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srtwr :j 1? .1 I SC IV tr ft PAGE SIX for., hi. MMF.RrUI.ISM AND PATRIOTISM Address Delivered This Afternoon Be fore the Bankers at the Con- vention Here of Group Eleven. -t BY DEAN A. C. PIERSEL Commercial Man, Ruled by His Busi ness Ideas Solely, Becomes Narrow, Selfish and.Dan- ger to Country. At the luncheon served this after n: 011 in the li*i!v: roon of '.h.-. BYe Keokuk, an strides? was ho- ,fore the bankers of Group 11 of the .. ®ur ProSress •Iowa Bankers' Association, by A. C. Piersel, dear University. His address in full, given herewith, and was greatly Joyed by the bankers present I not hoped to say something that might be suggestive and helpful. ,ur theme, Commercialism and Ta- sentiment of this, Washington's natal day-the regular time of your annual meeting. Socialism together with all the isms related thoreto says that commercialism and patriotism is an Impossible combination that it is commercialism or patriotism, implying that the commercial spirit is essential ly a selfish spirit, and therefore diametrically opposed to patriotism, •which breathes the spirit of sacrifice. Socialism as is preached oday triotism, is a combination one, uniting amassed so many dimes and dollars the sense of your activities and the 1 ru ed by his ideas rather than having rule over them. And this statement contains a point that I wish to make. man, the banker that Is ruled by his commercial ideas simply and solely, becomes narrow, se«.h, While on the other hand, the business and regulates his life, so that he has foliar-plant who is large-brained and ileglon, is the man on whom the com -munity can count, and 011 whom the »lsm is the nation's greatest And I count myself happy that to a ttgroup of such men I now address /myself. We recognize, and the most of us alize that life is very complex. On I ••••.the other hand the real philosophy of ii is A it is a this simple philosophy of life in its relation to commercialism and patriot- Is in is in re at on at I is to speak to you who are community captains of industry. Everything existing, that is worth I ••while and worthy, whether in nature,' in human life, or in literature, re ceived its impetus and impulse from life, and in turn gives back to life. I 'iui3 is a principle positive and par-] mnount. And he who does not live abiding citizen in relation to the coun try or the kingdom. However, the money-mad fanatic insists that he by his own efforts made his money, and that it is his to do and dare with as he please. But let us remind this dollar-marked man, that ours is a Christian civilization, and that tian civilization is We sell tha "WABASH" 9 flic Fincstaud He*t C'hll drenaWeh tele# Intlio world W&bMli Farm Wagons, Coasters.etc. tbeml JSND OF A RED NOSE New Flesh-Colored Product That Heals and Hides Skin Imperfections. A peculiar feature of poslarn, a new skin discovery, is that it is naturally flesh-colorc and contains no grease, so that when used on the face for the complexion, or for pimples, red noses, or any other inflammations, blemish es, or discolorations, its presence can not be detected. It can "'JUS be ap plied in the daytime, tte natural color of the skin being immediately restored and .the actual heallrg and curing process accomplished in a few days. It can be had of any pharmacist who sells pure drugs. Wilkinson & Co. make a specialty of it. Fifty cents' worth will answer either for the trou bles mentioned or in curing ordinary cases of eczema. Itching stops at once. The Emergency Laboratories, No. 32 West Twenty-fifth street, New York, are the sole dispensing agents for poslam in the United States, and will send an experimental quantity by mail in plain wrapper to all who write fo- it. This will show results after an over-night application. Keokuk, an iifld.fs- was av.vere-l i.e-_ [the state to keep the boy and girl repi|b"c- of ,n the things of life must be tannic^, a I t,," 'ICy Hon. i. ""*D" '"f "c proportionate to cure their wrong condition in later to our material prosperity, else we are •s I beginning now to seal the doom of the I ",i- The uteasure of a ""'gaged and engrossed in commercial engrossed in activities is whether he under the dollar. The measure of his ... stand-point of his noin-hw* r«,htc 0f glItter and mediate a phlIosophy that is not practlcal does not foors 'fetr,„ent to the commu'ol,,.. 'Z!»»« *«•'f™ lectively a danger to the country, may wortj1 While jmanhood is whether he is insisting on S°lef1UmP °f society and civilization. his rights and his neighbor's duty Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen the association: I appreciate much the courtesy of the gracious invitation of your com- stand-point of his neighbor's rights. mittee to be with you and address yo There is an old book which says Prominence and power in your several briefly at this time. I would not have The love of money is the root of all 'communlt,es, to attend positively and| presumed to accept the invitation had icjn(l8 regarding his own duty from the if? There are evoIutionar.. esseg man or banker, that rules his business evident in the progress of the race lour that the mere mention of them ig a, Ideas and ideals above and beyond his most proof positive of the participa- Washington and his com-patriots start- ,tory tlon of ProvidGnce ln the thlngs and 8enstj,ie and SOund We make the following citations as exemplifications of the transition ... ... In other years we gave our att.en-1 up with this law is not a law- from processes curative to preventive, am ,n Chris-|t'on Christianity duty glamour of this world for the giory or -are of the next, vour glory wI1, not that and left them ag a ,egacy kith and kin, but your glory will be that you wer0 a ma of char acter, pronounced and positive, and that you in your sphere built charac ter into the republic and into the life So much for our philosophy of life 1n its relation to commercialism and patriotism in their inter-relation. But P°,nt out the manner and mode of lts application t0 Hf is a be made a malntalned in the apU. commercial ca.,cn «, .bovc T. 3„°' h„. t. 8eU. absolute^ inteeritv of relat,on tQ the floo(J sUuation of the lower Mississippi to an endeav-j or to cure these floods by means of dikes, embankments and jettes. To-1 day we have gone up stream to the [sources of the rivers, and of the trou ble. We are checking the denunda the de- are checltin8 ventlve: so that the white piague his community and to his country in [showing the white feather so that more than dollars and cents. And feverbreeding pests and places give herein is the possibility and iower of commercialism in its relation to pa- of y°u evil. When you leave the jpermanently to vmr Jm "th is up their blood, so that a Cuban plague be a he a re so In the profession of law, in the former days, court proceedings were the order In evidence. It was the end and aim of a majority of those engag-1 ed in the legal profession to get up a cause for a case and the case into, court. In the county-seat centers, so! far as the general public was concern-1 ed, the ablest lawyer was he. who could make the best stump-speech be-' fore twelve patriarchs and to thej crowds in the courtroom. Then, to win out, in court, at any cost—this sKSefc*' was the client's charge. How many times have changed. Now it is thej primal business of the leading law yers, office-attorneys largely, so to make contracts and close deals, so that the business Interests concerned may be within the law rather than up against the law. To win in, out of court, at minimum cost—this Is the evolution that has taken place in the client's charge. This is the evident evolution that has taken place in the business and professional world. It is sixteen to one, from curative to pre ventive. In the financial world a similar evo lution is taking place. We are turn ing our attention from the merely al leviative treatment of panics and other financial diseases to processes preventative of the causes of these diseases. In the realm of religion, a realm all inclusive, and in the realm of moral reform, the .same evolutionary pro cesses have been in progress, and the same proportionate betterment and benefit have resulted. To say noth- wll° t0 these of your community, remembering with- ing. or counsel, or encouragement, to\™ al that there is no line of demarka- 'that boy or young man, whom you can tation between sacred and secular. i—* i,ocal 1 ing about the other and larger phrases1 1, of the proposition, it is financially ad-i nealtil 1S^ tO IlTCQIlCIltly vantageous to the community and toj cleanse his toys with hot There is a destiny that has shaped man en- |these ends that has led us up and in- |to thJg beUer way Th,s over or vent|ng 0rjTherefore ,dea ls 5t the duty °f occupy places of On mem. three things. .... To have and to hold a character above and beyond reproach. To do your part to make our government, national, state, and local, representa tive of all that is best. To do your part to make and maintain a citizen ship positively patriotic. A good citi zenship makes a glorious nation. And you, banker and business men, that you are, by that quiet word of warn- feRAv6^hv*^hn^vm^are am!! I say, by reason of what you are and where you are, can do far more pro portionately for posterity and patriot- th^ S business is to^ |ple see al me to these things ss,ag® tha^ 1 for our nat,on. we can spe11 0 ble around of tlme when 0f the our water-sheds and in ac- ®truction of our forests. Henceforth tion. Freely we have received from the emphasis of our flood treatment is. those who have gone on before, free- jt° be preventive rather than cura ly we are in duty bound to give to tive. those who are to come after. Our the practice of medicine there, fore-fathers and our fathers, the has been such a transition and trans-' founders of this nation, and the sa- formation, that the practice is as viours of the union, laid in sacrifice much beyond the bonds of mere name, and blood the foundations of our as are the system of many of our present day prosperity. They secured great railways beyond the termino and safe-guarded the independence logy of their titles. It is no longer and inviolability of our national exis- merely the practice of medicine, too tence. And it is this, enlarged and often alas the establishment of mina-! Intensified, that is the basis of our |ture drug stores within the human commercial crcdit today at home and frame. Evolution here is mightily in abroad. Wealth is not self-creative, evidence. From mere medicine to nor produced indefinitely by indlvKl- hygene and sanitation and sanity, ual effort. Wealth is created by com- From practicing on the effect to the munitv and country conditions. And elimination of the acuse. From hereby and herein every money-ma' er sixteen to one. From, curative to pre and every money-holder is a debtor to christlikeiiess «h' jmost nations, we as yet nave a right !to build ships to patrol the seas. For buildinS shlPs oppresses no one ibut the oppressor. And then our large-hearted, this man, whose name is thinkings of men. These evolution-1 widening with the years has made thejamong other things: The O'Brien-Worthen company has! ary processes are not incidental, nor great American Republic the police- "if nothing unforseen occurs I shall ^large stores in St. Louis and Keokuk accidental not circumstantial, but man country can depend. In times of peace providential. We are more sane and niander-in-chief of the civilization of |yOU on Governors' Day at the 17th an-j O'Brien and Mr. Worthen respectively, as well as in time of v-xr his patriot- asset, be We are coming up more nearly to lems, and we will solve them. And tion Congress, accompanied by as Sioux a golden standard. There is an old one of them is the money-problem. It many of my staff as can go. I feelj is for us to stand where other nations sure that Xew Mexico will be well have fallen to show the world that represented at this congress. adage, still current, which says, an jounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And this ratio of sixteen to commercialism and patriotism are not I. C. White, state geologist of West wt,0 StopPain Gold Dust cleans and sterilizes Baby's playthings should be kept sweet and clean. Everything that his little hand can grasp goes right into his mouth. And the rattle, the ball, the horn are tossed carelessly about the floor, to be again picked up and placed in the mouth of the unsuspecting infant A simple and effectual way to g-*ard the baby's )ipr grea^r right, rather than to wait and attempt Water 3.11(1 IjOlQ. UUSu otirl TVicf I antiseptic and will kill an germs that may be of pre_ jjke ieaven j8 permeating the eVery of.the RePubllc' citl" 18 th,e double. CARROLL HOPES philosophy The first Doint to .u I Governor B. B. Brooks of Wyoming, The transfer of the business repre- ^r'ng y"'*ZZ~ of one, as a practical proposition in deal- incompatable: to prove before high. Virginia, says in a letter to the board care for the increased business. Both ing with the varied problems in and iheaven that wealth is simply a means of control: O'Brien and Mr. Worthen are of society, has proven true over and to an end to prove ourselves true by 'We are interested in forestry, deep' Iowa men. E. J. Concannon was a fac over, and is still in process of more showing to mankind thrt we can waterways and good roads. Our peo-:tor jn putting through the deal. positive proof. Methods and measures maintaln in universal friendship and! pie as well as our representatives in preventive rather than curative are I fellowship, first in the heart of him: Congress are unanimous in their sup- Washington's Plague Spots the means that are making for the larger progress in the various and jdo jt, we are doing it. because already servolrs, dams and general improve- Potomac, the breeding ground of ma age, or fror\ the vie\r-roint of ajweijave entered the borderland of the'ments of our waterways, as well ,as|laria germs. These germs cause mighty socinl reform. HEADACHE NEURALGIA Take ONE of the Little Tablets and the Pain is Gone "Dr. Miles' Ana Pain Pill* hire been uvd by me lor rhea milk (Mint, bcidiehc and pain In back and sldet, and la every cisc (hey give perfect satisfaction." AND THE PAINS Of RHEUMATISM and SCIATICA 25 Doses 25 Cents Your Druggist sells Dr. Miles Ann-Pain. Wh and be Is authorized to return the price of the ftm package (only) II falls to benefit you. TO BE PRESENT Wants to Attend the 17th National .. Irrigation Congress to Be Held., in Spokane Carroll ette.r ,to R. In 8ingeT' chaIrmf« board Natlonal of Irrigation Congress, of which George E Barstow of Barstow Texas seph is president, that if permit he will be in Goye™ors' Jy ?«the« is the sim-!°D° W*k in AuguA" wrltes from Cheyenne led a movement which deepening and'to Mr. Insinger in which he says charge of the business in Des Moines., is Soverign over all. And we can port of reforestration, building of re-1 commercialism is to be'that of good roads, since no state in chills, fever and ague, biliousness, ibut a stepiingstone to higher heights the Union needs them more." jaundice, lassitude, weakness and gen- Imittee8 of lay workers will I the territory. I who is in Henry Courier, Boon ton, N. Y. Charge of TO CURE A COLD IN ONE JAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 25c. /, —Read The cents per week. if.&i Governor George Curry of the terri- the Marshall company for eleven years. two hemispheres and the com-1take pleasure in being present with and these will be managed by Mr. than we used to the world. We have our own prob- nual meeting of the National Irriga-iThey also have brandi houses in civilization, and character and! |eral debility and bring suffering or IOWA CONFERENCE Movement Will Visit Keokuk In a Short Time, xew Mexico, has sent a letter and Mr. Worthen will have active Lle AGAIN ENLARGES The O'Brien Worthen Company Has Bought Out a Big Dental Con cern at Des Moines and Continues Business. .\ HAS SEVEN OFFICES NOW F. Worthen, Treasurer of the New Company Will go to Des Moines to Take Manage ment of House. The O'Brien-Wortuen Company of this city, since opening up for busi ness has been enlarging right along and a short time ago b^ened up a big branch at St. Louis. Last week it added still more to its business, by the purchase of the Mar shall Dental Company's business, with headquarters at Des Moines and the ciompany now conducts offices and branches in the following places: Keokuk, Iowa. St. Louis, Mo. Des Moines, Iowa. Sioux City, Iowa. Dubuque, Iowa. CedaT Rapids, Iowa. Iowa City, Iowa. A Des Moines paper of last week aad the following to say of the latest enlargement of the concern: Bought Marshall Company. The sale of the Marshall Dental company to the O'Brlen-Worthen com- [Gate City Special Service]. SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. 22.—Gover- pany, a dental firm of St. Louis, was of Iowa says in a announced yesterday. the The officers of the new company °f control of the 17thjwhich will be known as the Marshall 1 O'Brien-Worthen company aTe: jn FOR LAYMEN the Boosters for the Laymen's Misionary james, of Louellen. S. C. They cure I Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Blood Troubles and vrill prevent Typhoid.! [Special to The Cate City.] DES MOINES, Feb. 22.—Keokuk will be visited within the coming fort-j •umiT T«rtriirk .night by boosters for the Icwa confer-' "UrtiilJ rti!jUUXtL» lence for the Laymen's Missionary! Movement which is to be held in Des! Moines March 23, 24 and 25. jc. M. & P. S. Railway Engineers Only Plans are complete for the organiz-j Lacked 1-300 of an Inch in Being jatlon of the state. Missionary work-' in True Alignment. jers and laymen are representing varl-j lous churches without regard to de-: [Gate City Special Service.] nomination are planning to visit every SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. 22—World's city and town of importance in the records in tunnel driving were es- state. The larger cities wi".: be used tablished and one of the greatest en- jas headquarters from which sub-com-. gineering feats of the century was canvass YIELDS I 0,Brien of presl.Jo- p. circumstances] dent A. H. Marshall »f Des Moines, attendance at! vice president William E. Comfoif Day in Spokane the sec- of Des Moines, secretary and F. F. I Wortien of Keokuk. treasurer. he fully realiz- sents one of the largest business deals es that irrigation is one of the most of the winter. Under the manage vitally important subjects up for con-1 ment of A. H. and W. R. Marshall, sideration in his state, added that he the founders, the business of tfie busi hopes to be able to attend the sessions ness of the company has prospered, in Spokane, though he connot speak! At the present time the house is one positively on the matter until the of the largest in the west and known close of* the legislature, which is now through the entire country. In session. W. E. Comfort, who has been with Cedar Rapids City. Dubuque, and Iowa City. Under the new management the capi talization of the concern will be in creased and arrangements made to low. marshy bottoms of the [death to thousands yearly. But Elec- trie Bitter-, r.evev fail to dei/.ro.- them ?"d,fur.e ™*,arla troubles. "They are the best all-arc nd tonic ard cure for malaria I ever used," writes R. M. Try them, 50c. Guaranteed by Wil kinson & Co. and J. F. Kiedaisch & I Son. IN TUNNEL DRIVING successfully completed when drillmen in Idaho and Montana, working in the Dr B. Trimble of Kansas City Chicago Milkaukee & Puget Sound temporary organic Railways bore ation, reports an exceptional interest mountains at Taft, Mont., shook hands in the movement among the men of at the ends of a crowbar. The tunnel, ^r triumph Iowa. There is every indication that 8,751 feet in length, 24 feet three inch-' the conference will be a tremendous es in height and 18 feet six inches meeting for men. across the floor, lacked anly 1-300 of The conference opens with a big an inch of being in true alignment, banquet at which it is expected from while in level the two crews of 175 enport has been added to the list of record was made in January, 1909, speakers which will be announced when 756 feet was driven, the figures 1 800 to 1.000 men will be fed. The ses-'men each, differed about 1-100 of a ®re °imI),eton. 641 feet Arl sion will be held at the auditorium. 'foot when the wall of rock between! Txjetschburg, Bishop Theodore Morrison of Dav- the two states was pieced. The best'^,__' ^^^'__^avern' shortly and which contains the names for November, 1908, being 731 feet five ^n°f of speakers of national renown. inches. S 9T7 fT?W mak- in the Bitter Root:..shook 8 Work was started November 6, 190G, 1 V, ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT, AvfegetaWe Phepana tonfbrAs slmlla ting the FbodaiMlKeguta ImgtJicStoaBdisamiBow&of Infants/Chiidrkn Promotes DigestionJCheeifuI ness and RestXontatas neither Opiuni.Morphinc norMineraL NotN arcotic. UtryxtfOtdDcSHMUtLiHUlHt ISnpkb SkJ" jlbLStaia Amttai* ''Stia* Him Sod- Aperfert Remedy forConsftpo Hon, Sour Storaach.Dlarrmn Worras.Convulskms.Fcwrislb ness and Loss of Guaranteed unAr the Food Exact Copy of Wrapper thp rr„wa tn the first no would sror«rt it i°D' of Pffort Ah ®^ort* As n®er nB nlade ar MONDAY, FEB. 22, Why Rent? when there are 500 government irrigated homesteads at Powell Horn Basin, Wyoming, and Huntley in the Yellowstone Vallev with water now running in the canals, ready to 'raise crop next WATER PAYMENTS EASY AS RENT, one-tenth cash, one-tenth in two years and one-tenth each after until full amount is paid. NO INTEREST. Settlers work out payments on extensions of Government Canal at d* A never failing supply of water for irrigation. 50 bu. wheat, 90 bu. oats, 70 bu. barley, 3 cuttings alfalfa 250 bu. of potatoes, 20 to 25 tons of sugar beets. Good fruit land LET US HELP YOU LOCATE Go with me 011 one of our personally conducted excursions third Tuesdays of each month, and I will help you free of a satisfactory homestead, or purchase deeded or Carey will not advise you to settle where the elevation Is too water supply defective. 1 Burlington Route Write Today for our new folder wife ianre .also Elders issued by the Government about the homestead lands. D. CLEM DEAVER, General Agent, LANDSEEKERS' INFORMATION BUREAU 57 Building, Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE AT EVERY DRUG STORE IN KEOKUK. For Infants and Sleep. FacSimile Signature of NEW YORK. Alb months, old 35 Dosesscents Idal10 n-.tM,?11 4J"18#"|onths ^u,cWy as the .frill was wlthdrawn a to the aperture and the Montana men'i hands„ w, ir succes"ful r|vntK a„,i e. crowbar war8hoved"in° I Wants Tariff Reduced From $2 to .. ucces81u» Sr,?^ remar'lable the work ^ore i8 from an en- ew-point the best records ®n1 Switzerland CKen 550. est previous perform-' States wa8 0 was but was abandoned by the first con- lars a ton in tariff on news print and tractor. Winston Brothers of Mis-i rr„„„r„ 1 n/\fi 1 Hoflrse coughs And stuffy colds th&t soula, Mont., took cnarge April 1, 1907, ,may develop into pneumonia over puhsing the work without intermis- night are quicklr cured by Foley's sion. Drills driven by compressed Honey and Tar, and it oothes ln- air were used. Interest increased withi"amed membranes, .heals the lungs. Daily Gcte City. 10 the progress of the bore and there was expels the cold from the system. -J|much good-natured rivalry betweeni^kinson & Co" and J• F- 6 Bi? taH thert" t0 w»ge», 5W civ Irst and 3e to finj land. 1 or the map, telling Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought in Use For YORK crrr MANN RECOMMENDS PRINT REDUCTION P«r Ton on News Print and Cheap Paper. .WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 22. The report of the select committee of the house to investigate wood pulp supplies by Mann, of Illinois rec ommends the general stale govern ments encourage the production of spruce trees forest by giving ade quate protection by exempting young forests from the ordinary rate of tax-- St. Goth-iatjon recommends mechanically ground v'^od pulp bo admitted free and on thej that the tariff on chemical P'-ilP Y°rk' ,n sixth of a drlvei- Kiedaisch & cent a pound. He recoin- mends a reduction of two to six dol- other grades of cheap paper. One of the first to file con as to the purity of ingrredien'8 _ns. tained ln a remedy were the1 ai nr. ers of the famous laxative 50 Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. J•" cents or |1 a bottle of any drugs!*1-