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VOLUME I. -A-HSTD truclioD! AWFUL CALAMITY. MILL EXPLOSIONS AT MINNEAPOLIS. TO 20 KILLED. 5 9 MILLS BURNED. Theories as to Cause. Mtro Glycerine Or Purifiers Gas Full Graphic Details By "Globe" Reporters [Special Telegram to the Globe. 1 MINNEAPOLIS, May 2. At jiiBt 7 o'clock this evening Minneapolis was startled by a most frightful explosion, which shook the city from centre to circumference. The ex plosion took place in the milling centre on the canal that extends around St. Anthony Falls, aad at once the question was passed from lip to lip, "What can it be? In an in- stant the entire city was out of doors, and streaming toward the falls, while it became known that the great Washburn "A" mill had exploded und was a total wreck. The Washburn mill was the largest mill on the Amerioan continent, and with tho exception of one in France, the largest and moBt complete of any flouring mill in the world. It contained forty run of stone, cud employed regularly from forty to sixty At this writing, there is no certainty of ths cause of the explosion. Mill men gen- erally unite in the theory that it was oc- casioned by the igniting of the gas generat- ed in some unknown manner by the r$id: tilings purifiers. The loss of life cannot be ascertained at this moment, but was very extensive. The explosion took place at the hour when the day force of the mill had just been re- lieved, ana the night force was just taking their places. It is now thought that a por- tion of the day force and a portion of the night force have been killed, but as the mill is a total wreck, levelled to the ground, and the fire of Tophet raging among the ruins, thero is no certain means of ascertaining the particulars. The GLOBE reporter is writing in full view of the flames, and while I write, the wind, which is steady and Btrong from the northwest, has ignited the mill company's i levator, and no possible power of the fire department can prevent its total destruc- lion. Governor Pillsbury is on the ground, and has telegraphed to St. Paul for assistance from their firo department, as it is feared tho flames will spread throughout the entire milling district, and thus destroy the great industry upon which the city is entirely de- pendent. At this hour, eight p. M., there have been burned the following flour mills i Pettit, liobiuson & Co. Cahill, Ankeny & Co. L. Day & Sons Day & Boi- ling Buell, Newton & Co.: Diamond mill, I Norton, Hayward & Co. Washburn "A and Washburn "B" mills. Thero is no doubt that the explosion was occasioned by the gas generated through the operation of tho patent middlings purifier. It is' said that a mill in Glasgow, Scotland, blew up from a similar cause, There went on trick at the Washburn '/A" Mill twenty-two men, at 6:30 t. M., -none of which have been heard from at this date. The only names attainable at this hour are M. P. Shier and bis younger brother, and Frod. Merrill. All accounts agree that the first explo- sion took place at the Washburn A mill, or the big mill, as it is called. Following so close as to be almost simultaneous was the explosion of the Diamond and Humboldt. The watchman of the Galaxy mill, which is among the destroyed, escaped unhurt, and gives the most connected account of the explosion. He says the first explosion was from the big mill, followed in quick succes- sion by those from the Diamond and Hum- boldt. The explosion from the "A" mill was so tremendous that it raised the entire roof of the gigantic structure into the air as a zephyr would waft an autumn leaf. At 8:30. The fire has now, 8:30 p. M., extended from Sixth ave. south down the bank of the river, taking almost everything in its path, to near the Minneapolis and St. Louis railway shopsmills, lumber yards, blacksmith and machine shops, and miscellaneous man- ufactures. Mr. Case, assistant superintendent of the Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, thinks it probable teat the freight depot and machine thops of their road will be saved. The glass in the Cataract House, eastward, and the City Hall, northward, were broken by the explosion. KILLED AND WOUNDED. Up to nine o'clock the list of killed and injured so far as ascertained, are as follows: Big Mill-^Grinders, Chas. HenningFred Merrill, Clark Wilbur. OilerWin. Leslie, Cyrus Ewing. MachinistsOle Shie, Walter Savage, Patrick Judd, Ed. Merrill. Day was thrown out of the window and in- i WatchmenHarry Hicks, E. W. Burbank" one unknown. Aug. Smith was blown out of the window, hurt, but not killed. Diamond millJohn Dover killed. David Ward, gone out after a pail of water, and' escaped unhurt. Galaxy MillJoe Maim, in the tbird Btory, after the wall was blown out, jumped down into the canal and escaped unhurt. Zenith MillTwo men. Widstrum and Fred George. In Pettit, Robinson & Co.'s millDean jured but not fatally. Mr. Day was the only man in the Fettit mill at the time. THE tNSUEANCE on the Washburn "A" mill is $40,000 on stock, and $170,000 on the building. Pettit, Robinson & Co.'s mill was insured for $45,000. Up to nine o'clock, the number of mills burned aggregated one hundred and three runs of stone. The Washburn "A" mill to-day ground 1,505 barrels of flour, and was preparing for the night run when the explosion took place, i In the "A" mills at the time of the explo sion there were fifty .thousand bushels of wheat, all of which was burned. The opinion of J. A. Christian, head of the firm of Christian & Co., who run the big mill, does not agree with the theory that the explosion was occasioned by gas gener ated by the middlings purifiers. His theory is borrowed from a similar incident in Glas gow, Scotland, that the mills took fire on the lower floors, by the friction of tho stones that the elevators, of which there were a large number, served as so many ohimneys, and gas was generated by the combustion, and finally exploded, throwing the roof a hundred feet in the air. This theory is not credited by such scien tific men as are at hand, but on the contrary, the opinion is very general that the first theory is the correct one, that the gas gener ated by the patent process tcok fire and ex ploded like a powder magazine. The last report of the board of trade in this city shows sixteen flouring mills and 181 run of stones. The following miHs have burned, or are badly damaged: Washburn "A" Mill. Washburn "B" mill. Pettit, Eobinson & Co.'s mill. Zenith mill. Galaxy mill. Humbolt and Diamond mill. On latest reports, there seems to have been only 97 run of stones' destroyed, so it seems that only just one-half of the floor milling interests of the city is rubbed out. When, however, His considered that the in terest is the most important in the city, the full force of the disaster will be understood. The ruU amount of insurance cannot be ascertained at this writing, but those best informed among insurance men state that the probable amount of insurance is not less than 50 per oent.of the loss, and generally in the best of companies. Rcsumn of the Disaster. Visiting the scene of the fire at 11:30,1 found the firemen working at the debris, yet too hot to undertake to recover the dead remaining in the ruiae, numbering, according to the best in formation, thirteen. One body recovered was near the front of the Diamond miU wreck. When first seen by the m%n who had arrived at the scene, he was yet alive, and able to move, but wedged in by the flames, where he perished in the sight of those unable to help him. Unfortunately at this point the hydrant was clogged, so that several minutes elapsed before water came through freely, otherwise it is fair ly possible that this man could have been res cued alive, but it was act possible that he could have survived his injuries apparent when first seen. THE FEARFUL EXPLOSIONS. No dceeription can convey a nil idea of the force of the explosions, two of which wore dis tinctly heard all over the city. Millers uni formly attribute the explosion to the flour dust which was distributed through the atmos phere of the closed rooms, and the milling ap paratus caught from contact with the Same, or from friction. The principal force of the ex plosion appears to have been from the Wash burn mill towards the Diamond and Zenith mills. The second explosion probably occurred in one of these. The Milwaukee & St. Paul round house in front of these was half demolished by the concussion, while the raihoad shops look as if they had been bombarded. The Centennial block, on Washington avenue, had all its heavy plate windows broken except one store, which wan open. The glass was broken into fine pieces, as if ran through a stamp mill. FSESONAL EXEEBTENCES. A miller standing near the window of the old Washburn mill, was startled by the first explosion, and had one glance, in when he saw the walls of the big mill spreading outward, roofs falling, and flames flashing up. The next moment he was on the floor blown half way across the mill by the concussion. Fred George, of the Zenith mill, was not killed, but escaped by jumping from the window into the canal. It was rumored that he went through the flume into the river, but the rumor was in correct. He escaped with severe but not fatal injuries. WILD KXCtTEMENT. For hours the excitement here' was naturally great,and the wildest rumors prevailed. Even at this hour it is difficult to learn the truth re garding any detail. Among the wild rumors was one accounting for the great force of the explosion, by attributing it to nitro-glycerine, of which it wa* said a car-load had been trans erred during the day in the immediate neigh borhood of the mills. Railroad men, however, assert that no kind of explosive material what ever was in any car in the vicinity, and that no nitro-glyoerine or other explosive is brought into the city. In all the mills notices were pasted prohibit ing the use of open lights. CAtTBE OF THE EXPLOSION. Millers say that flour dust in the quantities in which it existed in the big mill would explode with force enough to account for all the destruction worked. Besides the explosion vtas immediately follow ed by hot flames enveloping all the ruins and shutting in the air. This millers regard as proof positive that the explosion was of flour dust. Eye v.itne: great roof of the big mill was lifted hundreds of feet in the air, when fragments flew out in every direction, and one. roof seemed to melt in the air surrounded by flames. **t. i xx ltli A SHOCKING SCENE. One body was seen in the biasing ruins of i tbi Diamond mill, apparently on the roof. It lay on the back, anus extended, hands burned 'ff skull bared and trunk incandescent. When the flames were tmbdued, the body had die appeared, perhaps entirely consumed. I.veUBANGE. The losses ol the insurance companies repre sented by Gale Si Co. are as follows: C. C. Washburn, Washburn "A" mill Hart ford-mill 9800 machinery, $1,600. Atlantic, X. Y. mills, $850 machinery, $1,700. Home, Ohiomill, 4500 machinery, $1,000. T. A. Christian A Co., stock in warekoute "A" mill, North American, $4,000, Pettit, Robinson & Co's. millNorth British A Mercantile, mill, 3,000 machinery, $3,000 Hartford, stock, $3,000, mill, S3,000 phceni.-: of New York, stock, $3,000, macninery, *3,000 Lancashire, Eng., machinery, $3,000 Atlantic-, New York, machinery, $3,000. A. P. Ankeny, Galaxy flour mill:Phoenix, X. mill 81,000, machinery, 1.000. North American, mill ?1,000, machinery ?1,500. Lan cashire, Eng., machinery '$3,000. Atlantic. K. I i Y., machinery $3,000. Cahill, Ankeny & Cc, stock in Galaxy flour I mill':North British. Mercantile, .*2,500. Hartford $2,503. Bull, Newton & Co., Humboldt Mill, North British & Mercantile, machinery. $1,000 stock, $2,500. Ph-jenix, mill, $500 stock, $-2,500. Hartford, mill $5% machinery, $1,500. At-- antic, machinery, $1,000. Minneapolis Mill Co., elevator building:r North British and mercantile, $3,001! Lanca shire, $2,500, on wheat in Minneapolis ele vator. Crocker, Fiske & Co.:-Noifch British and Mercantile, $3,000 Hartford, $5,000. C. A. Pillsbury & Co.:Hartford, $2,500 North American, $2,500. D. R. Barber & Bon:North American, $3,500. Pettit, Robinson & Co., on lumber:Hart ford, $2,500 North American, $2,000. Losses in companies represented by E. B. Ames: Humboldt millShawmut, $1,500 Traders', $2.000.. Total, $3,500. ElevatorGerman American, $2,500 Fire Assurance, $2,500 American, 2,500 Firemen's Fund, $2,500 Royal, $2,500 Liverpool, London and Globe, $2,500. Total, $15,000. Washburn "A" millManhattan, $2,000 Commercial Union, $3,000 Royal, $3,000: Bcottish Commercial, $2,500. Total, $10,500. Diamond millGerman American, $2,000 Royal, $3,000 British American, $2,000 Bcot tish Commercial, $2,000. Total, $9,000. Pettit, Robinson & Co.'s millFranklin .$3,000. German American, $3,000. Manhat tan, $3,000. Traders', $1,000. Commercial Union, $3,000. Royal, $3,000. Liverpool. London & Globe, $2,000. Scottish Commercial, $3,000. Ttotal, $21,000. Another Description. MIXNEAPOUB, May 3, 1 A. scThe GLOBE special, which left St. Paul by private con veyance, was forty minutes later crossing the iron bridge that spans the Mississippi in the immediate vicinity of the great fire. Here met his gaze a sight which in its appaling grandeur has never been equaled, and probably will never be surpassed again iu the history of this great mill city of the Northwest. Watys of mills, a great stone structure, four stories high, stood out in a sea of fire, notwithstanding the attempt of the angry flames to further encroach upon its rocky sides. All else for two squares to the east and west, had been burned over, and black smoke and living embers, crowded with active firemen and hundreds of spectators with eighteen solid streams of water playing on the dying embers while the raging current dashed through the wide canal, bearing timbers that feU through into the waters below. The first impression was that Vesuvius had burst forth, and these were the last evidences of her dying energies. Thousands of exhausted people were passing to and fro and nothing was left but to walk over the ruins. Here were great piles of Btonc under which lay the bodies of the dead. These attracted most the attention. A perfect network of hose led from all contiguous hydrants. Just in front was the round house of the Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, which contained seven locomotives I with a quarter of its roof crushed in. and one- jr ST. PAUL, FEIDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1878. half of its wail smashed down. Heavy timbers which covered the big canal lay* in every con ceivable shape, while, upon the elevated railway track, in the rear of the old Washburne mill cars, partly filled, had pitched down the incline, and were half consumed. Thefireswept everything, leaving a blank space from Washington avenue to the river. Various occupants on the above Btreet for four squares had boarded up their front doors and windows, and either stood guard or had moved their property to other buildings. There was scarce ly a whole pane of glass left in any building fronting on this scene of desolation. The terriffic power of this explosion can bo properly appreciated by the shock felt in St. Paul, but the smallness of the particles of glass which seemed not larger than a pea gave the-appearance of the pavement1 being strewn with white sand. We counted eighteen large French plate glass windows in Centennial block which had been destroyed. Only one store front in the building stood the test, and that was owing to the fact that the doors stood open. A citizen stood in his Rtore door, di rectly opposite Harwood's four-story block, and saw the second explosion, and estimates, that the flames actually shot up into the heavens not less than seven hundred feet, as it appeared to him \o be many hundred feet above'Harwood's store. i An old gentleman, who lived in a shanty, in close proximity to the fire, say's that the I elevator, which stood adjoining the big mill, was on fire and in ruins in a very few minutes. Pieces of burning embers were showered down all over the eastern portiuo- of the city. Your correspondent saw apiece of deling half consumed, and still on fire, not far from the Club house, half way between Sc. Paul and Minneapolis. At this late hour but little information can be picked up, as none but watchful firemen are on duty, whilst gangs of men are clearing the railroad tracks. A huge stick of timber fourteen inches square and thirty feet long stands perpendicular, pen etrating the large belfry, on the top of the old Washburn mill. Where it came from or howi it got there is a mystery. A set of heavy wheels which have lain explosion. io- catrJ i slightly imbeded in the ground in front of the i explodevd mills, were rolled from their resting th plac ANOTEia IN3TJBANCE STATEMENT. The insurance as far as it could be ascertained as to individuals, was as follows: I Bull, Newton & Co $ 8,500 Minnesota Mill Company.. 3,000 I Crocker, Fisk & Co.,- wheat 8,000 I 0. A. Pillsbury A Co., wheat 5,000 of the explosion, state that the R. Barber A Son, wheat 3,500 4 A. "Pettit, Robinson & Co., lumber 4.500 .1 C. C. faashbnrn ,7!T. 6\450 J." A! Christian & Co. 4,000 i The insurance as represented by the firm of Gale & Co., in this city is as follows: Hartford $22,400 Phouuix 2,500 Phenix 11,000 North British 18,000 Home, of Columbus 1,500 os i on Supt. Farley helda special train in readiness i "J*"? JE* J"jt at the Bt:PSul&''Pacific depot for some time, to meet any demands that might be made upon I him for assistance, but as no calk were re- i ceived he took a few friends on board the ca boose and proceeded to the scene of the terri ble conflagration. One of the gentlemen of this party describes the spectacle of the burning mills, and tho half-mile stretch of biasing ruins down along the bank of the river, as viewed from the crossing of the east branch of the Missis- i sipppi on to the island, as one of the grandest! reaching the fire itselfmeeting hundreds of men, women and children returning to their hurrying towards the great blaze. In passing party camo in sight of the first evidences of I the effects of the terrible explosion, in the I form of broken windows and glass store fronts. It was evident even from this point that the direction of the explosive shock had been to the westward, or back from the river, as the broken windows and doors were much more numerous on the west side of the street than on the east and it may be said that not a single building within a frontage of half a mile at two blocks away escaped injury. These broken windows and fine glass fronts to business houses and residences were being rapidly boarded up, and presented a novel spectacle before the party left. As near as could be ascertained, seven flour ing mills, carryng an aggregate of 91 run of stone a greater flouring capacity than some whole States of the Union can boast) had fallen into a mass of ruins or been swept away by the flames. A great number of smaller shops, shanties, dwellings, half depleted lumber piles and yards had also been lapped p by the de vouring element Directly to the westward, and about one block away from the Washburn mill, which was the first to explode, stood the round house (or engine house) of the Milwaukee load, and which had been rent in twain from base to turret, as though some towering church spire had failen across and crushed its Way through. In the midst of the burnt district, but a lit tle to the southeast of the great explosion, stands isolated and alone, nnshattered, and almost unscratched, the "Palisade Mills"a fine stone structure, three or four stories high, with fire in front of it, fire on either flank of it, and rain all around it. The tire department was doing brave and ef ficient work at every ciposed point to prevent the further 6prced of the flames, and at the hour Mr. Farley and party left to return to St. Paul10 o'clockit was evident beyond a doubt that- the devouring element had been circumscribed and subdued within safe control. qmet What Caused the Explosimt. Chief Engineer Bracket stated that as yet he had been unable, from lack of time, to come to any definite conclusions as to the cause of the explosion. "One' -theory, .however, that had -presented itself to him was, that the explosion was caused by other agencies than middlings' dust and gas generated therefrom. This theory, he thought, was the more plausible, from the fact that all the buildings on the West side of the Wash burn miU were damaged to a greater extent than those one the east side, while the Zenith mill, and those in the same tow, were Xt bac about 9 p. M. Mr. Farley and friends left the train Anthony Hill the concussion was sufficiently and walked a distance of about one mile before pronounceldnimpressioseveralthat I II Ml 'Hi 1' llllHll-Ml Ml I I MMI I 7-T ::T but very little damaged by the shock. The mills on the other side were completely de stroyed. During the afternoon a freight train came in from the East and stood on the r&Uroad track, in cl.ose proximity to the mill. It has been positively asserted that one box-car was loaded with nitro-glyccrine. If that should prove the case it will account for the severe shock. Mr. Brackett stated further that so far as he had an opportunity to observe and read upon the subject of middlings flour duBt explosions, no such extensive ex plosion had ever before occurred from that cause. In middlings dust Explosions, as a usual thing, a flash followed by no great damage to the building is the result. He did not think that that class of explosions would injure the walls of a stone structure of the dimensions of tBe~ Washburn mill. Such might be the case but he had never heard of any. On the other hand, nitro glycerine in conjunction with the gas, naturally generated in a mill run at such a high pressure, would not fail to produce the results above indicated. 4 2: 10 A. M. At this hour the fire is still blazing among the mills, and no more bodies have been re covered. A laborer residing several- blccfas* below "the scene of the main fire, was standing outside his house when the explosion occurred, and saw a flaming ball descend upon the neighbor ing house and spread over it instantly, as if the ball had been amass of burning oil. This bail, he says was "jUBt fire, nothing else," or nothing substantial about it. The man assured one of the reporters in th3 presence of a number of persons, that he was at work to day, for the shaft being sunk close by the de I stroyed mills, where nitro glycerine cartridges were used for blasting, and among other things i helped to carry nitro glycerine from cars to the shaft. The dust explosion theory, however, is stoutly maintained by those who were in the immediate vicinity. One oC these gentlemen stopping at the Nicol let, said he was looking at the Washburn mill and I saw flames shoot from the third and fourth story windows an instant before the first ex- This man heard two explosions. Another man, standing at the time about four squares away on higher ground, saw a cloud of smoke and the roof fly up in the air. The elevator between him and the Washburn mill appeared to part bodily from top to bot tom, and instantly broke into flames, as if contact with the outer air had at onco fired the a1whole. 1 1 S 6pt the fire desette scon Tb mcn Pettit, Robinson & Co 24,000 ruin of the explosion, the desolation is ex- ^.^.^pkeny 13,000 treme, and the scene now is made all the more Cah.ll, Ankeny &Qo 7,500 wcil A, Having exhausted itself from sheer at thdebsouthergnh extremity of the fire The full extent cannortn realizerd until morning. From the remains I should judge about fifty i ailroad cars are destroyed. The round house is split clear through the middle explo- gafJ Ut an bo Lancashirc 6,50 0 from the force of the North American 13,000 Atlantic 8,550 sio otbin T.c 1n S If ibe Umbe having fallen upon it.. "^possible to give further details of lo-e I of life, as all dead bodies are jn the ruins and Total $72,450 i the families are not to be found. Minneapolis feels deeply grateful to Bt. What a St Paul Gentleman Saw. Paul physicians for coming early to render L5f 06 to break generaa cause homes, while hundreds of others from the I somewhere withink the city limits. This sup- more remote suburbs on foot, and many laden positionowas rapidly dispelled by the dense vehicles from the surrounding country treme d I H***** ttet MmneapoMi ee neV W afflicl0n ^P*" IN ST. PAUX.. The shock, and in some portions the detona tion of the explosion was distinctly heard and felt in this city, and a few persons who chanced to be looking in the direction of Minneapolis, saw the cloud of smoke which shot up into the air immediately following. Occupants of the custom house distinctly felt the shock, several stepping to the doors toperceptibly. learn the cause. Gen- ver and most awfully sublime, as a picture, of tlemen in thte city hall, not a very anything he ever saw in reality, in art or story. 1 stantialn building, say that structure rocked Reaching the depot on the Minneapolis side or a sub- O St windows.magazines 6mo c!ott were rushing into the city from', explosion, darkening the heavens i both sides of the river, and I th th down Washington avenue, and reaching a point I smoke beoamhee tinctured withth some two blocks below the Nicollet house, the spreadinucgPt At first wafa the shock wa explosion a powder th followed the tba direction of Minneapolis, and locatinn calamity in that city. As the red, graduall-y excitement in city increas bige the telegraph ^SP" 1 te a lQ an an until the sky in that direction wore newspaper offices to learn the nature of the calamity. In a short time a telegram was re ceived calling for aid, as mentioned elsewhere, but giving no par ticulars. A Utile later another telegram stated the character of the casualty, but it was not until the GLOBE extra was issued that anything approaching a fuU conception of the terrible misfortune that had befallen our sister city, took possession of the minds of bur people. Though then after 10 o'clock, the extra issue of the GLOBE was snatched up by the waiting crowds as fast as turned off from the press, and as the brief but startling details were read, and their full im port understood, universal sympathy and sor row was expressed for the stricken city, and especially for the personal sufferers. An incident showing the terrific force of the explosion is told by the young man who drives the GLOBE greased lightning between' St. Paul and Minneapolis, who reports the fall near tho residence of Mr. David Ramaley, fully four miles from the scene of the explosion, of a piece of charred and shattered scantling, some eight feet in length. Still more remarkable was the fall on St. Anthony hill, yet nrtber from the explo sion than Mr. Ramaley's residence, of a half window sash, with one of the lights of glass unbroken, blown from one of the nulls in which the explosion occurred. At the same time parties who went up on St. Anthony hill, thinking the five was in that vicinity, had tlieir attention attracted by the almost continuous falling of pieces of tarred roofing, Mr. Upham, of the First National bank, picking up such a piece fully a half-yard square, which he and the gentlemen with him divided up as a me mento of the terrible visitation. Going to tUe Kescue. The official news of the conflagration reached S Paul in the form of a call to this city's firo department for all help in men and appara tus that could be spared. Accordingly, No. 2 and No. 8 engines, with their engineers and firemen, were ordered for duty by telegraph from the chiefs office. Four hose carts and two men from each hose company were also or dered out. The engines, carts and men pro ceeded in all haste to the passenger depot of the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul at the foot of Jackson. The ,iHroad authorities informed the firemen that thel rtrack could not be cleared at that point so as to load the apparatus. The apparatus was at the pas senger depot about 8:35 p. M., when it was or dered to the upper freight depot. Then a scene of confusion and delay occurred which siakes oae's very nerve tingle, with vex ation to write about. The track was surround ed by an enormous and excited, but orderly crowd, amid which the apparatus and the firemen stood in a state of enforced inani tion, and fully half an hoar of precious time was wasted "before the flat cars, upon which the engines, &c. were to be transported, made their appearance. At length, the train of two flat cars and one baggage car came to the crossing. The latter vaj immediately occu pied and packed to suffocation by a crowd that had no business whatever in the car. Mean while the tedious task of running the engines on the flats up the steep skids by hand was ac complished with a will by the department, and a few willing helpful citizens. In fjict, even body seemed to be ready to give a helping hand except the railroad men and the bummer crowd that filled the baggage car, intended exclusive ly for the firemen, reporters. Doctor Murphy and Aid. Grace, the chairman of the fire department. When the train was ready to start, an attempt was made to clear the car of the boys and outsiders wedged into it, but only with a very partial success. The hose, to the length of about 2,590 feet, was unreeled from the carts and placed upon the flats, and the carts were then dispatched to be reloaded at their respective houses to be ready for home emergienees. All this, had taken time, and it was not until 9:42, or a lapse of two good hours since the engines were first ready to embark, that the train moved out. When the train arrived at the Mendota junc tion, it was met by a telegram at about 10:10 P. M., telling it to await orders, and in ten min utes the word came from Minneapolis that the fire was under control, and the train was ordered back to St. Paul. At thin writing, it is difficult to account for the delay in getting away, but it certainly cam not be placed at the door of the St. Paul fire department. The GLOBE reporter was assured that when a portion of tho St. Paul depart ment was sent to Anoka, the train bear ing the department was away within the hour after receiving the call for assistance. If the engines had been taken to the St. Paul & Pacific levee depot, they could have been run upon the flats in ten min utes, and that was the point the engines first went to, but ordered away to be banged about from pillar to post and from ono depot to the other to suit, apparently, the caprice of the railroad company, while not very far from tn hour was wasted before the cars wcro presented for loading. Borne one bungled, and kept tip the bungling long enough to have afforded time to utterly consume the whole of Minneap olis. The "Globe" Extra. TTT WASHTKOTON, May 2.In accordance with a law recently passed for the employment of temporary clerks, between 60 and 75 persons were yesterday appointed to such positions in the twasury department. The appointments were determined by the completeness of the quotas of different States. A large number of clerks have also been restored to the interior department, under recent appropriations. Minister Seward telegraphs the department of Btate that the famine in the northern prov inces of China will continue six months longer. Funds for the sufferers, if transmitted by telegraph, can be disbursed by tho foreign committee or by a committee appointed at Peking. The Senate committee on commerce has de cided to report the nominations of Jno. A. Howard and Wm. Kent as assistant appraisers of merchandize at New York favorably, and the nomination of Jno. B. Frothingham a-s a.-.v.mi- ant appraiser at the same port adversely. The- I committee also took action on the nomination of Geo. L. Smith to be collector of customs at New Orleans and unanimously agreed to rec ommend its confirmation. Subscriptions to the 4 per cent, loan to-day, $222,000. The House committee on ajrricnltaro to-d'iy. unanimously agreed to report favorably on Uii resentative Cutler's bill, declaring the dep'irt ment of agriculture one of the executive de partments. The Senate in executive session, confirmed the nomination o Gc'. L. Smith, as collector of customs at New Orleans. The Senate committee on commerce tu-dny, continued consideration of the steam boat ti:i, and struck out the clause limiti:)t personal liability of steamboat owners. The clause making the certificate of a steamhait i-!*pcctor prima facie evidence in courts of law, \yas aho stricken out. and thre bill- rcf^redasto Senators Spencer, MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The GLOBE, as usual, furnished tho people with the first news of the great disaster at Minneapolis. Immediately after the explo sion the GLOBE Minneapolis reporters were busily at work on the scene, and numerous assistants were sent forward by train and car riage from Bt. Paul, to aid in the task of writ tag up the great calamity. At 10 P. M. an extra was issued from the GLOBE office, and until after midnight news boys were shouting and finding ready sale for i GLOBE extras. As usual, when any exciting event occurs the GLOBE counting room was thronged with Seekers after news, the pnblic naturaUy knowing where to look for the first converted into cruisers. Thrco vessels which inteUigence. XUMBEIl 109. 80 (?I0UDY RUSSIA AXD .\GLA\D. Knssia Malces Further Concessions- Agreement to an Inierc!uuie of View* -The Withdrawals from Coafoutinop? Again Discussed. Loyoos, May 2.A St. Petersburg corres pondent says it is not at all probable that any thing in the simps of au ultimatum will bo sent to the Porte, for the present at least, al though there may have been some such inten tion a little time ago, when it was believed England had determined on war and vras mere ly endeavoring to gaia time. Now, however, extreme scepticism in regard to the pacific as snrsnees of some of the British ministers seems to be diminished. Russia is not likely to precipitate a crisis a3 long aa a reasonable chance of a peaceful solution remains. A well informed St. Petersburg correspondent of the Political Correspondence savs the important decisions which caused this favorable chango in Russia's attitude were arrived at in a great council presided over by the Czar. An exchange of views between London and St. Petersburg on questions interesting to England has been agreed npon. The Agence Jinssc says intelligence continuen to be received of an improved state of the !.jur \mlcrt, through Germany as interme diary, for the simultaneous withdrawal from the vicinity of Constantinople, as well as of the negotiations with Austria concerning her special interests. VrEKirA, May 2.Tho Political Coi-re*pond aicc states that the revival of negotiations be Lweon Russia and England relative to the con gress, is due to the initiative of tho former. The negotiations will be based upon larger con cessions than hitherto acceded to by Ruasia. A special from Constantinople reports that General Todleben has resumed negotiations with Admiral Hornby, in regard to details of tho withdrawals. He also resumed negotiations with the Porte for the evaouation of the ceded fortresses, but as yet without result, Safvct Pasha declaring that i tho Russians have not carried out tho San Stefano treaty. A telegram from Constantino plo says that tho Russians have of lato fre quently violated the Boulairo lins3 of demar cation. ACSTBU 0 OCAED. VnarsA, May 4.Tho lagblatt says that ia conscqucnco of tho concentration of Russian troops near tho Transylvanian frontier, it has become necessary for Austria to tako precau tions. According to reliable information, tho question of concentrating an Austrian army in Transylvania, is being seriously considered. LONDON, May 2.In the stock market*, prices have fallen away under the influence of the continental bourses and discouraging po litical news. Among foreign securities tho Russian suffered most. A memorial to the Queen ia being extensive ly signed in Sheffield, expressing confidence in the ministers and a willingness to make every necessary sacrifice for the conduct of the war until the cause of peace and order in Europe is secured from lawless and reckless oppress BiOtl. TO J1E ARMED BT AMERICANS. At Cronstadt. it is stated that several steam ers lying at Revel, havo been purchased by th* Russian government for the purpose,of ben Icf Keve fl weef agQ lr tn pret rmv-ixT A Tvtm i Russian admiralty anwdf have gone tro THJ^ JNATlUiNAL UArTlAL. I to receivo their armaments, whicohp wily __ vided by au American firm, and The Nomination of Smith for Collector at New Orleans ConfirmedReduction of Clerical Force in the Land OfficeKvery thing Beady for the Florida Investigation -Other Items of Interest. the seamen who n Randolph, a sub-committee, to report what further amend ments, if any should be made, before reporting it to the Senate. United States Treasurer Gilfillan says parties who apply for silver dollars in exchange for tbe United States notes will be required to pay fuOWCfj. Several members called out to hava will be freight charges"on the same. The department pays freight on subsidiary coin, but cannot do so on silver dollars. Mr. Hayes has approved the act prohibiting the coinage of twenty cent silver piece?. The river and harbor appropriation bill will be taken up for consideration to-morrow. The House committee on foreign allairs agreed to the bill in relation to the Jene7:ielau mixed commission, and Representative Hamil ton was authorized to report the bill tu the House with favorable recommendation. The bill provides that the act of Feb. '25, 1873, to enforce the stipulations of the convention with Venezuela, and the payment of adjudicat ed claims, is hereby repealed also that if the President shall believe, upon examination, that Venezuela is entitled to a hearing of any or all claims, or to any relief, he is empowered to en ter into further convention with that country to afford such relief provided the convention shall have the sanction of the Senate of the United States.' The committee also adopted the report of Representative Ham ilton, which recommends the 1 examination of all claims passed upon by the Venezuelan mixed commission. The House of Representatives have cut the force in the laud office down to 160 clerks. In 1853 there were 180 clerks, and the work Is much greater than it was at that time, com prising 800 land grants to railroads, canals and states.bounty land. The grants to soldiers of the late war, and grants for agricultural col leges besides business pertaining to settlers on public lands. The clerical force being too small, the office is now, months behind in cor respondence and four years in patenting of public lauds. It is not yet decided by tho gentlemen hav ing in charge the Florida presidential frauds, whether they will propose an investigation by the House committee on judiciary, or by Joint committee of Congress, to consift of six mem* bers of the House and five members of the Senate. They say they have the original affi davit of McLin and other documents embracing all material facts from all parties interested in the alleged frauds. A resolution for investi gation may be introduced next Monday or on some other day, as a question of privilege. TT departed some tins* ago. nit LAST FIGHT. And fie Threw Up The Sponge As He toft The Ring. Taor, May 2. Senator John Morrisey died at an early hour this morning. SARATOGA, May 2.Morrissey's funeral will be at Troy Saturday. ALBANY, May 2.~Scnator Morrisey's vacant chair and desk in tho Senate Chamber is draped in mourning and a basket of flowers stands on the desk by orders of the Senators. A large floral crass presented by personal triends also stands on the desk. Trembling in their Hoots. [Washington Letter New Orleans Democrat] It is well known in private circles that at least three members of 'the cabinet and Vice President Wheeler regard the situation as ono of extreme peril to the administration. JAvclij Times in the Ohio X,C0t*talure. [Columbus, Ohio Letter, April 30.] There was an exciting scene on the floor of the Ohio Senate to-day, growing out of a little misunderstanding in the Democratic family. The Hon. William Bell is railroad commissioner of Ohio, at a salary of $3,000 a year. His son enjoys the position of chief clerk in the office, at a salary of $1,500. It happens that, in making np the appropriation bill, which is be ing prepared with a view to the fall campaign, young.Bcll'BEalary was cut down $300. Tho elder Bell, who has been secretary of state, and is generally understood to have claims upon the party lor the best offices going, was on the floor of the Senate to-day lobbying against the reduction. Senator Forrest, of Cincinnati! spoke in favor of cutting the salary down. He said the office of railroad commissioner was practically of no account that Bell and his son were never to be found at their post, and that the work waa left to a boy, who was usually drunk. Soon after Forrest had finished a conversation was heard in that part of the hall, and, the next minute, Forrest was seen lying on the floor with Bell gripping Senators rushed in and separated i his throat. combatants, and a scene of great confusion Bell arrested, and the fic-ageant-at arms took him in charge. He was afterwards released. Forrest, whose neck bears witness to severe choking, says he was rising from his chair when Bell grabbed him, and, taking him at- a disadvantage, threw bim down. When order had been restored, Senator Mr.rsh offered a res olution, which was adopted, appointing a com mittee of three to investigate the matter. is likely to result in expelling Bell from offir Will Xot Have TlMen. i Charleston, 8. News & Courier. The national Democracy have been beaten once by a feebleness of their leader, and the South says, distinctly and positively, that i it does not mean to be beaten again. The per son who prevented the Democracy from en joying the fruits of victory of 1877 will uot ba allowed to play tho same game over again four years later. Mr. Tilden is not entered for tho race. Tho South bap? bim. It is distinction enough for Mr. Tilden to be the only person elected President, since the foundation of the Republic, who did not obtain his office. The position iB unique, like Mr. Tilden, and it is not pro posed to compromise his dignity by aUowing him to become President. The South will not have Mr. Tilden. The Widow Olirrr. The Widow Oliver comes out iu anew *prir suit. She prays the conrt to order .Smioti Cameron to produce in conrt .'11 the letters ho has received from her, a j-jjecialK th-vo written anterior to a certr.ii) letter dated Har risburg, Sept. 23, 1875, in which he i\\*\tv+ tn offer of marriage. Ou this letter tuv-wUUMV-i fondest hopes arc stayed. Simon uevt-r laid his armor off, even in love-rankin but wan constantly on hi* guard. He r*uuu-d. th.* widow to -write her replies on the iwrn* pajn-r Bis letters were written on, ann thus hU h*t?e.& were returned to him, having st-rvt^l tbir pui pose. These letters and te.dus are al.-i. M.u.t. in the case by Widow Oliver. Sl cLin.* that these lcttcro will cowv ct c-aft- .u..e.iu 3 1 ^m ,.1.1., Americat*eprehtefb to receiv'