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Unthinking Conversation There is speaking well, speaking easily, speaking justly, and speaking seasonably; it is offending against the last, to speak of entertainments before the indigent; of sound limbs and health before the Infirm; of houses and lands before one who has not so much as a dwelling: in a word, to speak of your prosperity before the miserable; this conversation is cruel and the comparison Which naturally arises In them betwixt their condition and yours is excrutiating. La Bruyere. THIRTIETH YEAR, NO. 23 From Minneapolis Spokesman & St. Paul Recorder Staffs Jawe Ball Cecil E. Newman Bradford Benner Oscar H. Newman Cortis C. Chivers Clara Pettiford Ercell Chadwick Wilma Kandell Arthur V. Hall Ronald Samuels Herbert Howell Marlene Shepherd Gloria Hayes James Sisson Louise Hughes Earl Smalls Harriet Jones Joan Tate Barbara Kelley Louisa Thomas John Krause Jacqueline Thompson Verner Larson Percy Villa Anna McGee Hazel Underwood Earl McGee Jerry Webinger Kept Up Fight: N.W. Airlines Forced To Reinstate Marlene White As Stewardess Chicago (ANP) A pretty Chicago girl’s tenacity has chalked up another victory. Marlene White, who waged a four year baittie to win a job as a stewardess for Northwest Airlines only to be discharged eight months later for alleged inefficiency, has been returned to flight status. According to reliable sources, Miss White, 29, was reinstated as a stewardess through the efforts of the Michigan Fair Em ployment Practices Commission, The President’s Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, and the Air Line Stewards and Stewardesses Association, Interna- tional. The agreement was reportedly the results of direct negotiations with high officials of Northwest Airlines. Lee Leibik and Ruth Weyand, attorneys for the ALSSA, had filed complaints with the Michi gan FEPC and the President’s Committee charging Northwest with discrimination in employment. The President's Committee was called in because Northwest holds government contracts. Miss White first applied in 1958 in Detroit for employment with Northwest Airtines as a steward ess. She was rejected and given a job as reservations clerk in the meantime the young woman filed with chargee of job the Michigan Fair Employment Practices Commission. On June 19, 1962, the Michigan FHPC issued an order requiring Northwest to halt discrimination in its flight operations and to place Miss White in its next stew ardess ctaee. She entered Northwest training classes in St. Paul, Minn., in July, 1962 and, according to Leibik, was graduated with grades placing her in the upper one third of her dass She was employed as a stewardess on Aug. 11, 1963. During her employment, attor neys for the ALfiSA claimed in their comptaint, Mias White was required to take numerous tests not given to other stewardesses and was otherwise discriminated against because of her race by Northwest Airlines, Inc. In citing reasons for her dis charge, Northwest officials claimed that Mias White, who was a child prodigy, had been unable to master emergency cabin procedure. Following her removal from flight status last April 3, Mias White was rwwstgnad to reserva tions clerk duties in Northwest's Chicago office. She was restored to flight duty a few weeks ago after undergoing surgery in Chi cago. The pioneer stewardess is cur rently stationed in Minneapolis-St. Paul, headquarters of Northwest Airlines, and is assigned to flights operating to Midwest, West Coast and Eastern points. Donald Lewis, Names St. Paul NAACP Committee Chairman Attorney Lynn S. Castner, 2351 Bourne Av., was appointed chair man, Housing Committee, for the St Paul Branch NAACP, it was announced by Donald Lewis, Branch President. The committee on Housing will be responsible for studying hous ing conditions in the local com munity; oppose all restrictive prac tices whether public or private; diseminate information and render such other assistance Which may ling; receive and seek to adjust complaints of discrimination. Other chairman at committees are: Attorney Kenneth P. Griswold, Legal Redress, Mrs. Philip E. Free man, Jr., Youth Work, Mir. Fred StaM, Political Action, Mrs. An thony Miazingo, Freedom Fund, Mrs. Ira Allen, Press and Publici ty, Mrs. John Banks, Jr., Member ship, and Mrs. Harold L. Feder, Community Addi tional appointments will be made ait a later date. Granddaughter's Driving Puts Man On Foot Detroit (ANP) Luches Blair 46, has Ms driver’s license sus pended for one year, and a fine of $25 Slapped on him before Traffic Judge John D. Watts here recent ly. Biair was arrested by police While he and seven other children were riding in Ms 1963 sports car down Kercheval street. The complaint charged that the driver of the car was Theresa Blair, the man's Mne-year-oid —A ('■' i s — y TA. 7-4021 Minneapolis Teacher Is Victim Of Acid Throwing Attack A Minneapolis school teacher, member of pioneer Minneapolis and St. Paul families was victim of an unknown assailant who threw acid in her face when she answered the doorbell at 8:45 a.m. The injured woman who appar ently has lost the sight in one eye, is the well known Myrrhene Allen Crawford, 31, 4318 First Av. S., a teacher in the first grade at Field Elementary school, 47th St., and Fourth Av. S. The young teacher is in poor condition at Minneapolis General hospital where she was rushed after the accident. Mrs. Crawford told officers she was completing her morning break fast chores and paused to answer the door. A man who she said had a blue stocking cap pulled over his face threw a liquid from a con tainer into her face. When She screamed, her hus band Marvin, asleep upstairs in a I second floor bedroom ran down stairs. He called police and officers gave him instructions to wash his wife’s face With cold water and apply cold compresses until the ambulance arrived. At the General hospital Monday Urban League Takes Lead: Initiate Appeal For Family Victims Of Recent Fire Early Friday morning, Dec. 6, 1963, a fire swept through a 1% Story frame house at 631 Fast 38th St., Minneapolis killing four small children. Five other members of the family were physically un harmed. The four fire victims were Mrs. Dorothy Blaylark’s youngest chil dren, David 1; Steven 5; John 7 and Ricky 8, leaving four surviv ing children and Mrs. Blaylark; they are Hetta 11, Raymond 13, Gail 16 and Denise two months. An appeal to help the family was slowed after it was learned that the family was an ADC (Aid to Dependent Children) recipient. Naturally, many people thought sending money or aid to the family would affect the family’s ADC grant; because of this and con flicting reports from individuals and press coverage of the fire, the Urban League developed a special interest in the case. Fred Smith community services director is in charge of the relief efforts. Immediate Needs Pressing While there are a number of circumstances that fostered this community tragedy, the primary concern at present, is the immedi ate needs of the family, four chil dren and one adult. Without Sufficient Clothing The family is still on ADC, how ever, their allotment has been re duced because there are now five family members. This allotment in cludes food, clothing, rent, appli ance services and other incidentals The Department of Public Wel fare is not directly responsible for securing all of the needed clothing, furniture and a "special or extra food supply.” The family is without a sufficient supply of clothing for all family members and enough furniture to furnish the home they are intending to move into. Even with the ADC grant the family will not be able to adequately re place the clothing and household furnishings destroyed by the fire without community support. The specific needs of the family are: 1. The family has to have $215 to pay the delinquent gas and light bill before they can get lights and heat in any other dwelling unit. (ADC will not pay this back bill.) 2. Clothing and extra food sup plies for a family of five. 3. Furniture of all sorts, chairs bedding, silverware, dishes, tables, blankets, quilts, etc. (The Red Cross has furnished four beds and a crib with two sheets and a blan ket for each bed.) Clothing in hoils- Adult dresses, under clothing coats, sweaters, socks, stockings MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 night her condition was reported as poor. It is understood Mrs. Crawford will be moved to Fair view hospital Monday evening. Mrs. Crawford, the former Myrrhene Allen is the daughter of insurance man Theodore F. Allen 1 and singer Ermine Hall Allen. She is a native of Minneapolis, attend ed school in St. Paul. She is the granddaughter of S. Edward Hall of St. Paul, pioneer and longtime state civic leader. The Crawfords have two chil dren Stephen, seven and "Kim”, four. Police Who questioned both the victim and her husband say they could think of no reason for the vicious attack. The liquid left an odor of sul phuric acid. There was some similarity be tween this latest brutal attack on a woman by an add thrower and a similar incident Which injured Mrs. Addie Few, St. Paul civic figure about 18 months ago. Mrs. Few described her assailant in just about the way Mrs. Craw ford described the latest attacker. belts, etc. Sizes 14-18 for Mrs Blaylark, 9-12 for Gail. Dreeses for eleven year old Ilet ta stise 12—coats, sweaters, socks, shoes,' under dtatWng, boots, etc. Infant clothing for two month old Dansie. No Limit On Clothing, Furniture Since ADC policy establishes a limit of SSOO (actual dollars) clothing or furniture, which have no limits the family may collect from a special community appeal The family has requested that the Urban League handle all fin ances. This means that contribu tions should be sent to the League stating, “To be used for the Blay lark family.” If money is sent pay able to the League for the family —'the League can then make the payment for the family directly to the utilities companies this would not be a part of the total SSOO the family may receive. Also monies sent directly to the League expressly for the Blaylark family may be tax-deductible. Ministers Conduct Food, Clothing Drive A food and clothing "clearing house” is being conducted by the: Minn eap 011 s Interdenominatinal Ministerial Alliance from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at St. Peter’s AME Church, 401 East 41st St., Minne apolis 9, Minnesota, Rev. Lovell Johnson, pastor. Ail other days food and clothing may be brought or sent directly to the family, Mrs. Dorothy Blaylark, 780 Emerson Av. N. All churches, social and fraternal organizations are urged to make a special appeal to their members to help this family with financial contributions, food and clothing and furniture. Finances may be sent payable bo the Minneapolis Urban League, 619 Produce Bank Building. Minneapolis 3, Minne sota, "For the Blaylark family." Persons desiring further inform ation may call Fred Smith, Com- munity Services Director, Minne apolis Urban League, FE. 5-2197. FRED SMITH Announces Urban League Plan To Help Fire Victims Jewish Hospital Gets Another Shriners $5 000 Denver, Colo. —Dr. A. L. Robinson (left), of Mounds, HI., medical director of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, shows Denver Mayor Tom Currigan and Edward Miller, presi dent of the National Jewish Hospital, a check for $5,000 which the Shriners presented to the cheat disease center at a luncheon Dec. 15. It was the fourth in an annual series of Shrine contributions totaling $20,000 to NJH. Money will be earmarked for research. Fezzan Temple No. 26, is the Minnesota Shriners unit. Watch Night Services New Years Eve December 31, 1963 Zion Baptist Church, Rev. J. R HoMoway, pastor. Services start at 9:30 p.m., Which includes the show ing of a religious film, followed by « fellowship period of coffee and dougfiii uts. » Worship service and message to conclude service. Come early! St. Peter’s AME Church, Rev. L Johnson, pastor. 10:45 p.m. annua) watchnight Candlelight service and Lovefeast. Music by combined choirs. All are welcome! Reading For Four Roles In New Play Dec. 28 Readings for four male Negro roles in a new play by New York playwright Arthur Kopit (author of “Oh, Dad, Poor Dad, Mama’s Hung You in the Closet and I’m Feeling So Sad") will be held in the Arena Theatre, Shevlin Hall University of Minnesota, Minne apolis campus, on Saturday, De cember 28, 1963. from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Roles to be cast are three young men, over six feet tall, and one older man who could prefer ably sing and dance. The play will be rehearsed even ings at the Guthrie Theatre dur ing the months of January and February as a part of the work supported by a Rockefeller Found ation grant administered by the Office for Advanced Drama Re search at the University of Minne sota. A public performance is not scheduled but those cast will be paid for their rehearsal time and Will work with professional actors and directors from New York. Arthur H. Ballet, Executive Sec retary of the grant project, will supervise the reedings. Those wish ing further information Should contact his office, 102 Shevlin Hall University of Minnesota, Minne apolis campus, telephone: 373- 3460 TEN TOP STORIES APPEARING IN NEGRO PRESS DURING 1963 (Compiled by editors of . Associated Negro Pres.) 1(> -' rhe murder <* W 1 1— Assassination of President Uam Moore John F. Kennedy TOP PERSONALITIES OF IMS 2 March on Washington (Selected by editors of 3 Bombing of Sixteenth St Associated Negro Press) Baptist Church, Birmingham Government Prime Minister of Medgar Ev- Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya. Sports Jim Brown of Cleve land Browns football team. Entertainment Cecily Tyson of TV show East Side - West Side Women Carole Joan Craw ford of Jamaica, "Miss World”. Labor A. Philip Randolph. Religion Dr. Benjamin Mays president of Moorehouse college. literature Author James Baldwin. Science Astronaut Trainee Edward J. Dwight, Jr. ait University of Alabama B—Use of Negro models by major advertising agencies 7 —Formation of Organisation of African Unity B—Conviction of Airman Nelson C. Drummond on charges of spying against the United States Assassination of Sylvanur Olympic, President to Togo TA. 7-4022 WILLIE MAYS IS FIRST TO WIN TRIS SPEAKER AWARD Houston (ANP) Star center fielder Willie Mays of the San Francisco Giants last week was named the fourth winner of the Tris Speaker Award, becoming the first Negro to be so honored. Mays will be honored at the fourth annual Houston Major League dinner, Jan. 21. Previous winners of the award named for the former great major league player, have been Stan Musial, Yogi Berra and the late Dickie Kerr. The award is given to a major league player who has made out standing contributions to baseball. Rights Leader Elected Machinist Business Agent On West Coast Los Angeles (ANPI Civil rights fighter Herb Ward, 47, last week became the first West Coast Negro to be elected a business agent in the International Associ ation of Machinists. He won by a margin of 14 votes in District 727 at Dockheed Aircralft in Burbank. According to lAM officials, only one other Negro holds an elected business agent position in the un ion. The lAM has a total of 600 agents. Ward is presently the Cal ifornia chairman of the union's political organization, the Machin ists Non-Partisan Political League. In 1945, Ward was denied entry to the union's national convention in New York, although he was a paid up member. He was forcibly ejected from the proceedings. He later became one of the leaders of a campaign which resulted in the elimination of the color bar against Negro membership. The Lockheed District has a 30 percent Negro membership. Your buying power does double duty when you pat ronize stores that ASK for your business. See the adver tising columns of this issue. Seven Rights Organization In Blast: U.S. Civil Service Survey Report Called “Whitewash” By Groups Seven Twin ('ity civil rights groups joined Monday after noon in attacking a preliminary report of a local survey made recently by the U.S. Civil Service Commission. The groups objected vigorously to the conclusion in the survey report which stated Federal Agencies are “complying fully with the late President Kennedy’s Order No. 10925.” Charging that the local federal agencies are not complying with the latter or the spirit order seven organization executives at tacked the report as 'full of double-talk and a "nice job of whd t ewashing*'. Twin City Human Rights organ izations with Sam H. Jone®, execu tive director of the St. Paul Urban League as spokesman claimed that there are at present five cases of alleged race discrimination cur rently pending before the Minne apolis FEPC, alone. The statement issued by the group points up that only two fed eral agencies the Postxrffice and the U.S. Veterans administration in the Twin Cities are taking affirm ative action in merit employment Mr. Jones and others pointed out that "the 545 Negroes and 148 other minority group numbers found by this survey to be em ployed by 22 federal agencies are found in very token amounts out side of the two above agencies. "Furthermore,” the organiza tions stated: "we fail to see how the survey as reported in the press could conclude ncn-diacrimination exists when It showed many in equities. It indicated that while 29 percent of the white federal em ployees in the Twin Cities earned more than $5,500 a year, only 11 percent of the Negro federal em ployees earned this amount. "The report also Indicated that while twenty-two federal agencies in the Twin Cities employed 545 Negroes and 148 other minority group members, another twenty five agencies do not employ any minority group members. '“Moreover, few Negroes occupy federal jobs Which require college degrees. These are, in many in stances, the higher level and bet ter paying positions. It is import ant to lairn why these Inequities exist before one can conclude either that there is discrimination or that there is not.” SA AC Protest Bring* Result*: Park Board Changes Mind; Nicollet Gets Wanning House At its December 18 meeting', the Minneapolis Park Board agreed to rescind its earlier decision not to errect a temporary warming house at Nicollet Park during the skat ing season. The Park Board had originally planned to use the main park building as a warming house this winter instead of constructing n temporary skating shelter as It has usually done in the past. This arrangement would have meant the elimination of many indoor pro grams at Nicollet in order to make room for the skating fans. Community concern over the lack of a warming house at the park was expressed to park offic ials at a meeting of the South Side Athletic Club at Nicollet Park on December 11. As a result of this and subsequent medtinge wtth rep resentatives from SSAC, the Park Board agreed that a temporary warming house was needed at Nic ollet Park. John Hanson, recreation director at Nicollet, announced that the in-door program win continue at the park during the winter months because a separate warming house is now available for skaters: Tap dancing and ballet classes will be resumed during the week January 6. The tumbling class will meet at 3:45 pjm. on Fridays. The Cheas club will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays. Teen dances will begin at 7 p.m. on Fridays. The senior citizens group will meet on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:30 to 3:30 pm. Mr. Hanson ailso announced that winter activities are now being organized at the Park sledding club, a girl’s broom hockey team and several boys hockey teams will be organized during the next couple of weeks. Ail boys and girls of school age who are interested in these activities should contact Mr. Hanson at Nicollet Park. Participate In Christmas Play Shown in the above picture is Cheryl Shaw, daughter of Mrs Pearline Shaw, 8818 Fourth Av. 8., who portrayed Mary and Todd Hanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wll ford Hanson, 6857 Bloomington Av. S., who was Joseph at the St. James Lutheran Nursery School 49th Portland Av. The picture was taken during the Christmas party on Friday morning, December 20 Mixing Builds Character Avoid connecting yourself with charac ters whose good and bad are unmixed, and have not fermented together; they resemble vials of vinegar and oil; or palletes set with colors; they are either excellent at home and intolerable abroad, or insuferable with in doors and excellent in public; they are unfit for friendship, merely because their stamina, their ingredients of character, are too single, too much apart; let them be . finely ground up with each other, and they' will be incomparable.— Eavater. $5 PER YEAR; 15 CENTS PER COPY The statement attacked the rule of three principle by which the fed eral employing officer can exercise race discrimination without detec tion. The Statement praised the U.S. Postoffice as "the only Twin Citlee Federal Agency that we know of which has effectively modified this rule by requiring reasons to be given If the first or second person is passed over. In this way, it is more likely discrimination could be determined as the reason for not hiring an applicant.” Concluding its statement the human rights groups stated: "We submit that the U>S. Civil Service Commission is violating a public trust if it concludes discrimination does not exist in St. Paul and Min neapolis Federal Agencies. It must first satisfactorily account for the inequities mentioned in this sur vey, ‘’the rule of three” and the unanswered questions Which we raised. Only then can the federal government learn how tar it has come in merit employment In the Twin Cities and how far it still has to go.” The organizations Which joined in the critical blast at the survey reports were the: Bt. Paul Urban League, The Fair Employment Practices Commission of 3t. Paul, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People— St. Paul Branch, The Employment Committee of the Joint Commit tee on Equal Opportunity, Minne apolis Urban League, The Fair Employment Practices Oommtasion of Minneapolis and The State Com mission Against Discrimination Buy where you are wel come and wanted at stores that tell you they want you through oar advertising col umns. WANT-ADS HKHE PAY GOOD DIVTDHNDB