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•PAGE TWO party lias fourteen machine guns and large quantities of munitions stored. United-'Stales' troops are guarding it to prevent, its being smuggled. Fourteen former Huerta generals including his son-in-law, Gen. Luis Kiientes, are in l£l Paso today 800 former federalist officers and 5,000 soldiers. a Huerta sympathizer said tnat K.Monday was the day set/ for the in vasion of Mexico. Juarez will be the ''iiflrst objective point. Pascual Orozco. a Huerta leader, just-returned from New- York after -conferring with Huerta and American bankers financ ing the cientiflcos, claimed to have the Juarez garrison practically bought out. "We are going to fight this revolu Hon with silver instead of bullets,' said Orozco. "We have already got out missionaries working In the ranks of different factions." Plans for the new revolt have been under way in El Paso for weeks, it was learned today. The Huerta party has tin office in a down town hotel building. Delegates from San An tonio, and New Orleans committees of the cientiflco party are expected to arrive in El Paso tonight for the meeting with Huerta. Majiy promi nent Mexican fugitives from other cities, in the United States have ar rived here 'during the last two days. The purpose of the meeting is to make final arrangements for the organiza tion of a counter revolt in Mexico against Villa and Carranza factions. Because of the weakness of the Villa party, the Huerta invasion will first be directed against Villista territory from El Paso. The substantial finan cial backing the Huerta party appar ently has, is expected to have a big Influence over the other factions whose currency has depreciated to almost no value. '"W-"-" Due This Morning. EL PASO, TEXAS, June 26.—TUe train Victoriano Huerta is on today Js due here at 6:38 a. m., Sunday. Mexicans known to be in close touch with' the former dictator's plans pre tend to be ignorant of the truth that Huerta is coming to Htt Paso to lead an invasion into his native land and attempt to reestablish himself at the head of a new government. These Huertistas denied that Mexi cans on the American side of the bor der have been hired to take up" arms with the former federalist. If Huerta end his followers have organized an army on American soil they have Worked so craftily that even secret service agents from the Washington government have failed to detect the violation of neutrality. No unusual activity has been noted among the large Mexican population here. Local, state and federal authorities here know nothing about Huerta's plans. As a result, a distinct feeling has grown up since Huerta wae reported enroute to El Pt-so that he will not stop here, or if he is indeed planning to invade Mexico that he will collect his forces on the Mexican Side at some point remote from observation. The border* patrol has not been Increased. The troops at Port Bliss have been -prepared for any emergen cy since the Mexican situation be came acute, following the Tamplco incident. Reports of Huerta's com ing gave rise to at rumor that the border patrol here would be inceras ed. Headed For the Border. EL PASO. Tex., June 26.—Gen-oral Victoriano Huerta, the grim old dic tator of Mexico, it is firmly, believed h6re tonight, is heading to the bor der with trouble in his heart. Persistent reports that he and other exiled Mexican leaders are pre paring to start a revolution within a revolution seemed crystallized fol lowing rumors along the Rock Island railway in northwestern Texas late thiB afternoon that Instead or heading westward, Huerta in reality is com ing here as fast as an express train can carry him. Members of the dead federal power have been congregating here of late. They look confidently to Huerta to lead them to fresh power in the chattered, suffering republic to the south. Huerta himself said at Kansas City about midnight last night that he was (bound to the Panama-Pacific exposi tion. But strangely enough his tick et was marked El Paao—hot bed of Mexicanry. Mexicans and observers jof Mexico's affairs see in his re ported coming, naught but new trouble lin tfie already blood-marked nation. 'And they are certain he is destined for here. This view was strengthened by the .Villista agency charges at Washing ton to the state department that •iHuerta and a party of his followers are coming to organize an attack on Ljuuarez, and Ojinaga. using mer cenaries picked up along the border. Huerta Denies it all. DALHART, Texas. Jurite 26.—Gen eral Victoriano Huerta is not going lu )to Mexico to start a revolution. He said so tonight when seen by a ro-1 porter. Further than that statement, however, he would not commit him eelf. This is what he said: "No. sir I am not going into Mexico I to start a revolution. I am simply out for a vacation. "I do not care to discuss Mexican znatters while on American soil." The former president of the south ern republic is traveling with his son and secretary. A newspaper woman, however, was on the train with General Huerta and it .is said that he talked freely with her. She rode with him to Tucum cari. N. M., from this place. Private Poet Office. [United'Press leased Wire Sc-rvlce] MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., June 26 A profitable private poat-office oper ated in Minneapolis for many years ceased, operation!* nbrupljly (today when the operator. Hiraim G. Caverly •was arrested and arraigned before Howard Abbott, federal court com missioner. charged with the violation of the penal code. Caverly who said he did not know he was breaking any law, was released on $500 bail. Caverly is said to have begun the operation of the business which in cludes largely the distribution of stamps, when he was a school boy. fifteen years ago, delivering the so- called mail after school hours on a bicycle. As tlie business grew he is said to have employed assistants and made $50 a day, operating two days a week. SIX SKELETONS IN HIS CELLAR Man Died In Insane Aoylum and Never Mentioned How They .. Got There, [United Press Leased Wire Service.] GRAND FORKS, N. D., June 26.—A startling series of murders was brought to light today ty workmen followed the victory at the Gal who were excavating for a cellar un-" der the old home of Eugene Butler, southeast of Niagara. Six skeletons were unearthed, each with the skull crushed in, five of them full grown and one that of a youth. The remains of each victim had been buried through a hoi® cut in the floor it was discov ered tonight. Butler, who had been a hermit since coming to this state, in 1882, went in sane in 1906 and was ,placed in the hospital at Jamestown where he die I in.1913. In-settling up the estate it is reported that some $7,000 was found In the house. The police theory Is that the skele tons are those of transients, hired bj Butler to work and instead of payin0 them off at the end of the season, he killed them. No one has been miss ing in that neighborhood. It is be lieved that the murders preying upon the mind of the man, was the cause or his Insanity. Hearing Is Completed. [United Press Leased Wire Service.] AVASHINGTON, June 26.—The In terstate commerce commission hearing of arguments on the western rail ways' request for higher freight rates was concluded today by Clifford Thome, chairman of the Iowa com mission and counsel for other western states. A decision by the commission Is not expected for some weeks. On Verge of Strike. [United Press Leased Wire Service.] NEW YORK, June 26.—New York is near a strike of 60,000 garment workers, it was admitted tonight by labor leaders. They declared they were on the "verge of a general strike." What adds to the uneasiness among the manufacturers is that the industry's busiest season is almost here. Clay Court Tennis. [United Press Leased Wire Service 1 PITTSBURGH, Pa., June 26.—Pre liminary play in the national clay court tennis championship matches was begun on the courts of the Pitts burgh A. A. here this afternoon. MARVELOUS RED MMEf GRour ^EfterAN. n^AR NUB.S6 eco-'Pos? vurDRU. EB While Europe feels the greatest struggle in history the efficiency of the Red Cross is being put to the hardest test of its wonderful exist ence. A larger army is now mar shalled under its banner than under the flag of any one nation. It moves silently and steadily amidst the fierce din of battle, it- -.rvelous effective ness the result.of the businesslike systematizing it has undergone with the years. Appreciating the endeavors of tne Red Cross, the great nations, despite the cataclysm in Europe, have in stalled wonderful exhibits at San Francisco and have incorporated in these exhibits a tribute to the Red Cross. The United States and Japan much at- in particular are devoting much at- peons, bases^oi nosp^a. wl__ [United Press Leased Wire Service.j NBfW YORK, June 26. TIle capture of Lemberg this week by Marshal Von Mackensen marks the lowest level which the military prowess of the Rus sians has fallen. The Biauo Austro-Germans Ician capital by penetrating thirty mileg further to 4the resuited east and «oiith east. This present terminus makes the distance the Slavs have been driven across Galicia in eight week. 180 miles. No other operation of war in so extensive a seizure *v~ "na of territory, except of course, the orig inal Russian advance across Galicia which, however, was the result of sep arate actions and was not a continu- ous assault. .. ,,.t General Von Kluck's furthest point south was Provine, 175 miles from Liege, where the German drive Paris began. The distance from Liege to Aisne which includes all permanent effect of the western teutonlc thrue is 135 miles. Marshal Von Hindenbe^ forced the Russians to retire 1J« miles to the Niemen river after tn° battle of the Mazurian lakes and tna two Hlndenburg offensives toward Warsaw resulted in each case in a drive of between 90 and 100_ miles. These records are all broken by the present victories in Galicia. It is Pr® able that the offensive power of the Slavs is now broken beyond repair, unless assistance is forthcoming. Help may arrive in two days. Rou manian entrance into the war on It is probable the Germans will con tinue their eastern offensive after they succeed in clearing all Galicia ot the enemy and will not try to break through the western defenses to gain Calais and Dunkirk. The Russians are in a weakened military condition THE daily gate city What the War Moves Mean By J. W. T. Mason, Former Eur6pean Man ager of the United Press. V* qprvlce shape the future policy of tne side of the allies would perhaps cause a sufficient diversion to permit a Slav recovery or a strong attack by France and England along the western front might compel the Germans to weaken their eastern lines to an ex tent favoring a new Russian offensive. Of these two possibilities, Roumanias assistance Is the more likely even though the allies be compelled to pay Roumanla's exorbitant price for the use of her army. and if the Petrogmd government once be comes convinced Constantinople can not be taken by the Anglo-French forces, Germany may succeed in ex tracting a separate peace from the Slavs. This possibility will doubtless ri* EXHX8tf^ has been most gratifying to the thou sands who daily throng the tor-f-v- fpatMrn the.resnltithe hosaitais.themselves..wnicn,are magnifi cent exhibit palaces of the Exposi tion. Japan has one of the most ex haustive exhibits along these hnes, showing iri detail how the wounded are cared for on the battle field and under fire. This exhibit is made vividly realistic by perfect wax models of the human ngure, the surgeons and nurses being so true to life that a close study of the figures is necessary to discern from living models. The Japanase exhibit, as well as that of the American Red Cross, is complete in every detail, even to the field telephones used for communicating with the chief sur geons, bases of hospital supplies and the German Htaff far more the temp- general staff far tatlon to enter upon another battle or Flanders. The German Galician success has been very cleverly used by David Lloyd George to strengthen his author ity as British minister ot munitions. He has succeeded in spreading some uneasiness among his countrymen e cause of Russia's collapse and has been enabled thereby to cause a biU to be introduced .in parliament tlu3 week giving the minister of munition greatly enlarged control over the pro duction of war supplies. Employers and employes liave been Kiyen until July 1, voluntarily to adjust their dif ferences and adopt plans for-a max imum output of munitions. Thereafter Lloyd George will be able to apply Btringent disciplinary measures tp an recalcitrants. England's awakening therefore will date from July 1, but there must be continued pressure from Lloyd Gteorge to prevent a relapse. The French captured during the week, an intricate series German trenches five miles north of Arras, known as-the labyrinth. Th© military value of the operation is not in itself large, but there is undoubtedly a moral consequence of some import ance. The labyrinth covered a square mile of territory abutting from the main German line. The French troops had struggled nearly three weeks for its possession and the failure of tne Germans to withstand the perslstance of the enemy's assaults is a legitimate encouragement to France's fighting spirit. A high tribute was, paid to this same spirit in the house of commons this week by Captain Guest, General French's personal aide and a member of parliament Captain Guest made a special trip from the battle front to urge [parliament to give more power to the minister of munitions. He referred to the great difficulties of the allieB and asked where they would have been but for the indo scrible gallantry of the French troops in the past si* weeks. The Italian campaign oontinues to give evidence ®f disorganization. The Austrians claim to have won an im portant' victory along the Isonzo river and to have checked all of Italy's ad vances. No evidence to the contrary is forthcoming from Rome £a- Pi 4 r. the, policy of silence and stringent leaders. censorship which did so much harm in His tone was more mild. CROSS EXHIBITS AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION far removed from the scene of action. The exhibits show, in a remarkably clear manner, the rises of the latest surgical instruments as veil as the various forms of Sterilization with which each field outfit is equipped. The dressing of wounds is brought to the front by the use of lay figures, explaining clearly the care which the wounded are handled. The most minute apparatus carried in the "kits" of the Red Cross worker are exhibited, showing their use, even down to the patent magnet, used for extracting particles of steel from the eye and thus saving the sight which otherwise might be lost. Never in the history of world's ex positions has such attention been given this wonderful organization as at the Panama-Pacific. IntexnatioBai, tfae panalnm.p,W ific (Continued from page' 1.) North sea when the explosion oocur red, the dispatches said. Her shell was blown to bits and she went to the bottom immediately. COUNT IS MORE MILD. BERLIN, June 26. (Via Amsterdam.) —Count Von Reventlow, whose attacks upon the German chancellor for allefl ed conciliatory handling of the Amer ... lean situation caused the temporary The Ital- suspension of the Tage Zeltundf today Exposition and its exhibits are prov ing an interesting study in connec tion with the Mine Rescue Service and the wonderfully effective emer gency service maintained at the ex position. The use of oxygen and anaesthetics is demonstrated and the Red Cross exhibits as a whole are worthy at the great attention they are attracting. Several other for eign countries will lie equally as well represented as Japan and the United States within a few days and the completion of all exhibits of this character Will add another splendid accomplishment to those already achieved by the directors of the great exposition in bringing to Its 80,000 displays_ everything representative of the vock.ol the wmW— —the chrome vanadium springs are self-lubricating j* tt the full real leather upholstery is stuffed wil -_v The price of the car complete, ft $7115 .4 4 f.o.b. Detroit £3ngland early in the war. This meth od is not unsatisfactory if the army at the front is winning continuous vic tories, but it may have dangerous re sults when reports of reverses begin to leak out. The pope emphasised the greatest of these dangers this week by declaring in an interview that an Italian defeat might lead to a revolu tion. GERMANY K:-'? •SUNDAY, JUNK 27,1915 1' 0 HEADQUARTERS 'V-'S: iff'- «DT0RSM? AYER MANUFACTURING CO. 723-725 Main Street *4 1 BURKE for FIRE JS NOT SIMM Plenty to Bat In the Country, ft' nits Efforts of England to JSBIocksde the Na tion Des- POTiAlTO BREAD I* USED Bread Is Popular and Every Cit izen Is Given Just 8o Muoh Per Day [By Carl W. Ackerman, United Press Staff Correspondent! BERLIN, May 22.—(By mall to New York.)—Germany is not starv ing Food is plentiful. Shop windows are filled with meat, fruit, flsh, cake, biscuits, bread and other varieties of food Prices vary little from those in New York and London. The only food one has difficulty in finding' is white'bread, but everyone "here Is so accustomed to the "KK" or war "potato bread" that whit© broad is a forgotten luxury. In the fashionable restaurants and dairy lunches one can And as great a variety of foods as in any American city. At the first class hotels meals are as reasonable as they are in the loading American hotels. Everybody, however, eats by bread card and no one wastes food. In the restaurants and hotels, diners order only what they can eat. That is the way the civil population of Germany jtiad adopted itself to the war. My bread card was issued the first day of my arrival. It entitled me to 350 grams of bread for three meals. That amount is equal to ten good slices of a five cent loaf of bread in Amertca and I have found that it Is more than I care for any day, cards prevent~aii *W t?i.y ft .*»!,• fwrs-? fcA fr tr- from taking your bread away without, the mlstresfe' consent While- food is plentiful the Germd government is doing everything stble tp conserve the- supplies and tbe people firmly Relieve that the UnltW States should continue to send food into this country. BERLIN, May 22.—(By mall to* New York.)—Every American who comes to Berlin, according to Ambas sador Gerard, whnts to see the kaiser. few weeks .ago a New Jersey min ister appeared at the embassy with, letters of introduction to the ambas sador. "Well what can I do for your* asked Gerard. "W611," replied the divine, hesi tantly, "nothing at present. 1 Just wanted to come in and see you." "Thank Jod," said Gerard. "You're' the first Afnerican in two years who hasn't asked to meet the kaiser." BERLIN, May 22.—(By mall to New York.)—Germany's "KK" bread looks like brown bread and tastes like wblte bread. That's the way the German scien tists have put tbe bread problem on a scientific basis. "KK" bread gets its name from "Kreige»kartoffel brost," which, translated meafcs "war potato bread." It is bread made of a mixture of wheat and potato flour and it is considered just as,nutritious as whole wheat bread. Barly in the war the U. S. depart* ment of agriculture imported some potato flour from Germany to expert' ment with it. It is understood here that the American scientists have found the "KK" bread made of thirty percent potato flour, and seventy per cent wheat flour more healthful than1 ordinary white bread. The President'* Vacstion. WINDSOR, Vt., June 26.—President Wilson this afternoon renewed his ac quaintance with the old drives through the Connecticut river valley, motoring fifty miles, accompanied by his fam ily. Only baby Sayre and the presi dent's niece, Miss Helen Bones, re mained at home. The executive was recognised frequently at the various villages and was cheered loudly. The rfeaeon for a Navy. Kansas City Star: Beware The of entrance to a quarrel, but being 'n- dally bread cards are about four gear't that the opposed may beware of inches square. Around the borders are thee. the little square perforations which can be broken off and exchanged for Who really believes that the United 25 grama of bread each. In the cen-! states woilld go gunning for troub'a tar are instructions saying that the' jf jt had a capable navy and army? card is not transferable, that it Is And who believes that it would put Its good for only a certain day and that^u between lts legs and sit down In It is a "daily statement of bread al- the face of attack or insult, even If It lowance." did not have any kind of an army and Permanent residents of Berlin re- navy? eelve their bread cards every week! The sensible demand of the people from the municipal authorities. Theee of the united States for an adequate weekly cards are about nine Inches navy and an adequate military de square. Thoy must be carried to the fense on land Is. first, to help us to bakeries every time one' purchases, keep out of trouble, and. second, to bread, or they must be taken to the enable us to get through the business restaurants if one "dines out." quickly and honorably If we are German housewives are enthusiastic drawn in. over bread cards and the American' women who maintain "pensions" here Burdensome. say they wish Germany had always St. Louis Globe-Democrat^ had such cards. They declare enormous waste ot lem of every belligerent is how to' bread and they_ prevent the muld* take care of tta prisoners, If an the the reports are true, the chief prolK