Newspaper Page Text
of (the 0citc Citg. K E O K U K sirrnnAr mormkg, DM?. OFTICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. Tax I»ES MOIXK* VALLEY WHIU in LIFTED fmu this ^?Roa v«ry W*lnoad*y, ha* mm extcnsiveand in crea.iug oirciitatioij throughout tho Yal l#j, *. *«il a* in ike r©#t of the £tate and tht t'ni tad Stat**, and u medium oi advert liing ii not snrpa^wt. Sul*oript-toa pries $1,69 per annum in advanoc. £altr*a4 .Vettlaf ait l'harlMt«a the oitiaens of Charleston, in this county,! held a meeting the other evening, for the pur-' pose of concerting measures for securing a inr^v of a route through that town for the *eokt*, Mt. Pleasant A Muccatine R. R. ve™' general attendance of! th» 3H'n£o« and a warm interest expressed in thr object of the meeting. Resolutions were pa&ed expressing great •oaidence in the importance of the road and i Setting the benefits to result to the county from ita construction, and pledging their earnest co-! operation in aid of the enterprise. A resolution was also adopted requesting an examination of the route through that place, and pledging themselves to defray the expense of a recennoisance. We trust that the officers of the Company Uttl respond to this request and make an ex amination of the route in the direction iadi cated. This movement is but one of many show ing the growing intorest of the ^people, and of the people of our own county especially in this road. We welcome all such "mani- i feeutions" as indicative pf truer appre ciation of the importance of a Road which we have always deemed one of great impor tance to the interests of Keokuk and the eouoty at large. Kamai-A Cltmpae of Truth. Below will be found the fact* attending the origin of the recent outbreak." ia Kan- We felt tore from the first, that when the facts came out, the Free State men yould be exculpated and the fjnilt would re«t upon the "border ruffian"' government of Kansas: (from tho Herald of Freedom fcimsjw)—Extra.] Tuesdav, Nov. 27.-4 A. M. meeting tl^ citizens convened to-dav on the ground A series of resolves were passed, a com miteeof vigilance wa» appointed to investi gate still further, to search out the offenders and devise means to bring them to justice.— Coleman and his party had fled. The meeting continued in session till a late beor and adjourned. Between 0 and 1 o'clock Mon lav evening, Mr. Jone#, Sheriff of Douglas Co., who re ceived hit appointment from a bogus Legis lature, afended by a posse of 14 others vis ited the of Jacob Branson, and ar rested him lor sccurit\ of the peace, on the oath of a couple of the abettors in the •bore transaction. Mr. Jonea did not road, or even make Mr. acquainted with the character of his war rant, tut told liiiu he must go with him im •Mfcimtely, or he would "blow E. to heli in a minute." I .dr. Branson lives near the scene of the iat uiurder. and Mr. Dow made it his home at Mr. U.'a house. This is probablv the hei^hfh of his offending.) he 7o*se, with Mr. Branson, proceeded towards Lecompton. via Blanton. Arriving •t the lutter place, they wore stopped by a of Mr. B.'« friends who had heard* of the urrost, and followed him, and bv a near er route headed them n-ar J. B. "Abbott's house, in Bianton. There were bnt 14 of! the reiicuer». They threw themselves acrost. the road, and requeued Branson to leave the party. He diJ so although ordered to rem uu with the posv,j, or he would be shot down. Jones dispatched an express to the Shaw »ee Mission for aid. He said the Governor had given hiin the assurauce that lo,(Hi men should be at his service, immediately, if ttoeded, und declared that tbey should (»e on the ground forthwith. seeui* that Coleman, on making his es-, cape, fie.) to (ii.v. Shannon. What cheer he I The country is all on fire! Means are be ing employed to call the neople together. A company are patrolling the streets while we write, and the soul-stirring drum is beatin^ to arms. There is no doubt, ere the dav expires, an organized body, under the sheriff, will again be upon the country. What action our peo ple will take in the premises we are not ad vised. It is probable a iut-f*tiu^ of the will be convened this morning. lWWn an i K18DKR HOST roll.. I Lawrence, Nov. 24, 1^55.—Our twn was thrown into a high »tate of exeitement on Only purs Thursdav last, !y the intelligence from near much chagrined at Hickorv Point, in this Territory, that Chat. W. Dow, a young man about 22year* of age, was most barbarously murdered bv a party of demons who rejoice in the appellation of "border ruffians." Mr. Dow had been to a blacksmith biiop where several of those de- idem drew a rifle on him, and threatened to .. shoot him on the spot, but finallv set down his weapon without injuring any one. Dow o v e e o s i o n o n e u s s i o n u «X"'h, ... •bettors, and escaped to Missouri. 1 LATER—THE WAR BEGUN. t0 {Editorial Correspondence.] Br*LiNOTON, Mondav ia. come tu look it *11 pretty much made up my w rescind my resolution the few days o' much like ft** & of tbe P°Pulate a decent 8ited Hr^uc where the murder was committed, und en- grow "some pumpkius" vet. tyred intu the facts at length. The proof But, badinage aside, (it is not «U badin corroborates our statement that one of the, ,. Most cold-blooded murders on record had *«e» thoui5h'' been committed by F. N. t'oleman at* princi much this season. The number of business received from that quarti we are not ad-! two, I am afraid the Havrk'.yt office would •teed: suffice it to say that he made his war' get into confusion in a hu TV to Lecompton, accompanied bv a guard to 1 u .• keep him from being injured "while pa**in£ KI"ctionn for State offici'r* and »en»- b-*r« of Congress have been held in all the nf cm- Lin?#, Tl ,U southern .States wtthtn tbe pant two year*, Where it the National Whig party 3d. .ver. had 0 write letters during my abaence, for it it too ucing my day* of recreation to Whenever 1 go away from Keokuk at any thing like an inconvenient season of the year, I realize very well how hard it is to get uway, and how hard it is to get there, and appreci ate somewhat how much our city suffers for I have looked over this little village some what again, and it appears to mc that if the **ere, and not be too ce ""I ,°n« of Mt Which .ualu u nurthum market a cheap- er ftn eQd iUued to leave, and got away "a few rods Rock Island but then while that isprogress K '•t0at\oaWH* frected towurla th*| Looking around he received a charge ot buck I ehot in his bo#om from a wretch named Col-1 1 man, uud fell dead upon the spot. a fine quiet place for respectable "old fo *mpt was made to arrest the murder- e was secreted bv his pro-slaverv' gll.s,» do£e the bod'r round of drudgerv, and it strike! i forcibly that a little relaxation uninter- ONE WEEK LATER FROM EL HOPE, rupted with hours of toil wouldn't be amiss AlUi AT all. However, I feel placable just BOW. I and have undertaken a letter, bat 1 may get crooked any day, and when I do, I shall "shut down." i ®*«r-readj speedy outlet and inlet. If were com'ng e8t n°» 8houldn'1^® there would without knowledge country or preference as to points, I to Keokuk, for the trouble of likelT th® de"ir* more than of Would thc balance exploration. And neither maj°rit? of tht? people. There i must be some particular inducement to at tract men there now until the first of April, or the great mass of travelers will not be apt to go. That is the way I reason, and 1 am constrained to realize with some degree of force the advantage that a railroad connec tion with "the rest of mankind" would be to us. And yet, in this connection 1 find some thing by comparison very complimentary to Keokuk. During XJO day since navigation opened in the spring, to my remembrance, (judging from appearances at the hotels.) have there been so few strangers in Keokuk as there are in Burlington to-day. There has been no meal this si'iison, (for instance,) at the St. Charles, where there were not at least twice as many, and I think 1 should be safe in saying three times as many, as there were at thp Barrett House to-night at tea. If my judgment in this respect is accu rate, it argues a very strong inducement for people to go to Keokuk, which leads them there agiinst all inconveniences. Still, tbe furnishing of a ready means of ingress and egress would greatly increase the number of stranger visitors. iiutuoa obstacles, it might still be made to amount to something. To be sure we are going to build a Railroad up back of them and give their prospective wholesale trade to Mt. Pleasant and by the same means we are going to give the country speedier avcuue over the Muscatine of our Railroad line and thc bridge at ing Burlington has a chance to "spread her- e Belf' andwhen t'JC they enn jiwt fence town in aud finish it up, and it will make whose enterprise has all burnt out, to awa-v the remnanl of lhere are enough of that 1 their lives, and is»eovntintu.-d people tow»* Hence I th&t''Flint Hills" have a chance to ^rli«gton has improved very pal, abetted bp Hargus, Rurklev, Moody and houses, compared with that of Keokuk, is Admiral Dundas, with a. portioi wagoner as accesories before the fact. very limited, but yet they are sufficiently nu- flt'et, was at Bay Kid. tuerous to reflect great credit upon the en-J The Allied steamers were watching for an terpriae and thrift of anv town even in the,™ h,'!.™, .appo.«l to be in the Bal .„r tic with a cargo of revolvers. \Vest. And one thing I can freely say for The London Post contradicts the story in our sister city, tbe house.1! of this class which the Times about Canro bert'b treatv with have been erected this year are Generally Sweden and Denmark: aihesion to the Allies very good, some of then/very fine. There is ™m"r.lhat V™**'" disponed to make the ,• first advance towards peace, is considered one block within range of my window, on unfounded. It is confidently reported how the corner South-west of the Barrett House, ever, that the Envoy to JSt. Petersburg visited which is decidedly superior to anything in I ^,e Czar nt Nicholaeff^ with the view of in- in Iowa deserves a premium for industry, it 18 hlB1 but 110 shouM n ^,lTC through Lawrence. The warrant was there ^'ranc^ fraternity and, indeed, I am made out against Mr. Branson, no doubt DQt acquainted with anv of the corps. with the view of affecting his credibility be fore a iurv. time t0 Republican, at Dubuque, is the eeutlcman of Chicago, where In, ay stop a few days,, per aps, an write again, if good humor: #K °ri^00« a good many er i r*9 1 ®'ian,t night' audit i« aaigmficani fact that there ha» not I return. b»en a Whig ticket run in a aingle Southern State during that whole period. Keokuk, not excepting the fine block of our ^l'ul recoup,ize certain conditions worthy Mayor. 1 Wt kaow »ho b«ih it, but the Burlingtonians ought to pass a vote "When the Prussian cabinet made known of thanks to the man who has erected so the view of the Czar to the Western Powers, fine an ornament for their streets^ and em- latter deemed them insufficient. Rut as .u 1 pioyeu ho much extra cash for the purnose ... u n o n e s u e s o e o o e s u i s e of a beautiful aud imposiug appearance, and pected. I wo'ild heartily thank the man in Ke kuk whu would follow his example and give the town a building which would feast as my eyes aud grutify people's tastes so much. Let Keokuk and Burlington jog on together as peaceably as we can, and if we have any thiug derogatory to say of eaab other, let it be said as laughingly as we MI fcay it. 1 found friend Dunh .m hard at work in1 the Hatvkrye sanctum, and it did me good to grasp his cordial hand. The establishment 1 fieerns to be doing u very fine business, jt it does work our friend down prettv h.±rd, Ala., y, v:uttering ti for he is overseer of the "institution,'' eol lector and general business man, r^ud sole tion put forth by the Hunker Convention at editor, for all that I can see. If nnv man ft- Moines, for the repeal of the Liquor get sick a day or the Gazette I find that the Mr. Fiiot, who has taken So far as we have been able to learn public the task upon his hands of buildin^ up the te^ ihe public way, I bid twelve o'clock good tru#t J0U •*a°iJ Foreign Mew». ARRIVAL OP THE AMERICA 1*8* Sv«i«fe With (he Wee tern Ptwrr*. PEACE RIMORS. BOXMAKD.HEMT OF THE IVOBTH HlDK. DECLINE IA BREADS TUFFS. HALIFAX, Deo. 1. America arrived here this morning. Her dates from Liverpool are to Saturday, Nov. 24th, one week later than those received by the Atlantic. The A riea will be due at Boston at about noon on Thursday. The main feature of the news is a report that Oen. Canrob»»rt had concluded a treaty of alliance between Sweden and the Western powers to take active effect both by land and sea in the spring. The rumor, however, is believed to be premature. Peace rumors are quite abundant, and amongst others it was ascertained that the Czar Lad given his assent to Prussia's in forming tho Western Powers that he is will ing to treat for peace. All the reports, how ever, lack confirmation. In active hostilities nothing hnd ocourred since last ndvices. From the Crimea it is reported that the Allies have determined upon a grand bom bardment of the RuHsian position of the north side. The king of Sardinia was in Paris, and a cordial reception was being extended to him. MARECTS. a general decline had been noted upon all the quotations advised per the Atlantic. The week's buain s» was restricted to the sale of 3,500 bales, nearly all of which was taken by the trade. In bread^tuffd but a limited business was transacteu, and prices had undergone a •light decline, say to the extent of 2d on wheat, and Gd on corn and flour. In provis ions no change of moment had occurred market closed steady. The London money market continued stringent but for alf this drawback the closing quotations for consols were HSijCa 8sj, an advance of nearly one per tent, un on the rates current at tlie departure of tne last steamer. ADDITIONAL BY THE AMERICA. The America arrived at half past one o'clock this A. M. The Arael arrived at Havre on the 19th u!t. The Hermann at Southampton on the same day. At the Crimea both the Russians and Al lies were under cover, the latter apprehending an attack from the Russians. The contemplated bombardment of north S^bastopol is to permit the allied fleet to win ter in the harbor. Munouapolton.onlhe north coast of the sea of Azof was bombarded by the Allies on the 30th of Oct. A part of the town had been fired, when an Austrian merchant hoisted the Austrian Sag .v,Th«r warehouse, the fmng w» fi«V j-® away the remnant of their lives, and dn It is rumored that Cieu. Mimgle menancen the Allied portion at the Straits of Yenikaie. cla9* of Aiiien had ',,OO0 troops and were expecting large reinforcements. A large Allied force had embarked from Supatoria and sailed westward. ASIA.—Nothing later from Kara. «'tiiir Pacha's vanguard had Oku m. Al Old Illaa"Aa4 The Liverpool cotton market was dull, antf club—1 shot him. And though 1 claim not reached of the V'" Pruswa and P.ussia are still in communica- ongresslsnal. WAsmNOTON, Dec. 5.— Senate.—Mr. Hale submitted a resolution asking the President whether k*1 had received any evidence of such resistance to the execution of the laws inKonsas, as to require the interposi tion of a military force. ^lr. Adams gave notice of a bill to amend the Naturalisation Laws. House.—The House resumed voting for Speeiker. After the 15th unsuccessful ballot, th« House adjourned. The following was the last vote: Campbell 8, Richardson 74, Banks 7, Fuller 19, Mar shstll 0, Pennington 7, Whitney 9, Smith, of LIQCO* LAW.—From the flaming resolu- Law, wo expected their orators would say something in its vindication at their Graud Rally at Knoxville, on the 19th inst. But, among all the able speaker* present upon I that occasion, not one had the temerity to Open hi* mouth upon the subiect. They find that, although the law may be defective in some respects, the people of Iowa will not consent to its unconditional repeal. Bentl,nent on lU i,. gentleman de(*c,,ve AMEN( y co uc ing he Chicagu Tribune, and luture, without striking the entire law from with his known talent and energy, 1 presume the statute. Hunker opposition to this law, he will succeed. like their wild anathemas against Know 1 leave to-morrow for the ver* citv Xothingistxi, is destined to have a glorious m«T vwj finale.—1 Knoxville Journal. 'a have a happv time of -nA-* ri(T ii,», .1, —.TT 1 Z I Mr. William Wyman, A machinisi. of II a®' ®lih0M Chart ton, MassackietU, hu bZTZsnt to nug out of Pentuylvania mine* thw past tlie madhouse at Cambridge, a Victim of epir- to *1"" subject, all are willing that shouid b* remedied by JMPNT at the next session of the Legis- JuJge McKftrland other Bpeakers oeclu,jon are a I long an they can stand, in favor of the Liq- U()r 'n against it would have a particle of weigllt on standing argument, so aw, and nothing that they could have iung their face, were viaible Y itual rapping s, to aa OK Hari«r Our readers have already leatned that, at the recen^ session of the District Court at Burlington, John J. Jonee was convicted of the murder crl McCardie, committed some STATE OF IOWA VS. JOHN i. JON IS. Sentence of the Court.--The prisoner was yesterday r. n. brought into court for sen ten*'-. His Honor Judge Lowe, addressed, him as follows The prosecution against you for the mur der of Horatio W. McCardie, has resulted as you have painful reason to conviction, after patient hearing and a iuost able defense by your counsel. If you have any legal cause to show why judgment should not be pronounced against you, the court will hear it. The prisoner, being permitted by the court prisi On returning to that home the dav of the fatal deed, 1 learned the certainty ef the mad dening truth, and hastened to the field, mv rifle still in hand. I know not why I went. I had no fixed design. He met me with a to have acted in defence, 1 do apsert that there was mutual combat. You know the rest. 1 tied—my family followed. But for the fifteen year* 1 have li\ed in Locklaud, 1 made no secret of the deed I had done. Now tim» has done its work. The Govern ment itself has changed. New laws are pass ed and old ones repealed—and those who then surrounded me have mostly passed away. A different people are iu thc land—a different code of morals now jrevuils. 1 drank liquor, it is said, and true it is I drank it. Mot to have done so then would have been the objection. Men high in station leaned upon the dramshop for support. To treat one's fellow to the poisoning cup was deemed proof positive of genteel training. I may uot be held responsible alone fur the vi ces of society—it is enough that 1 have been their victim. Those days are past, and that loved one is gone—borne down with trouble she sank into an early grav»». That lovely daughter is now a hopeless cripple, wearing a haggard face. Uf those two boys—who should have been the prop of mv old are— To this Honorable Court, the Jury, and to the Attorneys and Officers thereof^ and to this community, 1 return my humble than Its for their impartial hearing. I have never been a criminal of choice, but rather the creature of circumstances, be neath the weight of which far better men than me have sunk. I may have been too jeal ous of mine honor, but never have but once proved faithless to my trust. When my coun try's rights were invaded I answered them, and so did mine honor. With Gen. Jackson in all his Creek campaigns I battled for my I was there—at Kmukfa and Taladega 1 was there- and when the shouts of victory drown- i ed the cries of the dying at Horse Shoe, in 1 the front ranks of my country 1 wan there— and tbe name of him whom we now call' John J. Jones was another word for deeds of daring. n,e' ['he Judge sentence: same, your weight of years, it pi red vou bravely served in the flower of your man hood and still more for the greater honor of that common humanity, which in the later life vou should have observed towards that inoffensive neighbor of yours, for whose murder you now stand convicted. It is pain ful to retlect, in reviewing the evidence for and against you, tbe mind can rest had ^et up some kind of a claim to land oc cupied by Mr. McCardie, upon which he had raised a crop, and was engaged in gathering the same for himself and family, lnatead of testing vour claims in the peaceful aiode pre scribed £y law, you initiated upon reaping where you had not sown. And you said to Mr. McCardie, that if he should take any more corn from his field, that yoa would shoot him. McCardie believing himself entitled to the fruits of his own Tabor, persisted.— You, brooding over that fatal menace a few days, walked deliberately into his held with your gun, and executed your fell purpose by Mending a bullet to his heart, in the presence of his son. McCardie went down to the grave, and you, a guilty felon to part* un known. Fifteen years have since rolled away, and a mysterious Providence turns you up ,and brings yon within the jurisdic- of the highest grade of homicide. And to grant you immunity under these circumstan ces, from the legal consequences of your crime, would cause McCardie to turn in jhis grave. The law under which you committed the deed, visits your crime with the penalty of death. Bince which the Legislature has materially changed the law of Murder— fifteen years ago. The sentenoo of the Judge therefore, giving you the benefit of this doubt, and the speech of the prisoner were publish ed by the Hawkeye, but overlooked by us at the time. They possess sufficient interest to be copied even at this late day. to speak if he had any thing to say why sen tence should not be pronounced, Judge Rorer his attorney, read the following in his name May it please the Honorable Court 1 am an old man fast tottering to the grave. The frosts of Beventy-three winters, though they have not whitened mv brow, 1 between 2d and have wrinkled my face, and '"hilled my heart 7d4w with many sorrows. Mine has been a check ered life, and now when about to be separat ed from my fellows, I can give a truthful version of the past. 1 had a family and a home—a rude home, it is true, and a plain and humble family— but they were niv all. The deceased robbed me of the one and invaded the sanctity of the other. Two small sons, a lovelv daugh ter. find wife—a cherished wife. co„rv nnjl U- -A, «ta.f* in td, 2%. wilderness I was there. At the faatof acorns These are of the past. A long life near ly spent—the scene IH changed, but He above recently refitt. ai who reads thc human heart, is further than I "'"'l1* "d'htion* tohi iailtry, he i» pr.^j»ared t« iak« the formal sentence of the law, competent a valid or sufficient reason in law, to arrewt Wa ,.f th.- weather, and natWaction in all ~tr the uplifted arm of justice, and therefore it guarrante.-d. remaiuti for the court to perform the last The Urgent establishment aad only W# lUtfftMJal- per crowning act of your trial by proclaiming the sentence of the law. Your great age, having outlived your three-score years and ten, the fact that you long resided near my native spot in Ohio, and the still more im portant fact that you have honorably served your country, as 1 am imformed, in the ca pacity of a soldier under ien. Jackson, make the performance of the duty one of great poig nance and severity on the part or this court. And he would willingly been spared the for the honor 01 vo one fact or circumstance that would seem to Ij cber'h Sugar Hou«e SvrV in k. gn and half offer the siightent apology or palliation for bbl». Hai.-in* in boxen, half bo\e* and quartern, your offense. The story of your crime is a! __ II AM ILL A CO. abort one, and may be briefly told thus: You' -PA' a s e i a a n w i ale by J. P.8TOTT3. which fact, taken iu connection with the pe ouliar construction given this law by the Su preme Court, make* it more than doubtful whether this Court has the power, under the indictment and form of the verdict, to claim vour life as the forfeit of your crime, and I shall limit your punishment to hard labor in the Penitentiary during the remainder of your life on earth- Will IBM M. Belknap ISCompanifft Ajp-Qt t*r the followiuf uiwlautiai IlMUraaoS Commercial Ins, ('o.,8aint Louis Mo. Hartford Fire In nurture Co. JRtn* I n$. Co. ft«r Inn. o. ^tn» Lift Ins. Co. The KttentioD of taerchacta and forward*r« is called to tbe fact, that the fomtiioreta! Tai. Co., of know, in your open Mantle J'olie* at thfir Agen Thr pr •iiiiuin* arr retained hero and loan cuKluuicr.-. _1 tin Cuiniianj. ed U. th Oftc« N«»oond (street, nt-ar Main. deoHd I ni »'«r Beat. have 2:i rouifortatde dwelling •ion Street, a* I have ou' decTdiw I^VJE SALE—For good* or canh, i will rj buihi init lotj on Main Street or I he LIMVV. 21 f*t front l.y 40 feet deep. Al»o 4000 acics of ffo.Hl farming land in Lee ounty, Iuwa, within 12 or 20 mill's of Uto oity ul Keokuk, at No. 6" Main Ftrwt. 1 S. K. niLUNGR. TrcMeaAsiit ItMk. MVfcxod* I$oyn sajr my aeoond itory is piled so tall of that tbrr* ia danger of a breakdown. All }*?ri-oiid wanlinj at their own pru-ea will do well to call at our xtore and save u* the trouble uf throwing thoin inu. the *lreet. Dry Wood*, ye*, ev ery thing Groceries, y.n, the »t tea* fre^h. lioot# and fttiocs. ye», ».vi»rv thing. Am 7 (14* s. 4 D. C\ KILLINGS. PITTNHI HUH COAL. TVnaMjfation. my quautiiy, to be delivenl before the clue of at the htoi* arehooi. of ltrid)?- A Hr ther, So. VI Main St., between -id and •1th, K.-okiik- H'. S. MMtKl to: Hi* flous*- is lar^e, and affords good sfminmoda ion for the storage ol Merrhandiv aud Produce of •very kind- dee«lH..MAw L- Bl KLt,, \M \i'TI J'.KJt AMI I'KU.KK ili i-v-ry -,-rij i.-u Daguerreotype Goods, Apparatus, Chemicals, Ac., Ac. ALL Goods -.-lit :r"ii) itiy .Ui- warranted to ojien a* r-1 t, nn-t 1 f, 11 win v th#* imp is iron a to trim ni« lniiirmt math** Aa furnished At tbe Ifwc^t prif* the one is gone to join his injured mother as witnesses against the dead destroyer of their peace—the other—and my heart sink* with in me when 1 6av it—lime*—but not to me— I with an ear d^af to my calamity, he comes not near me! But I forgive. All order* by mail or otherwise will revive inupt attention. ROOKS 86 Main Street, Keokuk, Imra. deeAdAw NK1 IK.HT DAGUERREOTYPES Frlre Hed»re4. HK s u i I t tlld n-.pi• ilii i hk ly announce lo tl,.' inhabitants of Keo kuk and ririnitr, that he has redo.ed the price of Iagtierreot to SKVKNTV-FIVF i.'LNTS apiece, ani wi*h^« it t,, b- understood] that he it not tone tj-r *n.v 6rm 1U dfeMA w BAV1U.. 11 *he r«*y- Glas whieb cannot surjuuif.-d. Don't forget the place, H6 Main St., between and 4th. i«"d I. W BTTT-b. DAGUERREAN GALLERY! ^UK mb«eriler r«« pee u 11 y S' n.UB"fb to the liihal tants of K's.kuk at -I tii-init)', that, iiavn guerreotv]*!' Ac., A-., equal to th. U-st, and 1 then delivered tbe following I or lower than any firm in the city. Abo landiesi-i's and drawing copied, and ptctans rri. 1 a. i °f 'he Pick or dc«-*a#ed tak.'n at »hort notie«. The ourt cannot accept your statement as ,.tur(„ |)U up ,n ty „7 Taru .tv of „trUt ngvd Icry 111 K.-okuk. 88 Main St., betw^o ad and 4th. k. w. HI KLL. ITALSTOX. n. rnrvf-n. DKALKR*Commi.-v HA VIII. I, A CO. in iro«*eru- and Produce, and Forward -ii Men-bant*, Main itreet, ing and between 2d and .'id, Keokuk, Iowa. Would call tbe attention ol'thc eititena of thin eity, and Country Merchant" to their large and well se lected stock of (troerriep. They have one of the lar gest Mock* e\er offered in ihi* place, of all such ar ticle* as are usually kept in Grocery establi.-hunuU, and will sell on the tnort rea-toimlde tertn-. Ibey leel confident froui tlieir hn^ expcricnce and a de termination Io gut- utri't iK-rsonal aitention to bu»i neaa, that they will merit a liberalaharc of custom. nov2Hdw A Pl'Li:s. "bb 5. appteiTof~e*eeil#nt tjaaliiy^ I,,J" Public •I\. and a great nuuit"'r of choice flavor, for «ale by nov*. If A.MILL A ft), F^uiim Quincv, BenUinspurt, and regularly, at j#, Main street. nov28d UI,0Q UV"" Quincv, BenUinspurt. and Birmingham Fluur b,, 'uLUKN SVHl'P—In kegs ami half bbl*. Bel- KFVEK 8HOOTI11G RFVOLVKHN. have received by FJ.tpre*s a mnall lot. of 1 W i,1 1 w" k. 1 i.- 1'airkaak** Nralea. aie the only ttg.-iiU iu Keokuk )r the sale of theabove celebrated •«-aJe». ilay Scalw, and all other kind* furiiinhed at short notice, bv dee Id I dee Id TI7 tion of thai law, whose «*», jou have outraged. d^chl BALDWIN. KVAN8 k CO, You have been tried and pronounced guilty JT0K HKNT.—Concn Hail from the lit of Janu- arv neit. novandtf v v Ileal.- ii Se\.-n lit.oting I istolr, a new ar- tbe name, and guaranteeing all their work to k* «ak tide, said to bo superior to all other revolvers, to tight. which we invite attention. decld HALDWIN. EVANS *00. HAL1)H IN, KV AN'S A CO., Agents. Sabber Belting and Facklaf V A LWA\S on.haud,andfor sale at aomall advaaw i andahoe bu«inei« on the manufacturers' price* by decld HALI)WIN\ EVANS *C0. Lead Pipe. A LLsises always on hand and .r Kale low b. BALDWIN. KV ANSA CO. Twine. .... Apply tv C. F. CONN. OA W)ZEN Froxh BaltimoreCoveOriten, rocaived «)U direct from Baltimore, at as. Maiu itr.-et. nov2Sd IIA MILL A CO. FRESH BALTIMORE OYSTERS WH0LB CANS, $1 60 HAL* CAN.-', 75 cU. BAKTLKTT A MAN.X)UHT, AftaU, Nw, MaU-it. DA Vllt S- mil H. N 1. V AN»ll'ltLlN SMITH A VANSICKLEN, iactlsaefri, t'osiBil««t*s !Herol»«n is •siRftl Brskrra. WEA.e-ti.iii,iv will particular attention to sale* by ".'I Heal K*iate, Stork-, Administra tor'* Sale*. Ac.: will uefjotiaU' Loan*, make Collec tion*, exehanff Kvat K«iiit. f..r MerrhaiiUiw, make libera! advan--o* i.n Keui K-lutc'ir Mcrrbandli»e eoo •if^neti lor |uhlir cah-: will art a* Alionievn tor pr..|H-rt h'|.l. r- n tin- dis|.»«iiig ol j.rop. rtv, col ht iu.jf 1 renin, pa_?ni)f tuxet- 4r. will art an finan cial C'MU1RC111» tor all who in a} nerd our aervic#*. oftcr on Third street, betw«.*en Main and JohnintB. nv24 1/OKSAliK I^OH J^iiKSALE—Or 1 70 Agent. T» Ibe Storkbaidrrs »f tbe Keaiiak, It. Pleasam A: nnsratlae K. K. •. OTICt i« hereby given, that in areordaiu*e with i.^1 th«s conditions ef th.' vuLwcnption for tbe I*t Divi.nion said road, the fifth instalment *4 pereent. will b.-dne ».d payable Jan.-lth, 1H.W, at I the banking bouse of ('barles 1'araono, Treasurer, Ka okuk, to the undersigned, 'i.-n.-ral Ajr-ut. J. k. JlOKXISH, General Agent K. Mt. 1*. k M. K. H. Co. Iec. 6, lSv.j.---td [Keokuk Times and Mi. Pleasant Oba«rt«r eopy^ H. R. Reeder, fsmiisllan and larwardlng Si«r kaai, A Nl) dealer in 1'rodui-- and Pro*uions, Unioe J.*. Block. Main Street, Keokuk, Iowa. bpeeial attention given to rectaving and f»rward iug Mer'handiae and to the sale oi all Produce con mgned to hiui. ACity 500 v do not the inonev will he refunded. i „!t s Brad liavei ly Street, euport. ^iota on ValU^Htreet. Trna* eaajr. Appl to SMITH 4 V A.VSLCKLE.N lUaarr# of land uu thr C. F.OONS SMITH 4 VANKICKLEN L^nU SALE —"iO A Tract, apply to A dwelling house and lot on Batik SMITH k VANSICKLEN BALE—A Strc«t, apply to A Li/i in Lnaisvillc, Ky.,u« exchange for £.«» l\. kuk City property apply to FMlfH k VANSICKKX tiade for Iowa lancL or Ke.kuk City p.opcrty—A U' use and 1 at Walnut Hills •ear of Cincinnati, spi 1\ to SMITH A VANSICKLEN. Pertoas fpilKKK TilOlf AVI D01XAR8 to loan for otw on Main J. var oareal rt»Ate. appr to ,-MIlH k VANSICKLEW. 8. S. BILLINGS. I roH 00 It et by 7b on Fir*t Street, betwwn Main A Joha son. Al»i, llouw and Lt. e..rn. of First and Joha son. Applyto .-.MITM k ANhlCKLRN. rim KALt 999 Acre* of Land, uixl cultnation, naar Car Biarfto. Xeriac, one-Uuni caah, balance in one, t#» and tbr.f ear«. AppK -vUm k VANSICKLEN. rKiR SaLL— a e o o i e e a u w i i n o u milw of the city. SMITH A VANSICKLEN'.^ ton N ii.i:. AlioUSfi and 3 lot' on ,-^eond street, applyto aovM SMITH A VANSICKLEN. *UF., FKET front on K.-ond ntreet, with buildings rent# for $8t'0. Applv to nov.A s.M i k VANHICKLEN. r«« MALE, fllHKKB lots together on tfth street, ttnu «*y. 1 Apply to n-v2J SMITH A VANSICKLEN. ^"HsALJi—10 acre# of land under cult n ation, Jt in lie from the city Applyto nov24 __ SMMH A VANSH'KLEX. I/'oK SALE.—30 feet trout -n Maiu «ire.-t. Apply to DOV?4 .-Mini 4 VAS\Sl KLK\ I^OK KALK. A farm cotiiaming acre., i te under fenee, 11 tuiles fr«ni the eity on ih** plauk road. PuMes»ioB given th- l«t of Man-h next. Ap ply to ROV'J4 vMITIl A VAN-M( KLFN. T^OK hALK.-—-A bouse and lot ouMaii. :reet. J1 novM hMl 1H A VAN.-lCKLEN. FRK.^H invoice Hats and Cap* to trade for projK-rty. /pplv to nov24 f'MfII! A VANSICKLEN 1 Af ACKKiS of Land near Prlla. Maba»ka couo IvU tv, to trade for Cit? property. Applv 4o no\ 24 .sMfTH A VAN.-ICKLKN. 1 ACKJES of lj*nd in Wa«bingtuic»UDi four A vJU mile* from tbe ('ounty Seat, ran be bad jt aeven dolian p.r acrt. Apid\ soon to co^2i SMITH A VA.VSH KLKV. lsiLLAK8caa had on short time bv ap pl\ mg to .-MilH A VAN.-JCKLliN. Il.iVl't where thev keep an aMortmeat ».f 'k aD«i kinds in the art, and thfv sbail Trial at the rrrital Pal* are. \VrK bad the pleasure of witnessing, a few day* vv since, *n intere««irig test trial of \urto«M weighing machines to.w on exhibition at th* Cryftal I'alac1. Tbe trial was confined to the rela tive meritp of Fairliank*the Seaie» Si-ale« waa ufaciured by l»urvee A Fomyth, Kwhrxter, X. V., and a newl v pau-nled aeale uiauufartured at r n.-», !. To t.-it the real tn. rit ,f rb. »eal«», ilM in mitt/-* pla'-*«l ufx.n the pla-f .rm of u »eale hav ing tbe capacity of six tons, a weight of :.'AV6 lbf ar4 tle'ii removed the w. -^ht to various part* of tlie plat* fortn. With this weight o», one corner of the mf» gk-nn.-n Seale, tlie tieaui indicated lbs.. wi«n placel on the opj»ofiU' rorner, thr 1* am indicated «i!y 3^.77 lb«.. howing a difference of 13 lb«., and hen removed to tbe centre of the platform, tbe beaa •liowed iJrl.S" Hm. A r-^u.-»t wif tbi i. iuai* that ttM Weight 1m- again placed on tbe coriu-r first tri«% i wbicti »a* done, and the weight the i~.aui now tnui i-^t-l !b».. h.'«inK a diff.r.nce of S ibl. troui ttic fir»t trial. Tbia variation 1- attributable to part, to the arrangem- nt of the platform upon tfa|| bearing* whieh forbid-, the of it- givinj ei-rr^ct w.'igbt or agr-eoig with it.«elf. The *t th.-ii applu-d to a Fairbank Ki-aie, atxl »h- ti Ita I »'Mght wa- planed nu one c.mer the platform, the beam indicated the true weight. S.iJVb Ib«., n th* •eeond andthiri n»m*r* the result iu tbe kaiue: ua til*- fourth corn-r a uligbt variation wa» perceptiKif. ti" CTtremelv delicate was the operation 0/ Fai$» bunk cal-. «ix U»n«.) that a quart, s p«und w. igbt |'la.-et on any |art of the platform^. rai*-d the lieaoi. i l*uryee A Fwrayth Scale, of tO,OOU Ihe.eapaciW Wac n *t tested, and like the Yergenues fvaie, it I failod to giv.- corr»*t weight, or to agre. with iUeJjj} i! ahoW'tj a variation ten pound« when the wei sM wni removed froia one comer to another. *1* 4 I airbauk cuiall platform S-aies wa» then uFhed with I Standard w. igbtn, and although it had been in constant ui-e fo ^ix luuntlm. it rihihitad iu^ erring aceura.y. The Healed weight* were then pla* vl oC Knnilar wale muinufacturel by iJuryet'P For*yth. but the result wa.« far froui »ati»faet'^rv,-~ one corucr wa* ha.f a pound t"o light, the -entn half a pound too hcaiv. and anothtr ccratr twe pounda too heavy.—[Penn»vlv«rnaii |lALiWIN, KVAN."i A CO. nov 25dw Aironta. Keokuk. n«l KAKCEAUETtrV. /T A INSl HA Nt'K ft 1.. II art lord, Connecticut. JTA Si AK KAN'f K •/•.i.. igdennburgh V 11AKTFOKD F1HK INhl'KANCK COMPANY iiart forl fonn. .F.IN'A LIF'F l.VSl RANrEttl, Hartford, Cone, oMMKKflAl, INSl HA.M'K Louis Mo. More*. «tock.- and dwelling-* insured agninet Fire merchandize insured against the dangers of naviga tion »P«D Policies ISSUED in the Marine IVpartment of the F'OIUBENRIAL Insurance Co.. of St. Louis, AND tb« euatooieri of the Company accommodated with loaau of aixty dayi on reliable pajn-r insurance pruearfld for those desiring it, in anv St. Loui* '..mpany JUL 1 hj5.—1 F. HEKRICK A co. Uai Fixture*, |1HK undcrtigned are prepared tu reeetVa ortUrs A. for fitting up §tore«, offices and dwi-liiug houvea, ~itb pipe and fixtures for ga*—promptly ejCMating djk W M. W. MELK.NAl*. no\t» Irn Cor. Main an.l 2d *U. Tathe C'itlaeaa mt Kcaknk. AVINti interested with uc the Messrs. S. ,Bel4i he iiu F'ltting Hin-ine*», we would a»tura thal 1111 mg Aslt in!r II AMILL A 00. "rdm given to them will be ». ne*t t®at a'"l workman like uanm-r, and °*n rel' ul"n If 1":".:.I i being of the very beat material. Birinmgbaia Flour *be work done by them, aa b» *hort time before the eas will ,, wt. Wl)Uld re,,uimend to th.^d!.! rous of lighting Up at the tune of tbe eoiapUtion of the noras, mat mey give immediate orUers for pipe, fixture*, Ac., otherwUe, many would tie detavad w yond tbut time, an it would be impoisible to'tuppl/ all applications upon fhort notice. I'lviMjmj v*rwtllla All persona desirous of using gas, that hava cot been called upon, are requested to leava tJMr ad dreni! with iu, through tbe P«t Office. Ord -ni executed ia the succession in whloh th«y are received. HOOFIELD BKOTMOt. July II.—d f'o.Partaertklp Notice. fl^HE undersigned have this day forisad of T. J. Elliott, A Co. a eo-|wrt- ncrship for the purnuae of carrying on Keokuk, under the sty 1# and X. J. ELLIOTT. JNO. II.CARTER T. J. CARTER. JAK. B. CARTE|k Having purchased the entire itoek of K A. J)tike anil having furthermore necnred tb- Mrvieeti of Mr' Dtinlap. late of Cincinnati. Ohio, widely and favora bly known a- th" "Prince of Boot Makers," we aulia it the patronage of the citiicns of Keokuk, and t' •urrouuding vuntry. It is our intention to keep on hand a complet •ortment of every d«cription and price, and ar pared t« finiah tu order boot# and »hoed to nuit t' ev- T. J. ELLIOTT I hava aold my entire stock and trade te ott A Co., and cheerfully recommend the cu»Ume« a* geallemen fully competent of carrying on the boot and ahoe Uuir braueh». now 1 pve- T.J. Eiii n to my old and capable aa in all ita A. 1UJUC.