" ' v . - , . . ..... . i li''-1 l'jLLl' ' ''u ,'V' W V ?4 HAWAIIAN GAtETTE. TUESDAY, StrtEMSEIlllO, 1918. -SEMI-WEEKLY. . v, ;flj'Jj jlvjy CHICAGO CUBS f I SECONDBATTIE OF- FEE GOVER !0H MBS', BIG FOOD SAVING WMf.S KR.A'KI?t4 TO -(Associated Presa) Chicago today It acclaiming - - . .want yiicuea vno mm ' .. . yssttrdsj, afternoon te a 3-1 victory ; i t nt tt Burton fad Bx, u (h too , ' 1 o thn gsnjt. 2Ui pitching kept the Ked Sox batters baffled, especially, in the ; winches and atthe critical tUgM of j- game. Tyler's tingle orer second baaa In thai luirnnA innln 1mniii t s, i ' tWO rUM and Won tka eafttaat for tha Cube. ' V.M ritck'r magnificent throw u ' from right field In' the eighth frame . saved the game for Chloago, catching 8chnngwwh wh on kla war rom tee- on bate to third, Deal at the latter rutlon. making the pnt out x us iiHiuncs yvmeraay wh xv.vm, . a trim better than, that ef the open. Ing day. The weather wU pleasant .'.Manager EdCKiBarrtW ef the Bed u Sox said last night that he would tend Oarl W, May into the box for Boston, ' while Manager, rred. MitcheU of the - . . . uuoa Minoancm vaat ne wonui pitch C.; HeiKlrlx.. . today's game wlU be played in Phlcago. Tomorrow the clubs will entrain for Boston, where Ui fonrth game of the series, and prob ably the remaining ones, will be played. CHTCAOO. rtcmcmber l (Associa ted Press) The Chieeim Cubs made i one-mi tor the world series hero this rfternoon by defentinfr the Boston Red Hwx, 3-1, in the second frame of the yesr's inter lenf;iie championship. Urnrjje A. Tyler, who pitched for the Cubs, e on his own game in the second frsrne heu his single, to center del. I, scored lick, and Killifer. Tvler had the cde on Joe Bush in that bat- tie, even though . the hits off him and Bush went for an even number of bases. Tyler struck out two Bostonese, w'le Bash sent no one back to the bench. Kaeh twirlor, walked three men, , but Tyler sent nut Red Hx to first base wl.ea he hi Hooper with a pitched ball, Tyler secured a tellinjr hit. while Buah got none. On total chances the rival H -bw 'vrn'.T7,'T fltin? (infl HI! I nut nilil turn aartur ami T)iik e.,si:j l !a. ... ... i.-.iiiu nun iiiii-r annmiH. I'o.k . . V j - im . " '- "'in n er- ror Mliiteman of the Red Rox dropping ! a fly .n left field and Deal of the Cubs rnbling a grounder at third base. rtghtlng All the Way a . u .K h.!nf fim 8!,rt to tinisli, with both tenms on the scoring lioint in almost every inning. Boston's rally in the ninth came rlo-e to turning the tables o.i the Cubs, the two triples secured In this frame being among the features of the came Chicago won the (ur in the second iuning, when the Cube found Joe Bush for four hifs and scored., their throe,. runs of the contest. Twice after that Chirngoramo withia an ace of scoring, porticnlarly when Hollochcr was put out at the tdnto. Of the' outfielders Flack of Chicago tins mnich in the limelight, he having four putouls and nn assist in right. Mann ip left went without a chance, hile .("askert In center had two put outs. For the Red 8ox WJiitcman had the inot chances, getting three put outs mid dropping one fly. This error wits not e.loatly, however, as no run scor ed in the inniug. Htrunk had one put- out and two assists in center, while run. no error. Hooper in right contented himself with Chicago Fie walked, and Tal aa one putout. , rrifioed to Mrlnois at first base, 'ick Hollocher a Star 1 beiair advanced to -second on the play. The rivnj shortstops worked well. KilMfer walked, but Tyler flew out to Hollocher fir the winners handled four Whiteman ia left field, and Flack loft dunces nml jyit a triple. Scott of the e.l one to Htrunk in center field, rctir losers, hail live chances, but failed to ing the nide. No hit, no ran, no error, hit. UcmI. Chicago third bnseman, wns fcihth Inning Boston: rh-hanv, hat charge with an error on his four hauces. while Thomas of Rn.lnn m,l t"o hHiices. Neither secured a hit. "O vhNllces. Neither secured a hit. The two double-plays of the game Vere innde by the Cubs, Hollocher fig- uiiuu in both. On sacrifice hits the sides broke even, one each. Boston used two p. nch hitters, Nchnng going in for Atf new in the eighth and securing a hit, while Dul.uc. batting for Thomas, in the ninth irnve Charlie Tyler his socond sJrikc out, the only two in the whole Tvler held Boston down to two hita ui' to the end of the seventh inning, one io the second and another in the sixth, lr t Boston found him for two singles in the eighth and two triples ia the r;'ith. ritill, such nan the confidence Manager Fred Mitchell hsd in Tyler, he whs ullowed to pitch the game to n tin 1Kb und emerged triumphant at its eloMC. The Pacific Const rdiiyrrs, Charlie I' lllm her and Chnrlie Tick, shone well iu the gamo, each getting a hit. A de i-i iption of tho game by iu nine; foPo 's: First Innii-c-- Boston: Hooper war hit by " pitched ball and took firt leic Shewn dtruck nut and interfered " ith Killifer 's throw to second to catch Hooper, who was stealing. Hoopor m''di the lieu in fime but was culled n't bv.Vmpire Hildebrand on account of Mu Hii ' interference. This went l""n as tioiible pla v. Killifer to Hol lo her stniuk popped out to Den I at third b;ie mid the Red tiox retired. Not hit, no run, no error. Chi. -fiir'-- Fln-k sinirled to left field, but mhs furroil ont a Second by Hoi 'e lier. Hnli to Sco.lt. i Hollocher taking lint Iihsc on fielder's choice. Man) hit into the air to renter field aud Snml( purposely dmi'iicd the ball and t' en ' p.al'd it ' to Sliean at second, I li 't-e IfuMochci- li tone. I out, but oil the pbiv Mnnii yot to first base saf.'lv. , ! si,(,,t retired the side, flving out to W'hitcinau in left field, due hit, up 1 run, 110 error. . Second Inninj Boston: Whitciuue rall-ed, Mclnnis made f!t bate.os a Inint. Mcott Wh out on a sacrifice sit, Tvler to MerkJu,,. Thomas bitlto I'uk at second luTse uml 011 the throw Jiomc to Killifert'hitruiiui was out tit Hie plate. The side hms retired when ,g nry flew out to Flack on foul Urotind lff the right field line. One hit, 110 run, no error. Tyler Wins Own Oama Cliirago-.-VcrhJe wiilkod. 1 ten iiijiiiu li.st lise Htifelv on n hi. ul,,,. t.. tl.;,. I I.,.-.. 1;,,.. ' II....I ,.,,1 . . " l'"r . . . . . . - ii.. ii, i - fir. t Mhesn at ftMond be. .Jvillifer's doubl to right field nrorad Merkle and then Pitcher Tylor won his own game by singling to rrntrr fild and . everinf Pick, and Klllirr. Tyler trif.l to stretrh hiaaiiiglp Into a dosble inl itH not 'at Koeoeil, Htrunk to Aymvito UotV Flunk hit to Mrlnnin oft trot bam and brat the banrmsn to the ini tial bat-tup. Hf wr out, ' hon vvnr, Shortly at'trwsrl, tfylnx to atsl tot ond, Ajjn' to Shoan. Four hits, three rnn. rt .tot. Third fnning-Botom Bimh' walked, httt m fnrreii out st eeond by Hooper, Trier to Holloeher, Hooper heinf safe t first on fielder's 4-hoire. Hooper was forced out at eorond Is turs by Hheta, Tyler to Pick. Hhenn ao rescued nrst on fielder 'n choice. Catcher Klllifet Krsbheil Htrunk's fotil berk nf the plate nd Boston went out. No hit, no run, no error. .... Chimpo Hollochcr grounded and was nut nt flrnt, Scott to XlVInnis. Mann bunted to Melsnis and .was out at 'first hnse. and Taskert was out on a pop fly to Phrsn at second, retiring the side. Ko hit, no run, no error. 'Whtteman Drops Fly Fonrth Isning Boston: Wkitotnsn popped out to Pick at noeond. Mrlunis wss out, Hollochcr to Aterkle, and Beott ! made third out. Tick to Morklo. No no rim, no error, I Thietffo Merkle drove in the sir, to ! ,0' 1'fA snd when Whitrmaa dropped the pill the runner made second base. This was Boston's one error of the Kme. Pick bunted to Bush, who threw to Thomas and Merkle was ont at third, Hick makinr first base aafelv . Deal fie- out to Hooper in rijjhfc fiejil, but PiciT, bent the throw in to Melnuig at first. He was out later trying te steal second. Ajrnew to Hcotf, retiring the I side. No-hit. no run, one error. ' i ifth Inninf Boston: Thomas was out. Deal to Merkle, and Aenew flew out to Flack in rltrht field. De missed Bush's grounder to. third and old Joe made first, base on a lively paUfr-Tnit i la Cnic' 0B'' 'rw of thgame: 1 ft't. 1 .1 m . i i - ""i,. , z .r: r lout to riaekin right f.cld. No hit, no run. one error, Chicago Killifer grounded to third M, w Qut, Thomas to Melanin. Tyler w, ollt on . fou flv to c,tch Xgncm, Rm fk ttnA thp ,,,, ,o M(.' " " Chicago Danserons Again -.it. . t . . ,h liaf-Bnatoi: : hea. smRled, J?"1"1 u ' ,w'c"n" trnk, 1 V, H:,lloher. strnk ll"og first on fielder choice. M hiteman hit into uble-play, Hollochcr tp fick to Mer- k,0 nd thf Ue eut out. One hit, ""J??' no rrT,t- i. .. Pluesjo Hollorlvar tripplod, .nd was out, Meott to Mclnnis. Pask- rt H'ouaded to bcott. who threw home time .to Agnew. Hollochcr being out P1"'". Faskert making first baso fely. Merkle singled to center, but. ' later trying, to steal socond, Agnew to Hc.ott to Mrlnnig. Two hits, no rua. no error. Heventh Inning Bostau: Mclnnis as nut. Hollocher to Merkle, and rleott flew out to I'aekert U center field, while Thomas retired the side, flving 011 ' to Flack in right field No hit, no ting for Aguew, singled, and Bimh ftcw ... I..L. t ti.i n silirled to left finll hul Mok.nir .l,t,.. I siiirrled to left field hut Mehanir t.et. h lir it for third, was out at that station, Flnck to Deal. The side was retired hen Mhcan bs nut, Merkle to Tyler, the Chicaijo pit- her covering the initial n, k on the plav. Two hits, no run, no crrar. n, ;,. He Ira tig went behind the i,u, : i.. t rj...... u..i lo, her lifted one above second 1 m'c and I "lit to fchenn. 'iiin flew nut to Whitcmsn in left field, and ''hiruxn went nut when Schanj caught Tsakert 's j fool f'v. No hit, no run, no en r. Ninth Inuiiiy Boston: Htrm k trip fled into rirht fle'd and WMtemim . followed with another triple, scoring J Htrunk for Boston's first and o'lv run. I Mclnnis ivnn out. Tvler to Mer' le. hut Scott walked. Duhuc, imttnng for Thomas, struck out. Si-hang poped n dinky- little fly and. was out Hoi Inciter at short, bringing the Second .'nmc of tie world series to - close ith a victorv for f'hicaro. tl sides being now one all. Two hits. ...m run,! no error. Final results of the n,amc; Boston six hits, one run, one error. Chicago seven hits, three runs, one error. BoaTO " H It H sit f!. k I . n n I n 1 n 11 . 1 0 1 o s 0 1 . 1 1 101 'j 0 . . .'i 11 1 11 rt u it . . I II 1 0 T I) 0 , . n II 0 0 5 a n . '! 11 on 1 1 o . '.' 11 0 0 I I ; . -' o 11 ,0 ' n a s 1 . 1 n 1 Mi 1 11 0 .1 U 0 0 u , v 11 j 1 0 vi jo 1 I .IliO 1 ui it 11 sii p. 1 a y. ! ..10104 I II I II 1 0 (li . into 11 0 0 , . 1 0 n 0 . 11 11 . - - 1 1 11 11 1 u . '.' 1 1 (i :i :i 11 . n o o 0 J t 1 , -110IIO' . .1 11 1 0 I 11 -T .1 7 11 L'T II I 1 r Auui-w Iu eltrhth Him'Imt. rf . Khcnn. '.'li . . Htnink. ef . Will !... mi If Mclnnis. tl, . . nt t. ss TIio.chs. Till a'o'w. . . , Hush, p . . . . Hchiunr. . 1 1 in hue . ... Tola Is Flack, rf hJf' j'sk. ,,'f Merkle, lb r,I K lllirvV. Tyler, p Tolnls ' t!hsug hnlle.l tor luninir 1 1 inline kalle.l fur 1'hoius In ninth In 11 Ing. KlU sn.l runs hy In n 1 11 us. Host. in 11 n 11 o 0 0 0 11 1 1 llNsehlls .Monoid.'.' i Clihsirii 11 :i 11 11 11 n 11 11 HhmcIiIis 1 I O "I 0 ' n o 7 Huipuisrv. Three bss hits. HoMo. h"r Htrunk. Wnltcmsii : Iwohuse lilt. Killifer: snerinee nils, nisiii. in-sn lilt lit nlicliir llooncr-. ilouhle' pints. Killifer' in fini l..eh..r. Il..ll,...l,.r I j. JH,.k I 1.. . . on onus, on; iiusu .1. ott Tlci 7il?ii i"' 11,1,','r A.H. hy Tyler i : II III III ICS others 11 n report hl : .line or u 1.1.0 luluules; sioiei'. Mark Ned evrrvLv LT'""? 1 .llmA:u eyory, boy. and man in the United Rtates botweeifthe aK of eighteen and twen- tr-on 'and thlrty-one and forty fire will be polled to register for the seleetive .raft service of the army the Immensity of the work ahead of the various selective draft boards ' is be- ginning to be more thoroughly realised, ae well as the necessity for a proper no ratr Interpretation of the import ant problems which will arise under the -bow law just passed by congress. Hem in Hawaii there will probably be more of these uneclsl nrnKl.m. pared total registration and popula- tlon than in any other one spot la the rntlfe eoitntrv. hlle noft-here Is It . necessary j to be prepared in advance 71ls?Lt5 .f'-1 govT.ng e,ch individual ease I in hi K ;L 7 p, T""" tenocrfa . aucn signal services to the, boards of the various islands, as ... . , ?. . 1 ' , here, due to the fact that transportation ,b' An,'n colonists, in the Bovolu bet ween the islnnds and central head- t'onary War services for which Amor quarters in Honolulu may often be lea is paying to his native country in fon. d sNHMufry. i ,h, wofM fof .h . , , ,or .the purpose of determining as . , . fas as possible the answer to some of j t,ov?t"r McCarthy asserted that ne these, exported problems Captain H. ' thought our rxpcditionsry commander Hooding Field, in charge of the eolec- ' sief, General Pershing, expressed tive draft for the Territory, haa called American eoling fully , in the four for b conference next Tuesday morning words. an,Mttrrod before Lafayette's which promises to tie one of the most Statue shortly after he arrived in important of iti kind ever hold in this Francei, Territory,. for as Captain Field explains: i " Ufajrt(e, we arc here." Uniformity, is Sought K The Governor then added: " bxpetneace has shown ia the hand - ling canes by local beside, and in I Pfsl to. the territorial district board, niulr. f h .Ln 1 v -ii iui.7 . a : -. fc . ... - -" - - and tleasifleation. that there have been dtferenere iOf opinion, notwithstanding the great tare which has bees exercised to give every ease a just decision under th 'The task before the local and dia- , .) k .1 ,J : i j . boardp. iovernment appeal agents, et - A-jna-m kn .1 r '"'j " mvuBorj " np..nat inis conference will lay !" "".;' " unirormity et interprctatton of the law as is humane- j possiDiv. ; L p . s r u V .l . T 0U, ferenre will be held at draft headquar tera la lae exeentlve building, begin ning at half pant nine o'clock Tuesday mortlng. ' Among those expected to be present, boaidee Captain Field, and the chairmen of tbo local boarda Nov, 1 and 2 of HoaoUilu; Noa 1 and 2 of the coun ty of Hawaii; of the local board of the county of Kauatf and of the local board of toe county of hSaui. 1 3 ir addition to the ehairmat of these local' draft boarda MajOcC.B Cooper, surgeon in charge of the mcdiraj ad visory boarda of the TerritoryS Dr. K. D. Kilbonrne, chairman of, the Honolulu medical advisory board; George 8. Cur vy, govramst appeal , ageat jj V. ,0. fetmith,, government', appeal agnot for the county, of Honolulu, will be bresent and. in, the caso of the district boards, tho two Honolulu boards and the med ian! advisory boaj-ds the ., invitation to attend the conference is extended to all the membara. . The legal end of the expected prub Unuk. to be eonsiderod in tbie. "man iMjrrer, conference" will be attended to Ly Vaitod Htate. District attorney 8. C. Harber.nnd hi, nasi.tant, Judge JameaJ. Banks. while. soms otKer citi xena haylnf apeclnl knowledge of cer- tain foaditiona are included, in the in- iwr, roaforence" will be attended to vnanoa, ror, aa apiajn. ;iew says: The object of the above conference n - . . i j i 1 i . i.i.ji ti ' lT.l mlrrhl .man in nnnAtlnn with Ika might arise in xonoeatioo. .with . the operation Of i ,ihe Maa . Power Law, (cighteea to forty flvo ,yars old regis- tration) in this Territory, especially those reor ipg A natters of depend oncy. Iitdatrial and, agricultural oc -peupstions." . i , w. a. a. Cabled instructions wero roevived at Hawaiian headquar.tnrs t yeaterday or den u the local military authorities to neud 144 service . men, who have been accepted s candidates, for ufn cers training camps -on the mainland, to the 'Htates 011 the, first available truusiierl. Those nuccaaful vatididates "I'"--'"! levl' t ii.ii rs- . v -, Of the UH serine men who will be si' nt to the. mainland for ,, intensive trainiuK, l2 will go to the infnstry traintug caiup nt Fort Fike, Arkaaaasr Fifteen will jeo to the machine "gun amp at Fort blaocoyk, Ueorgis anl eleven to the field artillery camp at Camp Taylor, Kentucky. No information has beea received at hruduijMters regarding when the t hi 1 trcn civilians, who have passed here, stfll he sent to tho mainland. . It is ! reported that they may .be sent from I tiin.i to time to the Htates on orders sent direct to each individual from the various camps to. which they have applied for training. NEW METiD OF MAKiNG SOAP IS DISCOVERED A MsTKK IIA M , August -':t ( A oc i- nted I'ressl A new process to mak e 1 sua" out of .pn 1 a titne ia anuounccd bv Doctor Herrmann at l-eiprig, By 1 he int roduct ioa of sir, the pa 1 a Mine 1 mi, lived ahile heated to about l.".0 decrees iu wn inin boiler, when the colt i' h ' .if hroH n ointment like Hiibs'iince n hi' h. when treated wi ll alkali, produces a good lathery suae. The inventor announces he .haa in the c -e of his investigations dis oi nsl tnu hithiMil.' illinium u ac.ds. "'ntedlsi inliiitAiie isnd isteiirioe t'-i.ls. ''' difenverv is regit riled in (lermuny ( as iiupoi iaui. I ArnniAr a art i rrr"rr-r NhKV h Mi-iN H s-KN UUIIIUU Vlllkllka McCarthy li Prinr.inal 5noalr At UFayett Day Celcbratidn . .i ttn:Mm -i Du4l. 0t Kn,0jl Pytha$ , ' bfiy ilkU TfelftllT TS unnfr "lictfiuuiu 1 'T0 HCTOIC FRENCHMAN 'r tt '; 177 , IS'-' Ev6r SaCpflCe . We Have Made France . Well Repaid By j Friendship, Sayi Huber A warning against the danger of stacking America's ar ctTorts bo CSTorta Da- ined on the cause or tne victories attained on the West Front since Julv 18 was sounded h 0oVn,or ('- J- McCarthy in a ad Ur'" h W,d "i'fh, " ' Knifht pytfcl" e'obratlon of the lotat nn,v"ry of the birth of Marquis de Uf.yetto, the Fre.eh patriot . who . . - . . ! We're Oolng Otar "Yes, Lafayette we are there, and 1 re,,ar Jtotag . over, iroins over, and - - w n - , . - . i , r . , . awesanrv, liatil we pav our debt to Fraaeo in fnU. and make the world a fit place, t live in." , Jt was i leading up to after war (duties and problems of America that the Ooveraor Souaded his warnins ... against over eosridence and the slow 1 i. Bp f prMCnt Br effort, WBM ht 1 V . r r (,,U3 "Hince July 18 the Allies armies . have won a great victory, and for that reason we al.no Id not Ut . . .iwi. I minute, but should keep e' erls-in'- -t unHI Oermtny is brought to her knees. Let' ns not forget that it waa only fonr years ago today that the first battle of the Marne was fought, and although the Allied armies , were then successful, Germany recovered and-came back tn th UamiA Ka featd again' while we tike to speak o;e;":,oSu wZZJZ in was not io,,De, pve,r..lor years to come." Of Ijifavolia himaelf. thi fiovomur ' Sffd in his If triijiu'tion : j Serrloes Of Iafayette , "He was educated as a soldier and FS, t,he French ,arm,r for a very snort none wnca no heard that the iizLr : ! ty years of bq, ful) of enthusiasm and ,., mw. ,...; . w w m" uHlii Hill,, inrn w.aa in iijii sympstnyi With the Amcri caa. solonists. , Ho CHtod -)Ot a yacht and landed in ! y"!,lnrnUn,witn eleven companions. tin imM.Ji.l.li, . . 4. ri. ! 1 1 .1 1 wnere ke anal, of government was to rated and offered his services to the ' '"'." " t".n ia sesamn. T"" W" accepted and he appointed n major general. J)ur i flr '! ' ' revolution he pave nrrvinfa-t. our country 1 , ' ' he left for. tance and waa there enOKresa. hicji was then inn.Tini oe rrencn rieer i under. Rochnniheau sent over to Amer : 1 : . , l ,. . a . i .n.l I ... k. I, .u , which ended which enile.l lh x r .k.,rll. .fi.. ' the ear shortly after ' ds. Bacrlflces Eapaid Tn n stirring address District Mtor ncv, Huber doalared that whatever sacrifice " e made fos France in lives nl ok Ith already well repaid by that friendshin of .that whole nation hich we Ijold todav so every child of '-neee nns to ret He American sol dier with ntler ctn fide nee. " Kverv heart that beats la Fr.iae is full of t'ritii'e and lov for Ame-ics." he said, which ' only equalled by the "rati tnde we have always felt for I. a favette, i.ZkTXkrlrW' "f iia .llt..' ; .V""". .V; I HnA V.VlV.M -ki-w ' Ti " '- numiii 'oinn; 10n.es orcsseo in ine eosiumes or a-.. the notions they rorcscntcd entered the lodse room a- the various notional ! A f alciie.- Service Jlag Vnfurlefi 1 Preeed ins; this t"o lodge members ssfsrM vh'n Mlh. .f IH..UI 1. l.u 14. 111.1 r.,i,, 11 -. inniT r loriv s.ars, 1 and the. colors of the order. 1 The Venn" ladles taking part in the ' .ieti stion presentation and the ! countries they represented were as fol lois; Japan, , Miss Souhle Hochs: Chins. Miss I.ncv Hsntos: Ttumania, Miss Dorii vnnes: ttaly. Miss Kmil.v Bochn; 0ree.ee, Mis Mdine Tranquads: Bel 'um. MWs Rosemarie Rodrigues: Vrnnoe. rj Md Branco: Portugal. Miss Marie Caldeirn; F.nnland. Miss w"th Vlr-ira: Amrria. Mis Albertins Milvsi Fed Crnss urse, Mrs. .Te n n i e Diinlilfle: The Wn,v. Miss FMa Branco. and Tho Navy. Miss l.ydia Branco. S. vt OhamherlalD's Cough Remedy a. This reiue.lv has so sno rior as rt- for colds, coup and whooping r.uirh. It hss t.ec" V.'vor'" of young children for VIM' ' s. C h IIIOl I'M! S almost forty f'l'isilip '"in "s I'oonh He.uedv nn alwavs be dipcnled upon Mini ia pleas Hi t to take. It not nnlv cures cn,s Hn, grin, bo' pie- cnts lh'. resollin" i- luieoninnia ( hainlierlsin 's Cnunh Iteuiedv eon linn" no ooiniii or other "urcotic n"d lliov be piei ns eon Hili-ul Iv ' n child n to t" "iilo'y IV. cfi'e I'v n't ilnalcs v,. ,., sorth A Co.. Ltd., scent., for lla ttii. Ad . People of Hawaii Conserved 25.000 Tons By Eating Substitutes Ff-'iirM compiled by Food Ailminis- trator Child yesterday 'showed that with the oluntary food savinK which has ' been rarriad on lv lo.al residents of Territory for the eleven months I ending May 111 has hven 2.1,070 tons. : The total savintf in food stuffs wai ' 8,-N."i loiw but there, was an increased 1 amount of tonniiyc of fooUniffn which j the puMir was requested to me, amount ing to HI! 13 tons, leaving a net total ni stated ubovn. Fiir the peild.l cndiii( May III of this year we were akcl to ant more pota- lies and did, to the client of .'IHO.'l bushel or twenty percent more the preceding year, with a corresi than 1 the preceding year, with a correspond- i deerenae ia price of this foodstuff ' or more than twenty percent. We ate 4P0,f)(M pounds more of smoked and cured fl-l than we did lst year, which was an increase of 33. percent. i ." 0 ' , I" v e ate more rice this voar than wn rear by nearly two million The figures show that in 1917 we coaniimcd ),11,H! jtouuils while this year we ate 7,72,1.1ll pounds, an Increase of 1,0.1:1,4(11 pounds. r.yg" were entcMi in griter qiianti- , tics in Hawaii this year than inst vear, I to the amount of 141),07H dozen. Cneene I wns also popular, for we consumeil 29,- 1.'I2 poi.nfs of this nutritious food more j than wd did last year despite fhe fact! that the saloona of Honolulu have been ' closed rime April 10 of this year. The' consumption of onions increased by for- j ty-four percent this year the '. total I amount consumeil being 45,678tnounda. There were 38,50:1 more cans m vege-tables-imported here to conserve food: nml we ae lO.oou bushels of peas and beans less than we did last year. Butter saving amounted to 84,60 1 ounds; re fined sugar, 1,10,49:1 ounds and wheat flour 4.1,1 41) barrels. 1 The saving of 2.1,070 tons of food stuffs by (ho people of this Territory in cooperating with the food adminis tration has saved also freight tonnage which would fill the Malsonia to rapa city on three trips flouring her capacity at 8000 tons to the trip. . a. te. Disclaims Japanese Citizenship, Chooses American : Boy Born In Hawaii of Nipponese r" Renounces Dual . Al legiance Allowed By Oriental Government Consent of Con sul Is Given , Hy ronsent of the Japnuese j0ciii mrnt, Y. Ikrda, the third son of It. iih f "noiiu,ea a ric. iti nviis b his birth in Hawnii, ha.H been eniiittcil to diM-la;in duul rititciiihip to .lapnn. a permission which in grant ed by J:p: 11 only to .youths le:.H tlian ixteon veura of ago, after such a i;otin,..,ion ,hll ,h. '..,' Notification that the consent of I he .Is panose government . bud been iveii ' i to VHUB , , rennunce the ,la ; i lltimi.d ,,v " : )nH. MH Uv , J" ' ' in , Wlhn,.atioll from Mi,1Ht(,r , ot ,..,, K Mj7ulo ni vesterdav. n,,tusc of hi Hawaii birth H. lkcda I """'" 'mwn. nut a-conlini; I ncxe boy and girl born here, he asl"P UM Tur tht",r "antablo aims, the . . '. ' . . ' ' -.111,0.1 01 japan i.y nai lonaiity. us t it specifies that a Japanese always h citixen of .laian whether born in flint coontrv or in a foreign country. It is because of this prov i.-ion t lint oil Japanese liorii in Hawnii possess dunl citixenship of America and Japan. iu account of the raoiditv 111 Hie increase .f Japnuese children bom in Hhmhii bn w oil ns in other countries, the Japnuese government became con ; inced that some method inu-t be pro vided to help settle citic.enhip prod leins which nrc ronstuotlv nrisiug. Th. ,H,: .'i-aniin ! V"'" ,,V forci2n 'r.,rn rMArr" "f ,h"ir I """" iiarionoiuy mis sme.ule.l , rirflf n n PS Ill'fll effect for several j years, Japanese chWd born In foreign couii -, or uer Japanese e.mensn.p. prnvl.hng , h.s or her parents consent by present... a reouest to the interior dcmrtuient in I t..l:' :.! t. ...I .1 . .l . ,4 .4 V , me anan.iounieni or toe .mpanese na I tionality, that every applicant for such; reouest must not be over sixteen vears of ace, SLAYER OF BROTHER Nearly nine years af'er l.i was sen fenced to not less than thirty five irni iniprisoniueiit for the killing: of his brother. Torokichi, in Wailiiku. Main, RiiMithura Kuwnhara was gien a ti ll and fiee pardon by Hoverno' C. .1. Mi Cnr'hv yesterday. About two years ago Kuwnhiira ha l hs scutence reduced by Hovci.ioi I'lnkhani to H sentence of not less thmi II ft eon years iniiirisoniiient and woul.l Imva boon entitled to parole in another year or so, because of gov. I bolnivioi rc ductinus. The killing ia Wailuku oceuircl h 1 1 -1 11 violent Uinrel between the Inn brothers over inouev matters, 111 which' the brother who survived received se rious hoi. 11, Is, I ho acu.. 01 wi'iih he etirrlos to this Jnv, said the ie;,:-on for his pnrilon. The nsseriion is ma, I, 'h.'it Ttie killing partly in .-I I" lo ti'iise. SUPREME (MIT 'TT vVO jurists whose nomina-1 J tions by President Wil-' son yesterday have brought out warm expressions of approval. I Upper William S. Edings, ! I irrimA (a. :- . t rhe supreme court. Lower -j John Thomas De Bolt, who, will return to the circuit bench. ! 9 .h - T; vVV?n '!) Ti'fl 9 HA Bishop & Co. Send Given Celebrate Anniversary By Gener ous Donation Fern Distrib utes Money Amonrj Worthy In stitutions of Honolulu IVlievinjj that Mayor Joseph J. Fern onlil be the most firtiiig judge as to their noi'hincM to accept donation, to UMl"uls i nanK ot WisUop and .Company, jrent I lie chief executive of the city a check yesterday for. IIINKl ,0 t i-i,,,,,,,,, ,n a -masfior h.rh "on!d pnuy the best rettijlts. The may- or hits dHih culls upon his personal and iniit. d lii.iik roll for all sorts of rharit tecs, (oiiii- arc northy some aro not. I uder tin c con.lilioiia .it is believed tlr.l the ouiyor knows wncre tae money noiild be best expended. I lie niency donated by the Bank of rh7a,aue,:V.Wer.fThe -udia nf this institution in Honolulu. rho charitable, organizations which Mayor Fern hua divided to distribute thin iiuiiw v h nnsr) a 4 rm . 1 k L UrkMan fi , A". mv lion fe Bn Imd W. HV c ,,,, (, , ,,. Kllnwing ; ,l,Vldttr ... ... .way o. rem sent 10 eacn ot these in- stltut ions: "In coniniemurati.in of the sixtieth 1111 ni versa rv of the founding of thf Hnnk of Hishnp & Com pa ay nil the seventeenth day of August, 1H.M. rfhnt t'ii 111 handed 10 me on the seventh ult. (heir oho. k for liMs'l with the rriffTtest tluit it be distributed in such asanunts hs line lit seem best to me among the viiiiniiu hospi'uls and charitable, ar rHiiir.:itions of the city. Boiieviojf thst the '.'ood work done in this oonv mui'iiv bv vnoi institution weald be evte.i'li'd bi a contribution from this fund, I hnve pleasure ia enclosing here, "in certificate of deposit in your fnvor for -. " , BUCKINGHAM PALACE POTATO CROP GOO'D I.IINIMIV, A4,ust 8.1 (Assoc iaJf.l I'.cssi-The liMS potato rrop in . Vic toria guldens in front of Buckingham ; C' lnce promises to be a great aucccsa. ' 1 ne poiHioes arc in lieUi hu h until iii'iinru iu OIISI'IH oil not u ,1, f the MVM where it i ouches the 1:101. oils entrance. iM'nijc and Uueeii Maiv have I'hIi.ci K .11 ' o! h ti ken it'och interest in them. The U 'I ii-i-efttlv inspected the " potato. '.it.h'' with John Itobeil Clx-nes. pur lin it:..i sei ret "iv of the niiiiisliy of food, vim had been a jjiiest at the j J a luce. 1 " 'iv m tr f ' " Vy pr 1 Mayor $1000 To U To Charity William H. Kdinga Second jodgs of he Art Hawaiian' .eWcbli court, . is 10 he elevated til the supreme bench 'is associated jiwlire sad Joba. T, De Hull appointed to fill the circuit Court trram-y, through aomlnatlona f )rea idcni Wilson rent to the oenate yea tei.dar morning Judge Kdings .will succeed Associate JpstUe Queries who rrsianed several aiuaibs ago. , In potitlvs Judge Kdings is a Demo- Cat and Judire De Bolt a Kenublican. Though Judge Do Bolt ia the first Be publican whom .Attorney Ueneral Oro goiy has recommended te President '. ilsoa for apaaiatment to a Hawaii judiciary position, ne opposition to hie to ti matiu by the senate it antici pated by Democratic members of the bar in Honolulu. , . Noaiiaatioa oJ Jndge De Bolt to sue eecil Judge Kdiags came as a enrpiiae, not otfVy to the nablie in Hoaolulu, but also to the nominee himself. He najd iyeeterjavi when aaed to what he at t tsdbuted hia nrleekion: " , U- jPt Beit fturtrtnod . j "It waa something of a anrpriae to me. ",: . v . . , j Jadge De Bolt, saya that he was , consulted sometime ego sa to whether , or not he would accept the ateoeiata featireahip. If It was offered to him. He says h replied that ho would do but that since" then he haa. not boen- apfireaaheit te aarertaia if he e oiW be satisfied with the circuit court apimintment. Aa matter of political speculation'" Honntiihi lesnoefnta believe that Judge Ii Bolt's selection for nomination aa the- second -circuit court- Judge came bout dhrongb hie elimination from the ' anriate- Mtice rare. ,Thls theory- is advanced by .Democrats who were awsded ' short tiaic ten a to-how Ih'V would iew Judge De Bolt's m w" o vhe-bench. " I -etion Meets Approval Bnranse, of Jndre De Bolt's previous erlce, both ns a Hrcnit caort Judge j anif ass supreme ewurt jnrist hia aelee- i ties hv th rresldent has met with ireral apwmvnf In local legal circles ' wher. his abilitr U known, V .riidpe Fdings. elevation U the su- pwme eourt wss forecasted ever a eek ago when it beeame known that fs ttpr,ir'- graersl was catmplat ! his nrnmntlon and the, shifting of 1 ' T'emment K. Ouinn from thn t:1 .!...! 4. XI..-I..I.. L. !. '..1ve of the first eirrait, Judge) J. J, Ttmv assistant diafcriet, attorney, a ! candidate, for .npfeaintaaewt .t the av prvm er, tm nfered the.vaeaner w-flrh weiM havf boon created ln Hilo jw this plan, i waa. autheatleallr re- iwrs. Judge Banks had neraonal eb- I Hcltmi. to goiag to the Hib '.cJrenit emd. H- itf general lr believeL. but nbt I admitted bv him, which resulted In I the pconoed) plan not being conanmmat ed. The reawlt was the selection of a' : ripriMiea or a iudietarr appointment 1 In Hawaii foe the first time ainen the rresenf national administration came , Inta office. ,..' . (f his poll ties Jtdge De Bolt taytt ; Is Kt nerUelaa I. ., am a Bepnbllcaa, but not a parti san, and have- merer taken an active !!-? is TH1iHrs."tl Ho adds that he believes rather "in looking at the man rather titan hia party,", and iatimates opealv that he has never hesitated , to scratch even 1 the head of hia party ticket when . he thought the other thought the- party's opponent was the better caadi ate,, , ,i J ,i, , .... t. ... ..,,, ,' , ...HafloJ I .ilk. ike Chief-Jnntsce. t'oke waa reported as nnminatmna H.V. Former 1 A ssocinto -Justice Wntaon. - ehniciman- of tho larthberatici central 'ommiMe?, jwaji, ajuoted ns, being out- sixtktn im. hia aotriroval aa fallnwai , Tom .m i.,, iBe Th; pointmrnta rc certainly satisfactory.'! I More partisan ,menibrs f th terrl- ronui a.imsntstsatian were,, silent aaj 1 had nu ren'imeat for publication oa the ' te( ions,, no wr vmoatiy ao those an . aos'intod with Judge Banks in the fed- eri.. court.-. u 1.. .. . Edlna-n 'Kamaalnn Judge Edings kss boon the second judge of the first circuit court since last March when, he Waa transferred bete from th Maui circuit, where his tout year ieran would have, expired .on August. Irl of 'this .year,. He ia a na tive of Charleston. South Carolina. "here he wan born flf 'y elht years agt. He cam to the Islands from the ttt.14 .1 U'...U4j.. 1 SOUS t tiuui .i, v 11 viiiukivh iu lev,. ah ll'vi,, be was .apholated judge of the eircait court at Kslloa, Hawaii where he -remained for, four years, - During his rea- tsfennfr' 4tb4ia ha Jifcl hnj m Aimw 4k tlswalUin'reriortV whieh- la atiN n-rd I na 'tn aurrir by Hawaii attocasya.' r J .i . 4 L.ts.' 44. i. ..11 -41 as -winig. jkrv.sHin,. jw m snirr. 01 texaa, fkjHIa eSuntj-vsutWM ralaetl In Fort LeeVfnwertki Ktraaun. where hi father. a Dnioa mnnv nveved itnarina;. the Civil War when htS'eo, waa about tbren tsars' wlik Keeuf Kaanan h went to Cartfnrhia wkern he renminbi bat.) ssasri aiiavmnerwnrna Karat lag in CMrti.- Iln. WasllinirtAM. and ffnc aluuit Ia yesrs in, rjpokane. ti.srf si . . r.H arrlvsd Her: Hawaii . June 7, tnPti and pravrtrsed' law uutii .Doeem hsM,-eii HrU,.i whew kn became first .Mir ef 1S, first cirvuit vourt, wkU-h ssitioa he hld -untili Jaouarr 81, I SKI., Oa-thia, latter .Ut he touk the eab a asaormte flustire, which position he. ft Had on Ml .March. IP', whet ha I . A l.. 1.. t. mum iiwrrtuis -u.v 4iugv tt avsoa. 'i . , '')' i, s. a, , w 1 1" ; j . 1 ; John KsohoJc., etevedere..haT kla lu4r kri4L AA . Aflt4r,l AtT mm & aktik mm ..i.t4ik he .waa working, whoa hw beeame n tarHSledi jftji. koietinv cable asd WSS jerked, high.lSV. the Sir, fM4JEl i . . 4-. . u. V. . . i. 4 1 f-- ....ff... j. tri- tJ -,Lty PILES CIHEQ IU & TO 14 OATS ilWTbtSNT ia guwaatc rw enrt blind 1 trloedMig tHhiiuj or pr. trudUig J'U.KS in a m 14 U. t ot uioucv. tcluudol. elsiiut .1 tun by tbc ' KIM Ml .1C1.VUC ,M .s-un, J - 4. I"