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vOL. 5, Iowa State Bystander. U&Bai£E£T> EVES' FRIDAY BT Til* At- 5CAI!D? fCd-LlSULNO COM" ANY. 320 FIFTH STHEET, BOOM 14. LS&Ji&I. PA7/EB OF THE AFBO-AMEBICAV KEOTROSiTB ASSOOIATIOH 0» IOWA. a»FlCL?i FAPKB or TBB HOST wom- SHIl-rUL UNITED 6BA9D LOMl OJT IOWA, A. F. A. M. nana OF avBaostirnov. On* jaw $1.60 Biz month* 70 three months AU mtworimitm WHbld a aavaoee J. L, THOMPSON, EDITOR. J. H. SHEPARD, MANAGER. Bwkl money by poitofflce order, aoaef erder, ezprai* or draft, to Tai IOWA BIAQ ATSTANDEB Publishing Company. Oommnnicationi mnst be written an DM •Ida of the paper only and be of interest to tat publlo. "Brevity is the iool of wit," remember. Wa will not return rejected manuscript uless accompanied by postage stamps. IOWA'S LEADING COLORED PAPER. Fonr flood Berbers. Cigtrs and Laundry Offlcs Wilson & larton's Barber Shop, COB. FIFTH AND LOCUST STS., DCS MOINCB, IOWA. CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING a Specialty. EVERY THING FIRST-CLASS. PRICES MODERATE. CITY NEWS Watch This Space. Mrs. Wilson Hughes is ill this week with neuralgia. Miss Maple Mortou is now employ ed at the starch factory. s. H. Brown left to visit in her some at Indianola la., for a few 7$Misa Jessie Enix left Tuesday for her se in Macon Mo., after a pleasant with friends. •^f^ilrs. Emma Redman of Carroll la., is here visiting friends this week the guest of Mrs. Smith on 15 St. Mr. P. Holmes is not any better at &this writing yet his friends hopes for a change for the better soon. "»p Mrs, W. H. Humberd* entertained a •mall oompany of ladies last Friday, in honor of Mrs. J. Summers of Chicago. Mr. John Walker, whose health has been Tory poor for the past three month, is improving, and he is able to be out again. Mrs. J. Summers, of Chicago, who has bean visiting with relatives and friends, here and inOskaloosa, returned home last Saturday. Mrs. Samuel Burnaugh who has spent a pleasant visit at her old home with parents in S*,. Louis returned home last week looking well. Miss Bella Richardson and her moth er of Clive la., took advantage of the cheap excursion and visited the Gate City. Mrs. Peter Johnson of Burlington would like to know if there a person living in Des Moines by the name of Mrs. George Turel. Mrs. U. S. Jones accompanied by little Bessie Davis of Albia arrived in Des Moines Thursday evening to at tend the wedding of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wells of High land Park entertained Monday evening in honor of their guest, Mrs. Caldwell of Bosworth, Mo, Mrs. Caldwell left Tuesday evening for her homs^ in Bosworth, Mo, after a three week's visit with her cousin, Mrs. G. W. Wells of Highland Park. Five of Osceola good people join the Des Moines excursion, to Keokuk they were Mrs. Edwards and daughter, Mrs. S. Bryant, Mr. John Bryant and son Charles. Mr. E. W. Thompson one of our Des Moines boys who is in Chicago has been invited to sing in the Paul Quinn Chap el church choir and is now singing with that famous choir. The Rev. W. B. Costley, of Stock bridge, G».., while attending to his pastoral duties at Ellenwood, that state, was attacked by cholera morbus. He says: "By chance I happened to get hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and I think it was the means of saving my life. It relieved me at once." For sale by all Druggists. The special train of excursionist to Keokuk took over one-hundred people excluding the Colfax band of twenty two pieces. It was a jolly good crowd of represenative people from the Capi tal City. l'rof. Geo I. Holt received a telegram stating that he must be in New York City by Sunday morning so lie had to leave Friday morning, therefore the re ception which was planed for him was given Wednesday evening. Mr. W. H. Mason a very tine bass singer and one of Des Moines old fav orites who has been spending a few weeks visiting his sister Mrs. Boamer attended the excursion in Keokuk and will stop oil awhile at Mt. Pleasant to visit his parents at the old home. There will be a meeting of hucksters, grocery men and all citizens who are interested in the establishment of a market place in Des Moines Aug. 8th., at the Commercial exchange at 3:00 o'clock P. M. by order of Superintend ent of Market Master, Frank Blagburn. John L. Thompson has been selected to deliver an oration at the Emancipa tion Celebration to be held in Mercer county Mo., Aug. the 18th. This is the sixth time that J. L. Thompson has been thus honored by the citizens of Mercer county. We received the official news from the Secretary of Muchakinock School Board that the board hadtelected Miss Sarah Porter cne of the teachers of their schools for the ensuing year. We congratulate Miss Porter on her success as there was no more worthy young lady then Miss Porter and her Des Moines friends will be glad to hear of this much deserving honor. We un derstand that Mr. Joseph Brown a re cent graduate of Iowa State University will be principal of the school. MARRIED. At 7:00 Wednesday evening occurred the marriage of Mrs. llachel Wilburn to Mr. Charles Jefferson, the methodist service being used Rev. Timothy Reeves officiated. The bride is well known in this city having lived here for a great many years, and the groom has lived here several years and those that know him, report that he is an honest hard working man. About twenty couples were at the mar riage, and many others were at the re ception. Wesley Fields presided at the piano, refreshments were served in abundanco and a delightful time was enjoyed by all .They were recipient of many useful presents their house is already furnished at 910 12th. Programme of Music. On last Sunday evening at the A. M. E. church occurred a very interesting Sacred Concert. Before the first strain of music was heard all the seats were occupied and imany had to stand, It can certainly be said of this choir, its singing and its music is apropos. All those who admire the forward policy in music will welcome the announce ment when this choir will give a Sac red Concert. The singing was excell ent from start to finish, although some of the music was very difficult as well as new, yet they handled it with ease. The Dumas Club supported the choir with credit to themselves, they delight ed the audience with their sweet mu sic. The choir and the Dumas Club have both made splendid advancement under the leadership of Proilessor Ilolt and if he ever had any doubt respect ing his ability as a musical, director, that doubt was all removed Sunday and the impressiveness of each singer added mueh to their success. FAREWELL RECEPTION. Last Wednesday evening the Dumas Choral Society tendered a farewell re ception to their worthy leader and founder of its organization, Prof. Geo. I. Holt who left Friday morning for New York to join Black Patti Trouba dors, where he will be the leading ten or for the coming dramatic season. The reception was largely attended by the elite of the city and a brief pro gramme was rendered in which Rev. T. Reeves and Win. Frazier each delivered addresses responded to in a very pa thetic way by Prof. Holt. Of course the club rendered several selections. Prof. Geo. I. Holt is an Iowa boy by birth born in Lee county on May 27th., 1866 and was educated in the public and High schools, he then took a oourse in the Des Moines Musical College where he graduated in 1898. He has lived in Des Moines about fifteen years and has been in the United States' Mail Service for the past nine years, he is also a graduate from the Drake Law College. Mr. E. W. Willett pre sented him a gold emblem given by the club and it was a very beautiful re memberence thus one by one our tal anted young men leave to seek employ ment in the far east, we are sorry to loose Mr. nolt from our midst as he was the A. M. E. church dhoir's leader and had taught the white classes in music at Drake University for the past two years. It Saves the Children. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has saved the lives of thousands of croupy children. It is also without an equal for colds and whooping cough. NOTICE. To the members of North Star Lodge you are requested to meet the lodge next Thursday by order of J. P. Blag burn. W. M. Blessed is he that considereth the poor, the lord will deliver him in time of trouble. Mine enemies speak evil of me when shall he die, and his name perish. About one week ago in visiting one of my neighbors where a funeral took place, I had been visiting the home for several weeks because I thought I was needed, 1 did not stand back the family was not my color. I dressed and laid out the child, even if it was not my color, I went and showed res pect and christianty that is what I call Christianity. I was fortunate enough to meet a sister Deaconess at the funeral she came and bought a bouquet of flowers and I had been arranging flowers on the casket anp sister Deaconess said, what has that colored women got white strings on her bonnet for, oh, how she disgusts me was the remark, sister I)eacone6s made she went out doors where the family and the other people were and said, it just disgusts me to see that colored women with white ties on her bonnet, why don't she wear blue or red ties. I am not so Well trained as others profess to be but still I thank God I am able to carrj' the name of Jesus where it is needed praise God. If I had of had on a bandana handkerchief on ray head and a pair of mocassin on my feet 1 suppose she wculd of come to me and said how do you do Auntie, but be cause my bonnet corresponded with hers she turned her head several different times still I did not think it correspond with hers so much for hers had on wash silk and mine only had mull strings well 1 have a straight through ticket ticket and I am going through no mat ter how many steps some one else takes just like mine either white or black. When she came in 1 was delightcb 1 thought I would learn some informa tion from sister deaconess. 1 expected to see her receive the minister and in troduce him to the parents of the de ceased child at my astonishment the minister had to go out doors and ask some little children what was the child's name and ago. No more at present from M. Callander to sister Deaconess Humphry, for further infor mation call at 909 Western Avenue. I would be pleased to see you, do'nt be afraid of me becaue my face is color ed, for God has said, '-none but the pure in heart shall enter the kingdom of heaven," DE1TH OF Last week was chronicaled the sad passing from this earth, of Prince Bis marck of Germany, one of the greatest statesman that the 19th century has produced. He was greater then the "Grand Old Man" of England,tWm. Gladstone the En glish Liberal leader, because he lifted Prussia up to her present strength by his iron will power. He has made the German Empire from a loose weak league of states until to-day she is one of the strongest Kingdoms of the earth mighty in her indiviual strength. To tell you his life, would be to reproduce the history of the German Empire for the past fifty years. History, newspaper, or poet can ever tell of his wonderful acheivements upon the battlefield, in the Halls of the German Council or his impression on the world. He stood in the public arena van quishing his enemies and encourag ing his friends by the po„wer of his iron will and supurb eloquence. To study the life of Pri nceBismarck or Gladstone is a wonderful striking object lesson of human possibilities for every youth. He made nations, moulded a destiny for his country, and all Europe has been blessed by his presence. He has fallen, the last of the mighty oaks to fall. To day all Germany mourns his loss, likewise the civilized world. Subscribe for the Bystander IOWA STATE BYSTANDER CAMP MERRITT. The bigest of the transport lleet, the steamships Arizona dropped anchor in the stream yesterday afternoon. To day she will dock to be out fitted for earring troops to Manila. The Ari zona which was bought by the United States' Government ten days ago is one of the finest passenger vessels that ever entered San Francisco harbor. The price paid for her has not been made public, but it must be about 8750,000,00 as she was thoroughly over hauled and refitted a year ago at Glas gow at heavy expense. She was the fastest ship afloat in 1880, being built in 1879 by John Elder and company of Glasgow, and it is 400 feet long 40 feet broad, 30 feet deep and of 3147 tons burden. She was the center of attrac tion in the harbor and to-day will doubt less be overran with visitors. The Arizona left Seattle Monday at 0:10 P. M. and made an average of fifteen knots on the trip down. She has no cargo nor ballast except 1300 tons of coal for her own use. The steamer has six decks-hold, aslop, 'tween main hurrican beckone and bridge. Her troops-carrying capacity is at least 1, 700, there being a great aeria of avail able space for berths 'tween decks. The aft cabin accommodates over 00 passengers and is lighted with electri city, there are three large bathrooms with solid marble tubs, silver faucets, needle and shower baths. The engine are triple expansion with five double end boilers and two auxiliaries. While the Arizona was lying at port two ac cidents happen Proffessor Bral of Wash ington vState University fell through an open hatchway and broke his neck, and young man fractured his hip. All are getting aloDg quite well those who have not got pneumonia will get along all i-ight but those who have pneumnoia will not get well as every case so far has died, Corpral Daniel S. Newsome of company D. from Des Moines died from pneumonia, ?«t the ocean beach the boys go every Sunday and yon can walk up the beach for five miles it is crowded every Sunday. The Cliff House is the finest summer resort in the world you can get a good sight at the sealoins and their island, also a good view of the ocean. You can get hot or cold water to drink, the building is very fine and covered over with heavy glass it is about 800 feet long 4oo feet wide and has three hallways in it, they have some very fine swimming racks. It is said that the Iowa boys get the steamer Arfzona for Manila, as soon as she is completed everything is finished but the beds for the troops and she will be ready for sea within ten days Colonel Loper was down to day to inspect the boat and he said that he will bet $1.00 that we go on it. Mr. Bird is in good health and likes his place. Mr. Archie Peterson is well. FRANK E. WOOD. Camp Merritt. A COLORED BOY Wins the American Championship. Philadelphia, Pa.—Eddie Bald, the three-time winner of the cycling champ ionship of Anieriea, and a large Held of crack racing uien who follow the national oiicuit, so jealously protected by the League of Amerioan Wheelmen, were compelled to dip their colors to anew champion at the Tioga track July 10. A crowd which competent critices placed at close to 7,000 people saw Major Taylor, the unassuming colored wonder, (airly ride the champions off their feet and win With comparativo ease a title which all the crack riders of the world were anxious to win—the one mile chamblonship of America. From afield of twenty-four of the fast est cycle racing men in the world—the piok of America's flyers aud the reoogniz. ed champions of Europe—the little Negro won with ease. Taylor's victory was a most popular one, and the crowd cheered him from the time he began his sprint on the back stretoh until he crossed the tape fully ten legths ahead of Bald, the "Can non Ball," three-time winner of the cham pionship of America. It was a victory Well Won and the colored boy just rode the ohampions to a standstill. It was a victory that left no doubt as to the super ior riding qualities of the little colored boy, He simply proved that he was the fasest man of the entire lot of ehambions gath ered at Philadelphia's pioneer cycle racing track, and left an impression on tbe minds of the thousands of lovers of the great sport who witnessed the race.— The Freeman This city should have more color ed laborers employed about our streets and working for contractors, and by presistent effort we can have them, we must be willing to work as others, do any kind of work and above all save what we earn—Money is what we want to make our power felt—Get money and we will get the necessary recognition, without it, we are lost in the business world. Keep Quiet and use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all pains of the stomach and all unnatural loosen ess of the bowels. It always cures. DES MOINES, IOWA FRIDAY AUGUST 5, 1898. No. 9 OUR DUTY TO TIIE PHILIPPINES. Why should we squibb]e nbout the Philippines? Why should we try to evade our responsibilities? Why should we shrink from the position? We said we would maintain when Dewey start ed to the Philippines. The opeople of the Philippines expected us to claim the fruits of Dewey's victory, our own people would be unwilling for the Pre sident to consider any policy that would shirk our full duty to our Philippines allies. This is not the time for us to take a backward step nor is it the time to head timid counsel even though it should come from the President's Cab net. Every one understood that war and victory would bring new obliga tions as well as new responsibilities with this all before us, we had the cour age to beg in the war, shall we now take the courage to meet all obligation incurred bv the war? Afters300 years of Spanish rule over the natives of these islands, can those people expert any security for their life or property from tho hands of the Spanish officials when Dewey destroyed the Spanish controler in the Philippines the natives welcome the Americans as the fore runners of a new era. Since May 1st. they have been conducting a success ful war against Spain. Shall we now surrender these people to the mercy of the men against whom they have made war in our interest. We would say no a thousand times, the United States should free them from the oppressive rule that have held them for three centuries and again our commercial interest in the far East need protection. How can we accom plish t.iat end better than keeping these islands? It would open a new markets for us, why cast aside such an opportunity that lies within our grasp to do our duty. FOUR GREAT RACE QUESTIONS. Hey. Reeves and the Stewards Hoard have arranged to give an entertain ment on the 15th and 10th, for the benefit of the Stewards department. Each subject will be placed in the hands of those that have the ability to make them very interesting. Evory man, woman and child should hear these important questions, respecting the American Negro, to be answered by eight intelligent members of the race, in this city August 15 and 10th. First—Is the present tendency of the American Negro toward race unity, J. L. Thompson, speaker. Second—How is tbe Negro deporting himself as a man and citizen. Third—What effect shall the develop ment of Western or American society have upon the Negro, shall he become a part or be rejected and destroyed by it. Fourth—The American race prejudice arrives from what source? From educa tion or religion. "The Anamosa Prison Press" an interestin and unique eight page three colum book form paper reach ed our sanctum this week, being its first appearence, published at the Iowa State Penitenary at Animosa. with the view and object of uplift ing fallen humanity and edueate the christian people to do their full duty to help sinners to repent. We hope it will be productive of good. FAIR IN ST. JOSEPH Iowa and Nebraska have abandoned their state fairs for this year and there is no doubt but that the coming Old Fash ioned Fair to be held at St, Joseph, Aug ust 22 to 27, will be the greatest event ot the Middle West, in the way of an agri cultural exposition for 1898. The prem ium list now ready and being sent out by the thousand, in answer to the many ap plications received by Seoretary Palmer L. Clark, is a decided novelty, reflecting great oredit on the able, management and every interesting page furnishes the most postive evidence of the success of tbe un dertaking. This year, as last, Secretary Clark pro proposes to pay all premiums in cash as the judges make their awards and to treat every patron fair and alike, there will be no favoritism. The same efficient police system will prevail that last season pre vented disturbance of any kind. Free evening entertainments are being arrang ed for at beautiful Krug Park and Athletic Park Ball Grounds, embracing the cele brated colored Jubilee Singers at the form er, and all the latest Moving War Pictures at the latter place. This season, as last, the management promises a list of speolal attractions, including balloon ascensions, circus, parades, concerts, etc., and that a fifty-cent admission ticket purchased at the gate entitles the holder to see every thing on the ground without additional expense. Liberal and business methods with every promise faithfully carried out will be the invariable rule at the St. Joseph Old Fashioned Fair, August 22 to 27,1898. We as a people spend enough money in the dry goods stores to support one big store, why cant we get two good clerks in the stores? We can, but it requires a sacrifice of time on the part of some. Let us hnrry up and have the ice broken and have these avenues opened to our boys and girls. BURLINGTON BRIEFLETS. Mr. Lin Harris arrived here from Chicago last Sunday evening. Mr. J. W. Maekay made a short vis it in Louisiana and Missouri last week. Miss Emma Boyd of Muscatine is vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. AY hite. Mrs. Peter King is visiting friends in Rock island. Mrs. Roberts left for a visit iu Beat rice Nebr., and she intends to spend a few days at the Omaha Exposition be fore she returns. The Annual excursion to Cappack was not as well attended as usual on the account of the threatening weather although quite a goodly number left here and they all came bacl as wet as drenshed. Messrs. Fred, Mash and Graham ar rived home last Sunday. MOUNT PLEASANT NEWS. The Women's Aid Society of the Sec ond Baptist church held a social at the beautiful residence of Mr. E. Berry last Thursday. Quite a numbes were present." Mrs. Lydia Clay is on the sick list. Mr. J. W. Fidler has returned to the city and opened a barber shop. Last Sunday was Quaterly meeting P. E. Bunday was present and preach ed two sermons. Mr. Levi Clay is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spots left this week for a visit in West Virginia to visit Mr. Spotts' relatives. On their way they will stop in Chicago for a short visit. MINNEAPOLIS NOTES. The Grand Lodge, A. F. and A. M. of Minnesota and its Jurioiction, convened Monday and Tuesday at St. Paul. Miss /J. Jeffrey and Miss Sadie Smith, Winona, is visiting Mrs. Lucas Wednes day. Miss Lottie Adams, of Fargo, is visit ing friends in St. Paul. Mrs. Emma Morton, of Des Moines is yisiting friends in this city. Mrs Grooms the mother of Mrs C. Lee, is very ill at her homo. Miss Maud Wells, has returned to her home in Anoka after a three weeks vis it in this oity. Dr. Brown resides at 2839 Portland Avenue and has his office in the Dayton block, Phone, 891, Residence's Phone .317 south. Mr. Luther Abbey has returned from his trip south and brought with him his bride. They reside at 915 7th. Ave. The little daughter of Mrs. Z. Johnson is reported to be better. The new St. Paters A. M. E. church between 9th., and 10th., on 22nd. St., is rapidly being completed and is promising to be very line when finished. It is thought that the ehuroh will be finished by fall. Rev. Brooks is personally sup ervising tbe finishing tonches. The cosy residence of Mrs. Stanton 575 Martin street St. Paul was the scene of a most delightful party given by Miss Leo Kromas. Dancing was the order of the evening. Light refreshments were ser ved and every body had a good time. CEDAR RAPIDS BUDGETAR1AN. Mrs, Ed. Keppers returned from Dav enport last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. If. Brown left Tues day with a camping party to be gone a week. Mr. Lewis an excellent tenor 6inger has been added to the A. M. E. choir. Rev. Iludycha a Bohemian minister preached at the A. M. E. church last Sunday evening to a crowded house. Rev. Loveland of Trinity M. E. will fill the pulpit next Sunday. Walter Bowlin entertained a few of his friends at his berthday party last week. Quite a number were present, elegant refreshments were served by his mother Mrs. Browlin assisted by her sister Mrs. Rarpberry, all report a good time. Rev. Rhinehart has but a little over a month before conference to remain as our pastor and we are wondering who the pastor will be next week, we trust that Rev. Rhinehart will return as he is well liked by all. Mrs. Engleman is on the sick list. Mrs. Ruth Weaver of Moline is vis iting Mrs, Sadler of Oak Hill. The rain prevented the meeting of the Light House Society last Tuesday night, they will meet on the 0th inst. Mrs. Adams a missionary from Aurora passed through our city Satur day on her way home from out west, she spent Sunday here guest of Mrs. Rhinehart. OSKALOOSA NEWS. Joe Brown of Ottumwa is in the city attending normal, he has finished his course at the State University. A. G. Black was in Sigorney on 0 bus iness last week. A. Clark one of our represenative cit izens has been nominated by the rep ublicans of Oskaloosa township to fill the office of Justice of the Peace. Mrs. John Berquet gave a very en joyable tea to a company of Ladies last week. The excursion that was to have gone to Keokuk Aug. 4th., was abandon. The Annual Picnic to Skunk river will be in Aug., under the management of Comodore Lee. 11. J. Anderson is visiting some one at some place in Missouri the boys say that there is a girl there. John Lewis who has been working during the past several years in C. C. Pike Drug Store and has a diploma, a certificate and registered pharmacist goes to Chicago in September to study medicine. Mrs. Sheldon and children of Chicago is visiting at her father's home G. W. Black this week. ALBIA NEWS. Mr. Burt Jones went to Ottumwa Sat urday to visit over Sunday with Ottumwa friends. Mr. G. Tolionoame up from Ottumwa and visited over Suaday at his home. Rev. A. Ford is visiting Rev. Alexander with his quarterly meeting in Ottumwa this week. Messrs H. Boman and H. Shoddy were called to Chariton to assist in initiating some new members Into the Chariton lodge otOdd Fellows. Company of Stuarts board gave a social at the A. M. E. church Saturday evening. Master MeKinley Tolson has been quite sick for the past week. In the absenoe of tho minister, on Sun day evening a literary program was rendered at the A. M. £. ohuroh. The youths and lasses under the super vision of Mrs. A. Ford are preparing to give a concert in the near future. Mrs. A. Ford is a Chariton visitor for a few days this week. NEWTON NOTES. The two Misses Brown of Grinnell visited their parents this week. Mesdarnes John Miller and Hale de parted for Missouri for an extended visited with relatives. Miss Mae Mays is visiting friends in Marshalltown. Miss Emma]Mays is preparing to give an entertainment in the near future. Aug. 8th., will be quarterly meeting at the A. M. E. church. Geo. Carter of Des Moines was a Newton visitor last week. Messrs. Waldon and Fine came over from Marshalltown Saturday to spend Sunday at home. They returned Mon day. Several persons here contemplates attending the celebration Thursday. BOONE DOINGS. Mr. Lewis Williams, has returned from an extended trip through Kansas and Missouri, Mr. Wm. Coalson, of Des Moines was in the city on business last Monday, Rev. Breckenridge, disoourse on last Sunday, was very instructive as well as eloquent. Quarterly meeting will be held August 16th. The members of the Progressive olub gave an ice cream sooial at the church parlors Wednesday evening. The follow ing programme wa9 well rendered after which a real jolly time was had such as you could not torget. Song—Messrs S. L. Terry, J. and W. A. Washington Speech -J. T, Washing ton Song—Misses Virgie and Bessie Cole man Solo—S. L. Terry Remarks—Ghas. Boleman. Aboutone month ago my child, which is fifteen months old, had an attak of diarrhoea accompained by vomiting. I gave it such remedies as are usually given in 6uch cases, but as nothing gave relief, we sent for a physician and it was under his care for a week. At this time the child had been sick for about ten days and was having about twenty-five operations of the bowels every twelve hours, and we were con vinced that unless it soon obtained re lief it would not live. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was recommended, and I decided to try it. I soon noticed a change for the bet ter by its continued use a complete cure was brought about and it is now perfectly healthy.—C. L. BOGOS, Stump* town, Gilmer Co., W. Va. For sale by all Druggists. f^EE! F^EE! One 75c Ribbon. Upon reoeipt of 75c we will send you one of our 75e, the Best Grade, Typewriter Eibbon and send one free of charge. Money Returned .If Not O. K. Think of two ribbons for 75c. All colors fit any machines. GEO. LOAKTS, Agent Duplex and Jewett Typewriters, 010 Locust St., Des Moines Iowa. (Mention Bystander.) Read and patronize our advertisers.