Newspaper Page Text
11. £l)e 6ciU iCitjj. SATI'RIJ IY MoiiMXi \LPT. as BUla »i i li» 22. ffon i*n.x3\r,i,i3Nrc»-, Of every description. ex-^uUd at thi* office If) a «o periur manner, and at low mte» a« *Wwbi:r«. limited number of Spwial Notion will b- inserted under thi« bead at 20 cent* a line for culi ln.-crtion, or over the head fur 30 '-rat* a line. BI.A'VKR. of Idling, and oth.r Blank? for 'i" ,iucwork. Enquire at dtf. NCbAHti. Cfcnriee Hegsri and obut-eo. ju«t received at Apoth mirlw' Hall, corner 'M aiul J.hnnon •treats, for gale cheap hy jrp!7 lm F. II. OfONJfoR. Ft i:\iTi HK.—The doinaadfat Jumittue i/ tapidly in ,• mg, and the improved m-an ami improved tat of tiit e am unity, requites a iau.-ti better ami a turc CTpendvt. rl.w of ia nlttire that Htttiacd to satisfy the p-pl» on'y p.year or two ag... Fully i.f this stale of ict'. 0. W\ ,*an4m h.ia brvii^Ut ou u .• e*er, and ha*vefi-iir wj»n rv fair a»orluirUt •if the in- s' ^jleiwld i n Mjj'nsiv'' sfyKn of S-Tmh, Siciaid* *, T'i- -a-UsIc-, .Sidc ui' l.-i. Tallies Ilntv A 1 cllt it's ircular -i. 1,.^ f»t. 19,1855. L- ri:- -U|.. ,!i ft-no.., J-, Fa*«y, #0 12| 6 li. I. i fcr.Jtturo than *0,1* :b ii variety ju »:Us and .- th* dt tuan«ii oi an i» The t«ATK CiTv I }'r ntin df fiivo uk a ca i ti»-njjrrow at 10 o'eloi k, riftri f'h'tr •!:. in •foil J'rinti*. (hi A son'n ii'.ok M'tinc ant] Fourth plain ami fane. f.rin:i: an.l di-j.atoh. ('oMMI O OF 1 i k ll-.e IV. 1? t'lty, i tr+iawk, 1 -1 i C' 1 A L. K O K I K A-21-t. 1'wl.iiqw.v v .,. oi. 1 Jt.-manu. niUS Wl. it. U 40 J, iuj.. wbil#, ill rb t'-- fte«L|tf4 J»nw- r.-t. 1 t-» jl hi .r. lum. —1 i i'.ii.. :v,. ti,r PlU.tI.sjON.S. wd, P'tk. ylv ila- to, litof,'i 1tli»- b8iH 'ti lllitKs' r.u *. fctiKl—i itli $1 2u a ti ). A. i! -I IXitKT Tit! t»n tin- --f tftiw tif p* ?&'. d.i\. -a DAM a?- to it.- .-E-.- ,I T- Th- N\ 'ui.EASS .ijc.febHt.} yvl- lo», it -t j.,,.i, i. *. :. :y./t 'iir. Oati, l.'i- i v- IWk-jr, 1ft|c.%ll-..r ItK-^lJ9jc. r.b t.4«, 'i KiJilWie i r»*n» tic. •. WJ Flax \v. Ou: fx. n i will bo tto f:i W.flB lo aaalio it,- a .!,u. piaster* ar: w.'ll as 1 BOW on hand is tio ,i ft. r. uv and noa: tn .-re tb.u pr.*tnt TU*\I will I :i (, '. lo it. It I. «„.•» fig** trill in I he tnjirkc:. Oar th-.-y kn»* to what exUn: tb« ii jrt. Knowing the!?* tL.:.g*, th-y will be it low in n? in .ug«r to uiar ke', a# no one a*, all imtliar wi the |rw-p c.i of the growing w|» an a y.vid t*ee ding one-1 batf of tb' etoj. iif v»!.,i« many confidently predict le« J'Uewriu»» -(onion that it fall on I. ycat'j cr- j-. L\i.W rt. h- .I- -h- la IXITLU. JUAuakT.—i«tr iy 2« head of Wacom b^eve# an bu .w Woit«rB Teiu cattle, wifh a fair ctta'k »f -b' j. ami an am|de kupply ordinary ea'.tl ift-ii t|i the markt- Bat few hig» utv iu buulo.i 'i Uatid and ao *t -V in finst bands. MF I Is f1 bfrrel, and a.i tt n-k -i in tbe eountr v are bare, und tb. .-Jiatice t-f large supplies in abroad eontnig nt and tine .ruin, the beiiif i Sor.tnig nt and tme ruin, the beiiif is rapidly gam| that n%t only niu.»t |,re-cut pric^ 1* 1.... Wol 1 Priee-sof tn,- b.*tt. deacriptinnr 1 it tk are in ia- ~l. Tor of bolder-, at our i'iotatioi,-. ,t li.-ef eatt'.r, (W v.-tern. fine it rough to fair, sje Te\a« and Attakapo#, ii to 6Je. Shoej in 1 »t« head, S0to i.0 cboic -, to 40. Mileb cows, ordinary, ht-ad, $20 to $23 choice, $ij 11 $ ii. Calv«« atid yearling*, $7 $10, Kxomkh ASi l'twio ri! Mabkkt.—Tl»o N\w y. rk hiw the following itvia in relation to th.- demand for American tU-cks ia London, and the prjcpoctstf the grain niarke! Ut Utm-t-Ui. *rr«iL.|oi X^r Amtf rii-^ii KoxA by thf I Africa, although n lur»e, *cre larger than hy tb* 1 11"....: two tir thr^" j^reeiouji ft-awei-. W.' ar of s- in. A 1 No 7a, lm "PTt .r-~gn Tcnn-.-«iegtr^T^, ti ^TiT' IT ^afJT aTT3 uittit?', tlT jt,« ottO of one dexerifition of U:tilnai Hunts, 'l'bi-re w. r- al.-o s..nie Hib r^ f..r «'e-.tral ami Krie Stocks and tioiidrt. A leading bou-e in l^.nd'tn writ.-s1 'ii.,' pn.-.t nt mail will ad*be you t|j_. turti otir corn Market hif at 1 n^th taken, when the r,^ult our own bartvut aimI that -f the tadghlio»- ng King dom France have bee -me known witbui an approx imate range. In neither auk- do they «ieoctl T»ge, an«» as beyond all doubt, tbo |»otaSi crop in Aisruiany tiii-i year ia a total ia:iurv, tbe natural n- aett n. 'mr marketH ate e more apj'a rvti'.ina.i 111 r.a-eJ 'ieioand Ij»th for consumption altd i\pot, and a use in ycmrdayV nnuket of js'-i, £w tjuartcr 011 wiu al, tirst quality i tugli-^ wheat b-iiig worth 'ft ^r. American flour a i,jgt, ,r Sept IC, 1SS3 dlw 1WILL i ra maintained, but even a.suin a bigti -r range, should no unf jre/»een event nn.-.1Jm to ir,.v..rif to prevent it. Plows and Wagons! TAYtViR A M. kl.i (Sucee orf oi Nuwtou A Sti phi. ne.) ol Unia A: I2lh Stw., keukuk, Vo. ill-.Kl'. they keep eon-tan1 ly on hand sill kinds Plo». Wagoiii and Carriage*, made in the ben rtyle and out oi the Wat quality of materials'. Viiol.-uk ail.I retail. TAlLOii A McKKli. Alal'eti 11, 'livvtf. House for kale. one «toiy house immediately haek of our J. ft ore, eontaliuiig tour nxaux and t-uitulde for two auali ftumiies, will b.- a.,M fur a-h at a low i*r:r- r- .. *•J-4 J- M- For Sale Cheap? sell the ho ii.-ii- ami it, on tbe earner of Mor^im and Second .streets, i fie *itnation i.- kau t.ful. rnii« ea»y. Enquire on the prcmUesof .vp!. 7, iKoj.--dim ilKRXAKB '/AVART. HABITS ami Men, with item 11 an is of R- o.rd touohing the in.ikvrsi of both. Bv lK-rnn. For gUe by »op2tki CAVE A SON. Fire, Fire, and ThTrvea I 1JMFTKKN 1'htt'uix Fire Pnn.f SufeS iu .Store and for salo tf. tuak'.j pi ii. «, i.-arria-je luldetl, hy J. 11. SI LLLVAN A CO. Aagufl 9,1865. J${ wtf FALL STYLES 185I TI'tTLE, PCHLDl SC ftJIITH, Miiimliu titrfn- of Straw ami KOWFTS.,-iik |MPOTTFFi:- »n.i w I. .*A, •. in HiLb,,ns, £tu hroi d.. i 4w. Nj 77 Main Street, Saint Intuit, MhiourU _Au jii*t 21, B.ii.—ftuidAw XHW FAIili ooi»!S. EDDY, JAMESON & CO., 1 ftale at till'* office ami Biauk*of all dencription* neatly, ck«|ir and expeditiously print.*! and unmb 1 to ord»r. A UlRt. W in I Ki th is O flier. and St -t. Unix. W 1 I'hw.' good* were t»v»-vi-.t riu. ai Vance, and we luvite the aitents t.\ ,•* ui Country trade. KBBY.JvMi -N. a A «ga«t 21, .luilAw I'l IILK ISAM "V' OTICK i# ker. by jfivcn,»i. cr -c -d ibe Jti»trict t,.i, surtivin? 'I'rtwt**- uinWr Charles Si. U u ill lo m,.\ ,l cfii of hii- i-r.'diiiif«, flmi ifciy Iff !_»,•!«,t,ir lo I o'uktfik, f*. m., of (iiiid d.iy, i« jroi, ju»- xwtl to m-H at pultli'- aiii-limt «'-r. for t-a-!t in liund, tU»' follow tin- f'ify of K- ikuk. tmffit.-lvt T* i fiVl I w'Oi.j, 11..) of Kaitl t-nv, »i: fow iiiitd a a bouidiiig ii ii-lime, Tbe proj.- rtv o u S-i- tkI *tr. i-t, fjy ltd (, f-'T «a| nn ]~r tt!.-' I ali kincb, VV«rdr il#, fiiertfttfiuc, llure iu*, Ik-dstcad.4, and c'iair- of quality. i Hie lit'*-,, i an 1 will mi. 1- 'ir i£.-"'.rtd ?tr«v •f. T. Cove ruer of r\ kind of in-fttno«(S *^k«l I* it... 1 It t. Ii«.» Moin Fmui o-k.u i .. IfUis. {•i]"ni.y. •t. Hi- 2 '.J i»r-h4» ij. if j«r- ii hi£hv«i it K- ii, H. i. iurt at '. MIL! I u rv ivin I M. i s i %«i. our wenti:m I V stm.Mi:u Al.iT. 111". VV't^t»m .-tajr.- i tltn-i-to the J»tlb:i. i:. k 'kuk l»iiily (Sunday i-i Fort, tk--' Moin. a., through hnrii 'tr Jiirrnin^fmm, A?hiitr»l, A 11 I" Iffoll U til. i'Jrv, l'i, .1 fh.irh-. Winter-, tt, Ir. li. luneil liioff*. Al«» to Ftrt l»«l^«- front r. through li oiMixif"' atvi Ho:, K*ery atu-nti- v I,• ,u c»iVi«iene»-- 1 i./ -.lull- -1 1. i oVl'K-k. A. ,7!*- -.-I LaitleJ- If t.--. l:. A. Util Wit, it ^vn, Miver AtM5'fr-*im^)tnimTTO-Tis-BteteburjE, A grants, to'Twwil•u.'tri-** V VJ-w from Ki»l. -tik, lxtilv Ii tia|tttV. Ikut u-jort, k't l»! /itofi id. W T® tbr nrrrhant* of Iowa, K W 1.o li 1 N (j W U i: II I' PWAI'l.F-1rt-t(^^in?Atakf-ti by 1'a-"iti A v»t'e# i,| tb« ti i.itturu nu rv "i nj. s i to k Ji ».»•. tie '-lo- bili j- I*. VaI-U-, tb»" last tvi-fti' want* of W\ not f„,, •. i, bf m-tv i... Our l.,l, l, niqa 1. a DDK It' to ord. .tcrly oi n iti tit Mtrvlia. ill.' li. It will aff and make a AA-^IF T® *1.' rpHK ui'. tl! y I K k uk b. -*t atid int.-! ar V'-r tir U-W g-alt I't' hravr t, ttlitl i, r. it, s. vt: make ,• t» i h. Mm 1' tb-.T fac*. at?" a !••.» .«* 17dtin rplli: Far. A A new IN 14 nan try of »ugur utarke uf tbe world, taiifullv f-r 'ptre'l from 1st fcy tb ins 11'.- Win. tiay, A Bath For »uio by «ep 15 srw rni.n, And ^'cw Grorerj' A l'in\ Ulan Store. ainler»i:n.etl h.n |«-o the larg. .-t and i ek*eti stuk-k oi (t"f 'I'-s and Pr-»*i»iosis S lo be fotiml in tbe city, at N o t.-u i- -1, (,. twe«sn 'M and I, and are i- truitn t-- ii on tb« most rea- abl.' term.''. j1ilF an I.^titlS •4pt IS of mu fcV- •j:, A tin- ,Stor Mark. 1': WAI'l.!.- A Kc-olviiK. itlzra .1 A Mi:~ I.umkrr for Sale r. lot if dr.-.d 1. V -d, ti biifi rt I tlooi- A 1 'd l.V til :tb,'' a n i'»l it 1 t:l r- fi Tbe "lisdtl 1 Tbtw who 1 "Aloto !s tailiil-/ :h to one. K ".-i I ^iit. i' ts A t.» i i.- 1 the yuanje. on «o.-atit iU ltriti'h aud Fort-i^a l!ibie 1 pl! URNl.Ntiii Wli'H Jf.M 4 I. tional readiiij: For tb-- OM II S A II UI. AX/H"I»KSAlih iNfttli'rn in l5..o!« und iSHom, No, Sirod, Ktnikiik, Jowh. M..vim lot aU'il in thi* iiy we would regp^cttully I inform tin liK-rcUani? of iho interior that w hav, m^up'd in the nK(»t» l»n«inot?, bavins jtll the fiuril itii- for )un-h(iniii^' our directly of tbe tunnu in. m. r* ai the lowi"t f!.'urcH-. li i» our oljwt ami ruiiDiitiou to Imild u| )i lar^ and f-rtiianent 11»4' by k -|ing on bun.l a lar^t and w 11 a-»orl«d rt.R-k'makin^ »nr pritr*^ low that n. i-j b.: It"", an.l term." and di-.xnnta as lib,r u i any otl, hon?o. l'U a«« call and vaniineour stwl ISd w Now Fall and UinK (loo««t Ai' 11L V A. SI 1'Si»N, .\ 11, li -i Jtuu of 1'ialo and Twilled Flannels, SaUiiioU, likwk and ranoyU«'-tnuT«*. Bark Medium Style Prints, Dr-.wn and Mk-a h.-d Mmdin*. A\ s -i. ?. hi' el.-. tt as, a:-«t, i'f Ihij--- !lo It'tf b.IS I -V .tig tolKWi various brand,'!, 50 r.' chewing mi 1 smoking do W) regalia and prin ei^ar^, 2."i bo\t.i Cuba sixes, Sim tu IX Ajip!' •, loUfT,, |,i: U iiich- Irn j.rj at" I) IVach I'Mjur** #al.ra4u*, bl Voxe-?. kefr«, 2"- k-»!» S t' S««la, -it'ti WiU wra|i[«ai^ paj- r. ltft (-t ant* let. & a^i j.. it'j'kj I 1 •_ l.i,,- «ltd d-i-r 1K-NK*, t' •'i ai brk.-M K ra -i ..« bf and tjr bx I: etLH* |'rii!:v.-, lo boxe- citron, Kit)drutiir fitf.-i, _' bt»l- 1 'iv toil i uiuitu^ i I eta1 ,. irooia«, i«r K.m A VK a i\. KM1N A 1»' I.^RUSH IlirTrKR. .hi rwcehi-l, a Supply of H I linoiji Hotter. «i|. l.'i KI'HN A JiOhSOV. alw.ty- 1 it'i li- a! S 15 AT'il- KI'IiN A IrfiSOV. JU'.tf AlOl'Ji—Just cinvl ff- tn the '•otintry, at K 1*11 -V A lMilisuN. 8\ RUP. ot t:.e b-st (11 n 1 ity car. I» had yj at aep 15 KCllN A lKiiStJX. ii can U had at —ia^ux.A,.-iiauiJux. hi »ti Oct, ail ia. found thj Wst iia.l iu li Kl tlN A IX)DS0N. I'ard to the l,adie«. "VTOW ready 1-r th*- ?«a.- -rt a lar^re ft'n-k Trim 1.1 miugUi*d-« in Velvt-' Plain ami Sinoi- t'oi or* and Blaek of nil widths,- i'lo-h Shudtvl, Mom Frfntr*. Moire Anti'iue. Watt red Bibb n-. Colors and Width tiallooitr iii gii-at varuty tiitnp#, Biatd^ Ac. •owe in bright colon for ebildr.'ii'n dr.-sse*. I(t. P. 1». It) Tl'H. TJIOY AC'A»Kt|V. rniiu next T' iin of titi^ Iiatitutiou will cotutinnioa J. on Weiio^-'lay, SiptL'ino.r 13th, and cuutinu* 1 Lv-.-fj wevk? uii-br charge of Pii'Kh, iv Pi iiH'ipal, and Teacher in Greek and: Mat In •iiiutic-t. 1 llKMtr K'E*. A. B.. Prof, in ttin and Hhr-t-irie. Miss M. J. Pti'ta, 'ieiulie! of Brawing and Paint io|5 Terms: Pr. par«t-ry, ,o Sighor Kngtibh, .. iat l»aniaaje', I iu Piavuug ami Piiir.tiru', e.Mf.i. B'Mil-.!- and SuitioiKiy innii-ned to the Student? a. rcaeonabk' raku by the Pt iuejpaL J. PIl'Kll, i'tinriiwl. Angur-t 22, lSjj,—."'m I AIVCV GOOUS. Jl'dT rcoriwd an vi'-gant as- rtineut of fin-. Ootids, ?tieh as Fr, t'biua \'a Purian and Terra t'otta, A^., Piteherf, Livcnder and Cttb gtie Bottletf, Fruit Moiid-', 'arl Ii -ci\et.-:, t'igur Stand.-', Jewel StaiiJL-, Sj*KiU Uoblet*, Figures, Cupid.-, Bu.-tf, Ae. Also on band a gKKl assortment t.f rm-kerv and Gl^ware. AKEY A klLBOLRNfc'. June IS, 1 So5. Dktrnyrd I^ROM the ?nb!icrik-r, alfuit the last of April, one clay btnk filly, two yvirs old, white mane and tail. Any in nion giving inf rniHtt n so that I can g.-t said Ally fhall b.? amply n wnnled for their trouble. STABALDWIN, Binnir»hini, Van Buren chanty, Iowa The Fust Flill. 1112 Fast Sasv Mill one and a half miles above town ia now iu operation with a good stock of Lo^j. Persona waniin^ Latuber will be iuini?hed ou slxort notice by k-a\ing tin ir orders at the uflice of K. 11. A D, W, FORI', vr with WM. BR«)WNKLL. Keokuk, May 11. l^ia,—dtf iw»rl CONNABLE, SMYTH & CO., \i It i I I IVn! r» in Tvnn.e'*vu Iron, at. I 1 iniwioii M*rli!itt»^, No UK tin# roc. iv.njt tin i tht ir Sjirifig ^iock, whirl a' mm low rativ. Tb.-y will d.-r-. I iji-y tn,iv Ik- favur«'d v, i J'-If hh !.- V li .-u^iir, i bbln i- her'}. Ifd, 10 -i 2.i I I and ert»be»I, U K 1 o a 2 i i'lautstU»t) li.o li-d«:b«r"* SH aii 1 i.'--id.-n yraj), 7 i a-' !*«."« bf bid 4 kiTH do id i «a»-kj Itio eoff ,-, S(ii. |»»ek't^ old GM Java do Mtirt t- r- iri' I-. a-- 'f I- r-linp ..diS, •tnjf, i M1p ti ff, kin.l-" nut?, I'UJbel.' frtrfli cft nuts, bait--e-itton baMing, A ki r-i rtrtiiui 'dfinh. w»ti bx.« Ftt! 'kt-d lli-rnii?. I art-.- faMiliM. 1M Tennessee lion. tv.iiy, W IK'UV 'b of iron aii'i n: tiiii/.ti-t Ui. n wineh u 'H-ni-fit i i t, liH -i,t..r i- s-lal^ .i— r, of d#A:,. tr-Hl- ol itf i Ut en.-*',!ii. r.« •tuv i»,'r 'id W tiol. I ii tut- cttizern t'.-n«r»l!y tls: Mil-'. wf: e mr [irn-'i1 K k k ti -ur h. .d 1, i', v A Ri,-! Ilisrhe- ''••y Hatftter it- r'.- lrue S:. |'r:t- ih The ISFor W -'V '1—A n. the Jill •iiee of Ft»r.«ak'l.v CAVK A S''»N A ?t-riei -j* and «"rra -n- 1 -i C10NSTANTLY Window Toiwl--', COtlFRi:^ utro t. 'nwHiti kti, luijoit'-r- und IX-nler- in A merit-mi and Fort i^u Ih-y UmN-ts, art1 now rvch iut their uj. I'ly of ii* w and d.-sirabk' Fall and Wit?U'r ••liibriM in? n, ry vat icty Mtitable tor tho rn trade, 'J'bey ri.-iKetfully »liti| an Oiamtnation I tlir*lo«kby «. -u-ru W rciiau!^, viiitini th* i ciiy._ }.t-12. tu» A.. 1.. i tt. M. I o.VS Alll.l i-vd ..ih to it".!n ^.\n i it' *TOH»'. CDS S A IILK ta n itv ii %T v--«!:in^ A o. 1. uQate City Hat Store" now in receipt ff a large i-un k of IliU *,('*{«£. and «Jood*. purtditwted directly of the inai.ut'ae ture- aod warranu-d in ,«tyl.r and ouility No. 71, Man. ,-:ri-»-t. si. F. VfH.iIUlIBS i U. Sept. ti, 1W5. —'1 kC«t«- City iliirStorr.'* A l.Aiv'iK and ear- fulls .-• .'V tb laU?t ftyte of flue IJ for th,-rity trad.-. S. F. »Se|»E. '"1. tl ••At the t.atr C.'tiy 11 1. i.»f tj, n» 1 »l:ll i lint Siorr W i i k 111 p,u "'1.IIII..- A I'lti'iri 11ms. S !'. S'jrf. t'i, isja... ,f. /U.N 11.KM K.N St \T 1, .If to.', /,! i v. hand nt tb. Brit k St^mra Faetory, ne n Main, tw«« Sixth a: Seventh Struts, k^jku loWil, letti •. and "tb-r artiele a* tL« any that can uiio by hand.. to 0 dor. Part iettlrr Mies it"or- and ftRii'T-. *upp and Sa.-be^ riady glaz-d always on hand. —A+-h-tr-rft4 'romit -tfr-dntirfg l'ST received the largest ami b, a .riiuent of Candie- cur bt f»r. ofVet-.d Keokuk alio a large assortment of Fr»it-. Nut.^, At.. at Hid I ur \MiKini s a Sept. *o I-JO. S. F. Sash, Blinds and Doors. CRKIOUToN A oHMKR'S. April oft, 185 .—dtf. Johnson Sire.-f. Union at the Nimble Sixpence. A 1'- BILLl.N'i- h.-.o u.i,:. .1 their Ml -tofk- of i 'IV O -lO'l- II i I' M'.oo. found at the old stand of S. S. Billtn,:-, Ni Street, Keokuk. One of the firm will ip-tul h- time in the Ea«t, for the purpose of watching the cbancc* for buving gtiotl-cheap, -ti that they ean soil them lower than ever. We have now ou hand over fifty thou-anti dollar." worth of good*, which wo will sell at greatly reduced price?. Please give u.i a call. S. S. A B. C. BILLINGS. Aa*. 11, 1855.—dlw. To the (•t-utlenion. OX cxhibitit'it, an atsortnient t.f French. attd American CastrimcrcB—the first tv\ in thit* market. •oteh, llered Vi i tsiis.—Tn Mtiire AntTtftie Plain atul Fi^uretl Urenr.ilines Brocadc and It,-* Silk" Silk Velvet ant Plu-b. f'LOTiis—Blaek and Bin-, fine -r id, v, and broken ch-'fk Ca.Mmeres, for fall suii -. Ate-—-A choice sele -tion of Kid, Cloth atul Merino (ilow. Half Hose iu Wool, Merin*., ami heavy (.!,t ton with Merino feet Silk an.l Merino Undershirt* and Brawer^ Cravats Scat Is und Handkeivhi-fa. Sept. 10, LSi.i. 1*. 1), FOSTER. Flti .\( ll AMMF.S. Jlargereceivml l'ST Iiy K*ire.-'.- from New Y'ork city a iwaortment ol French t'untlie», such IU lee Cream f'rop-, aborted tiavors, Sherry do do do Hum do do do Cordial do do do Metropolitan L«ie,»«*»«, Con vernation Lozenge?, Paintilikra, Ac., A\. at CRFBillTON A OHMER'S Cimfeetionary and Ice Cream Saloon. June 12,' 185^. CAR lis OF all kinds enn be bad at 1 RBltfllTON A OHM Fli'rf, je 12—itf Johnaon Street, S«« "inlM.. ii »ir» .uuu, «i v~v'. 21. ST LOUIS Cun iitit ittrn!.d 11* i A N 1) 1.i:si i m- to n* So. 77, .Main Street, between Awjra.-t. 1". I- -j. 4kn IF FOR %M«. \TPAHMo.v U:rn A» I.I:\ ».«ld iiy u II E i. th i ,u:. Uut, 1(1-•! 'v Aiv WV have iiiaib- large mUitions to t-ur Sii^k wbi-5« w !l any tbintr. Ki.-tj'kuk, Au&uH 2t, 1H Corner Main at:d Jrfl r*on Ktrectt., l!l Ut.tViiToS. JoWA. BRANCH of thp JM«rcanttk- C' ll. ^.* of lVni .-v -iuia—inuorj* rat^d by t. v L- .-ia:utc i A that M..t with fw.'rjK:C»al chart' v. Tin stki^ .litr i-.-xr-'llcney the Ilu. .Jawks Ikt itAVAX Ho?. Witi.iAii \ *s (btte S,-re!ary at War,) U llov. ll vvtLTO '. Hon. UA«, Bi v. !f.!:wn«. Member of ^ht llurlit »to Bar—Prnf« i Merrantile ti»W The i'rhi'- j-:-' .ir^itrn rttrryi^y mf in i ry |»ar t.ewlar that t,f tra:niti^ f.-r bu- n. intro duettl and -ti -d tip for u]v«ar-l. ..I,. n var-i ti-r pri bv Mr. Ih'rr. t.,-- founder of tiN Marram i- olk,*e y\ of pi! ivauia, by whh-l and .«• itant.- liarc te: It i^ h- v, regrw'led bv bt: thoruugn and »-lTecti\e pr .01 iantgi»t ii in tiie l.nited m.i:. upwar-l.» of 400 bu.-in t: ting si 1 different liV-tho* . -1-iublt in try—about oti,-ii Aplaiiiuig many but'hu'Sh t.i i-oiiitn»n ar.thior-tier —a mot, ii. r,pcnmaiafhip~-iU'o1.,, n --i 1,—daily ketur. on in!t». r, :il scieni^tJ1. at M'kei. Ui 1 Ig of fare KllIKS. Buff"? Hook K, jiiiifr. ]lurp the m"at perl i ati i timprt-heiinivt? iu the Kofr hah latigu^gv. IhiffV \yA'*tcrn SteamerH Account ant, a perfect eyfUm for joieli account hui at t" irieV Book Stori, JefferH'tn St June 22. I^j:..— d:f Till, M»V 1 It• S 'SOI.I I tKtt V. v-* u'uv iiuiii(£ Jun 2. W.j».-ii B. COPS0N. Faiii j- C'undii-M. TFancy i I iu ty Ik- t7 Main t«o setirth th6 Indie*' wave for pearl*, To deck vour ti-gh-born maid, n Or dig tiolconda'i- diallioinl wiutl--, Witli priorb'M trea.-ure kwlen. Go giUht Myrrh ami Krunkincetwe And iweet Arubian piee?, And elu-ter round your "heart's delight" Jjorc V wlPU-rt ,-f tfr-tir.-r I'll give ttt h-r wliom I adore, My face, all dresi-ed in lover's entiles, in Uuell's fair Sky li-/!it Picture. sured (J Bt!Ki.t,'» tiaib-ry. HO Main L. W. III P.LI,, I A i U E N A NU denier in eve /'V. ry description of Ihiguerreotyj*' tiood ha." received thm'ihiy tlin.ct fi\-m the mnti l.ic-itrer.-i a lar/e va rit ty ui Papier Maehie, Kossuth and Land?e pt Caaets, of all -•'iiu-B ami styles, which will be ltl cheaper than ever before tiller.d in this market, cither to Artists or filled with life-like mini at June 22JS::., ___• JitrtQriTo 'inns, 1 Pieces tt arriv.- on tho I-Jth. 1 JSXFKESS ARRANGEMENT. y svow s i:\i'i{ix ilnar* toutli Joinuflii... JoUiixi.ii 1-"'Ont«hi-)• rapWly iiKTvaMfg Kin'sj. .1,'. Tb.- i»f.-titi..n of ,, AND IK*sim:MS ,HI:N J/0 AIR, GOODS, PACKAGES AND BUNDLES n i N .-1a"L 1 Orders t«»r the j»ureh:we i»f Ci i ,wt U» any Bar lieu iar h-.»ui Tlu.\S ..i Ke-.knk. Awptct H.)5 V i 2 OOO AND ALBANY' ti part of \rti:K \K, t. tLii:.v i ha. I.OLI'KN HARP PREMIUM. mm I'UDin M, 1* hate ttdojtfed the Cash St I.V IU FAIJi 4.MklS. II '/ifilesale I I it i i i, s at ion t-f 1 lAlii le a i I f. I .silt \V. li. liH«tv Ho.' Cmarij -i Navuiu attu tias. J. K. Mnuufciitun. 1 ah t,TV Av T. llotM*. late sent- lVofi»«jof of I .,.,' K ad Comtnerrtiai tx-ieiK th« Mereantu toUejl* of l't.-un'-yl\ is Ii. llAUtorr, Sat l'r- I' -r .t fomtu. r.-ip ami rmuuieiital l'eiiinai. :o tio ,-.un.- in.-titi tioti. dui-i-l ill!'' I OI iovyj^ vari--! i," MAY FL0WKK, lil. At'K I1 A .MON'I), V'i hail.] Ull i have the incwt extMii*e aM»rtm»nt 11,.-1 i:! n: I OO,*. i, lit .'5,0(10 inereiottu iitied for bo fill' men mh the ni or! i" I. f-r lie act 11 r,' 1! comprt-i. n i ti. ., !o.i».—illti ira .. i'l ing b_. r- ni i otnj iitittion*. t' "ii- not i Hiii i-t ro!.,-il-• vt' eoiir.-e i t..- i.|,.l b(|M 1 O ff., t-ej 17 111: i»-y I ^A\. -o Hi 111: i law and dition, price $1.- O lt: -I SNA r-i—To Send for a C.reulnr l»v mml. Burli .'toll. ulv ltl, 1 .^.j.'t. dAt WkyliKlit I«!jH rr«-ji 11 (.allcry. W BI K Lb." Ia«rtitsrrenn Ar i«t, woui l^re.-pvettu, ifg ly announce, lo the in V habit.-in of Keoiuk jf and o• ,jr, that be i.» p!,-i .'0 tn take lik- b^j-i-h of oi! »il... may give him a ".!I. in the p-rfete i,..ving 3 large Skylight, tin- niy light by which a blue eye can be made to look nw'.ural. and far mperior to all t.tbi lightii for liagtn rreotyping al?o, having an exj»ertt nee in tbe art of over ei en yt-ar^. be tla't.-rs himself thai be ean ,-uit the mo.«? laf iiilion,-. pit tures ami Brtiwing!' I^intbi-apcf and pit tnrci- t.f the sick or diceased taken at ohorv notiei Pjoiur pat uj n E ry ancty *tvl«, mj»«iII»j of tb.-weather, and atut u t.- n in ali caoea guarau U-iHl. L., :-ment of Aprs h!ly A O. I'K I:, l.. inlriADD'^ «.l,l ,, .1 to* ii i/ma', i H-Jti, i a-HiKi vo, to cnat:o tlwtn to keep pact with th IN II Isi IN TON. K* j»mtiiiitly attendid to. TftO*. CI H1KTT, Agrni. YorXt! AMKI'.U A PALI. m.1.1 UiU.AffMJ A, E. W. BUEL & BRO., d'-al, 1' i Tht, 'opi« r, Sheet Iron, SSulloic fl*are. WRlow Tf .--• IN or lower tbun any towe in thi« cii. u i t- /*tent, "\s Uilu iill- ti Iun-ha.nng, af th.-n- IM MO I N .J THVST: OF -ti! on u« n I'Rtci jru irantml to ojien |r N E AT •!!l| i as npi-.y.-ntotl, uh1 In all 0 1XPENSE. llrclitsirtlij. 11-: RE r^ivine tbclr lajjr-.- Stx-k of DRV IIATr«*, t'APH, ANI NOTIONS, which they propose u »fll to javiMf-t tinn or cash buyi n» at n.* !h trii- .'-. I'- lort- poreha-iiig. Balbwin. k\ an a 0. :atl 1 i 1.: P,Y—A bug *t»a:k On hainl. Un i diii ,i i, o n tht niitnufiK-turciK. anil i by BALBWIN, EVANS A CO. CI n.KRY over 2 i0 patterns ju.-t ir'.ni -»hotE. Id. Flightud, and lV PEKilEKa-1iinin'1- ui Call and e them at th* gky-Ligbt Rootna, Main Street. August ir,, is:,5. ATTI^ riOX 1«\ S HAYlN'ti Corner of First ami Main Strec'®. KATH A N IIOF'FHEXMEIL Keokt'k, July 13, lSi6.—il.twly, I-VMltAMF. QTAR Isst nAJtt ii CoMi-AJtv, of New York. jS'KA 0 IxsfBANt'K (,'o«i-asv, llariford, tJoiiiicetit Bt. IIaiitkoUJi Insi it.vt 1 CoMt-ANV, of Hartford Conn.— Mra\ I.tri: Ivst itAM e«. made arrangements for the cstabli h- incut ol a large Clothing Manufactory, on be MiicH-rn plan, I am now offering my Spring and Summer OooN at i-iume cost, fho^e iu need of Ciotbiti'4 will find this to b,- n tar .- chance. Comi-anv. The above Companies represent a Capital of $1, 00,000. Live1. Mercbandue, Stores, Dwellings, Personal Property, and tbe various kiml.t ot l'i-^fH-r ty esj«»"ed to the peri!* of Inland Navigation, in by WM. W. BELKNAP, Agent. Comer, of Main and Secoud Strt eh?. August 1.1,ill 1,1 Flour 1 ^FSTOMEHScan from this date be supplied with Viincy liable Flour, which ia warranted to be superior to an mu» tu the Mit.-«i.-#ippi Valley, by W. C. FUNkliOUSER, U U -P i s .12: KEE 4 CO, COBi-i.Sli aud Potatoes.—1 drum choice new Cod fish, just received end for »ale at the lowest 11' e L-|!\1L- lllllV'l'll pne? \V. C. Fl NKUOL'SEH. Bargains in Real Estate. »TBE wili -, I following nt rv pr.-.:. atii tit.n be made ?oon. A thrcf .-(.try Imsinew ehanie s corner oi wi» story brick hj J'-h ,.tablei.aniln'-r nd vty of of .1cetu.1i 2.1. kuk to Fairfield, in I 1' STOVES, Ac., I'" iii market, and we pledge MiraeIves to sell at dieit^d frtiia any |*»rt of the country, and Keokuk I.'W.i. i n o :-Titshtng gtvds. They now a m-wi S ni nt i-. oi A i.hv 1 4 low fiymi\i as they ean be j.uri ha.«d in thi WfJiUern tonntry. uJ ijIjdv n -w eu-totner" if hoiit--t l, ilingi \o. 82 DVaiu Street, K.««knk, Iowa. BI 8 LIXOTU.N To Country nirtliant*. OIarriv 11 Stock -f 11 milw.-ii, iio.j t'ut|. ry i* now daily ina and will all U- in «tor- in a few waek#, arid we* hall thru be able to offer yott it.-: eomplfte mi aj*ottiueTit a# can bk- f.»uttd in any Ilanlwart' llou.- e iti the Wei«t. ere?jk-etfit||y a^k i*n vumir.- Ph BALBWIN, EVANS A CO. AW'S.—W* a! way.- keep on hand a Ireular nawe fcum six o inch vi-e-ti fe sell at faetorv priees. balbwin, T'.miLs.— We have ', a- orin-nt of li. 1», liarti.lit oo|i, -•p-.'ii.ti ..iiieb' which v.- will m1 1 at ltocli. BALL'WIN, EVANS A CO. i, 1... 1 it-*, «f nil mzc*. juxt it*-cived aud i t. J..\ l.I»W 1N, KVANS A CO. fti.j •••rtuiiat alwavsi no band LALBWIK, KVA\t A CO. I Hoi 1 "ii '. all kind* and i-t v ,.l and fr«- fab l«w by BALBWIN, EVANS A CO. ii"'. N 1» 1 S'EL SAWS—A jttnall lot of our 1, m. iijtt received and for »nlc low !'A 1.BWIN, EVANS A Ct». vM'k.l.-- V large a-Kor.inent fur clreu 1-.J, ). V, i lt|,(l 111.- i. 1- on hand 11 mil Iurni.-h lo or- d.-r Zitn cck-bra.'t Si |*rator fur 1 brat-'bing, t. it ailing, Hcreeiting and Bagging grain ready for mmkct. it will thnush 'and clean from .•tio t« mm» bu-iifi per day, and ha- taken the pre mium at theCiy-tal Palace, New York, and a! Ijc Stale Fa:rs of Maryland. Virgmiu. Indiana, Illi noij, A-. Orderf will Ih cmmiinication- wiH rectove prompt "attention. Ke-,.i nc on Fulton Strtet, b. iu., im „,Ht 3J. P. EICilER. Ke kuk, April 10. 1^..'.,—dA». Ki:»ati k FFnAi.i M:ni.\inv. rut: raj. t.u OF th- Keokuk l'- iiiti.'.' ."••miliary will commence on Monday S-jiti-mb.-r loth. IU v. W tu. 11. W illiainr, Pi'inci|ia) and Teacher of Euglih tinuumar und Criticism of InUlLitual und Moral PhiloMipby, A*. Mrj. A. L. illiutos, Teat h. on Piau 1 Foit^and of the French Language. Mi.~f Man Halt, Tench, the v. tioiin l.raneb e.s i Mai In-mat icr, and Natural St icace, Ili.-tory, Ac. Mi^r1 Julia B.-nciliet, Teat in tu the Primaiy Be partui. :t,. TI ITIo* FEES* t'Ktt TliliV. Primary D.-nartniint, AorrBmr»t-f.:tTi.i.i?nt, l'u 1, Ink, Ciialk. Ac., taiM on Piaii't Forte, on 11 itar, in 1'ii.nehor itin,- Drawing or Painting, K'okuk. Aug. SO, ISij.—dAwfiw. UilKOV2ll. i li' :A DF. We will have the large.-tt ,«sliHik of gotals in our line ever btought to the Western country, and will be enabled to supply the wanu of any Country Mer chant." 111 Iowa ni cl.«ewhtre. We will have u ?itK-k of gootl-t for the "retail trade" which will be "it-ond to none in Chicago or St. Loui* in point of "."tyles" ami "''quality." Our room*are fitted up in the finest ntyie, and no pains will IK- spared to make the "OithAT WK.tTKBX lliT, liovNi.i, and MU.i-im.KV Ehimkii J1, ly 21.1 "Co..- -d I w I Ot w. J. W. JOHNKTO*, ICarries property t.u t,.u-v ui u. if atntlion- hou«e 20 hy iMot k, 6fl fWt on in Me- Main Street. Two lot# on th# Fourteenth awd High Htwts, housf, with n Urgf now otvopicd as a hoft town-hip No I west, tbe I. witjl yard fttt«chcl. A No one hundrcj innd, being the ninth xt*t tioarltf y«. north range No. in Van Bnn.-n ennnty, near the mml from Ker». uciui'vof liisitniu'. JOHN TRIPLBtT. Asiguv-t 10, JS55, (Jff i PelatailfUH. MIL OB EAT AMERICAN HAIR TON TC. \T i. more abie bv the 11e,rc 'Ireaili-.! uirg l.K.-de.t.^ii-v 1 luxurima k of by the :in '.ft. .i ,l. 11. I \, tention the than the u:4i and be. uty? midiUe-agel hut 1- all U aotompli'hed t!ian grsv hair.-?What old but w. uld i-vert boldness? which by u -U|^ri..r artiek ing iambus so tiui\er -.lly iu-kn ivii«tge«t ^l« dly efljcuemii- lovi' Alexaudfr'.- Pe- tube the in mtwt .r l».-autifyi»g tbe Hair, ai .l pre-ervJng it. r»r »tilc at Main Street, hv .l natural health.'which A Fall Trade. (^TAR CliOTIIlNti STORE. O II. -,2. Mjuu Sr.. Straus would re gciitluueii Keokuk. p, cfiuly mil the at- of the faei that Keokuk has and vicinity o foruied one the a eiUti.-. for the co pa it (, 1 ner with b«s-t clothing oi-e.i.inCincinnati J. Iritnthal tS: L. Block, Ma- nud thus pnaa^.-,te.- irupctior f.-i- -tUttiou ami }4fctiaie clothing and i n of rtueki ol complete kind*ifhave F-. w. 1U I: A DR i Clot hi Th'-^.- thi fidet t-Tt,- tk EACON, HYDE & CO., lioli v.nic lnK{fl«t«* \i\ ^ti:. it. i. 1^« ]!, SUi, M- hair, leRages, Ac., to which tion the Ladi 1555 s k^ortnent ns, «H.mpricing 'Kerc ,ot«. Cincinnati. 1 Country mere bants an- s, asKunng quality are unsurfm«ed, iroiid* f-.m bo Ktok uk, ciepfr 10. To the Public. rI'"E umlir-i^ued proposes JL Juiucm for building O. uarti-, ih kt-y-, u a i y und th-.- t»ni»- s}«.'eifltnl. on Fulton Str ofaall in part. Punts *lotb ni autl j« :i JI -!*««. Shirts.St.--kst Hats and grades,gtvlc- and CafK., giMidf have at a .tnall Trunks'4r. been M- lo »otri cttd with care,ami will advance on I 'letcrmtn«-t n «t custom w*it, e nr to lie underbid by any ectablMh- part i"Hnriy aud examine ourirtoek, before invited to call I'ttrt haMiie- cist-where. fep 17 d4*wtf ij. MKAl'S A Co. Autumn Stock! i n 1 o s 1 ». 1 I I "l1w "I5*"a luicatoek t.i fri nch i i Ainer- Laintr:anp«lin ban Printed and Plain B. ,H an I nnoes Coburgs, Black and Colored attenMo- he invites tbe them that the style and ami prices low a# tht* aauic .ihl in tho i.omti rv. to do work CurpttiUn aikl vVt i y outi'iu't.-! iksi-ription, an-.l will take hotH s friiia tb gruuinl ujj- und fini-h and furnish material deliver or in any way as and iirehiteetunil .f the jt\rie iigrc I u o n and Can at b*- 11 at mv tht»p or office .-t, Intwcen Siw-n 1 ami Third. P. EICHER, ('••ntractor ctt.I-lsq.. liams. K e o k u k A i and House l-uilder. Rotii:i:wi Mi. .1. A. Ur .h.iiu. W. Ciaf ... C. tH*i.n. E- .. B-.v.Tho,. Wm. M. WU- 10, 1 FOOTE & CO. Forwarding uml oiiiihI^IIm ward in/ re- f«r sale low ir BAIJ'WTKVANS 4 CO. received our Full -upply of fiJe* i-- 1 [.tinii, wlm we will i.. il ut re- ase addri-.-M Evansa iw co. at and tbe wh Loir and 1' ,W 4 of N E 1 2t For the whoit prt jul,. l(H(- |,«- BALBWIN, EVANS A Co. 'tvivvd 11 net for «al« low by BALBWIN. EVANS A CO t'lTlf ifiOTJi I'Oll SAM). fpillirK l-.u, in the III -ft desirable part of the I. Ci'y.'-n tin-.-ono-r of i v.-iith and Franklin .-?•, tor he-ip for eu-h. I no uire t" W. F. 'l'fioMPSON. A u,ru.t 25, I dtf fanners take Notice. Any |n»r*Mn wifhin-jr '1 locution or tjuality ot !i„ 1. Re id, Ecq., or bi.« Hoi,. 1 K.t okuk. Jul' I ,| S"'""'lioToFNs.'- thankfully received, and MANDRELS, S 00 00 not only the "Centre of Attraetton" but the^ jdace for good bargains. Our Mr. II. is now among the Ea-tern Manufac turers ami ltuporb-rs, getting up our Fall stock, a part t-f whir' we expect in a few days, of the arri val of which due notice will be given. 1». F. HUMPHREY k GAtiE. TXBEIITAKKit. Corner Johnson 1 bird Stie. ts. on tlu-busines* tif I ndeit 'king „ii iu branch s. He ha# recently inaife cxt ifive additiou# to his "tuck ami j«-rfectetl his arrang incut* iu every dejiartment. PATENT METAL!,!*' Bl'RIAL CASES, imtK-rv ions to uir and iiithstruetible, highly orna mented ami iu valuable for th» preservation of the •Lad, as well as oufiiua vt Cove Ureters June 2,1855. Mer* llttil 11, loirliitjtoii. I..w.i,and lla. I'tAIIt I. only rot Burlington 111. II 11-- i«mm-t. tl 1 llailroatl 1 |"t. tbn- ling advantawiththe ge's for the tinn-hippin..:.,foff Freight.superior The patrot.uge 1 the Keokuk merchant! and *blp per« if r. .-|mifully *oli ited. Burltngtoti, B-wa. Ait-*. u—d I JooTE AOQ. nl-:l.NU .HiidH and a iiy I.oim for ««l«. A\ U*( n rwju».'?rctl ann^ry fH*ri*onf* und .-untlry times to name the 1 take for my lands and Iota in Iowa,price* portunity io inform the public in priws PA'.'KINi on hand and f. r«jtk BALDWIN, EVANS A CO. O'ER'S 1 will now take for the same. unto annexed: would I take this op general of A N E I -ection S, town-hir. f.,, ia herethe lint ranjre 5 N i -i .. .. s 1: i L"- IJ .a !,jo, k .1 in Keokuk. ,| .. 1 -_M .1 -f 11 NAS-I.» tei ihe E of N i.,»- it {to aert-•) in dispute. I v-' thoutand 'ell I wUl t,"ke dollars in on?, two, t'nii .... .,,, intercut, at 10 -r ei ut. from tl.--. ally, ami sot-uretl by tb-etl of ttrrnty-lw i on,- third in band, ami tbe balune. ami four atii.u 1 paymciils, with o W paid aniitt 1 nttl .ill is- j„»nl. t»foru, 01, ,, imiy tlpp 1 li. or of the WM.UILL1 —, Hardware and Cutlery. FA 1,1, TK A l»i £ii M- '11 «'KKU, luij, n 1 rs and W'h I »_?• aler., are in 1 wiiieh they hiivt ••hauls, of low.i. Missouri ii a-k ait. ntion, .uttl guaiM.r S e 7 I Miis.' Sllt»\ i i .-al low ty \y ASUINU \i II1 N 1. ing KtiU'-l i- WaMuii i much the largi.-1 displayed to the m.r i ilUBt'ia, to which tie y he at St. Lout* priwee. U a II. '1 i'l RKK. 1'itf relcbrated Float Machine, for $a!e by \i JL II fl'.TM I.<p></p>T1VKER". W. A H. A lot of ,.|oui.•le*h»rrelied i.'tlo l„V% I.V aome tim, j, a hot guns: W. i ll. TUCKER. /^IIRcI'JaAR SAW* .—All sites of the J&, Louis V' I ir uiar Satv warranted by S. A II. TICKER. for Circular s-ws, for tale by S- W. If. TI CKER, w* "o\ELS AH 1 UN1',--. 1 he tl if!.-rent qualities t.f Iron, Brass and Steel, for sale bv H- W A 11". TICKER. Ks AND MA IrtiCKS.- A xupply of Ocrman fte.-l and east sice] pointed pit-k* and Mattocks al.-o, tone picks and sledges, ,r .-ale by A $5 00 --O-iHt- 50 10 00 8 »0 HAIR •, \,,i i it •-rt moved their llat.t o—ner) IIinjMtrium" to No. S8.Main street, between .'id and lih, a tow door* iibove their old aland, where they will contin ue tb- ir buftiuc»# on a largely «H-rea«-"d .-cale, both in the wholesale and retail departim iit.u. hi "11 S. W. A 11. TL'CKER. Iron ami -tcel. For sale low Kv S, W. A H. TUCKER. XLS! AXES! Hum V Collin*" Simmons', Lip J.iTleotr's. 1f1iite"3 anil Wil-uii*. axes, n Itir-'O k for .-ale low by S. A 11. TI CKER." "t i F++HrM tmar -ftnHh* mid npwsircb fan bank pattern, with and without 1* ion*, for *»l\: »-y s. W. A H. TICKER. •flair Dreaming suloou. tutting done aeeordsiig to ply.^iognomv and the principle* of the Coiffeur's art, and Shampo. ning pei ,rined iu a new and agreeable aty k-. Tut,re who desire to enjoy the luxury of the Toilet should not fail to call at "my saloon, on Main St., ill till 11 i 111111 l'orni. r|v i..-. oi.'o..| Vi-o tl,.. t'^.,| I iu-pc-ls A Oil ClolliN J. A. DI ltKFi: Sc H\\ Iowa. 7, every style and finish fur- nitfhed to onler. Ilear.-t^ autl uriingot- £urni«hed, and the entire ar mngem nt.-1 the funeral atUndul to when required. K'-okuk. April 1^, 1353. dy lTMtKSH OYSTEHS—Just received a ataaalt lot of •f this Spring's (Hiving, hy W.C. FI NKHOI SER. CO., H5 .Haia Street. 1. 11-' ricciveil the lur.'e and uio! varied stock ol Carpet.- uu.i til Ciotlis ever brought to Th is stock comprises one hundred different styles, and having been bought before the recent advance, we will sell them al present wholesale eastern pri ces. We wtiuld respectfully invite thoae who are fur nishing their houses, to »n examination of these Carjk-ts and Oil Cloths, feeling fati.-ti.-vl that tho qualities, styles, ami prices, are such tiint iliey can not fail io all who may fator us with a call. AiVii.-i 1'.. I .».i. tl.V u To (lit- Niot-klioiderw of the Keokuk, ltl l.i* It-a sun A Nuinitlne it. K Co. ly OI'lCE is hereby given, that in accordance with i™ the eondiiioiiti ff the suintt-ription for tbe 1st Division of rttatl. the second inittahuetit of 4 rcciit. will he due and payable Oct. 1th, 1156, at the banking hous -t-f Charles Parttons.Treasurer, Ke okuk, or U. the undersigned, 'iciieral Aireot. J. K. HORNISII, (lencral Agent K. Mt. P. A M. K. lLCo. Sept. lMaJ.—-dAwtd I |Morning 0lory ami Mt. Pleasant Ohset vcr copy.] ci.o i iii-\« i.o rinxtii! FOR THE FA LI. AND WINTER TRADE. HAVE re ived a large ft „-k of utly Made Clothing, tieutlcineii'a FBMii»hiiigt*oMis, Trunks, Hats, Carpet bag*, I mbri'llas At-., whi'-h I will itvll at Wiioi.KSAi.K AMI UKrAH., at a very small advance ab-'ve Eaateru 1 at. Comer Fiit and Main sis. s»e|.t. 7.—dAw N. HOFFHEIMER. A FILL assortment of Yietortue.-, Cut!.* and Fuis i"Y expressly fjr the Ladu-s, ju t. received at tbe Oute City Hat Store, No. 71, Ma n Street. Sept. 'i, 1x55-4 S. F. OORiilE.S (M^y.