Newspaper Page Text
lane 18,1855. June 9,1 mug O0irm. :~m mt- wvNnmnrnmMim. WW® We*orr Stag* Canpwv respectfully an to the public that their Coaches yf| lioltak Daily, (Sunday excepted) for Oskslooga. fort De* Mnwiesand Coim paming through Boston, Charleston, rlHWM^ Winrhevte Birmineham. Ashland. Afi»e?Ctty, Ottomwa. E Idyville, O«kaloo*s ®wsA»Hjoroe, Apple Grove,to Ft Dei Mnm« Froa Ojkilooia 'M-weekU* to Council RtutTs. ^A #oll«fon?ain, kuoxvilie. Pl»asantviUe,Indi ,C iarle«, Win'ersett, Iiidianlown,Sil k,to Council Bluifv from Ottumwa via Dlakeaburg. Aibia Cierilon, tri weekly. Keokuk, Diily, via Warren, Far Bonaparte, Ben'oisport, Keoaauqua. MttsbarftTroy to Bloomfield. •••ry attention wilt b« paid for the eomfor' CMwnttnct of passenger*. CMchu leave Keokuk for kit th above places •ITo'clock, A. M. MtF Oificeon Miio Street, second door above House. Jaaai. l8Si. J. HAMILTON, Agent. F*»cy «o«i§r Tjo»T received an elegant assortment of fine U GocvH, ju-h a* French China Vases. Parian •M Terra tta. 4c., Pitchers, Lave nder and Cdogne Bottler. Fruit Stands, Card Receivers, 5far Stands, Jewd S'and*. Spoon Goblets, Fig-: *fte, Cupids, Busts, etc., etc. AI*o ob hand a good assortment of Crockery MK* Glass ware. CAREY 4. KILDOURNE. W«fTC0M8. BKUBEN MtCKCL WHITCOMB & MTCKBL. Attorneys at Law anil General Laiul Agents, I HfeffTBZCrMA. POWESHIEK CO., IOWA. WILL attend to aU busiutos entrusted to the'p i care in Poweshiek, Iowa, Beuton, Tame,} JUrehall, and Jasper cotmti-s. Collections will re "ive speeial attention. Refer to Douglas* St Co., St. Louis Juo. Block A Co Pittsburg VV* A. k L. Shumway, Philadelphia Bnzuigei A Co., Baltimore Hon, B. Curti«, Warren. Pennsylvania Hon G. &. Barret, Choi field Pennsylvania Editor Pitts-' bur* lily Cuion/' itc. June 8, 1855 wmafa0" FT UL'TCHTKSF**. ,F\S. UEWEY. —lorchmnt Tailors, Thtrd Stre". iH-itaen Man una Johnsatl, KEOKUK. 1U VV A. AVE |0*t received, a» their Fas'nonable TaU ormgand Furnishing F^tahli=h.nent,n choice *nd excellent supply of Mrot Icloths, rt nsnneres, Votings, and Ge tlemen's Furnishing Goods ot' II descriptions, and guarantee that their work ... hall be done In the most approved and satmfac- fn* tory manner. They are distantly receiving the York and Puila lelnliia Fa-hions, and re- ,•, JMctfully solicit all •,tlioJ, i «£. .. tse best material eve then a call. HUrcnirs'soN &. DEWEV. 4pri' 5,1855. dly New Books for Aa«ii$i CLEVE HALL. By "Amy Herbert," Xa£e, A.C. Ckfefully studied will greaMy contnbute to im- pan a complete .f the relative lof c.,ion,or „,e p,.e« •ml the geu»ral appearance of' the surroutniin country. By Richard C. McCoraick, if. Art 11 nUs. Architecture, Sculpture, au i Pauitiu*. •y James J. Jarves, member Amertcau On Altai Society. Miti Fennimore Cooper*i Xar Book. COL-*TKY LI E ITS ltava® Te Iks liKkkoMeri el the Keokuk, Mi. Pleasant, and Muscatine 11. R. Company. NOTICE General Agent K. P. & M. R. R, Co. August 8th. 1K53. d&wtd Morning Glory and Mt. Pleasant Obaerver map?. I8S3 IS33. MW BRT ROODS HOim: REID, SHIICLDh A CO. £At the old stand of ,, v Alin rso.', 4 ETCHER has ot* hat it! an u will fmuisli'v orier Ztuiaieriaan's c«letiaVd Sep^ratoi |br _Thrashing, Cleaning, Screening and Bagging Km in ready for market. It will thrash and cleat, fUU to himi bushels per day, ami has taken tb« premium at th A r{leatioij. rtl ^Residence on Fulton St., between 2d and 3d.f I*. EICUER. Keokuk. April 10, tAMi dfew Time E3tr»nBs«. \EAI ABBU1 A Pmprutttrs. II.AL, ABBOT M. gf* Broad Street, o w 5 N e w -Y o k o .Tt N I.* ,:e good work and 1 i s nu w A Viiit to the Camp before Sevastopol, IVith mapiwliicii are entirely correct, and i- AWH 1 Aiuwt 4 July 27. 1 v.»5. W. J. n F. HDMPHREY tGAGE. is hereby given, that in accordance Wi'h th? conditions of ttie subscription for the 1st Division ot said road, the first instalment Of #}., per eent. will he due and pavable Sept •th, at the banking house of Chtrles Par sons, Treasurer, Keokuk, or to the undersigned general Agent. J. K. HOR ISfl, i*14s 4fo.W, m%in Street, KEOKUK, IOWA. SCALERS IN* Bry deeds, Straw On4I. sad Nstlsns. E would inform the Merchants of Iowa that we have a larj»t undelegate -t»ck ol his season's triuie, and will til thetn to cash or prompt time buyers as low as they can purchase them the west. We are daily receiving, and will continue to receive ad Htloo? to our stock as Hit* season aijty&ticett w iiiai wr imvr a larjjf* una -t©cK Ol il'i'nj'iirry w»f» win coiiM! Sooda, suiiable lor this season's trade, and will with Mr. •AI I ... A I Dress Bilks variety, and latest patterns. RJC1D, SHIELD? March 30] 1855 d'imwly. Farmers lake Noticc. G. M. HUSTON, WBOLEtALK IN NOTIOKt AK» fAN( V KRVCudM, 91 Main Itreet, fceokok. I*«i. ALWAYS on band a general assortment of Rib bon*, Carpen, Laces, fdgines, Insertion end MiMaery Good* in genetal, with a Urge sssort merit ol white *»oda, Hosiery t'»mf»rti, 'f»l"vea Sufj.enJcra, Cap, Letter and Fancy- Note Papers' Knvei"ps i oraiiinn a nd fam !J*iik flooiis fancy soapa. Han ml, Colognein.: po fumery of iliki&4« a large aaaortment of puckrt cutlery Snaaora* R^zor* .Piatola, Hocks and iilvt-r W tthe» an4jewrlT of nil lo» nptmos, l'ialltyandprice«i alao a laigt aiutgeneialaaaortment of v )mK»,B«U tot*, Threads, Pina, neeillea, Spcctarlea an* Ca ses. Pott Monirs, a tine assortment \f RRASON. For sale by J, T.tJAVE SU\. August 10,1855. 2td 1UST RECEIVED. 1 FEW dozen white Beaver Hats.tust the thing for Summer wear, at the Hat Store of I I. *. HUMPHREY GAGE. Hum 9,1855. i JIHITS. JUST RECEIV K I) per Kcpress a large lot of Fashionable, auft tar Hats, Paul and Black, far sale cheap by ()J rocket Wallets, Memorandum Booka, Pencil*, Shavnit Brushes and Uoxea,fancy Woik Boxt-s, Oorgles aadKye Protectors, lu a wordeverjuiiigi-om prised in the notion AND FANCY GOODS Also a large assortment of i K If.Attfc. %CCOrdeous and Kiutmaa of all gjades^ Our stock will be found wiy heavy' jitflf•.Gam Iete,our goo.Is having liecn aeJ»jct«'eif rt'ie aarly fall trade, with great rate ar.l with upcnal refer ^nce tothe requirementt »I hewestero markets, we are confident we can r,i -c sa'israciion to all as' regards both quality and pru es at we 12, tend to compete with the at. Louis market, und will sell is low,if noli little lower .than any house in the West. We sell at WHOLESALE ONLY, and confine ourselves to one particular branch of business, md of course bur and sell cheaper than persons keeping a promtaruoui stock. W« would respect fully request Merchants, Pedlars aad Dealtrsin frneral, to give 11 s a call atui examine o .ir ftock and prices.and fatiatj themsche» efurr ur haa me 1 sew here, as we think hey ttjH find it greatly to their aMage. Call i»t .No.84, AU in street, 6, M. Ifl'STON. ISM. ti&W I rtircino *xti ftt rmVcton RAIL 110 Vn Ll\t (P forta Jc Oijii.'wka, ntra! \1 iiitiirv I TxMt Ciiicago, Burlington Ac Quincy llaiiroatls,) ISdistance now comple'cd, anil Trains run fheentiie fnm CHICAGO to Bl'KLlNG TO!f, Iowa, without change u) cars. n-most ilirert ronte to Chicajyo, .Vt-vv York Boston, Pliilailelpliia, urn! all oilier points F.mI, 2 Daily Trams leave Durlin^ton Sim days excepted. I.—DAY EZPRKSS,—TiiROYr.?it 7. 30, A. Arriving at Chicago the Fame evening,pissing Connecting with Illinois Central Rail Road Mendota for St. Louis and Cairo direct. in" .tT* u.. Trains on the above Roadu run in «)ote con- UAd8 ir do C, igan Central and Michigan Southern Hoad^. and with all the Roads Uadmc to the Atlantic Cities, Ohio, Kentucky and Pennsylvania. Pa«engers leaving Burlington at 7, 30, P. M., reach Galena and DutJePh in !2 hours, and Ift. i Louis in 2 tiou:n. Miss Sewell, author of: By tliis route pa seti^ers will r'achthe interior Hie I'xperiences of i P«»rf*ons ol Ohio and Indiana in lese time, and i with fewer charees, than by any other route, or, e v A,t a th, 1Ce a a T- The cituens of this place and the surrounding country, as well as merchants, are solicited to CALL AND KXAMINE FOK TH KM LV ICS, as I shall take pleasure in shewing my Goods. June'2J—dfcu- H.D. WOODWARD. \etico. h:l 1 April Ift, 1852. tf Xofk*. NOTICE is herein fMvcn that have this day sold out my interest in the Hat, Cap and Millinery business of Humphrey & Gage," to D. F. Humphrey, who will continue the business ?tand. Gage at the old stand. SLEEVES, DAP(.rape,,p rc n*V Co's Errg^s dA-wtitn SCR(Ka g» vaiu, kkoki k, Cineert reet. betwee.. 4i(, stuj ')t'i-feet#, iBSrth of Main et'e^t. A Urgje ass^i ^tnent ot Luaiber aodtftuiif les o^beat quality, alu av» on tmi. dAwlo S pBn,nl nwis, & Co. 88 Broad St., H.\. WILLIAMS, TAK:»EJR & Co., HulLlo. "ITTR I'A .R KY i Ptaplf i Lla« Kleiners, loot Coorlloadl Alreel, For Bills Lading, apply to N*A! AliBoT k Co. i nt tV id,nS #H ay,nff OVf ttt 0 tbf ..... neclinir. Ma Mit higan Central at Michigan l,y W 1 1 ".V Saktn Road, .".'i 90U U t- Chicago, 'r'- Throng i Tickets by thi« Route can bfi p'jr chased at the Rul Office in Burlington. C- ti. HAMMOND, buperintendeiit, I), RFMICI, Ticket A^cnt, Boiinigton. C. E. FOLLKTT cago. bicago^ M«v Ht, General Tickt-t Af tit. Chi A K W S U K I I I W O O I V V K I Wnolesale & Retail Dealer in Dry Coods, lints nml Caps, lofliin?, Watrhei JainJ ('lorkK, liolci ami riatfrf Jewelry, V ialin», At i ordeons flutes, Glasi aii,i Kancy B'vcs. No. M*in-st., South aide, between Sd 4thsts KEOki k, IOW A. AVtNO butn engaged exclusively in the Wholesale Trade in New Albany Ind., »od still holding an interest there, will enable me as (oi mer |y, to !uy aiy goods by he package of Im porters and Manufacturers. Th«s placed on the same foundation as oui Cincinnati and saint Louis wholesale dealers, I can sifoly pledge myseirto duplicate auy bill purchased our westerncitiet. BOOTS A N SHOKS ICKORIK, FT nit*Moti*M A '^I^'serota A)io a Ini ge and well selected s luck .f I IC *1 i I I'li'k 1 niini'iiii NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS, 1 itfTUDtio i-v i ', .. I'eniisyivania—incorporated by the J. E. HUMPHREY. April 10,1855. tf Embraiderles, Lacei, A:c. io n Real Thread L^ces, Edgings and Bobbins, ant Saxony Thread Ed^iny in:reat variety,just re- i 7 1 7 #,,1r, s (.'cy^ta! ralact-, \»jw ^orL, a choice asAortsi»eat received anil now op«n, comtu^rciu! »rieiic«« and at the State I*aim of MuryUiul, Vugiuia, In-1 diana, Illinois, Ac. Orders will be thankfully MBcaisedanil :oiumuniCB ious wil! Apr\i 2.1, 185^ cme promo i LIVfcfiY I a Tennessee Iron. W* now Gunner•*, I'weeds, Doe ski'is I many business opeiations not found in comrn-r and Cmiiingj. rwille and Plain dun- arithmetics—a comprehensive course of msicat dec Linene. bleached linen drill, cord and due-k 'b' penmanship—business forms and busine e Hrowri arid nulf Coating and window shade 1 in- letters—daily lectures on commercial law am. P. D. FOSTER. Wtfcff Tttnherman'ta STABLE. 1 e i o n 1 u s rect, between A Main and Bloudeau streets, islaige and coin modious ami especially tilted up and adapted for the, and the undersigned areamply pre pared to accommodate their friends and the pub Ito generally, with Saddle Horses, Buggies, and Carriages at ieasonablc rates. They Horses by the d«y, week, or month." SAML. McKL'S, i i. 1- also keep w Itenkuk, Oct. *MBERMAK. IT, ic J. IF receiving, in iddltfon t, mir pres- ent stock of Iron am! Bls^ksniith oots, dl. rectly Irom the maniHactiirei 6,Mi tons assorted si. tes Bar Iron, „o winch we will be „be lo give our customer* the tienetit of the recent decline in the msrket also 160 an»oited sisos Plow Stool to which aiuntiou „f W LlllBiDOH. DKALKktn Me «St le. LINK. CCOLLECTION Uatcbes,Clocks,Fancy and Varie ty Goods, Musical Instruments, and Toys* ill kind. Watches .C)firk» anil Jewell repaired. Old Gold and Silvci bought. Main street, beteween fourth and Fifth,Keokuk Iowa. lmar.3**6B-d II011 and I,ol for Sale. OFFER th.- Hou-f aini I jo where 1 t.ow n.-sid'., e-i. !.'.-ur tlic cortier of Seroml street, (Lot 8, Block 11). Terras Ca-h. Peraoti* wishing t, purchaae, can call et.d exatn me the pt «Tnisf-a Oet. IT. lMM-'t A. !:. CHAM'LER. HAIR DRESSING SALOOIT HAIR Uni8 perfVrineJ aUeW ,ud Those who 4esire to etjoy the luxury of the 3dCi.A*S. Bank Keokuk, Apriltl, t##J— ly Toilet should not fail to call at my saloon, on Main «»'on ami Iork (itibuIWik ttreet.ia the building formerly occupied by the .* j«b Ci^ss.—Collee, Fish, Be-/ OKUCABi'S. S. A. 1)1 K IC, Mnntifactiirerof «nJ Di'uler In BOOTS AM) SlIOK^, AT AIN STUFET. CpTSi^ii of the Mammoth Boot Keokuk, Iowa. EXCHANGE & NANKING TlOUSE o e o A i i e o Corn'i «f Johnson and Srccud.Streets, nppixitt ot tkr St- Charles Haiti, KEOKL A\ ON THIS CITY remitted for, promptly at current rate of Exchange lj"*liitercst on deposits when specially agree upon. —Refer te— E. W. CLARK &. H«o»., 1 BOOT., MILTENBLROI* Co. Joimi. BANKERS, ANIILKIOS K w i A.hs, OODOE te Co., New York City. rfOrtVe hi-urs from* A. r-w* July 14, dtl 1115. IMS. KEO&1*K AM' I 1 |U i through Afoiwuulh, (Jalesbur^', Princeton, and cornier!ine at MendoU with the Illinois Central Rail Road, to LaS.tlle, Bloomington, bpi iiigfie'd, IJecalnr, Jacksonville, atid Naples also with Galena and Duril^ith. !!.--• ExfKt«s TuRot-GH, ?. 30. r-m.. ar ,d a K INLAND EAILKOAD MAIL LINE BTKAMtKS. TH I I \y 1 ,: i i i a i I J* Jl'kec and lien tamplHll, Now making Daily trips, connecting at Rhk Uland with the Cars for the East, and with the for Cvilena and Saint Paul. Keokuk with the Great Mail Line Steam ers Jeannle DeaMS, Westerner, Keekob and Die Ver n»n, For Sit. Lenis. M'KEF,. Cnpt am Ij*roy I5or0E. r,eave^ Davenpor' aii K' clj Ixl-md every Mon day, Wednesday and Friday Evenings for Ken. kuk. Returning, leave* Keokuk every Tuesday. "x CAMPBELL, xvl{h Ilch 1 Captain R? BARTLETT. LfavPR Davetiport and Rock Islan^every Tues- dav. Thursday and Saturday Ev.'i,ini s. Return ing, leaves Keokuk every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday Lye-imfr*. For FHF.I U I I or PASSAGE, inquire en Board, or of T. HE AldllT, Agent, March, Aprii 3 dtf, Keokuk. 1855 1855 Spring and Summer Tra«l AMlvS K COX, HUospsalr Dealer In Dry iioods, 9S, U\\\ STEELT. hlKK. S how fn receipt of a very heavy as'd coinplvti: I. stock of FOHE1GN AND DOMESTIC DRY (lOOIW. FANCY AND VARItTY GOODS, YANK KB .NOTIONS, JOOOTS A SHOES, IIATS 4 CAPS, At:., AC. To^wlHi^ lii 4lvite«lho•!ten' ion ot merchants visiting this city for supplies, as he cm ortV-r them *uch inducements that they will find it high ly advantageous to give his stock au examina turn before buying elsewhere. April (!. dfc,vvU I*.»l o .l«l 0||||.I1I w December 29, IH53. dii-wly Collars, and Chemissttss^.CaiDbrie merchants and accdimiant* have been tpial and Swiss, Ed^iu?n,& Inserting.*, HIItM^TO^ CORNER MAIN AND JEI FERKO* IT|., liutlinyton, luwa. A RV BRANCH of the Mercantile Cullege ol Pennsylvania—incorporated by the Legis- pyehwed ^s in- litur of that State with perpetual cha.ter trrrit of J. E. Humphrey it. the ITaf. Cap TRUSTEE* and Millinery busmen, of the (inn of Humphrey St Gage, the business will be continued by the undersigned under the firm of F. Humphrey & Gage, and they solicit the pafronasre of the friends of the old firm and the public e^nerally 1. J1 His Excellency the Ho*. JAMES BUCHAJUN HOK. WM. WILKINS, (iate Secietai^at War-) the HON. MOSES HAMPTON Ho». HON UMPHRtet. A. H. GAGE, of W H. 1 Book Keeping and Commercial Science in the Mercantile College ,f Pennsylvania. Louis II. DAI.HOKK, late Prtfes«or of Com m«rcial und f)i nam ntal P.-tunanship in the same institution. CH A S Bkn. DARWIN ton Bar—Professor ofMercantile Law. The Principals design carrying out in every particular that course offrainin^ for business iii troduced and followed up for upwards of fif'een years hv Mr. DUFF, the founder of the Mercan itile Co.bge ol Penn-ylvat.ia, by which about r, for siliess 1 i n 8s ara on or ceived by p. D. F03TER I States. It comprehends upwards of 40 real April23. 1855. business transactions—illustratine six different i methods of conducting books by double entry -Y oy wnicn a'^ou about 300 commercial computations, explaining!".' Sight 4C 1 w.mitb is Arreted- F.el»..g e -largmn tbi, bri Ii o our b^me s* w«s ate |.rej»»re«. u- odor th tttcas .ary inducoait nt*t,o .i«i.,n n -i to scoo,-,!** i t.'l» isnie. CuNNAIUk, 1H fc oT •)(W\ BOXE8 Glassware at i Window (ilassat RE YJSOLlto' Drug Store. v I*»flT*«s Book-keeping, Harper's edition, price 1,50. the m»st |ei feet and comprehensive in th* f.ti£ii«h language. Dutf's Western Steamers fPHE undersigned has now Accountant, a fHsrlecl system lor such accoouts, his Ware-Rooms, and ?.. o bo h»d at Corse's Bookstore, Jefferson signs keepine constantly onhn Street. w Send lor a Circular by mail, Burli ngloii, July Iti, lho5. dAw A N K I N o u s e OF CHARLES PARSONS. t..'»n/r of Main and Second St.v. Keokuk OIGHT Exchange on the East and South foi ifd ^fm^Bills rants purchased 1 uV ^xcbatige* Bauk and bankers'Draft, and ccrtif cate'of i foaif Foreign Gold ami Land wij' s rants purchased. Kewittanses Irom the country for exchange promptly forwarded. lotorest allowed on deposits as per agreenoai V ¥. K To Messrs. Page & Bacon.St. Louis. Ceshier Am Ex. hank. Now York. .A'lai«l iu^, fi, s*o 4 4 Phil Batik. Ph|i,delphia. Mercharts' Bank, Baltimor« I Measrs T. B.Goodmon 41 Co,Cmcinjiati April t, rBxatyuANU KAiuo.m. THE Gwet C»iitn»l Route, ckuut'icj hs At Untif citiee with W#»iern, Northwestern and Sont!i'*'e.«tern States, by a continuous Rail way diiert. This road kI«o conner.tfl at Pitts burg with dailv line of Steauiers to all pnrls on BETWKIN FlRJ Ci.a^S —fiord*. Shoe CI?TTH*GdOB* accoi '\ngto physiogno. 2d CrAss.-Boi.k« aivl fltalion- i my and the principle* ot che Coiticur^ art, A and wilt be forwunlH.l to and trom ttie Great H'ett. MfiferW couuhtf. •ATMs ox 3) r5 y )rv Uou( t.» c. per ,, {ja bj ,, w) gy I Hardware, Le.llief, HM im 8p K ",'isi SOts. per 10!)! luoih coii an I P.nk i|iaiked Lanl 40 c, per ki Li il Oil, .... 9lW'hipping Ootids from a"»y point East ot Phi .i Ip!na, be particular to mark iCh»e Peir^if iunii) li'iilrnnd All Got da consigned i to th« Agents of 'his Road at P/uUdelphia or' Pitlaburg, will be forwarded wi'lumt iieteu»»ori. 1 FmtUJHT Aobnt^. Moses PoMer. Beaton j. I*. KMojl'.. N. York E.J. Sneeder, Philiidelphi«| Magraw &. Koons, liiltitriore Geo. C. Frahrls cti$, Pi tshursr Sp -ii tnan &. Brown. Cmcinna ti, Ohi .!. S. Moorrliead, L'"'iinvil|e Kv.} K. C. Mfldrntn, M-idi.on. Ind Katcliff & Ct., St, Louis, Mo S Mitchell Sl Soil, Ev«Mville, Indiana. H. II. HOUSTON, General Freight A««at, PtUladelpliin. H. 3. LOM A E KT, S..p't, Aitoona, Pa. Feb. I, 1855. ly I I. I a It v 11 i Tii (a Co. y St. Lots la hhb iHity rrougn irmi «, ucm»vi pt. ladetphia and Pi'fshurg—THE MuRMN i MAIL TRAIN Ir-avea PhiUilelptiia lor PdtHkur at 7 1 2 A. M.. ntid Pitt.liur^ for Pinladelpliia at 7 A. M. THI". FASTLI,NE l»*a\e-Pi)i!a' elphiu for Pitt^buig ai 1 P. M.. and Pitt-huri for Ptula delphia at 1 P. THE NUillV EXPRESS' TRAIN' leaves Philalelphia lei Pittsburg at II P. M., arid Pitt-burg for Philadelphia at 10 P. The above lines connect at pjt aburg with Railtoads TO Wooster Ohn alao, wi'h t!ie Steam Packet Bo#t(. from and to New ORLEANS, 1 AND KBOM St. L' uis, Mo. Alton, Galena vud Glut-ago. Ills. Frankfort), Leaii g'ou and oui'vilie. Ky. Terre Haute, Madison, L.i faye?t»., i,n I Indiannp'dis. Ind Cincinnati, Day ton.Springfi Id. B' llefoutaiue, Sandusk v, Toledo Cleveland. Columbus, Zanosville. ST. VILLI, and CINCINNATI. Lot ia, Louts- Thr "igh I i' k^-ts can be had to or fcoaa «ith i of the a! utve places. For fur'Ler irticulaTS. s*e f?ir»^-bilf»af lh i different s'atting poin»a. Passengers from the VV'e.-t will find this the shorte-t and m^et e*r»edi liou^ route to PUiJ-uleliiina, Ballitaor*', New Yr*rk 01 Bo« 'on. THOS. MOORE, A'-.fN^r, Passenger Lwei, Philadelphia J. MESKIMEN, At "nt. Passenger Linvs, Pittsburg I'eb. 1 ls» i". i). i os i HASiu-t I I: i«r,»ive 1 a ai.-. Slock f' Sjiii .^ and Summer Goods, to which the- at tention ol buyer® is re'iiecttully asked. I The Goods have been selected with special reference to th city retail trade, #tid will be sold as low as the ?ame cla?s of goods can be bought i teun in any House in luwa. Purchaser" will ilo we!! to examine the s'ock before buymg elsewhere, as they will find mar s stvle* not usually kept iu tliis markt-t. April 2.1, SAWYER HOl'SK, WILLIAM WINTER, PROPRIETOR, Corner Stxond and Ct \ur Sinrfj, FORT AOISOUT, CTIARJJE. TPS' Biuce & Stages leave this House kill ami Buriinglon. June 25. 1K5?. ND \ltlNK INSL'RANCK COMI'ANV, OF PHILADELPHIA. THE allore areall soutid and reliable Compa -Lies, IKE rhks AT IO ACIT tion will justify. Durit.g my ah-ence for a A w 7 LOW CHARLLS NAYLOR and GI N. J. K OUHt.HC.AB. FACI'I.TY. Anprew T. HOWDKN, latesenior Professor of Companv TUIE OFFIT Louii. YOU member of the Barliag- may annoui ce n.\ ries 10 I' I'ow regarded by busi- men as the most ttierougfi and effective pre- the accountant eiven in the United per cetit per w»ck, if 'our rates thaUoca-i fow weeks at ttie East, the Insurance businessof the above Com p«ni* attended lo by Mr. am. B. 8 ARPD TEEt Bt Dt PHYSICIANS SURGE OS, RF.*PEC TFULLY tenders hia professional services to the citizens of Knokuk and vi cinity. ..(CR Ofliee No. 4, Burhe'SGallery, corner of Main and Third Sts. Entrance on Third. August 4, L^JJ. DTT A. Rrid^man 1ranee 8 Agent lor THE MI MI.STATE Mutual fnsu* DIR'.'-!ORJ OT'WBHH any article in any of my stores you can return i thearticlos. s, S BILLINGS March 23,18&6. (*. M'. Saudt rs, FURNITURE WARB-ROO If A I N E E e 3 a n i s e e a KKuKtK, IOWA. a well nt'lecte assortment of -n k ,,| ,i: uilurf I'tnbi,icmg clo M|1 l,,ttUrasse 8 SlAIMhU 1)I(V CiOOUS! FRKSII ARItlVAIi. 100 P»c kagfs of !f} Cioods! lo'iihi nt th? rtrem Aartias Sales at New York, PHiLAnrLPHiA 4Ni» HTTiJ»o*r. \IT invite Ihf! parficilar ion of whole- I /i i «ale nt.d retail put chairs to thin Stock. BKST FIRE, FIRE, AJ?D THIEVES! 'Jl' TEEN PIKEIHX Fite Proof Safes in store and for sale at makers's price*, carriage ad 'ed, hy August 0. 1855. ISMIIOII and Attention! 1 low IKY B-T^AGE A. taken to and from BOA'S ]'r 1 daily for Of KEI In^iiraiK'o ijiciiry. .Lisa linnriBif Co. Hartford COBB. TAR I !S S i A N V E O V A N V, Of Ogdensburg, New York. HARTFOhP KIHK INsrHANOI. CoMPANT, Merromlle, Eire A Marine Istoraire C-om|Miay, ('ovmjrton, K y MERCHANTS' FIHK July if* dAwly Merri- A W W. BELKNAP, Ofice atljoiaing the Mayor*? Office. July*3,1855. MM are among the oldest atia beat known busin-OS mr» D^DPTF !?lr. I ditor: TI.wne sell every article for camlidaleto ol II Y Goods and Groea cheaper than ever, a» I am anxious to rais* money to buy a fe« lots, which I can'L do well afler the elect 1011, as there will be a dreadful raise in propeily, for I shall tax evoty lot in the city 1 AM V elected lo carry on Rail road, to be paid in the nk weekly, which will complete one mile of our Road week ly. How many weeks will it take to complete this road Who owns the road, the city OL LEE Keokuk, or If you find county, the properly YOU holdersV— pay ovei the wholesale price for jikr Top Furnafet. (,n 100 M.I„ Keokuk, i.w., MARBLE TOP DRESSING, and plain Uuieausfine and plain Sofas line and plain centre au 'curd Tuble-jcanes-ataiid Wind sor Chairs, roenint Chairs ol eveiy description from a plain wooden se,!, t0 the finest haircloth stulled seat plain and fancv turned -o!tiige Bed steads o| |Jie latest styles i^ounges ^c. Looking Glasses of ail si/o clocks, carpet itiga, floor and door mattings, floor and 'table.oii ^^h"'t-Vsr-«V7i0*^^" ..I..41.. .. s«—r .»i 1 70 ulilft cr&okCf9| "V u atlll fr article for durability ami linwhof workmaushin *i Mv object is to a ,,-rma «.ut ,'ine-J 5 here, and „.vt on (he Pt»|er Funk p.-inriplej as *n rrv bicement to pe#sori«!o purchase of me 1 'am -esolved to «el| UT the lowest Cal and evr.mine mv «foch P*K« leiatus, bids, *0 bu fiesh pro nuts, 3«0 bills wrapp'g paper, 76 bags cotton jam, 100 reams let.&cnp do so cotoicd and whit* f0 pkgs 1 i & 3 ma kerel carpet chain, ft drums codfish, sh smoked herring 6 ases saidines, 10 tierces rice, 1 ~if hbls tar, vo pitch & rosln^ *8 bxs raisins, 0 hf and cj bxs do I case prunes, in boxes, 20,ooo feet fuse, lo boxe* citron, 30 cases lb and hf lb can 3uo drums rigs, ,»t 1 Went. Anions which may be ((fund and limbs, female eon ptaii ts. A.c. fior. Inrfeec 10 tMKI yards pru.'s at 4 cents per van!. **rv lew ate the diseases which«a t:rg»tire ^5 Oft) do do (I rolorw) medicine i« r.-t more or lev* rcqiand, end tr.iich lo.ono ilo printed Luwn« from 1 J. CO. d3t wtf To the Ladies. W T, are n^w ree*.i v ig direct trom Listern Mauufacturi rs Enamelled Stew Pans, (French) Scolr Row I-i. Covered Stew Pans, Uncoveied do do Fla' bottom round Boilers, Enameled Ma'.in KeMIrs, plain, do do do turner, Revolving Waffle Irons, Washington Cake Pai s, etc., c'c. Which will be B'jld at a srnal' arfvnro-e hv* E W. BI LL i 1 RO Au^ost 9,1H,»5. 2nd 4iw Altcotloo gement- for (he estab- A VIN rti i* arrar 1 h«lHiient o: i large Clothing Manufactory on the L-istern plan, I am t.ovv lTeiii my SrKI\G AKD klMHER OUODR AT TK1ML CiSJ. Those in need of Clo long will fi thistu W a rare chance.' Cornor of Firat a a! 1 in streets. NATHAN HOFF^EIMER, Keo] uk .July 13 1 dA.vv ly FOR S U E! ihp .utht at liable i'ropcrtv in Krokuk. r**Hl THE AT CHARLKI Lr RANKIN k MILLER. Lily 18, dAtwif T. W. ALEXANDER A CO ForwaiiliriK and ''ominissiun Mwriiants, Freight Agents for *£W YOftK CtNlEAL BAIL E0AD, AM.— Fulton Lake boat ljtne, on Erie fMrt'ii on i Lakr*, no fcOI TH WATER ITRKET. CtNTKAL WHARf. CHICAI.OJLL. Thompson, A Co., Davetiport Fo-te"». Beartlhiown. II! llnr. A Stame,?nr gfit h!, Ill A Sl 11 Reed, Galesburg. lit. W S Gilman, N«w Yoik Fasaitt & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. A Gilbert, Cash'r Com. B'k, Chicago. ma Kg. PaC KAOt.- CAKg OF T. W. A. St CO. WKR'S PILLS. A Hait-in n reiau purchasers to this Stock. the cure ot all bilious iliseoves coisli.enras 100*1". which is now arrivit which together with out *inlige»tio», jautinicfl.dropsy, rl eunxttisin i» v» i Stock on band, makes one *f the i.*H(i*st. gout, luirnots, nt vouMieeS, irritability, inliain i HKArE^T and FINE article for house Keeper! durin* hot Tlit-y oj^r^tr tk»i owei lul inrtar *ee on weather. For sale bv 'be intei vi«cera to purify ibe blcod and stim ulale it into hralthy action—remove the obstruc tions of the -tomach, bowels, liver, and other 01 For sale bv Ii W BlfEL 4r- BRO Aufu I 1). H'5. 2w.i4 vr A- L. I OSHAJ1.I. SFO. IM*TH. SI CORMARLE RLE. SUVTfl A O. W bole«alr ers, il»uleri in Trnirikrf Iran, 4 '•rwartllnj und onimUtian vim hmiu, Nos and, HK now receiving the following, completing iX heir spring »t t*. vi hicli they oltcr U the trade at very low rates, iney vnll do justice to any or ders they may be favored with too bbds N o sugar, 60 ne,ts tnbi, So bids Oelcher's clfd, 10 do» tar buckets,' 3i l°af anu crushed, »0 do/ituc washt.oards.I loo S molasses, 30 boxes cl .tbts pma, 60 plantation teo 1 oils mamilaroi»e, «0 «1 Belchei's S 4, as int e tt golden sj rup, 73 dor hemp and grass Ved fo pkgi hfbtd Ir kes do cords, '^011 sacks Inn I'liflte, 300 boxes xririd-w glass, 30po k'ts old gov Java do asst size s & brands, 3i)o kegs nails,asst sizes, CO boxes tumblers, 60 boxes sos] SO do ftO do 76 hf chests teas, a?st, hbls alum. SO boxes do 10 copperas, 100 bxs «bcwing tobacco,ts sacks pepper, various brand*, a 60 bxs cut hewing and 60 boxe smoking do pun».,. J..,D,.SSTII«»IVU w 60 r«galia andpriucipe bales loves, cigars, 1 case nutmegs, •i* boxes uba sixes SO boxes gro. Bger, 800 bu prime I). Apples, aftdor yeantfpowdcri, '00 bu prime Peaches, 30 btds dirt kinds nuts. ei 36 boxes mustard, t# cornstarch, 6C doz brooms, too u s broom twine, CC8 ::X8,, "^ning«., and eve, U6 Ua ke I U in ,n of businses Purt of ,ny stook Was madp un(lej D1V own si pervisioti, and the re?t bought from an ti facto, m' les of high tandmg, »o that I can warrant even ST [„(,.IH |C^E b"frr purehasiog r|oow)irte. will n'woTi. take pleasure te ^ho'V ttte fiirnit,iie to Lathes and Gentlemen W'ho e^|| i on me. whether thjy feel r,e!j.,ed u buy or not U U. w, »AKDEU8. w,)0 kind of IN R» r* anti !iii)(ui.rlv MicCi'tilui Ieoiedy for Stocks of Drv Goods,in the I malion*. headache, pains in the hienni, wide fe«rk, tq JO ^ts- 'sickness and ufTeriiig mitrht be prevented tf a 20,000 do Ma:.chet«r, Hamilton and Pacific harmless but tfec'ual eathnitue were Hiorefie^ De Liinej at 124. I^t used. No peison can Itel wi II while a e«** IU,0K yds. dreas Siiks frotn 40 cts to $2,00 live lialiil of bt.dy prevails besides it soon eti per vard. jarj.t«s stiiPus and often Ut„l disa.»e w'ich 50 bales Brown Sheetings from 5 to 8 cts. 1 might have 1hen avoided hy the timely and u 25 rase-bleached -do do 5tol'.'j dliious use of a tood jurga'ive. I'liis i 50(H) yards Lenra«ter fritigtmir I true of colds, veri-h symptoms. at.H bilious de Luge stock of Carpeting, cr.njitsftng ol Roys rangemeitts. They all tei 11 lu come or produce Velvet and Brussels, imperial, it ply and mgraii 'he deep seated and formidable distempers which o| every variety. Rugs, Oil Cloths, and Mat- load the heat-es all ovei ttie I, nd. Het e a re 'inga, together with houte funiahitig goodu o liable «'amilv physic is of the first importance n. every description. the public health, and tbi* pill ha* beeu perfect- J. A. DURKFE k CO ed with coi.sunimate skill to me. demaiut, 85, Main Street, An extensive trial of its virtues bv physician?, KeuJlfkt Jim* 2j, 1805. dfcwtf professora and patiei.ts has ^h«wn results sur passing aty ihu hitherto know u 11 any uied. cine. Cu»es have been effected beyond belie), were they not substantiated by peisens ol auch exuMed position and chaiactt-r .is lot bid the suspicion of ur.truth. red cettilicati fiorn ail part* wt^, 1 b",,,s it, K» 'kuk err. j,' y i|,«. THE A the Public School H^ tse, and situa in the verv be-t place in the City fur a long and tav rably known ,is one of th in the Stale, u no a oirere I for sa'e i n fnvorabie Horn i "n o'tai»e any pio- TME ST. CUARLKB MOTLL. jcs,.. The ttwa i« rfe tly Vh .ie irpe- on (,t! u n Liberal ca*f advances on »hipment«n Pro- ceived them, they v» ill be promptly lorvtartliMi bv dtice or M"rchaiidize*for sale iti this market or mail at his letptesf. shipment friends east. Of all the patent medicines tha' aie offered s a |,k„ Among the mat y eminent gentlemen who have testified in favoi of these pills, we iiiay mention, J'Ct. A. A. HAVES, Anahtical 0hu.,i4.t ii Boston, aiut St3te Aasa^rr of Ma-sachusetts whose I.igh piolfciiionai thar«i'ier 1:1 endorsed Ly H»b. EPWAUO EVSRSTT,Senator -d S'nten I Rom RT C. WINTHROP, House of Representative* ABMOIT of the Uutt- ex «peaker LaWri.K(*.Minister )r the Plen. to England tJ. MS FiTZPATru-B, Catholic UUhop ol Bo» ton also, i I R- CHiT Tosr, Practical Chemist of Ntw oik Ci'V. eftdorsed bf H' n. W. MAH v, Secretary ol Slate WM A'T'JI the richest man in America i S. Lf.i AKD k Co ptopuetors ot ttie Metro oh'an f, tel. at o'liei*. Did space permit, we oub? 1V e many hund e ,,,« ,„n, have bteri u-. d, but even mote onviut. I mg tbar. the expeiit-nce of public n^n, |j found in their ifleets upcu tiial. Hie-e pills, the result long investiga'ion Arid study, are offered to the public as the brM and most complete which !be reei.t state ol medical science can alfoid. They are 0 mj.oun.t ed not ot tin? drugs themselves, bar of the medse mal virtue® only of vegetable rtnjvtiie* txtiacta y chemical pr.«e-s ir, a sta'e puiity, kilt mhin.v.. together iti suth a njai.ntr uj t«j msuF') be t'est result*. This system ol ti n position lot Tiedinne ha* been louid in the Ch.try Ivct^^i a #.»ie dicw»t i«me- |d td composilKJO, every ft.ediciiif is burdened vttih more i less 1 .-itrwiouioos a 'Oj' riou# qi, lit u p. |y },,* IVl ,i n v.irtue thai is desbed for the ur, tne etf*, i w pii#eiit. AU She inert oi.d obnoxious qnali Les each lat-i minoyed e e 1* it bemnt!, the five vtrtiieo otl being retail Hei .• it is -«il-ende»(t Uit eHects sht.ulu pr ve as the.^ I.«ve proved ira re p'sreJy i«uiedtt\, ami (he pii,' -urer, m«t* p- w. fu{ at 'idi-te tv disease than ny other me icine ki own to the world. A* is l»«,p.ent'y expedient that «y di • shoald be t.tken undet the cum cU,f an «i •'ending ph) •icisn, aid as be C(,u!d not proper!, .•nlge of a reo.«tdy wribi ut known t* roii.po •ition, I have s'.p| he the arcutate /ormula wi Inch both my Pectoral ai Pills .,r«- ma-!e 'he whole bod) ol practitioners in the I'uPe i abates and Buti-h American Province*. It how ever theie should he sny one who lias not ie- Refer to ho« fi w would be taken if their composition vv» W Ewing & Co 8r. Loun, Mo. S 11 W Their life consists -.n their mystery. I 1 haver, (Quincy, IP. Gree- A .Stone. Mu-ca- »a»e no mytlerns. tin- I.wit Campbell. 4. Co., Galena, DL The composition of my preparations is ioM 11 Larifcley k »ck Island, III Birkl-r, M,n to i!s a'»d all who ate ccmpeten! in 'judge on th* suhjerr fre-ly ccmpetet. acknovt ieogtf their eoiiv i' tions of their intilr.sie metits. he Cher ry Poet oral was pronounce*! by sciei.tsfie mew tr. be a wondetLd *tdicuie bef/r« its ellecl- w*r*» known. Maiiy eminent jhy-cians have deciar ed the same toy piffs, at even mote cou fidentlv, ard nre willtng iojcer'ify that their ar tvcipaiions were mm* than realized by thair e| lefts upon ti ial. gams of the body, re-toriug their irregular adieu to health, and by correcting, tvLarover they ex i ist, SHCIi'lerangemenfs as are the first origin ol !d»ea*e. Piepaiod by JAMES C. AYER, Praclic*'. I and Analytical Chemist, Lowell. Mass. Piice 2.:» cents per box. Five boxes for $ I. hol,) 18.T.1. 8/.e VSht of any, Sut"t"«r by H. Ay res, Keokak, wholesale art! I retail Fort Madison, E. Whila-y t. Bro.s K«o an(|iia I/'. Leib Montresc, H. S»iige :»n,i b\ ell drugms's evet y where. ^.jij laVRRV STABIF, (hi J, hn.son Street, between Island BV WILLIAM H. «LF(.IIOK\. f|^HIS^^establishment is large, crmmodicn*, IMIAF» LUIHIIJERN, *•,V 19 RF AIMOO»CII, *o»p, 60 bxs jit, hf pt a yt flasks -a- W'ell arranged «ud amply pi ovid« with star candles, Bceroons A 2cases iudigo i hor.-ee well tr -inert for harness, as weil as* tin mi uld do 1 cask prune madder, Carriages, Bu ie ami Hacks, open and c!os sts as. a fat. ..lum, cove, ed and half cov ored, ot everj description! flpptras, adapt' 1! to convenience or luxmy, sincJ"* S r,l s a,ui ar.-i. neiiDer and orv f,,ors TlllSnopular 80 bales vvtQppmg twine, »0 boxes St. Louis starch ae f« starch, 60 doz nionias' oy sters, 100 boxes cindy, 8Go keg rifle aad mining oowdcr, tto dt z woott tmckets, ,, 1W er U6 bbls Dayton ale,fresh, 100 boxes matches, 66 boxes ink, lao'hags shot, all sizes, 8 tons bar lead, «flo 01 O caps, ILu .•! ivattr proof do Hat are reqaestei,®^ 4t 1 1 0,4, Emporium of Fash A Ireoh of ol new Summer slyle ,?e ,a lBd e! orn 8 111st f" aw Goods of all Panamas, Palin JLr on* •. Ac in great v ar ety. For salu cheap ol ,, C. SHELDON'S, i a i n S e e Cal' and look at tbew and seeur* you a Mce sntnm* h»«. Jilv 15. 1H55 Ti^IiSE SILK HATS, of McNeils* fanufkeidre V r. HUMPHREY GAttF ^'"rriages of residents of (he city from abroad kept on moderate terms, ient», aa«l carefully attended to by men thoroughly cloves. skilled in the business. o u a n s o o n o i n i s i o n e n o n y o w n a o u n a a i e s May 25,1855. dly 1855. BT. LOUIS AND KEOKUK MAIL LIKE BfEAMUiS. line ol rs w ,U ,Dake regtv- lar daily throughout the rea son, connecting a' Keokuk witk the regular daily mail packets to R«CK ISLAND, GAI.I NA am) St PAUL, running in connection with the liailroada to Chicag* and the east. 'I he Hue is at present composed oLthe jt«am 1«K VF.R. WESTKANK*. Jl ANNll. DKANS and KE'-KLKV,ON, whosti nauics alone are a sufficient guaranty of their speed ami iiccominodr.tions. March 1 SO3. dthu HEW BOAT AND SHOE STORE. GEO. CRITTENDEN has taken the store late ly occupied by Messrs. HutkinsA Billings eomer of 5 nml Ma n Streets, and has rtp»ned" a Iar^e and well assorted stock of Boot* and Shoes intended specially for the retail trade He aiks the impcction ot (he* and Jmbl lie generally, feeling confident that his experi ence in be trade, and the favorable terms m, which they were purchased, combined with u determination to build up a periuooeut trade will enable him »o !l lower thin any ouse ^City. Qiick -4!«4UJ ,W4lJ Keokuk, May 0. 1846,' 4tf Hoard UsnUd. JT a private fam I by geutli p»*a «a| JL Apply at lbt« AugujtJd, 1846,