Newspaper Page Text
I i X1-' I *9.i Ik. a*v «,« JP 4 X^IWv^! If |H, miRl SMITH, lla»aflMta»r» mt Htraw and Silk BONNETS, -p. /iMVOftTOUt and W bo let-ale Dealer* in gibbons, Silk Millinery, Flower*, Trimmings, I-as* Goods. %M& •••IwdierieB. Ac. Jh Mem Utr frt, Saint Lotus, Mi*# awn. A«ffMt SI. litei.—fund Aw 7-"^8 HOI. KM A LS ».» 41 IX .wonAgn 8c 4""W inTTF •y .^ssr ^iprie* feokalt, Aujrnsi 2'.', lS.'.'i. 3dS5. FALL SALES. *Wm. t. mm. fiotton, ... -St. it. ALL AN It KX AMINK. 4 Auru»t 21. !?»..• xtM IYI: three w teen and 105$ TTJSV IT»ui nfliiniiv, lrnke & C'o nv-.i,i- t- /i AN I» .SlitUl-, 1^4 Mat u rtowet. Si. is ,«l M.aik.uu. -jokiiig-tlasi'.'S Ltt»t. rn« Y»ll»w ami litx-kinj '"arc Britannia arc, Ivnjriiah and American Itll't I'ljH1 lil'O'iit. Ac. 4 Our l..„K vuonen,., ,.{ JV KXTV YE \1US in tha ,1»*. :-.0n'mi-** 111 Lnu nrjd our unusual fneiliti- .* for letting gijod- at thr l.'»WKST 1'iUt'liS, tnivble ti- to ft! jm-at !iniutwm^iits to \Sll custfunen! and J'l o\i I'T j,j u. and w nr. ito nil Midi t'.' Sail :Utd -r ^aautine our ?t.*k 1» "r- purvluMini^ Augustifi.'ti.— 1 inu TO 0!«TR.%rT0tt«. V|UWE 'a OrPtt'E, IitlTA I'lSITOTt^IV, Ft. AlH ii-t ii. An^n^t I1*53. f* pmpo^ul.- will C.- re-i'i\. t3 UifSv&rdt'u '•k'' I|,wa lVniiontiary, nt bi« offWe, until the fi:*t dtiv of O.-fdvr !, xt, for fitmi.-hing xnppliet )-r 1 .*»e "anic, for th-' fl^a! j\»ar muun.nrin' Octolwr 1st. To b.-d»lh k." fillwwjt 3 40f'0 heavy p.rk, 1 •e./tuh -r lt. V 4t»H0 00m 'd I, r. 1 -1. i watt*' fcboef! iworled fiiaef, from t». 11. No*. 1st. i it« pair.-* w olcn -^ocki, 5# pairs Xoveraber tot- 50 ^auuuty 1-t. 50 kaml« inc flour, 1 barrel par w k or 4 per •. faanth. I m, 12' ba'h' ls com inral, 10 Vmshrl per montb- Irih p^.uitow, 30 bu. November 1,50! -.i.,. Apri! l-t, W30. tjaahel* whits 10buJhel- November 1st, id Mar. It. I Sift. 1 han-lf X. 0. mola-8 3 STovcmUr 34, i fcpfU i.t, 1SW1. 5 htl.-. rider vinegar, 2 3fcn 1 1 Ai*ll t| lia-i. 4*u-k«.4. A. Salt, Nov. Int. I barrel laitl il, d.i ftar candle*, 2 NtfT, 2 April 1»5«. i eh-#t Y. If. t.a. Nov. 1ft. 2tnckf Riowfff, 1 Nov. Ut, 1 April l»t, ,2ii Tile bids U '•ak 2'. cord* Ike. l*t, 23 wmia Jan. ."fst, *5 pordi1 F. b. l»t, 25 c*tb- March lit, 4Mnl* 'fprll 1P(, 18-Mi. 10 {it'vev t-umt brown abirt'mjr. Nov. t#t. #r..,... JO bartvJf Mwas pork, April li-t. 1S56. op,ni*'i *. fev met) Ut %g»ill 1 Sri* ^baativuut »fter th.' d'llvcry ty days Uiereafter. Ipy the In-jut torr an required by it.* thou-iawl on thovaand of C.dd?*, Cott','ha. A-ttnii^, up, Influenza, Brow u te., -d the iro i..rtion of dent lot from (H'u e di'. a«e.t in thi« finntry. Th« Tith are a* 1^"*' toe ft lontl Bud will cur more mm iplaint*. E»ery ItoiJy nfvtln more or lew purging. Purp tlie kiond from itn impurities. l*ui'ge the Bowel*, l.ivar *Md the whole vi«e-n»t system lr.m ottM rue e.iiji. Fu'j'f out th. diseiu«, wbieh faM.'ti ta. 1H-- Italy, tt W' daenv. But i.r di-eat-.-, n. Ik nlj di.• only -m oh' •. 'lnl e R'.tidot. early himI tfe n-i it from .-Jbt mu. bef.wc it I* yet too tr»mg to ,, ii-nl. Ayr V Pill-1 tlo thro out di«ea»e, ikH ally-. wbil ,, 1* ll" w J'k, but wlun it ba liken v. »:ntnff hold. Kl'.-ed tlie a-f »unilin_r -4t»: men!* oi tie m- rl aCt'U tt:'!tl hj, theln ir....n ibvwifut fleers, Skin li»eaees, iUicuai.ttusia '''tniiil Pain.', L*lli'-n^ Coin plaint'. Heart li nd-»c!i ti 'ir, uiid »'any tliitieero-!' but ft di ailiuk-uns -IUCU as {4Utpir' the tu'". Worms. Ntrwm.- Irnt il.ility, L-.«s o. apatite, Jrwjmlari.i.-.. WwineM.u the. bead, Ct.1 infers, TV, ami iiuleed every variety t»f eont^ilaiut tor tl'ldcfi a rui^tiu' lCitudy is ret-iiuretl. are no rand'ao tat^mei.ts '.at ar«» authenti- by joui own Tteishlstrii aol your rt*u Pkyci I T% mom ouc,\ a»*d i-.'U wiU nfter 1*» wkbont FtjCf- et», per Box—I". Boxc* for #1,00. fi tpur s by tXi. J. C. A YElt, fhi-mist, Limell, Ms., atid .iiWl) all rettpeerahio lenfg-i.«U ev*rv wher*. TitOV Af'ADEni'. T' lilF. ix vl IVmi oi this In- it iit i-u will on W.^iuei'duy, Nipuuulier ivitt, and cou cvtfti wceke ui.dci elutige of J. 1*itin. H' Princijiai, ami Tcaciier in Ureek .jaatbcuiKt ii-.-. Hk«.-T lite?, A. IWJPrcf, In Latin and Khet -rte. JV*. -Mitt 84. J. PtPKtt, TeuHicr of Drnwins :ird Paial :..- -iVtparstorr, lli^iki. .'j&Li-ib, Lu'.rn i^'-. l»r*wiiijt «nd Pair.tinfc, extra. A«urt », year* old last sprint:, thin in fl.-b, made, e or other pa Ocular marks almul her reeof. A 'i OK ten- ./*. hti.I Ifccte.i. and was. wi.en slit let a lillie :... her f. ii: f.-e!- 1 will pay the alov« named 1 ,#vwari Ui any pi-r^on hat will deliver lu to me ill t'rauouviiie, Missouri, or tu Mr. ltobh, on tbe' farm on String Prairie, femerfr owned and «*ecu -^nad i.y Ltvi -Miiied-.'e. WM. ta. ALLKN. Jni. 25. —w2m. r? Deamark Academy. Fa i :MI, e.mui.u!es £-pU'iultei ^thmdoM- tllnl-t U .l, W -eks. v ,^•44 A fu.i B»ard ol i-x ,.. fr1 ic ii" w cmn.-cUtl '.f. The last indaeemcnta are off-red tint? wiahisig *#ociiu_rli uu-trmt 1 n 1 tb Clvi^-iea. ia Ficuclx, in the ,1 and permanent Teach-' 9 K f''XEf with tin: In-lit ut ion. ~7 V Jbgli-l. and the OrnatiH-ntal Unuu li A '«.ikrdiog hou ie open fur young ladies, antl it ?, I* mi :eied oflLr ui-iu a course of education as full v^imd thorough ats can br ohtaiuwd at any Feiuaic S«m-: luary. 1 urtber iiartieuian, w eircuiam. aptdv to the ,,v Trim pal. M. k. ElWON. Augtt?t 22,1W.—3tw ,.*• 9 -uol/. fru Main Street. bet. $rd* *th &U, K1 fjpiIF nndcr#igaed he§ nfla ia hh RftEULEV. Con & Shelley, Domestic Dry Goods, #?*V mio^ A!WIRU:TY UO»D», -I m- a*»« Hal*. I NO OK'i. S. IMtAKK, W*. uu. M'«- ttave rmir ia ?('•«•. lor mle. ovor TRRKJ TIIOI AX1 cw*m «.f BOtTS ANi HIIOKs. ftuU alial] fnnrinne u mecivr fr.*»h »to»agiy-ti the MI- fII #on. Our S'f'i. k. ««afri»iDjr VEH\ 'i'HING nei'&rt I .1. nr lin#, will lc uff.Tfi on *u li trnn- ti- m..k *|t Till, lM'i iUiT OF CoiiJdTKY AlKKCII A.NTS IMS. 1AM STOtK. IK»| I E & O Ni. 12 A 1 Ma I It hotu« Mil. U*» (RTEll^, \Vhilti»alp aixi H"tnii I.ft 1- rn in na.«ila»« imwI 4u •••n- ware Lamp*, l'*ta!»lUef», are Rooms, and ijpi•- keep ing coHfautly up h#tl a well Keokuk,iJ«n»33, ia46. 44 f*tf bav aad $$ 50 5 0d S Iff i B-x.k-i st*I ^'nt'em rv fc.rrithiHl to tha Sttwlenti o. teasuflabk rai.-» by the Prioeiita]. -v" J. P1PFTR, TMncIjUiL Dollal-a STH Tan ft om f»e plan wcek^ /o, K large hail h.ui- hi JOW1 hun i 8#aJis. Kockin^ fliairt", Tane, Wood, and Rprinj Swatj". Iietiteuds, coinmon, liuicv, and Cottage, tugh and lnwj'o^u. v a 31.i2~«! td tiie o«*le oi Iwwa bv hieh liej-| ivij|jf which to^.:.-tlier with our -lock on hand, goyeriutl in a."\'jit i:tg or rej^ttuf the hi 'nr. makea one .if the i aiuu'ST, iiKAi'K«T and aiisrst"eke rat. bids will ).' considered, and i- ent on 0 n altorc. The bttU» TRANrm A.ltABKBK, I A^s- 5P. 1S55.—w4t Warden Iowa t'enit 'iieinry. UUOD 9IFII(-1M:N. It estimat thai C'ur.nitY l'i -Mi:ii, CATiiA^f th I'II i.S have dour i»Tr to ^»p6 ni'ire the public health, thun atiy other one cause. There run tie n« Windw Cuftkla Con.i|»f, Wrte'j an^ V'aji'iti". J^adii-"'Ciiiiinote and Vl'mrk Ikiief. Jla:iri. uj.ii all kinde of Tpbolfitety on Ikand anil made to oriW." It will par to pire «t a rail. Ko xigti tip, though place jrcnerailv watt marked. Ke„ku ... ik ,M is. w H..-kit. 100,000 Lights of Sash, AT Tin sr.w KXtAH WOHKIt, Corner of J-.|»n*.n and F,m4ii ii Keidtiik, Iowa. flllit »utw rilnr., b*v* now Oli 11k11• i ir Their Man ui'actur), ttie largeat lot of S^u. td all «ia**» i and decer»itionc, ever ..tiered w*t of tb«* Mi«iiwi|f I pi Ki vvr, and. utfi !|ln fa.'i lilusi, lire bound to I keep paw w'ti- He l|. rea»i«} wftnls of t|ia eoitntrj^ from here t«i Council Bluff-. WVare makingj.arlie i ular arraup'tnents to f-upplv I'm F'Ut I)e» Mvinus I Kiver trade during the eoni iiff MjrariDc, I »noRs'.- N. It. Wc want it distinctly uttdrrtttd. that trt caB fill any ttrdeT" for common sized -Saab or Duor*, alail unu*. All artKdes in our lyie. gold on reasonable terms. f», C. A S. C'AETEIl. Keoknk, Feb. 22, IRij. wly u n n Fresh Arrival. 1AA PA'-KAiiKS..! l"v/ reei-n? jjreaf Auction will iie Mdtl *keapor Uiaii ewer We-teni e*vitn' n. IVf inv iit- I lie particular attention oj nhoU-nale retail purebar.-rs to tiiim ftoek which ic tiow or DjV t(Hid« in tite M"et. Auoug which may ha found in two rardsi print* at 4 cent* per yardjj, -. 2.- t'uy a.. color.j at Hi u#0 do print.^1 T-Mtn* from 6} to 10 eti, IN1 #6'i Ma»etiest«, HiunUton and I'aetficDe XSalb. at 12 -Mv- i.. .v zS Uttn yard« drs-in stilkft from 40 ccnU to$2,(W pc* vara. «0 balc^ liriMH Hhiatitt(» fco«l 5 tr»# ot|. Vim* Ideaebed do #n & to lljfs* Laiuiifter tiinghatn. Larye Ftm-k o 1 Carpal inc. eona«i «ting of Hoyal in that fhe^jherry 1 toraJ Velvet ami lfru-«»l«. Imperial. .'i p!y ana inpttin of ev.-ry variety. tbl Cloth", and Matting*, to pefber with house iiunifbmg poo.b oi every de neription. J. A. IM'UKKK ft CO. ••J'. Main Sireet. Leather Leather! P. Tliti.M AS .V c., inaiiiiia. iircr* of and whole-ale ttealer.- all kindi aud ilcscnptions Leather, t-addiery Hardware, Carnage frim miiigs, Knamclid and Patent Coach LeaUter. td all c«|lm ovmele.t Cloth, Whips and L.i5lt«k oi every variety. Fly Net*, Jancy colore and ptaiu and 'iThornp*on'.- thomu^hly stretched Belting, of all MullltA. ,' Thtwe wishing any thing in our line. y«av v' v'V fin'Lng it a our establishment, ami a' Ui low oriee* .Vutal gia.^I J.S- ii can he hud a: any other point the \l est, We uianulacture a large portion oi our Leath.-r, and hit .u made arrangements to import our Naddlery i lee'ed assortment nf nil kind# tf ForniffcV^, Ww- xvTwi\i it. 1. n!i fi-k"' 'fl°csv 1 in w 1 *1- «*_ 1-' .. "t W1UMV4 tlM ItffHl iltiri of £Quan in o»r cwg Marble lop and plain Hoe- over bUNgfat to tfc#e«ern eount^, and will bs eiial in Iowa or elsewhere. Jr, ai plain Solas tine and •rLaS I »ood»nj in apd| »iylr« „I iChai Tr of i-\ci'v iRcripti 'U troiii a )Mfuh W' aeat. t*. the finest hair doUi atuft-d aeiu ptain i fw»t-r fnrn«*il lle«li!teai* i the i*ninpi .. Ac. A 'if- •otir rodftif art-fitted t»p in the (lnc!! gtyU. ami no 1. -_ku.fij.f »11 m,- (l.*kH. arpe mp, Srft^,l"Vr [lA1, lio et .and not only mHft nf,". 1-ntb"T dnMcr#. carnai.^ trimminga. ,.T Jit Pnrnttnre, and JUt.v ,.tmuutw- y.u «ant. put u,. and .1 packed r-'u.l J"t hkj^i rtMMtj»orHiti«at. i jc.Tr -ta Kitr. tin-, plain. fanrv anJ ifrp«fin?'. luhifg, Card, .aVer, Side, tlreai-logt, Vu&uijc, und Dewaert. .• i'hairs, Windaor, Caee, aiid Mako^aay Bpriau r4, I. lur ibitiiy and finiah *t w« rkmaiwii||. otj»v» t# tu t.^!ahiish.H p.'rtw:iin-rif hufin.^ heri anil not uu thi lV-ter Funk iiiaoi *8 an inln*(ij)ri)t to |i r«on. ti pnr haa' ,^f UK, 1 &ttt. reP"lv.! t«. «.U a^tiit- l^wciU St, l^ui* jarieei. .Call and examinf bf JV«inet *nd Millhien H:t-t I- of Main efepvlttre. I will slwnyt take plraaur^ iu nhywing ^r^t, 2.1 d»wr from Xtiinl, K^ukuk, Iowa, are n fnmtture liadh* and Wentteiuen who trail «DBf ^',|vll,|! tkeir f^fjrny: .-t*'k wf Hat •iotli. rlh..^- are i »F Mo •«n,»,an'1•«'£ Bxt ap .,1..^ 1 St I 4 A*U*7 paired styl"» hV MILLINERY 1 V e h*w al.»*i a luT-£.' av^ortmcn( ui ltxura^ eai NaW'!ii •'1 f'tiljion at|M. 'rdefg ft* ptrtlMlar 8tse« Will bv Riled on clo.rt Iiohee. \VI.MK»\V BI.INDF. Our inae!iinerv i^ partieularly adapted to the i manufacture of AVindow Blind., of a *n}M*f1or style ar i fuiith. All order* attended to witltout delay. .y on Hardwire direct from the Lngli^h manufacturer, 'hir gtwxl- «d American niHiuifact ure vvc |Hircliaso direei fr-.itn the manufacturer, which eiiablee OS to sell ijuitc im low as can W fuirebaaed in any of the 1 i Easiero eitie#, We respeetfully invite those wuthi&( to purcbaiie any ttiiug our line, to give u« aeuli aud examiu* our good# nnd pricee. O t.'h paid f.i( Hnie*. Keokuk, August Hi, 1 s.—wv. fur sale at maker's price*, cari-iaae aibkd, by J. H. SIHjLiVaN ft CO. Ausrnst 9, 1855. _dSt wif Oxen Strayed or Stolen. AogW^t 22, IS55.—ltdft'imw Ubarrele 1 for tlie *it«ftTation of (a k for the Ga.- Work#, amt.unling to about i s, j^,0Of yard-. The work to (-,mni nevd tiuinedi* #».efy and fiiuahed within tbrer w -eks. EBWARD KILBOIHKXB. NOTKE. MAVE iu store 2 largeGni»d*tot0* marked Tay "*V» i«r A iclve. If iwi ealied i«r withia thirty jdMfs thtf aui b« told to pay char^.f. K, COPELIN. Keokuk, Angus* 11, 1S55. lmd jSNAXIM^—Jwtreeeive'l aud I(rr ml- low by jgfi 1IALDWIN, £VANtt 00 l- W'i'HWARI jWafch 13, is.- u,**!. n«ii s. iunply .spliure v ry Liffhinlns Red*. •fTrrrn Points und JTixtures, .teiurrwited Dot to It ctirrode. Fur sale bv tf. H. firtLH'A® ft tu. 3mly IT, 1855. 11 Main Ktwt, Ki»okidt. Holler Top K'Urstsavrt*. A FINE artielc for house keept^s duciniE hot wea^ /V ther. J'..r sale bv I E. W. Bf EL ft BittX August 9, ISJj, y!wd4tw i i^MiT St'UAPES wilh and without ppos, fur Hale __by L. W. lit KJ*A HfU. AugustV. ljj. Jwil 4tw PATKWT"NAB FIFTEEN Kcuatd. ii "t :ii. MjbseriWr I '.a.ik mure I.ltoul -i V I., »{uare hij^ted and' "~r ', 1 O/J B»'X"RF ftf paTerff, Sclf-ti. Mtn !*ad front which Will be sold in lots to «tnit tniivhafcrs. By E. W. Bl"SL A BRlf. Atifit-t t, 2«d liw lire, Fire, and ThfFesea Phu-nix Fire Proof h|.m in Si«r« and *f the fmm the re»|do rti^iiKt. "ii ugar Cr.H-k. five mil K tkuV. »l -ut a month ago. They are seven years oM, of large «ix,', one sputtsid* white And blue, the other red and white. Also a "mall red e« wr about lire yars oid. A rvttw.nahle reward will Ik1 jtai 1 for the delivery of tin- cattle or lor information to when- fb.-V may l-' (miid. DAYIX) liAUA- Fre*h Lsnaovi. icnta are off-red tlms.' wwbinfi .. •1Ui* .. l0" bj' NK11°l S,tfc* 1 \l th-. Ciasriia. ia Frcucli. in the A COMPLETE vortmeat Swis-i etul,IVsik V Mou-liiis, liishop L.iwns, CaKvii.-t Laioliric^. Linens, Laces, White Curtain?, A. ., ft* *at« c1MMI at _S. pt. I, lh.,5. J. l. MINCH ELL W*. l.oviavlllr Hydraulic resulrnt. v A co. have wn 'band 250 oi tlii- article ou consi^rniuent, wkieh th^y are ansiou* to dist^MHs of at low flgvrt-r. August t$, IK5,'..—lmd. rre«» Cut Kiimi. /^N assortment ju^t received ami Inf aale lbw.- BALiiV, IN. KVA.NS ft VOt Patent Reellaf. ®W0 Ilw. Felting, 2" by*. C-mposiiion. f"i lotle |,y Apni 1 i, 1».^j. CLEU1IOUN A- llARItl »0N. riears ft Chrwluf Tebarce/ A CHOICE assortment Juit nt-eived. All Who are /\. nd the *ecd tan be ty calling on ak pt.2 MOOIUtft JKIQPJ-Ji. I RAIN {30001*6 J—Jtrtlii itnd st«el. For^lwSe low H. W. ft fl. TL'ClfltR. ICS' IC tween 3d MM) 4t! Jaly 24. W46.—11* IUMV. '». r. mT»Fi««K*' A OAQK, i Vjt7"HOLR?iALE atul retail Henler? in Hate, tir^hallTipT IV«inet *nd Millhietj wht:tlu tli."v i.-cl mrlin-d to buv or not. i MiliHifry Men-hanf from thv Slav 1, JHit.- 'lAwtf ii. W. S WPF.Ri3. "°untry are rr*p«etluUy mv»red tt. call and diamine ., —^—J their tM-kai»dpriet/ FURNITURE .1 H»nh 20. is:,5. Aft' W1IOLKSALK AM' UKT.m At iLklL Mitiii r'.j'/v!, KWJlii'li, IUIAm •00 1M* UK an'^T^ignrtl thn** n*»? jfcc*ni it v Y IIT MrifRKy K, aky that hf li«" more Fai^ifwre tr V4WTtital» •ffrfjri IffeZ. l'altn I tU ami Mnfvr tfatr"afTfivie#, aiiv other t-Htaldiabmont in Kt-okuk. ctr Haewtiert, 1UU by jf, MV.MPHKKV A tiAMK. lm» would ,avtu «h..le*le ret. ».,d Ca-im-re Hat,, high i and old rii'toM «h« be hM«i« hd.tAj.U Mndn of |(^r„ few +"TP*iW" scale. both toTuppW the want# of anj Country Mer "J™*0!' *,m1 les Cane seat and Wind, or Chair*, in E*wa or Oil, Cologne and perfumery «1_»li kind*, a large We will have a stock nf good'* for the "retail trmfr-" whj^K *H^e TW^lid u none in CMeaR" "r LotiS re pni ftttin* v£'"*tjlr*" an'l "((ualitj wjf ,£.kw fh ,: ..( „r A*..lbu*.«»y nlacp for good 1. Itonnet-, qun u I( K iiu^. j..r -ah- ch4ip MPUHKY A tJAGK. tf.** i ^rttz ,r-tr Ul» So 1 ever)- ie«ciiptioii, uuti at iu«*ed prices. 1). F. Ill'MMIRET ft OA OK. Murck 3% A I tfil*: riSrv'W.tT NTAHI. 1. I lEILI L.,- A II, le^|»ect 1 nil Houncp to the «itircsi* of Keokuk the aier.'hanta general ly :it th.-v hnveju«t returned lrfm the Ka*t, where th^v «elret.-.l aiai are now rtv- i iiifj the lar^eot and nio^' coinjdt't-e a«.«art tricitt (.f Mat-, Cap, and other articles their line e\er brought to Keokuk. An experience of thirtj year# enpay^l a« mnnnfue:mer- and in the sale of liatc, oujrht t(. enable as to give cntirt aaii-t«« tion to retaib-rs and cunt(»mer.-. It will 1* our Ituntica* a* wt'li a# our iiiterc? always to select with car«, both with regard u qtiabty and »*yle. W« hare k i jkU dhcu. permaut ntiy and will «i*ert ourselvee t» do iu*tt |a our |»rclipa|rn. Xi»e eitixens of the ditv Mtt reM upw%ur htfiU UttNl^r the bef! oualitv a.i.i hewe,nft\le. l'iea^. give u* a call and look over our utock, at tlte*'«»at» Cit* nt SUire," No. 74, opposite M'Ken nv A Ri»ii«e^a-Jru" Ptore. Highest price paid in cash for all kinds of fur» iaef -kf|#. "fT* *T^T(.k.RHIE8. awh2*^-dt# U nd Mi HATS! HATS I HAT* !It THE S V K I, N STYI.K 1 8 5 VT the New York Hat Ern|»iriiiin, H4 Main street, lietweenkid and tth. A. C. Leiden woiulii re *p.*tfiillv anaoaiHO'9 Ut* «iti/. i.v rf Keokuk and sK*hrti.v that lie h*» M*uAili-ht«l luuw. lf at Keokuk, foi the uiauufactare aud bale «1 hat*, taps. Fur* aud Straw (iuod-t. and will o|KII aU'u! the i .ih of March a large and uuutjdtite «toek of the above good* every wiyit that my iu»mc s iM-ctluliy huvin umek Sa if Mol A^rll^lS55 patronage, me# within the legitimate iinirv Mercbantc are re nin! examine previou* to niutto in, "IUady fit. ted 6»eaii frotits. Hi (amine the Spring ^tyU. C. SHLLiXJii. Hatierr 1J •llaguerrean Art i.-t. Would respectful Jy announce 104 belik iml.itai't- of Keokuk. and vie mi is prepa I.tin a caH« lartre Sk|"f'_ ejtii la- 111 ado ialiBknAUiral. and iai fti|vriur to all other,ligtfl* flW Uaguerreitj-pinx also, having an, exjsprien^e in »he art ef ov*r. Sev eti y*»r^, he flatter*' him**11 that heeaBMiit th- ino#t lawiitHoBf. PIc htres ami Drawin» copi.»l Ijtiidseajv-x fu! pic tnrcs of the slek of lKwii*ed tr.ken at «hort notice. Picture- put u^' in every vajicty of fyl«\ r^^rdle^ of I he vv «ther *)id f|tu|act*uit ali ca»e» guoiHt •Vcd. iK-rfect ntauner, hav nig a liirht bv which a blue June 22, li^So.—dtf i nff SOlTf Otli i. (i'i acareh the Indies' n:tv. tor peailf, lo detk jtvip. Jug'-i latrn maiden 1' 1 rtlf flnliiWMla'ir rliniii 1 it 1111 i Wi|h,yrtoe|aM treasure laden. I gath«r «f*l l'ranktocense Aad eweet 4r*ksan, spiec.s And cluster round your "1 heart'sdehfbt jl'owe'i wildest tildevietf I ll five tis fcrf wkont I adore, s Uy^iH^CHng richer fifUX'a Gallery, -Sfi Mam Street, 'Wmmli farget ^po call at PWW 1,'tl largf hkvlight Baifnerrcan I a I leef, ipMiva -yd** lifelike miniature ta k n aad eVNp4P#i^-4i those splendid trauio. he tin* just eaMMMfcllhttJI** York. i tiallerv, H5 Main Street. Center iWlB »M dflleneB streets, lb Ri.iNrmiv, IOW A. Mercantile C. I|e«t. of Penn "J1 jjfc l^li*"*11 1 ^vtuliam 1 the lefisistVt «t tfiat S^tat^MWbMllMWil charter. r* •T s *te« P. Hccretfirv Hu-C. MM|fr fit1* w. Liwaj- IIox.^iwlSBifSiHl't. .f. K. MOORKBBSO. ^'Afftrr: Avonrir T.J|a|flf§p,i|ato»' niur 1'r- fessor of Book Keeping andxSmactmlj?®lento iu the Merptitilc kiilfge tdJVfHHjrlraltia. s Ln ut li. fiAlJuft'i late(Professor of Commercial run! OrnaiiiMital lVnmai riF.ip in tin- nau« institu tion. .. Clug. Bkji. DaaWix, m«mbcr of the jfciriington fr«n i IJar~^r'»e*Wp of Mcreantile Law. I The Prineipals design'-airVing out in evi*ry pax tieular tliat aounte .-of traimug for business miro ducetl fu4foUowel up for iumar-i» of filteeri yeurs »ty Mr. Htw* the fbuudar «rf the Mercantile Lot lego tki Pviiaaylyaaia, by wlikh about -.000 merchauU aui 1 aoctiuutants have been qualified for bu«int «s.— It is it.iw rqrarded by business men an the most thorough and effective preparation tor the ai eopnl :*ot giveft-ia the-i'aited State#. It cttUiprehends upward." of. tiUseal haaiMM tMnsaction'—iilu^tra ting six differyat latttiMals mt cunduutiiig laaiks by douhle ntrv—aboui W# eomineroial cuuiputjttions, explaining many bu-ines* opmtion* not found ia Tumblers ft ouart jars common arithmetic— comprehensive course °f tacki dairv salt mercantile ponmaiuhip—bu.-daeaa iorrns ami bu.:i- I ,j() ,j0 y j0' nes* letters—daily uu commercial law and eoiumt^ ialseienc-i. 150 bags do do Huff Book Keeping, Harp.r s edition. pr ct *1,- .It, i^e me*t perfect and coiiipreheusive in the Eng-j 1^4 11 a 11 language. Hu!T,'* Western Steamers Account-' .uit, a |H-rfect aysteiu fur aarh aceouats. Id*"!* be had at, Lome's Bouh titoie, Jeftersun Street* .Send tor ai'treular .y mail. Burlington, Julv 10, MUj. dftw wtrmrMco IRON FttUNMiA AXD MACHINISTB, MAiil FACrUIMBWof bleam Kngiues. GrUl and as*-Mlll Mstttliirr, Water Wlieela, ftc., ftc., -ooraer ef Btxlkaud BfaMtocau Streets, Keoknk. Iowa »Ui 31, 1WA. Mi /"^ffRSlSR of Kfth and Time* Streets, Keokuk, VV Io#a, is-ptepMrd to (111 onlrrs for Britches, Ch.mney*, Lard ff«Mee aud all other kinds uf Sheet mtiey*, I ron work uattlljr dksaa. Au w*«»ivweytly au«nM't»« "IMU Al1 Jhm 13, •Jr-'X V*T i»T 6ee*e»' 94 MAIS HHMI^Imbi, IOWA. ALWAJCarpets, where thev will cnnlia S on band a f*ae*al MWKtaMBt ef Rib bon# Laces, Edgi*«, Iaeertioa ud Miliaery Goods in gcarrai, wfOi i ||ni assortment of white good*, Hoobimjt, Cot*forte, ttjore*, 8«mr ders, Cap, Letter and IWy.Ngte PapeM? Batelops r»"rJ' Uaak«mka, fancy Soap*, H»r assortment ol picket cutlery, iViafora, Raiors Pi» toh«, Cl.H'k*. pdd and «ilvcr Watebea, aad jewelry of all description*, quality and price* ait" a large i and general ansortmeiu uf Coinlw, Battona, ThreaiU, Pin.-. \eedleH, Sjicctaele» and Ca*cc, I'urt MoniW, a fine aaiiortiucut of I'.N-ket Walleu, MemorajMfam I Iiook«, Peueilw, Shading Lrusbea and Hux«e, fa*o|r Work Boxea, and Kve Protvclora. lit word every thing rninpri.«e.l in the NOTTON AN1» FANCY (HK)DS LINl. Aiati iarfn-aK!ortment of I N E I: I A K 8 Ac. ord. on* and Fiutinaa of all gra«lef. 'Uu tit. ck will it, found very hea^- and complete, ««r j^mhIh having l«*en sel. t.^1 f.,r the early fall trade, with ffe*1 ore and «rith peciai relereaee to the renuireiuent- oi the wetticru uiariu'U, we are c.nlidcnt we e»i, j{i\e satiflact! .ii to all a* rcjrards lajtb uuality and pricc*. a. we intend to compete with the St. Louo* aiarkct, and will -eil im low, if not a little lower, than any house in the West. We sell at W110LKSALK ONLY, and coufin« our •elvec to one particular brancii oi bu»iiie*t, and of oourxc buy and *. 11 cheaper than personn keeping a promiscuoti" iitia k. We would reapectfully retjuect Merchants. Ped!,ir". and I'eulerj in general, to (tuo U? a call ami eXHruine «nr xf .«-k and price*, and nil inly themaeivee befoie pii|t»haaing efih-waeri, as we thi'uk they will find it greatly to th*ir adtMti|gv Call at No. Maiu Street. G, *. JTr^jT Sept* 1,1853. dftw Ta th# I^adlea. w 1. I HI MPULI V ft UAC*K. illltON.S, f«w hundred piet'ee lu»t nji-ivM'K 1 D. F. ill Ml'HHKV ft GAGE. E arc n iw receiving «irect from &UrtWB |f»n nfacturer«, Enamelled Stew Pan»,'(Fr-,ncbj Seotch Hew H, Covrcd Stew Pan*, I'ncovered do F|at bottom round Boiler*, Knameled Mastin Kettle*, plain, do do do turned, Revolving W wfflp Irons, Washington lake Fans, etc.. etc. Which will la- void at a small advanoa kv K. W. BI KL'ft VRO. August 9, 1855. 2w.l 4tw .Haa»laetart| between First ana ncrorid I'arrlaic .Tobiijoa .""'reel, BYti-.h-Ml m*BRYAN A Having permaneutly e"tab-. iwr-fhcj in Keokuk wub an anipie sup ply of the verv lCfft material for the manufacture rectlr froi of Carriages, iluggies, liig* and II acks, We are pre S ren liar Ir pared to make all article- in our Hue in the very •test style aud of the choicgt material, on reasona ble terms and prompt notice. 3yi ,3£? May L'i. |s.)j.—ly fart wring an cn'ircly new stuck of Cht*hiB? of eve ry description, and it is our intention a: all times to k ep a large stock of the newest ami moat d-sira tih 1 oi hi nir Kiiitahl,- fof the Wesiern market. P. W AIMJIS, formerly of Hubuque, having K|teat the last twenty year# in the Weal, and kmvwing the wantn ut W e-icm Merchants, he feel* that he can not fail to give e|ttr« aaUsfaetion to all those that he may have the pleasure of I Our liinen Fui'iiiabing tUxut. wrpassed. alt our .Shim, Collars, etc., etc., are OMtVe to order. it will afford us.maeh ulsamre to have you call a&d make a peoonai ..atwinui i.vri of our sl'-slt. Augu«t :t, is .6.- diV P. WAPLKSACO, t«H (VMKIAI HOl tl., Ol LlS ft ELlJo'li, I ruport.-IT and Jolit. rs of Earthi-nwiirc. Chiua ami tilnssw.ire. No. )V5 Pearl Street, an.l No. hi Chamber* Street. New York, would s:vy tu Merchant^ mid dcaler- generally that having Cstahhsli. a CVsh ilouse in this branct. of trad--, th y are Jtilly cotiv that they rati scli Clmkcry. etc.. at #neh price?- a will pity the purch*# era ftm- profit to retail. ExjKTicm*lm- pro* very *»iiclir#iv ly to Uii that, by adhering .strictly to the oa«h svst in, w.' cmi nffortl *ri! in-ni t.-n to twenty per cent, k-loe the tegular credit trade pri, To this end we ask hii cxamiiifttion of our styles and prices, a li-t of which will b- forwar«hd by mail Ut any party desiring. F.arth nware, by th Invotae, single paeka^-'iffFj verv ear, fully rejiacked for the country trade. 'July 2., lM5i).—dly. JAVKH k. aat' t:. weT^.^iKiji. 1 BHK i: A DA!«1E1J, 7*IfOLES.A I.E tlrocers, 10 Mat's street, have I *V just rect'ired their supplj of Goods for the Winter season, which embraces a full and complete assortment in their line, as also of vvoon ivn wit.tow WAKI all of which having been purchased at the lowest market rates, they are ah e and determined to dis po e of at as low prices if not a shade lower than they can be purchased at in this or nnv other near I market, and advis« couatry merchants a.^ w -li as other to exaininc their goods aud pricei bei .re par "A*AX iolia-viug cixttMcii.TCi aami ring them that they will find 1 at_War,)f th«ru a-lv t.i their utlvauu Wc subjoin a list of a small portion of oar sioek, aud in sofieiting order.-, from our friends, beg to as- 1 siitrt them th/i! any they may bo pleaded tu iavor ux with will have t:rict and prompt attention, ami i goods furnished of a* gottd ijiiality aud at as low prices aa under auy oUier ciruumstauccs. L't'1 sack-, cuffe.-, li., 11,j atiloa b'ks, JJ0 bids clarified sugar, r.o do do marka|. dp gj Jo po«\l cr' A biat do do* dv fanqv» do Mi hlitl- N 0 tlo I.ili well bucket#, 25 bbla BelchtrVevrap, 60 aasts tub a oaeh) 10 do goMun do ii do Sll molittyee, ho half do tie {o relei'd A ptafn.'d 30 do I ha#a flatter, lf«* WORKER, RHEIT RE receiving Ut i" oi- £»'ic.n sm ttnd 2,i Ix'iei, muftnrd. 15 eorn starch, SO do* brom«, 500 lit- broom twine, 26 boxes axes, 7 bbl« crackers. /s rJt BLACKMHITHI^U. TT'II.LIAM GRAHAM, on Third. VtweenXdm V nOTi and Exchange 8treefs, at the Hrtrk Sbep, would inform the public that he ia pr«Mun#d to do all kind* of B.a KSMITHIKS in a neat, dar4b!e. ami ofceap mastit r. HORSE 8HOEINO. Bring oa your lame horse* and have them shod right. Fro ia lux long and omatant praetiee in this braiieb of the Misine-* he flatters biaatodf that he eannot lie extvdled by any one in the country. He particularly solicit* jtatronage ia thia liie. v He also offer* his service" as Farrier In til its branch.'n. May 2d. 1^5'. dftwly Ottomwa Hon«^ WAVIXLO iMMTt. laarA. all tlnwe wtui may iaror bun with a call, bin cri stain atteatiori will la- given to render the «tav nf ali coinfftrtfchlc. Hi.- House being large aiui cotu-|THICKS modittut he flatters himself tha he an ^ive general ntfi#£action to his ffticts. .Connected with this Ilou^e i8 A tiooii and immodiou* SUM*, Where will kept a? all times a gu-xl supply of Oat-". Corn, aud Timothv HaV, and a and ef t^ctem 0-tler. THtfri. «. OIVEN. Ottumwa. May 7, 1H5&. wAiawdtf Ta tlie nrrrhaati ef laws, E W I l.oTHIVti W A RE 0 t' K APLFS ft CO., having taken the Store. 48 arkct Street, Philadelphia, (formerly oe.11 fiied by Fassitf ft Co..) arid having sccured the »er- N E W w I Ma .11 .Um, .iv. 'h" UH"-t 1 8' tX, CJ L1 W 50 do tlo (H eacii) iO-d"* ('2 biKij.j buckets, ,.U do do do H00 half bushel mealnres, 75 n«dts. as#'t do 1 Oh do ii-sorled candy, :0 d..y, brooms, 25 d. iaucy do 50 do whi broom* Filbert* pveanL'sil nuts, 160 net's var. co.. hoxe*, Almonds ASS iu »ti do plain do do ind»or gUj..., all sue- 200 kegs a#sortcd nails, ami ouulit- 55 bale.- cotton bat4iog, Vi'imUor Ma li, ml Btxct, 5# dot wash board-, 100 dor clothe* Itnoaj 50 hs If chests tea kiuds.) 300 bbls Wlnlur applw Spices of all kinds, 25 boxes all sis'd pMklos, lttO do tobaceo. IAN( W «OVD«, Jlsuchreceivediicb ST aa-etrfant aaaurtm tit of fine Goods, as Fn Chiua Vases, Parian aad Terra Gottn, ftc., Pitchers, Lavender and Ctdogae Bottles, IfVuit Htaadu, ,Card-Rceeivcre, Cigar Siauda, Jewel Stands, fspouir tloblcts. Figure*, Cupids. Bust'1, ftc. Also ou hand a good as-vi tm ut of Crockery aud Olasswart. CAREY ft KILBOtlUUC. June 18, lli55.' For Bale Cheap, WILL sell the boutu and lot, on the corner of Morgan aad Second Streets. The sitaatiou is beau tiful. -rais eajj. Eu'jaire on the premise* of _h.jit._T, 1H56.—slim BERNARD ZWART. taskflear. 1 AA BAGS of W MM. each Extra Family Flour MK) *, K. WRUU O0-, Dealers!* Tmmmw Imb, aad Forwarding MM}Coa missioa Merehaale, Nos. 47 aad M, Levee, Atheiraw 8prin* (toak. whMk-dir'fMnhlka tmda at wry low rate*. Tbey will 4# jeNke to My or der* they may be favored witia. 1W hhdc N 0 Sugar, 60 neat* tfeke» 50 bbla Belcher'* olid* 10 daatmhkmtKfBf 2( loaf aad cruahed, 50 dui aiae waahboartfab 100 S II Molaeaea, 20 UiKea«4othe* pine, 50 Plantation" 100 coils JuaflUlarope, 6o Jlelcher HH ahd'2dKm' ,'* •vrup, 75dotheapand,gt»ae bed libl ft k (pi do c«rd«. io coffee, 300 1hm* window glaaa, IllUk'h obi iv Java do ua«t *iae« %nd hraada ZtlO kegf nail-, sizes 50 hogea tutubKaa, 50 boxes ^oap, SO bm pi, bl'at ft t)t flask# 60 do starcandleip i oerooo* JL Zcaaeo ladiro 50 do mould do 1 caak prijpt madd 76 hf *he#ts teas, acst, hbl« alum, .SO hoJttii do 10 ". eij|» rA| 100 bxn chewing tobaaco, 15 m»ek* pe|i|Mif, variotia hraAda, 50 br.xeti cm chewim and 5() boxe* j-ro. peppot Mai »tii' k:n^ do ptnit-n'., 50 regalia prinvilft 2 bftJc.f clojjpt, cigar*, 1 cn.-e uu'inega. 25 Im Xe« Oulia sixel, 'd bow ground SftO bu prune I. Apples, "5 dixje yen.-t powtlor*,' 500 bu prime T) P.-achos, oli tiids difT. kind*, nut#, 100 pag* saicruttH, bbla, .'» bushels freah ptia mMi, ihub?, k*g», i. -V bnleaooMob batting. ?.*) kegs S Sadaj. 1« cmi'lie wii k, bbi, wraMiaif jalMr. 76 bag* cotton yarn, KM) ream* let. ft Cap vt 30 coinrtnl and wjjMte 50 pkg« 1 2 ft utackcrel carpet enaia, 5 druinr endftsh, AO hales wrapping1 twine, in bin *Biuked Herrfag, .0b tra8t. Loom starch, case* sanlines, 20 Marwh, 10 tierces nee, dot Thomas' Oysters., %i bbla tar, JM boxes oandy, 20 pitch aaditoalat t'uu keg* ritle sad mirtag 'i.'5 bv-' K ra:stnt, powder, 50 hi and lues do two dua wotxi backets, 1 case prune*, in lelNI, ILMi.ouA feel lu»e, 10 boxes citron, aaae* lb and hf lb cts 300drums fig?, iater powder, 25 bbl- lhivtoa air, tpt*k 100 hox«« tnatehaa. Loruei ui I'jurtl. aud Mainmxeete^ Kewfuk, Iowa. -••-*. Are now receiving and opening the laegaiii aad mrwt complete assortment of g^el* in tMtir Dnr ever oflVrcd for sale iu any hoinf in lqaa. They have I doing business with f"''1'1'" on the »«*Uavor we think, cannot U- riMtttif- K-okuk f'.rthe pfrptlks' of laying in their supplies, are rcspcc- fnMy, solicited to c^lf afd c* nminf the stiwHi and 1'OOXS- -A very large stock of ilritUoia tea and tabic SJKIOUS, ju.-t ret:«.-iv el and for safe low bv Osiir S.TEliWrv--Over 4,00® grosn ae*orieil sicaa of the be»t ^imblei poiuts in More and for sale low by BALDWIN, EVANS ft CO. HOES^Jaat Plows and Wagon*! TAYl/iK ft MclafiS, (Saceewws of Newtou ft Mtrphens.)- C2«*tr. at Main A Uih •(*.« KMIMk. Ka. Wof HEHK ihey keep eonatautty on hand Ml kind# Plows, Waffon* ai»t Cauia^ea.aaiie in the lusst style ami out of the l*ft «Nu(|*U%ed'M||ae*a Wholesale and retail. 1'AiO)» |OblUk. March 11. 1855.—dftwlf, n-wi (riric ATTKWTIOM ATTESHOX HAVINii Anfu ii hoae* ink, 1 (M bap shot. all sUe#, 2 inas bar lead, :c A l«*jw, UIU Si water peeasf do Iron. Tent W E are now reeeiv ing, tiUltioa te eur prae ent sttK-k of 1 ron aie I ltlaefto^itli Too la, di the tuanufaeiarerv 541 tuMl aaaorted *1 1. on which w. will .he able to irfl-e uar customers the beut tit uf the r»cent decline ia the market also 150 slab* assorted liM Plow 5t«ei» to which the attention of dealer# aad hpiNp|WHh« is directed. Feeling denritu.- of ealpffiM thflpraheh of our busiaes#. we are jtrepated tc ufwlis ntea •tarv inducement* to custowt-fo 'to 'aer^iamiek Ihe •am.-. dftw Vi)SSABUI, 00^ DIRBCT IMPOy|TATIOK I K K i I k i day received pet *htp «hamreek fro« faierpow 1 to New Orleans, and steamer on Ike Mlasmipjpi, aa invoice of Ootlery, Kilt*, Edge Tunis, IK-, diraet from the Manufacturer* in iMidcM arluch, to gether with inereaeed (Hirchaesa In* Amerieaa manufacturer*, form the target Stock of Miaeellua' mw. Hardware and Oatlerv ekea l*us||l V the State oi l.iwa. which they offer aad yiawwlrf to he at fU. Louis price*, aad earne*tl/ aawit from deal ers an examination of the same prerioaaly %»'going fariher. March 22. 1H66. dftw ARDEN TR0\{^U9 of dHfcrey ^isw^^or^aie May^1, 1S55. dftw A ME?" SHOVELS, a large StoeV U$1. Cows art A e-, for *al« by S. W. ft ff TlTKWT jeliidftw and mattocks, a large stoak of differeat 1 quahtiec at l. Louis prices, tor.saie fa* je 13 dftw f4- W. A H. TluKKB. I 1 ALV ANIZEI) tn* I i dftw IA cutter*. We are now Manu- Jhmi'V9KrCo2gaSSF A Rt.K AXt» St'RKENS of the uprifb^kta^ for bricklayers and uia#on». for cale by jeiad^w H. W:*tr TlTKi:R. V1 ASJlINti MAt HiNI^ the patent ffuating v knuckle a-bing Marhuie, much osediu In diana and Ohio, and wouderful tiaie and l»har«er Ing machine, which should be used by all ikrff* familieii and hotel koeiters. jei."dftw 8.yr,in.tcckj:r. Bald win, Etmhi&CO. 1KLK.- \1.K dealers ,u l|aiiMM*^Ctftkarv, able terms, antj arc determined 1*« keep at all timee ''*Hr,'*"d by mail at th- it r. tpu«t. a.-ful 1 a *ttH*k, and to v luw any houee Of ali tht p&lcut modiiiuta that are offcrtd ltf»# either ia Keokuk 1 w, Luum. Country luaethaiits £*,w"uj BALI'WIN, EVANS A C(C ^KINH tTONEsi—A sinalJ iw of Oic&ota Bfo TIA just received end lor sale h» J5AI.WW1N, EVANS ft CO. VMICRICANrtmerit Table Cutl. rv. Juit reeeive.i a i/eaa* titul uM- to which we invite attention. BALDWIN. KVANftftCO. St» FFiFTRIMM!N 0 S Just received a small lot, and |or *aie bv BALI'WIN, EVAN5* ft Co. EADPIF1S—A supply iu st received, and for sale by BAI.nW IN. PV ANf ft C0._ received a large sulkily vi bandied and Carolina Hoes, and tor sale at rt*locrd pri ces by BALDWIN. JITAS ft CO. SCYTHES—lust CJ received a large settply ©I grass, grain ami bush Scvthes. '•aoiflN, lOL'r 'S RE\ 'fVERK A aud lor sale by liALDW1 t«c«ived ft CO. Y SMALL lot of large size* jdst f#ceiaed,by March 12. Wi, BALDWIN, EVANS* CO. Axes I L-^T received ateauier Guaranet a supply of oruca ceiatMrated Axee and f-.r s.-tlv low by IjALDAVIN, EVANS ft CO. Alareb ltt. 1655. A W 1 A Sl'llilirl—A large aasuKtaMsrfiu eircu VJ lur sa" a, just /tKt ireiiauU-f* 'Alet-low by n-X RAL0W«f. kVANH A'0._ (J madt* arrangeiu'nt« far the establish ment of a l*r£e Clothing MlffcltflterbB hn the Ett.*terti plan, I am nowr aad Summer OowIh XT priuk cotrr. jboee 1» #»ed of Clothing will And this to be a rare chauoe. Corner of First and Main Streets, NATHAN HOFJKBIIiER. Keoknk, July 12,1855.—dftwly. Hyftranllc Osaeat, A SI PER10K article, for rsie by J. ft J. K. LDOYD, Keokuk, June 27, 1866.—6mw, .•» Tetaa. 1 AA HALF ehests fr**h Imperial, UonaDwder, UU Young Hyson and Black Teas, embracing every qality, for sale by April 14, 1885. w CLEOIIORN ft HARRTSOW. At the Two New Liaea Ella*) Foot of Fuui tk Street, THE subscrilters kttcji constantly on hand a large supply of the l»ai .juality of Lilac. Orders tuav be left at C. Obertup'e, Main S'., be tween 2d and 3d. l*rice per barrel, 46 oti. at the Klla, or 70 ete, if delivered. JOHN ZWAKt ft CO. Keokuk, May 1, 1955. d3ta Flaw €a« fftaJh. v /j DBUVS and 60 boxea choice Uraod Bask 0«d Fiah far Ml* lew ly i«VM iW.Q.xanumm*. AuthorS^ of the University of Free Medieiae and Popular Knowledge, chartered by the Statt Oi PeaniTlranl*. April », 1SU, with a ca|dtal 0, MHjm, mainly for the purpoae of arrcsti&c UMevila of Spurioaa tad jra^eaa^nMaaj^U^^ tKi Mtentistty rrPOi relfiIQe IllaJHtsr whereT«:r aeteat Phjsiaian i Xkia laatiuuoa has Mneteaad now a ai, hia ealabrated mmn not be employed.-^ from ir. Jmu aOVAIfP'B TONIC MIXTl'RK, hf Kaown lot Bpwards of twenty-five veari as tM onlv a«re and safe cure for Fever and Ague, fte,, and Wa raeethnablc remedy for Bowel Compiain|iL liowaad's Compound .Syrup of Blaekltcrry KoK, ^hich highly approved and i..|.uUr remedies, &• Mi the nieeri»ity Bennedv forComplairfti if tk» Luaga the University's Remedy for Iy*|»-p. efakOt Indigaaliuu the I'niversity'» lU-tueev f||r Castlve Bowel? nl* ha tod, BOWELS FTLPO, the TUN VR*\TY V Alruaiiat' IN* at the Branch Oisia'iuarv, OR Store OF M« KINNE\ A RCNNER, he.^i,k/i s! 11,1-65. V AYElfS PIUS. AlbB'N PII.LS. Vcure NEW and -insularly »u'-ee#sful reitiMy for th| i all billwes diaeaser, wilti veness, indigo#* tion, jaumlic.-, dropsy, rhctitaatism, f-v, rs, g«itlt. hn^ mors, ncrvousneit!", irritahilitv. inflammations, betut» ache pain.« in the bretist. -ide, lau-k, uttd IiioIm.. £i# male comjHatitts. ft.. Ac. Indeed, very few are th# dis'aeer iu wlmdia nurgativi medicine it. not m*e tir less nnuire.l, and uiucb .-»irkne.-« and sufferii^f Blight Ite pr. v\nt.d. it a barmlcs hut effectual c^. thartic were mort fr..jumtlv u^tl, pt-rwin cMI feel well while a costive habit of body rrt vnii» l!ft» Vidaa It soon graerate* i^rrittiu and ef ten fatal diseased Which might hii\. been av. id.d hy the timely aad jtidi'-iou use tvf a good jmrgative Tbl« is alike tr*f ol colds, tev.ri-h -ymptoins, aud biIit»us derailfgB -mdil-. They ail t-nl t" U^ m. ir jir ducv the defy Seated and fomii'lablr di-tctnp-ni which i«*l the hearers all ever th» laud. Ueaer a reliable Jamil/ phymo i# the tir-t uu|iortanc« t. the publie health, •ud this pill has been with e*iw«nmiita|e ski!! nwi that demand. AuexUiwiv trial it« virtu-* by pbyticiaii!, proj.nior* and patUut h#B shown result* swrpassing any »hiwg hitherto knosfa of any melvclBe. Curt* have iwen effw-ted hevi nd belli f. wert they not rubeUmtiatcd by perrKiii# it suA exalted position and character as to forbid the stfl^ pic tea oatmtb. Among th muv eminent utlemen wb" hs«f teatlffed in favor »f then*- pilla, we may mention, jkkmi. A. A. Uayi#, Aaajyiiuai t'heaiist oi and titaie Asaaver MawachitsetU, whoae high rK fsdHahel ekaracter i* e«f|.tr*«d by the «ia. Idaaud, Stenatorxif tUrfT njt«l htaMH tbert C. Winthnt]., et Sj«-aker oi the House Representati Ahl»tt Lawrcnev. Minister Pbn. tu England fJi.haPit*patrirk.,atbolic!lH«h"p of Boston alsvt l*r. i. R. htlloa, Prsriuai Ch.-mut oi N«rt» Yoek City, embus- hy lion. W. I. Marry, Secretary of State W» B. A "tor, the ncheat iaa« in Amerhi»| S. L. land ft ., pr i|H-ietors of the Metropolitan Hotel, and oth-T*. 1M apace permit, w» eouhl give aaacy hundidl ecrtifU*atee from ail }«rts where the pill, have b«M|| Wed. but evidence (T-n moT'eonvltieiu^ then the el« pertenoe« pwbiie wen, is foumi ui their vfl-tls uptln triai. Thceeplll". tlje result of long InTctigntiia and stady. art offered t' the jrahltc as th. heat aad BK«t Complete which the present state of medical «rl«aee ear afford. They are cn.^^ind.-d n«»t fh'-d!Uj| themaeive*, but «f the luedteiiukl v trVaen only of v.-j etnr.le r. me«li.» cxtrart.-d by -mi'-ai pr *-.-** in stats of parity, and e..ajpnual«d togith-r in such gt asnatf ax to ineurv ttie -t neuiu Thin spun aft ctmijs.-i' .or. f-.r ni.'li'-in. has I- n found th- Che|*» ry IVceoral and Pilb tvth. ti (iroilu e a more »fc ie^ than tutti l»itlr.'rto ltr« ii tsbfaiued hy any |re» h- r.«s-m i« p-rjoetly hvi us. *\Vhil- ly Old mi«l. e»tnp.«dti«n, evrrv me-ii. in.- bup» with m.^e ot less acnmuni"u» ami iwiarioai qnaliti'j. li.weath inditiduai virtue only that i^'te*irvl |or tfcw rsr«u»j fl«e u present Ail tlie inert and olmoxiou i t^ualiti'S of eat suh-tance eia» ployed are bit bi bind, thu enrativ.-virtue- mlv be» lqgretained ilei. e it is if., vuleut th. effects *hna|d pc" ls they have rv ,-d more pur. !y rem#* dtai, atai fh I ill* a -urrr, umr, loWerfui ai tiUi.teia tftseaac than any other imtiicim- fan wn t- h--.rtd. A» it u ir. .juentiv exptxliunt that my m.tii'-isMti should l«e taken uuder the uum"! 1 an ktf n lit phvitMian, and as ciiuld n -t jtroperly judge• .f remetly witb' Ut knowing it* e.mj*eittori, I h.#i supplied the ais-urate formnlie by which lioth P.-etoral ami Pills are mad- to ihc who] l««iv, |Vactititiner in the Cuitt^l State* atxi British Arut lean Proviaees. If however th re khould U any gfk whv haa not recwitvd th ui. iu y *i)l U- pr mpCf 1 Window Blinds, brtter, and Other artieleeaag'-itl aa any that mn be matte by hand, auppiisd to der. als. 't iufujtiition was kr.owj^ Their life cotiv i«t# in their mystery. I have no tayf. lent*. i Th v.-it n of my prepAraf ion* Is laid npen all ii. and *11 wb are t.-mjK-t^i.t t- judge Kilflcct iroviy ackiiowledp: th--ireoavictiou- of th!v( intrinsic merit?. The Cherry Pectoral w.t- pr-.m-uTup sl bv i icniiti m-n ft b' wonderful uiedieint fpre its efi %-ts Wurf ku'-wu. Many cnnnrr,: rthy»| Clan det iac«d I be saiue Hung*# -ay pills. even in re ombdeutly. and are willing to rtifr tMl tlieir antieipatiosx# w- more than realised by their tf -»-ti^»f».n trial. Fartioulsr Site* of4 lt •ors ami lilinda. supplied and See he# ready glatts] always on hauJE' At lib-ml di«etmnt to dealers. _jJune 2,1855.—d fk. COPiSON. Ta the Cltlarlaa ef Keajl^T HAVIN'I 3 UtM^ '24 They operate by th- i- 'v.-iful mfliKie- n the iri. tern*l tistrr.i p«r.fy the b'./s .l and .ttiunkit. 4 into healthy action—imaove the ole-tru-Jion* of the etoniiw b. isiv.eia, liver, and oth-r rgan of the tdf, rtytoriag their irr- irular aetion to h. a'tfc, and hy t»& tvetinff, wherever th.y c.\i.-t, such d-ranguaaau *fe are the first origin of disease. Prepaid by Jahk* C. AVKTT, Practical and Ant* lyticai Chemist, Lowell, Mv«. Priod fl drifts pff bt»x. Five bolt* jtl. {,• Sold by H. II. Ayrvs. Keokuk, whiieealadiiil nv tail Fort Mali*on. E. Whitney A fir^JEaMla|U% C. L-ib: Montrose, H. Snget and tr^«Htt4NMtg°te everywhere. jan. lA^ui. ___ »ir I Mar Wa vis HE Indians hare dclar'-l war, virn-s from Salt Lake inform- i ami can rai.-e twenty tiiontand flghti| Will eall for volurit er# and large lli*«, which have induccd Me-tt^ Mt, with feelings of ttue philanthropy, 4»». of Aerated Min.-rul Mater in "lio fO'tdes with a report load enough to 1 Skins, and to .-lake the thirst and all who vntanteer. Sash, Blinds and 1)555, ~10N»T A N Y o„ haiwl at the iiri k Stcasn Factory, near Xaui.hetV'S^n Timtb anil Seventh Str.-. l#, Keokuk, Iowa. interested with hh rt»e Mspir*. Bc^fieldl in the Ga* Pitting BU»ui-»h*, wefpauld des|i# the public that all trtier* given 'o fhefci irrn Be 4jr ecuted In a nea' ami workman-like taanarij cbl that thev can rely upon the work doael^ttuB.aS being o{ the very hest material. As it will be but .a short time before She y w«|| be introduced, we wuuld recoinm. nd l^tWe deal rous of lighling up at ihe time .,f the f™r*rp1-»ttr*i u| the work*, that they give iminetliate oners for^iipe^ fixtures, Ac., otherwise, many would bedejMMd W yond that time, as it would be in IMMjfclaiappft all applications upon short notice. July 3, 1855. ____ C. IIKRRKIK CO. fta*. I'laithTea. r|1 HE undersigned are prepared to rice:we erdcrff for fitting up siort«. -office# anddwuiii^gboustsK, with pipe aud fixiurcs for nas—prompjly u*ecuiin# the same, and guaranteeing all their ^fork to he ga« tight. .*. All persons desirous of ttsiag gas, tjuit have not been c^lle-? upon, are rcjutMlcd o leave their adi dress with us, Uirougb the Po#i «)(Bce. Ordj-rs executed i i tto Hucveaatoii in wkicb thef are received. tiOOIIKLD ft BBOIgfiR. Julj^ BKLL lA' SMITH ABROAD. A oharulif idlias br Lljtstrap Uona onjwodwul ste«L J.X.CAYltA^if.