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X 761; 2 T’EECOLUMBIAN. yulumluu anlu syn m. \v .\lul:_\lx«;,m . Mat. K. Smith. —.~4—— A ,_ guns—unvarluhly {ln Advance. In one yur. whrn arm by mail, or lulu-n ul “firmflnll‘i; for an: m-mxlu my“. Na pap" “I" ye durunlmuwl,.mhug at lho option ohho yubluhcrs, unul A” axrcarugcn ulc pod. Anvanmc, Onouluve.(lwclve linn .1: Ion.) lhnn inur w., 51:90; for every ml-liliun-l inu-rliun, ‘l. A libvul deduclion to 31-Iva advellill‘rl. The number af imeuiom mun ho dmiurlly ”rim! on the marzinwmomiselhry will be con “ ll" forbidden. and (huge-I accordingly. AGENTS. Tho «Mowing gonllcmrn IVP lulhfllill‘l‘ to re “in mbacviplionl fur “ 'l'he (Jqumhian :" Luna-rl3 BALCII, su-ilnmmm ; F. A. Cums, ('owlitz Landing; WILEY CHAPMAN. Sale-m, Orvgon; l. L. Bnows, Shoal Wat" Buy, W. I‘. Hon. Roman 'l‘mmrsox, Purlland, 0.; CHAS. C. Tum”, Alki; A. A. DENNY, Svattlv ; .. AIDIEW Mum. Vicloria, Vancouver‘s Hind; Gm. B. Gouuv, Lafayan, 0, T. ‘VI- S. CALDWELL, Hillsbnruugh; In“ C. STRONG. (‘mhlamcth Hun C. Wu‘sux, I’m-t 'l'ownscnd ; S. S. FORD, Sew, (‘l\i('ltcclvs; 3. 9. SA UNDERS. Grhulia, Lewis Co. S. D. flown, Penn‘s Cove, “'hidby‘s “Ind; lons R. hcmox, Jackson’s l‘ruiriv, Levis county. ' Education—No. 3. It alien hsppens that great benefits‘ari‘ conferred upon society by men whose per sstul quslities sre not such as to cttlille ism to esteem or respect, but who, never- Mel, attain rank Ind social considcrnt ion h consequence of their servici‘s to their fol lvw‘men. In many departments of active lilo, [test results are not unfrequenlly at Mind by those whose qualities, either moral or intelleclusl, Are for inferior even to the mags llndlrd; yet. it is considered right. out! {or the interest of society, to overlook “arm. kind,and to regard such men for what they lure dam, irrespective of 'lltthoy are, nor could wciety safely pro- Cod on any other plsn. But. no such disw lush exist in the one ofthe true educator. lot only Ire his doings of the utmoat hone fllohis country, but his own being must ”suspend in excellence to his deeds, his “htnrd endeavors" being necessarily u re- Isction of his inward condition. How can he teach unless he hss been taught? How It. be successfully set upon the mind of his m unless he hu studied the phenomena of his own? How can he make others think, unless he hss himself thought much! Ho's:- ho govern the passions of those Mod to his charge, unless he has mns_ had his own ? How can he guide the: m Words the nobler ohj>cts of their being, hole. he himself has a clear perccp-i tits dthetn, Ind by his life and sctionsl ”I that their attainment is with him ”mount to all merely temporal advanta ges? How can he be an example of meek lel. patience, dilinterestedncu and honor, Kline virtues hue no pllce in his soul! Milo! eould society justify neglect of. Panhighly endowed, or he so Mind to Its own interests as not to raise them to such I position u would incresse the force of‘ their exunple, Ind their power of doing‘ ml! But we shsll he asked with an in.i fldulous sneer, “Where are those wander. l fol-cu whose virtues and outnlncss you 1110 l Io loudly? Never has it been sur‘ N lortune to encounter one of those liv- H penonifications of every excellence ; and it in common with lociety at large. shOuhl he only too happy to hire the opportunity dicing them honor. You surely csnno‘ been the members of that noodescript clans, 'hose occupation is neither s profession nor "fl, but. portakes of the worst characters ‘Hb—whoos vocu|ion, so far from being “0 lid dignified, is universally regarded ”0‘13". Ind not unfreqnently by them dMll mesn and contemplihlc. intoler ‘l! idiom. Ind nhouuding in petty vcxa “l, so for from being of most importance H utility in the Stste, is merely amonle of wins puents of their children during the u lelesoms Ind uninteresting period '“ile, and of keeping those children out of lisshiet by . dull round of useless and dis-‘ lfilmhle studies, which are abandoned and fill forgotten Is noon ns the impatient Vouth‘ -_.l|ociplted from hls Worse tlmgl-Igyp l "II thraldom; so far from rutllllrlug in ‘ those who follow it attainun-nta and Vll'lut‘.B bayood those- poached by tli.ii countrymen THE COLUMBIAN. OLYMPIA, PUHE’I‘ MUM),WASHING'I‘UN 'l‘EHWlfil'l‘()liY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 153:}. at lurgt‘, It is notoriously thc rising and la t rkun'c 01' min)" whose inferiority both in ! licctunl and moral, has bun n shown hy uunicruua fuilnrt‘s in will" nlt‘pnitnu-nts of cxrrtmn, which cannot he rt-gnwlul as man hing d ‘nmmls upon thc un-nlnl powers, lrnt‘ “ho uttcn list: to >ucu'ss and ('mllll'l‘cfl in thin, the salm- tact bsing plainly lltlllL‘let'tl 100 by tlm circumstance that .~o lllllt‘ nl'ilis-. tinctiw- >pn'clulily does the mention tire-1 mint, that ewn its highi'st posts arc aIIIIOSK‘ inVari:tl-ly {illr-il by turn who, whatmcr lit“ ‘lheir otlu-r :ICt'umlillShmt'lflH. liaVc newri made it a lli.~tinrt olech ot'utudy, hut han g.-nurully been so wholly Cllgl‘OSSl‘tl nith pur llulls of a tulnllytlilflrt-nt kind, tlmt Ihvy can. ‘hardly havc lit-plowed even a passing thought upon it, until thcy m-re actually invcstvd» i with ils digniticm These men, hesitlrs, com! 1 fusedly at the head ol the so callul pl'Oft’l-l‘ ; sion. do not conceal the somcwllat cnntt'mp- ‘ »tuous («clings they entertain towards it, and lcvidently regard its employment: at mcrcl stepping atom-a to other objects of ambition, l which stand much highcr in their cstiination.’ ‘ll‘aucli things be done in the grrcu true, what hhall be done in the dry v If to m—l llc of peculiar knowledge or capability is; requisite to the duo performance of tho du-‘ tics of the chict‘ places in the prof.-ssion,! must it not necessarily follow—as indeed isl thc case~tlint the great body of its mom-i her! have no prevailing clinracteriltics of’ any kind! Many unilcrgo no apt-cial train~’ ing, and are thus altogether dentuutc of that ‘ tip/it dc carp: which wrvvs so many useful I purpowl. and acts as a strong restraint upon vicious ltllll\l(l|lull. They are suijct to no searching exainiuatiom, preparatory to being Idinittcd to practice their calling, I!) that there is no trmtwurthy guaranh-c of their . . i .. . - i ~ .L i moral or intellectual times; to perform their. assumed duties ; they are not recognised by i the State in any capacity except that oftnx paying indhiduaht. In short if you really do allude to the actually existing educaluro, it can only be ironically; if you are ill ear- Oral, you may expect to be laughed at by everybody who knows any thinv whatever of that strange body—the schoolmaster.” We fear we must admit thr- generaltiuzh of these objections, so far as they relate to the actual condition of tile professor, and that our views of it are drawn not from the existing state of things, but from abstract considerations of its cssen/idl nature, leaving out of account tor the present the merely art-alcnlal circumstances by which its true character ia obscured and defaced. This avowal, We doubt not, will be read with un disguiaed contempt by many of our practi cal countrymen who are apt to think lightly of whatever planes beyond the bountla ofthe visible and tangible. And our statements may be ridiculed, even by educators, as the dreams ofn Utopcan optimi.~t. Alas! that such should be the low condition of educa tion and educators, as to make what should be nothing more than a description of the real, appear the idle imagining: ol an un governedfuucy. To the charge of idealism, however, we willingly plead guilty—being fully convinced of the close and necessary connection betwren ideas and deeds. Ex cellence in any pursuit can neverbe attained by tho».- who are content to bound their new by the “poor, miaerable, hampered. despicable actual" thrcby they are encom— 'pau.~d; who have no high ideal standard lin their thoughta by which to test all their pcrfnrmaucea ; no intellectual model of per fection into greater and greater likeness to l which it is their daily and hourly endeavor to shape the rude and roughly hewn image of the actual. The reason of this is obvious. Real life mainly consists of a multitude of petty details, and the duties of even the moat exalted ataliens are for the most part, made up of them—great events and the no- I eeaaity lor great exertions seldom occur. It is only on rare occasions that soldiers. for in ,stance, are called upon to perform heroic tactiono. Moatnl'tlteirtitnc is spent in what shallow observers call trifling and useless ‘niinulia, and which would deserve to be so , called if considered without reference to any ‘ thing except themselvee, but. which acquire limpovtance, and Cell! to b: vexatious when ,it is seen that the lay the foundation of ‘that discipline Illtf obedience to aupt'riora' i which makes all the dim-rence between an army and a mob. Now the man who takes no general and elevated view of his VDC3-. tion necessarily becomes wholly engrossed i in its detail}. which being, as we have said,l l in (Moire: petty and unimportant—nay, disagreeable and repulsive—soon diminishes, lthe intereat he may at firlit have felt in hisl lduties, and lead him to look with clltllt'lltpl‘ and dislike upon the profesaion which has lceased to be to him a aouice of pride and, Ipleasurable enjoyment. 'l‘o expect that du- . ytier-i which excite such feelings will be well | performed, would argue little knowledge of, Ehuman nature or acquaintance with the' world. Day after day they will be more ' tcarelessly executed, until such a state has . been reached, thnt they are got through by i la merely mechanical exercise of the t‘acul-I tuna; and so far as soul or intellect in in-' volvetl, the performance of them can sink no lower. At this point men remain eta-l tionary, and a certain feeling of patient in-t ‘dlflt‘fl'llce takes poutmiou of the mind—a feeling which may be mistaken for Content ‘mr-nt, but which is really the Illttol ltupelrsl of all coudltioua, and lemon little chance of lbelll'l‘ things from tlluau who are sunk in ”IL; “Slough of Dcspond." / L , \ ) T.ll'§'rn‘l||l|ks :Im II -culi.lrly uppliruhlu to thv prim-«ton ol‘tln- wlumltur. Wlllt‘ll ir t-«nntially one of detail; which posst'sll'fi LUFHliardllV‘ly fvw opporlulliliw of public th~p ty will] its attendant oxcil.-tm-nt ; thllt‘ll prcseuts hulv variety in the line us in; round of its duties. and which, nnduuhl wily, hu.~ Its full share of lmnhlc and rum (ion. Lnl.-s~~ the mhn-atnr il able lo ris: übm‘v llw d‘rlnils with \vhivh ho is cnhL‘Brnml; and us frum an t'lt.‘\'nlinn, tolook duwnupon them, In as to take :1 gvnvrnl View of tlwir n’lnlion to one another, and of tho whole of which lhvy arc, part, whtrrvhy alone a due impression of their "le vrlnncy: can he luflllfl upun hir mind, it can hardly be othvrwist than that year by year his aspll’ations bo cotne hm elevated, Ind his [wrt'urmlnccr more mean, until at length he sinks down lot more formalin, without vital cut-rgy hhmelt', and therefore incapable ol imparting spiritual life to others. 1 It is true such men spar; themselves many ‘ mottifications Ihat lllllil be endured hy lhmc l who have higher ohjucta, and who are con stantly compelled to lament the great dis lcrepancy between their aims and their per ;formnncesflhrir daily alien-Comings, >luth lt'ulm-sa and blindeduess. ‘ But though the lath-r are deprived of lllt‘ dull upon and self-ritistivd inditl‘rrcncc ut~ those who take lower views of duty. lllt‘y‘ hue ample compensation in the approval nl Jhrir own cunscienrvs. in the pvrccptinn of ‘thuir prayers and the abundant t'xuits ofthrir ylabors. Thus tln‘sc very circumstances, ‘ which toothers would be productive of noth ‘ing but vexation, are to them sources at 1 positive pleasure; and many things in them ‘sequs, and viewed apart from the great oh. ijects which they snlmcrvo, would b: simply i troublesome and annoying. become intcro-st ; ing and important whi-n considt'rctl iu thrir ‘duc relation to the system at largv. It is only. then, by adopting juslr‘r and wow elv valcd ideas rcspccting their prutvssion, that educators can succesalillly atlcmpt to raise it to ils prnpt-r omini-nce. So lung in thy acquiesce in mean and disparaging opinions relating to it, and have no clear conviction ot'ils essential dignity and value, so long must we expect. to see the rot‘cssiou de privud olitsjust rights, privireges and in tluunco, and its umrnbcrs little better than socrsl outcasts. That the opinions wv have here stated are not rucrrly imaginatirv, hut capable of rcalizhion, i. prom! hy the fact that sum cducaloas have actually exempli ‘fiwl in their lives and character all ‘htt qualities whit'h We have dcscribrd us can nlitutiug the idi-ul ut‘ an educator. Such men as humor? in Amvrica, Armour and Mun in England, Fucuzanrwi snd l'li~« TALUZZI in Switzerland, turd Jsun‘rn‘r in Belgium. rescue the profession from the “low Ind lost estate" min which the ll’lll'h cry of others had sunk' it. Tlu-y show what education should be, and may serve as models for the imitation—not uervilr. but iulelligcnt and independent—of those who desire to make the irofession worthy of its noble objects, sad the reverence and lore when-with their pupils and the world at large remrd tho-m. From that, there is ample cncoursgomcnt for sll who have suf llciunt knowledge, curry and \‘irtuu to trend in their footsteps. ‘ BERNARD Consuws. VuTonu, V. L, October 1853. ‘ EDWARD l-lvrmsrr 0N Srnu'rut. Rn rxnux—lt wu said by Edward Evert-ll in I recent. much, in which he noticed the “ aupcnlition of this material age : " “ An age supremely skeptical and 11l ‘ rrrmely credulous. which is ready to hem rave in cvrry thing spiritual rather than‘ God, Ind tdmits all marvels but the inlvpo-‘ sition of his providence; an age which sup-l post-s it n tlung of every day's oCt'ltrrl'ncel to evoke from their awful rest the npirils} of the great nnd good, Ind believer that the? master intellect: which while they lived—‘ übslrurlcd with time orgam of unite—my.l ishrd the car: with ‘the tongues of men,’ and have now cut oil ‘ this muddy verturcr of decay.‘ and gone where they lpt‘ak with ‘ ‘the ‘ tonguel of angels,’ can yet. find no "““i (hum of communication from the eterml‘ wmld but wretched inerticullte ripping: Ind clatteringu, which pot houu cluwns Would he nelmmed to use in their inter. mum with each Mitch—u irotir matchlem Choafe, for inn ico, who has just t'leclri tied the land With a burnt of cluquencc not easily paralleled, in the line of time, if sent with | message from a higher stage of be ing, would come- tltulking and rapping lw hind the Wlinsr-01, instead of coming in robes of light with 3 Voice like the- music of the lphcrt-x, an lg» [ any. that believe: all thin, and yet doubt: and mm: at the wan der-working terrors of earnest men, swnyrd by the ell-powerful influence of sincere? flith." TAKEN ron A Fn.Luu:x-)n:u.—\\'hcn Com— modore Vanderbill'a yacht, lhe Norlh Slur, arrived ut Civila Vecch'm. allo wan'lookvd upon as a very suspicious trail. The l‘nynl gon-nmu-m roam-clad Imr \isil with the re cenlly discovered Muzinl connpiracy, and rvfused |hc Commodore permission to_ land. A her lwo or !hrfl‘ days of useless negotia lion, ”IE North Star prom-«dell lo anlrs, WII.‘rU sht‘ was also an 0"jl'c! of suspicion, land h-Id rvcmnally lu :a-k xvl‘ugu ul Malm. MP Furgrl m! that human win-lo is as puhslml aim-l, “huh 1.. mum] b) a breath. fl Sitka. ‘ From the Han I"rinci~tt‘o llt'nltl, Oct. 24. Prior to the establishnu-nt at the Amt-IL .Ctnx in California, this .xp it \\':h‘ known to in only 7'3 1) "NJ” HW‘k upon the map, (’Oln ‘prlsr‘d within the Russian I'llSrt'ablnllfi on the Northwest coast of America. liven now but little ino.e is known, Like the M’llb-Il parts of Japan, it still rennin): a sub} wt for tho intestigutinn ol' the curinuw‘. Like those ports also, Silk-a is sealed to the gun-ad counnercc of the world, and no \‘t‘sscl: are permitted to trade with the residents, ex— crpt those having a i-pecial lll‘l‘llSE from the Russian Government. " Some yrarl eltlt‘t‘ [the attention of tho llus.~iaus was dirertrd to‘ this point, by the abundance ol l'uis band in the vicinity. A company was formed under a chant-r grantvd try the Em peror, and a factory established, a'. which a trade Was opened with the name Indiana iu the article 0! fun. To this company the lexclusirc privileges of commerce wvn lgranted, and in it they still remain, with a lsiuglc exerption. A want of ice in the market of San Francisco was felt, soon af ter the advent of the Americans, and the attention of several gentlemen of our city was at once directed to this point, at: at t'nrding a proximate position from whirl: the market could be :uppln’d, without awaiting: the tedious voyage ot‘ a vun‘utl from the Al | lantic. A company was accordingly formed here, which, after negotiation, obtained the pcriliission of the Russian Government to procure n regular supply ol this article.— lts privileges Were also made exclusive, but wrru limited to the trade in this article alone. lly reason of this trade a more in timate relationship has arisen hetWeen our lport and that of Sitka, rendering the latter ont.l of some interest. to on. Our attention i has been directed to this subject by the ar trival at this port a few days since, of the l |{ulnlfln hrig Schilz kull", forty-one days from Sitka. Through the politeness of Captain Jlllt‘lllls, we have been placed in possession: of some facts which may prove interesting. Sitlu in an inland, near the MM] degree of latilude, Upon this island lllel‘? is but one town, or rather factory, called Sitka. This place is located upon a beautiful bay com pletely land-lucked. and atl'ording the am plest security for lltiplllllg. 'l‘he popula liou of the town in fifteen hundred or two .lhousaml souls. all of when: are attached to tho tradiug company int mentioned The lhouacn composing the town are built of Elngs, smncwhlt llllt‘r the fashion of those in lthc new Statosnt'the Union. The men are Itanpluyed in trapping and in titling for skins With the Indians. There skins are confined to the heater. otter and seal, which lrt‘ taken In great numb-3r: by the natives, t l'hc face of the inland is rough and moun ,tainous, ptm wring but little arahle land.— "l'his, however, is cultivated, and yields a lcauly cupply of potatoes. cabbages and lother Vt' etables, which are the only veget» able pr uclions til the inland. 'l'he lup— Pllt'l of rorilions are mostly obtained from Europe—from the fornu-r, “It meats, and from the latter. flour and other hreldstulfs. The only fresh melt. in that of the deer, which animal is sum-ensfully hunted through the dense forests by the Indians aloud. In this punuit the gun in used. Small shallow streams tricltlo down the hills into the ocean, and these are tilled wrth fish in great variety. At certain scaluus salmon are found in abundance, at times completely choking up the streamr, from which they ore taken with the hand, or by meanl of a small hook and by the lndiahs for that pur pose. Other species of fish are taken u’ith spears, Upon these articles of food the in habitants subsist, although from the remote position of the island they are often caught with a limited enrral supply of provisions. The only urticfc of trafiic which the island nll'ortls in that of lumber. There are It present. two saw mill: running, both of which are driven by wlter. The company is, however, engaged in the erection of. tin other, to be propelled by steam. This I: designed to be a floating mill, Ind Will be removal from place to place along the coast, as the only tnnht‘r availahlc is that hnmrdiately upon the bench. lu felling trees it is necessary that they be made to fall into the water. Should th 3' fall laud ward, the forest is no dense that no use can be made of them, and hence has the expo dient of a floating mill been adopted. The only timber upon the island is 3 xi ccies of white pine n article with which the brig is laden. - 'Hlu ice wilh which our market il furnished is taken front three Imall lakeal bark of the town. In these the watt-r in} but four or five t'eetalet-p. When the Mir nailed the lupply of last winter had her-nil exhaurted. hhe left in the harbor no other, vessel, and the inhahilants were plodding on as usual, completely cut oil from all inter-l course with other portionl ol the world—t The natives of lhe. island lire in huuses similarly construflt‘tl to those of I‘m Euro-l pram. 'l'hr‘y lt'fl'l 'x lit: nfeontenttnent aud‘ Indolt'nce. Although possess-d of no very: low order of intellect, they are said to be extremely lazy. The colony is under thel control of n Governor, who is assisted by two Inhordinntu. Particular observance is paid to religious worship-there being some seven or eight ministers of the Greek (,‘hurt h in the town at this time. The island pm I two-'5 no attraction whattrv. r :In a place of risnlo-nt'e. During the .sunnnrl the wrath I t't ll' lather tilt-haul, lttt 11l “tutu the taiar‘ and fogs render it almost intnl millet-«l Should rlothinq once beeum: mtumli-tl it is‘ almost impossible Imlry it. “'hrnlhv rain is nut l'rllllllL; llh: atmosphere is wiry cl- ar,‘ hut intensely coldi The only atlizuliw torture about the island sa-m.‘ tu In: its' beautiful hailuir. { From the Oregonian. ‘ SquLiwnu: lhn', W. 'l‘., ‘ October I, |.\.):l l FRIEND Dunn—l have real] with [Wall liar satisfaction the various m-cnnnla 11l the “ COLI'MIHAN," ( the pioneer pillt‘r nl Waeh inglon 'l'erriiory), ul' impron-nh-nn awl lll’llspl'rll)’ in all pzn'ls of our new and [I nnr~ iahing country. A| lhis exciting and in leresling period in our hiutury, l deem it not inappropriate lo give the It'nlilVlFUr your paper, and mum Psllfl'lully the llll:ll|:.:l‘illll—- a ghoul. history of the tll‘fln'k‘l'l-S and im provement: which are being made in this section. I The time which has elapsed since my promise to write has put lne in pom-man of muCh general ihllinnaliou concerning the geography and natural rcsnursr: of this M'Clloll of lhe Territory. The praniel found upon the head waters of \Villipay liver, are wthcirnlly exlemive to admit of a large settlement, and no doubt is now orb lerlaiuetl of the practicability of construct.- ing a good wagon roanl from the abun- prai. ries to intersect the road leading from the ()uwlitz lo Olympia. A party of our citi zens will soon proceed to survey the above mud, which Will ruu mostly thrungh a guml farming country, at prairie and timber. will: a soil of lirvhl blaek loam from :5 I.) .3 feet dut‘p—“lllCTl for strength and pmduc live capacity, is not uurpasaeil by any on the Pacific coast. The land along the bay is of the same nature, and lies well for cul tivation; but canuut be made immediately available t'ur farming purposen. as it is cov ered will. an immense growth of evergreen limher, all'urdiug however, great facilitie for the manufacture of lumber, which Will be an extensive business here as soon as mill: can be erected. , > The business of our bay is fast increasing! our cilipens, although poor at. first, have us" tahliuhed a hrislt ‘l'iltl? in the oystering and, lumbering line, by which in a few month» they have acquired the imam suflicii-ut to‘ place them in comfortable and easy circuuhj Itancea, while the farmer ha- been lbuud ‘ Itlt‘lly rewarded for all hit lnbon. ‘ he immigrant who has the mom! to travel would do well to visit the north side‘ ut'thu Columbia, before settling in origin), as here he timl.‘ a large vat-ant tield in which to make his selection of I claim.— 'l'his H one great inducement, as nearly all first rate claims in Uri-gun are occupied— The flattering prospect of abundance from the labor;- ot' the pt'ople, together with the assurance of good health, hitherto realized: in this Territory, renders every poor mnn'ai labor a sure capital, by which he may avail hinmlf of the various resourcws ol wealth, which abound in all parts of the country.‘ And while wu uiuccrcly desire the prosper i ity and settlement of our sister 'l'ei'ritnry,‘ we cannot t'ni‘bear I suggestion to the pour emigrant, that he settle in a country wherei he is not liable to be hhlkun daily by the} fever and Igue, or to have his unly capital, his health, taken from him by billions andi intermittent fevers. But I hli-c dign-sai-d widi-ly from my suhject, sol will return, with an apology, to Shunlwatcr llay Here is the bark Arianna, Capt. :‘llkt‘rl. direct from New York, to San Francisco, where she chartered for this place without chart or pilut‘ 'l'hc Capt. found no ilitlirulty in coming in It the middle channel ; the least water being t'our fathom:- ou the bar. Capt. i iA. Ipenks in the highi-It. termu of the cn-i tranco' to the buy. We have Ilso in port, brig Sophia. for ile: and square timber; and _nchooncrs Ararylaud and l'ottnr, for oysters. J. Lu BROWN. 1 ‘ A SNAKE Swim—A correspmidt-nl Wii ‘ting from Texas, giver u‘ a good story, for ‘thc perfect ttulh of which hr plcdgts hls sacred honor. “()no nighl, my wit'c and luysnlfm‘rc nwakrm-d by a none from lhe shelf, which contained «or More of crack cry, followed by a cmh, wlliv'h showed Him In great portion of our cups and plates had [men flung to the floor. Splinging up to ldiscovur the lullnur of this '.l|llL'k upun IChinn,’J found a large unnki‘ in usonwwhat lunplcnsanl fix. “chad cranlml upon the ‘shrlf, allmctcd by a numlnrr ol’ «‘gg‘ “hll‘ll wcrt- natured about. One at lh'vs.‘ ht- had ‘swallowud, and, in order In gr! at Ilium xl, “0 had to put his hvnd and n portion 0! hisl boxlyflhrongh the handle ul a jug which‘ happened In Maud betwut-n lhe cot-clad delu icnciu. The handle wasjusl npvncd enough In let his body, in its natural stale, slip cluvw uly through, but not flflrlt'il‘ll'. to let it pm; when pnll’cd out by tho egg. In this po- Hilion he had swallOch the mound egg.“ “N snub-ship thus found himst‘ll' uuuldc to ldvnnce‘hr rrlrrat, and iirfluumlrnng n1..-ol ‘lo rscape from this nowl Muck, lml Llll‘t’tl “he Incident which hnd alolls-‘(I uh" ' [l7"Muscminv," an ox six ymrs 07d. ram-d at Muwutine. luw‘n. now u: urn/fl for lhe World's l-‘nir. is ln'llrvul In I); "lo L”. gm 0: in lhe United Star... 11.- '5 q; I”. N influx-high. l 7 In-l .uu-I .1 in.~|,.~> lung; :uh I” l'ul " in. hrs, .Hrl It Lulu], 1' 1,1,3 In \ul wuuld naih my! 100)"). NO. 1:2. Read the Advertisements. A great many persons have been heard to my, “ What is the use of inking that pap -r, it‘s >0 full ofndvcrtisemnnls." Why for lliu vrty butt of r\-:i~'uns. The adver llsk’llil'll's in a prior are but the types of the mind of lhl' LlllVL‘rtiFt'l‘i The ndverlisr ; "it'll" an: but contributions lo a paper, and ‘are th: t'ilflai‘)lls of the brains 01~ dill'Hrcul pin-mus. 'l'o rond them, says tho Trans }cl’ip'. you haw an idea of the :tdi'crliser; .you have, as it may bo called, an insight lllit) lho mind of vault and every person ‘duing lithiucss, who is intelligent and shrewd. enough to lilac-J his burillt’s: briort‘ a huge. ntnnbrr of poplo through the medium of illnnpwss. Advertising is an Idrlnfngt‘, 1 having a grunt nnmbor of dnrm-m brunt-hon, |llm whole forming one ol‘ the granted. and ‘ must advnntngcous clmnnr‘ls for the business l man that has over come to tho knowledge of the person in pursuit of n fortune. We say, mid tin-m. A shrewd mnnjn a strange place can tr-ll the chm-actor of those who do business by the manner in which he places l his husiur‘ss before the public. Nolliing l ntlords us mori- gratification or pleasurcthan ‘to got a papvr from a tliflullt plow, and ’tht‘n to run over the ndt'crtlscmenls. \Vo admire to noting the diff-Tent cunning and port tnothndr in which burinras men go to work to bring thcnisrlvus into notice and tllcii‘ business bofore the rmdcm of a news paper. liy a little careful attention, you have a wry good. in fact, we may say a very t'nir idea of the inervhant and bin quali [iications for transacting business. Again. another advantage to be gained—and a most lesarntial onc——is. that in purchasing from a man or parties who give publicny to their business, who ask the üblic to call and make an rxamiuatiou, wliu invite attention to the advantages to be gained by calling upon them, you do not run any risk of be ing chuntud or having any deceit practiced |upon you. The man who places his buri l Itr'ss before the public call. their attention 1 to it, and invites all to examine hir warel, is not the man totakc any unfair Idvlnllgc. ‘ It is only thOsc who wish to keep out of {the notice of the public, by withholding tfrmn them their branch of buineu, &c., ‘ that practice dt'Cuit and knavery upon tho . unrunpcctmg and ignorant. Whoarcr heard of an ndvvrtisor in a paper martin; to du lplicity in the disposition of his warn .7 : Again we soy, read the advertisements. same. It buy My Ila. A variety of interclting papers were read hrforc the American Scientific Asunci atiou, during its late lession at Cleveland, Wm. 11, Thomas, EH}, of Cincinnati, rend an essay, which rliScrNed the indications of the wualhrr, as shown by Inimalg,’°inlectu and plant: ; and Wars full of facts, many of them new, and ot' sciuntitic explanations of lllcmltlvt‘l. Birds, it. assertu, invuriahly show. by the way they build their nest-. whctlirr a season ll to be windy or other wise. _ If the former, they thatch the nest. between the twigs and lining. ”the-latter, they omit these precautiom. ll I dry lcn~ son is in prospect, they build in u pla ces. If a wet ou', they chm-o filtered spoll, A curel‘ul oborriltinn of these pecu llll’illt‘s will Itford, Mr. Thoma says, I certain criterion, early in spring, of the coming weather. Snails also reveal, by their habitgwhcllwr rain may be expected or not. Sever-l spe- Clt'fl of thun- animals invarinbly ascend the stems of plants two days More: rain, in order to place themselves on a leaf. there to imbibe tliu walcr, for they never drink.— Olln-r species have tubercln that rinc from their bodies generally ten dlys before a min, there being a pore at the end of each tubercln to imhihe the writer. Others grow yellowish whitcjuht before I nin, ro turniug to I ul.:rkcr color after rain. Lo custs alto forctcl ruin by uhcltcring them» selves undvr the lane! uftrn'sgnd in hol luws and trullkl, u soon 11, by the change: in the ntmosphr-rc, they discover lhll ruin it! impvuding. Most lulW‘l of tree: Ire lluo lmnllnt‘lt‘l's, for it rain in to be light, they turn up sn as to rrceivc thvir fill of water, while for a lung rain, tlir'y double l 0 1- to conduct the Wulr'r away. ~ Anollu-r member, l’mfruor Broklcdpy, of llzntt'unL read a paper dcwtibings upting nwar his residence, whose waters rose inva riably befoxe a rain. lle suggest"! Ihn the diminished almosphr-ric przsaure which p11:- cwtou a rlin was the clusu nfthe phonnmo non. and tecummandrd lhlt obsrhlliolll ulmllltl be made ovur the whulo country, to arcnrtuin whdhur the plwnomenon was gen. cral or only txu‘ptiunnl. ll would be cu llulh if the forum-r could be established, and not less usol'ul than curious, for if nature hu made every spring I natural hummetcr, the fact will be of vast. ht-nclil to know, Eng. ATION,-EIUI‘.“OH do" no! oom "lcnv‘b wilh lhe alphabet. It beginl will: I mmhu‘n looks. with nfalller‘s nod of up. probnlinn. or A sign of "proof, with a lil. ln-I’s gvmle [unsure of film hand”): .\ hm!“ ens nuble Art of fork-rancc, wilh handluls of lluwrrs in grcvn Ind daily mvadow, wit In bird‘u nusla ndluircd but not touched, wilh crcrping ants Ind Ihnml imperurplihlu rm mcln, with humming b‘ m and glass [me- Im n, unh plum-n! walks in shady hum, and will: lhmghu .anzrxl in .swc-t and huhliy lulhh, ml “and. la umlum [U ml, 1-[ I. :ht'un‘n mm. In ule- M \umv, alrl In 11‘. Mm In ..II M, I, (u (1w! lllmssll