Heyum is a Geinseu, although said to be naturalied,- hut h speak with a very noticeable German accent. He lnformod the ilraft office that he de sired to go to Japan and China to recuperate. Herbert Hoover,' national food, ad minixtrntor, now studying war condl tious at the battle' frpnt, believes thai the present world conflict will be a long one, it is indicated In the text of a long cablegram received byFiBd Ait miniatratnr Child yesterday ,foV general 'irculation. Notional Administrator Hoover is now in conference with the allied food controllers of .Groat Britain, FraVe and'Itnty! ln' ,n'- ' Mr; Hoover believe that the food problems of the allies cannot be adinia istered on the bsi of a one year war and' that we must prepare for a long continuance of the conflict if we arc to insure absolute victory. Following Is the coble In detail re reived by the local food administra tion official yesterday: "llease give the following joint reso lution of the food controller of the 'Wnitnd Mates, Frnnce, Italy ancj Ore at Britain as-wide publicity aa possible: " 'Resolved, that while the Increased prednrtlon of the United Ptatea ren der it possible to relax same of the restrictions, wftirh have been berne with peculiar hardship hy all of our peoples.' yet it is absolutely necessary that rigid economy and elimination of waste ia the consumption end band ling of all foodstuffs, a well a In creased productions, should be main tained throughout the Kuropean Allies' countries and in North America. 'It is only by the exercise of iuch TCnonmyian.l elimination of waste that the transportation of the necessary men' end supplies from North Amerjca to the European front can be tieeoBi-' plished, and that stocks of foodstuffs can. be built np in North America as an, assurance against the ever present danger 'of harvest failure and the press 4ng -necessity for large and emergency drafts to Europe. t n- We cannot administof tlie food problem on Jhc basis of one. year war. W must prepare for its long eon tin nance if we are to insure absolute vie tory.' " s it M ' w. . a. EN FOR MURDER TRIAL In order to have enough jurymen to make sure of securing a jury for. th trial of Yimagarawaet 'the Japanese cook who .1 under: indictment oa. charge of having killed Lieut, Carso f Fort' IShafter, 'a special' venire of twenty' men for the federal jury has been summoned. The trial is to start on August IV. "'The men raiied by the sneelul venire are as follows: .John Llshman, Norman- Gedge, George W. Ashley, Charles A. Drew, Joseph Fernandes, Charles O. H.xkus, Fred B. Damon, Ooorge B. 'Case; John Lucas, Albert N. Campbell, K. M. Cheatham, John A. Noble, ' Charles G)Uiland, Jmhich L. Molt, Johrt Detor and Kdwar.l Mav; Hawaiit Walter F. Klatt of Hakalau; Maui; Hoabary Ti. Hhort .and Orlando J. Whitehead., both of Wailuku; George W. McDougnll of Waipnhu. rK . t ' 1 w-. BRITAIN'S ENTRY INTO WAR, TO BE CELEBRATED As Monday, August S, will be the fifth anniversary Of Great Britain's en trance into the world war, the British Club Of Honolulu 'will commemorate the great event oh; the. evening of that date with patriotic oxercises. 8ix soldier, who have seen active service it- the frpat with the British force, will bo the, gueat of honor Mon day righ,t. They are: J. L. Grimshaw, C. Desmond Ntanley, W. A. MacDonald, Charle G. Kempster, W. B. Smith and P. L. Heaketh. Tho eatertaiumnnt will be in the, nature. of an "at home" for the returned fighting men. Maj. Peter W. K Bluett, at' the U. R Kngineera and formerly a, resident of Kohulu, will also be' a' guest of hpnor Monday night. The entertainment eomniittce of the elub, under the direction of Fred Har rison, president, ha prepared a special literary and musical program for the occasion. A MST KRD ASjif jfulv 111 -( AHo.-iated l'resis) Germany ' Emperor is still seeking a -suitable ' National AntTiem." German oHU-.ial have decided that the music' of "Heil Dir-im Higeskrunx" T'Hail to The in the V ictor 's Crown") should: tie. chunked ns it is the same an the. tuoe. to which "iod Have the King" i. mug, or else thut an 'entirely new hymn should In- sub stituted. A, committed of pntntinent German wa formed ajid. poets and musicians throughout Germany were rciuestrd to compete in th national air coutest. More than :t2t)0 pieces were submitted, sorne of thenr being sent to the Km peror himself, but no Jit hymn Iims ns yet been found.- . Recently the poets and music iani were asked to try again. - COMPOUND ', awvtlout Sloaiarh McJI- cIm an Systta W.buillw f tivtr.JCl.liMv and Hlul. I iw Hracdv-tln Bluu4. Qniwiit UuUv. ., , V All unixciiia. A Honolulu IsRapidly 'Booze Supply of Big Islivod If List of Local Purchasers Were Made Public,. There Would Be Some Surprises, Is Hilo State ment Liquor Commission Knows 'Em If the list of customers in Honolulu to whom boor.e is being snipped from Hilo were made public '-there would be nome surprises," according to n tatement in the Ililo Tost Herald in conn.-, tion with the brisk inter Island liquor Im-iness that is being done in vifw of npin-oaching territorial prohibi tion. Kirn e the fountains Of joy In Hoiiolu Itilu .Irie.l np and there was balm in the HiK Island Oilead, the inter island company's steamer have been dollij a Ian. I office business. Not only hnve hey lieen carrying joy water from Hilo .0 Honolulu, but they have been haul ing from Honolulu to Hilo the brew that made Kakaako famous, and then hauliuK it rirht back again. For while under the presidential prohibition the brewery cannot sell beer direct to Its Honolulu patrons, the latter can obtain it by haviug it sent to Hilo and then shipped back again. Ther only differ ence is in the freight, and theraia the inter islnml rompauy . profits mightily. Meantime, the growing thirst iri Ho nolulu s drinking circles is rapidly mak ing Hilo dry before the appointed tipjw, which draws the following from the Hilo Post Herald of July 30! Plaint From Hilo '" With strict prohibition in Honoluhv officially Hilo Is rapidly being depleted of its stock of liquor. 80 insistent has been the eall by people in Honolulu np on the liquor dealers of Hilo reeentfv that brandy has gone up here to $7,50 a bottle; Scotch whiskey is selling from S to 10 a bottle, while ty whiskey is almost out of sight, Aa for-clarets and Burgunday, it now, costs. $1.76 or 'i tor a small bottle ' formerly held at from fifty to seventy five cents, and better grades are now in the cham pagne class. Ho heavy has beeU the shipment of liquor from Hilo te Honolulu that the local liquor commission took cogninnce of the traffic and recently forced -the dealers here to givw the commission a list' of all customer in Honolulu to whom liquor was shipped. It is stated that if this list was made publie there would he some surprises. Balk BUnd Pigs These lists have bfleh promptly for warded to Inspector Hutton, in 'Hono lulu, who ha arMllv. fA.U..l .... , .. - - vvvvu- up every shipment which he thought might . ,u o ucn 91 m uiinu pig. in me mail received yesterday, say Secretary Guard.; of .the, liquor commission, In spector1 Hutton' expressed hia 'apprecia tion of tho work done hero by the local commission. -V ' , ,'-.... One-half hoBr of grace has been de termined upon by the liquor commission for the liquor dealers and saloon in Hilo the night of August 20, next. "The time for closing all the saloons had been sot for eleven thirty o'oloek the evening o'f Aogust 20," aaid Sec retary Guard today. "We have de termined, however, to irranr the .l.lnr a half hour of grace and will not en- lurcn ciuiimg lime uniu ini.lniht. ' Secretary Guard asserts that already the Hawaiian up in tho buck district arc, distilling okolchao and making "swine." ' ' Think Law Unjust "I tell yon that it will take a large force of federal officers tn nvi ill.. eit stills in thia Territory next month," .iiicii me secretary or tne liquor com mission todav. "I tiflliavo that !,'. Inu, as at present is a bad thing for the I fa tarn t !u m nlan nn ;..;...: a. the I'ortugueMfi who Were efn'ourajfet! to iuveHt their all la ture by a low license fee of $5 a year. "I hold no brief for Mr. Serruo hero, as tho lawyers say, as is known, but I say it is an injustice to him that he should be left with all the wine, on bis hands thai he has made from his nwn grapes, without boing towod to export ur 11 or even give ii awny. lour Renublieaa rnl.lutr atimi. ,l,.l.,,,in coagress has done a fine thing for his poupiv i uuu llllll. - W. B. . HONOLULU STOCK EXCHA.'.tE i IlvMlBla, Aaawat U 1819. TOCK . 5 l I GOVERNOR INSPECTS 1 L Governor C. J. McCarthy spent most of yesterday en a visit to the Boy 's Industrial Snhool at Wuialee, as a re sult of call made- lyi him by the auperinteadeat, Frederick Anderson, the day previous. The superintendent wants to sor.ur funds with which , to move one of the- building from the campus to another. Kite. It was for tha. purpose of investigating this request the Governor weut to Wfuialec, the first time he has been there in nine years, he says. He was much impressed by the improvements which have been mnde in that time, ho remarked when lie returned yesti-rdoy afternoon. The Governor explains that it will I.e impossible to grant thf su ei intend cut's request untiT more bonds nre sold, and thut the school will thru hnve about H,iJ0U of a loan fund n-iuaiu ing. w. a. a. For a. Weak Stomach As a general rule alt you need to do is to adopt a diet suited to your age 11 11 .1 occupation and to keep your liowtN regular. When vxiu fiel that you have eaten too much and when constipated, take one of Chamberlnin 's Tablets. Fnf sale by Benson, Smith A Co. --Adv. .,. - Major P. W. Bluett, of Kohttla. wb,u Recently received orders to go into' ac tive service, Was vesteiiinv authorized by the war depart ien to prnn-ed to Camp liumphfey, Viri;iuiii. Major Hlu ett arrived from Kuliala a week ag9. He was formerly superintendent of tbe Kohala Ditch Couipuny, I NEW .YORK! STOCKS ' . ' ' i.i . 1 1 . afOBCAirrrLt A ten fc-flsldwlB. -Ltd. (' llrewer A Co uGa Kw Hantbfienlt'o.' Haiku Huk; t'b. . .3 Haw. AgTetl. 'o. 1,1 Hw. '. A K'1. .'.ak.. Ilswallsn ftnrar Co Hotwlisa .hu. I t, .. .... Il.iiminil HiiKnr Ce. , 11..1, Vnerli Hp.. Want. ., Knluikn-IMaat. re.' v Kekalis Hiux. Co. . Kolna Hair. CV. . ........ Mcllrjate tn. Co., Ltd., . oatiu Kug.: 0o. I tilaa Hn -o Ltd. Oiioiihi Hn'. Co I -nan h -in Huir. flaat. Co.. Pan. Kiursr Mill , ...i... Pnla Thtnth. '. . ..ivl.. 'iwofcco Hnesr Co Pioneer Mill Pa.' Sua Carina Mllllea- C. ,. Wnlsloa Aa-rntl. Co Wnllukii u. Co, , ...... Mt"-biAHmris " i Rndan IVv. Co.. Ltd. .... Fnrels I'siiper Mlnlnx Co. Hnlsil K. A P. Co., I'M.., I talks y H ' Co. Coin... Hawaii Con. Hf. 11 A ... llnw,ron. Hy B .... Haw. Con. Itr. Com. nahsn Rim-trle 'o. Hnw. 1'liMaiiulw Ofi. .. Hon. It k. Co., Ltd. . . ll.iuolula Uaa (U Ltd. .. H. T A I.. Co I liter-Island- 8. ft. Co Mm. T1 Co Osliu It. A L. Co. .1..... 1-uhnn- Knl.txr Co. . Selauia-Ulnillnira, IM. '. . Ham tHQ f4.)..,... Tsnjong Olak Bubbor Co. IVacb Walk I. P. H.. Hamakna 1'ltcb To,' o . llhw , ... D met ...h. ,.. jm . 2T 400 i.-ji ill n 40 WW 175 a 1W 4t 10 Id 20 4 2t lav. 3 2W 4S 1t 10 1'.'4 1HO ITU 1-W WW1 lot, 10 8H Haw'n Irr. Co- fla Haw. Ter. 4 Ref. IWsV naw. ir, . run; imps. Iluw Tor. Tub. Imp. 4 wit jHiz-ri'iai Hsw. Tr'l 840L ' Hilo OSS Co., Ltd. 0 ... It.uii.kii tig. i n, Wife. l. Hon. Uaa. Co.. Ltd, 5s ... KmiaJ Kr Co, Os........ Msn.wi i. n. r.14 Mi-Hrjde.Rof. Co., Oa,.j, Metiisl Tel Cn As Oahu R. A U Co...ri Hahn ang. Co., Vfn K'tmn 8uiir Iki, ..'. . Pacific Guano A F. Co., (a 8aa Carlo aOUtBr- TTVi 70 101 100 inrru WW ioo 101 wo 1IM ioo io M i ins I10t:. 'ioii 81 3i 81 i 4 40' iio" 'ihy, m" 'ia" "s' '.V.'.'. '42H '4.1 y .!:: a Baja to ioo" '" ' 80 airwicR, noABnej - Olsn. 200. SO, 4.l; M.Hryrte, 25, 7.BO; Oahu. IT,. .11 rt )wa, 8ft. 100. 7.no; Wala lus., xj.ou yabntlug, Boads, tOooo, ROARn AUCft , " Walalua. 22. WOO; McBrrrte. 00, 00, T.M. . tUAW UCOTAT1UNB .-. , .. June , 1014 88 analysla borta (no adrleas). Psrlty- 'I . W CeBt. IFor Haw Wnanrs 8.000 Kintiir n; quotations . 2ft, 1818 ....,..' 28.04 I No qnotatloa). WIVllIKKlim . - ; Aaanst L IMS tVOKMIIkV. - ....k.f i.ry rwiaaa.s Phmewr:: army , ii8 Plnuai.ore lor New w.s 1 no t on 1 (SI list JU0 NKW VOUK, Aunt 2 . , (Associated PreMal Kollowtli are- tbe opening- and closlna onotaiiona of stocks ia tbo New York Market yesterday , ' ' DOS Amerli-an. Hua-ar., Anirl.ii Hi-et 1 AK-latl OH I. IK.... task a iold ,,.., Aunrican Lneoirmtlve . .... Anwrlrau Tl. A Tel. American aiuoltor . AnMTtvan tt Kdry. J Atcblson Kallway Anncooda Cornel' , ......... llaldwlu, Lo.-iuitlT ....... Ilaltliunra A Ohio , Ilethlclieut, Htoel "ir California Petroleum (VatraJ Leather . ..,.w.... Canadian paciAe C. M.. A .ht Paul ..,.;.,.. Colo, fuel A iron , Craribto Noel .' viiv.J.... Cuba Kuitar Cane Krle eciminon (tiuM-al Khx-trlc General Motors (nrw . .... Ureat- Northern Pfd. , , International Nickel '. ...... Indusirisl Alcobo). . ........ kenneeott Coier , ......... LehlKb Valley Hatlwejr . New- York Central . ........ Pennsylvania . ............. ltay Consolidated . lleollaK rlDiuoa , ......... Republican Iron couimoa Molilbern Paejn?.. ........... Htuilebaker , t' lilted HI a tea llubbor Texas OH - .- ................. 1'nion i'aelfle ,' .......'. I'liiled Htatea.Hteel . rtah . !'.... Westers tlnloB ,, ...,.,.. neatluabouae . ........ . .. . . NEW . YORK, CUftR STHCKS . Qootstlona oa, tfeo following New York enrb atovks. a wlreleaaed lo Tk Adrvr ttser bv Blonabsoj A cC are: . TUc- Thnrs- '". sy nay .., , 1.00 . .44 .04 . - ja t oo . .00 .0 -12 ITS 1.00 . .44 4" ff .04 .4.01 .,: ..9.HTV4 .OH .1.VS4' ' .12 1.7S. 11 (T Ledg-e . ...... Caletlouui... ........ Iron Itlossom Km ma Copper . ... Iirravea . . ...... Jim Hutler Juroua Vtird Marsh MldWMtt OH Mother Lode ' Hay Hen-nlea . ... lt.-Kijlle Kula Ilex (iiu,, ...4. Htewart Htlrar Kiua: Cons. . Tonopah Kuteuslou Tiutliimue . ...... Kerr l.aka ........ Wlllxu-t . .......... .. , Cresson Oold , .,, MppUslua- . i.svi....,,...., tKKtt i i-neeuou jiru nng Kitouer .JU tit Sne. W, 8l Sm 1 mi . SAN FRANCISCO, QUOTATIONS HAN VJtANCIHCO, August 24 Aolt d Pruasi Kollowua are tha oenlng and closing qoatatloo of anaar and. otbnr stm-k tu (h Ban :rnvli Biarket yea. (kf ,C,JHI ; -.OH ' - JM1 4-:5-. f - .i.- : . 817 k terday 1 loa ag now is Usw'n Oun'f , . ..,'.....'. Hswallau, Muar Co II.H10W Sunt . ... .1.. tiMhii Miliar-Co. ; Jlile,hltVMii Huirsr Co. . ... Puaiihu tliiKar Co. . ...... Honolulu (ill i.iiHii rbaadfUay cai J . Ki'irels ',. p.-r Co , t. vn 1 r. . ;. ' 1. . 1 iii j" i! jr Murliiawi rpiitinues to advance; in thw far north lie tlftrmaus take Mitaus (iermuns are moving 4i centimeter gun to batter Warsaw, ilL. 4a 14 4W S.IKI 4 III 40 l" 1714 M 4W Mia